How to mold a person from plasticine in stages. How to mold a person from plasticine. Balloon man

Children love to sculpt from plasticine something with which they can later play, inventing various plots and stories. Very often, kids ask their parents to help them make a plasticine craft for them, which at first glance may seem like a very difficult and time-consuming process. We offer you a simple master class on modeling a person from plasticine, thanks to which even a preschool child can cope with this task.

How to make a person from plasticine in 7 minutes?

A simple way to mold a man from plasticine will not take you more than 7 minutes and, in addition, a child of 4-5 years old will be able to mold such a plasticine hero himself. All you need is colorful plasticine, a knife and toothpicks.

  1. We begin to sculpt a plasticine man from the head. Take yellow plasticine, roll an oval out of it and make recesses for the eyes and mouth.
  2. We sculpt the face: we roll out small balls of blue color - eyes and a small sausage of pink color - lips. We insert eyes and mouth into special recesses and press a little.
  3. We sculpt the hair: roll the ball, then press on it with the palm of your hand, making it flattened. With a knife we ​​cut small stripes - hairs and apply our hairstyle to the head.
  4. We sculpt the body: from a rectangular piece of plasticine we cut out a collar with a knife and attach a plasticine sausage of complexion to it - this will be the neck of a man. Then we roll two hand sausages, insert toothpicks into them and attach them to the body. We also insert a toothpick into the neck and attach the head to the body. Thus, our little man's head and arms will be movable.
  5. We sculpt the legs: we cut a rectangular piece of plasticine in the middle, but not completely. We roll out two ovals from dark plasticine - shoes - and connect all the parts with toothpicks.

The plasticine man is ready!

How to mold a real plasticine man?

Older children, of course, want everything to look much more natural, so for them we have the idea of ​​sculpting a person with natural facial features. To do this, we need a sculptural and colored plasticine, a bowl of hot water, a knife and toothpicks. In the absence of sculptural plasticine, to obtain flesh-colored plasticine, you can mix ordinary plasticine in the following proportions: white - 6 parts, red - 2 parts, yellow - 1 part.

  1. We sculpt the head. Before starting work with sculptural plasticine, soften it in water. We roll an oval, cut a hole for the mouth in it. From tiny pieces of white, we roll the balls - teeth and insert them into the mouth. We roll two sausages from red plasticine - lips and attach them around the mouth.
  2. We sculpt the nose, eyes and ears. We sculpt a drop-shaped nose from a small piece, roll two small white balls for the eyes and attach it all to the head. Apply a blue iris and a black pupil to the whites of the eye. We make eyelids from thin strips and partially close the eyes with them, giving the eyes the correct shape. We roll black eyebrow sausages and attach them above the eyes. We make the ears from small flattened balls, and also fasten them on the sides at the level of the nose. The expression on the face of a person made of plasticine can be different: for a sad person, lower the corners of the mouth and make the eyebrows a "house", a cheerful person can smile happily, a surprised little man will have his eyebrows set high on his forehead.
  3. We sculpt legs and shoes. We roll two flesh-colored sausages - legs, then coat them with colored plasticine, getting pants. We make shoes from two ovals, flattened on the sole. You can draw stitches and laces with a stick. We insert toothpicks into pants and shoes.
  4. We sculpt the torso. We sculpt an oval body from bodily plasticine and coat it with colored. We sculpt the hands as well as the legs and connect all the parts with the help of toothpicks.
  5. To make the plasticine figure look even more natural, blind the little man's hands: cut out the fingers on an oval blank with a knife and connect the brush to the hand with a toothpick.
What kind of characters can you mold from plasticine?

Plasticine sculpting is a wonderful, and most importantly, useful alternative to watching TV or playing computer games. You can create funny crafts with your child at least every day and spend time interestingly. Do not think that such a game will attract only the smallest children; there are also suitable options for older children. For example, sculpting a person from plasticine step by step is an activity for elementary school pupils.

If the teacher asked homework for creating a plasticine person, or simply, such a desire arose in children and adults, use these recommendations. In this master class, detailed, illustrated with photographs, instructions for sculpting a person from plasticine are given.

1. Prepare for work a few blocks of plasticine and a plastic spatula. The human body can be made from white or pink plasticine. And you can also add a small drop of brown to white and you get beige - a color closer to human skin.

2. Form an oval from a green block.

3. Cut one side of the oval with a spatula.

4. Thus it will be possible to get legs, spread them apart.

5. From plasticine of the same color, make two small sausages of the same size. These will be hands, attach them to the body and press hard on the plasticine so that it sticks.

6. Start sculpting the man's head from a rounded part, measuring its size with the parameters of the prepared body. Subsequently, a proportional figure should be obtained.

7. Attach two ears on the sides, place eyes, eyebrows, nose on the face. To make a mouth, simply slide the tip of your spatula over the clay.

8. Make a hat from the blue material: mold a flat round cake, then put on a small piece of plasticine on top and cut with a spatula. Decorate with a yellow headband.

9. From a variety of miniature black sausages, make hair, they can only be placed in the front part, because the rest of the head will be hidden under the hat. You can attach a match to the top of your head to securely fix the hat.

10. Put on a hat on your head.

11. Connect the head and torso, also using a match.

12. Make a scarf from a long blue plasticine ribbon, and shoes from black cakes.

13. If desired, create a small suitcase from a dark brown block.

14. Insert the suitcase into the beige hands.

The final view of the craft.

So our craft of a plasticine man is ready. Now you know how to mold a person from plasticine! Visit our site of plasticine modeling as often as possible and then you will always be aware of the latest novelties of modeling master classes. We also recommend taking a look at the plasticine dragon craft, which will be within the power of novice needlewomen.

Any figures (including human ones) can be molded from multi-colored plasticine. If desired, they will be naturalistic or cartoony. It is easier for children to sculpt the second option, and adults can work on the first one.

To mold a person from plasticine, it will take about half an hour (maybe more), as well as a creative approach to the process. If there is a desire to mold a realistic figure, right down to the details, then it is better to draw a sketch first. After that, you need to prepare all the materials and start sculpting.

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In addition to plasticine, you will need other materials at hand:

  • Rolling board;
  • Plasticine knife;
  • Capacity with water;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Dry cloth.

If there is no beige plasticine in the set, you can mix white, red and yellow in a ratio of 6/2/1.


Head sculpting is the most difficult and time-consuming process:

  • You need to roll a ball (or oval) - this will be the head. Small recesses for the eyes and mouth are made in it;
  • The eyes are rolled from white plasticine and the resulting balls are inserted into the eye sockets. The pupil is molded on top;
  • So that a person does not have bulging eyes, a small flesh-colored ball is flattened and superimposed on the eye, covering about a third of its upper part - this will be the eyelid. The transition between the eyelid and the face is smoothed out;
  • Two eyebrow stripes are attached above the eyes (depending on their shape and location, the expression on the face of the future man will change);
  • The nose is made from a ball (or sausage), smoothing it on the sides. With the help of a toothpick, the nostrils are squeezed;
  • The mouth can be made closed or you can depict a wide smile - small white balls are placed like teeth and two strips of lips are attached around them (it is better to make them round, from "sausages");
  • The easiest way to depict the mouth is to make a small dent with a toothpick, giving the smile the desired shape;
  • The hairstyle can be different: from small sausages, stripes (noodles), or from a whole piece of plasticine (flattened and cut in several places). Instead of a hairstyle, you can place a headdress;
  • If the ears remain open, they are made from two flattened balls, slightly bending inward.


When the head is ready, they begin to sculpt the body, starting from the bottom:

  • First, shoes are made, then toothpicks are stuck into them and the legs are formed (with the help of toothpicks, the upper body is also fixed on the legs);
  • The hands are attached to the body in the same way. Toothpicks are located at an angle (as the hands should be in the finished version - lowered down, spread apart, etc.). If the arms are bent at the elbows, then only part of the toothpick is used - to the bend;
  • They make a neck from a toothpick and stick it around with flesh-colored plasticine or make a scarf, a collar;
  • On the rest of the toothpick, the plasticine head of the man is fixed;
  • All transitions are made smooth, except for those where you need to form the edges (for example, between pants and boots).


The palms are made separately:

  • Roll up the ball and flatten it slightly;
  • Cuts (fingers) are made with a knife;
  • By wetting your hands in water, you can gently trim the edges of your fingers so that they are smooth;
  • The palm is slightly bent inward and attached to the arms.

If you are wondering how to mold a person from plasticine, then you have come to the right place. This lesson shows you how to sculpt a man figurine. By analogy, you can do a woman by adding long hair and making a dress.

To sculpt a person from plasticine, you need:

  • two main blocks of plasticine for clothes (this can be a black block for trousers and a yellow block for a T-shirt);
  • a little beige or pink head and hand plate;
  • brown for hair and boots (or any other suitable color);
  • droplets of white, blue and red for face decoration.

How to mold a person from plasticine

  1. Prepare the blocks of plasticine for work, guided by our recommendations, or at your discretion. To sculpt the body, take a yellow plasticine, knead it and roll a ball about 2.5 cm in diameter. Press the ball on all sides, forming a rectangular bar. Squeeze one side of the block on the sides with your fingers. This way you show broader shoulders.
  2. For sculpting the short sleeves of the T-shirt, prepare 2 more balls, each about 1 cm in diameter. Make small cones out of the balls. Then with your fingers, slide the top of the resulting sleeves, gluing to the shoulders.
  3. To sculpt the trousers, take a soft black ball with a diameter of about 3 cm. Pull the ball into the sausage by pressing from above with your palm and swinging it back and forth. You should have a sausage about 11 cm long.
  4. Bend the sausage in the central part - you get trousers. Stand the pants upright and push down on the structure.

  5. Attach the pants to the shirt.
  6. Prepare three beige balls about 1 cm in diameter for sculpting the head and two arms.
  7. Pull out the ball for the head.
  8. Attach a straight nose, extrude the pits where the eyes will be placed.

  9. Insert white eyeballs with blue irises into the pits. Add eyelashes, but not too long, eyebrows.
  10. Attach your mouth. Shape the hair using brown sausages and freeform cakes. It is convenient to put the head on a match in order to easily fasten it to the body in the future. Ears should also be added to the head.
  11. Stick on the top of the T-shirt with a round flat cake that imitates a collar, add a beige bump-neck and insert a match with the head in the center.
  12. Pull the two remaining beige balls into tubes. Cut one side of the tube with a stack and press down on the ends with the stack to show your fingers.

  13. Add a belt to the garment and attach boots to the legs. Glue your hands to the sleeves of your shirt.

The plasticine man is ready. Our figure turned out to be proportional, and most importantly - flexible, which cannot but please the children.

Shared master class

A master class on how to mold a person from plasticine in stages will interest not only children, but also adults who are fond of modeling. Such figures can be created for games, staging scenes, for example, from famous films or books, as well as for making cartoons.

How to create the figurines

Modeling of plasticine men is based on one principle. When creating figures, it is necessary to take into account the proportions of a person: the head is 1/7 or 1/8 of the whole body, the belt divides the figure approximately in half, and the hands should reach almost to the knees. Of course, if cartoon characters are created, the proportions can be violated. In any case, a person must look harmonious and have a good foundation for sustainability.

More realistic, anatomical figures are made from plasticine and wire. Such sculptures can be given any position: the wire plays the role of a bending frame, which is made along the human skeleton.

Wireframes work well for animations - cartoons. They are easy to bend, giving different natural positions.

To create the wire pieces, you can build a simple machine from a block of wood and two long nails (pins) set at the same distance from each other.

It is better to make parts of the body from a thicker wire, and fasten everything together with a thin, well-bending wire.

The finished frame is glued with plasticine.

You don't need to use a wireframe to create simple shapes. It is enough to correctly and proportionally connect the parts of the body.

Let's consider step by step how to mold a girl - a simple human figurine.

What you need:

  • a set of colored plasticine;
  • stacks;
  • modeling board;
  • hand towel.


  1. Roll a small ball out of white plasticine (you can add pink) and crush it slightly;

  1. Using a spatula, make a nose (raise the central part of the ball) and recesses for the eyes;

  1. With the help of tools, carefully make eyes, eyebrows, cheeks from small droplets, thin sausages and balls;

  1. Make a mouth, ribbon and hair from sausages, make a bow from balls;

  1. Roll two sausages, bend and attach to the head in the form of hair (if you cross thin sausages together, you get pigtails);

  1. Make a dress: roll up a cone, flatten the lower part along the edges in the form of a skirt, stick a match or a toothpick into the upper part;

  1. Attach the head, cover the match with plasticine, making the neck;

  1. Make sleeves and arms: roll up balls and attach on the sides to the upper body, roll up sausages and attach to lantern sleeves;

  1. Make legs: insert matches from below and stick them with plasticine, attach “shoes” to the ends of the matches;

  1. Add details, process the shape with a stack.

We sculpt superheroes

Superhero figures will delight fans of comics, cartoons and films about people with supernormal abilities. Such figures can be made static, as a collectible craft, as well as moving, as a toy. In order for the arms and legs to move, you can attach them to the body with toothpicks or matches.

Spiderman remains one of the popular heroes among several generations of children.

A spider-man figurine is not as difficult to make as it might seem at first glance.

To do this, you will need blocks of red, black, white and blue plasticine, as well as stacks so that the sculpting process is neat, a board and napkins for hands.

How to do:

  1. We make a mask: we roll up a small ball of red plasticine, make recesses for the eyes on both sides with a stack and fill them with white droplet eyes framed with black plasticine;

  1. We make a body from a rectangular block of red plasticine: we beve the rectangle down from the sides, build up the "muscles" of the chest, shape the neck;

  1. We glue the body from below with blue plasticine (from the waist to the shoulders);

  1. We make legs: we roll up a blue thick sausage and bend it in half, build up the "muscles" of the thighs;

  1. Add "knees", caviar and red boots (roll up balls and sausages, attach and smooth);

  1. We make hands: bend the red sausages at the "elbows" and "hands", add blue plasticine on the sides;

  1. We connect the arms with the body with matches and legs, smoothing the seam at the waist;

  1. We decorate the costume with cobwebs: coat the tip of a knife in black plasticine and draw stripes;

  1. We attach the mask to the body with a match or a toothpick.

The figurine is ready!

From red and yellow plasticine, you can create a simple figure of an iron man.

How to do:

  1. We roll up balls of different sizes from yellow and red plasticine;

  1. We make a cake from a red ball and form a rhombus with rounded corners from it;

  1. We make a square from a yellow ball, glue it on a red rhombus and decorate - add eyes, make a mouth stack;

  1. We make the body from a red block of plasticine, slightly beveling it downward;

  1. We make hands from two balls of red (large), two balls of yellow (small) and two red sausages (bend into "fists");

  1. In a similar way (point 5) we make legs;
  1. We attach our arms to the body using matches or toothpicks and glue the legs;

  1. We decorate the costume with tools as shown in the photo:

  1. We connect the body to the head with a toothpick.

You can see how to make plasticine people in the video selection.

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