What is the best way to buy souvenirs on the beach? Planned income from product sales, profit and profitability of the project. Provision of massage, medical services

The seaside has both advantages and disadvantages. Among the latter, there is a fairly serious competition, regardless of what you decide to do. When choosing beach ones for sale at sea, do not forget that they should be based on creating comfortable conditions for vacationers at reasonable prices.

Trade in drinks and ice cream

Asking yourself the question of what is profitable to trade at sea, you can almost without hesitation immediately answer that, or ranked first among the most popular spa business ideas. These products, perhaps , holidaymakers are ready to buy in any quantity, always and often, regardless of the price. Therefore, a 100% markup will be quite reasonable in this case.

There are two options for running such a business:

  1. Economy
  2. With the attraction of funds

To implement the first, you will need:

  • find a suitable place;
  • rent equipment;
  • find a supplier who will be ready to give you goods for sale.

To start such an activity, large funds will not be needed, and you can even earn very good money, given the one hundred percent profitability. The most significant expense item in this case will be the lease of a trading place, since in the summer season the prices for such "fish" places increase significantly.

Amusement rides

The best business ideas for a resort town are always related to the service sector. Attractions for all age categories are considered one of these areas. Of course, relaxation by the sea is not limited to just lying on the beach. Vacationers will certainly need to do something else, especially in the evening, when the whole family goes out for a walk.

At the same time, it makes no difference whether you decide to install portable or stationary attractions. Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of such entertainment, and it is rather difficult to single out the most popular ones.

While on vacation, people are ready to spend money and you must create conditions under which vacationers will be happy to use your services. If you live in a resort area, consider starting a seasonal business. There are many options - from selling ice cream to opening a hotel.

In the summer, many entrepreneurs have a "dead season" - the business freezes, there is almost no income, clients disappear somewhere. In the fall, everyone will return to the cities, and now it's time to relax, go to the sea and allow yourself to relax and have fun. If you live in a coastal city, your hot season is coming, which is a sin not to take advantage of.

People need your services, and you just have to create an environment in which vacationers are willing to pay for your efforts. The beach business will be profitable if you think things through and prepare in advance. The money earned in the summer will be enough to live comfortably until the next season.

1. Own hotel

A promising business that requires fundamental investment. You will receive income for many years, but first you need to build a fashionable one with comfortable rooms and provide a high level of service.

Construction in our country is not a cheap pleasure, a square meter will cost no less than $ 3,000-4,000. In addition, you need to pay for the purchase of land and the registration of the relevant documents, provide for the costs of staff salaries, utilities etc. The return on such investments will be good, but the full payback will have to wait for several years.

2. Accommodation for rent

In the seaside areas there is always a demand for any kind of housing - from luxury cottages to modest outbuildings with conventional amenities and rooms in city apartments. Vacationers come to the resorts with different financial capabilities, so you can:

  • Rent out your own home. Investments are not needed, but earnings are not more than $ 10 per day.
  • Buy housing for rent. The cost of purchasing square meters will be significant, but you will be able to receive more vacationers.
  • Construct a building specifically for holidaymakers. This option is the most expensive, in many respects similar to opening your own hotel, the business is designed for the long term.

3. Rent (sun loungers, sun loungers, masks, fins)

This method works if you sit on an unequipped pebble beach. If there are sun loungers on the beach, you can rent air mattresses, circles, etc. The hourly rental price should not be high. In areas where surfing conditions are available, training and board rental can be arranged. It is also possible to arrange diving with the appropriate equipment and escorts.

4. Trade in food and beverages

It seems that additional explanations are not needed in this case - shrimps, seeds, ice cream, pies, corn, water, beer ... The margin is up to 300%. A simple and timeless business that requires patience and health to walk on the beach with full bags all day.

Financial costs - about 350 thousand rubles for the purchase of the necessary products, and obtaining permission from the SES. But many private entrepreneurs do without the latter, start with a minimum start-up capital and make a profit - from 20 thousand rubles per month.

5. Massage on the beach

A beach business is only relevant for four months a year, but it can be so lucrative as to keep the entrepreneur alive until next season. To implement some ideas, $ 500-700 is enough.

This way of earning money is suitable for medical students and massage therapists. Starting investments are minimal: a massage table and a tent. You will also need permission from the administration to place a mobile massage parlor... On average, an hour of massage costs between $ 5 and $ 10.

6. Luggage storage

The idea is not new, but on our beaches, luggage storage is still a novelty. The need for a safe place where you can leave money, things, keys and other valuables is obvious, but only 40% of beaches can offer vacationers this simple service.

Sections with storage chambers are installed near water attractions. The beach administration usually does not object to the placement of left-luggage offices and provides a place for free or for a minimal fee. The cost of a cell is about 10 rubles per hour. Investment in the purchase of sections with cameras - 40,000 rubles, operator's salary - 15,000 rubles. per month The investment pays off within one month.

The profit will be even greater if the lockers are equipped with a charger for mobile phones and e-books... Along the way, you can sell the latest newspapers and beach items.

7. Beauty service

This niche is practically not occupied, although on all the beaches of the world vacationers are happy to do hairstyles, temporary tattoos, manicure, etc. It is quite a natural desire to improve appearance must be satisfied. Agree, it's strange to deny people the services they agree to pay for. We suggest considering the following options:

  • Braiding.
  • Temporary henna tattoos.
  • Applying sunscreen.

You can expand the list of services:

  • Rent of paper books.
  • By downloading e-books from the Internet.
  • Recharging gadgets.
  • Taking photographs.

This type of business does not require large financial investments and brings good profits.

8. Vending

Many people prefer to buy drinks, ice cream, beach accessories from vending machines. Equipment for sales is expensive, so this type of business can be recommended to those who already own sufficient capital for development. promising business... The range of goods that can be sold through vending is huge: napkins, plasters, pharmaceuticals and hygiene products, most people prefer to buy without "personal contact" with the seller. At the same time, no one is stopped by the higher price. Many machines will be in demand all year round, such as coffee machines.

9. Hydrozorb

This is a new attraction, but it is hugely popular and never stands idle. Hydrozorb costs about 20,000 rubles, and the purchase pays off in record time. For a month on this entertainment you can earn up to 300,000 rubles.

10. Beach disco

A good end to the day by the sea, there are sure to be found those who want to dance on the sand. Financial investments are quite affordable - about 50,000 rubles. You need to rent a dance floor at a beach cafe and organize a foam party with good music and a DJ. A foam generator costs 30,000 rubles, a special solution - 5,000 rubles.

11. Souvenirs

Everyone wants to bring with them a reminder of a pleasant stay. Shells, starfish, pebbles with holes - all this will be of interest to vacationers, regardless of their level of wealth and education. Small souvenirs-idle ones with the image of the resort are being bought up, not really thinking about the need for such an acquisition. You can earn extra money by selling magnets, cups, key rings and other inexpensive little things that you buy in myriad quantities. Place it on the outskirts of the beach, and in a few days you will be pleasantly surprised by a good profit.

If none of the above methods worked for you, here are some more ideas for creating profitable business on the sea:

  • drawing tattoos with henna and moisture-resistant markers.
  • piercing.
  • sale of various trinkets.
  • barbecue and wine trade.
  • organization of a paid playground.
  • outdoor fitness club.
  • swimming lessons.
  • Shooting gallery
  • Catapult (blob)
    • Difficulties in this case
    • About Flyboard
    • How much money is needed for an attraction
        • Related business ideas:
  • We bring to your attention 6 summer attractions that will definitely bring you profit. Naturally, subject to proper organization, including a good location, the quality of the attraction and the level of work of the operators.

    If you ask an entrepreneur which of the attractions in his mini-park is the most proven and reliable in terms of earning money, then you will surely hear in response - a trampoline - a slide! Indeed, children love trampolines so much, and if it is also with a slide, not a single child can pass by such a miracle.

    Installing a trampoline slide in any crowded place with children will definitely make a profit. It is such a proven business that it can be compared to a bread kiosk.


    How much money do you need for trampolines

    The recipe for success in this matter is extremely simple. A slide trampoline is purchased, costing from 300,000 rubles. Anything that is cheaper, as a rule, does not look very interesting, which means it attracts less attention. The slide should be large, like the trampoline itself, then the children will come to it again and again. During the summer season, some children jump on the same trampoline at least 20 times, and parents leave several thousand rubles for just one attraction. The advantage of the trampoline slide is that it works even in the sleeping areas of the city. The more young families live in the district, the better. For this reason, there are a lot of places to place this attraction. The payback period for a trampoline slide, provided that it is located well, is no more than 2 months.

    Shooting gallery

    Another proven entertainment business of all time is the shooting gallery. First of all, we are talking about a classic, pneumatic dash. In any resort town, on any beach and city park, shooting galleries are constantly in demand. Where there are a lot of tourists, the shooting ranges are constantly packed with arrows.

    How much can you earn by opening a shooting gallery

    The shooting galleries are profitable because they are equally interesting for both men and women. The cost of the game, as a rule, does not exceed 50 rubles, which is an excellent bait. But after all, the case never ends with one shot, so the average client leaves at least 300 rubles in the shooting range.

    How much money do you need to open a shooting gallery

    For a novice entrepreneur, the shooting gallery is attractive because it requires minimal start-up costs. Often, to open a tent with pneumatics requires no more than 100 thousand rubles, and everything invested can pay off in a couple of city celebrations (May 9, youth day).

    Some may think that 5-d rides are out of fashion for a long time. Yes, the excitement is gone, but the business still generates income. Children really like this entertainment, and you can take your parents with you. A 5-d attraction (or 7-d) can be safely called family fun. Unlike real park amusement rides, 5-d cinemas seem completely safe and at the same time bring just as much thrill. In our town (100 thousand inhabitants), for 5 years, starting in spring, they have been exhibiting a 5-D cinema, and in the same place. And they don't complain about attendance. As you do not pass by, you can always see several people waiting in line. The main criterion for success is to update the tracks on time and clients will come again.

    Step-by-step plan for opening a 5-d attraction (or 7-d)

    You can choose two formats of work - stationary, when the attraction is always in one place, and mobile, when the cinema moves through small regional cities and settlements... The first option is good because it requires less hassle and earns on regular customers... However, there is also a minus - over time, entertainment becomes boring, and the cinema begins to bring less profit. The mobile format of work, on the other hand, is more labor-intensive, but the organizer always receives excess profits. Since the arrival of such a wonderful entertainment in any village causes a storm of positive emotions among local residents and there is no end to those who wish for 2-3 days.

    Catapult (blob)

    Perhaps one of the brightest and most exciting beach attractions is the water catapult or blob. Installing such a thing on any beach causes a storm of admiration and crowds of people who want to get adrenaline or just show off in public.

    The attraction consists of only two components: a jump tower and an inflatable cushion, like a trampoline. The length of the cushion (blob) is on average 6 meters, and the width is at least 2.5 m. The flight range from the catapult depends on the height of the fall and the mass of the jumper.

    How much can you earn on a water catapult

    The average price of a jump from a blob is 200 rubles. One client takes no more than 10 minutes, including instructions, preparation, putting on the vest and the jump itself. For one beach day, the attraction can accommodate up to 35 people, thus earning 7000 rubles. Directly the water catapult itself can be purchased on the Internet, and the tower can be ordered at any local factory that welds metal structures.

    Difficulties in this case

    The main difficulty in this case is to "knock out" permission to install the attraction. Depending on who owns a part of the beach, you should contact either the local administration or the owner of the land plot (more precisely, the tenant). You can count on a quick payback of the blob only in resort cities, where there are always a lot of vacationers who are ready to spend money on any entertainment. On city beaches in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, the blob will work no more than a month, due to weather conditions.

    Flyboard rental is a business idea for resort towns. This is a mega-breathtaking novelty that captures the attention of absolutely all vacationers.

    About Flyboard

    Flyboard is a jet water board, which, due to water jet boots, allows you to rise up to 10 meters above the water. The skier can not only climb, but also dive into the water. It looks very cool and unusual. The following video illustrates how the flyboard works:

    The entire system is powered by the jet ski motor. If you install a similar rental in resort town like Yalta or Sochi - there will be no end to those who wish.

    How much can you make on a fluteboard

    The average price for 15 minutes of rental is 3000 rubles. Even if only 5 people use the rental per day, the revenue will amount to 15,000 rubles. For 20 - 25 days of work, you can help out about 350,000 rubles, and in three summer months - more than a million. Although in fact, the income can be 2-3 times more if the number of rentals per day is 10 - 12. The only drawback of the attraction is its price. For a set including a flyboard, boots, a 18m hose, a watercraft connector pipe, you will have to pay at least 250,000 rubles. Plus you will have to purchase a jet ski, which doubles the investment.

    The rides "horizontal bar" and "ladder" are the record holders for collecting net profit on mass festivities. Oddly enough, they are still in demand, although they have not been considered new for a long time. Rides always gather crowds of people, you just have to try to climb the stairs or hold out for a few minutes on the rotating horizontal bar.

    How much can you earn on an attraction

    For one brisk holiday, the costs invested in the purchase of a horizontal bar or stairs can be recouped 2 - 3 times. Rough calculation:

    • Ticket price - 100 rubles. (2 attempts are given)
    • Attempts per day - 200
    • Revenue - 20,000 rubles.

    Even if someone manages to get to the main prize (for example, mobile phone), the organizer still remains in profit.

    Most of the directions in business, one way or another, are associated with seasonal factors. Moreover, the influence is palpable literally in all directions, ranging from retail ending with the service sector. Whether or not to take this factor into account when planning is an individual matter, but what everyone should really think about is the opportunities that open up for an entrepreneur.

    The most favorable season for "quick" money was and remains summer, summer business really makes it possible for a relatively short period of time not only to return investments, plus make good money. Moreover, the options are well suited for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

    On the eve of summer, it's time to think about the possibilities additional earnings and start implementing summer business ideas. Today we'll talk about the most popular ideas for this season. True, in the next article we will consider ideas that are not so popular among the people, but most likely more attractive due to less competition.

    Top 10 ideas

    In the first place is the standard and already banal ice cream trade.

    The popularity of the ice cream trade can hardly be overestimated. Having a certain relationship with the ice cream wholesale base, I can say that literally since May all refrigerators have been disassembled, as, in fact, more or less good places. By the end of May, "ice cream makers" with refrigerators begin to "huddle" literally in every free corner. I can confirm it. The margin for a pack is about 30-40%, the rent for a refrigerator, the place is not high, but there is a big minus, this is competition.

    The pros of trading ice cream

    • - high demand during the season;
    • - high profitability;
    • - small expenses for organizing the idea;
    • - ease of direction.

    Cons of ice cream trading

    • - very high competition
    • - great dependence on weather conditions, location.

    The organization process is as follows:

    • We conclude an agreement with a wholesale base for the sale, rental of a mobile refrigerator.
    • We rent a retail space with the ability to connect to electricity.
    • We agree on a storage location for the refrigerator, equip a trading place. We buy an umbrella, a chair.
    • We issue an IP, optimally. Option with the seller is possible, wage depends on the revenue.

    The second place is occupied by no less trivial trade in draft kvass, beer, and so on.

    By the number of attempts to launch a business draft beer or kvass is second only to ice cream, although in terms of the number of failures this direction, most likely, should be the first among the ideas for the summer. The seeming simplicity of the organization attracts many novice entrepreneurs, but behind the seeming simplicity hides a lot of pitfalls and difficulties:

    Advantages of trade in draft beer, kvass.

    • - high demand;
    • - great profitability of trade;

    Cons of such a business for the summer.

    • - huge competition;
    • - the need for a number of permits;
    • - close attention to such trade on the part of regulatory authorities and the police;
    • - there are always additional costs for the arrangement of the point, as a rule, these are "donations" to the administration or the arrangement of the territory. Practice shows that such investments are higher than investments in the business itself.

    The process of organizing a draft business for the summer:

    • We conclude a lease agreement for a place to carry out activities. Place is a priority, local authorities do not always want to allocate places.
    • We conclude contracts with suppliers, it is optimal to work directly with direct distributors. Often during the high season, wholesalers may not supply beer or kvass; during peak periods, there is often a shortage, especially of draft in kegs.
    • If it was possible to conclude a direct contract, then the distributors themselves offer the rental of all additional equipment. If this "trick" is not successful, then you will have to buy everything, then the lease agreement for the place should be at least three to five years.
    • We hire staff, D. We equip a place for sale, if we are talking simply about portable trade, it will be easier if trade with tables will have to invest money for equipping dry closets.

    The third place is occupied by water balls, zorb.

    Actually, these rides really became popular five years ago, this one and the United States, bringing very good income. But times are changing, now their success is not so obvious.

    Pluses of water balls, zorbs, (about this direction for your own)

    • - small start-up investments;
    • - ease of organization.
    • - high competition;
    • - narrow application, you can offer your services in a very limited number of places.
    • - an ambiguous attitude towards these attractions on the part of the regulatory authorities.

    The organization process is very simple.

    • We buy water balls or zorb. If the place for the attraction is located outside the water mirror, then you will have to buy a special pool for the water balls. A slide is required for a zorb.
    • We negotiate with the local authorities on the provision of services. There is no special agreement, everything is decided in private. Practice shows that it is usually worth negotiating with the district police officer in charge of the selected area.

    The fourth place is trade in cotton candy or submissive.

    The ideas of such a summer business are characterized as highly profitable, for its implementation you need minimum investment... Frankly speaking, I personally do not really like the idea of ​​humility, which I cannot say about cotton candy, wrote about the peculiarities of the organization,.

    The pros of a cotton summer business.

    • - although both ideas relate to the ideas of such a business, but still less seasonal business than the same rides.
    • - small investment into business, and the one-season money-back guarantee is very high.
    • - the demand for the product is not so strongly dependent on the weather.

    Cons of cotton, popcorn business.

    • - high competition;
    • - not always tolerant attitude of the regulatory authorities. The same CEC is not always delighted with such a portable trade.

    Seasonal business organization process

    • We are looking for a place, we conclude a lease agreement with the local authorities;

    • We hire a person or stand behind the counter ourselves. We issue an individual entrepreneur and, of course, pay attention to UTII, by the way, before you start paying, look at the place of business.

    The fifth business option for the summer is organizing shooting galleries.

    In the ranking of the most popular businesses in the summer, the organization of the shooting gallery became, I would say, the most popular idea in 2012 and 2013. Moreover, the shooting galleries began to be organized very different, ranging from darts on balloons, to a completely non-trivial crossbow shooting gallery. Regardless of the chosen form, they all have the same advantages and disadvantages.

    • - ease of organization;
    • - small investments;
    • - high profitability.
    • - shooting gallery is 100% seasonal business;
    • - increased safety requirements;
    • - limited demand.

    Shooting gallery organization process

    • We find a good and most importantly "big" place. The shooting gallery will not fit in a couple of squares;
    • We conclude an agreement and at the same time "negotiate" with the local precinct;
    • We buy necessary equipment, it is worth noting that the contract must be concluded for several years at once. Often the shooting range does not pay off for the season;
    • We hire personnel, arrange individual entrepreneurship and purchase prizes.

    Trampolines are in sixth place.

    Trampolines are a purely seasonal business and operate exclusively in season, they have a stable demand and income. I don’t undertake to call this option of my business highly profitable. Due to the high competition, the revenue of trampolines has decreased by 2-3 times compared with the indicators of three years ago. At the same time, this option of a simple and easy business with seasonal earnings, subject to a full point, is very a good option additional earnings.

    • - ease of organization;
    • - low costs for the maintenance of the point;
    • - stable demand.
    • - most of the "running" places are already taken;
    • - the project payback period is at least two years. True, the service life of the trampoline is much longer, so that starting from the second season you can get a stable profit without any "troubles";
    • - high injury hazard. Children are mobile people, and their arms and legs are often broken. According to statistics, similar emergencies occur on each trampoline at least once a year.

    The process of organizing a sweet potato business is standard, the main thing is to have a good place. The main nuances are two factors:

    1. First, a high risk of injury makes the business quite risky and requires constant attention from the employee. I strongly advise against taking "grandmothers" as ticket sellers.
    2. The second is control over the ticket seller. It is very difficult to control an employee, so initially it is necessary to think over a remuneration system taking into account the specifics.

    Seventh place is the sale of magnets and souvenirs.

    This trading option is perhaps one of the most successful of the traditional, popular summer small business ideas. Every year, vacationers buy the same souvenirs, magnets and other trinkets in the "memory" of their vacation. Moreover, buying this year, we continue to buy them. It is worth noting that this particular type of product has one small feature, a huge mark-up, it is quite easy to check it, look at how much resort souvenirs cost in your hometown. De facto, the average mark-up for souvenir products is about 200-300%.

    The pros of seasonal trading.

    • - high profitability;
    • - high demand.

    Cons of resort trade .

    • - a limited number of trading places;
    • - big competition;
    • - dependence on the factor of weather and a good season.

    The process of organizing such a seasonal business

    • We rent a trading place
    • , we take UTII
    • We buy souvenirs or magnets. Before starting a business, be sure to plan what you will trade (a necessary thing). You can decorate your shop in very different ways and the more creative, unusual it looks, the more likely it is to attract a tourist. Remember, a tourist is like a crow, throwing himself at everything shiny. I myself become the same on vacation.

    Eighth place is the sale of coffee and a variety of fast food.

    The appearance in the summer of such booths or millet of portable trade is simply amazing, although recently this direction of trade has become less popular. Successful owners of such outlets are trying to expand their business and open stationary outlets, gradually pushing out the "bushes". All the main pros and cons are similar to the souvenir trade, but there are also some peculiarities. In particular, no matter how they say, the requirements of buyers are gradually growing, preferring more civilized ways to eat. Plus, the requirements from the controllers are growing, which turns into the need to invest significant amounts of money in point equipment. As a result, starting from scratch becomes more and more difficult and only those who have been engaged in such activities for several years remain in business.

    The ninth place is trade in fruits and vegetables.

    Summer is not only a holiday season, it is also a time of a seasonal surge in trade in fresh fruits and vegetables, as a result, the opportunity to make money looks very tempting. The situation with portable fast food is duplicated here, five or seven years ago one could make good money on such a business. But now times have changed, most of the good trading places are already taken. If in the early 2000s it was easy to buy wholesale vegetables, come to a large city and sell it at retail, then by 2005 most of the places of retail trade were occupied by traders with permanent registration (local). True, there were still opportunities for wholesale trade, purchased in places of cultivation, and then at wholesale markets resold. Now this scheme stops working, most local entrepreneurs either go to buy themselves, or negotiate with regular suppliers. Of course, it is possible to make money on such a summer business, but for this it is worth "knocking out" a trading place for yourself and doing retail sales on your own. How realistic is this? To be honest, it all depends on your luck of opportunities to find and equip your trading place.

    Tenth place - tattooing, braiding, massage chairs.

    There are a lot of variations of such business ideas for the summer, we are talking about small services provided to vacationers and working exclusively in the season. The advantages are obvious, high profitability, low cost of doing business, ease of organization. But the disadvantages are just as obvious, you need to come to an agreement with the local authorities, regardless of whether you have earned money or not, you need to pay rent, and so on. Plus, most importantly, this business requires personal skill from the owner, so if you want to make money in this way, then it is worthwhile to study the basics of the chosen direction right now.

    Actually, this is where a dozen of the most popular summer business ideas end, though. when I wrote popular, I did not mean successful, we will talk about original and, from my point of view, promising seasonal ideas in the following articles. And regarding the listed ideas, each of them can become profitable business, but under one main condition, if you are able to find a suitable trading place. Exactly location is the key to success in all of the listed summer business ideas

    In contact with


    People living near recreation areas have a great opportunity to earn money in the summer. Any business ideas at sea related to ensuring the comfort of vacationers are relevant.

    The benefits are clear: the mark-up in retail and services ranges from 150%. But the competition is also high.

    You need original ideas to stand out.

    Trade in food and beverages

    You can sell any product:

    • baked goods of our own production;
    • fruits and juices;
    • kvass, beer;
    • ice cream;
    • cold drinks.

    First of all, you need to agree on a place. Who exactly depends on the situation.

    Usually we are talking about sublease or spontaneous trade.

    Local authorities are transferring plots of land for use for summer cafes and other relatively large establishments. And then, after lengthy agreements, often lasting for months.

    For the sale of drinks or ice cream, it is necessary to buy or rent a trade showcase or freezer (the price of both is about 30 thousand rubles).

    Item on short term it is quite possible to take it under implementation.

    In the worst case, you will have to take out a loan to buy it.

    If funds allow, it is worth purchasing an apparatus for making ice cream, frozen juice and yoghurts (60 thousand rubles).

    You can supplement the farm with a coffee machine (45 thousand rubles), and place several tables in the open air nearby (a set of table and 4 chairs costs 3 thousand rubles).

    Of particular interest for aspiring entrepreneurs is the sale of food (juices and waters, boiled corn, buns) on the beach.

    The activity is, in fact, illegal. But due to the lack of a trading place, it is very difficult to bring violators to justice.

    Portable sweets

    Most tourists go to the sea "savage". Therefore, the issue of food and snacks in the recreation area is mega-relevant.

    Offshore business ideas relate to trade:

    • popcorn;
    • cotton candy;
    • donuts;
    • pies.

    All such options are budgetary and do not require special investments. It is assumed that you need to buy one device.

    For example, the price of equipment for making popcorn or cotton candy is 12 thousand rubles.

    If you start preparing for the summer season in advance, you can rent or buy used equipment.

    Trade in non-product group goods

    Leaving on vacation, people try to stock up on everything they need in advance. But not everyone is well organized.

    In the resort area, they always sell well:

    • swimwear;
    • bijouterie;
    • towels, sun umbrellas, protective creams;
    • small things - combs, razors, toothbrushes, wet wipes.

    Many people want to keep souvenirs about their summer holidays as a souvenir.

    Portable souvenir trade is a very profitable business.

    Seasonal profitability is about 200%, with the largest mark-up being made on the cheapest goods.

    The organization of such activities does not present any difficulties. It is enough to agree on a place for placing the counter.

    Organization of attractions

    Vacationers want to have an interesting time. In summer, any stationary and portable attractions are relevant.

    Among them:

    • pneumatic, archery, crossbow and dart shooting ranges;
    • cars, velomobiles;
    • roller rental;
    • trampolines;
    • slides;
    • alpine parks;
    • production of medallions and coins.

    Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    For a budding entrepreneur with no start-up capital, budget portable ride ideas such as throwing darts over balloons are suitable.

    In the summer, ideas for classes with both children and adults are good.

    Paid playgrounds and entertainment with animators are in demand.

    It's a good idea to organize foam discos. For its implementation, initial investments are required at the level of 50 thousand rubles. and an agreement with a summer restaurant to use its dance floor.

    Expenses: foam generator - 30 thousand rubles; soap solution- 4 thousand rubles. for a 15 liter canister.

    With a workload of 100 visitors and a ticket price of 150 rubles. the income from the venture will be 15 thousand rubles. for each disco. The investment will pay off in two weeks.

    Extraordinary entertainment with extreme elements

    There are many interesting ideas.

    An example is the organization of hang-gliding flights.

    Among the water attractions, the most popular are jet skiing and water skiing.

    A quieter activity is fishing from a boat or boat.

    Each of these options requires start-up capital. But the purchased equipment pays for itself quickly.

    For example, the cost of a jet ski (45 thousand rubles) is returned to its owner as a profit in just two months of operation.

    True, all such types of activities require certain skills, physical fitness and dexterity from the entrepreneur.

    Acting at his own peril and risk, he is responsible for the harm caused to the client.

    Land-based entertainment options seem much less risky:

    • horse rides;
    • photographing with exotic animals;
    • costume parties in nature;
    • tourist trips.


    The influx of holidaymakers in the summer creates an exuberant demand for conventional services.

    Offshore business ideas can be about applying their own professional skills and abilities.

    Mega-in demand:

    • massage therapists;
    • cosmetologists;
    • masters of manicure and pedicure;
    • makeup artists;
    • hairdressers.

    How to make money in the summer for a professional?

    Purely summer services are especially popular in recreation areas - weaving of African braids, henna tattoos.

    Practice shows that the cost of the services of craftsmen in these areas in the season is at least threefold. On own business you can earn up to 15 thousand rubles. per month.

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