Cotton candy machine: special models for business. Cotton candy business Where cotton candy machines are produced

Not only children, but also adults all over the world love to feast on cotton candy. That is why the business of making this delicious product is very popular today. But in order for it to bring you profit, you need to purchase special equipment for the production of cotton candy, and also understand how to cook it correctly.

Where can you sell cotton candy

First of all, if you want to become a millionaire using this product, you need to think about where in your city you will sell cotton candy. Of course, it is quite logical to sell it in zoos, circuses, theaters, cafes, children's stores. This product will be great for those places where people like to relax with the whole family. But remember that cotton candy is a seasonal product that is best sold during the warmer months.

What you need to start production, except for the purchase of devices

In addition to the fact that you will need a special apparatus for the production of cotton candy, the choice of which we will talk about a little later, you must also find a suitable room. According to the legislation, there are no special requirements for cotton candy manufacturers regarding what kind of premises should be used for production.

Therefore, you can choose just one that will be most suitable for placing all the necessary machines and devices in it. It is important that there is a sufficiently good passability. Remember that cotton candy is a very delicate product. Also, make sure there is low humidity and adequate ventilation.

Will the purchase of expensive equipment for the production of cotton wool pay off?

To launch such a business, you will need to invest about 95-170 thousand rubles. They will be distributed approximately in the following way: equipment for the production of cotton candy - from 35 to 100 thousand rubles, the purchase of the necessary devices (generator, tent) - from 60 to 70 thousand rubles.

At the same time, remember that you will also have monthly expenses, which will include the salaries of employees, renting premises, purchasing the necessary raw materials. One portion of the finished product costs an average of 100 rubles. You will most likely be able to sell about 50-60 servings per shift. That is, daily earnings will amount to 5-6 thousand rubles. The cost of each portion is 1.8 rubles.

You also need to take into account that you will have to pay salaries to employees and pay rent for the premises on a monthly basis. In total, it turns out that in warm weather (about 5 months a year), minus cloudy, rainy days, your income per month will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Apparatus for the production of cotton candy

The very first machine for creating this tasty product in the CIS countries was produced by the Belarusian company "Torgmash". It was her Focus machine. Despite the fact that it was created a long time ago, even today it is considered one of the most popular and high-quality ones.

It has a white catcher made of durable aluminum with a diameter of about 66 cm. The main feature of this unit is the fact that sugar is heated here not on a spiral, but on a special ring heating element. Thus, the device is reliable. In addition, there are also comfortable handles, an electronic adjustment knob, a protection system, and clamps.

If you trust foreign technology more, then you should pay attention to the products of the Gold Metal company. It is characterized by high strength, reliability, good performance characteristics. Also of particular popularity is the Econo Floss model, which is small in size, but at the same time has a fairly high performance. It is capable of processing from 3.6 to 4.5 kg of sugar per hour, which is considered a fairly good indicator. The price of such a device is from 35 thousand rubles, which is an economical option.

Do you want your productivity to be even higher? Then you should get the Tornado model. It is produced in the United States. With its help, you can cook from 5.4 to 8.5 kg of cotton candy per hour. This device on the territory of Russia costs about 100 thousand rubles and is considered one of the most expensive.

During summer holidays, cotton candy is in great demand: both children and adults love it. And if for children the process of making cotton candy is just entertainment, then some adults are seriously thinking about opening such a business.

To start selling cotton candy, you need to think through every detail to the smallest detail. The main issues that need to be addressed at the initial stage will be:

  1. Purchase of the necessary equipment.
  2. Search for a suitable place where the outlet will be installed.

In addition to these questions, you will need:

  • Checkout the official documentation.
  • Study the production technology of this product.
  • Find suitable products to be used for making cotton wool.
  • And, of course, calculate in detail how much money will be required to open your own business, after what period of time they will pay off, and how much profit will be obtained in the end.


Cotton candy is a food product. To sell it, you must go through the procedure for issuing a list of official documents and obtain permission. The main part of the documents is issued by the sanitary and epidemiological authority.

To obtain permission to this service, you must provide the following documents:

  • Medical book of the person who will sell cotton wool. If there are several sellers, then medical books will be required for each of them.
  • An agreement concluded with an organization specializing in
  • An agreement with an organization that will supply the outlet with electricity.

You will also need to contact the city council to obtain a trade permit. The validity period of such documents is exactly one year, but if necessary, it can be extended.

Manufacturing and selling cotton candy as a business - tips and tricks in this video:

Choosing a place for a sales outlet

Beginning entrepreneurs need to take into account that 99% of the profits from the product being sold depends precisely on where the outlet is located.

To sell cotton candy, you need to choose places where there is a continuous flow of people. Ideal options for this could be:

  • Park recreation area.
  • City Beach.
  • Exhibition.
  • The premises of the circus or zoo.
  • Buffet.
  • City amusement park.

Another ideal location is a moving amusement park with attractions. As a rule, when arriving in a certain city, such parks remain in it for about two weeks.

In order to be able to sell a large amount of cotton candy during their stay in your city, you will need to agree in advance with the management of the amusement park. This will allow you to get much more profit than when trading in a regular city park.

Such contracts are beneficial not only to entrepreneurs who sell their products on the territory of amusement parks, but also to their management. Many children are attracted to the park not only by an interesting attraction, but also by your cotton candy.

Thus, the presence of various goodies on the territory where the attractions are held makes the attractions themselves more in demand.

Installation site requirements

The apparatus for the production of air wool can be placed both outdoors and in any room. In the latter case, it is necessary to take into account that the humidity in the room should not be too high - this can lead to sticking of cotton wool and loss of its presentation.

If there is no possibility of supplying electricity to the outlet, you should take care of buying a generator. It will also not be superfluous to purchase a protective dome that prevents dust from entering the drum.

What equipment to choose for the production of cotton wool?

Selection and purchase of equipment

When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to its manufacturer. A domestic-made apparatus will cost significantly less, but the quality of cotton wool made on such equipment is much inferior to imported models.

The disadvantage of domestic devices is the frequent formation of blockages in boilers. This leads to the combustion of sugar and the production of low-quality cotton wool.

Therefore, a more appropriate solution would be to invest financial resources in the purchase of imported devices - they are easy to maintain and produce high quality cotton wool.

Cost and types of equipment

Currently, such devices are offered by different manufacturers. This allows you to choose more expensive or, on the contrary, cheaper models.

So, some of them cost about $ 200, but if you wish, you can purchase it at a higher price, for example, for $ 1,500. How much does the equipment for the production of lavash cost - read

For example, consider several models from different manufacturers:

  • ECONO is currently one of the most popular devices. This device from an American manufacturer has a fairly compact size (65:65:40 cm), and a relatively low cost ($ 780). The performance of the cotton candy machine is about 400 portions per hour. The power of this device is 1.2 kW.
  • USV-5 PONY - the unit from the Ukrainian manufacturer differs in a significantly low cost ($ 250). Its size is 350: 410: 460 cm. Productivity - up to 100 portions per hour, power - 1.25 kW.
  • CM 001 is a device from the PRC manufacturer. Size - 700: 700: 520 cm, cost - $ 275. The productivity of this machine is about 150 portions per hour, the power is 1.2 kW.
  • TTM is a machine from a Russian manufacturer. Its size is 660: 660: 500 cm, cost - $ 710, productivity - about 150 portions per hour, power - 1.45 kW.

Dyes, sugar and cotton candy

The advantage of modern machines lies in the possibility of preparing not the usual, familiar to everyone, white cotton, but a colored and aromatic delicacy. So, if you want to sell attractive and unusual at appearance cotton wool with cherry, raspberry or orange flavor, food coloring is required.

The cost of one 500-gram pack of dye good quality- $ 15-40. But such a jar is enough for 50 kg of sugar, which is as much as 5000 servings.

The cost of the sticks on which cotton wool is wound depends on their type. So, for children, you can prepare sticks in the shape of a cone with drawings, for example, a clown.

The cost of 1000 pieces of such products will be $ 29. Regular cardboard sticks can be purchased for $ 25.5 per pack containing 1000 pieces. You can also use plastic cocktail sticks - 1000 pieces will cost only $ 10.

One serving of cotton candy requires 7 to 20 grams of sugar, depending on the serving size. It takes about 1 kg of sugar to make 50-60 servings.

Production business plan

To launch a cotton candy business will require approximately 95-170 thousand rubles. Their distribution scheme is approximately the following:

  1. Apparatus for making cotton wool - 35 - 100 thousand rubles.
  2. A tent, a gasoline generator, a dome, or a trolley for transporting the device around the city - 60-70 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur will spend per month:

  • The salary of two sellers is 75 thousand rubles.
  • Premises rental - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Accountant services - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Raw materials and expendable materials- 3 thousand rubles.

The total is 93 thousand rubles. You can learn how to draw up a business plan yourself

How to draw up a cotton candy business plan?

Let's assume:

  • One machine produces 200 portions per hour.
  • The second is 350.
  • A portion of cotton wool costs 100 rubles.
  • One tent per day sells products for 5-6 thousand rubles.
  • One unit produces 50 to 60 portions per day.

To develop this number of servings, you will need:

  • 1 - 1.2 kg of sugar.
  • 50-60 sticks.
  • 8-9 gr. additives.

It should be noted that trading will not be carried out for several days a month for any reason (for example, due to cloudy weather).

When calculating the estimated monthly profit, you should also take into account the payment of taxes. On average, the profit per month before their payment will be from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

So, it is possible to recoup the initial investment in the business in about 3-5 months, even with the very minimum profit.

Business advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this type of business include:

  • Small start-up capital.
  • The opportunity to recoup the initial investment, and at the same time earn in excess of the invested funds already in the first season of work.
  • Ease of business organization.


  • The ability to earn only during the warm season.
  • Potential presence of competitors.
  • The need to find places for trade.

Cotton candy production technology

No special knowledge or education is required for the preparation of cotton wool. Its production technology is quite simple.

  1. A small amount of sugar is poured into the hole located in the center of the container.
  2. In a preheated container, the sugar begins to melt, and the constant rotation and action centrifugal force helps to spray molten sugar through the holes in the drum of the apparatus.
  3. The seller just needs to wind the cotton on a stick, forming a ball, and sell the finished product to the buyer.

How much can you earn from the production of cotton candy - see this video:

As a rule, the difficulties arising in the process of establishing this type of activity are associated with the choice of an aggregate for the preparation of cotton wool. Experienced entrepreneurs who sell it recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Russian and Ukrainian equipment leaves much to be desired. When choosing Chinese cars, you must carefully check the information declared by the manufacturer.
  • The purchase can be considered successful if you manage to get a Chinese device with high performance for a relatively low cost.
  • It is best to opt for American devices - they have good performance, but most of these machines are very expensive. Therefore, such a purchase will be advisable only if you plan to sell cotton wool in a fairly crowded point and make very large volumes of sales.

It is quite easy to implement a business idea for the sale of cotton candy, and this type of activity, with a good choice of a place of trade, can bring a good profit.

Due to the easy transportation of the cotton wool maker, you can easily change the place of sale if necessary. And trade indoors will allow you to make a profit not only in the summer season, but also throughout the year.

The production and sale of cotton candy is a great and inexpensive business idea for many start-up entrepreneurs with little capital. One of the main benefits of cotton candy is that it is loved by children, teenagers, and many adults.

Opening a point of sale of cotton candy: requirements

To date, there are no special requirements for the premises where cotton candy can be sold. Trade can be easily organized even outdoors.

But the regulatory authorities require that the equipment, as well as the raw materials used, meet all quality requirements and have the appropriate certificates.

If the sale of cotton candy will take place indoors, it must be dry, so that the finished product does not start to stick together, and also have ventilation. Spaces such as a buffet, cafeteria or dining room are suitable choices.

One of the benefits of using the premises Catering- there is no need to issue permits.

One of the requirements for a retail outlet is a source of running water, as well as a small storage room in which the equipment could fit.

To the point of sale of cotton candy, it is necessary to conduct paths for supplying electricity or, if possible, buy an autonomous generator.

Point of sale of cotton candy

As stated above, cotton candy is the most popular summer treat for children, young people and many adults. Therefore, it is beneficial to locate a retail outlet in places with high traffic, for example: planetariums, parks, cinemas and playgrounds.

In the case of placing a retail outlet in the open air, sanitary services require a tent or a dome.


To effectively and profitably organize a cotton candy business, you will need to buy the following equipment:

  • apparatus for making cotton candy;
  • raw materials from which cotton candy will be created;
  • tent or dome to protect the device from dust and light product "leakage".

If the business will be organized mainly in the open air, a mobile cart for the apparatus for making cotton candy will be needed. The apparatus for the production of cotton candy can be purchased for a price ranging from eight to thirty-five thousand rubles.

Making cotton candy

Cotton candy is produced from ordinary refined granulated sugar. Perfect for both beetroot and cane.

To create one serving of cotton wool, you need two teaspoons of granulated sugar (about twenty grams of sugar).

Spoons of sugar are poured deep into the drum into a special small-sized depression.

After that, the apparatus starts up, and the granulated sugar begins to melt, forming at this time a small cobweb gathering next to the sides of the groove.

While the "cobweb" obtained from granulated sugar is being sprayed, it must be collected on a wooden or plastic stick.

To remove the remains of cotton candy, the device should be periodically warmed up.

It should be noted that cotton candy can be produced not only "at the request of the buyer", but also in reserve, selling it through small retail stores.

To attract more customers, you can use a variety of color dyes or flavors approved by the sanitary authorities.

Required Documentation

Based on the fact that cotton candy is a food product, its implementation will require the execution of a number of documents and obtaining permits from the regulatory authorities.

In particular:

  1. The seller must have a health book.
  2. The presence of an agreement with the organization supplying electricity.
  3. Conclusion of a garbage collection agreement.

You will also need to obtain permits from local authorities for the sale of cotton candy. A document is issued for one year with the possibility of extension.

Business plan: expenses and income from the sale of cotton candy

For the successful development of any business idea, an accurate calculation of the ratio of operating costs and revenue is required.

Cost of one serving of cotton candy

After calculating the cost of one serving of cotton candy, you can calculate the possible level of revenue.

Gross proceeds

Name Resort Playgrounds and parks (weekend) Transport interchanges (close to attractions)
Sales volumes 2 400 pieces 243 pieces 1 120 pieces
Cost price 6.3 rubles 6.3 rubles 6.3 rubles
Working hours 8 ocloc'k 9 o'clock 8 ocloc'k
Sales per hour 10 pieces 3 pieces 7 pieces
Working days per month 30 days 9 days 20 days
Price 40 rubles 40 rubles 40 rubles
Revenue RUB 96,000 RUB 9 720 RUB 44 800
Waste 15 120 rubles 1,530.9 rubles 7 056 rubles

Based on the above presented system of income and expenses, it is possible to determine the possible level of net profit.

  1. Income from the sale of goods in parks: 78 570 rubles. - 11 688.3 rubles. - 3,000 rubles. (rent) = 63 881.7 rubles.
  2. Net profit from the sale of cotton candy in the area of ​​attractions: 92 800 rubles. - 14,272 rubles. - 4,000 rubles. (rent) = 74 528 rubles.
  3. Profit at the resorts: 264,000 rubles. - 40 464 rubles. - 30,000 rubles. (rent) = 193 536 rubles.

Summing up, we can conclude that a business is capable of generating considerable profits, and is capable of providing one hundred percent return in the first month. The total cost of starting a business is on average from twenty five to fifty thousand Russian rubles, depending on the personal preferences of the businessman, as well as the level of initial capital.

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One of better ways development of a larger base of buyers is the system of remuneration of the seller - the use of a bonus program.

In other words, a minimum monthly salary is established, to which a certain percentage of profit is accrued in the form of a bonus.

Another equally effective way to attract customers is to create cotton candy using all kinds of dyes and geometric shapes. For example, you can create cotton candy in the form of all sorts of colors, and with sufficient dexterity of hands and silhouettes, recognizable animals and hearts. It all depends solely on the imagination and personal desire of the seller.


In conclusion, there are many advantages to starting a cotton candy business. A business idea like this is a great opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have significant in cash and do not have highly specialized knowledge.

The device for creating products is easily carried (transported) from place to place, which makes it possible to choose any convenient location. The only drawback of this type of business is seasonality. However, it can also be "bypassed" by arranging small outlets in parks, playgrounds and near points of interest in the case of a spa town.

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Video on the topic

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Cotton candy is everyone's favorite treat since childhood. In structure, it resembles ordinary cotton wool, hence its name. It is made from ordinary sugar, which is poured into a special apparatus for the quick production of cotton candy. The finished product can be sold in many crowded places, for example:

  • cafe for children;
  • buffets in the circus;
  • city ​​parks;
  • shopping malls;
  • amusement parks;
  • children's playgrounds.

The most important thing for such a business is the availability of high traffic. A good opportunity to ensure a high level of sales is during city holidays, festivities or other large-scale events. The more machines for the production of cotton candy will be installed in the city, in different districts, the easier it will be to understand where it is most profitable to sell.

Cotton candy business equipment

Now we will find out what equipment you need to buy to start the production of cotton candy, which you will need:

  1. cotton candy production machine;
  2. protective cover (for dust protection);
  3. equipment trolley (if the point of sale is mobile).

Any machine for making cotton candy consists of such elements as a body, which contains a motor and a heating element, as well as a bowl... In the center of the working bowl there is a working head, sugar is poured into its small depression for cooking.

When you press the power buttons, the engine starts and the heating element is heated. The working central element of the apparatus, where the raw material is located, starts to move. The sugar heats up and starts to spray onto the surface of the bowl, passing through the small holes in the head.

As a result, due to the rapid rotation of the working head, the sugar turns into light fleecy stripes consisting of fine hairs. The employee string them on a plastic or paper stick, which he moistens in water in advance. Gradually the resulting cotton cocoon becomes more and more and is brought to the required size. The raw materials themselves can be safely mixed with food additives and dyes. Thus, you can get cotton candy with different tastes and different colors which will surely attract little buyers.

Basically, equipment of different brands and models differs in the size of the bowl and the volume of output per unit of time. In order to choose the right apparatus for the private production of cotton candy, when buying, you should pay attention to the volume and rate of production for this equipment (kg / h), the heating rate and the size of the bowl (mm). A cotton candy business machine may include:

  • cover;
  • catcher;
  • cart.

Today there is a huge assortment of models of such machines, which can be selected depending on the price and on the speed and volume of production. finished products... For example, we present a table of machines for the production of cotton wool from different companies, which can be conditionally divided into three categories. You can see how different in terms of prices and operating parameters the equipment for a given business can be.

Cotton candy production technology for business

Raw materials for making cotton candy:

  1. Regular granulated sugar (you can use beet or cane sugar), which is easy to buy at any store.
  2. Flavors and colorants natural origin... These are all sold in stores and are approved for use in food preparation. You can create your own unique tastes and colors, and the machine for making such cotton candy will only embody interesting ideas into a real product.

To prepare one portion, take one tablespoon of sugar, this is 20-25 grams, and pour it into the apparatus, more precisely in the center of its drum, so as not to spill anything past, there is a depression. The machine turns on, heats up, and the sugar gradually melts and swells. A thin web is formed, which is distributed along the sides. This is the product; it is assembled by winding it on some kind of rod (plastic or wooden). Cotton wool can be consumed immediately, or it can be packed in plastic bags and stored for a certain time. This equipment can be used to sell cotton wool in retail network shops and supermarkets that will good option business expansion.

Undoubtedly selling cotton candy - profitable business... But in order for the business to bring a stable profit, it is necessary from the very beginning to choose the right device that suits you specifically. What aspects should you pay attention to first of all?

Manufacturer country

This is one of the most important criteria. Indeed, the price and very often the quality will depend on where the device is made. Here you can buy machines for the production of cotton candy from the following countries:

  • Of Russia
  • United States of America,
  • China,

Some of the most popular are devices from the United States: they are capable of performing large volumes of work in a very short time. The performance of such machines, as a rule, ranges from 4.5 to 8.5 kilograms per hour (each model has its own performance, this parameter can always be checked on our website). Therefore, those looking to serve crowded parks and events often opt for American products. Devices from Russia have also proven themselves in quality, the volume of products they produce is from 3 to 5 kilograms per hour, but the quality of cotton wool is slightly worse. But prices are much lower than American ones. Chinese and Taiwanese cars are also not very productive (up to 3 kilograms), but they can also boast of build quality and an acceptable price. Russian products with low output volumes, as well as similar products from China and Taiwan, are in demand among small entrepreneurs.

A heating element

There are two types of heaters for melting sugar - and in the form of a spiral. The latter makes caramel much faster - in less than half a minute. But on the other hand, it gets dirty more quickly, and it breaks down much more often. The advantage of the ring heater is that it is enough to warm it up to remove the remaining sugar, but the spiral must be washed at the very end of the work. Where there is a large flow of buyers and there is a risk of long queues, often use heating elements. Where the flow of buyers is distributed fairly evenly throughout the day (for example, in shopping centers), and where the speed of heating the apparatus is important, it is better to use a spiral apparatus

Working head

There are two types of devices - with the output of cotton wool upward, like in Chinese and Taiwanese models, and with a side outlet, like in American models. The top outlet is very convenient, it allows you to wind up large beautiful portions, as well as make cotton wool in the form of flowers and other shapes, even a beginner can work on such a device. Also, on these devices, cotton wool usually turns out to be a little more fluffy, but they also have a major drawback - they are not designed for high performance and cannot cope with a large flow of people and huge queues. With severe overheating, these devices can often become clogged with unused sugar and even simply stop dispensing cotton wool. Another significant drawback is the long heating time, about 3 minutes, in some cases this is critical. On the other hand, side-dispensing machines heat up quickly and are able to work for many hours in a row without interruption, but it is more difficult to cook cotton wool on them, especially if you wind up large portions of cotton wool. But, nevertheless, it is these devices that are considered professional and serve as a quality standard all over the world. At good points with high traffic, for example, in circuses, zoos, at public events, they are used.

Bowl for catching threads

Here you should pay attention, first of all, to the material of the trap: it is made either metal or plastic. The metal lasts longer, but increases the overall cost of the apparatus. The plastic bowl is most often found on cheaper models, but it requires a more careful attitude, because may be damaged during transportation. The recommended bowl diameter for ease of use is more than 50 centimeters if speed is required in servicing.

Electricity consumption

The engine of machines for making cotton candy is powered by electricity and its power also plays an important role in the choice. If you have a small stream of customers, then you should not take a multi-power device that produces from 4 to 8, or even more, kilograms of product per hour. Its maintenance costs will be very high. In this case, it is best to buy a car up to 1.5 kilowatts, which will produce from 2 to 3 kilograms per hour.

Availability of additional accessories

On the one hand, these items seem insignificant, but you can't do without them - for quality work, of course. For example, if you have a device with lateral dispensing of cotton wool, then you should equip it with a mesh with holders for stabilization. This element will allow the sugar threads to stick to the walls of the catcher and not fly out of the apparatus. The presence of a lid on the bowl is also important - it will protect the resulting cotton wool from dust, rain and insects and will help maintain the aesthetic appearance of the machine itself. When working outdoors, a protective dome is a must SES requirement... If you have a small device that needs to be moved frequently, you can equip it with a trolley. You can also equip a portable hood to eliminate the smell of burnt sugar if the device is in a shopping center.

What equipment do we offer

On our website you can order the following equipment:

  • for medium workload - Floss Boos and EX Breeze from Gold Medal;
  • for light workload - EF-MF-03 and EF-MF-05 (Starfood), Twister-M (ТТМ), WY-MF03 (GASTRORAGE), CC-7E (ENIGMA);
  • for high performance (up to 5 kg) - Focus M2 (ТТМ).

All the details regarding the equipment and ordering conditions can be obtained from the consultants on our website. Leave your phone number and we will call work time to discuss all issues.