Industrial robot. Robots in production. Robot machines. The International Federation of Robotics has presented a list of the most robotic countries in the world The number of industrial robots by country

The density of robotization in Russia is almost 70 times lower than the world average, the National Association of Robotics Market Participants (NAURR) found out. If in the world there were on average 69 industrial robots per 10,000 workers in 2015, then in Russia there is only one, according to the NAURR study (see graph). The leader of the ranking is South Korea, where there were 531 industrial robots for every 10,000 industrial workers, Singapore (398) and Japan (305). An industrial robot is a programmed manipulator, explains Vitaly Nedelsky, President of NAURR.

Average annual sales of industrial robots in Russia are 500-600 units (550 of them were sold in 2015), which is about 0.25% of the world market, according to the NAURR study. By the beginning of 2016, a total of about 8,000 industrial robots were working in Russia, while there are about 1.6 million of them in the world, it follows from the document. The world leader in the number of industrial robots purchased in 2015 is China, whose enterprises purchased 69,000 devices, South Korean enterprises purchased 38,300, Japan - 35,000. They are followed by the United States and Germany, which purchased 27,000 and 20,105 respectively last year. robots.

Low demand in Russia is explained by the poor awareness of the technical management of enterprises about the capabilities of robots and the inertia of their thinking, Nedelsky is sure. After all, buying a robot always turns into replacing workers and updating the technological process. And the fact that most of the large industrial enterprises, which are usually the main consumers of robots, is in government hands, only increases inertia, continues Nedelsky.

There are few technologically advanced industrial enterprises in Russia, Albert Efimov, head of the Skolkovo robotic center, explains the low demand. At the same time, robots appear at the enterprise almost last, when it has already solved all the problems with energy-saving production, organized labor, he continues. In addition, in Russia, a robot is much more expensive than labor, Efimov said.

The robot solves a lot of personnel problems of the enterprise, Nedelsky is sure. He is able to work in three shifts, he can turn off the light and stop heating the room. Now the old workers are leaving, but the young are not coming instead, and in the wake of the approaching staff shortage in industry, the management of enterprises is beginning to show interest in robots, says Nedelsky.

Several years ago, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) announced that it would develop a robotization program for the economy, recalls Olga Uskova, President of Cognitive Technologies. However, the program never appeared either from the ASI, or from the Ministry of Industry and Trade or the Ministry of Economy. ASI is not prepared for such work, she believes: since the agency deals with strategic issues, it has a rather complicated and long decision-making procedure, and the issue of robotization of the Russian economy has already left the strategic category and moved to the tactical level, Uskova said. According to her, this issue must be returned to the responsibility of the ministries.

According to the NAURR, in the world, robots are mostly employed in the automotive industry (38%), the production of electrical and electronics (25%) and mechanical engineering (12%). In Russia, 40% of robots are also used to create cars.

« Kamaz"Since the beginning of 2015, I bought 26 robots and brought their total number at the enterprise to a hundred," says plant spokesman Oleg Afanasyev. And by 2019, Kamaz will buy another 578 units, he promises. They are needed to release a new lineup of Kamaz trucks, says Afanasyev.

More than 600 robots are now working at the Gorky Automobile Plant of the GAZ Group, engaged in stamping, welding, painting and casting, a representative of the enterprise said. 100 of them have been purchased in the past two years. At the same time, the economic feasibility of using robots is not the only criterion, he points out, sometimes only a robot can act with the required accuracy and quality, explains a GAZ representative.

From 2005 to 2015, the annual sales of industrial robots in Russia grew by 27%, but from 2016 the average sales growth should grow to 50%, according to NAURR. The association explains the acceleration of growth by attention from the state, modernization of industrial processes large enterprises and raising awareness technical managers companies. There is no own production of industrial robots in Russia, the NAURR report says, but there are four Russian companies engaged in the development of such production. According to Efimov, in 2017 such a development should appear in Skolkovo.

With service robots serving people in medicine, education, etc., things are much better in Russia, says Efimov. He explains this by the fact that the Russian economy is much closer to the service model than to the industrial one. In addition, service robots are much more demanding on software than industrial robots, which perform a limited set of actions. And in Russia they know how to write software, he notes.

The RBR50 list is familiar to many in the robotics industry - 50 companies handpicked by The selection principle is as follows - the list includes companies that have made the most significant impact in the field of robotics in 2015. I'm sure you are familiar with most of these companies. And if not all, then it is worth paying attention to those that are not yet familiar - they are driving the development of robotics on the planet forward. I would like to note that, unfortunately, there are still no Russian companies among them.

Other countries are represented in the following proportions: Germany - 1 (2%), Denmark - 1 (2%), India - 1 (2%), Canada - 3 (6%), China - 2 (4%), United Kingdom - 2 (4%), USA - 32 (64%), Taiwan - 1 (2%), Switzerland - 2 (4%), South Korea - 1 (2%), Japan - 4 (8%).

It remains to be seen when Russia finally quits doing what it is doing now, concentrates its efforts in the development of modern technologies, and tries again to become a full-fledged participant in the international technological competition. Unless, of course, it’s too late by then.


Private company focused on robotics. USA, Berkeley, CA. develops innovative, flexible and reliable personal drones and UAV technologies for private and business use. The Solo platform is designed for aerial photography and data analysis for mapping and research, 3D modeling, and more. Market segments: agriculture, construction, security, research.

, Switzerland

A public company specializing in industrial robots and manipulators. Headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. Leading manufacturer of industrial robots, modular manufacturing systems and services. The company pays special attention to the productivity of solutions, the quality of products and the safety of workers. ABB is expanding into new markets and is also active in traditional manufacturing to enhance its flexibility and competitiveness. Market segments: energy, industrial automation, supply chains and retail, industry, manipulators.


One of the leaders in the supply of mobile courier robots. The robot automates internal logistics tasks by autonomously navigating in a dynamically changing and complex work environment, such as delivering medicines and supplies to hospitals and hospitals.


A public company with a focus on medical robotics, assistive robotics, androids, industrial robots, manipulators, mobile robotics. The headquarters is in the USA.
The basis of the company's robotic directions was the companies acquired in 2013: Boston Dynamics, Bot & Dolly, Holomni, Industrial Perception, Meka Robotics, Redwood Robotics, Schaft, Inc.


The company is an online retailer. The company serves customers in the United States and around the world. To do this, Amazon uses robotics in its supply chains, in particular, KIVA robots in the company's warehouses.


ASI, Autonomous Solutions, Inc. develops hardware and software for unmanned systems for use in the extractive industries, farming, automation, industrial robotics, security systems and for the military.


An industrial robotics startup that combines a specialization in image recognition systems and autonomous mobile robots. The goal is to improve the efficiency, "transparency" and safety of enterprises and warehouses.

Carbon Robotics, USA

, Canada

The company specializes in the design and manufacture of unmanned solutions for scientific, industrial and military applications.

Cyberdyne, Japan

Exoskeletons HAL3, HAL5, Cyberdyne for Labor Support


Development of solutions for unmanned and robotic vehicles.

, China

Designs and manufactures unmanned systems and cameras for unmanned systems intended for use in the hobby sector, film production, agriculture, search and rescue operations, energy and so on.

Ekso Bionics, USA

Exoskeletons Ekso (eLEGs), ExoClimber, ExoHiker, Energid Technologies, USA


, Japan

Development and production of industrial robots.

Fetch Robotics, USA


IRobot Corporation designs and builds robots for private consumers, government agencies and industrial enterprises.


Home family robot. Social robot.

Kawasaki Robotics, USA

Knightscope, USA

KUKA Robotics, USA

Industrial robots, development and production


The corporation specializes in the creation of global security systems, develops, manufactures and integrates products and services. The company is engaged in business in a wide range of industries - space, telecom, electronics. information, aeronautics, energy, systems integration. Known for her development of drones and passive exoskeleton Fortis.


A privately held company specializing in mobile robots. Provides warehouse solutions that can increase labor productivity by 5-8 times compared to traditional methods based on electric vehicles.


Specializes in the development, production and sales of robots for use in industries such as electronics, telecommunications, communal services, pharmaceuticals, food industry, production of components for automation.

Open Bionics, United Kingdom

ReWalk Robotics, USA

Medical exoskeletons ReWalk

Robotiq, Canada

Samsung, South Korea

Development and production of military robots, interest in other market segments, for example, exoskeletons.


The company develops autonomous service robots for use in the service industry. The flagship product is the Relay robot, which is already in use in a number of US hotels.

Schunk, Germany


A privately held company focusing on mobile robotics. Founded in 2003, it is engaged in the implementation of technologies based on computer vision in the industry of moving goods (goods in warehouses). The main product is robocars (robotic loaders).

Siasun Robot & Automation Co. Ltd., China

SoftBank Robotics Corporation, Japan

Subsidiary of Aldebaran Robotics, Android-type robots Pepper

Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd., United Kingdom

Swisslog, Switzerland

Logistic systems, warehouse robots, courier robots, e.g. Transcar

Titan Medical, Canada

Toyota, Japan

ULC Robotics, USA

developer and manufacturer of crawler robots for repairing and sealing pipelines (from the inside), for example, the CISBOT robot

Universal Robotics, Inc., Denmark

industrial collaborative robots of the UR series, for example, UR-10 and UR-5

Vecna ​​Technologies, USA


robotic assistive surgical systems, simpler and cheaper compared to da Vinci


construction kits for self-assembly of robots, for example, VEX Classroom & Competition Super Kit 276-3000, VEX Dual Control Starter Kit, VEX IQ Super Kit


manufacturer of industrial robots.

manufacturer of drones, including UAVs for use in agriculture


Development and production of industrial robots

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The domestic robotics market can now be called a free niche. The production of industrial robots in Russia is still very far from the level when supply will exceed demand. Many industrial companies enter into contracts with foreign companies, wishing to receive a higher percentage of profits and increase market share by modernizing production. The absence of state programs for the reorientation of domestic business to the domestic market significantly complicates and slows down the process of developing innovative spheres of production. But even in such a situation, worthy players of the Russian robotics market appear. Ucan is one of the leaders in the production of commercial robotic units. The arsenal of the enterprise includes a number of modern solutions and a large staff of qualified software engineers. The combination of all factors indicates the high potential of the brand and its prospects.

How profitable is the production of robots in Russia?

All currently existing robots used in industry can be classified according to the following criteria:
  • application area;
  • location method;
  • control principle;
  • appearance;
  • degree of autonomy.
Almost at any large plant producing complex equipment you can find a technological complex used for fine work, including soldering, welding and installation of small typical parts. All of these manipulators are prime examples of industrial robots. Payment terminals with voice or touch control, unmanned vehicles, mobile robot consultant- all these are also modern automatic systems or specialized robots. To perform its "professional" tasks, the robot must have a certain position relative to the surface. On this basis, stationary (fixed) devices, a robotic mobile complex, mobile devices etc. Depending on the purpose, industrial robots in modern production can be equipped with a remote or remote control unit. In the first case, the operator is at the control panel located near the working area, in the second, the control is carried out from a device that has access to the network. Modern robots can have different looks, among them there are:
  • miniature (insect-sized) models with a radio module and sensors;
  • large-scale complexes with several manipulators and a single control center;
  • devices that resemble familiar cars, planes or ships;
  • stand-alone compact complexes (terminals, photo booths, etc.);
  • anthropomorphic mobile or stationary systems.
The method of supplying the energy carrier to the working systems of the device, as well as the presence of a mobile unit (wheels), determines the degree of autonomy of the robot. Stationary devices have a classic wired connection to the network, mobile robots are powered by batteries. How profitable is the production and sale of industrial robots determines the demand for a particular model. Currently, autonomous systems of direct interaction with a person are in great demand. These devices include one of the top models from Ucan.

What functions can Russian-made robots perform?

Depending on the type of device, robots can have different functionality, including performing the following types of work:
  • assembly and installation of industrial units and parts (welding, stamping, riveting, sorting, etc.);
  • tracking and alerting;
  • maintenance of generating and processing complexes;
  • advising clients, providing background information and analytical activities;
  • the conduct of hostilities;
  • providing two-way communication using audiovisual and tactile nodes.

The sale of robots in Russia contributes to the modernization of production and business, offering functionality implemented by installing modern units for analyzing speech, visual and wave information into equipment. A robotic complex or a separate machine receives information and processes it based on the embedded program code. Domestic robots are endowed with all the necessary components and work according to the classical principles used by the world's largest manufacturers. Using the products offered by Ucan, you can create a fully automated complex that works without weekends and breaks, does not require wages and even bringing a good profit. An excellent example is the model of the Couch series - which acts as a coach used during trainings, corporate training courses, seminars, etc. The production of industrial robots in Russia, as well as the organization of the rental of functional autonomous systems can become profitable business with the right approach and organization. Ucan invites representatives of large businesses and individuals leading entrepreneurial activity... You can find out the details by visiting the official website of the company or by calling the phone that serves robot secretary capable of providing all the information you need.

These devices are especially in demand today in the national economy. An industrial robot, which bears little resemblance to its prototype in the book by K. Chapek, The Rise of Robots, does not at all feed revolutionary ideas. On the contrary, he conscientiously performs, and with great accuracy, both basic (assembly, welding, painting) and auxiliary (loading and unloading, fixing the product during manufacturing, moving).

The use of such "smart" machines contributes to effective solution three critical production problems:

  • - increasing labor productivity;
  • - improving the working conditions of people;
  • - optimization of the use of human resources.

Industrial robots - the brainchild of large-scale production

Robots in production have spread massively at the end of the 20th century due to significant growth. Large series of products have determined the need for the intensity and quality of such work, the performance of which exceeds the objective human capabilities. Instead of employing many thousands of skilled workers, modern high-tech factories operate numerous highly efficient automatic lines operating in discontinuous or continuous cycles.

Japan, the USA, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland are the leaders in the development of such technologies, which declare the widespread use of industrial robots. Modern industrial robots manufactured in the above countries are divided into two large groups. Their types are determined by belonging to two fundamentally different ways management:

  • - automatic manipulators;
  • - devices remotely controlled by humans.

What are they used for?

The need for their creation began to be discussed at the beginning of the 20th century. However, at that time there was still no element base for the implementation of the plan. Today, following the dictates of the times, robotic machines are used in most of the most technologically advanced industries.

Unfortunately, re-equipping entire industries with such “smart” machines is hampered by a lack of investment. Although the benefits of using them clearly exceed the original money spendings, because they allow speaking not only and not so much about automation, but about profound changes in the sphere of production and labor.

The use of industrial robots made it possible to more efficiently perform work that was beyond the power of a person in terms of labor intensity and accuracy: loading / unloading, stacking, sorting, orientation of parts; moving blanks from one robot to another, and finished products to the warehouse; spot welding and seam welding; assembly of mechanical and electronic parts; cable laying; cutting blanks along a complex contour.

Manipulator as part of an industrial robot

Functionally, such a "smart" machine consists of a reprogrammed ACS (system automatic control) and working fluid (movement system and mechanical manipulator). If the ACS is usually quite compact, visually hidden and does not immediately catch the eye, then the working body has such a characteristic appearance that an industrial robot is often called as follows: "robot manipulator".

By definition, a manipulator is a device that moves work surfaces and objects of labor in space. These devices consist of two types of links. The first provide movement of a progressive character. The second are angular displacements. These standard links use either pneumatic or hydraulic (more powerful) drive for their movement.

The manipulator, created by analogy with a human hand, is equipped with a technological gripper for working with parts. In various devices of this type, mechanical fingers most often directly grip. When working with flat surfaces, objects were gripped using mechanical suction cups.

If the manipulator had to work simultaneously with many of the same type of workpieces, then the capture was carried out thanks to a special extensive design.

Instead of a gripping device, the manipulator is often equipped with mobile welding equipment, a special technological spray gun, or just a screwdriver.

How the robot moves

Automata robots usually adapt to two types of movement in space (although some of them can be called stationary). It depends on the conditions of a particular production. If it is necessary to provide movement on a smooth surface, then it is implemented using a directional monorail. If it is required to work at different levels, "walking" systems with pneumatic suction cups are used. A moving robot is perfectly oriented in both spatial and angular coordinates. Modern positioning devices for such devices are unified, they consist of technological blocks and allow high-precision movement of workpieces weighing from 250 to 4000 kg.


The use of the automated machines in question precisely in multidisciplinary industries led to a certain unification of their main constituent blocks. Modern industrial robotic manipulators have in their design:

  • -the frame used for fastening the part-gripping device (grab) - a kind of "hand" that actually performs the processing;
  • - grab with a guide (the latter determines the position of the "hand" in space);
  • -support devices that drive, transform and transmit energy in the form of torque on the axle (thanks to them, the industrial robot receives the potential for movement);
  • - control and management system for the implementation of the assigned programs; receiving new programs; analysis of the information coming from the sensors, and, accordingly, its transmission to the supporting devices;
  • -a system for positioning the working part, measuring positions and displacements along the manipulation axes.

Dawn of the creation of industrial robots

Let's go back to the recent past and remember how the history of the creation of industrial automatic machines began. The first robots appeared in the United States in 1962, and they were produced by the companies "United Incorporated" and "Versatran". Although, to be precise, before they still released the industrial robot "Unite", created by the American engineer D. Devol, who patented his own ACS, programmed using punched cards. It was an obvious technical breakthrough: “smart” machines memorized the coordinates of their route points and performed the work according to the program.

The first industrial robot, Unimet, was equipped with a two-finger pneumatic gripper and a hydraulically driven hand with five degrees of freedom. Its characteristics made it possible to move a 12-kilogram part with an accuracy of 1.25 mm.

Another robotic arm, Versatran, created by the company of the same name, loaded and unloaded 1,200 bricks per hour into the kiln. He successfully replaced the work of people in an environment harmful to their health with a high temperature. The idea of ​​its creation turned out to be very successful, and the design was so reliable that individual machines of this brand continue to work in our time. And this despite the fact that their resource has exceeded hundreds of thousands of hours.

Note that the device of industrial robots of the first generation in value terms assumed 75% mechanics and 25% electronics. Changeover of such devices took time and caused equipment downtime. To repurpose them for the purpose of performing new job the control program was replaced.

Second generation of robotic machines

It soon became clear: despite all the advantages, the machines of the first generation turned out to be imperfect ... The second generation assumed more delicate control of industrial robots - adaptive. The earliest devices required streamlining the environment in which they operated. The latter circumstance often meant high additional costs. This became critical for the development of mass production.

The new stage of progress was characterized by the development of a variety of sensors. With their help, the robot received a quality called "sensation". He began to receive information about the external environment and, in accordance with it, choose the best course of action. For example, I acquired the skills to take a part and get around an obstacle with it. Such an action takes place due to microprocessor processing of the received information, which is then entered into the variables of the control programs, which are actually guided by the robots.

The types of basic production operations (welding, painting, assembly, of various kinds are also subject to adaptation. That is, when each of them is performed, multivariance is initiated to improve the quality of any type of the above works.

Industrial manipulators are mainly controlled by software. Hardware management function are industrial mini-computers PC / 104 or MicroPC. Note that adaptive control is based on multivariate software... Moreover, the decision on the choice of the type of program operation is made by the robot based on information about the environment described by the detectors.

A characteristic feature of the functioning of the second generation robot is the preliminary presence of established operating modes, each of which is activated at certain indicators obtained from the external environment.

The third generation of robots

Automatic robots of the third generation are able to independently generate a program of their actions, depending on the task and the circumstances of the external environment. They do not have "cheat sheets", that is, scheduled technological actions in certain scenarios of the external environment. They have the ability to independently optimally build an algorithm for their work, as well as to quickly implement it in practice. The cost of the electronics of such an industrial robot is ten times higher than its mechanical part.

The newest robot, carrying out the capture of the part thanks to the sensors, "knows" how well he did it. In addition, the gripping force itself (force feedback) is regulated depending on the fragility of the part material. Perhaps that is why the device of new generation industrial robots is called intelligent.

As you can imagine, the “brain” of such a device is its control system. The most promising is the regulation carried out according to the methods of artificial intelligence.

The intellect of these machines is set by the packages of programmable logic controllers, simulation tools. In production, industrial robots are networked to ensure the proper level of human-machine interaction. Also, tools have been developed for predicting the functioning of such devices in the future thanks to the implemented software modeling, which allows you to choose the best options for the action and configuration of the connection to the network.

The world's leading robot companies

Today, the use of industrial robots is provided by leading companies, including Japanese (Fanuc, Kawasaki, Motoman, OTC Daihen, Panasonic), American (KC Robots, Triton Manufacturing, Kaman Corporation), German (Kuka).

What are these firms known for in the world? Fanuc's assets include the fastest M-1iA delta robot today (such machines are usually used for packaging), the strongest of the serial robots - M-2000iA, ArcMate robot welding robots recognized all over the world.

Industrial robots manufactured by Kuka are no less in demand. These machines carry out processing, welding, assembly, packing, palletizing, loading with German precision.

Also impressive is the model range of the Japanese-American company Motoman (Yaskawa), which operates on the American market: 175 models of industrial robots, as well as more than 40 integrated solutions. Industrial robots used in manufacturing in the United States are mostly made by this industry-leading company.

Most of the other firms represented by us occupy their niche by manufacturing a narrower range of specialized devices. For example, Daihen and Panasonic make welding robots.

Ways of organizing automated production

If we talk about the organization automated production, then a rigid linear principle was first implemented. However, at enough high speed has a significant drawback - downtime due to failures. Rotary technology was invented as an alternative. With such an organization of production, both the workpiece and the automated line itself (robots) move in a circle. In this case, machines can duplicate functions, and failures are practically excluded. However, in this case, speed is lost. The ideal way of organizing the process is a hybrid of the two above. It is called rotary-conveyor.

Industrial robot as an element of flexible automatic production

Modern "smart" devices are quickly reconfigured, highly productive and independently perform work using their equipment, processing materials and workpieces. Depending on the specifics of their use, they can function both within the framework of one program, and by varying their work, that is, by choosing the desired one from a fixed number of provided programs.

An industrial robot is a constituent element of flexible automated manufacturing (commonly abbreviated as GAP). The latter also includes:

  • -a computer-aided design system;
  • -complex automated control technological equipment of production;
  • -industrial robotic manipulators;
  • -automatically working industrial transport;
  • -devices carrying out loading / unloading and placement;
  • -systems of control over production technological processes;
  • -automatic production control.

Learn more about the practice of using robots

Modern robots are real industrial applications. Their types are different, and they provide high productivity in strategically important industries. In particular, the economy of modern Germany owes much of its growing potential to their application. What industries do these "iron workers" work in? In metalworking, they function in almost all processes: casting, welding, forging, providing the highest level of work quality.

Casting as an industry with extreme conditions for human labor (meaning high temperatures and pollution) is largely robotized. Kuka machines are even installed in foundries.

The food industry also received production equipment from Kuka. "Food robots" (photos are presented in the article) for the most part replace people in areas with special conditions. Machines that provide a microclimate in heated rooms with a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius are widespread in factories. Stainless steel robots masterfully process meat, participate in the production of dairy products, and, of course, stack and pack products in an optimal way.

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of such devices to the automotive industry. According to experts, the most powerful and productive machines today are precisely the "Cook" robots. Photos of such devices, performing the whole range of car assembly operations, are impressive. That being said, it's really time to talk about automated production.

The processing of plastics, the production of plastic, the manufacture of parts of the most complex shape from a variety of materials are provided by robots in production in a polluted environment that is really harmful to human health.

Another most important area of ​​application of "cook" machines is woodworking. Moreover, the described devices ensure both the fulfillment of individual orders and the establishment of large-scale serial production at all stages - from primary processing and sawing to milling, drilling, grinding.


Currently, robots manufactured by Kuka and Fanuc are in demand on the Russian and CIS markets. Their prices range from 25,000 to 800,000 rubles. Such an impressive breakdown is explained by the existence of various models: standard low-carrying capacity (5-15 kg), special (solving special problems), specialized (working in a non-standard environment), high carrying capacity (up to 4000 tons).


It should be recognized that the potential for using industrial robots is still not fully exploited. At the same time, through the efforts of specialists modern technologies allow you to implement more and more daring ideas.

The need to increase the productivity of the world economy and maximize the share of intellectual human labor serve as powerful incentives for the development of more and more types and modifications of industrial robots.