Evaluation by an independent appraiser. Independent expertise: what is it? who is conducting? terms? price? Independent assessment - regulatory framework

Independent expertise- this is a procedure during which the circumstances relevant to a particular case are established.

A feature of this procedure is that it is carried out by people who have special knowledge and skills in a particular industry and, importantly, are disinterested persons in the results of the examination itself.

Who conducts the examination?

Examination can be carried out by both state and non-state organizations, this circumstance does not contradict the law, but there are a number of qualification requirements for experts (education, work experience, etc.) and organizations themselves (previously, for example, this type of activity was licensed, and in Currently, only admission to the SRO is required - a self-regulatory organization).

The need for an examination, as a rule, is due to the presence of a dispute between two persons.

Accordingly, the results of this procedure can become a weighty argument in confirming the position of the party.


The law does not regulate the duration. As a rule, a reasonable time period applies, so for research:
autotechnical expertise - 1-2 weeks;
construction expertise - 2 weeks;
handwriting expertise - 7 days;
linguistic expertise - 10 days.


From 5,000 rubles.

Initiator carrying out an examination, as a rule, is a citizen or a legal entity, since in the future the issue of appointing an examination is decided by the court and it bears, accordingly, the name judicial.

Expertise is appointed by a court order in the framework of the civil, arbitration or criminal case under consideration.

foundation for an independent examination is the relevant agreement, which is concluded between a citizen or legal entity on the one hand and by an expert institution on the other and, accordingly, is paid at the expense of the customer.

There are many types of expertise in various branches of science and technology, there are about 30 of them in total.

The list of examinations carried out, for example, by expert institutions that are part of the system of the Ministry of Justice, is determined by the relevant order of the Minister. For the most part, all these types of examinations can be carried out by non-governmental organizations.

Based on the results of the examination, the expert in all cases draws up a conclusion, which is the result of the work done by the specialist.

What does the conclusion of an independent examination contain?

In the conclusion, the expert will certainly indicate the subject of the study, the method and approach that was used, the research procedure itself and, of course, the conclusions. The conclusion is of key importance, since it is precisely this that is the purpose of the examination itself.

At the same time, it should be noted that the ongoing independent examination commissioned by a physical or legal entity, upon subsequent appeal to arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction, will have the status of evidence - a written document. This circumstance is due to the fact that the current procedural codes (the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation) provide for a specific procedure and grounds for appointing an appropriate examination.

However, an independent examination carried out by you in advance, may subsequently, if it is correctly presented in the trial, induce the court to appoint a forensic examination, which will have a tremendous impact on the subsequent court decision.

This is largely due to the fact that during a forensic examination, the expert is warned of criminal liability for giving a knowingly false conclusion, which is not done during an independent examination, which, accordingly, may raise certain doubts about the objectivity of the study. But this circumstance in no way diminishes the importance and necessity of independent examinations.

Often in practice there are situations in which waiting for the appointment of an appropriate forensic examination, and believe me, this is not fast, can lead to the loss of the very subject that needs to be investigated, for example, when it comes to food, a number of building materials etc. And then an independent examination will be the only opinion of a specialist, since an independent judicial examination, if the item is lost, is excluded.

Conducting an independent assessment of the qualifications of employees and applicants is a new phenomenon in labor relations.

On January 1, 2017, Federal Law No. 238-FZ dated July 3, 2016 “On Independent Assessment of Qualifications” entered into force. Conducting an independent assessment of qualifications has become a reality and raises many questions for both employees and employers. In this regard, the Ministry of Labor and social protection The Russian Federation has prepared answers to frequently asked questions on the implementation of the federal law.

In total, the Ministry of Labor prepared answers to thirteen questions. Let's briefly dwell on the most interesting questions and the answers provided. WITH full version Information of the Ministry of Labor dated April 21, 2017 “Answers to frequently asked questions on the implementation of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 238-FZ “On Independent Assessment of Qualifications” can be found below.

Conducting an independent assessment of qualifications - questions and answers

What will an independent qualification assessment give to an employee and an employer?

Upon successful completion of a professional exam, an employee or applicant receives a certificate of qualification, which should contribute to career growth and job search.

If the professional exam is not passed, then a conclusion is issued on the results of the professional exam with recommendations to the applicant. The conclusion should help the applicant and the employer to improve their professional level.

Is it an obligation or a right to undergo an independent qualification assessment?

An independent assessment of qualifications is voluntary, both for the employee and for the employer.

At whose expense is an independent assessment of qualifications carried out, what are the prices?

Passing an independent qualification assessment is paid for by those who initiated it.

The assessment is carried out on the basis of a contract for the provision of services for a fee. The cost of the assessment should be posted on the official website of the qualification assessment center.

Where can I get information about qualification assessment centres?

You can get information about the centers for conducting an independent assessment of qualifications on the website "Register of information on conducting an independent assessment of qualifications" of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation and ANO "National Agency for the Development of Qualifications".

In the "Qualification Assessment Centers" section, you can get all the necessary information and make a selection by region where you need to undergo a qualification assessment.

How is an independent assessment of qualifications different from attestation conducted by an employer?

Certification is an internal form of employer's control over the qualifications and professional suitability of employees. In certain cases, it is mandatory. The inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed, established during the certification, may serve as a basis for terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employer.

Conducting an independent assessment of qualifications does not give rise to any negative consequences. Based on its results, make a decision to terminate labor relations not possible with an employee.

2.8 / 5 ( 14 votes)

Almost every person who owns real estate needs to assess the cost of repairing an apartment or house. The number of people applying for expert assessment apartment renovation, increases every year. The need for an assessment may arise for various reasons: when selling / buying a home, to file a claim in court, to compensate for damage caused by third parties. In general, the reasons can be completely different.

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Agree, no one wants to overpay when buying an apartment, or vice versa, sell housing for next to nothing, so it’s better to spend a small amount on an assessment, but be sure that the cost of the premises and repairs corresponds to the real market price.

Evaluation of the repair of the premises can be carried out both before the repair, and immediately after its completion. Our experts evaluate both apartments located in new buildings and dilapidated buildings.

So if you are only planning to make repairs and do not know how much money you will have to spend on it, then an independent assessment of the repair carried out by specialists of NP "Federation Forensic Experts" will help you calculate a specific amount of money, and as practice shows, save a lot of money.

Experts can conduct a cost estimate repair work and building materials to the last bolt. The results of the examination will literally “sort out” all the expenses necessary for the repair. You will know the exact amount that is needed to purchase materials, as well as the cost of a particular repair service. The results of the examination will be a guarantee that the contractor will not deceive you, because you already know exactly, up to a ruble, how much the repairs and necessary materials cost.

An independent assessment of the repair of an apartment, if the repair is only planned, is usually carried out as follows.

  1. The appraiser examines the premises, its physical deterioration.
  2. The specialist makes the necessary measurements in the room.
  3. Will assess the general condition of the premises.
  4. Estimate for repairs.

If there is already a repair in the apartment, then our experts will conduct an independent assessment of the property or the quality of the repair and issue an expert opinion. It is important to understand that it is impossible to determine the real market value of an apartment without assessing the repairs made in it. Sometimes the cost of repair and furnishing can be equal to the cost of the apartment itself, or even exceed it, and then you simply cannot do without an estimate of the repair.

Estimating the cost of repairs in an apartment is a rather specific type of research that should be carried out by professionals who are well versed in the cost of materials used for repairs. Appraisers of NP "Federation of Forensic Experts" have been conducting such examinations for several years now, and therefore you can be sure of our specialists, they will take into account all the features of the repair and give an objective conclusion on the market value of the repair. All your doubts and guesses will disappear, because now you will definitely know the real price of the repair.

In order for the assessment to be of high quality and fast, you need to provide our appraiser with all the documents you have. For example, checks from the store, a contract with a contractor for repairs, acts of work performed and other documents directly related to the repair. Such documents will necessarily indicate the prices of goods, the cost of services rendered, which will definitely be useful to the appraiser and will provide him with real help.

Often, the specialists of our organization make an assessment in apartments where repairs have already been done for a long time. In this case, the expert, when assessing, indexes the prices of materials in accordance with the market value that exists on currently, and then takes into account the cost of depreciation.

The degree of wear and tear of the premises and materials is especially important to determine in those situations when an apartment is acquired in a multi-storey building, the construction of which was recently unfrozen, or when buying an apartment in an old housing stock. In this case, the assessment of the repair will take place not only using the visual method, but also using special devices that allow you to determine with maximum accuracy the degree of dilapidation of the premises, the state of the foundation of the house, the dilapidation and stability of the bearing walls, as well as identify other defects that, with the help of visual examination is impossible to detect.

The cost of assessing repairs in an apartment or house depends on the volume and complexity of the work. Please contact us directly for pricing details. We will take into account any of your wishes and carry out an assessment exactly in accordance with your order. We will be glad to help you!

You may be interested in the topic: "Construction expertise"


No. p / p Object type Cost, rub.
1. Apartment
- typical secondary housing from 4 000
— new building from 6 000
- luxury housing from 10 000
2. Share in the apartment
- typical secondary housing from 5 000
— new building from 5 000
- luxury housing from 12 000
3. Garages from 8 000
4. Residential houses and cottages from 20 000
5. Building
<1000 м 2 from 30 000
from 1000 to 5000 m2 from 35 000
from 5000 to 10000 m2 from 50 000
>10000 m2 from 60 000
Departure in Moscow: 500 - 1000
Departure for MO: 2000 - 3000


The price of residential and commercial real estate valuation services is inclusive of taxes. Transportation costs are paid separately.


Clients: Sberbank, VTB, Raiffeisen, SvyazBank, Uralsib, Vozrozhdeniye, Dom.RF, Ross.Capital, Bank of Russia, Transcapital, RSH, Unicredit, Akbars, Promsvyazbank:

Collective assessment:

Individual assessment:

Delta Credit, Otkritie, Absolut, RosEvrobank, Zenith, Metallinvest: +10...28%

For JSC Gazprombank clients:

Collective assessment: from 2300(including discount) +

Individual assessment: 4500 (including discount) +

When refinancing:

If you have already ordered an assessment from us, and no more than 3 months have passed, then recalculation based on photographs is 3000 rubles. (with discount)

When contacting the bank

The current list of banks currently operating under the CashBack program can be found in, in the "Refinancing" section.

It's easier with the app!

1-3 days from the moment of inspection, submission of documents and payment
Apartment on the secondary market in NOVOSTROYKA

4500 rub.

Delta Credit, Opening, Absolute: 5500 rubles.

Gazprombank: 4950 rubles. (including discount when ordering through the website)

4500-7000 rub.


Gazprombank: RUB 5400* (including discount when ordering through the website)

1-3 days With the moment of inspection, submission of documents and payment

Inspection - today or tomorrow

Apartment on the secondary market NOT IN NEW BUILDING

5000 rub. 5500 rub. 2-3 days Room from 7000 rub. from 7000 rub. 2-3 days

Conclusion: 3500 rub.**

Evaluation report: 5000 rub.

Conclusion: 3500 rub.**

If two apartments, then 6000 rubles. for two conclusions.

Assessment report: 5500 rubles.

1-2 days
Urgent appraisal of an apartment, room, share

+ 50% from the value of the appraisal

+ 50% from the value of the appraisal 7 o'clock after inspection, payment and submission of all documents

Extract from the USRN in in electronic format

500 rub.

500 rub.

from 2 hours Land plot

from 7000 rub.

3-5 days House, cottage, townhouse with land

Conclusion on the cost (mandatory preliminary assessment) - 5000 rubles. (included in the cost of the future report)

Assessment report - from 15,000 rubles.

The price depends on the size of the house and other parameters

Additional registered buildings on the site - 5000 rubles. (per building)

Discounts available

5-7 days Townhouse (no plot) from 7000 rub. 3-5 days House, cottage, townhouse with a plot, without inspection (when there is no possibility of inspection) from 9000 rub. 3-5 days Transfer the report to the "Bank appraiser" system 1000 rub. 1 hour Transfer the report to the "Bank appraiser" system and print 1500 rub. 1 hour

* When the object of assessment is located far outside the Moscow Ring Road, the price may be slightly higher. The manager has the right to increase the cost of the inspection by notifying the Customer in advance (up to 2000 rubles)

** An opinion on the market value of an apartment or a room is submitted to the embassy, ​​notary, to some government bodies as well as "for myself". It can be done in both paper and electronic form. The calculation is made in accordance with all standards, but is not attached to the conclusion. This type of report is not intended for mortgage banks.

The cost of inspecting the appraised object without an independent appraisal is from 1000 rubles, depending on the remoteness of the appraised object (compliance with clause 11 of the Public Offer).

The cost of assessing offices, retail premises and buildings:


object of evaluation

Finding an object / cost Work completion time, days
Office, warehouse up to 300 sq.m. 5-7 days
Office, warehouse area from 300 to 1000 sq.m. Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 45 thousand rubles * Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report +55 thousand rubles *. 7-12 days
Examination of the report in SRO 10 days
15 000 rub. 15 000 rub. -
20 000 rub. 20 000 rub. 3-7 days

*Depending on the complexity of the object (detached building, individual project, OKN), the price may increase, check with the manager.

The cost of real estate appraisal for:


object of evaluation

Finding Work completion time, days
Moscow, New Moscow, MO Other regions
Land, area up to 1 ha Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 35 thousand rubles * Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 45 thousand rubles * 5-10 days
Land, area from 1 to 10 hectares Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report + 45 thousand rubles * Preliminary estimate - 15 thousand rubles, full report +75 thousand rubles * 7-12 days
Land, area over 1 ha by agreement by agreement -
Building up to 1,000 sq.m Preliminary estimate - 20 thousand rubles, full report +55 thousand rubles * by agreement 15-20 days
Building with an area of ​​1,000 sq.m. Preliminary estimate - 30 thousand rubles, full report + from 75 thousand rubles * by agreement 15-20 days
Examination of the report in SRO According to ROO tariffs (www.sroroo.ru/documents/171647) 10 days
Selection and purchase from the archive of analogues during a retrospective assessment 20 000 rub. 20 000 rub. 3-7 days
Accompanying the report during the passage of a cost examination in the SRO 15 000 rub. 15 000 rub. -

*Depending on the complexity of the object (a region with a small number of analogues, features of use, ...) the price may increase, check with the manager.

The cost of assessing the rental rate (including for filing with Rosreestr, DGI):

Finding Work completion time

Rent estimate for 1 sq.m indoors up to 300 sq.m

(per day, week, month, year)

10-30 thousand rubles 5-10 days

Estimated rental of 1 sq.m in a room from 301 to 1000 sq.m

(per day, week, month, year)

30-50 thousand rubles 5-10 days
Rent estimate for the past date. + 20 thousand rubles. from 10 days

Other types of evaluation:

Characteristics of the object of assessment Finding Deadline, days
Moscow Moscow region and other regions
Construction Cost Estimation from 25 thousand rubles from 25 thousand rubles 5-10 days
Passenger car valuation 5000 6500* 1 day
Truck valuation 6000 7000* 1 day
Assessment of special equipment 6000 7000* 1 day
Evaluation of serial industrial equipment 2-3 days
Process line evaluation 1000 rub. for one position. The minimum order value is 10,000 rubles.* 2-3 days
Appraisal of furniture, interior items, … 500 rub. for one position. The minimum order value is 10,000 rubles.* 2-3 days
Inventory valuation from 50 rub. for one position. The minimum order value is 10,000 rubles.* 2-3 days
Assessment of damage from the bay, fire from 8 000 rub. 3-4 days

Valuation Consulting - IS FREE.

The presence of our appraiser in court - 10,000 rubles.

The presence of our lawyer in court is by agreement.

An additional copy of the report at the time of delivery of work: 500 rubles, after a month - 1000 rubles.

Making corrections / additions to the report that arose NOT BY OUR FAULT, as well as the cost of the actual costs incurred by the company upon return Money - PRICE LIST for changes to the report and actual costs incurred

To order an assessment:

To order an assessment, call us by phone in Moscow: +7 495 698-60-37

Urgent evaluation:

The service is provided only on weekdays, in agreement with the manager.


  • 1 working day after inspection, payment and submission of a full package of documents + 1000 rub.
  • 7 hours after inspection, payment and submission of a full package of documents + 50% of the cost of the appraisal

Who can evaluate

In accordance with Federal Law No. 135, real estate in Moscow and other parts of the vast Motherland can be assessed by an organization that meets the following requirements:

  • Have labor contract with at least 2 appraisers that meet the requirements of the law
  • The liability of the appraisal company must be insured for an amount of at least 5,000,000 rubles.

A real estate valuation specialist, in other words, an appraiser, in order to carry out his activities, must:

  • Have a specialized education in the field of valuation
  • The liability of the appraiser must be insured for at least 300,000 rubles
  • The appraiser must be a member of the SRO of appraisers
  • From April 1, 2018, he is required to pass qualifying exams in the areas of real estate, movable property, and business valuation.

The Guild of Independent Consulting LLC and the specialists of the site meet all the requirements of the law and guarantee that our reports are official documents that comply with the law.

Service prices

According to the Civil Code, such objects include: buildings, structures, land, aircraft and ships. Residential and non-residential (commercial) real estate is allocated.

Object of assessmentCost, rub.Terms of work, days
ApartmentFrom 35002
Residential country house From 80004
Country cottage areaFrom 60002
Land plot from 1 ha From 15 0005
Land plot from 10 hectares From 20 00010
Non-residential premises From 15 00010
non-residential buildingFrom 30 00010
Construction / infrastructure facility From 15 00010

This approximate price of the service does not include surcharges for speed, delivery, travel to remote areas / regions and discounts for regular customers.

Required documents

  • Title documents
  • Documents characterizing the physical parameters of the object
  • Information about existing encumbrances

To find out how much a real estate appraisal costs, call or order.

Order of conduct

In accordance with FSO 1,2,3, real estate valuation includes the following steps:

  • familiarization with the object of assessment according to the documents provided by the Customer
  • conclusion of a contract and making an advance payment
  • request for missing information, if necessary
  • inspection of the object of assessment
  • if necessary, the involvement of third parties and highly specialized experts: builders, engineers, electricians, etc.
  • compiling two copies of the evaluation album
  • sending reports to the client and receiving post-payment


Making a mortgage loan. In this case, the object of collateral is the purchased apartment.
Formation authorized capital enterprise or contribution to the authorized capital. How larger enterprise and the more responsibility he has, the stricter the requirements for the size of the authorized capital
Assessment of the market value of real estate, as well as the definition salvage value to assess the value of collateral for lending
Formation of the hereditary mass. Often the object of inheritance is real estate
Trial. As part of a forensic examination, and as part of an independent assessment
Property insurance. To be sure of the correct formation of the sum insured, we recommend contacting our company.
Pre-sale valuation of the property. Most often, this service is useful to owners and buyers of large objects. As a rule, such an assessment goes side by side with the construction and technical expertise.
Challenging the cadastral value. The market value of the object is determined on the date of the cadastral valuation.

Why is it better to do an assessment in Guild of Independent Consultants LLC

Our company guarantees you:

  • timeliness of work performed
  • compliance with 135 Federal law on valuation activities
  • competitive prices and individual approach

In 2017, our specialists professionally assessed more than 200 real estate objects of various complexity - from 1/32 of a share in an apartment to a gas pipeline in Moscow and a hotel complex of 20,000 sq. m. in the Moscow region.

Real estate appraisal in our company will help you achieve your goals in business and everyday life.

Send a KP request to call or order.