What is electronic document management and its benefits for business. Review of free electronic document management systems Document archive organization systems

From the answer to the question "Why does your company need electronic document management?" at least half of the success of the project for the implementation of an electronic document management system (EDMS) depends. Oddly enough, very often you can hear an answer like: "The competitor / partner already has - why are we worse?" But if you set such a goal of implementing the EDMS, the results are unlikely to be impressive.

So, what goals can a company face when implementing an EDMS? Let's consider the possible options.

Since achieving each of these goals sequentially increases both the budget of the automation project and the risks that the project will not be successfully completed, setting overestimated goals should be treated with the utmost caution.

Another common mistake in system implementation is the expectation that automation itself will help optimize the workflow itself. But as programmers say in such cases: “When you automate chaos, you will only get "Automated chaos"».

By the way, an important note on the formation of the project budget: it must be calculated based on the total number of company employees. In most cases, pilot projects of the “let's try in one department” type will not even help to understand whether a company needs an electronic document management system or not.

When the goal is set, and the automation tasks are defined, you can proceed to the next stage - the choice of an electronic document management system.

How to choose?

Practically until the second half of the 2000s, the EDMS market in Russia was focused exclusively on large clients, small and medium-sized companies had no choice: there was a very small circle of "boxed" EDMS suitable for implementation in companies of this size. Moreover, in most cases, these EDMS were only cut-down versions of "large" systems, which means that the cost of purchase and maintenance, the complexity of use were not quite adequate to the expectations of small and medium-sized companies.

V last years the EDMS market for small and medium-sized companies has expanded significantly: suppliers have formed a vision of document flow automation for medium and small businesses, and many new solutions have emerged that are focused specifically on this market segment. Therefore, the choice of an electronic document management system is now a rather difficult task. Let's try to systematize the process of choosing an EDMS based on the goals that the company sets for itself by introducing electronic document management.

All electronic document management systems can be conditionally divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Systems for organizing an archive (storage) of documents.
  2. Office automation systems with document flow elements.
  3. Integrated systems for document flow automation.

Most modern EDMS contains elements of each of the three groups, but "full-fledged universals" are rare. As a rule, each system is focused on the automation of a certain group of processes.

1. Document archive organization systems

The term "archive (storage) of documents" has two meanings. Such systems are understood as:

  • Specialized systems for storing and processing extremely large volumes of documents. Such systems are necessary for a narrow circle of companies, for example, queuing organizations ( public Utilities, public sector, insurance, credit and banking sector). There are not so many such systems, they solve a rather narrow range of problems, and we will not consider them in this article.
  • "Lightweight" document management systems that provide basic functionality only work with documents: centralized storage of document files and organization of employee access to them.

If we talk about the archive of documents as a "lightweight" document management system, then in this approach to document management automation the following solutions are most popular:

In general, the organization of workflow in the form of an "archive of documents" makes sense either for small enterprises (with a management staff of less than 10 people), or for enterprises with a small volume of workflow (up to 10-20 documents per month). The main bonus of such systems is only their low cost and ease of use.

2. Office automation systems with document flow elements

Office automation systems with document flow elements now make up the majority of EDMS offered on the Russian market. Typical functions systems of this group:

  • Archive of documents:
    • storage and archiving of documents,
    • search by requisites of registration and control cards of documents, full-text search by documents,
    • scanning and recognition of documents;
  • Office work(in this group of systems, the office automation unit is the most developed):
  • Document flow:
    • routing documents,
    • issuing orders,
    • visualization of business processes.

All systems have almost identical characteristics, but each, of course, has its own competitive advantages... Detailed information about the systems can be found on the website http://www.doc-online.ru and on the websites of EDMS manufacturers.

3. Integrated systems of document flow automation

This group of systems is the most "strong" in the automation of processes related to document flow and operational management enterprises, - issuing and monitoring the execution of orders, routing documents, etc.

The introduction of such an EDMS is, rather, justified in large organizations (holdings) due to the fact that systems of this class are developed only to order, and therefore, have a high cost, are quite difficult to master, and require the participation of IT specialists during implementation. However, the choice of the EDMS of this group also provides great opportunities for modifying the system for the needs of the company, you can create a system that is balanced in functions both in the field of office work and in the field of document circulation.

What's next?

After you have decided on the favorites for the purchase, do not forget to take into account the following aspects, which will certainly affect the success of the EDMS implementation project:

  • Ask what the system has opportunities for growth so that you do not have to spend money on the implementation of a new EDMS with the growth of the scale of the business.
  • When comparing the cost of systems rate full cost project. Very often, a significant part of the cost is hidden in add-on modules, infrastructure software, survey services, implementation and maintenance of the system.
  • Before the purchase look at the system "live" or better yet, with the solution provider's customers. Not a single beautiful presentation or "laboratory" demonstration of the system will show the real features of working with it.
  • Some of the systems on the market are so-called "Boxed" SED. This means the ability to install and configure the system on your own. Consider this option may be more profitable, even if you have to send your IT specialists for training.
  • Make sure your company's employees "pull" the system- any automation usually leads to an increase in the amount of work, especially at the implementation stage. If the company has a shortage of personnel, it is necessary either to increase its number, or to choose an EDMS with simpler functions.
  • System implementation procedure- an important element of the success of the project. Before purchasing a system, be sure to plan this stage in advance and discuss its features with the solution provider! Very often, without a thorough study of this stage, the EDMS hangs like a "dead weight" on the company.

The introduction of an electronic document management system is a crucial step for a company, especially for medium and small companies, where any spending significantly affects the "vitality". Therefore, the correct choice of an EDMS and a solution provider, taking into account the peculiarities of the work of small and medium-sized businesses, is very important factor... In this article, we have tried to give an idea of ​​the current state of EDMS market for small and medium-sized businesses and help in choosing the right electronic document management system. I wish you success.

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When selecting an EDMS, you can apply for analytical information on the sites http://www.doc-online.ru and http://www.docflow.ru, as well as directly to the developers:

  • BOSS-Referent system of IT company. Website http://www.boss-referent.ru
  • System "BUSINESS" of the company "EOS". Website http://www.eos.ru
  • System "Euphrates-document flow" of the company "Cognitive Technologies". Website http://www.evfrat.ru
  • The "CompanyMedia" system of the "InterTrust" company. Website http://www.intertrust.ru
  • The NauDoc system of the Naumen company. Website http://www.naumen.ru
  • The "Akta" system of the "DuxSoft" company. Website http://www.duxsoft.ru

) NauDoc - to qualitatively improve the process of working with documents of managers and subject specialists of all levels, reduce the time of routine work with documents, in other words, automate document flow in the enterprise

NAUDOC is a software product for office automation, workflow and business processes, developed by NAUMEN. NAUDOC allows you to manage document processing processes and monitor performance discipline, receiving comprehensive information on the progress of assignments.

The electronic document management system NauDoc is optimally suited for the automation of document management of small and medium-sized businesses, management companies, design organizations, divisions of holding structures, as well as for solving specific tasks for automating document circulation that face the divisions of large companies (ensuring work with regulatory documents in accordance with requirements of ISO 9001: 2000, interaction between employees and personnel service, etc.).

Using NAUDOC, it is possible to organize a single repository of documents with differentiation of access rights based on roles, which allows employees at any time to get access to documents and as soon as possible find all the necessary information regardless of the presence of the owner of the documents at the workplace. Logs allow you to register incoming, internal and outgoing paperwork, tracking the movement of paper copies of documents within the enterprise.

NAUDOC's availability of performance discipline controls allows assigning tasks to employees in the system, monitoring their execution, tracking deadlines, sending papers for approval and sending out approved papers for review to other users of the system. Customization life cycle for document categories allows you to specify typical routes of movement of documents, configure their automatic routing and assignment of tasks.

All actions with documents and tasks are performed through the web interface, connecting to the system from anywhere in the world, thereby creating a single information space for the organization, including remote branches and mobile workers.

The advantages of using the NauDoc electronic document management system:

Simplification of the procedure for signing documents by officials

  • After the document is created, the employee sends it for approval to a certain circle of people in accordance with the procedure for approving documents adopted by the organization.
  • When working collectively, all actions are performed on one copy of the document. NauDoc users who approve the document gain access to it in the process.
  • At any stage, an approval report can be created (indicating the name and position of the authorizing person and the exact time of the document's approval).

Possibility of registering electronic and paper documents in the system

  • Registration of a document in the registration log occurs automatically at a certain stage of work with the document.
  • For paper documents, a special electronic card is created in the system; a scanned copy of the document can be attached to the card.

Acceleration of the search for documents by details and content

  • The NauDoc system will provide you with the ability to instantly find all documents for a specific requisite (for example, registration number or short description).

Simplification of work with organizational and administrative documents

  • The user creates a document in the NauDoc system, according to a predefined template. To create a document, you need to change the values ​​of the details in its registration card, they will be automatically inserted into the text of the document. If necessary, you can allow the user to change the text of the template.
  • After the document is created, the employee sends it to work to a certain circle of people in accordance with the procedure adopted in the organization.
  • The system “knows” the procedure for approval: it controls the scheduled deadlines at the stages, notifies the responsible persons, the system also sends notifications about the movement of the document from stage to stage.
  • Registration of a document in the registration log occurs automatically at a certain stage of work with the document. In this case, the document is assigned registration number and the registration date is set.

Process management

  • The NauDoc system allows you to automate the production or management processes of the company. Allows you to highlight the stages, responsible persons, scheduled deadlines. This allows you to cost reports on the stage at which each of the process instances is, to find “ narrow places»And responsible persons due to whom the deadlines are disrupted, make the process before making changes.

Simplification of work with incoming and outgoing correspondence

  • NauDoc can be configured as an email client, providing the ability to work with incoming and outgoing documents as with regular documents in the system.
  • When processing incoming correspondence, the secretary accepts letters, registers letters in the Incoming Correspondence Log, the document is automatically assigned a registration number. After preparation, the document is sent to the head for resolution, in accordance with the procedure adopted in the organization. After consideration, the document is sent for review or execution to the employees of the organization.
  • When processing outgoing correspondence, the employee creates a letter according to the template accepted in the organization, sends it for approval to the head, in accordance with the procedure adopted in the organization. After approval of the document, it is automatically sent to the secretary. The secretary records the letter in the Register and sends it by e-mail. In this case, all documents are saved in the system and are available for searching.

Creation of a corporate web portal and company Internet resource

  • NAUDOC allows you to create internet and intranet sites and manage content placement (ENGINE functionality). The content can be papers, graphics and other NAUDOC objects.
  • Convenient development and editing of resource pages in the built-in WISYWIG editor, version control.
  • Managing the publication of news, questionnaires and votes.
  • Built-in development capabilities and redesign of resource pages.
  • Centralized access control in resource sections, the ability to coordinate documents before publishing on a web resource.

Technological features of the system

  • 100% web-interface allows you to connect to the system from anywhere in the world, creating a single information space for the organization, its remote branches and mobile workers.
  • the system is built-in with ABBYY FINEREADER Scripting Edition scanning and OCR software;
  • the system allows authentication and authorization of people in external directory services, for example, LDAP or Microsoft Active Directory;
  • the system has a module for working with an electronic digital signature () and has the ability to operate an EDS of any crypto provider that supports the Microsoft CRYPTOAPI interface.

The electronic document management system NauDoc is optimally suited for the automation of document management of small and medium-sized businesses, management companies, design organizations, divisions of holding structures, as well as for solving specific tasks for automating document circulation that face the divisions of large companies (ensuring work with regulatory documents in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000 requirements, interaction between employees and personnel service, etc.

The NauDoc electronic document management system is designed for comfortable work for up to 50 users, who can create up to 5,000 documents per year. These are technological limitations of the Zope software platform on which the product is developed.

From practical notes, the following factors can be distinguished:

  • High system reliability. For 4 years of operation, not a single failure.
  • High level of system security against hacker attacks
  • Nice functionality for a free system, but extremely scarce for a paid one
  • High server load even with a small database. Poor thread optimization seems to be to blame. Hence the slow work with documents.
  • Inconvenience of entering data into the database.
  • Usability as such is absent , it seems that the programmers wrote the system for themselves, and not for sale.
  • The impression that the system is incomplete.
  • Poor (slow) technical and informational support on the forum, even for paying clients
  • In the free version, starting from a certain number of accumulated tasks - the search gives incorrect answers.
  • In the paid version, starting from a certain number of accumulated tasks - the search starts to make mistakes when choosing the search area, looks for documents in the wrong place, does not understand the standard logical search conditions.
  • The system code is open, but it is impossible to change anything manually.

Platform: Windows, Linux / Unix, Solaris, FreeBSD

NAUDOC is available in 2 editions: NAUDOC Free and NAUDOC Enterprise

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It is no secret that the successful conduct of any business primarily depends on how the mechanism for organizing documentation works. After all, working with paperwork, although not fun, is an important link in company management.

In addition, documentation should be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise it will begin to accumulate and get lost. In order to avoid possible losses, an electronic document management system was introduced.

In this article we will tell you: What is an EDMS? What types, advantages and disadvantages does it have?

With the development of the Internet, the time of thick folders and dusty archives is a thing of the past. Now the process of working with documents is fully automated. The necessary papers can be found in one click, and archiving is done without any human intervention at all. Such opportunities for enterprises are opened by the EDMS.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) is a special software, thanks to which documents are processed in in electronic format... In other words, thanks to the EDMS, it is possible to transfer documents between employees, issue individual tasks, archiving, etc.

Surely many organizations know how to create electronic documents, store and transfer them. However, simply electronic format will not have any legal force... For electronic paper to gain weight, it is important that it be signed by both parties. In this case, the documents must be sealed with a special electronic signature.

Therefore, the EDMS can be divided into two types:

  1. Document flow within the company between employees;
  2. Document flow between various enterprises and organizations through special communication channels.

To use the EDMS within the organization, you need special software. Usually such a program is called an EDF platform. In addition, additional hardware is required for the smooth operation of such software. For example, servers, network channels, etc.

An electronic document management operator will be needed if it is necessary to work with papers between two different firms. Such an operator will be a good helper. After all, he knows how to deliver messages, checks in what format documents are sent, requires and controls the affixing of an electronic signature, stores and archives papers on his own, etc.

Thus, EDMS is the "circulatory system" of the entire business. It saves a lot of time, and, undoubtedly, has a positive effect on the work of the organization as a whole. But is there always a benefit from this type of information processing? And is the EDMS capable of damaging the business? To answer these questions, you need to consider the positive and negative sides electronic document management.

Pros and cons of EDF

Like any other EDF process, it has both pros and cons. The main parameters are presented in the table below.

Dignity Flaws
  • Ordering. The system automatically assigns numbers to documents, which eliminates all sorts of errors
  • Tracking. At any time you can find out who is working with the document
  • Safety. The employee will not be able to lose or spoil the electronic document
  • Recovery . A deleted document can be restored at any time
  • Preservation of temporary resources... The electronic form of the document gets to each employee in a matter of seconds, regardless of their location.
  • It is convenient to work. If necessary, the employee can change the original version of the document. EDF makes it possible to restore each of them. In addition, you can track the names of those specialists who worked on the paper.
  • Availability . The EDM system works 24/7. Moreover, when connecting to it via the Internet, an employee can work with documentation at any time, even if he is in the hospital or on vacation.
  • Planning. The system enables a specialist to plan the course of work with papers. You can set the date, time of execution, as well as the sequence. And at the right time, the program itself will prompt the employee about the need to perform his work.
  • Convenient search. The program is designed in such a way that it makes it possible to find required document not only by name, but also by keyword.
  • Saving paper. There is no need to print the documentation, staple it into folders and make an inventory. All information is stored electronically, and at any time required document can be printed out on paper.
  • Money spendings... The creation of EDF will require certain financial costs. Money is needed for software and hardware. The amount of costs will depend on the number of connected employees. On average, this amount will be about 100,000 rubles (*).
  • To use the EDMS immediately - it will not work... After the acquisition, installation, implementation and debugging of the program takes a lot of time, as well as special skills.
  • Training... In order to use the ERMS correctly, all employees involved must undergo special training.
  • Security... For the safety of information, company leaders must pay special attention to security. Namely to release electronic signature, determine which of the employees, and what access to the papers will have, and also need to protect the program from penetration from outside.
  • You will need an EDMS administrator... The staff of the organization must have a person who will be able to solve the current tasks of working in the EDMS. Namely, to debug the server, help users, monitor the functioning of the system.
  • Requires continuous backup... In order to preserve information, users must keep records at all times.
  • In some cases, the existence of an electronic and paper document is required... If, for example, a partner does not have an EDMS installed, then when working with him, the documentation must be both in electronic and paper form.

The real cost of electronic document management for small businesses

(*) If the company is small, and the business owner (or the individual entrepreneur himself) is going to sign the documents personally, then the costs will be minimal. They consist of purchasing an electronic digital signature - 1,500 rubles and access to an electronic document management service - from 100 rubles.

For small volumes our editorial staff recommends the Kontur.Diadok service. If you choose the tariff " Universal“, Then the costs will be only 9 rubles for the sent document. If we compare it with sending original documents by mail, then here is sending one registered letter within the region will be at least 50 rubles. The difference is obvious:

The system gives all new users 50 welcome bonus transfers of electronic documents.

As can be seen from the table, despite the positive aspects, the SED also has negative aspects. They mainly boil down to material costs, which, as it turned out, may not be small.

The company will incur significant costs not only for installation software, and the purchase of the necessary equipment, but must also hire an employee, without whose special skills the electronic document management system simply will not work. Such an employee also needs to pay a salary. And this is another cost item.

But do not forget that the effort spent will pay off in the future, and companies working with EDMS will only benefit. After all, they will save not only on information processing time, but also significantly reduce the cost of paying for services, for example, for an archivist. Plus, in addition to everything else, the electronic archive does not require additional premises, the purchase of additional office supplies and other points.

What is an electronic document management system?

As a rule, this is an electronic document management system (EDM), in which you can generate, send, receive and sign electronic documents. They are equivalent to paper ones with a handwritten signature. To conduct electronic document management, you need an electronic signature certificate.

The interface usually consists of 2-3 tabs, including counterparties (your partners and clients participating in EDF) and the main tab - Documents. In this tab, in the Inbox and Outbox sections, you will find documents sent and received by you.

Types of EDF

Undoubtedly, when introducing electronic document management, organizations place great emphasis on efficiency. It is difficult to say which type of EDF will be most effective for a particular organization. It all depends on the direction of the enterprise and on its business processes.

However, there is a general EDF qualification in terms of functionality, control technology, constituent components, etc. In this regard, the main types of EDMS can be distinguished:

  • Office work system... This type is intended for the conduct of business office work. Moreover, work is being done on all accepted rules with vertical control, i.e. from boss to subordinate;
  • Electronic archives... The main purpose of such a system is to organize the storage of documentation. Among other things, the program allows the user to easily find the required paper. However, the transfer of documentation in such a system would not be possible;
  • Workflow systems... This type of system is widespread among users due to the fact that its the main task Is the organization and automation of business processes. It is easy to do business with such software, and workflow is just a reason for the existence of working moments;
  • ECM systems... The software allows the user to introduce novelty into the organization's management system. With the help of complex systems, it is possible to manage: documents, signatures, workflows, employee knowledge, etc. This type of EDM will be much more expensive, because it offers the user advanced functionality.

It is worth noting that each type of SED becomes the largest scale of the previous one, and gives more possibilities users. However, in order to appreciate the full benefits of electronic document management, it is necessary to make the right choice.

How to choose the right EDMS

As already noted, the choice of an EDMS is a complex process that requires special attention. Among other things, the management of the company needs to take into account a huge number of decisive factors, such as the direction of the company, the staff, etc.

For example, for commercial organization will correctly establish the ERMS both between employees and between partners. Only in this way the company will be able to obtain the necessary economic benefits.

For state institution it is better to focus on the specifics of its work, and to pay more attention to the creation of electronic archives. And it is also required to train employees to work with them.

When choosing one or another EDMS, it is important to consider whether the system meets the stated requirements. These include:

  • Completeness of functionality;
  • The convenience of use;
  • How fast will this system be introduced into the workflow;
  • The presence of settings, and they must be flexible;
  • Does the system have the ability to expand the functionality;
  • Is it possible to adjust the EDMS to the existing software of the enterprise;
  • Ease of adaptation;
  • Availability technical support... It is important that such assistance is of a high level;
  • Manufacturer reputation, etc.

Taking into account this fact, the user should adhere to the following actions:

  1. Explore the functionality. It is necessary to pay special attention to the chapter "Opportunities". It is important that the manufacturer specifically indicates the list of tasks performed by the program. If there is no specifics, then it is worth abandoning such an EDMS system;
  2. Availability of thematic presentations. It is important that the program contains demo material, thereby explaining to the user how to use the functionality;
  3. Examine screenshots. So the manager will be able to make sure whether the functionality is really simple, and whether it has the stated requirements;
  4. Be sure to study the reviews of real users. Most the best way- this is watching videos on YouTube;
  5. Many manufacturers offer free trials to executives. So the user will be able to understand whether the selected product is suitable or not;
  6. As for the cost of the goods, it is obvious that this point cannot but worry the buyer. It is difficult to determine what the real cost of the EDMS should be, but it is worth studying what makes up this or that figure. Therefore, a detailed study of the price list will help the buyer to avoid unforeseen expenses and expenses.

It is worth remembering that only a specialist will help to make the right choice. Therefore, the selection and installation of the EDMS should be carried out only under the close attention of a person who has special skills.

Due to the high cost, not all organizations in our country work with EDMS. At the moment, so far only large firms do paper processing in electronic form. But everything is changing, and it is likely that in the near future the need to work with the help of the EDMS will be appreciated, and many firms will be able to afford to conduct e-business... This means they will become the most effective and successful!

6. Who are charismatics? [Electronic resource] // Blessing magazine. 2013. url: http://hve.by/blagoslovenie/blagoslovenie-dekabr-2013.html

7. Pignotti M. My Nine Lives in Scientology / trans. from English A. Kondrashova, 2007.M .: 201 p.

8. Chernyshev VM Double-edged sword. Synopsis on sectology. K: Kiev Theological Seminary, 2000.169 p.

Original Russian Text © A.A. Vaykina, 2016

Vladychansky Timur Valerievich

Student of the Faculty of Management, Russian State Social University

Moscow, RF E-mail: [email protected] Academic Supervisor: Veretekhina S.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Personnel Policy

e-mail: [email protected]



The paper deals with the implementation of electronic document management, as well as the main advantages and economic feasibility of its implementation.

Keywords Electronic document flow, document flow automation, Information Systems, business processes, document.

The paper discusses the implementation of electronic document management, as well as the main advantages and economic feasibility of its implementation.

Electronic document management, workflow automation, information systems, business-processes, document.

The modern way of doing business in enterprises and organizations requires a lot of work with documents. Searching, approving and agreeing become quite complex and cumbersome procedures, which cannot be ruled out. The only effective approach in such a situation is the use of modern technologies and maximum automation of all stages of working with documents. In addition, the recent appearance of a sufficient number of available computing power and high-quality software for them makes such a solution easy to implement and economical.

Automation of workflow allows you to more efficiently organize the work of the enterprise. Fast receipt of paper and electronic samples document through the use of scanning technologies, document recognition and printing makes the transition from paper version document to electronic and back. Thus, a method is opened up for the painless transfer of documents from paper to electronic submission, while it becomes possible to use the advantages of computers.

The possibility of introducing legally significant electronic document management into existing ones


information systems and business processes of customers helps to bring the work of large, medium and small businesses to a qualitatively new level. The use of online document exchange mechanisms will provide the following advantages: independence from geographic location, increased productivity of financial and accounting services, and optimization of the costs of doing business.

Automation will also make it possible to instantly distribute costs among financial responsibility centers and budget items, analyze the execution of the budgets of departments for making operational decisions and assessing the effectiveness of their work online, and analyze in detail individual, especially significant cost items.

If we talk about efficiency, then the automation of document flow in the enterprise provides significant savings. The number of paper documents is significantly reduced, thereby minimizing the costs of Consumables... Employees spend less time searching for the information they need, creating standard documents from scratch and compiling various reports. Preparation and approval of documents are many times faster, which, among other things, increases the confidence in the company on the part of partners.

The electronic document management system allows you to automate the development and approval of all documents of the organization, send out documents for review by a wide range of employees, issue orders and monitor their implementation, as well as create arbitrary business processes to solve any organizational tasks.

The system contains a number of built-in standard business processes that cover most of the tasks of document flow automation. Using these processes, you can get started with the system very quickly. In addition to the standard ones, users can develop their own processes, as well as make the necessary adjustments to existing processes, using convenient tools built into the system.

Any business process can be launched by a system user with the appropriate authority. In addition, the system provides flexible event scheduling capabilities, allowing you to pre-configure the dates and frequency of launching certain processes and notifications.

The system allows you to work not only with the internal documents of the organization, but also fully automate the processing of incoming and outgoing documents. Such automation significantly reduces the processing time of incoming documents and simplifies their accounting, makes the entire process from the receipt of an incoming document to the sending of an outgoing document absolutely transparent and manageable.

Shown below is the time spent on typical operations when processing paper and electronic documents.

Burden spent on typical operations, hours per month

Figure 3 - Graph showing the time spent on typical operations when processing paper and electronic documents.

One of the key advantages of automating business processes of an organization using electronic


document management systems - the emergence of full control over the implementation of all tasks solved in the organization. In addition to the timing of the development and approval of documents, the management can control all aspects of the work of their subordinates: the time of their work in the system, the number of tasks performed, the time for completing tasks, the number of overdue tasks and the time for which they were overdue. Authorized employees receive timely notifications that the task may not be completed on time, so that they can contact the employee who is delaying the process and quickly resolve a potential problem. In addition, at any time, you can request detailed reports on the progress of the organization's current tasks.

Execution control allows you to radically change the work of an organization, make complex processes simple and transparent, show the quality of work of all employees and allow you to quickly influence all processes.

Recently, box-based solutions for electronic document management systems have begun to appear, aimed at small and medium-sized businesses, which have the capabilities inherent in corporate systems, such as, for example, a graphic route designer, a designer of registration cards and report templates, or the ability for users to write additional software modules.

The introduction of EDMS is advisable in large enterprises, where the volume of documents is sometimes very large and paper workflow often slows down the activities of entire departments, which is simply unacceptable. An electronic document management system is an effective tool for improving the speed of work of any enterprise or organization.

First of all, this is a reduction in the cost of paper media. In addition, employees of the organization will not need to waste time running to a neighboring department for a signature, another for a seal. Naturally, this will affect the processing speed of information flows. Orders will be executed much faster, documents will be processed without delays.

V modern world With ever-increasing competition and increasing flows of information, you are asked every day to make your infrastructure more efficient, keep everyone productive, improve business processes, and make your business more transparent and secure. And do it all faster, safer, and at a lower cost. In these conditions, the availability of an effective electronic document management system becomes critical for successful business.

List of used literature:

1. Bondaletov V.V. Career and professional competence of a manager in the conditions of modern Russia. / In the collection: Professional social education: levels, experience and development prospects. Collection of materials of the XIII All-Russian Social and Pedagogical Congress. 2013.S. 38-40.

2. Veretekhina S.V. Problems of introducing an electronic document management system in preschool educational institutions // Kadrovik 2014, No. 11. P. 122-129.

3. Veretekhina S.V. Psychometric tests and software solutions. Materials of the Afanasyev Readings. 2015. T.1 .; 13.P.116-121.

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© Vladychansky T.V., 2016

UDC 316.346.32-053.6

Goldenberg Ekaterina Alexandrovna

3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - "NINH", Novosibirsk, RF E-mail: [email protected]



The article reveals the essence of the main problems arising from the active and frequent use of social networks, their possible reasons. Methods for solving the considered problems in relation to an individual and a group of people are proposed. Possibilities of solving problems independently by the user of a social network are revealed.

Currently, social networks and especially related problems are of the greatest relevance in wide circles. Social networks are becoming more and more popular every year, almost no person, mainly young people, can imagine their life without using the Internet for communication (after all, it is communication that is the primary goal of creating such a resource as social networks). Of course, young people pursue other goals (in addition to informal communication), registering on all kinds of sites, for example: watching the news, listening to music, business correspondence, work. However, most of the time spent on social networks, young people devote specifically to informal communication with relatives, loved ones, friends.

The active use of social networks, despite their timely appearance against the background of scientific and technological progress, despite the inalienability of their existence in the modern world in connection with the development of remote communication, still has negative sides and problems that can concern both an individual and groups of people (and these groups can be completely different in terms of the number of members) and can cause more ambitious problems that need to be solved, and solved without prejudice to the normal course of time, namely: progress, technical and technological development of society.

In order to formulate proposals for solving problems associated with active

EDMS is one of the most mysterious and mythologized areas of IT. The sector has become overgrown with myths since its inception. Naturally, some of them are already outdated and have lost their relevance, but new industry and IT trends add misconceptions to the market. It's time to debunk the most relevant ones.

1. EDMS is the automation of the office, incoming / outgoing and administrative documents

Despite the fact that electronic document management systems have long been entrenched in the Russian market, this point of view is encountered quite often.

In fact, everyone has electronic document management. As soon as you made a file in Word and sent it by e-mail or received the file by mail - the electronic document flow has already happened.

"The office is only one of the forms of organizing EDF, which best suits the domestic practice of working with paper documents," he explained Sergey Kuryanov, Strategic Marketing Director, DocsVision. This form implies a total centralized accounting of all official documents, as well as control of the process of execution of the instructions issued on them by the management.

However, the content of the enterprise is not limited to official documents; before them and in the process of their preparation, unofficial documents are created and circulated. And their flows are much more complex and more.

This EDMS should solve the problem of managing all electronic documents without exception - both official and unofficial - Sergey Kuryanov

“We live in the information world, and almost 100% of information exists in the form of electronic documents. A real EDMS should solve the problem of managing all electronic documents without exception - both official and unofficial,” said Sergei Kuryanov. It would be more correct, according to him, not to produce separate systems for each type of document, but to demand from its own EDMS a comprehensive solution to the problem.

2. EDMS by itself will save the company from internal clutter

This is one of the deeply rooted myths. In fact, EDMS does not solve the problems of organizational mess, if it already exists in the company.

"If the system is being implemented in a company in which there is no understanding of internal interaction, business processes and areas of responsibility, then the implementation of the system will only exacerbate these problems," he explained Ivan Tarkhanov, Head of Electronic Document Management at Cognitive Technologies. Implementation decision makers should be clear about what goals they are pursuing with this project.

If the system is implemented in a company in which there is no understanding of internal interaction, business processes and areas of responsibility, then the implementation of the system will only exacerbate these problems - Ivan Tarkhanov

3. If the document flow is electronic, then it is effective.

This myth was at its peak a few years ago. Now most of the customers already understand that this is not so, but many continue to believe in this delusion.

"Electronic document management can also be ineffective, it all depends on how efficiently the business process itself is built, and not on its technical implementation," he said. Sergey Plaunov, Head of BPM and ECM at CROC.

"You should answer yourself the questions: was reengineering carried out, comprehended the existing best practices in the company, took into account and unified procedures that are important for the company as a whole," he explained Ilya Konstantinov, Department of Corporate Systems, Technical Expert at Digital Design. It is also important who and in what mode uses the system, whether the management works in the EDMS or everything that is required is done by the assistants. These are all nuances, but, according to Konstantinov, they follow from the goals of the implementation customer.

So, if reengineering and optimization of the business process of document flow are timed to the transition to electronic document flow, then, according to Sergei Plaunov, you can immediately implement it in the most effective form.

If reengineering and optimization of the business process of document flow are timed to the transition to electronic document flow, then you can immediately implement it in the most effective form - Sergey Plaunov

4. The best choice is the solutions of the market leaders

This myth lies on the surface and, due to its simplicity and obviousness, captures the minds of customers, predetermining or at least seriously influencing their choice. But in reality, not everything is so simple.

"The systems, the peak of their popularity today, have conquered the market in recent years, when the technological and other advantages inherent in them were most in demand," - said Alexander Nazarov, Head of Sales at Haulmont. Now the market needs are changing, and solutions developed 4 - 5 years ago are becoming more and more relevant.

The systems, the peak of their popularity today, conquered the market in past years, when the technological and other advantages inherent in them were most in demand - Alexander Nazarov

Such systems with fewer implementations than those of the leaders, according to Nazarov, can be much more progressive, more technological, they are based on modern technologies and will be relevant for at least 5 - 7 years after implementation. At the same time, the period of their presence on the market, and, consequently, the experience in project implementation can be more than sufficient for the implementation of projects of any scale.

5. Western-made systems are more functional and flexible

This myth has a real foundation. Historically, Russian systems were inferior to Western ECM solutions, but they were more focused on the processes required specifically Russian companies, which from the point of view of the organization of management have a certain specificity.

"Over the past decades of development of the EDMS market, the most mature domestic manufacturers have implemented powerful and flexible automation platforms that are not inferior to Western systems," he explained Vladimir Andreev, President of Doksvision. At the same time, according to him, they have certain advantages, since they contain ready-made modules and applications focused on automating processes with domestic specifics, not to mention the cost of software and the availability of services.

Over the past decades of the EDMS market development, the most mature domestic manufacturers have implemented powerful and flexible automation platforms that are not inferior to Western systems - Vladimir Andreev

6. EDMS only for organizations with clear regulations and described business processes

Indeed, if the organization is a mess, there is little sense from a working EDMS. But it is not at all necessary that everything be correct and clear.

“Recently, more and more companies that use flexible management methodologies are using adaptive case management,” said Ivan Tarkhanov. EDMS, according to him, are also adapting to this trend and changing their classic configurations and rules of work.

Recently, more and more companies that use flexible management methodologies are using adaptive case management - Ivan Tarkhanov

7. Immediately after the implementation of the system, you can begin to actively use it

Due to the nature of the automation object - processes corporate governance- the implementation of the EDMS cannot be perceived as a normal project ending with commissioning. Any management processes are a constantly changing entity. In addition, at the beginning of the implementation of the EDMS, the receiving party has a poor idea of ​​the real capabilities of the potential system.

"In practice, the implementation of EDMS is a chain of interrelated projects both for the development of the range of automated processes, and for the expansion of their functional content and modernization of processes," said Vladimir Andreev. That is why specific requirements are imposed on the EDMS toolkit, if possible, customization of already implemented applications and the rapid automation of more and more new processes.

In practice, the implementation of EDMS is a chain of interrelated projects both for the development of the range of automated processes, and for the expansion of their functional content and modernization of processes - Vladimir Andreev

8. When implementing the EDMS, nothing is required from the customer, everything will be done by the contractor

This delusion is primarily typical for small companies, as well as for those who are not fond of informatization and rarely carry out such projects. In fact, the introduction of an EDMS is almost always a change in the internal work and routine of the company.

"If the team is not ready for this and there is no powerful motivation for change, then the effect will be the opposite or zero," said Ivan Tarkhanov. At the same time, recently, according to him, there is a tendency to change, tk. customers have become more experienced.

9. Small businesses don't need a good EDMS

The myth is quite obvious and is associated with a common misconception that small companies need MS Office and 1C.

Indeed, if the company employs 10 people, you can arrange registration and accounting of documents in Excel, store images of documents in the cloud, and route them to Outlook.

"A small organization can use a cloud solution. These are both Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365," said Sergey Kuryanov.

“It may well be a good and understandable system for this team in the given conditions,” Ilya Konstantinov explained. The question is, what tasks does small business and IT set for themselves?

"It all depends on what is considered a small business. If we exclude microbusiness from this definition, where the workflow process is quite specific, then there is a benefit from EDMS for small businesses," said Dmitry Shushkin, director of corporate projects at ABBYY Russia. Of course, because of the scale, the effect of using EDMS for small businesses will be less obvious than for medium or large ones.

"Of course, functions such as registering incoming correspondence, monitoring the execution of orders, automating procedures for approving documents are too cumbersome for small businesses and are not needed, since such things are easier and faster for a small group of people to discuss, just sitting at the same table," he explained Sergey Plaunov. At the same time, the means of forming a working information environment, in which it is possible to qualitatively structure information, search and provide quick access to it, generate document templates, discuss them, etc., can be very appropriate even in the case of a small business.

"If an entrepreneur plans to grow, then it is necessary to think about the development and debugging of internal communications, business processes," Ilya Konstantinov explained. And sooner or later, the question of choosing a document management platform will become relevant.

10. Mobile EDMS are dangerous

In reality, mobile EDMS is no more dangerous than other corporate applications with mobile access.

"The threat is not in the mobile EDMS, but in the implementation of a specific mobile workstation, in the absence or incorrect application of security policies by the customer's IT staff," explained Sergey Kuryanov.

The threat is not in the mobile EDMS, but in the implementation of a specific mobile AWP, in the absence or incorrect application of security policies by the customer's IT staff, - Sergey Kuryanov

"Much depends on the company's policy, the technologies used and the approach to ensuring information security- both organizational and technical measures must be worked out ", - said Sergey Plaunov. With due attention to this issue with the use of modern means it's safe. And, according to Plaunov, it is vital in modern realities.

"Currently, EDMS vendors are solving the issue of security of access to corporate data. For some platforms, there are separate software products providing secure mobile access to EDMS ", - explained Ilya Konstantinov. A variety of access methods, he said, requires complex security measures. And this task is solved by IT services not so much in the context of EDMS, but in the context of the entire IT landscape of the company.

“Also, the answer to this myth will be the fact that large corporations, including financial and state ones, have mobile access to EDMS and are used at the highest levels of management,” Ilya Konstantinov said.

In large corporations, including financial and state ones, mobile access to EDMS is available and is used at the highest levels of management - Ilya Konstantinov

11. There is no legal basis for the implementation of EDS

Actually the legislative framework for the introduction of EDS is completely ready.

"Now no one is stopping enterprises from switching to paperless document circulation with any documents, except for a small agreed list (personnel and other special types of office work)," explained Sergei Kuryanov. The problem is often not that there are no laws and regulations, but that the company has not developed internal regulations, legitimizing the use of EDS means, and therefore cannot switch to paperless document flow.

This, according to Kuryanov, is like a "last mile" problem in the wired Internet - when there are backbone channels and a routing infrastructure, but there is no connection of a home computer to this infrastructure.

"After all, no one will call the provider for you and organize the connection and routing inside the apartment," he explains.

12.EMS takes too long to implement

This statement was once quite true, but at the moment it is a full-fledged myth.

“Indeed, five years ago it was long and difficult to implement EDMS in the image, likeness and regulations of paper document flow. SED ", - said Alexander Nazarov. And if you take into account the time for pre-design survey, long setup of the system and its integration into the IT infrastructure of the organization, the time to install the application for each user and other factors, then the implementation of the EDMS really took a lot of time and resources. But now the situation is different.

"Modern EDMS platforms contain many tools for accelerated implementation, from a set of ready-to-use applications to tools that allow you to gradually increase functionality from simple to complex," explained Sergey Kuryanov. So you can get started quickly and inexpensively and develop, if necessary, to any level.

"The timing of the EDMS implementation depends on the complexity of the workflow business process itself, the need to optimize it, the amount of improvements and customization of this or that solution, the number of users and integrated systems in the organization, etc.", - said Sergey Plaunov. When it comes to tens of thousands of users and many integrated systems, then 2 - 3 years is quite a normal period. Medium business, according to Plaunov, can get an industrial EDMS in six months on average.

Medium business can get an industrial EDMS in six months on average - Sergey Plaunov

"The speed of implementation of the EDMS depends on the breadth of the task," - said Dmitry Shushkin. In order not to wait for the effect for several years, you need to do the implementation in stages. Correct prioritization of tasks, according to Shushkin, will help to obtain tangible results after the first stage of implementation.

Correct prioritization of tasks, according to Shushkin, will help to obtain tangible results after the first stage of implementation - Dmitry Shushkin