Advanced training under the program organization and management of the operation of building life support systems. Services for the operation of housing and communal services Management and operation of housing and communal services specialty

The Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK) provides an opportunity to take professional retraining courses in the field of operation of various real estate objects, housing and communal services and highways. Education at MASPK is conducted on the basis of secondary specialized or higher education.

The concept of "operation" in technology means part life cycle any building, structure or technical system, during which they can be used for their intended purpose. Correct operation can significantly extend the service life of operated facilities, prevent accidents, minimize breakdowns and achieve the most rational use of these facilities. Thus, the issue of proper operation is of paramount economic importance, allowing you to reduce a very significant amount of costs.

Currently, Russia is a country with a high level of urbanization - about 70% of the country's population lives in cities. The state of the housing stock and associated communal infrastructure now does not always correspond to the technological and economic potential of the country. A number of government reforms are being carried out to remedy this situation. One of the main conditions for improvement in the field of housing and communal services is rational technical operation of housing and communal services, residential and non-residential buildings and structures, competent management and correct economic policy in relation to real estate and communal infrastructure. The lack of qualified personnel in this industry is currently very significant. The same problem is observed in the field of road maintenance - we need specialists who can apply innovative methods in the design and construction of highways, calculate their safety level, and adequately assess the operational condition of roads.

Despite the shortage of specialists in the field of real estate, housing and communal services and highways operation, it is possible to get a job in this area only if you have the appropriate education. Taking into account that professional retraining is usually carried out by people who are intensively loaded in the current place of work, MASPK offers to take vocational retraining courses in the format of distance learning. Opportunity to get additional education remotely removes a number of problems at once: students will not have to spend money and time on travel to the place of study, they will not have to take a study leave and break away from work or household chores. Also, students will not be tied to the schedule of classes, since distance learning allows you to study according to an individual schedule and at a convenient pace. The training program is compiled taking into account the wishes of each student.

The Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex operates on the basis of educational license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014. The following operational training programs are offered.

What you need to know about professional retraining courses at MASPK

    Professional retraining courses are a worthy alternative to the second higher education.

    The opportunity to get a new specialty in an optimal (rather short) time frame and then immediately get a job at a new promising place of work.

    Immediately after enrolling in the courses, each student is assigned a personal manager who helps to draw up an individual schedule, selects teachers, advises on how to better organize studies and monitor their progress, and also solves other training issues.

    MASPK provides access to a specialized portal where all the educational materials necessary for studying are located.

    Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers, whose advice can be obtained at any stage of training.

    Professional retraining courses come to the end with compulsory certification. In case of its successful completion, graduates receive a final document - a diploma of the established sample on the completion of professional retraining courses at the IASPK.

Conditions for admission to MASPK

    An application for training can be submitted at any time by phone or through the registration form on the website.

    There are no entrance examinations for listeners.

    The cost of training is calculated for each student individually. It depends on the number of teaching hours and the number of disciplines chosen.

The Ulyanovsk State Technical University began training specialists in the field of housing and communal services. This year 48 people were enrolled at the Faculty of Construction in the direction of "Management and operation of housing and communal services". All four years, the children will study at the expense of the regional budget. Although so far the applicants are not entitled to a state scholarship, the rector Alexander Pinkov promised to resolve this issue over time. It was essentially planned to recruit two groups of bachelors of thirty students each. But the rector of the university deliberately suspended admission in order to give rural children the opportunity to study in the future. ? of 48 freshmen, only nine came from the districts of the region. In addition to bachelors, UlSTU will train masters in the field of housing and communal services, but on a paid basis and for two years. Normative base for the training of specialists will be developed under the leadership of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Transport of the Ulyanovsk Region. “Today the most important task is to prepare and retrain not only the personnel system of the housing and communal services, but also the institute for senior citizens at home,” noted Alexander Pinkov. At the moment, UlSTU has already formed educational process for all participants and workers of housing and communal services. This applies to both blue-collar occupations and elders at home, as well as persons with higher vocational education... This year, the university will also conduct advanced training for engineering and technical personnel. “The sphere of housing and communal services needs to introduce new modern technologies, and scientists of the Polytechnic University regularly participate in the improvement of the housing and communal services complex in various parts of Russia, ”added the rector of UlSTU. The Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov met with the students and congratulated them on the right choice of profession, and also noted that the government would actively study Foreign experience work in the field of housing and communal services. In addition, the head of the region announced to the audience about the upcoming measures to support young specialists in housing and communal services: for the first three years of work, they will receive additional annual bonuses. “Let's say you work well for a year - you will receive fifty thousand rubles, if you work well for the second one, you will receive one hundred thousand, if you work well for the third, you will receive another hundred and fifty thousand,” the governor explained. Others nice bonus for those who received education in the field of housing and communal services, it will be included in the program of the governor's mortgage. Thus, young people will be able to save about 400-450 thousand rubles. We remind you that the Ulyanovsk region has become a pilot site for vocational training in the field of housing and communal services. All over the country, such specialists have not been released for a long time. As a result, management apartment buildings ended up in the hands of non-professionals. The introduction of a new direction in the educational process will significantly improve the quality of the provision of housing and communal services and achieve mutual understanding between residents and management companies. Daria Kiryukhina

We are all accustomed to comfort for a long time. As one popular song says: "... A communal paradise without hassle and worries ...". Services that make our life a lot easier (when available) are some of the most costly in human history. No wonder they are designated by the capacious term "economy", implying a whole sphere. We are talking about housing and communal services (HCS), which includes a whole range of diverse communications.

But laying a pipe or cable is half the battle. The most difficult and expensive is the maintenance of these communications, which, moreover, as a rule, do not have reserve capacities. In Russia alone, more than 4 million people work in the housing sector. And these are not only accountants and "house managers" who give us exorbitant numbers in receipts for payment, but also people, on whose professional qualifications our normal, comfortable existence depends. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Housing and communal services professions

The list of positions and professions of housing and communal services is striking in the breadth of its range: from janitors to green building engineers. According to the register of professional standards of the Russian Federation, the list is subdivided into sections dedicated to:

  • operation;
  • water supply;
  • heat supply;
  • gas supply;
  • power supply;
  • improvement;
  • specialist. technique.

There are dozens of professions in each section, within which lists of possible positions are also provided. The register lists not only job titles, but also gives a description of the work - a guideline for job description and also lists the set necessary knowledge and the competencies that the employee involved in this position should have. Due to the amount of data, it is impossible to list all the professions in the housing and communal services sector on the pages of this article.

However, it seems reasonable to highlight the job hierarchy. So, from top to bottom:

  • Director of the enterprise;
  • Deputy director (often the position of a deputy is combined with directorship by direction);
  • Director of the enterprise in the direction (Fin. Deer-r; Deer-r for pr-vu; Deer for supply);
  • Chief specialist (chief accountant; chief mechanic; chief engineer);
  • Head of the sector (head of the residential building, head of the Warehouse);
  • Site foreman / head of department;
  • Contractor / manager / employee.

Among the links of the presented hierarchy, it is proposed to focus on the foremen of the sections, since according to statistics, they, as sergeants in the army, are the most numerous in the housing and communal services system. And the assertion sounds very convincing that the entire domestic communal apartment is based on them.

Housing and communal services master. Profession

The significance of the masters is that it is the first in the hierarchy leadership position, which, however, does not exclude work “on the ground”. At the same time, if you look at the list of professional standards of any section and select the category "master", then you can make sure that the requirements are made to him as to the most competent specialist in his field.

The importance of craftsmen in the correct functioning of housing and communal services facilities can hardly be underestimated. Indeed, in addition to possessing knowledge, the law (and the leadership at the place of employment) requires the masters to show responsibility, which sometimes you cannot expect from ordinary employees.

Working professions in housing and communal services

It is most correct to informally subdivide the professions of housing and communal services workers into 2 categories:

  • White collars;
  • brown collars.

Brown, because the workers who carry out direct maintenance work and ensure the normal operation of the utility facilities actually work on and below the ground. Indeed, a huge number of urban (and not only) communications, whatever: from water pipes to electrical cables, are located below the asphalt level.

So everyone who falls into the first 2 (bottom) of the given hierarchical levels, they essentially have a full working profession... And it doesn't matter how it is called: a specialist in the operation of water intake facilities or an employee in the maintenance and repair of communication equipment of electrical networks.

Housing and communal services professions. Scroll

You can understand all the professional nuances of working in this system on your own Internet portal for housing and communal services. It provides an exhaustive list of occupations, as well as a description of the required qualifications.

It should be remembered that the list of professional competencies is not limited to this. Progress does not stand still, and housing and communal services facilities have recently been greatly transformed, new ones appear. For example:

  • the appearance of fiber-optic cables in the late 90s;
  • the emergence of private septic stations at the end of the first decade of the 21st century;
  • the revolutionary fall in the value of wired telephony.

Together with such a modification of the housing and communal services itself, the required skills also change. So soon an ordinary employee for maintenance, for example, of a sewage system will be a specialist in network technologies and equipment, because this is where the cables of the wired Internet connection lie.

Well, robots will start cleaning the collectors ... Well, shall we add robots to the list?

Course Description:

We invite heads of organizations, specialists in servicing housing and communal services facilities and other interested parties for advanced training on the topic "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings, structures and complexes in housing and communal services."

The main function of buildings, structures and complexes is to provide a favorable human environment. Therefore, the task of housing and communal services is to create conditions for comfortable living, housekeeping and recreation of household members, as well as their consumption of material and cultural benefits.

Advanced training for specialists in housing management

The main life support systems include heating, water and gas supply, power supply, water disposal, ventilation system and elevator control. For some buildings, the use of chimneys is still relevant, at the same time, almost never previously used security and fire alarm, automatic fire extinguishing, access control and video surveillance systems. During operation, units and structures become morally and physically obsolete, which leads to the loss of their performance. This can lead to emergencies with a high probability of death. Therefore, timely diagnostics, planning renovation works and commissioning of new equipment, which, in turn, is impossible without competent management of the operation of the system as a whole.

The general requirements for such workers are established by the professional standard "Housing Management Specialist", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 233n dated 11.04.2014. They must have a higher education and undergo advanced training in their chosen direction of work.

Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings, structures and complexes in housing and communal services

The advanced training course on the topic "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings, structures and complexes in housing and communal services" is aimed at increasing the competence of students in the field of economics and management of housing and communal services.

The basic program of the course will allow students to navigate the ever-changing regulations regulating the economic and technical issues of this type of activity, gain knowledge in the field of marketing, financial management and pricing in housing and communal services, as well as learn how to independently organize diagnostics and develop plans for current and major repairs.

Advantages of distance learning courses in SNTA

The advanced training courses offered by the Academy are developed taking into account the professional standard and are based on current scientific data. Having received an education at SNTA, a graduate can be sure that his knowledge meets the highest professional requirements, and an individual approach allows him to supplement the basic program of the course with the disciplines he needs.

Distance learning makes high-quality education available to a resident of any region of Russia and allows you to combine professional development and basic work. For training, you do not need to come to the academy, just a computer and access to the Internet.

Access to educational and methodological materials provided around the clock on the educational portal of the academy, so the student can receive knowledge in a convenient mode and quickly apply it in practice. The final control is carried out in the form of online testing, and documents on the received education are sent to the listener at home by courier service.


Received documents:

Important! The diploma does not indicate the form of study (full-time / part-time).

Conditions of admission:

Training in the direction "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems of buildings" makes it possible to obtain a certificate of advanced training. Also, for certain areas and specialties, the issuance of additional documents is provided, if they are required by departmental regulations: certificates, books, etc.

In order to become a student of the academy, you must meet several requirements and complete some steps:

  • Have a secondary vocational diploma or higher education by specialty
  • Apply for training under the professional retraining or advanced training program in the direction "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems of buildings" in electronic format:
    - by email,
    - by the feedback form on the website,
    - or call the free round-the-clock phone;
  • Provide documents confirming identity and existing level of education;
  • After signing the contract, take a distance learning course;
  • Pass the final testing and receive a retraining diploma or a certificate of advanced training under the program "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems in buildings."