Yamal lng yamal lng. Reviews: "Yamal LNG", a Russian gas company

A new gas production center is being actively formed on the Yamal Peninsula, which in the future will become one of the main centers for the development of the Russian gas industry. Yamal will produce up to 360 billion cubic meters. m of blue fuel.

Place of Birth

trillion m 3 of gas

billion tons of gas condensate

million tons of oil

Place of Birth

trillion m 3 of gas

billion tons of gas condensate

million tons of oil

  • Bovanenkovskoye, Kharasaveyskoye stable condensate per year.
  • Tambey industrial zone

    Consists of six fields: North-Tambeyskoye, Zapadno-Tambeyskoye, Tasiyskoye, Malyginskoye (licenses are held by the Gazprom Group), Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye and Syadorskoye.
  • Southern industrial zone

    It includes nine fields: Novoportovskoye (the license belongs to the Gazprom Group), Nurminskoye, Malo-Yamalskoye, Rostovtsevskoye, Arkticheskoye, Sredne-Yamalskoye, Khambateyskoye, Neitinskoye, Kamennomysskoye. The zone is considered as a priority oil production facility with a maximum annual level of 7 million tons.
  • A new generation gas transmission corridor from the Bovanenkovskoye field to Ukhta has been created for a unified gas supply system for Russia. Year-round oil export is carried out through the Arctic Gates offshore oil terminal.
  • Infrastructure

    A full-fledged system of industrial and life support has been formed: highways, power plants, a rotational camp, industrial bases, the Obskaya - Bovanenkovo ​​- Karskaya railway with a length of 572 km, an airport.

The number of deposits is 32.

Total reserves and resources of all fields on the Yamal Peninsula: 26.5 trillion cubic meters m of gas, 1.6 billion tons of gas condensate, 300 million tons of oil.

Video about the Yamal megaproject, 3 minutes

Production in Yamal:

In 2017 - 82.8 billion cubic meters. m of gas.

In the future - up to 360 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year.

Megaproject structure

Bovanenkovo ​​industrial zone

It has the main production potential and includes three fields - Bovanenkovskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, Kruzenshternskoye (licenses held by the Gazprom Group). Gross production here is estimated at 217 billion cubic meters. meters of gas and 4 million tons of stable condensate per year.

Tambey industrial zone

Consists of six fields: North-Tambeyskoye, Zapadno-Tambeyskoye, Tasiyskoye, Malyginskoye (licenses are held by the Gazprom Group), Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye and Syadorskoye.

Southern industrial zone

It includes nine fields: Novoportovskoye (the license belongs to the Gazprom Group), Nurminskoye, Malo-Yamalskoye, Rostovtsevskoye, Arkticheskoye, Sredne-Yamalskoye, Khambateyskoye, Neitinskoye, Kamennomysskoye. The zone is considered as a priority oil production facility with a maximum annual level of 7 million tons.

Hydrocarbon transportation system

To transfer gas from the Yamal Peninsula to the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia, a new generation gas transmission corridor has been created from the Bovanenkovskoye field to Ukhta. Year-round oil export is carried out through the Arctic Gates offshore oil terminal.


A full-fledged system of industrial and life support has been formed: highways, power plants, a rotational camp, industrial bases, the Obskaya - Bovanenkovo ​​- Karskaya railway with a length of 572 km, an airport.

Implementation of the project

The largest Yamal field in terms of proven gas reserves is Bovanenkovskoye. The primary development target is the Cenomanian-Aptian deposits. In 2012, the first gas facility (GP-2) was commissioned at the field, the second (GP-1) in 2014, and the third (GP-3) in 2018. The total design capacity of the three fields is 115 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year. In the future, with the commissioning of the Neocomian-Jurassic deposits, the design capacity of the Bovanenkovskoye field will increase to 140 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year.

In 2012, the Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta gas trunkline was commissioned, and at the beginning of 2017, the Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta - 2 gas pipeline.

Another powerful construction site, on which a serious stake is made, both from the point of view of the development of the region, its infrastructure and new jobs, and from the point of view of attracted investments, is the plant in Yamal.

Foreign investors may join the project for the construction of an enterprise for the production of liquefied gas. At the very least, Minister Ulyukaev says that negotiations with French banks are progressing and the Russian side is full of optimism.

From a depth of four kilometers to the surface. The first cubic meters of natural gas in 40 years. The South Tambeyskoye field, discovered back in the 70s in Yamal, has not been developed all this time due to imperfect technologies. The harsh Arctic took its toll. But today, Russian-made drilling stations do not care about 50-degree frosts or permafrost.

About 50 wells have already been drilled, more than 200 are planned in total, the volume of the field's reserves will last for tens of years. The blue fuel will immediately go to the gas liquefaction plant, which is being built here, in the northeast of Yamal.

Liquid gas will be stored here at minus 165 degrees. Such a tank could easily fit several huge transport planes. The volume of each of the four containers is 160,000 cubic meters.

“No one has ever made such reservoirs beyond the Arctic Circle. No country in the world beyond the Arctic Circle has reservoirs, only the Russian Federation! " - said Renat Garifulin, Deputy Head of the Quality Control Department of the Capital Construction Directorate of Yamal LNG.

Giant gas tankers will come for the finished product. Yamal is also a unique port, so gas will go directly from here to sales markets: the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. For example, contracts for a quarter of a century have already been signed with China, India and Spain.

Five years ago there was nothing here. Only ice, snow and permafrost. From the smallest screw to the construction equipment and materials of these huge LPG storage tanks, absolutely everything is brought here by sea. Over the years, six million tons of cargo have passed through the Sabetta port.

Icebreakers are brought into the port by cargo ships on tugs, otherwise it is simply impossible to pass on the almost two-meter ice. But soon all these blocks at the very pier may simply disappear. Divers are already working on the installation of experimental ice protection.

“This system will consist of several pipes that will be pulled from the bottom of the quay with hot water and air. And due to the bubbling of the so-called rise of this warm water to the surface, ice freezing on the berth wall will be controlled, ”says Valery Vedernikov, chief diving specialist of Yamal LNG.

Cargo ships go to Sabetta by the Northern Sea Route, mainly from Arkhangelsk. It is here that supplies for the construction of the plant come literally from all over the country.

Products for the plant are produced in 25 regions of Russia. For example, equipment for gas liquefaction was developed at the Volgograd Oil Machine Building Plant. And in Cherepovets, metal structures and pipelines are manufactured. Thanks to this order, a new workshop was built here and the most modern equipment was acquired.

“The order is interesting in itself and has united the team quite strongly. New specialists have come, ”says Dmitry Saliy, head of production at Pervy Koksokhimmontazh.

Entire industrial buildings and structures of the future plant are also designed and manufactured in Krasnoyarsk. The local enterprise of technological mechanical engineering was transferred to a round-the-clock operating mode. There is no need to complain, before the Yamal order the plant had a decline in production.

“We had to hire up to 100 people only to ensure this process. We have attracted several schools, institutes, which trained these specialists for us directly according to the target program, ”said Aleksey Semernya, executive director of CJSC KrasPTM.

15,000 people live and work in the shift settlement itself on Yamal. Dozens of hostels, canteens, gyms, even their own fire station and police department.

Most of the buildings are prefabricated block structures. They were made in Vologda. For Arctic housing, a unique insulation is used, it was developed specifically for the Yamal project.

“The buildings were designed for a design temperature of minus 65 degrees. We did not test further, but I think that this structure can withstand even lower temperatures, "- said the leading designer of JSC" SKDM "Roman Begunov.

A dormitory for 300 people can be built in three weeks. Ready-made blocks are supplied to Yamal, they are simply connected to each other as a constructor.

The dormitory block is already ready to be sent to Yamal, they are handed over literally on a turnkey basis, everything is almost ready for the premises. Doors, windows, there is a fine finish, there is even an electrical wiring. It remains to lay the linoleum and insert the lamps - all this is already included in the kit.

Direct flights from Moscow and other cities fly to the Sabetta rotational village. An international airport was built here. For the construction of the runway in permafrost conditions, special geosynthetics were needed, which were not produced in Russia. At first, the order was planned to be placed in England. But at one of the Divnogorsk enterprises, they mastered new technologies and launched such production. Especially for deliveries to Yamal.

Yamal LNG is a very advanced project. Designers and builders use the most modern solutions. And, in my opinion, it is very important when such projects bring new materials and new products into our Russian reality, which allow us to obtain better quality products at a lower price, ”says Andrey Putivsky, General Director of the Tekhpolimer group of companies.

More orders for Russian enterprises - more production volumes, which means that tax deductions also increase. So the plant under construction in Yamal is helping the Russian economy today. Its first production line will start working next year. Yamal LNG will reach full capacity by 2019.

Yamal LNG, controlled by NOVATEK, has begun production of liquefied natural gas at the first stage of its plant. The total capacity of the plant will exceed 16.5 million tons of LNG per year, and the project cost was $ 27 billion

Construction of the first line of the Yamal LNG plant for the production of liquefied natural gas in the village of Sabetta (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS)

The Yamal LNG plant, controlled by NOVATEK, has begun production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the first production line with a design capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year, NOVATEK said in a statement to RBK.

The loading of the first batch of LNG at the port of Sabetta is scheduled for Friday, December 8, using the LNG tanker Christophe de Margerie, named after the former head of Total (the corporation owns 18.9% of NOVATEK and 20% of Yamal LNG) who died in a plane crash in Vnukovo in October 2014.

“The start of production of liquefied natural gas on the first line of the plant is the most important milestone in the development of the Yamal LNG project. We are opening a new page in the history of our company, ”said the CEO and co-owner of NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson (his words are quoted in the company's message).

Yamal LNG is the first privately-owned LNG plant in Russia to be built on the basis of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field. Initially, it was assumed that it will have three stages with a total capacity of 16.5 million tons of LNG per year (5.5 million tons each): the second should be launched in the third quarter of 2018, the third - at the beginning of 2019. But in September 2017, Yamal LNG plans to build another stage with a capacity of up to 1 million tons per year.

The project budget is estimated at $ 27 billion, of which about $ 12 billion are Chinese banks, and another 150 billion rubles. - NWF. 50.1% of Yamal LNG shares belong to NOVATEK, 20% each belongs to French Total and Chinese CNPC, another 9.9% belongs to the Chinese Silk Road Fund.

“We are proud that at the end of 2013 we made an investment decision on the timing [of the construction of the LNG plant] and capital investments in this project, and in this framework we are going,” Mikhelson at a briefing in Sabetta at the end of March, when this port the tanker Christophe de Margerie arrived. Then Russian President Vladimir Putin, who participated in the ceremony via video link, said that he was "surprised" by the pace of construction of the plant. “If we act in the same vein and at the same pace,<...>then, of course, Russia, without any doubt, not only can, but will become the largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world, ”he promised that the state will do its utmost to promote the development of the project.

Competitor of "Gazprom"

Gas from the new Yamal LNG plant, exempted from mineral extraction tax and duties, will compete with Russian pipeline gas in the European market, Nikolai Kislenko, deputy head of Gazprom's 123 department, said at the Gas of Russia 2017 forum. “Yamal LNG, for example, means no export duty, no severance tax. And the gas that he will replace is the one [from which taxes and duties] Gazprom would transfer to the budget of the Russian state. That is, a clear loss of budgetary efficiency as such, "he said (quoted by Interfax)." According to his presentation, budget revenues from the mineral extraction tax and export duties from Gazprom's gas exports amount to more than 4.1 thousand rubles. for 1 thousand cubic meters m. The representative of NOVATEK does not comment on this.

Almost all of the Yamal LNG gas (over 95%) has already been contracted, and the first batch of LNG will be sent to CNPC, at the end of October, NOVATEK's CFO Mark Jetvey during a teleconference with investors. “This is a very symbolic question. In our view, the first LNG tanker should be sent to CNPC in recognition of the company's contribution to the project and the importance of the Asia-Pacific market, ”he said.

The launch of Yamal LNG is a landmark event for the Russian oil and gas industry, says Valery Nesterov, senior analyst at Sberbank CIB: this plant was built from scratch in extremely difficult conditions, without any infrastructure. The cost of gas extraction and LNG production is decreasing due to the plant's proximity to the field and low temperatures, at which its energy demand decreases, the expert says.

With current oil prices, the fate of this project would have been less fortunate, Nesterov notes: the implementation of Yamal LNG began in 2013, when Brent oil cost more than $ 100 per barrel, and now it is $ 62.5. Therefore, the construction of the plant could be postponed, the expert notes. However, it is clear that the long-term contracts of Yamal LNG include the price of LNG, which ensures a fairly high profitability of this project, he admits. In January 2016, Mikhelson estimated the cost of gas supplied to the plant at less than $ 0.6 per million British thermal units (MMBTU), indicating that the project pays off even at "ultra-low prices." But at that time, LNG on the Asian market (the key market for Yamal LNG) cost $ 6-6.5, and now it costs $ 9-10 per 1 MMBTU, Nesterov notes.

The opening of Yamal LNG will help NOVATEK build new LNG plants and attract partners, says Andrey Polishchuk, an analyst at Raiffeisenbank. If earlier NOVATEK had no experience in the construction of such plants and the company could not demand much from its potential partners, now its position is much stronger, he notes: now the cost of a stake in a new LNG project and a contribution to its authorized capital should increase significantly ... The second LNG plant, Arctic LNG-2, NOVATEK plans to build on the basis of the Gydan fields, is expected to be launched in 2022-2023, but the company has not yet made a final decision on its construction.

As planned in 2017, a landmark event took place in early December, the first liquefied gas from Yamal LNG was shipped to the mainland. The button for the start of gas shipment was pressed by the main initiator and mastermind of this large-scale project - our President Vladimir V.V. Not everyone believed in this idea, but there were people who took the risk and won in the end - and Vladimir Vladimirovich said at the final conference.

and reviews of Yamal LNG specialists

In December 2017, the first stage of construction of the plant was launched, and it will be launched one by one in 2018 and 2019. After that, the fourth will be built - entirely on Russian technologies. According to experts, the demand for gas in the world will only grow, and in 20 years consumption will grow by approximately 40%, and specifically LNG - by 70%. The interest in liquefied gas is so great that the chief director of the most powerful national Saudi oil company Saudi Aramco flew to the launch of the first stage. What could be of interest to a company from Saudi Arabia, the world's main gas supplier in northern Russia? Of course, our next possible gas project in the Arctic latitudes is Arctic LNG-2. The Saudis do not hide their interest in cooperation in financing and developing the field. The launch of an expensive, unique complex in the town of Yar-Sale on the Yamal Peninsula is an epoch-making event on a global scale. It is no secret that our country, our strategic oil and gas companies are subject to sanctions, including those on technology and equipment supply. It is all the more valuable that in such harsh conditions the first stage of the project was completed on time and, surprisingly for our country, the initial estimated cost was not exceeded. This caused a lot of approving comments about Yamal LNG. By the way, the Americans have not yet been able to launch a similar project in Alaska.

History of JSC Yamal LNG

Yamal and its adjacent territories hold leading positions in Russia in terms of explored gas reserves. Today, more than 20% of Russian gas is located in Yamal, so local fields are destined to be the main areas for the production of this fuel. 12 years ago, Yamal LNG OJSC was created, where Novatek became shareholders - 60% of shares, Total - 20% of shares and CNPC - 20% of shares. Recently, Novatek sold 9.9% of its shares to the Silk Way Fund, but retained its controlling stake of 50.1%. The main construction began in 2012. The total investment for all three phases of the complex is $ 27 billion.

Integrated gas production, liquefaction and sales technologies

The Yamal LNG contractors implemented an integrated approach to the project of the Russian gas production company. In Sabetta, a tiny settlement of the local Nenets people, the first shift workers appeared in 1980. But the development of the settlement and the adjacent territories was received only with the development of the project. They began to build a seaport, a gas liquefaction plant, the modern village of Sabetta itself, where more than 20 thousand people already live.

Gas from wells through pipes laid above the ground goes to a gas liquefaction plant. At the plant, gas condensate (liquid impurities), methanol and other foreign fractions are separated from the gas. The cleaned, ideally dry gas goes to liquefaction and then through pipes to storages and tanks. There are four of them, 160,000 cubic meters each. The heart of each stage of the plant is a cryogenic unit (it directly liquefies gas) - the most complex equipment, some pipes in it are more than 40 kilometers. Gas condensate is also used, it is sent to special containers and the corresponding tankers transport the condensate to consumers.

Yamal LNG seaport

A unique seaport of Sabetta has been built to ship liquefied gas. It is a key link in the technological chain and the main base of the transport hub for the development of oil and gas fields in Yamal and the Ob Bay. The port has already provided navigation throughout the year. The port of the Yamal LNG company Sabetta is the gateway to the Arctic, it is a key link in the construction of the facility under construction.

Liquefied natural gas transportation

According to reviews, Yamal LNG, upon reaching its design capacity, should ship 16.5 million tons of liquefied gas (5.5 million tons each stage). To transport such impressive volumes of gas, a whole fleet of unique vessels will be created from fifteen specially designed tankers of the reinforced icebreaker type, with a capacity of 173,000 cubic meters each. The contract for the supply of gas carriers worth more than $ 5 billion was signed with shipbuilders from South Korea. The lead tanker, which has already loaded and left for customers, bears the name of Christophe de Mangeny - the name of the president of Total, who tragically died in 2014. In many respects, this is the merit of the president of the company - in the fact that, despite the sanctions, the French Total remained in the project. Their knowledge, experience and technology are very important in construction. According to the plan, at the end of 2018, ten gas carriers are to be loaded monthly. Loading time for one vessel is about 20 hours.

Main consumers

Under the contract, part of the gas will be purchased by the founders of the joint-stock company - Total and CNPC. Among the buyers: Gazprom's subsidiary, Singaporean, Spanish, British, Indian and French companies. Moreover, 96% of future supplies have already been contracted and it is known that 70-80% of liquefied gas will go to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. So far, Russia has a small share in the global LNG trade. But, if all the planned projects are implemented, we will become a noticeable player in the market, and we will be reckoned with. We will not reach the level of the world's largest LNG supplier - Qatar, but we are quite capable of becoming one of the world leaders. The president of Novatek said that the launch of Arctic LNG-2 in 2022-2023 is real.

Arctic fields stimulate the development of Russia

According to experts, the development of deposits on the Yamal Peninsula and the Gulf of Ob will be a driver of growth for the Russian economy. As Mendeleev said in the 19th century: "The wealth of Russia will grow with Siberia," so now the wealth of our country will grow in the Arctic. Indeed, the development of these territories will require scientific research and technologies from many research institutes throughout the country, and many Russian enterprises and companies will be loaded with orders. Moreover, under the conditions of sanctions, there is a forced import substitution, which ultimately turns into our good.

Special construction technologies

The stages of construction of the Yamal LNG plant show that, despite the fact that sanctions certainly affect financing and technological support, Russia found alternative financing and was able to independently create the necessary equipment. In order to assemble and launch a plant in permafrost conditions, unique technologies are required. Even foreign specialists involved in the construction of such projects were often unable to help. The plant is assembled from giant modules, there are more than 300 of them. Modules are created on the mainland, their weight reaches tens and hundreds of tons. These superblocks are transported by special vessels; for unloading, a heavy-duty berth has been created that can withstand a load of more than 10 tons per 1 sq. meter. A plant is assembled from the modules on site. Due to the permafrost, the entire installation of the modules is carried out on sites installed on piles that go down tens of meters.

Since there is no connection with the mainland on Yamal, except by sea and air, everything is autonomous here. There must be its own generation of energy and heat. A gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 370 MW of electricity and 150 MW of thermal energy is under construction. Even the trains that will soon run by rail to Sabetta will be the only ones in the world to use LNG as fuel.

Sabetta - shift workers' settlement

Today, in terms of population and living conditions, Sabetta is no longer a village, but a city. Initially, the name of the settlement was Sabeta (with one "t"), then it was somehow Italianized. In the 90s, when the number of drilling and geological exploration work was greatly reduced, the population of the village fell to several dozen people. But since 2012, with the start of the construction of the Yamal project, the population has grown rapidly, and the village has turned into a city. In permafrost conditions, decent conditions have been created for the work and rest of the workers of the gas production company. Most of those living here work on a rotational basis, and living conditions are specific: work-home, work-home. The house is a dormitory with rooms for 4-8 people. Living conditions are decent, spacious canteens, large sports and gyms for those who still have strength after a busy shift. For all the strict dry law, violated - "goodbye" to the mainland.

Prospects for Yamal LNG and other Arctic projects

Events taking place now in Yamal happen once every hundred years. The significance of the development of the project is comparable to the development of Western Siberia 50-60 years ago. The ever-increasing role of LNG in the world's gas balance must be taken into account. Due to the fact that the fastest growing markets are located in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, it is often simply impossible to organize gas supplies to these countries by pipelines. According to experts, if all the plans outlined by our gas producers are implemented, by 2030 Russia's share of the global LNG market may reach 15%. And all the Yamal fields can reach the volume of 70 million tons of liquefied gas. Even now, the reviews about Yamal LNG are the most enthusiastic. under the project, in a few years, 30 million tons of cargo will be released. Already today, thanks to the construction of a year-round port on Yamal, the volume of traffic along the northern sea route has doubled. In addition to the products of the gas industry, the port will also handle other cargoes required for the northern territories. Undoubtedly, it will also be used in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, that is, it is of strategic importance.

Jobs on watch

The Yamal LNG plant is developing and, naturally, specialists are required for the production being built. Required engineers, workers, operators of various specialties. Salaries start at 85,000 rubles, for leading specialists - 2-3 times more. Yamal LNG contacts: Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, Yamal District, Yar-Sale village.

Competitive advantages

    traditional land-based reserves of high concentration

  • well-studied geology and proven development technologies
  • very low development and production costs
  • high efficiency of the liquefaction process due to low average annual temperature
  • access to the markets of Europe and the Asia-Pacific region
  • government support, including tax incentives

Project infrastructure

The field development project provides for the drilling of 208 wells at 19 well pads. Gas produced at the field will be supplied to the international market in the form of LNG, for which a gas liquefaction plant will be built, consisting of four technological lines. The first line of the plant with a capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year was commissioned in December 2017. The infrastructure for exporting LNG consists of a loading dock with two berths in the port of Sabetta, equipped with ice protection structures. For the transportation of LNG, tankers of the reinforced ice class "Arc7" are used.

Project implementation status

The final investment decision on the project was made in December 2013.

LNG production at the first production line of the plant started on December 5, 2017. Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of liquefied natural gas in the volume of 170 thousand cubic meters on December 8, 2017. In August 2018, Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of LNG after the launch of the second production line of the plant. In November 2018, Yamal LNG produced the first LNG on the third train.