The nurse is doing what. The duties of a nurse in a hospital - functions and features. Sample of a typical job description of a nurse

(orderly) is a local act in which all the nuances are described labor activity of a given staff unit within a specific institution. How it is compiled and what provisions contains a well-written job description for workers in this profession, and will be discussed in our article.

What are the official duties of a nurse (orderly)?

Nurses and nurses are junior medical personnel who perform auxiliary labor functions in a medical facility. Usually, job duties of nurses consist of:

  • in the sanitary and hygienic maintenance of premises;
  • handling instruments and patient care products;
  • patient care;
  • assistance to medical personnel in carrying out procedures and manipulations.

Specific list job duties an employee of this specialty depends on the direction of activity of the department to which he is attached (surgical, radiological, pulmonological) and the nature of the medical institution (hospital, polyclinic, etc.). Each employee can familiarize himself with the scope of his powers and responsibilities in his job description.

Briefly about the job description for a nurse

Each institution develops and approves job descriptions independently, based on the specifics of the work of both the entire organization and specific specialists. However, the structure of this kind of documents, as a rule, remains unchanged, since the scheme developed by many years of office work practice makes it possible to take into account all the key aspects of the functioning of a nurse in any medical institution.

Standard form job description of a nurse includes the following sections:

Don't know your rights?

  1. Basic provisions. This is the first section of the document that describes the fundamental working conditions of the employee, such as:
    • necessary education;
    • work experience;
    • the procedure for hiring, dismissing and replacing an employee;
    • the place of the staff unit in the general organizational and staff structure of the enterprise;
    • indication of the immediate superior of the employee.

    Since the nurse performs simple labor functions, it is sufficient for the candidate for this position to have a high school diploma, although sometimes a certificate of completion of special courses may be required. The required work experience depends on the level of remuneration of a specialist and may either not be required at all or range from 1 to 2 years.

  2. Job rights and duties of the employee. This is the key and most extensive section of the document and deserves a separate review (follows below).
  3. Employee responsibility. This section concretizes general provisions legislation on labor violations and punishment of the employee. Since nurses are junior medical personnel, there are usually no special provisions on their responsibility in the job description, it simply states that the nurse is responsible:
    • for poor-quality performance or non-performance of their duties;
    • causing material damage to the organization;
    • violation of administrative, criminal or civil law.

    Note: the provisions on the responsibility of an employee in the job description cannot be stricter than the norms established by law.

The main job responsibilities of a nurse in a polyclinic

The more detailed and clearly defined the employee's job responsibilities in the relevant section of his job description, the easier it will be for him to work and the more efficiently he will be able to perform them. The specific list of job duties of the nurse of each individual medical institution depends on the area of ​​work entrusted to her, as well as the direction of the institution's activities, but there is also a general range of job responsibilities that is characteristic of all employees of this specialization.

These responsibilities include:

  1. Cleaning in the premises of the polyclinic: examination and treatment rooms, reception, sick leave room, doctors' offices.
  2. Assisting a senior nurse upon receipt of medicines, instruments, equipment and their delivery to the department.
  3. Receiving linen, household equipment, dishes, detergents from the hostess sister and ensuring their storage and use in accordance with established standards.
  4. Participation in disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning of medical instruments and used syringes.
  5. Weekly general cleaning of the premises in accordance with the schedule.
  6. Acting as a courier for the delivery of outpatient cards from the registry to the offices of the polyclinic.
  7. Notification of the hostess sister about malfunctions in electrical appliances and heating systems, water supply, sewerage systems.
  8. Preparation of premises for receiving patients.
  9. Systematic (after each patient) sanitary and hygienic surface treatment.
  10. Assisting patients in undressing and dressing.
  11. Timely informing the department management about the need to repair the equipment and inventory of the cabinet through the hostess sister.
  12. Performing other work in the polyclinic, due to production needs, in the free time from the main work by order of the head nurse.

The main job responsibilities of the ward and operating room nurse in the hospital

The duties of a nurse in a hospital depend on where exactly she works - in the ward or operating room.

So, the official duties of the ward nurse include:

  1. Round-the-clock monitoring of patients and immediate notification to the medical staff if their condition worsens.
  2. Providing assistance to doctors and nurses during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
  3. Cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the assigned wards, bathrooms and other rooms, airing and quartzing the wards.
  4. Cleaning bedside tables of bedridden patients.
  5. Receiving of underwear and bed linen and their replacement.
  6. Delivery and cleaning of ships, their timely emptying and disinfection.
  7. Providing assistance to the sick.
  8. Regular removal of trash and other waste.

The range of official duties of the operating room nurse includes:

  1. Ensuring cleanliness in all rooms assigned to it.
  2. Conducting daily wet cleaning before the start of operations, current - during operations and final - after the operation, as well as weekly general cleaning.
  3. Cleaning your workplace and utility rooms.
  4. Handing over dirty linen to the hostess sister and receiving clean linen, as well as putting linen in bixes for sterilization.
  5. Helping the hostess sister in sending the dirty laundry to the laundry and getting the clean one.
  6. Carrying out minor repairs to linen.
  7. Thorough knowledge of the structure of the operating table and methods of placing the patient in various operations.
  8. Compliance with safety measures when working with equipment in the operating room.
  9. Knowledge of the basics of antiseptics and asepsis, strict adherence to them.
  10. Compliance with the uniform adopted in the operating unit.

Rules for the design and application of job descriptions

When working on the preparation of a job description, it is necessary to take into account not only the peculiarities of the employee's labor activity, which affect the content, but also the rules for the external design of this document. A properly executed nurse's instruction must contain an approval mark, which is located on the title page or first page and includes:

  • date of approval;
  • information about the leader who approved the instruction;
  • manager's signature.

Each employee confirms the fact of familiarization with the provisions of the job description by signing either directly on the document (in the space reserved for this), or in a special journal.

Any modern medical institution boasts a fairly large staff of employees of various skill levels. Health care work is considered good and usually comes with benefits. But do not forget that specialized education is required for employment as a doctor or nurse. The junior medical staff is a completely different matter. What duties and rights does a nurse have, who is suitable for such a job?

General description of the profession

The work of any healthcare institution can be compared to the functioning of a complex mechanism, consisting of many details. Doctors prescribe treatment and monitor the condition of patients, nurses perform procedures that do not require higher qualifications. And what does the nurse in the hospital do? It should start with the fact that the job description of junior medical personnel is unique in each medical institution and completely depends on its specifics and profile. Usually a nurse keeps order in the hospital and provides simple care for patients who are in hospital. This profession has a lot in common with an assistant nurse and cleaner.

Nurse: duties and job description

It will be useful for everyone interested in the work of a nurse to familiarize themselves with the standard list of duties for this profession. Most often, the first item on this list is to ensure that offices, wards, corridors and other areas of the hospital are clean. If the health care facility is large, as a rule, several nurses work at the same time, each of whom is responsible for certain areas. Wet cleaning and sanitization of premises is usually carried out 2-4 times a day, depending on the internal regime of the institution.

Any nurse also has responsibilities on the economic side. Employee occupying this position, must promptly inform the hostess sister about the detection of any malfunctions in the water supply and sewerage systems, as well as cases of breakdowns of electrical appliances and other equipment. In hospitals, nurses change bed linen and, if necessary, provide full or partial care for the sick.

In many health care settings, nurses are assisted by nurses. For example, a nurse can participate in the acceptance and delivery of medicines and equipment, disinfection of instruments and many other simple manipulations.

Possible difficulties and disadvantages of the profession

Many people who have tried to work as a nursing staff complain about the psychological complexity of this profession. Often, a nurse in a hospital does all the dirtiest work, but at the same time faces complete disrespect from patients. Often, colleagues are not too respectful, and sometimes they are simply overloaded with overtime work.

Before looking for open positions, try to understand if you really need such a job. A nurse today should be in any medical institution - from a district clinic to surgical buildings and psychiatric dispensaries. To work in many highly specialized institutions, increased psychological stability is required; highly impressionable people in such places have nothing to do. If you are ready to wash the blood and are confident that you can listen to the screams of patients every day, this is the job for you.

Requirements for applicants

Any applicant over the age of 18 can get a job as a nurse. Education requirements are low - complete or incomplete secondary general. Jobseekers are often recruited already during a formal interview. Most employers do not require candidates to have professional experience. An important document is the job description of a nurse; a future employee must study it before signing an employment contract. In fact, this is complete list duties and rights of the employee.

Prospects and earnings

Very often, future doctors or former ones are employed as junior medical personnel. Indeed, medical college students and retired doctors or nurses are equally eagerly hired for nursing positions. Getting a job in a hospital will also be useful for those who are just thinking about starting a career in the healthcare sector. By examining the inside of the clinic, you can understand whether this kind of work is right for you.

How much does a nurse earn on average? Responsibilities and complete job descriptions greatly affect the level of wages... Usually the monthly salary of a nurse is 8-15 thousand rubles. It also depends on the specific region of employment and the type of medical institution.


nurses (orderlies) of the ward (s) of a psychiatric rehabilitation complex with a day hospital


    The ward nurse belongs to the category technical executors... A person with an average general education, who have passed the initial instruction and internship at the workplace Appointment to the position of a ward nurse and release from it is made by order of the head of the institution on the proposal of the head of the department and the senior nurse of the department. The ward nurse should know:
    Techniques for carrying out simple manipulations for patient care; Rules of sanitation, hygiene, patient care; Internal labor regulations; Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
    The ward nurse is directly subordinate to the ward nurse and the hostess of the department. In her activities, the ward nurse is guided by this instruction, "Collection of technologies and standards for organizing and performing work by hostess sisters and junior staff", orders by the nature of her work, the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens' rights in its provision", as well as orders and instructions of higher authorities and officials.


Ward nurse:

    He organizes his work in accordance with this instruction, the hourly work schedule, the Law "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision", "Collection of technologies and standards for organizing and performing work by housewives and nurses." Complies with the internal labor regulations, requirements labor discipline, medical and protective regime, moral and legal norms professional communication, ethics and deontology. Complies with the requirements of the instructions for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, labor hygiene, the opposite fire safety during the operation of premises and equipment. Economically and rationally uses material values ​​and resources. Leaves the department with the obligatory notification of the senior nurse of the department. Knows and strictly observes treatment and rehabilitation regimes for monitoring patients and the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" Provides a continuous post of round-the-clock observation of patients. He is dismissed from office only with the notification of the ward nurse. Knows and strictly observes the rules of behavior of junior staff when a patient is agitated, the technique of temporarily mechanical restraint of the patient. Under the guidance and with the participation of the ward nurse: Knows all patients by last name, first name and patronymic, takes into account the peculiarities of their behavior and has special control over patients prone to suicide, refusal to eat, damage to linen and clothes, etc., suffering from epileptic seizures; In a timely manner informs the ward nurse: Receives and hands over the laundry to the hostess sister. Participates in the reception, sorting, transportation of used and clean linen. Provides infectious safety and a safe hospital environment for patients in the hospital - complies with the rules of sanitary and hygienic and sanitary and anti-epidemic regimes: conducts
      all types of cleaning, maintains cleanliness and order in the assigned wards, the sanitary room and the premises of the department, airing and quartzing the fixed wards, changing bed and underwear for patients, disinfection of underwear and bed linen contaminated with feces and biological excretions.
    Provides, cleans up vessels and urinals in a timely manner, empties and disinfects them correctly. Contains the entrusted soft, hard equipment, items of care in safety, cleanliness and order. Complies with the requirements for marking, processing and disinfection of cleaning equipment, uses it for its intended purpose. Complies with the rules of personal hygiene and uniforms. Observes precautions when working with biological fluids and disinfectants. Carries out regular removal of garbage and medical waste. Regularly and in a timely manner medical checkup... Receives soft and hard utensils, disinfectants, cleaners and detergents from the hostess sister in a timely manner. Constantly increases its professional level by attending technical studies in the department, certification at the workplace.


nurses for observation of patients and their accompaniment of a psychiatric rehabilitation complex with a day hospital


    A nurse for observation of patients and their accompaniment belongs to the category of technical executors. A person with secondary education, who has undergone initial instruction and training at the workplace is appointed to the position of a nurse to monitor patients and accompany them. Appointment to the position of a nurse to monitor patients and their escort and release from it is made by order of the head of the institution on the proposal of the head of the department and the senior nurse of the department. A nurse for observation of patients and their accompaniment should know:
    Rules of sanitation, hygiene, patient care; Internal labor regulations; Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
    The nurse for the observation of patients and their escort is directly subordinate to the ward nurse and the hostess of the department. In her activities, the nurse for the observation of patients and their accompaniment is guided by this instruction, "Collection of technologies and standards for organizing and performing work by hostess sisters and junior staff", orders according to the nature of their activities, the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens' rights under its provision ”, as well as orders and instructions of higher authorities and officials.


Nurse for monitoring patients and accompanying them:

    He organizes his work in accordance with this instruction, the hourly work schedule, the Law "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision", "Collection of technologies and standards for organizing and performing work by housewives and nurses." Keeps the schedule of interaction with medical and diagnostic departments in the interests of the patient. Complies with the rules of internal labor regulations, the requirements of labor discipline, medical and protective regime, moral and legal norms of professional communication, ethics and deontology. Complies with the requirements of the instructions for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, labor hygiene, fire safety in the operation of premises and equipment. Economically and rationally uses material values ​​and resources. Leaves the department with the obligatory notification of the senior nurse of the department. Knows and strictly observes treatment and rehabilitation regimes for monitoring patients and the Law of the Russian Federation “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision”. Knows and strictly observes the rules of behavior of junior staff when a patient is agitated, the technique of temporary mechanical restraint of the patient. A nurse to monitor patients and accompany them is not entitled to release patients from the department, only with the permission of the ward nurse. Observes patients while walking. She must know all patients by last name, first name and patronymic, take into account the peculiarities of their behavior and have special control over patients suffering from epileptic seizures. Provides assistance to the ward nurse in the transfer, transportation of bedridden patients. Delivers medical documentation to treatment and diagnostic departments and back. Carries out the safety of medical records. In a timely manner informs the ward nurse:
    about a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition; about cases of violation of the internal labor regulations of the department and the hospital by patients.
Provides assistance to the ward nurse in the transportation of instruments and care items to the CSO. Receives and hands over the laundry to the hostess sister. Participates in the reception, sorting, transportation of used and clean linen. Provides infectious safety and a safe hospital environment for patients in the hospital - complies with the rules of sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic regimes, conducts:
    all types of cleaning, maintains cleanliness and order in the fixed wards, the sanitary room and the department premises, airing and quartzing the fixed wards.
    Strictly observes the rules of personal hygiene and uniforms. Medical examinations are carried out regularly and in a timely manner. Contains the entrusted soft, hard inventory, safe, clean and tidy. Complies with the requirements for labeling, processing and disinfection of cleaning equipment, uses it for its intended purpose. Observes precautions when working with biological fluids and disinfectants. Carries out regular removal of garbage and medical waste. Receives soft and hard utensils, disinfectants, cleaners and detergents from the hostess sister in a timely manner. Constantly improves her professional level by attending technical studies in the department, certification at the workplace.


instructor in occupational therapy of a psychiatric rehabilitation complex with a day hospital


The position of occupational therapy instructor is a person who has undergone HSE, TB and PPH training.

    A labor instructor is hired and dismissed by the head physician in accordance with the current legislation. The labor instructor is directly subordinate to the senior med. sisters and head. branch. The labor instructor is the financially responsible person for the receipt, storage and accounting of raw materials and materials received from the hospital, as well as for all equipment and tools available in the workshop, which is registered in the workshop on the hospital’s balance sheet. In his activities, he is guided by this instruction, hourly work schedule, official documents regulating the work of financially responsible persons by orders according to the nature of his activity.


    Organize your work in accordance with this instruction by the hourly work schedule. Carry full financial responsibility for the received raw materials and materials, as well as for the fixed assets, equipment and tools available in the workshop. Be responsible for the safety of work processes in the sewing area. Provide instructions for patients entering the site. Observe labor production discipline at the site. To prepare workplace and work until patients arrive at the site. check the availability and serviceability of tools and equipment. Take from honey. hospital nurses and place them in workplaces according to the type and complexity of the work, the appointment of doctors is agreed. Train primary patients in labor processes. Pay special attention to patients who are difficult to get involved in labor processes... To carry out the advancement of patients through the stages of complexity, considering the main indicators in the work, acquiring new skills by the patient. Pay attention to adherence to the daily routine. Monitor the cleanliness and order in the workplace. Assist medical personnel in the selection of patients for the site. For the safety of patients, observe the sharp-cutting instrument. Strictly issue and accept the instrument on the account. Monitor the condition of patients and, if necessary, inform honey. staff. Avoid clutter in the workplace. Do not trust anyone with the keys to the doors, take patients to the shop on account, accompanied by honey. staff. Carry out sanitary and hygienic cleaning of premises.

All medical personnel are divided into seniors (doctors with a diploma of graduation from higher medical education), secondary (nurses and paramedics with a diploma of secondary specialized medical education) and junior (orderlies who do not have any medical education).

O functional responsibilities we will discuss the latter in more detail in our article.

Job functions

Each individual hospital and department has its own duties of nurses, developed by the head nurse and approved for implementation by the head nurse of the hospital.

If we take into account all the hospital attendants, then they are divided into the following categories:

  • Washers;
  • Cleaning ladies;
  • Barmaids.

Attention! Each category of nurses has its own responsibilities. It is unacceptable for a cleaning nurse to look after a bedridden patient.

Now a little more about the duties of nurses in various departments.


The ward nurse has the following job responsibilities:

  1. She is obliged to monitor patients around the clock;
  2. If any of the patients becomes worse, the nurse is obliged to immediately notify the middle and senior medical personnel of the department;
  3. Provides assistance to nurses and doctors during both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures;
  4. The nurse is obliged to perform different kinds cleaning of such premises as wards, dining room, sanitary room and other premises that are registered as assigned to it;
  5. Monitors the regularity of airing and quartzing the chambers;
  6. If the patient is lying, the nurse cleans the bedside table next to the patient's bed after each meal;
  7. Performs cleaning of refrigerating chambers, which are set aside for storing perishable food products of sick wards;
  8. Receives clean underwear and bed linen from the hostess sister, and also monitors the regularity of its change. The nurse of the department also changes linen;
  9. She is obliged to deliver vessels and urine bags to bedridden patients on time, and after using them, empty them and then disinfect them;
  10. If necessary, the nurse should help patients take a hygienic bath, and then dry off and dress;
  11. Other responsibilities include regular removal household waste and other garbage;
  12. The nurse is obliged to act as a courier. This concept includes accompanying patients to procedures and diagnostic tests, to the admission department. This action can be assigned by the senior or ward nurse;
  13. If problems are detected in the water supply, sewerage and heating systems, the nurse should inform the hostess sister about this.

This list of responsibilities may slightly expand due to the specifics of some departments and hospitals in general.

Operating room

The nurse working in the operating unit is obliged to perform the following actions:

  • Perform a thorough cleaning of all rooms assigned to her;
  • To clean the operating unit before, during and after the end of surgical operations;
  • On any given day, once a week, perform a general cleaning of the operating room;
  • Carry out cleaning in the back rooms of the department;
  • After the end of the working day, hand over the dirty linen to the hostess sister and receive clean linen, and then put it in the bix for further sterilization;
  • Take out the trash daily;
  • Once a week, together with the hostess sister, send dirty linen to the laundry;
  • Strictly observe the basics of asepsis and antiseptics;
  • In case of minor damage to the linen, repair it;
  • Observe safety regulations when using sterilization devices located in the operating room;
  • Do not leave the workplace without the prior permission of the operating room or the head nurse;
  • Do not take anything out of the operating room without the permission of the head nurse;
  • Strictly observe the dress code. Clothing should only be made of cotton. No synthetic fabrics are allowed.

In dentistry

The duties of a nurse in a dental office are less.

She must daily carry out a thorough cleaning of the office, and during the reception to carry out washing and processing of instruments and trays.

General cleaning is carried out according to a specific schedule in accordance with the rules of the dental clinic.

In the intensive care unit

People who have not completed certain training courses are not allowed to work in the intensive care unit. Since the term "orderly" means the absence of any specialized training, the concept was introduced "Junior nurse".

The duties of a junior nurse include:

  1. Assisting a nurse in feeding patients;
  2. Assisting a nurse in patient care;
  3. Round-the-clock monitoring of the health status of patients. If it worsens, the junior nurse is obliged to inform the nurse and the doctor of the department about it;
  4. Keeping the department clean and tidy;
  5. Providing hygiene and care for resuscitation patients;
  6. Compliance with the moral and legal norms of professional communication, the requirements of labor discipline;
  7. Conducting some simple medical procedures that are performed only with the permission of the procedural nurse or the head nurse;
  8. Assisting a nurse with a gastric tube, urinary catheter, and the like.

Bedridden patients

Responsibility for providing household assistance to bedridden patients has been placed on the shoulders of nurses.

The orderlies are therefore sometimes called nannies:

  • they look after their health,
  • transport them to necessary procedures and research,
  • help them take a hygienic bath,
  • changing clothes and changing bed linen,
  • cleaning of bedside tables and nightstands,
  • bring a vessel or urine collection bag for the patient.

In the surgical department

In general, the duties of orderlies in the surgical department correspond to those in other departments of the hospital.

At the pharmacy

Pharmacies are also health care institutions employing the same doctors, nurses and nurses.

The responsibilities of the latter include the following items:

  1. Cleaning the pharmacy and all premises included in it at least once per shift;
  2. Before the start of the working day, the entrance mats are treated with disinfectants;
  3. Cleaning of dishes and materials;
  4. Timely cleaning of the used assistant's dishes, as well as the workplace;
  5. Daily garbage disposal;
  6. Compliance with safety precautions when using drying cabinets, gas stoves and other equipment located in the pharmacy;
  7. If necessary, performing the function of a courier;
  8. Compliance with internal regulations.

In a psychiatric clinic

In general, the requirements are the same as in somatic hospitals. However, not everyone is suitable for working in such a specific location.

Attention! As a rule, they try to recruit junior medical personnel in the form of strong young men or women with good physical fitness, as well as with "steel" nerves.

With patients in psychiatric wards, you must be strict and not give slack, otherwise some can cause serious injury (in a state of twilight clouding of consciousness, they can even kill).

Can someone perform these functions?

If nurses need help due to lack of time and energy, they have the right to accept assistance from relatives of patients in caring for him if the latter have the desire and opportunity.

Also, some hospitals have a separate courier position that delivers and accompanies patients, as well as carries analyzes and the results of various studies to the necessary places. All other duties must be performed independently by the nurse.

Attention! If a roommate drew attention to the patient's poor health first and immediately informed the first person who came across medical professional department about this (whether it is a doctor or a nurse), the nurse should not be blamed for an oversight.

She has many other responsibilities and she physically cannot be next to every patient every second.

Who can care for the sick?

In addition to nurses, this can be performed the following people:

  • Relatives of the patient;
  • Specially hired social workers.

Attention! Cleaning attendants and barmaids are not allowed to care for the patients of the department.

Nurses are very responsible people. Their work is very hard. Unfortunately, many people and colleagues do not appreciate their work. But in vain. Without nurses, the work of doctors and nurses would be much more difficult.

You need to appreciate the work of nursing staff in order to postpone the moment of approaching emotional burnout.

As a rule, all legal relations in organizations and companies are supported by documents and reflect not only all the activities of the enterprise, but also its specific responsibilities for each hired employee. At the same time, the main document regulating the duties and their implementation for specialists is job description.

Job description is a document that is primarily introduced to a specialist when hiring. It should reflect all the requirements put forward to the applicant, as well as the rights and functions of the position. How the recruitment of personnel will first of all depend on the correctly drawn up instructions.

Rules for registration and application

All the work of a nurse, like the activities of other workers in a medical institution, adjustable and displayed regulatory document ... As a rule, the job description for a nurse is developed in the medical institution itself, as a result of which it is better adapted to the requirements and needs of a particular hospital or clinic.

When hiring junior medical personnel, they usually do not put forward requirements that relate to work experience or education. The applicant is only obliged to understand the functions that will be imposed on the staff and on him, in particular.

If the newly hired employee has not previously worked in such places, then it is necessary to conduct personal training with him, which can be expressed in required courses or internship.

General provisions and duties

Junior medical personnel should be responsible for the cleanliness of the workplace and the surrounding area, they are required to have knowledge on this topic. The staff is obliged to know the sanitary norms, the provisions of personal and collective hygiene.

When carrying out official duties, it is required to show knowledge of detergents, methods of their use and preparation.


This specialist is superimposed on next duties:

  1. Supervision of storage conditions for linen, household equipment and detergents.
  2. Compliance with sanitary standards in the room by cleaning.
  3. Assisting the head nurse when taking medications.
  4. Accompany sick patients to diagnostic rooms.
  5. Timely reporting to the older sister about non-working equipment, water supply or electrical appliances.


The nurse is imposed following responsibilities:

  1. Carry out continuous round-the-clock surveillance of patients.
  2. Assisting nursing staff or doctors in performing medical procedures.
  3. Timely notification of medical personnel about the deterioration of the patient's condition.
  4. Maintaining cleanliness and order in the wards assigned to the ambulance.
  5. Cleaning the bedside tables of patients after eating.
  6. Receiving linen from the hostess sister, supervising its change.
  7. Cleaning of the vessel and urinals, their subsequent disinfection.
  8. Provide assistance in undressing and dressing patients for hygienic needs.
  9. Regular trash removal.

Operating unit

The nurse in the operating unit is superimposed a number of responsibilities:

  1. Constant maintenance of the sanitary and epidemiological regime, as a result of which small and general cleaning in the operating unit.
  2. Stay in the operating room and assist the doctor and anesthetist during the operation.
  3. Assist in connecting everything necessary equipment and in the issuance of sterile instruments and materials.
  4. Timely reporting.
  5. Waste sorting operations.
  6. Sending dirty linen to the laundry.

Hospital bedside

The nurse is required to comply following responsibilities:

  1. Provide assistance to sick patients in taking hygienic baths.
  2. Accompanying patients to the treatment room and diagnostic room.
  3. Cleaning the bedside tables after a meal by the sick.
  4. Serving hot food according to the established menu and diets of patients.
  5. Carry out cleaning on the territory entrusted to the employee.

Dental office

The staff who work in the dental office must:

  1. Provide constant assistance to the doctor and patients.
  2. Complete disinfection of instruments after each client's appointment.
  3. Clean up all inventory at all times.
  4. Timely fulfill the doctor's assignments.
  5. Observe the internal rules of procedure established in this dental office.
  6. Wear established uniforms in the dental office.

Diagnostic laboratory

  1. Permanent disinfection of reusable instruments.
  2. Maintaining and cleaning the laboratory.
  3. Assisting a nurse and completing errands during working hours.
  4. Carrying out scheduled cleanings.

Rights and responsibilities

Regardless of where exactly the nursing staff works, they have full right to provide him with special clothing and work equipment free of charge... The nurse may seek assistance or explanation from other junior workers or doctors.

She also has the full right to make proposals for the optimization of labor and must be familiar with all projects that contain information about her responsibilities.

The nurse is responsible, first of all, for the poor-quality performance of her job responsibilities, she can be punished for negligence, which led to unpleasant consequences.

In addition, the personnel are liable for non-compliance with the established fire and labor safety standards, as well as for deliberately committed mistakes. Also, the nurse is responsible for the safety of the inventory and, in the event of a breakdown or loss, can pay a material fine.

Performance appraisal and working conditions

Working conditions in general depend on the place where the nursing staff operates. As with many other workers, working hours are reflected in internal regulations of the institution.

The creation of a job description will clearly outline the range of responsibilities imposed on the nurse, and also give her an idea of ​​responsibility. Also, the instruction will help to defend the rights of the employee, preventing the management from delegating more responsibilities to him than required.

In general, the work of a nurse is hard work, primarily in keeping clean in the room entrusted to her, tools, linen. She must constantly provide assistance to senior medical personnel and carry out his instructions, while constantly observing and helping patients.

Therefore, such an employee must have a high resistance to stress and psyche, since often the sick are of a bad character. Also, the nurse needs to have a good memory, pedantry and be energetic. Without all these personality traits the employee will be ineffective in the workplace, as a result of which he will be able to work on it for a short time.

The specifics of working in the operating room are presented in this video.