Presentation on the topic "Safety on the Reservoirs" presentation for the lesson on obzh (grade 8) on the topic. Safe behavior on water bodies Download presentation safety on water bodies

Frozen water safety
4. Safety of passengers on ships
Developed by: teacher-organizer of life safety Filimonov V.A.

1. Analysis of accidents on the water in the Russian Federation 1.1. Analysis of water accidents in 2012 and 2013


1. Analysis of accidents on the water in the Russian Federation 1.2. Analysis of deaths on the water in 2009 - 2013



1. Analysis of accidents on the water in the Russian Federation 1.3. Analysis of the death of children on the water in 2009 - 2013


The most characteristic security situations: (textbook)

- floods;
- movement on frozen waters;
- accidents on sea and river vessels;
- active recreation on the water.

2. Safety rules in case of flooding 2.1. How to prepare for a flood (tutorial)

How to prepare for a flood:
- If your area often suffers from floods,
explore and remember the limits of the possible
flooding, as well as elevated, rarely
flooded areas located in
close proximity to your home, and
shortest path to them.
- Memorize the storage locations for boats, rafts and
building materials for their manufacture.
- Make a list of documents in advance,
property and medicines exported during
evacuation, it is advisable to put in a special
suitcase or backpack necessary warm clothes,
stock of food and medicines.

2. Flood safety rules 2.2. How to act during a flood (textbook)

How to act during a flood:
- At the warning signal about the threat of flooding and evacuation, you must immediately leave
(leave) the danger zone to a designated safe area or to elevated areas
terrain, taking with you documents (wrap them in a waterproof bag), valuables,
necessary items and a two-day supply of non-perishable foodstuffs and drinking water. V
the final point of evacuation must be registered.
- Before leaving the house, you must turn off the electricity and gas, put out the fire in the heating
furnaces, secure all floating objects located outside buildings, or place them in utility
- If time permits, it is advisable to move valuable household items to the upper floors or
attic of a residential building.
- Close windows and doors, if necessary, and if there is time, block the windows and doors of the first floors.
- In case of flash flood, it is necessary to wait for the arrival of help or the subsidence of water on the upper floors
and roofs of buildings, on trees, etc.
- It is advisable to stock up on items that can help in such a case. other than boats or
rafts, barrels, logs, shields, doors, wreckage can be prepared for forced navigation
wooden fences, poles and car cameras, closed plastic bottles, balls,
- Constantly send a distress signal:
during the day - by hanging or waving a clearly visible cloth nailed to a pole,
in the dark - with a light signal and voice (periodically).
When the rescuers approach calmly, without panic and fuss, in compliance with precautionary measures,
get into the boat, observing the requirements of the rescuers and not allowing it to be overloaded.
While driving, do not leave your seat, do not get on board, strictly follow the requirements
- You can get out of the flooded area on your own only in hopeless situations: when
one of the victims needs health care when the water is still rising and there is no
hope for lifeguards.
- Jumping into the water with improvised means is possible only as a last resort, when there is no hope
to the rescue and the hill is completely flooded.
- Getting out of the flood zone on your own, do not stop giving a distress signal.

2. Flood safety rules 2.2. How to act after a flood (textbook)

What to do after a flood:
- After the flood, if there is a need to enter
building, it is important to observe safety measures: you may
threaten the collapse or fall of any object.
- It is necessary to ventilate the room well (to remove
accumulated gases). Wait for a validation check
electrical wiring, gas pipelines,
plumbing and sewerage.
- To dry the rooms, open all doors and windows,
clean the dirt from the floor and walls, pump out the water from the basements.
- Do not eat foods that have been in contact
with water. Do not use water from wells until they are
will be cleared.

3. Safety on frozen waters 3.1. Dangerous frozen bodies of water (to know)

Reservoirs freeze unevenly: first near the coast, in shallow water, in bays protected from the wind, and then in the middle.
On lakes, ponds, ice appears earlier than on rivers where there is a current. On the ice you always have to be extremely
- ice at least 10 centimeters thick in fresh water and 15 cm in salt water is considered safe for humans;
– in the mouths of rivers and tributaries, the strength of ice is weakened. The ice is fragile in places of fast current, springs and runoff
waters, as well as in areas of growth of aquatic vegetation, near trees and reeds;
- if the air temperature is above 0 degrees for more than three days, then the strength of the ice is reduced by 25%;
– ice strength can be determined visually: ice is transparent blue, green hue is strong, and ice strength
white color is 2 times less. Ice that has shades of gray, dull white or yellow is the most
unreliable - it collapses without a warning crackle;
- you can not go out on the ice at night and in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain);
- when crossing the river, you should use organized ice crossings;
- in case of a forced crossing of a reservoir, it is safest to stick to the beaten paths or go along the already laid
ski track. If they are not there, before going down to the ice, it is necessary to look around very carefully and outline the route;
- you can not test the strength of the ice with a kick. If after the first strong blow even a little water appears, then
The ice is thin and you can't walk on it. In this case, you should retreat along your own trail to the shore, with sliding steps, not
lifting your legs off the ice and spreading them shoulder-width apart so that the load is distributed over a large area. Similar
come with a warning crackle of ice and the formation of cracks in it;
- on a frozen pond, you must take with you a strong cord 20-25 meters long with a large blind loop at the end and
cargo. The load will help to throw the cord to the one who has fallen into the water, the loop is needed so that the victim can more reliably
hold on by threading it under the armpits;
- when crossing a reservoir in a group, it is necessary to keep a distance from each other (5-6 m), you can not jump and run on ice,
gather at one point;
- it is better to cross a frozen river or lake on skis, while the bindings must be unfastened so that when
the need to quickly reset them; ski poles - hold in your hands, without throwing loops on your hands;
– you need to be especially careful where there is a thick layer of snow, as well as in places of fast flow and exit
springs, near bushes protruding above the surface, sedge, grass, confluence or discharge of industrial water
- if you have a backpack, you need to hang it on one shoulder. This will allow you to easily get rid of the load in case the ice

How to determine the strength of ice visually (write down)

Dangerous places on the ice of a reservoir (write down)

The danger of spring ice (to know)

It's life-threatening!

It's life-threatening!

It's life-threatening!


A man in trouble - fell through the ice!

3. Safety on frozen waters 3.2. Rules for safe behavior on frozen waters. (write down)

3. Safety on frozen waters 3.3. Rules for rescuing those who have fallen through the ice (write down)

Rescue of the fallen through the ice

Rescue of a person who has fallen through the ice using improvised means

Rescue of a person who has fallen through the ice using improvised means

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4. Safety of passengers on ships 4.1. The generally accepted rules of conduct on the ship - write down. (textbook)

generally accepted rules. Let's take a look at the main ones.
Being on the ship, you must remember that at the present time
All passengers and crew members are provided with seats on
rescue equipment. Each passenger must know where he
be in the event of an evacuation of people and in which boat it is determined
his place.
At emergency you can't panic. On each
the ship has developed its own evacuation procedure, and it is necessary
Every passenger must be able to use the life-saving
vest. To do this, you need to study the instructions for it
You also need to know what to do in case of a fire alarm.
It is especially important to remember the path through the corridors of the ship, along which
will have to get out on the boat deck.
It is not advisable to walk on the open deck when it
wet or the sea is stormy.
It is also important to know the location of the ship's first-aid post.

4. Safety of passengers of ships 4.2. General rules of conduct on a ship How to behave in a shipwreck -

write down.
Do not panic, clearly and quickly follow the instructions of the captain and crew
Put on a life jacket. Do not take off your clothes and shoes. Take with
documents, after wrapping them in a plastic bag.
Quickly and without haste, climb to the upper deck and, on command,
crew, sit one by one in life-saving appliances (in boats, on
If it is impossible to get into the boat (on the raft), jump into the water with your feet down
(you are wearing a life jacket), with one hand covering your nose and mouth, and with the other
- hugging himself by the belt so as not to rip off the life jacket.
Once in the water, swim away from the side of the ship. Try to get yourself together
group to organize joint actions to rescue and provide
helping each other.
Seeing a boat in which there are free places, swim up to it, and you
help you climb it. If there are no seats on the boat, ask them to throw you
cable (halyard, rope), tie it under your arms and swim behind the boat.
While in a boat (on a raft), protect your head and exposed parts of your body
under strong sunlight.
Rationally use the emergency supply of water and provisions. Do not lose
hope for salvation

The safest time on the water!


Generally accepted safety measures must be observed in water bodies.
Compliance with safety precautions is the main condition for safety on the water.
Water is the element!
She does not forgive human mistakes!

Questions to control:

What are the main causes of human behavior
death on the water?
Why is a flood dangerous? What are the recommendations
the population on safe behavior in the event of a threat and during
flood time?
What safety precautions should be taken
frozen ponds? What to do in case of failure
What every passenger on board should know
sea ​​or river steamer?


Study the lesson material in the textbook and
presented presentation
Formulate safe rules
behavior on the water in various life
situations in which you may find yourself
Have a lesson outline in a safety diary
(notebooks), in readiness to submit a notebook for
checking the teacher

Ensuring personal safety at reservoirs at different times of the year

However, it should be noted that human contact with water is not always safe. Water does not forgive those who do not follow generally accepted safety measures. It becomes dangerous for the life and health of people who are not prepared to stay on water bodies or who do not want to reckon with the rules of human behavior on the water.

Safe water recreation

In summer, in hot weather, the best rest is on the banks of a river, lake or reservoir, but we must remember that not all places can swim. If the sign “Swimming is prohibited” is installed on the shore, this prohibition should not be violated, no matter how great the desire to swim is.

In order for your vacation on the water not to turn into a tragedy, regardless of the reservoir (sea, river, lake, pond) and the place of bathing (beach, pool, unfamiliar reservoir), you need to know and follow a number of general rules of behavior on the water while swimming.

It is better to swim in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is warm, but there is no danger of overheating. The water temperature should not be lower than 18–19 °С, the air temperature - 20–25 °С.

Bathing should begin at a water temperature of at least 20 ° C. Then move on to bathing at lower temperatures. This must be done gradually, because the body must adapt to the new temperature regime.

The most acceptable are the following bathing regimes:

  • at a water temperature of 18 ° C - 6-8 minutes;
  • at a water temperature of 20 ° C - 10-12 minutes;
  • at a water temperature of 24 °C 15-20 min.

In no case should you swim before a chill: hypothermia may cause convulsions, respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness.

Spasmodic muscle contractions during swimming, caused by a long stay in the water, often cause accidents.

If you feel chills for a long time, you need to get out of the water and make a short but vigorous jog along the shore, dry yourself with a towel and then you can sunbathe.

You can not enter the water after a long stay in the sun, as the peripheral vessels are greatly expanded for greater heat transfer.

When cooled in water, a sharp reflex contraction of the muscles occurs, which entails respiratory arrest.

When swimming, you should try not to swim far, as you can not calculate your strength. Feeling tired, do not get lost and strive to swim to the shore as soon as possible. You need to be able to "rest" on the water. The best rest will be the supine position, in which, by acting on light pressure on the water movements of the palms of the hands and the work of the legs, you can support yourself on the surface of the water in order to replenish your strength to continue swimming.

If you are captured by the current and carried to an unfamiliar place, you should not give in to panic. Keeping your cool, do not swim against the current, otherwise you can get exhausted. It is better to swim downstream, gradually approaching the shore at a slight angle.

You should never swim up to whirlpools - this is the biggest danger on the water. They pull the swimmer to a great depth and with such force that even an experienced swimmer is not always able to swim out.

Once in the whirlpool, you need to take more air into your lungs, dive into the water and, making a strong jerk to the side with the flow, float to the surface.

In ponds with a lot of algae, you should try to swim near the surface of the water without touching the plants. If, nevertheless, the arms or legs are tangled with algae stalks, then sudden movements and jerks should not be made, otherwise the plant loops will tighten even tighter. It is better to lie on your back and try to swim out with soft, calm movements in the direction from which you swam.

If this does not help, then you need to pull up your legs, carefully free yourself from the plants with your hands.

When swimming with a wave of the water surface, one must carefully monitor that inhalation occurs in the intervals between waves. Swimming against the waves, you should calmly climb a steep wave and roll off it.

If the wave is with a crest (wall), then it is better to dive through the wave a little lower.

There may be piles, rails, stones, etc. under water.

You can dive only where there is sufficient depth for this, clear water, and a flat bottom.

You can’t swim beyond the restrictive signs, as they limit the absence of whirlpools, etc. You don’t have to swim far from the coast or swim across the reservoir on a dare. You can prove your ability to swim by swimming several times the same distance near the shore.

It is forbidden to swim in the area of ​​water intake stations, dams, marinas, berths and other hydraulic structures.

Special care requires swimming with a mask, snorkel and fins.

Do not snorkel in rough seas. It is necessary to swim only along the coast and always under constant supervision so that they can come to the rescue in time.

You need to be attentive and careful to your comrade, not to lose sight of him and come to his aid.

You can not leave younger brothers and sisters near the water. They can stumble and fall, choke on a wave or fall into a hole.

1) On reservoirs it is necessary to observe generally accepted safety measures.

2) Compliance with safety precautions is the main condition for safety on the water.

3) When bathing, you need to be disciplined, not to allow pranks.

4) You need to swim in water of acceptable temperature.

Frozen water safety

  • It is equally important to know the rules of safe behavior on frozen waters.
  • It is recommended to cross the reservoir only in verified places marked with special warning signs. If safe places on a frozen body of water are not marked, it is necessary to carefully examine the ice.
  • For single pedestrians, ice is considered strong if its thickness is at least 7 cm, for a group of people - 12 cm.

The strength of ice can be determined by a number of signs:

  • pure transparent ice is the strongest, cloudy ice is suspicious and unreliable;
  • in areas covered with snow, the ice is thin and weak;
  • in places where streams and rivers flow into a lake (river), the thinnest ice usually forms.
  • It is not recommended to move on the ice in case of poor visibility (in fog, snowstorm, heavy snowfall).

If you fall through the ice:

  • You should not flounder and lean with the whole weight of the body on the edge of the ice.
  • Try to lean on the ice with your elbow and move your body to a horizontal position (keep in mind that you need to get out in the direction you came from, that is, return to the already passed and, therefore, proven road).
  • Carefully put one foot on the ice, then the other.
  • Try to roll out onto the ice and without sudden movements, without getting up, move away from the dangerous place (crawl in the direction you came from).
  • On hard ice, stand up and try to quickly get to the nearest accommodation.

Safe water recreation


Workshop page 77

Test Test "Rules of safe behavior on the water" Many modern cities and settlements located on the banks of rivers, lakes or seas. Many have ponds and reservoirs. Many modern cities and towns are located on the banks of rivers, lakes or seas. Many have ponds and reservoirs.

In summer, in hot weather, the best rest is on the banks of a river, lake or reservoir, but we must remember that not all places can swim. If the sign “Swimming is prohibited” is installed on the shore, this prohibition should not be violated, no matter how great the desire to swim is.

The main rule of a person's recreation on the water is to know the places where the water in the reservoirs is tested and does not pose a health hazard and where swimming is allowed.

If you decide to swim in an unfamiliar body of water, then you must first carefully examine the shore and make sure that the place is on a sandy shore with a good descent.

Before entering the water, you need to carefully examine the water area adjacent to the shore, whether snags stick out of the water, whether driftwood is hiding at the bottom

The bottom should have a gradual slope without holes, ledges, algae, sharp stones, glass and other dangerous objects. We need to look at the water. If she is not calm, then there may be underwater pits, thick algae springs.


After a suitable place is chosen, it is necessary to outline the limit beyond which it is undesirable to swim. Enter the water carefully. Never jump into water in unfamiliar places.

It is better to swim in the morning or in the evening when the sun is warm, but there is no dangerous overheating. The water temperature should be at least 18-19. C, air temperature 20-25 C.

The duration of bathing depends on the temperature of the air and water, the humidity of the air and the strength of the wind. Swimming should begin at a water temperature of at least 20 degrees.


The most acceptable bathing regimes are - at a water temperature of 18C - 6-8 minutes, - at a water temperature of 20C - 10-12 minutes, - at a water temperature of 24C - 15-20 minutes. In no case should you swim before a chill, convulsions, respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness may occur. Spasmodic muscle contractions are often the cause of accidents.

If you have a cramp in your arms or legs, you need to remain calm and continue to swim on your back. When you feel the fingers tightening, you need to quickly squeeze the brush into a fist with force, make a sharp throwing motion with your hand to the side and open your fist. With a cramp in the calf muscle, you need to use both hands, bending over to clasp the injured foot and pull the fingers towards you with force


With a hip cramp, grab the leg from the outside below the shin at the ankle with your hand and bend it at the knee, pull it back to the back. The work of a reduced muscle accelerates the disappearance of seizures.

You can not abruptly enter the water after a long stay in the sun. A sharp reflex contraction of the muscles entails respiratory arrest.

If you are captured by the current and carried to an unfamiliar place, you should not panic. Do not try to swim against the current, you can get exhausted. It is better to swim downstream, gradually at a slight angle, approaching the shore.

Attention! You should never swim up to whirlpools - this is the biggest danger on the water. They pull the swimmer to a great depth and with such force that even an experienced swimmer is not able to swim out.

Once in the whirlpool, you need to take more air into your lungs, dive into the water and, making a jerk to the side with the flow, float to the surface


You can dive only where there is a large Gubin, clear water and a flat bottom. You can not swim beyond the limit signs

You can prove your ability to swim by swimming several times the same distance near the shore


It is forbidden to swim in the area of ​​water intake stations, dams, jetties, berths and other hydraulic structures.

You can not swim to passing ships. If the steamer goes against the current of the river, then the sailor can be pulled under the ship

Do not float on inflatable objects. Inflatable chambers, mattresses are very light, even a weak wind and current are enough to carry them over long distances.

Special care requires swimming with a mask, snorkel and fins. Do not snorkel in rough seas. It is necessary to swim only along the coast and always under constant supervision so that they can come to the rescue in time.

During games on the water, in no case should you give false distress signals such as: "I'm drowning, help!" Faking an accident can lead to the fact that those around you, who are used to false calls, will not come to the rescue of someone who is really drowning.

Water trips and water safety

There are a few basic safety rules to follow while hiking:

  • documents and money must be packed in a waterproof bag and kept with you,
  • matches, dry alcohol should be stored in plastic containers with screw caps,
  • tent, bedding, clothes, food should be kept in plastic bags.

Rules for safe behavior on the water during the trip:

  • when landing - do not jump into the boat,
  • landing takes place from the stern,
  • in the campaign, the boats must be at a distance of visual and voice communication,
  • do not shout while walking.
For water tourism are used



inflatable boat

boats, dugouts, punts and other vessels

If the ship capsized on the threshold, the team grabs the edges of the boat and swims to the shore. Boat teams in front are catching things that have sailed away from the overturned boat.

How to rest if you are tired while swimming: ____ How to rest if you are tired while swimming: ____ Where, when and how you can not swim? ________ If the boat capsized, you need to _______ You need to swim up to the drowning person ______ you need _ You need to transport a drowning person ____________________ so that ________ Rescue equipment includes: ________

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Water safety.

Training questions: 1. General rules of safe behavior in case of flooding. 2. Safety on frozen waters. 3. Safety of passengers of sea and river vessels. 4. Safe rest on the water. 5. Water trip. 6. Rendering assistance to those in distress on the water.

On average, 6-7 thousand people die in the water bodies of Russia per year. Up to 25% of accidents occur during boating and boating. Up to 13% of deaths occur during floods and floods.

Causes of death: ● drunk bathing ● swimming in unequipped places ● inability to swim

Question 1. General rules for safe behavior in case of flooding.

Questions “thick” “thin” Give an explanation why … ? Who? How to act when ... ? What? What is the difference? When? What do…. ? Could it? What is the reason … ? Will it? What are the consequences of...? What is the name of?

Question 2. Safety on frozen waters.

Frozen water safety. For single pedestrians, ice is considered strong if its thickness is at least 7 cm, for a group of people - 12 cm.

The strength of ice can be determined by a number of signs: ♦ the strongest is clean, transparent ice, muddy ice is unreliable ♦ in areas covered with snow, the ice is thin and weak ♦ at the confluence of streams and rivers into the lake (river), the thinnest ice is usually formed

The strength of ice can be determined by a number of signs: ♦ the most durable is __________, _____________ ice, muddy ice is unreliable ♦ in areas covered with snow, ice is ____________ and _____________ ♦ at the confluence of streams and rivers into a lake (river), the most ____________ ice is usually formed

Question 3. Safety of passengers of sea and river vessels.

Homework Write 3 tests (one for each question of the lesson)

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Safe behavior on water bodies in various conditions

On average, 6-7 thousand people per year die in Russian water bodies 54% - while swimming, most often in a state of intoxication or in unequipped dangerous places up to 25% - during water tourism and when boating up to 13% - during the period floods and floods

RULES OF BEHAVIOR ON THE WATER: 1. Do not enter the water (in deep places) without knowing how to swim. Swim only in permitted, well-known areas. 2. You can’t swim near spillways, locks, piers, bridges, whirlpools, rapids, in a navigable fairway, near watercraft ... 3. You can’t abruptly enter the water or dive after a long stay in the sun, immediately after eating, in a state of fatigue. 4. It is forbidden to jump into the water in unfamiliar places, to play games in the water associated with grabs. 5. It is forbidden to leave children on the shore of the reservoir without the supervision of adults who can swim. 6. Not knowing how to swim, you can not be in the water on an air mattress or camera. 7. You can not stay in water for a long time, especially cold. 8. You can not swim in stormy weather and during a thunderstorm. 9. You can not go diving or spearfishing without the permission of a doctor.

CAUSES OF EMERGENCIES AND DEATHS OF PEOPLE ON WATER 1. Violations of the rules of behavior on water, obviously dangerous actions. 2. Getting into the water of people who do not know how to swim. 3. Rapid, turbulent flow of water. 4. Spasm of the respiratory tract with unexpected exposure to cold water, "cold shock". 5. Injuries, loss of consciousness in the water. 6. Neglect of personal protective equipment. 7. Diving in unknown places. 8. Swimming in dangerous places: fast current, the presence of algae and foreign objects in the water, strong waves, spillways, navigable fairways. 9. Convulsions, fatigue, hypothermia.

SAFETY MEASURES ON ICE 1. Use the paved paths, in the absence of them, make sure that the ice is strong, but not with your feet. 2. When driving on ice, avoid dangerous areas covered with a thick layer of snow. Ice with a greenish tinge and a thickness of at least 7 cm is safe for crossing. 3. When crossing the ice, follow each other at a distance of 5-6 m. Be ready to help the one walking in front. 4. Skating is allowed with ice thickness: for single skating - at least 12 cm; for mass skating - at least 25 cm. 5. When crossing the ice on skis, use the laid track, in the absence of - unfasten the ski bindings, remove the loops of the ski poles from the hands. Backpack to take on one shoulder. The distance is 5-6 m. The first one checks the strength of the ice with sticks and monitors its condition. 6. When fishing, you can not punch many holes in a limited area and gather in large groups. Carry a cord 12-15 m long with a weight of 400-500 g fixed at one end, with a loop at the other end.


RENDERING FIRST AID TO A DROWNER Helping a Tired Swimmer Helping a Tired Swimmer Together Techniques and methods of towing a drowning man: a). Per head; b). "Sea grip" Approach to a drowning person a b TRUE DROWNING (usual or "blue") Signs: cyanotic complexion, swelling of the vessels of the neck, profuse foamy discharge from the mouth and nose. PALE DROWNING (in cold water) Signs: pale gray skin, unconsciousness; a wide pupil that does not react to light; absence of a pulse in the carotid artery; often dry, easily removable foam at the corners of the mouth. TYPES OF DROWNING


release Airways and lungs from the water, laying the victim on the thigh with his stomach and holding his legs with his right hand with his left hand, press on the back of the victim; thoroughly clean the oral cavity, especially behind the tongue from mucus; combining with artificial respiration (mouth-to-mouth method) - 2 times, perform an indirect heart massage (30 rhythmic pressures on the lower third of the sternum), alternating them with air blowing.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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