Job description of a doctor-forensic medical expert. Typical job description for a doctor-forensic expert Job description for a quality expert doctor

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1. General Provisions

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a quality expert medical care(KMP).

2. A person with a higher professional education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", postgraduate education and (or) additional professional education, a certificate of a specialist in a clinical specialty or a specialty "Health Management and Public Health", possessing special knowledge and practical skills in planning, organizing and conducting an examination of the CMP, generalization and statistical analysis of its results.

3. The ILC expert must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health care; social hygiene, organization and economics of healthcare, medical insurance, medical statistics; fundamentals of quality management (principles, functions, methods, quality management systems, regulatory, documentation, information and methodological support, statistical quality control); regulations for the management and examination of the ILC; foundations of medical ethics and deontology; legal aspects of medical activity; basics of workflow, statistical accounting and forms statistical reporting in their line of business; fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor; psychology of professional communication; internal labor regulations; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

4. The expert of the ILC carries out its activities in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting the examination of the ILC in a medical organization, the Regulations on the service of the ILC in medical organization, Regulations on the department of the ILC (if any), methodological and instructive documents on the procedure for organizing and conducting an examination of the ILC, this job description.

5. The ILC expert is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the head of the medical organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. The ILC expert reports directly depending on the organizational structure and staffing the head of the organizational and methodological department, or the head of the ILC department (if any), or the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, or the deputy chief physician for the ILC (if such a position exists).

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Typical job description for a doctor-forensic expert -.

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Job description of a doctor-forensic medical expert

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a forensic doctor.

2. A person with a higher medical education who has completed postgraduate training or specialization in the specialty "Forensic Medical Examination" is appointed to the position of a forensic medical expert.

3. A forensic medical expert must know the legal aspects of conducting forensic medical examinations; the basics of organizing and conducting forensic medical examinations; legal documents regulating the activities of institutions of forensic medical examination; internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

According to his specialty, a forensic medical expert must know modern methods of forensic medical examination; content and sections of forensic medical examination as an independent scientific and practical discipline; tasks, organization, structure, staffing and equipment of the forensic medical examination service; current legal and instructive and methodological documents in the specialty; documentation rules; the procedure for conducting an examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination; principles of activity planning and reporting of the forensic medical examination service; methods and procedures for monitoring its activities.

4. A doctor-forensic medical expert is appointed to the post and dismissed by order of the head of the bureau of forensic medical examination in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The doctor-forensic medical expert directly reports to the head of the department (department), and in his absence to the head of the bureau of forensic medical examination or his deputy.

2. Job responsibilities

Carries out a qualified forensic medical examination, using modern research methods. Provides advisory assistance to employees of other departments of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination in their specialty. Supervises the work of secondary and junior medical personnel subordinate to him (if any), facilitates the fulfillment of his official duties. Controls the correctness of the conduct of forensic medical examinations, the operation of tools, apparatus and equipment, the rational use of reagents, compliance with the rules of safety and labor protection by personnel. Participates in training sessions to improve the skills of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Plans its work and analyzes the performance of its activities. Ensures timely and high-quality paperwork in accordance with established rules. Qualified and timely executes orders, instructions and instructions of the management of the institution, as well as legal acts on his professional activities. Complies with internal regulations fire safety and safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime. Promptly takes measures, including timely informing the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the forensic medical examination bureau, its employees and visitors. Systematically improves his skills.

The doctor-forensic medical expert has the right:

1. to conduct a forensic medical examination in accordance with the current legislation, to involve, if necessary, other specialists for consultations;

2. make proposals to the management of the institution on improving the forensic medical examination, issues of organization and conditions of their work;

3. control the work of subordinate employees (if any), give them orders within their official duties and demand their precise execution, make proposals to the management of the institution on their encouragement or imposition of penalties;

4. request, receive and use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties;

5. to take part in scientific-practical conferences and meetings, which discuss issues related to his work;

6. pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to obtain the appropriate qualification category;

7. to improve their qualifications at refresher courses at least once every 5 years.

A doctor-forensic medical expert enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The medical examiner is responsible for:

1. timely and high-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him;

2. high-quality and timely conduct of forensic medical examinations;

3. organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts on their activities;

4. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety;

5. maintaining the documentation provided for by the current legal documents;

6. providing, in accordance with the established procedure, statistical and other information on their activities;

7. Ensuring compliance with executive discipline and performance of their duties by employees subordinate to him (if any);

8. prompt adoption measures, including timely informing the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the forensic medical examination bureau, its employees and visitors.

For violation labor discipline, legislative and regulatory legal acts, a forensic medical expert can be brought in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the misconduct, to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.




1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the expert "_________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").

1.2. The expert is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The Expert reports directly to the __________ Organization.

1.4. A person with _______ professional education and ____ years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of an expert (without presenting requirements for work experience).

1.5. The expert must know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of research work;

The procedure for issuing expert opinions;

Organization and procedure for conducting research;

Methods for processing and analyzing the results of the examination;

Fundamentals of labor organization;

Basics of labor legislation;

Labor protection rules.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of an expert, his duties are assigned to ____________.


2.1. The expert performs:

Organization of expert and methodological support of research work.

Information-analytical work in order to find new, most appropriate theoretical and practical solutions to problems.

Ensuring the effectiveness and relevance of ongoing research and development.

Development and justification of the direction, goals and objectives of research, methods of its implementation, preparation of the necessary reporting documentation.

Coordination of the activities of co-executors in the joint performance of work with other structural divisions of the Organization.

Providing information and analytical assistance in the process of implementing tasks.

Participation in the examination and review of analytical developments.


The expert has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of the expert's activities.

3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that fall within the competence of an expert.


The expert is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.


5.1. The mode of work of an expert is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the expert is obliged to travel to business trips(including local importance).

This job description has been developed in accordance with _________ __________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document)

AGREED: Legal Counsel ____________ ___________________ (signature) (full name)

"___"__________ ___ G.

Acquainted with the instruction: _____________ ___________________ (signature) (full name)

Job description Deputy Chief Physician for Expert Clinical Work[name of company]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Deputy Chief Physician for Expert Clinical Work belongs to the category of managers and reports directly to [position title of immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person with a higher medical education who has specialized in expert clinical work and has at least [value] years of medical and organizational work experience is accepted for the position of deputy chief physician for expert clinical work.

1.3. The Deputy Chief Physician for Expert Clinical Work is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the position of the head].

1.4. The Deputy Chief Physician for Expert Clinical Work should know:

constitution Russian Federation;

Basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation;

Regulatory documents on clinical and expert work;

medical statistics;

Patriotic and overseas experience clinical and expert work;

Normative legal acts regulating the activities of medical organizations;

Management systems and organization of work in health care;

Population health statistics;

Evaluation criteria and indicators characterizing the state of health of the population;

Organization of medical and social expertise;

Organization of social and medical rehabilitation of patients;

medical ethics;

Psychology of professional communication;

Fundamentals of social hygiene and healthcare organization;

Fundamentals of legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

- [other knowledge].

2. Job responsibilities

Deputy chief physician for expert clinical work:

2.1. Organizes work on quality control of the medical activities of the organization, its divisions and individual specialists.

2.2. He heads the expert clinical commission and provides conditions for its effective work.

2.3. Participates in the development of models of the final results of the activities of the organization, departments and specialists, submits them to the expert clinical commission for approval and implementation.

2.4. Carries out control over the implementation of medical and economic standards for the provision of medical care, the implementation of end-result models, and the examination of temporary disability.

2.5. Participates as a consultant in solving complex expert clinical issues.

2.6. Conducts an analysis of morbidity, including with the loss of temporary disability.

2.7. Analyzes expert-clinical errors, including the examination of temporary disability.

2.8. Interacts with medical and social expert commissions, as well as with medical insurance companies, territorial funds for compulsory medical insurance and social insurance.

2.9. Organizes advanced training of specialists of the organization on issues of expert clinical work, including examination of temporary disability.

2.10. Quarterly organizes medical conferences on the quality of medical care, morbidity, including temporary disability, with an analysis of medical errors.

2.11. Considers patients' appeals on the quality of medical care and examination of temporary disability, vocational guidance and professional suitability.

2.12. Carries out control over the maintenance of medical records, statistical records and reporting on supervised sections of the work.

2.13. Systematically improves professional qualifications.

2.14. Supervises the work of subordinate employees.

2.15. [Other Job Responsibilities].

3. Rights

The Deputy Chief Physician for Expert Clinical Work has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Require the creation of conditions for execution professional duties, including providing necessary equipment, inventory, workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.3. Independently make decisions within their competence and organize their implementation by subordinate employees.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.5. Receive information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.6. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. Control the work of subordinate employees, give them orders within the framework of their official duties and demand their strict execution, make proposals to management for their encouragement or penalties.

3.9. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.10. [Other rights under labor law Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The Deputy Chief Physician for Expert Clinical Work is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of Human Resources

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]



[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

It is a subject whose activity is aimed at identifying violations in the provision of medical care, including its timeliness, the correct choice of preventive, therapeutic, diagnostic and rehabilitation methods, as well as the degree of its effectiveness.

On the regulation of the activities of an expert in the quality of medical care

May carry out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory medical insurance and outside it.

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To date, legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund have not yet been developed, which would establish provisions on experts in the quality of medical care. However, this cannot become an obstacle to the professional activities of these subjects. After all, their legal status adequately reflected in legislative framework compulsory health insurance.

In accordance with paragraphs 27-28 of the FFOMS Letter No. 822 / 30-5 /, an expert may be on the staff of an insurance medical organization. In this case, his relationship with the employer is regulated by the rules Labor Code. If this subject is not staff member, these relations are governed by the norms of civil law.

Basic rights of a medical care quality expert

The main rights and obligations of an expert in the quality of medical care are set out in Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and are also included in labor contract or in the job description.

Medical care quality expert in the CHI system has the right to conduct an examination of the quality of medical care in his main specialty, which is included in the territorial register of experts in the quality of medical care. He has the right to demand from the management of the inspected medical organization all the documentation necessary for the examination and data on the actual material, technical and staffing of the medical institution in order to assess their compliance with the Procedures for the provision of medical care.

Also, this entity has the right to perform the following actions:

  • examine patients of a medical facility;
  • together with the attending physician and the administration to discuss the preliminary results of the ongoing quality assessment;
  • enjoy regulatory legal actsguidelines, clinical protocols, standards of medical care that regulate the issue of examination of the quality of medical care.

may make its own proposals to the management of the medical organization in which the examination was carried out, concerning the issues of improving the quality of medical care. He also has the full right to make proposals related to the development and improvement of regulatory documents regarding the control of the quality of medical care.

What are the responsibilities of a health care quality expert?

The duties of an employee involved in the examination of the quality of medical care include:

  • monitoring the volume of medical care for insured events, by comparing the actual data on those provided to the insured patient medical services with the data that are indicated in the regulatory documents (orders and standards for the provision of medical care);
  • identification of violations in the process of providing medical care, including an assessment of the correctness of the choice of a medical organization, the degree of achievement of the result, and so on;
  • selection of cases for examination of the quality of medical care and justification of the need for its implementation.

If executive medical organization to request to provide information about what regulatory documents are used in the examination, then medical care quality expert in the CHI system v without fail must comply with this request.

He is also obliged to properly prepare and fill out the documentation, as well as be able to analyze and summarize the conclusions on the examination of the quality of medical care. His duties also include the preparation of proposals regarding claims made or lawsuits against a medical institution for compensation for harm that was caused to the insured person.

During the examination, the expert on the quality of medical care must adhere to the rules of medical ethics and deontology, as well as maintain medical secrecy and be responsible for the preservation of medical documents received for temporary use, which, after examination, are returned to the medical organization.

Upon completion of the examination, this subject must analyze its results and familiarize the administration of the medical organization with these results. In case when medical care quality expert is a relative of the patient or took part in his treatment, he is obliged to refuse to conduct an examination.

If the expert is not a member of the staff of a medical insurance company or TF MHI, then the legal norms of Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot be applied to the relations of the parties. His rights and obligations will follow from the contract for the provision of services or a work contract. However, their content will not be significantly different from those set for a full-time examiner.

On changing the requirements for experts in the quality of medical care

Order No. 272 ​​of the MHIF outlines changes in the procedure for maintaining a territorial register of experts in the quality of medical care. In accordance with these changes, the entry in the register about the expert in the quality of medical care will be supplemented with information on the number of examinations conducted by him during the year. Information about re-examinations in which the expert's conclusions were considered unfounded and unreliable will also be posted here.

Those experts in the quality of care who wish to be included in the register must provide additional documents, which include:

  • a copy of the diploma of higher medical education;
  • copies of the specialist's certificate and certificate of accreditation (if any);
  • a copy of the certificate of assignment of the qualification category (if any);
  • a copy of the certificate of training in expert activities in the field of CHI;
  • a copy of a document that confirms the length of service in the relevant medical specialty.

One of the most important changes is that now medical care quality expert may be excluded from the register on the basis of an application from the relevant authority, namely:

  • Department of Roszdravnadzor for the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • professional medical association;
  • public association of medical specialists;
  • insurance medical organization.

Specialist doctors excluded from the register for this reason cannot be re-included in the territorial registers.