Visual materials for the stands "Observe traffic rules!" and "Fire Safety". Stands of traffic rules (SDA), road signs for driving schools, transport companies, schools and kindergartens Material for a stand for traffic rules




    V first of all, do not play with matches, make sure that your comrades and small children do not play naughty with fire.




The main thing








Extinguish "01"


In connection with the approaching New Year and Christmas holidays, we remind you of the requirements of the Rules fire safety v Russian Federation PPB 01-03 to the organization of events with a mass stay of people (p. 50).

When organizing and conducting new year holidays and other events with mass presence of people:

* it is allowed to use only premises provided with at least two emergency exits that meet the requirements of design standards, do not have bars on the windows and are located no higher than 2 floors in buildings with combustible ceilings;

* the tree should be installed on a stable base and in such a way that the branches do not touch the walls and ceiling;

* in the absence of electric lighting in the room, events near the tree should be held only during daylight hours;

* illumination must be performed in compliance with NPB 234–97. When using an electric lighting network without a step-down transformer on the tree, garlands can only be used with sequential switching on of bulbs with voltage up to 12 V, the power of the bulbs should not exceed 25 W;

* if a malfunction is detected in the illumination (heating of wires, sparking, etc.), it must be immediately de-energized.

It is prohibited:

    carrying out events with locked hinged bars on the windows of the premises in which they are held;

    use arc spotlights, candles and firecrackers, arrange fireworks and other fire hazardous light effects that can lead to a fire;

    decorate the Christmas tree with celluloid toys, as well as gauze and cotton wool, not impregnated with fire retardants;

    dress children in costumes made of flammable materials;

    to carry out fire, painting and other fire hazardous and explosive works;

    use shutters on windows to darken rooms;

    reduce the width of the aisles between the rows and install additional chairs, chairs, etc in the aisles;

    completely extinguish the light in the room during performances or performances;

    allow the filling of premises by people in excess of the established norm.

When holding events, a watch should be organized on the stage and in the halls of responsible persons, members of voluntary fire brigades or employees of the fire protection of the enterprise.


We kindly ask you delete the tree from home as soon as it starts to crumble. Do not leave a dry tree in the house, garage, or just near the entrance.

When buying a Christmas tree, give preference to trees with a strong smell of fresh needles, a sticky trunk to the touch, make sure that there are no yellow needles on the tree. A correctly chosen tree will not start to crumble immediately after installation. Before installation, it is better to keep the tree outside, in the cold. The crumbling yellow needles must be removed immediately - they, like gunpowder, can flare up from any spark.

Christmas tree needs put at least one meter away from electric heaters, floor lamps, candles, etc.

The tree should not block the passage.

If there are small children or animals in the house, think about fixing the tree in advance to avoid it. fall ... Never place candles or pyrotechnic devices on the tree.


Fires cause people great misfortune. To avoid this, you must strictly follow the fire safety rules.

Remember! These rules require only one thing: careful handling of fire.

V first of all don't play with matches , make sure that your comrades and small children do not play naughty with fire.

Not arrange games with fire in barns, basements, attics. If necessary, go there only during the day and only on business, and in the evening use electric lights for lighting. In no case is it allowed to use matches, candles.

Not play with electric heaters, it is dangerous! Electrical appliances that are plugged in and left unattended often cause fires.

Guys! Remember these rules always, explain them to your friends and comrades. By doing this, you will help the employees of the fire service in preventing fires in schools, houses, and camps.

A fire can occur anywhere and anytime. Therefore, you must always be prepared for it. We suggest you remember the simplest rules that can be saved from fire and smoke.

G lavnoe What you need to remember - matches and lighters are used for household chores, but not for games. Even a small spark can lead to big trouble.

Not turn on the TV without adults.

If a fire happened in your apartment - run away. Don't forget to close the door behind you.

Firmly know that there are two rescue exits from the house: if you cannot go out the door, call for help from the balcony or window.

No in any case, do not hide under a bed or in a closet during a fire - it will be difficult for firefighters to find you.

If your clothes are on fire, stop, fall to the ground and roll.

If you have burned your hand - substitute it under a stream of cold water and call adults for help.

If there is fire or smoke in the stairwell, do not leave the apartment. Open a window or balcony and call for help. During a fire, you must not use the elevator: it can get stuck between floors.

Extinguish fire is an adult's business, but you can call the firefighters yourself. It is very easy to remember the fire department phone number -"01" ... State your name and address. If you do not get through yourself, ask the elders about it.

Even in the absence of the possibility of teaching life safety, a decorated stand for traffic rules at school is required. Its main functions are:
· Prevention of the occurrence of car accidents initiated by school-age children;
· Instilling rules and norms of behavior on the road;
· Learning to read road markings, pictographic signs that regulate the rules of behavior of vehicles and pedestrians;
· Instilling social responsibility for their actions and a reminder of the possible consequences of non-observance of traffic rules.
A stand on traffic rules in a school can consist of one or more elements dedicated to various aspects of road safety.

Information on the stand on traffic rules at the school

The main information offered for study in a wall display should be:
· Recommendations for the correct behavior of pedestrians while driving on the sidewalk and in the absence thereof, when crossing the road at regulated and no intersections.
· Rules of conduct for cyclists while driving, permitted for movement on this type of transport in the area of ​​settlements.
· The meaning of symbolic traffic signs, road markings.
· Methods of interaction with drivers of vehicles, the meaning of sound, light, symbolic signals in transport and traffic lights.
· The list of prohibited actions while driving on footpaths and highways.
The information should be:
· Relevant today. It makes no sense to use outdated posters depicting manual traffic control, canceled or changed traffic rules.
· Set out in a form appropriate for the age of the learners.

Traffic rules stand design at school

It is advisable to place it near the exit from the building, in order to remind schoolchildren leaving the educational institution of the need to comply with safety rules. If there is a separate study room OBZH, the information screen can be duplicated in whole or in part in its wall displays, as well as in an accessible form - in the designated area of ​​the elementary grades.
The design must comply with:
· Generally accepted norms of color marking of acceptable and prohibited behavior, using red and green colors.
· Consistency of the information provided, its completeness, consistency and consistency of presentation.
· Readability and ease of presentation of rules and guidelines. The information screen should not be obstructed by interior items, engineering structures, or hang too high. The use of italic, handwritten, or other illegible fonts is not allowed. Given the wide age mix target audience, which includes students of elementary grades, the presentation of information in short form with preference for illustrative material.

Material for the stand of traffic rules at school

Any materials recommended for use in educational institutions... Depending on the method of purchasing the information screen, the following are valid:
· Homemade. They can be made of cardboard, drawing paper, fabric on a slatted frame, wooden boards. Their main disadvantage is fragility.
· Industrial. As a rule, they are made of opaque or translucent plastic. As non-removable elements of a wall display, they can be used for many years, being subject to periodic wet cleaning. Most functional.
· Semi-industrial. They are made by small companies using semi-professional equipment made of wood, organic glass, plastic by means of photo printing and others. At the request of the customer, they can be provided with the information already applied.

Pictures for the stand on traffic rules at school

As illustrations for the stand on traffic rules at school, you can use:
· Printed printing materials.
· Homemade collages and appliques.
· Results computer graphics made in a photo editor, programs for creating presentations, or downloaded from the Internet and printed.
The following requirements are imposed on the illustrative material:
· Color. It is not allowed to use monochrome images for screens of this subject.
· Symbolism. For effective psychological impact hand-drawn illustrations are needed, not photographs.
· Positivity. Excessive realism, especially in depicting the consequences of breaking the rules, is unacceptable.
Availability in educational institution an information screen dedicated to explaining the rules of the road helps to reduce the risk of injury to children on the road.


In the MOU "School No. 2, settlement Novye Burasy" there was an action "Be noticeable on the road." Head of OGIBDD A.P. Savenkov, schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 took part.

The school has taken the following measures to prevent child road traffic injuries:

  1. A work plan for the prevention of child road traffic injuries has been developed.
  2. A road safety stand has been decorated.
  3. Meetings were held for students in grades 5-11 and the parent community with the police captain A.P. Savenkov. - traffic police inspector for traffic police compliance.
  4. A meeting was held with the teaching staff of the school on the issue of teaching children the rules of the road and the formation of safe behavior on the road.

In order to intensify work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries, suppression of violations of the rules for the transportation of children-passengers and ensuring the safety of children during spring break, the school issued an order to conduct a targeted preventive action "Attention, holidays!"

Safety lessons were conducted with the students on the rules of safe behavior on the roads with the involvement of the traffic police inspector A.P. Savenkov, during which safe routes "home-school-home" were worked out with children in practice.

An informational and prophylactic event "Parents' hour with a traffic police inspector" was held, at which the issues of preventing child road traffic injuries, observance by parents - drivers of the obligatory use of seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in vehicles, were discussed.

Updated road safety corners with visual aids on compliance with the rules of conduct on the roads in the spring.

DDTT instructions, rules and regulations

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation

Order_On approval of the Manual on the work of road-patrol_sl_0t April 20, 1999, No. 297

FZ_On road safety dated 02_03_1999 No. 41-FZ


Warning signs

A child from the first years of life becomes a road user. And it is important to teach him to navigate the streets correctly. To do this, parents read illustrated books and magazines to their children. And in kindergartens and schools, it is recommended to hang on the walls of corridors and classrooms stands with traffic rules.

In childhood, information is easier to remember if you visualize it. Therefore, our company offers a large selection of stands illustrating traffic rules. Kids and schoolchildren, looking at the drawn peers or animals, will remember important information.

Our suggestions

We can do for you stands with traffic rules, which you will post:

  1. 1.In kindergarten... Their main feature is bright, colorful illustrations and minimal amount of text. After all, it is interesting for preschoolers to look at the images, and the accompanying adult will always tell in detail what this picture teaches. In such a light and unobtrusive form, boys and girls quickly learn how to move around the city and how to behave along the road.
  2. 2. At school. It is also important for schoolchildren to be reminded of traffic rules. After all, if their parents or relatives took them to the kindergarten, now they themselves come to school and return home. Stands with traffic rules should also be bright and colorful, but they already contain the most important information. Her child will be able to read independently and remember.
  3. 3. In a driving school. We often order stands for such organizations to decorate classrooms with them and at the same time help students remember difficult material. The stand often shows road signs.
  4. 4. At the service station and in other transport organizations. For example, you can order a stand from us that resembles the procedure for checking the technical condition of a car or a poster with a tire fitting algorithm.

We offer a wide range of stands - with and without plastic pockets. But if you did not find the option you need, contact our manager for help. He will listen to all wishes and requirements, and the designers will develop a layout in accordance with them.

We always make products High Quality... Therefore purchased by you stands with traffic rules will be durable. All images will remain crisp and vivid over time.

Order the required stand from us at an affordable price right now!