Plasticine torso. Modeling a human figure. Colored volumetric sculpture. Master Class

If you are wondering how to mold a person from plasticine, then you have come to the right place. This lesson shows you how to sculpt a man figurine. By analogy, you can do a woman by adding long hair and making a dress.

To sculpt a person from plasticine, you need:

  • two main blocks of plasticine for clothes (this can be a black block for trousers and a yellow block for a T-shirt);
  • a little beige or pink head and hand plate;
  • brown for hair and boots (or any other suitable color);
  • droplets of white, blue and red for face decoration.

How to mold a person from plasticine

  1. Prepare the blocks of plasticine for work, guided by our recommendations, or at your discretion. To sculpt the torso, take a yellow plasticine, knead it and roll a ball with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. Press the ball on all sides, forming a rectangular bar. Squeeze one side of the block on the sides with your fingers. This way you show broader shoulders.
  2. For sculpting the short sleeves of the T-shirt, prepare 2 more balls, each about 1 cm in diameter. Make small cones out of the balls. Then with your fingers, slide the top of the resulting sleeves, gluing to the shoulders.
  3. To sculpt the trousers, take a soft black ball about 3 cm in diameter. Pull the ball into the sausage by pressing from above with your palm and swinging it back and forth. You should have a sausage about 11 cm long.
  4. Bend the sausage in the central part - you get trousers. Stand the pants upright and push down on the structure.

  5. Attach the pants to the shirt.
  6. Prepare three beige balls about 1 cm in diameter for sculpting the head and two arms.
  7. Pull out the ball intended for the head.
  8. Attach a straight nose, extrude the pits where the eyes will be placed.

  9. Insert white eyeballs with blue irises into the pits. Add eyelashes, but not too long, eyebrows.
  10. Attach your mouth. Shape the hair using brown sausages and freeform cakes. It is convenient to put the head on a match in order to easily fasten it to the body in the future. Ears should also be added to the head.
  11. Stick on the top of the T-shirt with a round flat cake that imitates a collar, add a beige bump-neck and insert a match with the head in the center.
  12. Pull the two remaining beige balls into tubes. Cut one side of the tube with a stack and press down on the ends with the stack to show your fingers.

  13. Add a belt to the garment and attach boots to the legs. Glue your hands to the sleeves of your shirt.

The plasticine man is ready. Our figure turned out to be proportional, and most importantly - flexible, which cannot but please the children.

Shared master class

Remember: how long have you been holding plasticine in your hands? So long ago that I can't even remember? And now your own children are asking you to help mold them into a plasticine man? We give you a great chance to please children, have a great time with them, and at the same time remember how to sculpt funny figures!

We sculpt a cute little man from plasticine with our own hands

To make a plasticine human figurine, you will need:

  1. Plasticine box in several colors, including white;
  2. Matches or toothpicks (you can also use wire - then it will be easier for the little man to give any pose);
  3. Stacks;
  4. The backing is made of oilcloth or thin plastic.

Modeling and stage-by-stage assembly of the figure.

Plasticine, in addition to ease of processing, is also good because its different colors can be mixed in the same way as paints. To get a flesh color, take a piece of white plasticine, pinch off a little orange or light brown, heat the plasticine in your palms and knead and rub it thoroughly until a uniform color. In the same way, you can make other shades that are not in the set.

  1. We choose which colors we will use in our work. By mixing, we get the missing ones.
  2. Using a stack - a plastic knife - we separate pieces of the required size from the plasticine bars and roll balls from them: one large and two small flesh-colored balls. These will be the head and hands.
  3. From a bar of any other color you choose, in which you want to "dress" your little man, we make a blank for the body: roll the ball slightly larger than the head, slightly flatten it from the sides, giving it a slightly elongated shape.
  4. To make hands from plasticine of the same color as the body, roll up two small balls and roll them out in the form of a "sausage". We mold the blanks for the legs in the same way as the hands, only of a different color and larger: we take more plasticine and make the "sausages" thicker. If we want our little man to then be able to stand in a standing position, we put toothpicks inside the legs as a frame. For the shoes, we sculpt two small dark balls, slightly larger than those that we have prepared for the hands.
  5. On the face of the little man, with the help of a stack, we make a cut: this will be the mouth. You can insert teeth into it from tiny white balls - but if you want to create a very filigree work. Stick two thin pink stripes along the slit - lips. We attach a nose a little higher - it can be sculpted in the form of a small ball or droplet, or you can not sculpt it at all if it does not work out. For the eyes, we take very small white balls, flatten them into cakes; from above we stick tiny black pupils. For hair, you can blind a lot of thin flagella, or you can simply apply a thin layer of plasticine of the desired color to the head and make notches with a stack or draw stripes with them, imitating strands.
  6. For hands, we attach balls to the prepared "sausages" - hands and slightly flatten them out. We make notches in a stack - fingers and trim them. For the legs, in the same way, to the prepared "sausages" we stick shoes - dark balls, which we first give a slightly oval shape.
  1. We form the body of the little man, stick two halves of a toothpick from below, on which we attach the legs, "sausages". We carefully grease the attachment points of the parts to each other for strength. Where it is difficult to get close with your fingers, we use a thin stack. But the hands can be attached to the shoulders of the figure without using a frame - they will not be heavily loaded.
  2. We also neatly attach the head to the half of a toothpick, smear the neck with a stack.
  3. You can finalize small details: sculpt buttons, a belt or jewelry, carefully place them on the figure.
  4. We give the finished man the desired pose and strengthen it on a stand made of a large ball flattened into a cake. You can make a few people and put together a funny scene with them.

Related videos

To learn about how to sculpt human figures from plasticine of the most varied complexity, watch the following videos. After all, even professional artists use plasticine at various stages of work, and amazing works come out of their hands!

Master class on working with plasticine (modeling, plasticine, etc.);

Colored volumetric sculpture. Master Class

Master class for students in grades 6 - 10

Target: creation and painting of volumetric sculpture from plasticine.


Development of the creative abilities of pupils;

Creation of emotional images in the field of sports, recreation and art;

Mastering the technique of working with sculptural plasticine.

Expected results: creation by pupils of author's volumetric sculptures.

Required equipment: hammer, furniture stapler, pliers, sculpting stacks, bristle brush, soft paint brushes, anatomical atlas.

Necessary materials: sculptural plasticine, wooden planks, aluminum and thin copper wire for the frame, 30 mm nails and (or) furniture clips of at least 8 mm, flour or talcum powder, water-based paint, gouache or acrylic paints, wooden skewers, pieces of cardboard or veneer, glue.

We will start creating a colored volumetric sculpture with the development of a sketch. You can choose the appropriate photos in magazines, you can only be guided by your own imagination, the main thing is to create a dynamic, emotional image on which it will be interesting for you to work. We took the themes of sports, recreation and art.

We chose sculptural plasticine in beige or olive color as the material for creating the figurines (it doesn't matter).

We make the frame of the future sculpture from soft aluminum wire using thin-nose pliers: we bend a piece of wire 70-80 cm long in half. The loop at the fold is the future head. At the ends of the wire, we form two loops for attaching to the board. From the same wire we form the contours of the body (shoulders, chest volume, waist, hips), wrapping and fastening them in the right places with a thin wire. You can also use scotch tape. We attach a piece of wire 30-35cm long to the shoulders - these are the arms. We add dynamism to the figure: we bend the legs at the knees and arms at the elbows, we bend the torso and neck, guided by our sketch. We turn the loops at the ends of the wire perpendicular to the figure so that it fits comfortably on the base board. Using a stapler or nails and a hammer, attach each leg to the board in 3-5 places.

Important: in order for the sculpture to be stable and not sway, it must be fixed on the board with at least two (or preferably three) well-fixed points.

Now we form the main volumes of the sculpture. To reduce weight, you can put pieces of foam or cork, crumpled foil or paper twisted with thread or tape in the head and torso to reduce weight. We put the crushed plasticine on the frame and model the body of the figure, guided by our sketch and atlas on anatomy.

We sculpt the face and hair or a headdress, hands and shoes, we form the details of the clothes. We make additional parts from cardboard or veneer: skis, violin, guitar, etc. We cover additional details with plasticine, as well as the base to hide the attachment points of the sculpture. In the work, we constantly check with the sketch.

Children prefer to create such crafts, which they can later play with. The main figures in a child's play are animals and people.

Often the questions arise before parents, how to mold a person from plasticine, how to teach this to a child?

It seems to be quite difficult. But this is only at first glance!

We offer you several options for sculpting a person from plasticine, thanks to which you can teach your child. The main thing is to keep the proportions!

The first step is to prepare the clay. There are several types of it:

medium hard plasticine(when heated, it becomes soft and pliable, but keeps its shape well, therefore it is suitable for children's crafts);

soft plasticine(ideal for kids, it is easy to sculpt sausages, snakes and koloboks from it);

sculptural(designed for wireframe modeling, suitable for older children);

ball(consists of foam balls, it does not stick to surfaces and does not get your hands dirty).

The young sculptor will also need a plasticine knife, toothpicks, a bowl of water and an equipped workplace. It will be more convenient for the kid to do modeling at a well-lit table.

The surface of the table should be covered with oilcloth, and an apron or a dressing gown should be put on the child. This will minimize the chance of getting dirty.

We sculpt a little man with a baby from three years old

Making a little man figurine is aerobatics for a three-year-old. It is still difficult for a child at this age to sculpt individual parts, and then connect them together. It will be much easier for him to "pull" the figure out of a solid bar. If this is the first time your little one picks up plasticine, you need to practice a little first. Show him how to roll balls and sausages, and then proceed to more difficult tasks.

Block Man

We take a plasticine block of any color and knead it in our hands. It should lie comfortably in the child's handle so that it is comfortable to work with. We make a sausage cylinder out of this piece.

Now let's try to define the head. To do this, lightly press the upper part of the bar with your fingers.

Press with your thumb in the middle of the cylinder to make the ribcage.

We extend the arms symmetrically on both sides of the body.

Squeeze the bottom of the cylinder to form the legs.

The little man figurine is ready! There are a few more details to add. You can make eyes and a nose for him with a match. Dress the little man if you like. For example, you can make such an apron for him.

Balloon man

We take a piece of plasticine and roll it into a ball the size of a walnut.

We pinch the top of the ball, indicating the shape of the head.

Use your thumb to push a hole in the middle of the ball to about half of its thickness. Be careful not to make a hole in the figure, otherwise you will end up with a donut.

We pinch the hands of our figurine in the same way as we did the head. The arms should be about 5-8 cm long.

Now let's try to make the legs. With one hand we hold the little man, and with the thumb of the second hand we press on the middle of its lower part. Continue modeling the figure until the legs are at the optimum thickness.

To make the feet, we pinch the ends of the legs with our thumb and forefinger. Be careful not to make them too thin, otherwise the man will not be able to stand. Bend your feet so that they are in the correct position.

It remains to apply the finishing touches: we make the waist and smooth out the roughness with our fingers.

The plasticine man is ready! It remains only to give him a name and come up with a character.

The little man of their details

If your kid already easily copes with sculpting figures from a single piece of plasticine, he can try his hand at making a little man from individual parts. It is not at all difficult to make it, even a three-year-old child can cope with it.

First, let's prepare all the details. We take a block (body) and make a sausage out of it, which needs to be slightly flattened. Then we roll one large ball (head), two small ones (eyes) and two very small ones (pupils of the eyes).

With a special knife for working with plasticine or a ruler, cut the lower part of the body by about a third, we get legs. In the same way, with the help of cuts, we make the hands of a man. They can be bent at the elbows or left straight.

We attach two large balls to the head and slightly flatten them, attach smaller balls to them and also press down.

We make a small hole in the upper part of the body and place the head in this place. There are only a few final details left to add: T-shirt, shorts, ears and hair. All this will endow the little man with an individual character.

We sculpt a little man with a child from five years old

Older children want everything to look as natural as possible, details are important to them. A five-year-old child can already try to make a man with natural facial features. It can be made kind and cheerful or gloomy - it all depends on the kid's imagination. To make the figurine more natural, choose the right colors. Skin should be flesh-colored, lips pink or red, eyes blue, green, or brown. If you don't have the right body clay, mix the colors in the following proportions: yellow one part, red two parts, white six parts.

Almost a real man

First we make the head. We roll the ball, using a plasticine knife, cut a hole in it for the mouth. Make a lot of small white balls and place them in the cut out hole. We got a mouth with teeth. Now we roll out two small red sausages - lips and fix them near the mouth.

We roll up a small nose and two small white circles for the eyes, attach them to the face.

Slightly flatten the balls and stick small colored circles on them. We make the eyelids, slightly covering the eyes with a piece of flesh-colored plasticine.

We roll up small thin sausages of black color - eyebrows. We place them above the eyes. We make the ears and fix them symmetrically on the sides. The work on the head is finished, now we proceed to the body.

We take plasticine of any color and roll two identical cylinders out of it. We got legs. So that the little man can stand, we insert a match or a toothpick into each cylinder. We roll two brown or black ovals (shoes). Each of them needs to be slightly flattened on the sole.

We sculpt an oval body and two sausage arms, they must be the same color.

All parts must be connected together with toothpicks.

It remains to blind the hands: roll up two ovals, flatten them, cut out the fingers with a knife and attach them to the hands.
Using this technique, you can create any character from a fairy tale or cartoon. And if you mold a lot of such figures, then you can arrange a real plasticine show.

Knight on horseback or without him

It will be interesting for boys to mold from plasticine not a simple man, but a real medieval knight. You can put a sword in his hands, put him on a horse and send him to battle with a plasticine dragon. This game will delight any boy. It is often difficult not only for a child, but also for his parents to make a figurine of a knight. We suggest you use the step-by-step instructions, then you will succeed!

For work, you need to prepare plasticine, a plasticine knife, matches or toothpicks (they will be the "skeleton" of the knight).
First, we will make all the details, and then we will connect. We roll up a ball (head), a cylinder (body), two small sausages (hands), three leaves (helmet decoration), a shield and two more sausages (legs).

We insert toothpicks into the head, arms and legs. They form a frame, thanks to which the figurine will hold.
We connect all the parts together, put a toothpick-sword in the right hand of the knight, and a shield in the left hand.

Our brave knight is ready to meet the bloodthirsty dragon! It remains to put him on a horse and send him into battle.

It's no secret that children love to sculpt from plasticine. From under children's fingers, a phone and a horse, a duck and a mushroom can appear. Each child has their own favorite sculpting models - boys love to sculpt a dinosaur, scorpion, or ant from wire and plasticine. Girls are more impressed by cats, but it will be useful for both of them to learn how to sculpt a person step by step.

It is very important for little sculptors who began to master plasticine to know how to mold a person from plasticine, for many reasons. Firstly, children may always need the ability to make little men for their games, when there are no necessary dolls nearby, and secondly, the sculpture can become a wonderful memento for relatives.

A child can try to blind a loved one and give him a figurine for some holiday. For example, on Airborne Forces Day, dad or brother can be dazzled and presented to a special forces soldier. In addition, children who enjoy watching superhero movies may develop desire to make a favorite character and then he will need to know how to mold a superhero from plasticine. Such crafts are especially suitable for children in the older group.

The next detailed master class will prove that sculpting people is a simple task that even a very small creative child can handle. For this purpose, sculptural plasticine is best suited. If you need to make a boy with your own hands, follow the diagram below:

Gallery: pictures of people from plasticine (25 photos)

Plasticine girl

If the kid needs to make a girl doll, use the simple master class below, which will help make a little man out of plasticine:

Plasticine superheroes

Superheroes have long been the favorites of not only children, but also adults. Kids often imagine themselves as their favorite characters, play with purchased figures, draw heroes, and also do modeling, try to mold them from plasticine. The next section will show you how to sculpt a small team of plasticine superheroes.


If your child is crazy about Spiderman stories, read the following detailed master class and learn how to mold a Spiderman from plasticine in stages.

Thus, in a short period of time, you will get a strong superhero, a spiderman made of plasticine. The figure can be bent into various positions and played. Now that you know how to sculpt Spider-Man, it's time to start sculpting.

iron Man

Another famous superhero that your child may be interested in is Iron Man. Do-it-yourself sculpting is much easier than it might seem at first:


Batman or the Batman is one of the favorite children's superheroes that almost every kid knows. Making Batman from plasticine with your own hands is quite simple if you follow the instructions for sculpting:

  1. Make an oval out of dark blue plasticine... On it, depict a voluminous nose and eyebrows, and on top - horns. White circles (eyes) are added under the eyebrows, and the lower part is covered with beige plasticine, which extends slightly beyond it and forms the chin. Draw a mouth with a toothpick.
  2. Take a gray (or the same dark blue) color and make a rectangle. Round off all the corners and make the waist narrower than the chest. Draw muscles on the torso. Blind biceps from two circles and attach massive black sausages bent into fists to them. Stick the structure to the body.
  3. Blind the gray narrow trapezoid and split the bottom in two. Blind boots from black plasticine and attach them to the part.
  4. Insert a match into the bottom and connect it to the top, where you also stick a match to attach the head.
  5. Of black strata shape the cloak and attach it at the back.

Plasticine robot

Robots are a semblance of a person, so a young sculptor can try to create his model with his own hands. The next master class will tell you how to mold a robot from plasticine without much effort.