The strangest offers in business. Interesting business ideas. Mushroom furniture

It's no secret that the first step in starting your own business is choosing a business idea. And this first step is one of the most important: the success of your business depends on how correct it is. Among the huge number existing options ideas for starting your own business, you need to find one that will be really interesting to you and suitable in terms of the amount of initial investment. Also an important criterion is the uniqueness or dissimilarity of your business to any other. The presence of a zest in the project, some feature that allows it to be remembered and attract attention, will undoubtedly be a huge advantage for you.

In pursuit of these goals, the most sophisticated entrepreneurial minds use all their imagination to come up with the most amazing business idea possible.

We bring to your attention a selection of 15 of the most unusual and even crazy ideas for business, which, despite their non-standard nature, have become quite popular and are in great demand. Creative ideas from all over the world may well inspire you to start your own business.

Mermaid courses

How to do business with swimming courses? Moreover, such that it was different from many others and brought in income. The answer is simple: create courses on mermaids, as the adventurous American guys did. A project called Mermaid School was launched in the city locality Denver.

The idea is not a mystery - the courses teach how to swim, but not just a crawl or breaststroke, but with a tail pulled over his legs. In addition, the "little mermaids" attending such courses learn to gracefully dive and perform various acrobatic stunts.

Growing corkscrew carrots

The next business idea will appeal to all gardeners. Its essence is in the cultivation of a unique type of root vegetable familiar to all - corkscrew carrots. It is called so, of course, because of the external similarity. Russian breeders have learned to grow vegetables in a spiral shape.

This became possible after the invention of a special seed box, which can set the required shape at an early stage of root crop formation. Carrots grown in this way do not need to be dug out; they can be easily twisted out of the soil. Even one thing can set up such a business: carrots from pencil cases grow quickly and do not require much effort in the processing process.

Kindergarten for adults

Probably, everyone from time to time has a desire to "hit childhood." We all recall with warm sadness the happy hours of carefree childhood spent in kindergarten. There you live in pleasure, eat on schedule, play games, and, of course, relax during quiet hours. Oh, adults would give a lot for a quiet hour at their work!

So much for your business idea. People want to plunge into childhood - please! They can be given this opportunity for a certain amount. The idea of ​​kindergartens for adults came to a businessman from Novosibirsk; this obviously profitable business can be implemented anywhere.

Mushroom furniture

There are a myriad of nature conservationists around the world, the so-called Greenpeace people. Their number is only growing, which cannot but rejoice, including those who are engaged in the production of environmentally friendly pieces of furniture. A breakthrough in this area can be called the discovery of American bioengineers - they learned how to make furniture from an ordinary mycelium.

The advantages here are obvious: the furniture is inexpensive, since production costs are minimal, and besides, all items made in this way are environmentally friendly. The fungal eco-polymer is completely biodegradable in the soil. So you can get rid of boring furniture simply by throwing it away, for example, in the garden.

Diaper roof

Another option for starting a business can be another production "in the name of protecting nature", that is, not polluting the environment. Yes, it may sound crazy, but if you grasp the essence of the matter, then it is quite amenable to logic.

A unique technology, which the American company Knowaste began to develop several decades ago, has recently been put into production. And the technology lies in the processing of diapers and other hygiene products into granular raw materials, from which a fairly durable roofing material is obtained at the exit.

Wardrobe made of plastic bottles

The business of sewing and selling clothes is one of the most densely populated, and it is quite difficult to compete in this area. Unless, if you come up with some feature that sets you apart from others. Such a chip can be a material for clothes, in particular, a plastic bottle can serve.

The business of producing "plastic" clothes was launched by a resourceful Briton and, I must say, this unusual business paid off quickly enough. Now the entrepreneur plans to open branches around the world.

Dreamy armchair

Sometimes it is very important to be able to find unusual uses for the most ordinary things, for example, pieces of furniture. So, a person with a business acumen can easily "turn" an ordinary chair into profitable business... The main thing is to present the product correctly, as the designer Isaf Israel did. He came up with an original chair and called it "dreamy."

This armchair was created precisely to dream, as its name suggests. And the design of the chair is conducive to an extremely comfortable and cozy pastime. The cruciform shape, covered with soft upholstery with a pleasant color, makes this ordinary piece of furniture unusual.

Fundraising with photostrip

An original way to generate income was invented by foreign programmers. It consists in the ability to "undress" the person in the photograph. For money, of course. Of course, there is no magic in such a "photo striptease". It's all about a program that allows you to make a completely fuzzy photo much more explicit with an online click.

Anyone can take part in the project by sending their “nude” photo to the site. True, the project of resourceful programmers is charitable in nature, but such an idea, no doubt, can be used for the purpose of making a profit.

Interactive urinal

At times, some business ideas border on "madness" and are striking in their weirdness. One of these, going beyond the "normal", can rightfully be called the idea of ​​creating an interactive urinal. And it really does exist! Visitors to German pubs have the opportunity to appreciate this unusual form of entertainment.

In essence, this is a computer game called Pisspad, the main device in it is an interactive urinal, and a stream of urine is used as a joystick. The game has become quite popular in Germany, especially during football broadcasts. Most likely, visitors to Russian drinking establishments will also like it.

Drinking robot

This business idea of ​​a Korean inventor will appeal to many Russians. Let the Lithuanians be named the most drinking nation in 2016, but it is a well-known fact that in our country there are more than enough fans to “kiss the bottle”. It is also known to drink in company. However, it may be that it was not possible to gather the company, but it is extremely necessary to celebrate a holiday or wash down the grief. Here the professional drinking companion Drinky will come to the rescue, besides, he is reliable.

The robot is able to raise a glass and absorb a drink after each toast. Moreover, the alcohol he has drunk neatly accumulates in a special bottle. An irreplaceable friend for Friday get-togethers.

Smog Jewelry

Another innovation from environmentalists is a tower that makes jewelry out of smog. No, this is not fiction, although it sounds really strange. A business idea from industrial eco-designers from Holland surprised the whole world. They designed and built a tower that is capable of making jewelry non-stop on its own.

There is a mini-factory for the production of jewelry from polluted air using wind energy - thus it is absolutely environmentally friendly. Ions are generated inside the structure, which can attract dust particles and smog. This is really not a business, but pumping money out of thin air.

Wrist watch cat hair

Pet owners, particularly furry ones, are familiar with the problem of having too much hair all over the house. But as the saying goes, you can benefit from any problem. Likewise, cat hair can be an excellent source of income.

Enterprising guys from America have built a lucrative cat hair watch business. People send them the accumulated wool, which is turned into felt, and then a flexible and durable metal frame is glued over them. After a while, the client receives a wristwatch in return. Truly an amazing transformation! But you also need to pay a lot for it.

Wine for cats

An idea for a business can be to provide goods and services not only for people, but also for our smaller brothers. It is no longer news that there are glasses, diapers, shampoos and other essentials for pets. But why limit yourself to them? Why not release wine for cats? Moreover, you can make good money on this, because, as you know, cat lovers are ready to do a lot to turn the life of their pets into a fairy tale.

This was taken advantage of by an American businessman who began to produce a drink from beets and mint, called wine for cats.

Useful accessory for dogs

Business ideas are certainly not limited to feline inventions. After all, dog owners love their pets just as much. To the delight of dog breeders, a unique gadget has appeared that collects animal excrement. The invention, which is a small bag, is attached to the dog's tail, and the owner only needs to change it periodically.

The idea, which seems strange, is actually very practical. Any dog ​​breeder will appreciate this way of keeping it clean.

Selling pet stones

There are many ways to earn money from pet lovers. If all kinds of adaptations, clothes and toys for animals require considerable costs, and the competition is great there, then there is a much more convenient way to get income. You can sell the pets themselves, or rather give stones for them.

It sounds extremely strange, of course. However, an entrepreneur from the United States was able to make good money on this extraordinary idea. He just came up with an idea: to sell ordinary cobblestones as if they were living pets. In addition, beautiful packaging, original design and detailed instructions for caring for a new pet. That's it, the business of selling stones is well established!

As you can see, you can make money on literally anything, the main condition is a creative approach, non-standard thinking and dedication. This is, of course, not a complete list of unusual business ideas. But who knows, perhaps among them there will be one that you like and will become the basis for your business, or push you to create your own unique idea.

Earn $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 per month selling cotton candy quite real, provided you work hard and hard. Balloons made of puffed sugar fibers were first presented at the 1904 World's Fair. There are many machines for the production of cotton candy, but you need a quality commercial machine designed for [...]

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  • It's no secret that the first step in starting your own business is choosing a business idea. And this first step is one of the most important: the success of your business depends on how correct it is. Among the huge number of existing options for ideas for starting your own business, you need to find one that will be really interesting to you and will suit you in terms of the amount of initial investment. Also an important criterion is the uniqueness or dissimilarity of your business to any other. The presence of a zest in the project, some feature that allows it to be remembered and attract attention, will undoubtedly be a huge advantage for you.

    In pursuit of these goals, the most sophisticated entrepreneurial minds use all their imagination to come up with the most amazing business idea possible.

    We bring to your attention a selection of 15 of the most unusual and even crazy ideas for business, which, despite their non-standard nature, have become quite popular and are in great demand. Creative ideas from all over the world may well inspire you to start your own business.

    Mermaid courses

    How to do business with swimming courses? Moreover, such that it was different from many others and brought in income. The answer is simple: create courses on mermaids, as the adventurous American guys did. A project called the Mermaid School was launched in the urban area of ​​Denver.

    The idea is not a mystery - the courses teach how to swim, but not just a crawl or breaststroke, but with a tail pulled over his legs. In addition, the "little mermaids" attending such courses learn to gracefully dive and perform various acrobatic stunts.

    Growing corkscrew carrots

    The next business idea will appeal to all gardeners. Its essence is in the cultivation of a unique type of root vegetable familiar to all - corkscrew carrots. It is called so, of course, because of the external similarity. Russian breeders have learned to grow vegetables in a spiral shape.

    This became possible after the invention of a special seed box, which can set the required shape at an early stage of root crop formation. Carrots grown in this way do not need to be dug out; they can be easily twisted out of the soil. Even one thing can set up such a business: carrots from pencil cases grow quickly and do not require much effort in the processing process.

    Kindergarten for adults

    Probably, everyone from time to time has a desire to "hit childhood." We all recall with warm sadness the happy hours of carefree childhood spent in kindergarten. There you live in pleasure, eat on schedule, play games, and, of course, relax during quiet hours. Oh, adults would give a lot for a quiet hour at their work!

    So much for your business idea. People want to plunge into childhood - please! They can be given this opportunity for a certain amount. The idea of ​​kindergartens for adults came to a businessman from Novosibirsk; this obviously profitable business can be implemented anywhere.

    Mushroom furniture

    There are a myriad of nature conservationists around the world, the so-called Greenpeace people. Their number is only growing, which cannot but rejoice, including those who are engaged in the production of environmentally friendly pieces of furniture. A breakthrough in this area can be called the discovery of American bioengineers - they learned how to make furniture from an ordinary mycelium.

    The advantages here are obvious: the furniture is inexpensive, since production costs are minimal, and besides, all items made in this way are environmentally friendly. The fungal eco-polymer is completely biodegradable in the soil. So you can get rid of boring furniture simply by throwing it away, for example, in the garden.

    Diaper roof

    Another option for starting a business can be another production "in the name of protecting nature", that is, not polluting the environment. Yes, it may sound crazy, but if you grasp the essence of the matter, then it is quite amenable to logic.

    A unique technology, which the American company Knowaste began to develop several decades ago, has recently been put into production. And the technology lies in the processing of diapers and other hygiene products into granular raw materials, from which a fairly durable roofing material is obtained at the exit.

    Wardrobe made of plastic bottles

    The business of sewing and selling clothes is one of the most densely populated, and it is quite difficult to compete in this area. Unless, if you come up with some feature that sets you apart from others. Such a chip can be a material for clothes, in particular, a plastic bottle can serve.

    The business of producing "plastic" clothes was launched by a resourceful Briton and, I must say, this unusual business paid off quickly enough. Now the entrepreneur plans to open branches around the world.

    Dreamy armchair

    Sometimes it is very important to be able to find unusual uses for the most ordinary things, for example, pieces of furniture. Thus, a person with a business acumen can easily “turn” an ordinary chair into a profitable business. The main thing is to present the product correctly, as the designer Isaf Israel did. He came up with an original chair and called it "dreamy."

    This armchair was created precisely to dream, as its name suggests. And the design of the chair is conducive to an extremely comfortable and cozy pastime. The cruciform shape, covered with soft upholstery with a pleasant color, makes this ordinary piece of furniture unusual.

    Fundraising with photostrip

    An original way to generate income was invented by foreign programmers. It consists in the ability to "undress" the person in the photograph. For money, of course. Of course, there is no magic in such a "photo striptease". It's all about a program that allows you to make a completely fuzzy photo much more explicit with an online click.

    Anyone can take part in the project by sending their “nude” photo to the site. True, the project of resourceful programmers is charitable in nature, but such an idea, no doubt, can be used for the purpose of making a profit.

    Interactive urinal

    At times, some business ideas border on "madness" and are striking in their weirdness. One of these, going beyond the "normal", can rightfully be called the idea of ​​creating an interactive urinal. And it really does exist! Visitors to German pubs have the opportunity to appreciate this unusual form of entertainment.

    In essence, this is a computer game called Pisspad, the main device in it is an interactive urinal, and a stream of urine is used as a joystick. The game has become quite popular in Germany, especially during football broadcasts. Most likely, visitors to Russian drinking establishments will also like it.

    Drinking robot

    This business idea of ​​a Korean inventor will appeal to many Russians. Let the Lithuanians be named the most drinking nation in 2016, but it is a well-known fact that in our country there are more than enough fans to “kiss the bottle”. It is also known to drink in company. However, it may be that it was not possible to gather the company, but it is extremely necessary to celebrate a holiday or wash down the grief. Here the professional drinking companion Drinky will come to the rescue, besides, he is reliable.

    The robot is able to raise a glass and absorb a drink after each toast. Moreover, the alcohol he has drunk neatly accumulates in a special bottle. An irreplaceable friend for Friday get-togethers.

    Smog Jewelry

    Another innovation from environmentalists is a tower that makes jewelry out of smog. No, this is not fiction, although it sounds really strange. A business idea from industrial eco-designers from Holland surprised the whole world. They designed and built a tower that is capable of making jewelry non-stop on its own.

    There is a mini-factory for the production of jewelry from polluted air using wind energy - thus it is absolutely environmentally friendly. Ions are generated inside the structure, which can attract dust particles and smog. This is really not a business, but pumping money out of thin air.

    Cat hair watch

    Pet owners, particularly furry ones, are familiar with the problem of having too much hair all over the house. But as the saying goes, you can benefit from any problem. Likewise, cat hair can be an excellent source of income.

    Enterprising guys from America have built a lucrative cat hair watch business. People send them the accumulated wool, which is turned into felt, and then a flexible and durable metal frame is glued over them. After a while, the client receives a wristwatch in return. Truly an amazing transformation! But you also need to pay a lot for it.

    Wine for cats

    An idea for a business can be to provide goods and services not only for people, but also for our smaller brothers. It is no longer news that there are glasses, diapers, shampoos and other essentials for pets. But why limit yourself to them? Why not release wine for cats? Moreover, you can make good money on this, because, as you know, cat lovers are ready to do a lot to turn the life of their pets into a fairy tale.

    This was taken advantage of by an American businessman who began to produce a drink from beets and mint, called wine for cats.

    Useful accessory for dogs

    Business ideas are certainly not limited to feline inventions. After all, dog owners love their pets just as much. To the delight of dog breeders, a unique gadget has appeared that collects animal excrement. The invention, which is a small bag, is attached to the dog's tail, and the owner only needs to change it periodically.

    The idea, which seems strange, is actually very practical. Any dog ​​breeder will appreciate this way of keeping it clean.

    Selling pet stones

    There are many ways to earn money from pet lovers. If all kinds of adaptations, clothes and toys for animals require considerable costs, and the competition is great there, then there is a much more convenient way to get income. You can sell the pets themselves, or rather give stones for them.

    It sounds extremely strange, of course. However, an entrepreneur from the United States was able to make good money on this extraordinary idea. He just came up with an idea: to sell ordinary cobblestones as if they were living pets. In addition, beautiful packaging, original design and detailed instructions for caring for a new pet. That's it, the business of selling stones is well established!

    As you can see, you can make money on literally anything, the main condition is a creative approach, non-standard thinking and dedication. This is, of course, not a complete list of unusual business ideas. But who knows, perhaps among them there will be one that you like and will become the basis for your business, or push you to create your own unique idea.

    Today, walking down the street, you can see a huge number of all kinds of shops, car washes, tire changers, etc. These are ordinary types of business that will not surprise anyone. To start a business, you need to invest a lot Money for equipment and advertising. Businessmen who use standard fields of activity are fighting for every buyer, and many of them simply cannot withstand the competition and are closed.

    V modern world people just do not think about other types of business, few people can come up with original ideas. It seems that everything has been invented for a long time and it is simply impossible to discover something new, unusual. Of course, this is a misconception, and if you think through your business idea well, you can make a big profit with minimal investment.

    Ideas for starting a business from scratch

    As we have already found out, despite the great competition and crisis, you can make money quite simply, the main thing is out-of-the-box thinking. Original ideas started to be introduced relatively recently, so the competition is minimal.

    Of course, if you are reading this article, then you cannot come up with something interesting yourself. It is for such people that we have prepared several interesting and profitable areas of activity:

    • Psychological taxi... A new and unique business idea was invented in Sweden. The bottom line is this: a taxi drives around the city, if a call is received, a driver and a psychologist come to the person. Throughout the trip, you can talk to him and discuss your problem. You pay only for travel, you do not need to pay for a consultation with a psychologist. This is great for people who have problems but can't go to the doctor because they don't have enough money for it. Within a few months, this taxi became very popular. They got a lot of customers who booked a car long distance to have as much discussion as possible.
      Such a business can be organized in any city in our country. In Russia, and especially in Moscow, it will also gain a lot of popularity. The profit will be quite large. But first you have to invest: buy or rent a car, hire a driver and a psychologist.
    • Fitness trainer at home... Most recently in America, this new business... In this country, a huge number of people have problems with being overweight due to fast food. As a rule, such people want to lose weight, but they are too lazy to get off the couch and go to the gym.
      How was this idea implemented? Several people set up a van for a gym. A person who wants to play sports orders a van. After a while, when he drives up, the person simply goes down to the street and enters the car. There he can work out with a coach for a couple of hours and go home. To implement this idea, you need to invest, since the van and all equipment will be quite expensive. The profit will depend on the number of people interested.
    • Bad news service... It is difficult to tell your family about the unfortunate news of another person. The news of death, serious illness, or divorce is usually difficult to receive. And so a new business appeared - "Service of unpleasant news". Such news is reported by qualified psychologists who can immediately take control of a person and help him cope with emotions. This business is only gaining momentum. It began to spread throughout the world and will soon reach Russia. The costs will be minimal: doctors' salaries and advertising. The profit will not keep itself waiting long, as soon as people find out about you, a large number of customers will be drawn to you.
    • Shoes with a navigator... For travelers who often go to unfamiliar places, they came up with special shoes. A navigator was installed in it, it helps a person to reach their destination. How it works? If you go the wrong way, the left or right boot will vibrate, telling you to turn. These shoes are gaining popularity, but there are very few of them. If you are interested in this business, then you need to open a small factory where shoes will be created or modernized. Of course, the costs will be quite large, but there are many people who are ready to pay a rather large sum for such original shoes. Quite quickly, it will turn out to close all debts and turn out to be a plus.

    You can learn a few more interesting options from the following video:

    Ideas with minimal investment

    Above, we examined the areas of activity that require investment. Nowadays, many people cannot afford to spend quite large amount on their business, while others are afraid that it will burn out. But you have to start somewhere.

    For such people, we have collected the most interesting and new ideas. They do not require special material investments, but it is necessary to think over how to implement them:

    • Aquarium Cleaner... Nowadays, many rich and successful people or large business centers set up aquariums. They can be of different sizes - from small ones of a few liters to huge ones of several thousand liters. To keep the fish comfortable, the aquarium needs to be cleaned from time to time. Who will do this? Few people want to collect water there, pump out old and clean glass. Therefore, many people will start ordering such services from you. Costs are minimal. The income will depend only on you, how many clients you find - so much money you will receive. You may have to fork out a little on advertising, but this cannot be compared to the profit.
    • Creative grandmothers... If you are old and bored at home, then this business idea is perfect for you. You can get additional income to retirement. The idea sounds like this - "grandmother for an hour." This is similar to normal nannies, but in this case, you will only babysit the child for a few hours. Moreover, people trust grandmothers who raised children and, possibly, grandchildren more than young girls. Today everyone is trying to build a career and in these conditions there is little time left for a child or household. Many people will start using your services. What can you offer them:
      • If the owners are busy, have gone on a business trip or vacation, the "grandmother for an hour" can come home to them several times a week and water the flowers or feed the pets.
      • It so happens that the mother needs to leave, but the child cannot be left unattended. In this case, she can contact you.
      • You can also knit different things. They tend to be very popular. In any case, no financial investments other than advertising that you can do yourself. Of course, the salary will not be very high, but as an increase in the pension, this is very good.
    • Friend for hire... In the world today computer technology it is quite difficult to find time for personal life. Everyone is on the Internet, there is no one to even walk around the city with, go to a cafe, a movie, or just enjoy the day. Because of this situation, an interesting idea appeared - "Friend for Hire". This is perfect for a communicative, kind and outgoing person.
      The essence of the project is simple and straightforward. Investments will be minimal, since in order to attract customers, you need to place an ad in a newspaper, on the Internet, or post ads around the city. It may seem to you that this is not serious and no one will pay for such money, but this is a delusion. In highly developed countries, this area is gaining more and more popularity. Of course, this cannot be called a full-fledged job, but how Additional income not bad at all.
    • Anti-evacuator... It is quite difficult to find a suitable parking place in a metropolis. Many drivers simply take and leave their car in the wrong place in the hope that it will not be taken by a tow truck. But this is not always the case, a tow truck can pick up your car at the most inopportune moment. When you find this, you will have to look for him in the impoundments, and then pay a fairly large amount to pick him up.
      So people got an interesting idea. They developed electronic system, thanks to which the driver will receive a warning if his car will be evacuated. This business will be very popular, and you can make good money on it. Of course, only experienced programmers can develop such a system. Such people can accomplish the task at a minimum cost.

    Small town ideas

    All the areas considered are great for megacities where the pace of life is high and there is little time for oneself. But what about a small town? As a rule, people who did not leave for the metropolis or did not stay there after their studies are considered losers.

    It is not right. With a competent approach and thinking outside the box, you can make good money even in a small town. Let's see how you can do this:

    • Greening the city... This business is perfect for small towns with many private houses. Many people strive to decorate their site and therefore use landscaping services. Services you can provide include removing weeds, planting new plants, or simply making the site look attractive. These services will be in demand. The costs for such a business will be minimal, but earnings will directly depend on the number of clients. You can also cooperate with the local administration. This will allow you to quickly find new clients and work with state or municipal institutions.
    • Legal services of a bugbear... Imagine, you forgot to take the keys, and the door slammed shut, what to do? In large cities or metropolitan areas, there are special services that can help in such a situation. In small towns, the situation is slightly different. There are no such services, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations may simply not come, referring to the fact that this is not their responsibility. You can help such people, of course, if you are able to open a slammed door. There are special legal master keys for this, but you need to learn how to use them. The costs of this business will be small, the only thing that is needed is knowledge and skills. The income will depend on the number of clients.
    • Selling optimism A few years ago, two brothers came up with an interesting idea - to sell optimism. They created positive T-shirts that read "Life is good." They sold 50 T-shirts in half an hour. First, they drove around the city and sold T-shirts from the van, later they opened their own network. As it turned out, people are eager to get optimism, and therefore this business has become very profitable. You can take advantage of this idea, you don't have to make T-shirts. Come up with your own unusual and unique product, and then success will await you! Of course, at the initial stage, you need to invest. If this is the production of something, then you need to buy equipment and rent a room. As a rule, people like new and original very much, so you can quickly make money and come out on top.

    Many unusual and interesting business ideas can be found today. Many of them have not yet been implemented in our country. You probably realized that you can make money on everything, the main thing is to find the right approach. Do not be afraid to start your own business, do not be afraid of investments, in the future you will be able to earn much more. Do everything wisely and you will succeed!

    Sometimes the strangest and even crazy ideas bring millions of fortunes. While you are amazed at the games of your own mind, people without prejudice embody their wildest fantasies. It turns out that non-standard thoughts visit many heads at the same time.

    Another year has passed, during which such unusual business ideas have appeared in the world that it is sometimes difficult to even imagine. Most of the owners who own the ideas described below have become dollar millionaires.

    If, as they say, you look closely, then there is nothing supernatural in these ideas, on the contrary, they are so banal that most people would not even think that they can make money on it. I won't bore you, but I'd rather go straight to the list of the most unusual business ideas of the year according to TimesNet magazine.

    Elephant Washer

    African coffins

    But in Africa, craftsmen do not sit idle. They are quite successful in creating and exporting to Europe and the USA wooden coffins of various, even the most inconceivable shapes. From model cell phone to the grave in the form of a Ferrari. The cost of the latter is about a thousand dollars.

    Bow adoption business

    46-year-old Connor (A yu Sarah Connor?) From Kent, England, together with her friends, opened an agency that allows anyone to adopt pickled onions. Yes, at first my head got a little cloudy, and then for a few seconds a violent imagination drew a vivid picture of a happy family: father, mother and ... a pickled onion strolling in the park ...

    The agency's website offers to choose a "baby", place an order and give "Cipollino" a decent life. After adoption, you will receive a certificate confirming the fact of adoption, a photo of your baby with a happy smile on his face and an indescribable sense of pride. By the way, adoption is not the cheapest one. Everything costs about 8 euros, which is quite expensive for a pickled onion.

    Cleaning up crime scenes

    Murder Scene Mop Up, an Atlanta-based company, specializes in cleaning crime scenes. As the founder of the company says, this business the idea is not very bright and interesting, in some cases you have to rip your brains off the walls in the literal sense of the word, but that is why the services provided by the company are in demand and the annual turnover is more than a million dollars.

    Suicide help

    This business idea confused me a little, I'll write why a little later. The Last Tour agency invites everyone to buy, so to speak, a tourist, or rather an excursion program. It seems like the beginning is normal ... although for those who understand English, the name of the agency has already said a lot.

    In general, the company's employees offer everyone a ride to the places where the most suicides are committed. If you have had the idea of ​​suicide, then for $ 50 they will help you find an interesting place for its implementation. In my opinion, this is a criminal activity ... but it brings money!

    Japanese friend

    Have you ever thought of renting friends or relatives? No!? But among the Japanese, this service is quite popular. Through the agency Hagemashi Tai, they rent friends who are invited to birthdays or funerals, rent husbands and wives, or relatives. The roles are played by professional actors for a reasonable fee.

    Anti stress business

    The Sarah's Smash Shack in San Diego is for those looking to relieve stress. Visitors to this club are beating dishes against the wall. Visitors can attach a photograph of the "offender" as a "target" and beat the dishes to the music they brought with them. The cost of the service provided depends on the type and quantity of dishes. So, for example, 3 vases can be broken for $ 10, and 15 plates for $ 45.

    Thus, for just a few dollars, you can get rid of negative emotions and not engage in the unpleasant process of cleaning up after yourself. But this is not the only idea for organizing an anti-stress business.

    Another service for relieving emotional stress is offered by the American company Vent By Phon, giving the client the opportunity to call and let off steam on the phone. The telephone operator Vent By Phon does not give advice or help, he just listens, inserting "Yes", "Mmm" from time to time. The cost of a minute of such a service is $ 2.99. Speaking out once on the phone for three dollars a minute is much more harmless than falling out on others - the business is developing successfully.

    More unusual business ideas

    And a few more ideas, in one line ... DoodyCalls is a company specializing in cleaning dog poop. Annual turnover companies over a million dollars. The Brazilian company Petsmiling makes sex toys for dogs.

    In Japan there is a restaurant called Kayabuki, which is known to almost all residents, and all because there are monkey waiters. No, not crooked waiters, but the most real animals. One of the monkeys brings bottles of alcohol to the restaurant guests, and the other brings hot hand towels. BioScientific Inc. Is a company specializing in the sale of chicken manure. The company's annual turnover is over a million dollars.

    Such unusual, even crazy ideas are born in the minds of people, then they are realized and make their creators millionaires. Therefore, do not be afraid of anything, if you have a crazy idea, do not discount it, perhaps it will make you rich!