Fire safety rules for the operation of electrical installations. How to assign electrical safety tolerance groups. The previous procedure for ensuring the electrical safety of the enterprise

From this article you will learn, what are the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, what sections they consist of, how they are used by OT engineers in their work, what other regulatory documents are used at enterprises during the operation of electrical facilities.

POTEU "Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations"- DOWNLOAD

There are two main documents that regulate the operation of the consumer's electrical facilities:

  • Labor protection rules during the operation of electrical installations (POTEU);
  • Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers (PTEEP).

Their main difference is that the POTEU tells what needs to be done so that personnel are not injured, and the PTEEP tells what needs to be done so that the electrical installation does not break down.

Employees are obliged to apply POTEU rules of all enterprises using in their activities, as well as serving electrical installations.

The regulations state that all electrical equipment must be in good working order and protected. Certain equipment requires special prohibition signs to be posted. The employer must ensure that first aid equipment is available.

Employees must receive appropriate training in working with electrical installations. In the certificates of employees who have undergone training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, notes are made about the possibility of carrying out special work - steeplejack at a height of more than 5 meters and work under voltage.

What important points for an OT engineer contain new ones, with changes to POTEU 2019 and PTEEP

Key points of importance for an electrical HSE engineer:

  • The appointment of the person responsible for the electrical facilities and his deputy is carried out on the basis of paragraphs. 1.2.3–1.2.5 PTEEP. The responsibilities of the person responsible for the electrical facilities are prescribed in clause 1.2.6 of the PTEEP.
  • The health and safety engineer cannot be responsible for the electrical equipment, since he is an inspector, and not an electrical or electrotechnical personnel. Therefore, in the absence of an occupational safety engineer on staff, his duties cannot be assigned to a person who is already responsible for the electrical system. It turns out that this person will have to check his own work, which is wrong. But the responsibility for ensuring labor protection, fire safety in the subdivision can be assigned to the person responsible for the electrical equipment.
  • The rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations are applied in all organizations that use electrical installations, electrical equipment, and electrical tools. Therefore, even if your organization uses only lighting devices, a computer and a kettle, you will still have to study POTEU.
  • Which electrical safety group which specialist needs to have is spelled out in Appendix 1 to the new POTEU with changes for 2019. The procedure for assigning these groups is also spelled out here. For example, in order to assign the 4th group to an occupational safety engineer, in addition to successfully passing the exams and obtaining the 3rd group, one must have an industrial experience of 3 years or more.
  • A good knowledge of the requirements of POTEU and PTEEP by the OT engineer reduces the costs of the company. For example, a contractor whose employees are trained for the 2nd group of electrical safety should have an excavator repaired. This is an operating electrical installation, therefore, to carry out repairs, workers need to have the 3rd and 4th groups for electrical safety. However, if you make this electrical installation inoperative for the period of repair (disconnect the power cable, ground it, draw up the appropriate documentation), the 2nd group on electrical safety will be enough to carry out the repair, and you will not have to spend money on additional training.
  • The maximum electrical safety group that is allowed to be assigned to persons under the age of 18 is the 2nd. The same group is assigned to students in practice, trainees. It is prohibited to include such workers in the existing teams. The maximum that they can do as an exception is to act as a guard post without entering a working electrical installation.
  • The commission of the enterprise can confirm the group on electrical safety and assign a new one. At the same time, she is allowed to confirm or assign a group not higher than that of 3 members of the commission. For example, if in the knowledge assessment commission 3 people are trained for the 3rd group, they cannot assign and confirm the 4th group. Members of the commission must undergo training and knowledge testing at a specialized center or at Rostekhnadzor.
  • PTEEP and the new POTEU with changes for 2019 allow workers who do not work with portable power tools or in electrical installations to be classified as non-electrical personnel. Such workers need to be assigned the 1st group annually. Instructions for the 1st group are carried out by the person responsible for the electrical equipment or, at his order, by another worker, trained for at least the 3rd group, from among the electrical technical staff... The results of the briefing are recorded in a special journal. An OT engineer cannot conduct briefing on the 1st group of electrical safety, since he is not an electrical personnel.
  • If the consumer's manager has delegated the technical management of the electrical installations at his disposal to the responsible person, he himself may not be trained in electrical safety for the 2nd group and above. It will be enough for him to undergo instructions for the 1st group.
  • The standard terms for checking knowledge of POTEU, PTEEP for an OT engineer is once every 3 years, for electrical personnel who maintains, repairs, adjusts electrical installations, issues orders for these works - once a year, for administrative and technical personnel who not engaged earlier these works, - once every 3 years. At the same time, before checking knowledge, the worker must undergo a medical examination and have no medical contraindications for performing the relevant work.

POTEU - history of changes and structure of labor protection rules during the operation of electrical installations

Progress does not stand still, therefore safety rules when working with electrical installations are constantly changing and supplemented. The Interindustry rules on labor protection in electrical installations, used since 2001, were replaced 13 years later by the Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations (POTEU) according to Order 328n dated July 24, 2013. In 2016 and 2018, these Rules were thoroughly revised. POTEU 2019 new with changes can be downloaded at the beginning of the article.

Let's take a look at the structure of the Rules and note the main differences between the provisions of the updated document from the original.

First section document is devoted to the scope of its application. It is indicated that the provisions of the safety rules approved by order 328 during maintenance and repair of power plants, operational switching, commissioning, construction, installation, measurements in them, during electrical tests. In contrast to the text of a similar section of the canceled intersectoral rules on labor protection in electrical installations, responsibility for the safety of people working in power plants is assigned to the employer. He is additionally charged with the obligation to equip the EI with medical devices and first aid kits, electrical protective equipment.

In the second section lists the requirements for workers who are admitted to the institution. On the one hand, the Rules approved by Order 328n describe in more detail the training required to get the opportunity to work in ES. On the other hand, there is no listing of the types of centers that provide this training. That is, employees are given the opportunity, if they wish, to study independently. It also implies the need to train workers in the rules of first aid and to undergo a medical examination. Compared to the previous document, the validity of the current Rules is expanding. Now their provisions apply to both electrotechnical and electrotechnical personnel.

Third section is devoted to safety during the operational maintenance of power plants and their inspection. Requirements for a group of workers who are assigned different tasks (for example, self-service of the plant) are given. The document enacted by Order 328n defines terms such as the beginning and end of overhead transmission lines, expands the list of protection measures that are carried out when working with fuses on installations with voltages up to 1000 V, and a list of workers' positions that can use the keys to buildings or rooms with EH.

Section Four Provisions useful for workers who are sent to perform production tasks in non-disconnected power plants. Comparing them with the content of a similar section of the canceled Interindustry rules on labor protection in electrical installations, it is easy to notice the update of data and requirements for repairs and inspections of the condition of overhead lines in conditions when the induced voltage exceeds 25 V. 1000 V. Additionally, a reminder is given that the associated earthworks should be organized strictly according to SNiPs.

Fifth, sixth and seventh sections are devoted to the improvement of the level of safety and work in the power plant, which are carried out according to the order and order.

Labor protection rules for the operation of electrical installations include a list of organizational activities:

  • drawing up, approval and issuance of documentation, on the basis of which any actions in the EI are started, carried out and completed;
  • issuance of oral orders;
  • drawing up a sequence of admission of the brigade to work within the power plant;
  • implementation of current control.

In the document approved by order 328n a division of work has been introduced into those that are performed according to:

  • alongside;
  • order;
  • without registration of special documents (current operation).

Therefore, in eighth the section tells you how to safely carry out the current work and correctly compile the list of tasks, and ninth the section is devoted to the activities that are carried out during the issuance of admission and permission to perform work.

Section Ten help prepare a safe workplace and allow the brigade to work in the EHM. The duties of the admitting person, for which he is responsible, the requirements for his qualifications, are spelled out in detail. It is indicated that for this work you need to have a 4 or 5 electrical safety group. It is described which work does not require the appointment of a responsible manager, during which work it is impossible to do without him.

The Rules approved by order 328n allow the transition from paper documentation to electronic one. Now you can send orders by e-mail, keep accounting logs in electronic form.

Sections of the Rules from eleven to fourteenth inclusively devoted to organizational issues. Information eleventh This section will be useful in cases of replacement of employees in the team working in the EI, reduction or, conversely, an increase in their number. It is written here what to do to the person who oversees the work of the brigade. V twelfth the section tells how to transfer employees working in EH to another workplace, and in thirteenth the procedure for documenting breaks with subsequent tolerances has been spelled out. Fourteenth the section will need to be refreshed before handing over or accepting a workplace at the educational institution, closing the documents issued for working at the educational institution.

Sections 15 to 45 are devoted to organizational and technical safety measures when working in power plants. Enacted by Order 328n, the document details the rules safe work with a variety of electrical equipment and tools, such as lighting fixtures and power hand tools. The provisions of the new Rules take into account the use by workers modern means information transfer, control, equipment modernization.

In the forty-sixth section of the document, the security measures that must be observed for admission to the ER of seconded employees are given.

In the forty-seventh section describes how to allow special teams of installers to access power lines and their security zones.

Thus, the updated Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations are spelled out in more detail and are much more consistent modern conditions than the rules that were in effect before.

Grounds - Order No. 74n dated February 19, 2016 About the most important changes in the Rules and will be discussed in this article.

  1. Clause 1.1. supplemented with the following information:

the rules on labor protection for the operation of electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish state regulatory requirements for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations. The requirements of the Rules apply to employers - legal and individuals regardless of their organizational and legal forms and employees from among the electrotechnical, electrotechnological and non-electrical personnel of organizations (hereinafter referred to as employees) engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, conducting operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, renovation work, tests and measurements, as well as those who control the technological modes of operation of electric power facilities and power receiving installations of consumers. Safety requirements for the operation of specialized electrical installations, including the contact network of electrified railways, urban electric transport must comply with the Rules, taking into account the peculiarities of operation due to the design of these electrical installations.

  1. Clause 2.4. now sounds like this:

workers related to electrical and electrotechnical personnel, as well as government inspectors exercising control and supervision over compliance with safety requirements during the operation of electrical installations, labor protection specialists who control electrical installations must undergo a knowledge test of the requirements of the Rules and other safety requirements for the organization and implementation work in electrical installations within the limits of the requirements for the relevant position or profession, and have an appropriate electrical safety group, the requirements for which are provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Rules.

  1. Clause 2.6, third paragraph.

Climbing work no longer applies to special work performed at a height of more than five meters from the surface of the earth.

  1. Clause 3.1. supplemented and modified as follows:

operative maintenance and inspection of electrical installations must be carried out by employees of the subject of the electric power industry (consumer electrical energy), authorized by the subject of the electric power industry (consumer of electrical energy) to carry out in established order actions to change the technological mode of operation and the operational state of power lines, equipment and devices with the right to directly influence the controls of equipment and relay protection and automation devices in the implementation of operational and technological control, including using the means remote control, on those belonging to such a subject of the electric power industry (consumer of electrical energy) on the basis of ownership or otherwise legal basis electric power facilities (power receiving installations), or in cases established by law - at power generating facilities and power receiving installations owned by third parties, as well as coordination of these actions (hereinafter referred to as operating personnel), or workers from among the repair personnel with the right to directly influence the equipment controls and relay protection and automation devices that carry out the operational maintenance of the electrical installations assigned to them (hereinafter referred to as the operational maintenance personnel).

  1. Clause 3.4. was supplemented in this way:
  2. Inspection of overhead power lines (devices for transmitting electricity through wires located in the open air, attached with insulators and fittings to supports or brackets and racks on engineering structures (bridges, overpasses) (hereinafter - VL) should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 7.15 , 38.73, 38.74, 38.75 of the Rules. The beginning and end of the overhead line are linear portals or linear inputs of an electrical installation serving for receiving and distributing electricity and containing switching devices, busbars and connecting buses, auxiliary devices (compressor, battery), as well as protection devices, automation and measuring devices (hereinafter - switchgear, RU), and for branches - a lighting support and a linear portal or linear input of a switchgear.

6. A new clause 4.17 was added, which says: “On overhead lines and overhead lines, before connecting or breaking electrically connected sections (wires, cables), it is necessary to equalize the potentials of these sections. Potential equalization of the VL, VLC sections is carried out by connecting these sections with a conductor or by installing grounding on both sides of the gap (assumed gap) with connection to one grounding device (grounding device). "

7. Clause 5.4. supplemented with the following information:

“The right to issue orders and orders is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel (managers and specialists) who have group V (when operating electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V), group IV (when operating electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V). In the absence of workers who have the right to issue orders and orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by workers from among the operational personnel who have group IV, who are located directly on the territory of the electric power facility or power receiving installation of the electricity consumer. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders and orders should be formalized by the ORD of an organization or a separate subdivision.

  1. Clause 5.5. was modified in this way:

“An employee issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission shall answer:

For issuing commands to disconnect and grounding power lines and equipment under its technological control and receiving confirmation of their implementation, as well as for independent actions to disconnect and grounding power lines and equipment under its technological control;

For the compliance and sufficiency of the measures provided for by the order (order) for disconnecting and grounding the equipment, taking into account the actual scheme of electrical installations;

For the coordination of the time and place of work of the admitted teams, including for the registration of the teams, as well as for obtaining information from all the teams admitted to work in the electrical installation (admitting) about the complete completion of the work and the possibility of turning the electrical installation into operation.

In the case when an employee issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission is not a person in whose technological management the power transmission line and equipment are located, the specified employee is responsible for obtaining confirmation of the performed technical measures for disconnecting and grounding power lines and equipment from the dispatching personnel (employee of the subject operational dispatch control in the electric power industry (dispatcher), authorized in the implementation of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry, on behalf of the subject of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry, to issue mandatory dispatch commands and permits or to change the technological mode of operation and the operational state of dispatch facilities, directly influencing on them with the use of remote control means, when controlling the electric power mode of the power system) or operating personnel, in whose dispatching or technol Power transmission lines and equipment are located in the local area.

  1. Item 18.2 now looks like this:

“On the drives of disconnectors, which are disconnected to perform work on overhead lines, on-line or on-line, one poster" Do not turn on! Work on the line "is posted, regardless of the number of working crews. When remote control of switching devices with AWP, the sign of the prohibiting poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line!" should be shown on the diagram next to the symbol of the disconnector that supplies voltage to the power line. In the absence of disconnectors on power lines with voltages up to 1000 V, it is allowed to hang out a poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line!" on drives or control keys of a switching device, depending on its design. The poster is displayed and removed at the command of the dispatcher or operational personnel, in whose dispatch or technological control, respectively, the VL, KVL or KL is located. Before giving the command to remove the poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line!" dispatching or operational personnel, in whose dispatch or technological control there is a VL, KVL or KL, must receive from an employee from among the operational personnel issuing permission to prepare the workplace and for admission, confirmation of the completion of work and the removal of all teams from the workplace "

9. Clause 38.43 has changed. Now it looks like this: “Operating organizations need to determine the lines (sections of lines) that are under induced voltage by performing measurements, followed by recalculation of the values ​​for the highest operating current of the influencing overhead line. The scheme and procedure for measuring the magnitude of the induced voltage and its recalculation for the highest operating current of the influencing overhead line are determined by the operating organization. Employees servicing overhead lines must have a list of lines under induced voltage, know the contents of this list and the requirements for safe organization and performance of work on them, specified in the Rules. Information on the presence of induced voltage on the overhead line must be indicated in the "Separate instructions" line of the permit-order. The value of the calculated induced voltage on the overhead line is indicated in the list of overhead lines under induced voltage "

10. Items 38.44, 38.45, 38.46, 38.47, 38.48 now look like this:

38.44 "All types of work on overhead lines under induced voltage, associated with touching the wire (ground wire), must be performed according to technological maps or PPR "

38.45. “Work on overhead lines under induced voltage can be performed by one of the following methods:

With grounding of overhead lines on both sides in the switchgear and at the workplace, using the potential equalization technology or the "voltage-free" technology to ensure safe work performance;

Without grounding overhead lines in RU, when grounding overhead lines only at the workplace. "

38.46. “Work with the OHL grounding on both sides in the switchgear and at the workplace using the potential equalization technology should be carried out with the following measures: the OHL taken out for repair should be grounded on both sides in the switchgear; when working from a metal support at the brigade's workplace, the phase wires (ground wire) of the overhead line must be grounded to the support post, and when working from a reinforced concrete support - to a stationary ground electrode, serviceable and appropriate established requirements; when working from a telescopic tower (lift), the working platform of the tower must be connected to a wire (cable) of the line with a flexible conductor with a cross section of at least 25 mm, and the tower itself (chassis) must be grounded. In this case, the wire (ground wire) of the line must be grounded at the place of work. It is not allowed to enter and exit the telescopic tower cabin, as well as touch the tower body while standing on the ground, after connecting the telescopic tower working platform with a wire. In the process of work, it is not allowed to use as "endless" ropes made of conductive materials. The number of teams allowed to work on overhead lines working according to the method specified in this paragraph of the Rules is not limited. If it is impossible to ensure equipotential bonding at the workplace (for example, when working with a wooden support), work must be performed in accordance with paragraphs 38.47 or 38.48 of the Rules. "

38.47. "Work with the grounding of overhead lines on both sides in the RU and at the workplace using the technology" without removing the voltage "must be carried out with the implementation of the measures provided for in paragraphs 38.21 - 38.32 of the Rules."

38.48. “Work without grounding overhead lines in RU when grounding overhead lines only at the workplace should be carried out with the following measures:

The overhead line taken out for repair from the RU side is not grounded;

No more than one brigade may be allowed to work on one VL (on one electrically connected area);

VL (section VL) is grounded only in one place (at the place of work of the brigade) or on two adjacent supports. At the same time, in addition to the main one, at the brigade's place of work, it is necessary to install an additional portable grounding. When removing portable groundings at the end of work, you must first disconnect the clamps of both groundings from the overhead line wire (ground wire), and then from the ground electrode. It is allowed to work only from the support on which the grounding (main and additional) is installed, or in the span between adjacent grounded supports;

If it is necessary to work in two or more spans (sections), the overhead line should be divided into electrically unconnected sections by disconnecting the loops on the anchor supports. Only one team can work at each of these sites;

Before installing or removing grounding, the wire (cable) must be pre-grounded using a rod with an arc suppression device (to remove the static component of the induced voltage and localize the arc discharge). The boom ground wire must be pre-connected to a grounding conductor. The rod can only be removed after installing (or removing) the portable grounding;

In the absence of a rod with an arc suppression device, installation (removal) of protective grounding at the workplace can be carried out only after temporary grounding of the overhead line in one of the switchgears. Grounding knives at the end of the overhead line in the switchgear should be turned off only after installing (removing) grounding at the workplace.

11. The rules are supplemented by clauses 38.49 and 38.50:

38.49. On the overhead line (on one electrically connected section) under induced voltage, the simultaneous work of teams using different methods of work, specified in paragraph 38.45 of the Rules, is not allowed.

38.50. On overhead lines under induced voltage, work from the ground, associated with touching a wire (cable) lowered from a support down to the ground, should be performed using electrical protective equipment (dielectric gloves, rods) or from a metal platform connected by a conductor to this wire (cable) for potential equalization. The connection of the metal platform with a wire (cable) should be carried out using electrical protective equipment and only after the worker is located on it. Approaching the site without means of protection against step voltage is not allowed.

12. Clause 45.3. changed this way:

“The passage of cars, hoisting machines and mechanisms through the territory of the outdoor switchgear and in the security zone of the overhead line should be carried out under the supervision of one of the workers from among the operational personnel, the employee who issued the order or the responsible manager, and in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - the manufacturer of works with a group IV, when performing construction and installation work in the security zone of the VL - under the supervision of a responsible manager or a work contractor who has group III ".

13. Clause 6 of the note to Appendix No. 1 has been modified: “State inspectors exercising control and supervision over compliance with safety requirements during the operation of electrical installations must have a group of at least IV. Labor protection specialists who control electrical installations of organizations of electricity consumers must have group IV, their production experience (not necessarily in electrical installations) must be at least 3 years. Labor protection specialists of electric power industry entities who control electrical installations must have group V and are allowed to perform job duties in the manner prescribed for electrical personnel. The form of the certificate issued to state inspectors and labor protection specialists is given in Appendix No. 3 to the Rules. "

Article from 18.01.2018 Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations. (MPOT (PB) for EE)

Electrical safety, in accordance with GOST R 12.1.009-2009 SSBT.

Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical measures and means that ensure the protection of people and animals from the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity.

The regulatory legal framework in the field of electrical safety are:

  • Labor Code RF;
  • The rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328, while the article has already been written in the version of the rules that come into force on October 19, 2016.
  • Electrical installation rules;
  • Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia 13.01.2003, No. 6;
  • The procedure for training and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the joint resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of Russia on January 13, 2003, No. 1/29.

1. What is protective earth? (terms)

The deliberate electrical connection of any point in the electrical installation or equipment to a grounding device in order to ensure electrical safety.

2. Who are the electrical personnel? (terms)

Administrative and technical, operational, operational and repair personnel, organizing and carrying out installation, commissioning, maintenance, repair, control of the operating mode of electrical installations.

3. What is stress relief work? (terms)

Work performed with touching live parts that are energized, or at a distance from these live parts less permissible.

4. What is stress relief work? (terms)

5. What is stress relief work? (terms)

Work, when the voltage is removed from the live parts of the electrical installation on which the work will be carried out, by disconnecting the switching devices, disconnecting buses, cables, wires and measures are taken to prevent the supply of voltage to the live parts to the place of work.

6. What is stress relief work? (terms)

Work, when the voltage is removed from the live parts of the electrical installation on which the work will be carried out, by disconnecting the switching devices, disconnecting buses, cables, wires and measures are taken to prevent the supply of voltage to the live parts to the place of work.

7. What is an order for the production of work? (terms)

An order is a production task that determines its content, place, time, safety measures and workers entrusted with its implementation, with an indication of the electrical safety group.

8. What is maintenance? (terms)

Maintenance is a set of operations or an operation to maintain the operability or serviceability of a product during its intended use, storage and transportation.

9. What is a live part? (terms)

This is the part of the electrical installation that is normally energized.

10. What is a non-conductive part? (terms)

This is a part of an electrical installation that can be energized in emergency operating modes, for example, the body of an electrical machine.

11. What is called an electrical network? (terms)

A set of substations, switchgears and electrical lines connecting them, located on the territory of the district, settlement, and consumers of electrical energy is called the electrical grid.

12. What is called an electrical installation? (terms)

A set of machines, apparatus, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, transformation, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy and its transformation into another type of energy.

13. Which electrical installation is called active? (terms)

An electrical installation or part of it that is energized or which can be energized by switching on the switching devices.

14. Who is covered by the MPOT (PB) for EE? (clause 1.1.1.)

MPOT (PB) with EE apply to employees of organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, and other individuals engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, conducting operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, repair work, testing and measurements ...

15 Who is responsible for the state of labor protection in the organization? (p.1.1.5.)

Responsibility for the state of labor protection in the organization is borne by the employer, who has the right to transfer his rights and functions on this issue to the leading employee of the organization by an administrative document.

16. What is an employee obliged to do when he notices a violation of labor protection? (p.1.2.8.)

Each employee who has noticed a violation of labor protection, if he cannot take measures to eliminate them on his own, must immediately inform the superior manager about all violations he has noticed and faults in electrical installations, machines, mechanisms, devices, tools, protective equipment, etc. that pose a danger to people. etc.

17. Who has the right to solely inspect electrical installations up to 1000V? (p.1.3.4)

Individual inspection of electrical installations, electrical part technological equipment can be performed by an employee who has a group of at least III, from among the operational and operational-repair personnel serving this electrical installation, in work time, and the right to individual inspection on the basis of a written order from the head of the organization.

18. What is the procedure for staying in operating electrical installations up to 1000 V for workers who do not service these electrical installations? (p.1.3.5)

Employees who do not service electrical installations may be allowed in them accompanied by operational personnel who have group III - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000V, or an employee who has the right to solely inspect electrical installations. An accompanying worker must monitor the safety of people admitted to electrical installations and warn them about the prohibition to approach live parts.

19. How are electrical installations inspected? (p.1.3.6)

When inspecting electrical installations, it is allowed to open the doors of shields, assemblies, control panels and other devices. No work is allowed during the inspection.

20. What distances are permissible when approaching the detected ground fault location in electrical installations of 3-35 kV. (p.1.3.7)

In the event of a ground fault in electrical installations with a voltage of 3-35 kV, it is allowed to approach the place of short circuit at a distance of less than 4m in the indoor switchgear and less than 8m in the outdoor switchgear and on the overhead line only for operational switching in order to eliminate the short circuit and release people who are under voltage. In this case, you should use electrical protective equipment.

21. Safety rules when removing and installing fuses in electrical installations up to 1000V? (p.p.1.3.9,1.3.10)

Remove and install fuses with de-energized. It is allowed to remove and install fuses that are energized, but not loaded. Plug type fuses may be replaced while energized and under load. When removing or installing live fuses, use: insulating pliers or dielectric gloves and face and eye protection.

22. What are the requirements for the doors of electrical installations? (clause 1.3.11)

The doors of the premises of electrical installations, cameras, shields and assemblies, except for those in which work is carried out, must be locked.

23. What is the procedure for performing work in electrical installations? (pp. 1.4.1, 1.4.2)

Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out according to the permit, by order, according to the list of works performed in the order of current operation. Unauthorized work is not allowed, as well as the expansion of jobs and the scope of the task determined by the order or order or the approved list of works performed in the order of current operation.

24. What are the conditions for performing work under voltage in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000V? (p.p.1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.10)

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000V when operating under voltage, it is necessary:

  • - protect other live parts located near the workplace, which are energized, to which accidental contact is possible;
  • - work in dielectric galoshes or standing on a dielectric stand, or on a dielectric rubber carpet;
  • - use an insulated tool (for screwdrivers, in addition, the shaft must be insulated) or use dielectric gloves.

It is not allowed to work in clothes with short or rolled up sleeves, as well as use hacksaws, files, metal meters, etc.

It is not allowed in electrical installations to work in a bent position if, during straightening, the distance to live parts is less than the permissible one. When working near unshielded live parts, it is not allowed to be located so that these parts are behind the employee or on both sides. Personnel should remember that after the voltage disappears in the electrical installation, it can be reapplied without warning

25. What are the requirements for the illumination of workplaces? (p.1.4.11)

Work in unlit places is not allowed. Illumination of work areas, workplaces, driveways and passages to them should be uniform, without the glare of lighting devices on workers.

26. What is an order for the performance of work in electrical installations? (terms, clause 2.3.1)

An order is a task for the production of work, which determines its content, place, time, security measures (if required) and the workers entrusted with its implementation, indicating the electrical safety group. The order has a one-time character, its validity period is determined by the duration of the working day of the executors. If it is necessary to continue work, if the working conditions or the composition of the brigade change, the order must be issued anew. In case of breaks in work during the day, re-admission is carried out by the manufacturer of the work.

27. Who can work alone in electrical installations up to 1000V? (p.2.3.10)

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, located in rooms, except for especially dangerous ones, in especially unfavorable conditions in relation to electric shock to people, an employee who has group III and the right to be a manufacturer of work can work alone.

28. Organization of work performed in the order of current operation. (pp 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.5)

Small-scale types of work performed during the work shift and allowed for production in the order of current operation should be contained in a list of works, previously developed and signed by the technical manager or responsible for the electrical equipment, approved by the head of the organization. In this case, the following requirements must be met:

  • - work in the order of current operation (list of works) applies only to electrical installations with voltage up to 1000V;
  • - the work is carried out by the forces of operational or operational-repair personnel on the equipment assigned to this personnel, on the site.

The preparation of the workplace is carried out by the same workers who subsequently perform the work. Work in the order of current operation, included in the list, is permanently permitted, which does not require any additional instructions, orders, target instruction. The list should indicate the registration procedure works performed in the order of current operation (notification of higher operational personnel about the place and nature of work, its beginning and end, registration of work by an entry in the operational log.

29. Technical measures to ensure the safe conduct of work in electrical installations? (ch. 3)

When preparing a workplace with stress relief, the following technical measures must be performed in the specified order:

  • - the necessary shutdowns were made and measures were taken to prevent the supply of voltage to the place of work due to erroneous or spontaneous switching on of switching devices;
  • - prohibiting posters must be displayed on manual drives and on keys for remote control of switching devices;
  • - checked the absence of voltage on live parts, which must be grounded to protect people from electric shock;
  • - grounding is installed (grounding knives are included, and where they are absent, portable grounding is installed);
  • - information posters "Grounded" were posted, workplaces and live parts remaining under voltage were fenced, warning and prescriptive posters were posted.

30. Procedure for working with a megohmmeter. (p.5.4)

Measurements with a megohmmeter during operation are allowed to be carried out by trained employees from among the electrical personnel. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000V, measurements are made along with, except for urgent work lasting no more than 1 hour, excluding the time for preparing the workplace, as well as measurements in electrical installations up to 1000V and in secondary circuits, which are carried out by order.

Insulation resistance measurements with a megohmmeter should be carried out on disconnected live parts, from which the charge has been removed by their preliminary grounding. Grounding from live parts should be removed only after connecting the megohmmeter.

When measuring the insulation resistance of live parts with a megohmmeter, the connecting wires should be connected to them using insulating holders (rods). In electrical installations with voltages above 1000V, in addition, dielectric gloves should be used.

When working with a megohmmeter, it is not allowed to touch the live parts to which it is connected. After the end of the work, the residual charge should be removed from the live parts by short-term grounding.

31. The order of work with a portable power tool. (pp 10.8, 10.9)

In the event of a power failure or interruption in work, the power tool and hand-held electric machines must be disconnected from the mains.

Workers using power tools and hand-held electric machines are not allowed to:

  • - hand over hand-held electric machines and power tools, at least for a short time, to other workers;
  • - disassemble hand-held electrical machines and power tools, make any repairs;
  • - hold on to the wire of an electric machine, power tool, touch rotating parts or remove shavings, sawdust until the tool or machine comes to a complete stop .;
  • - install the working part in the chuck of the tool, machine and remove it from the chuck, as well as adjust the tool without disconnecting it from the network;
  • - work from ladders: to perform work at a height, strong scaffolding or scaffolding must be arranged;
  • - bring inside drums of boilers, metal tanks, etc. portable transformers and frequency converters.

When using an isolation transformer, observe the following:

  • - only one electrical receiver is allowed to be powered from an isolation transformer;
  • - grounding of the secondary winding of the isolation transformer is not allowed;
  • - the transformer case, depending on the neutral mode of the supply electrical network, must be grounded or neutralized. In this case, grounding of the housing of the electrical receiver connected to the isolation transformer is not required.

32. Who are the seconded personnel? (EE clause 12.1)

The seconded personnel include employees of organizations sent to perform work in existing, under construction, technically re-equipped, reconstructed electrical installations, who are not on the staff of organizations that are customers of the work.

33. At what age are electrical personnel allowed to work independently on the operation of electrical installations? (Appendix No. 1, clause 3 of the notes)

Group III, which allows them to work independently in electrical installations, can be assigned to workers only upon reaching the age of 18.

Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers. (PTEEP).

1. Who does PTEEP apply to? (p.1.1.2)

PTEEP applies to organizations, regardless of their forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs and citizens - owners of electrical installations with voltages above 1000V. They include requirements for Consumers operating existing electrical installations with voltages up to 220 kV inclusive. The rules do not apply to electrical installations of power plants, block stations, enterprises of electrical and heating networks, operated in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks.

2. Who is personally responsible for disturbances in the operation of electrical installations? (p.1.2.9)

For violations in the operation of electrical installations, personal responsibility is borne by:

  • - the head of the Consumer and those responsible for the electrical facilities - for failure to comply with the requirements provided for by the Rules and job descriptions;
  • - employees directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for their improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;
  • - workers carrying out equipment repairs - for malfunctions caused by poor quality of repairs;
  • - managers and specialists of the energy service - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory Maintenance and failure to comply with emergency measures;
  • - managers and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical equipment.

3. Who are the electrical personnel? (p.1.4.3)

4. Who are the electrical personnel? (p.1.4.3)

Maintenance of electrical installations (electric welding, electrolysis, electroplating, etc.), as well as complex energy-rich production and technological equipment, the operation of which requires constant maintenance and adjustment of electrical equipment, electric drives, hand-held electrical machines, portable and mobile electrical receivers, portable power tools, must be carried out by electrotechnical personnel.

He must have sufficient skills and knowledge to safely carry out the work and maintain the assigned installation.

The electrotechnological personnel of production workshops and sections that are not part of the energy service, who operate electrical installations and have an electrical safety group II and higher, in their rights and obligations are equated to electrical engineering; technically, it is subordinate to the energy service.

5. Who is assigned to Group I for electrical safety? (p.1.4.4)

Electrical safety group I is assigned to non-electrical personnel performing work in which there may be a risk of electric shock. The list of positions and professions requiring assignment to personnel of the I group on electrical safety is determined by the head.

6. When does the internship take place? (p.1.4.8)

Electrical personnel, prior to being assigned to independent work or when moving to another job (position) related to the operation of electrical installations, as well as during a break in work as electrical personnel for more than 1 year, must undergo an internship (industrial training) at the workplace.

7. Timing of testing knowledge for various categories of personnel. (clause 1.4.20)

The next check should be carried out in the following terms:

  • - for electrical personnel who directly organize and carry out maintenance work on existing electrical installations or perform commissioning, electrical installation, repair work or preventive tests in them, as well as for personnel entitled to issue orders, orders, conduct operational negotiations - once a year;
  • - for administrative and technical personnel who do not belong to the previous group, as well as for labor protection specialists admitted to inspect electrical installations - once every 3 years.

9. The procedure for testing knowledge and registration of results. (pp 1.4.37, 1.4.38, 1.4.39)

The knowledge of each employee is tested individually.

For each position (profession) by the consumer manager or structural unit the scope of testing the knowledge of norms and rules should be determined, taking into account the job duties and the nature of the employee's production activity in the relevant position (profession), as well as the requirements of those normative documents, the provision and observance of which is included in his official duties.

Based on the results of testing the knowledge of the rules for electrical installations, MPOT (PB) for EE, PTEEP and other regulatory and technical documents, an electrical safety group is established for electrical (electrotechnical) personnel.

The results of the knowledge test are entered in the journal of the established form and signed by all members of the commission. If the knowledge test of several employees was carried out on the same day and the composition of the commission did not change, then the members of the commission can sign 1 time after the end of the work.

Personnel who have successfully passed the knowledge test are issued a certificate of the established form.

10. Location of power supply circuits. (p.1.8.6)

The set of power supply schemes must be kept by the person responsible for the electrical equipment at his workplace. The main circuits are hung out in a conspicuous place in the room of this electrical installation.

11. Staffing of workplaces with instructions. (p. 1.7.8)

All workplaces must be equipped with necessary instructions: production (operational), official, labor protection and fire safety measures.

12. Inscriptions on controls and displays. (pp. 2.2.14, 2.2.15)

All keys, buttons and control knobs must have inscriptions indicating the operation for which they are intended (“Enable”, “Disable”, “Decrease”, “Add”, etc.). Signal lamps and signaling devices must have inscriptions indicating the nature of the signal ("On", "Disabled", "Overheating", etc.) Switches and their drives must have indicators of off and on positions.

13. When should the electric motors be turned off immediately? (p.2.5.16)

The electric motors must be disconnected from the mains immediately for following cases:

  • - in case of accidents with people;
  • - the appearance of smoke or fire from the body of the electric motor, as well as from its control gear and excitation device;
  • - breakdown of the drive mechanism;
  • - a sharp increase in vibration of the unit bearings;
  • - heating of bearings above the permissible temperature.

The operating instructions may indicate other cases in which the electric motors must be turned off immediately, as well as the procedure for eliminating the emergency state and starting the electric motors is determined.

14. Requirements for grounding devices (contact connections, connection diagram, corrosion protection, device, etc.) (clauses 2.7.2, 2.7.4, 2.7.6, 2.7.7)

Grounding devices must meet the requirements state standards, PUE, SNiP and other regulatory and technical documents, to ensure the safety conditions for people, operating modes and protection of electrical installations.

The connection of the grounding conductors to the grounding conductor and grounding structures should be done by welding, and to the main grounding terminal, housings of devices, machines and overhead line supports - by bolted connection (to ensure the possibility of making measurements).

Contact connections must comply with national standards.

Each part of the electrical installation that is subject to grounding or neutralization must be connected to the grounding or grounding network using a separate conductor.Sequential connection by grounding (neutralizing) conductors of several elements of the electrical installation is not allowed. The cross-section of the grounding and zero protective conductors must comply with the PUE. Exposed grounding conductors must be protected from corrosion and painted black.

15. How often is the conformity of the protection settings checked? (p.2.7.16)

To check the compliance of the melting currents of fuses or the settings of the circuit breakers with the short-circuit current in electrical installations periodically, but at least once every 2 years, a short-circuit protection operation should be checked.

After each rearrangement of electrical equipment and installation of a new one (in electrical installations up to 1000V), before turning it on, it is necessary to check the operation of the protection in case of a short circuit.

16. Power supply for portable lamps in hazardous areas. (p.2.12.6)

To power portable (hand-held) lamps in rooms with increased danger and in especially dangerous rooms, a voltage of no higher than 50V should be used, and when working in especially unfavorable conditions and in outdoor installations, no higher than 12V. The plugs of devices with a voltage of 12 - 50V should not enter into sockets with a higher rated voltage. In rooms where voltage of two or more ratings is used, all plug sockets must have inscriptions indicating the rated voltage. The use of autotransformers to power the luminaires of 12 - 50V mains is not allowed.

17. Who is allowed to perform electric welding works? (clause 3.1.15)

Employees who have been trained, instructed and tested knowledge of safety requirements, who have an electrical safety group lower than II and the corresponding certificates, are allowed to perform electric welding works. Electric welders who have undergone special training can be assigned, in accordance with the established procedure, a group on electrical safety of III and higher to work as operational and repair personnel with the right to connect and disconnect from the network of portable and mobile electric welding installations.

18. Who should connect and disconnect electric welding machines? (clause 3.1.17)

Connecting and disconnecting from the network of electric welding installations, as well as monitoring their good condition during operation, must be performed by the electrical personnel of this section (workshop) with an electrical safety group of at least III.

19. Requirements for small (reserve) power plants, conditions for their connection. (pp. 3.3.2, 3.3.5)

The design, execution and class of insulation of electrical machines, apparatus, instruments and other equipment at technological substations of consumers (TEP), as well as wires and cables, must correspond to the parameters of the network and electrical receiver, environmental conditions and external influencing factors, or protection against these influences must be provided ... The equipment, devices and other devices used on the TEP must comply with the requirements of state standards or technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

The manual connection of the emergency or standby TEP to the networks (power consumers) of the Consumer is allowed only if there are interlocks between the switching devices, which exclude the possibility of simultaneous supply of voltage to the Consumer's network and to the network of the energy supplying organization.

20. Norms of settings of protection against short-circuit current. (Appendix 3, clause 28.4)

In case of a short circuit to the frame or neutral conductor in a power system with a grounded neutral, the single-phase short-circuit current must be at least:

  • - three times the rated current of the fuse-link;
  • - three times the rated current of the fixed release of the circuit breaker with an inverse current characteristic;
  • - three-fold value of the current setting for the operation of the adjustable release of the circuit breaker;
  • - values ​​1,1 InomN for circuit breakers with instantaneous release, where N is 5,10,20 with tripping characteristics "B", "C" and "D", respectively.

Electrical Installation Rules (PUE)

1. Give a characteristic to the power supply system with a dead-grounded neutral (TN system) (p. 1.7.3)

For electrical installations with voltages up to 1000V in networks with a solidly grounded neutral, the following designations are adopted:

TN system- a system in which the neutral of the power supply is solidly grounded, i.e. the neutral of the transformer or generator is connected directly to the grounding device, and the open conductive parts of the electrical installation are connected to the solidly grounded neutral of the source by means of zero protective conductors;

TN-C system- TN system, in which zero protective (PE) and zero (N) working conductors are combined in one conductor (PEN) along its entire length;

TN-S system- TN system, in which the zero protective (PE) and zero working (N) conductors are separated along its entire length;

TN-С-S system- TN system, in which the functions of zero protective (PE) and working (N) conductors are combined in one conductor (PEN) in some part of it, starting from the power source.

2. What parts of electrical equipment do not require grounding or grounding? (p. 1.7.77)

3. What parts of electrical equipment do not require grounding or grounding? (p. 1.7.77)

Does not need to be intentionally connected to source neutral in TN systems and earthed in IT and TT systems:

1) cases of electrical equipment and devices installed on metal bases: structures, switchgears, boards, cabinets, machine beds, machines and mechanisms connected to the neutral of the power supply or grounded, while ensuring reliable electrical contact of these cases with the bases;

2) the structures listed in 1.7.76 of the PUE, while ensuring reliable electrical contact between these structures and the electrical equipment installed on them, connected to the protective conductor;

3) removable and opening parts of metal frames for switchgear chambers, cabinets, fences, etc., if electrical equipment is not installed on the removable (opening) parts or if its voltage does not exceed 50V AC and 120V DC;

4) fittings of insulators of overhead lines and fasteners attached to it;

5) exposed conductive parts of electrical equipment with double insulation;

6) metal brackets, fasteners, sections of pipes for mechanical protection of cables in the places of their passage through walls and ceilings and other similar parts of electrical wiring with an area of ​​up to 100 sq. Cm, including broaching and branch boxes of hidden electrical wiring.

4. Classification of premises according to the danger of electric shock. (p.1.1.13)

With regard to the risk of electric shock to persons, a distinction is made between:

1) premises without increased danger, in which there are no conditions that create an increased or special danger;

2) premises with increased danger, characterized by the presence in them of one of the following conditions that create an increased danger:

  • - dampness or conductive dust;
  • - conductive floors (metal, reinforced concrete, earthen, etc.);
  • - heat;
  • - the possibility of simultaneous contact of a person to the metal structures of buildings that have a connection to the ground, technological devices, mechanisms, etc., on the one hand, and to the metal cases of electrical equipment (open conductive parts), on the other.

3) especially dangerous premises, characterized by the presence of one of the following conditions that create a special danger:

  • - special dampness;
  • - chemically active and organic environment; simultaneously one or more conditions of increased danger;

4) the territory of open electrical installations in relation to the danger of injury to people by electric shock is equated to especially dangerous premises.

5. Cross-section of protective conductors. (pp 1.7.126, 1.7.127)

The smallest cross-sectional areas of the protective conductors must correspond to the values ​​given in the table.

Section of phase conductors, mm 2

The smallest cross-section of protective conductors, mm 2

16 < S <= 35

Cross-sectional areas are given for the case when protective and phase conductors are made of the same material. The cross-sections of conductors from different materials must be equivalent in conductivity to those given.

In all cases, the cross-section of copper protective conductors that are not part of the cable or are not laid in a common sheath (pipe, box, on one tray) with phase wires must be at least:

  • - 2.5 mm 2 - with mechanical protection;
  • - 4 mm 2 - in the absence of mechanical protection.

The cross-section of separately laid protective aluminum conductors must be at least 16 mm 2.

6. Separation of the PEN conductor into N and PE conductors. (p. 1.7.135)

When the neutral working and protective conductors are separated, starting from any point of the electrical installation, it is not allowed to combine them behind this point along the energy distribution. At the point where the PEN conductor is divided into zero protective and zero working conductors, it is necessary to provide separate clamps or busbars for the conductors, connected to each other. The PEN-conductor of the supply line must be connected to the terminal or the bus of the zero protective (PE) conductor.

7. The procedure for connecting parts of an electrical installation to the protective conductor. (clause 1.7.144)

The connection of each open conductive part of an electrical installation to a neutral protective or protective grounding conductor must be carried out through a separate branch. Serial connection of exposed conductive parts to the protective conductor is not allowed. The connection of conductive parts to the main potential equalization system must also be carried out with separate branches.

8. The order of wiring a group network. (clause 7.1.36)

In all buildings, the lines of the group network, laid from group, floor and apartment boards to general-purpose lamps, plug sockets and stationary electrical receivers, must be three-wire (phase - L, zero working - N and zero protective - PE conductors). It is not allowed to combine zero working and zero protective conductors of different group lines.

Zero working and zero protective conductors are not allowed to be connected on shields under a common terminal.

First aid for victims of electric shock.

1. What should the provider know?

The person providing assistance should know:

  • - the main signs of a violation of the vital functions of the human body;
  • - general principles of first aid and its techniques in relation to the nature of the injury suffered by the victim;
  • - the main methods of transportation and evacuation of victims.

2. What should the person providing help be able to do?

The person providing assistance should be able to:

  • - assess the condition of the victim and determine what kind of help he needs first of all;
  • - to provide free patency of the upper respiratory tract;
  • - perform mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration (mouth-to-nose) and closed heart massage and evaluate their effectiveness;
  • - temporarily stop bleeding by applying a tourniquet, a pressure bandage, finger pressure on the vessel;
  • - apply a bandage in case of damage (injury, burn, frostbite, bruise);
  • - immobilize the damaged part of the body in case of bone fracture, severe injury, thermal injury;
  • - to provide assistance with heat and sunstroke, drowning, acute poisoning, vomiting, unconsciousness;
  • - use the means at hand when carrying, loading and transporting victims;
  • - to determine the feasibility of taking out the injured by an ambulance or passing transport;
  • - use a first aid kit.

3. The sequence of first aid.

When providing first aid, the following sequence should be followed:

  • - Eliminate the impact on the body of damaging factors that threaten the health and life of the victim (free from the action of electric current, remove from the contaminated atmosphere, extinguish burning clothes, remove from water, etc.), assess the condition of the victim;
  • - to determine the nature and severity of the injury, the greatest threat to the victim's life and the sequence of measures to save him;
  • - take the necessary measures to save the victim as a matter of urgency (restore airway patency, administer artificial respiration, external heart massage; stop bleeding; immobilize the fracture site; apply a bandage, etc.);
  • - to support the basic life functions of the victim until the arrival of the medical worker;
  • - call an ambulance or a doctor, or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.

4. Conditions necessary for the correct organization of first aid at the enterprise.

For the correct organization of first aid at the enterprise, it is necessary:

  • - to complete first-aid kits and appoint responsible persons for first-aid kits.
  • - to conduct practical training of personnel in the provision of first aid.
  • - to involve medical workers for training.
  • - have complete and tested protective equipment available.

5. Procedure for helping children.

The procedure for helping children under 12 years old should take into account the peculiarities. For children from one to 12 years old, a heart massage is performed with one hand and from 70 to 100 pressures are made per minute, depending on age, for children from one year old - from 100 to 120 pressures per minute with two fingers (second and third) in the middle of the sternum. When inhaling, cover the victim's nose and mouth. The volume of air must be weighed against the age of the child.

6. Procedure and actions when providing assistance by two persons, when artificial respiration and chest compressions are necessary?

When assisting by two persons, when artificial respiration and chest compressions are required, the breath-massage ratio is 1: 5. During the artificial inhalation of the victim, the one who does the heart massage does not apply pressure.

7. Procedure for helping one person.

When giving first aid, one person for every two blows, he produces 15 pressures on the sternum.

8. Signs of ineffective first aid for electric shock.

Signs of ineffective first aid are:

  • - lack of consciousness;
  • - bluish color of the skin;
  • - lack of breathing;
  • - lack of pulse in the carotid artery;
  • - the presence of wide pupils (more than 0.5 cm).

9. The magnitude of the lethal and dangerous current?

The magnitude deadly current 100 mA, dangerous current 5-10 mA.

10. How is external heart massage performed?

External heart massage is performed as follows. If the heartbeat is not palpable, then, together with artificial respiration, an external heart massage is performed: pressure on the lower third of the sternum (solar plexus) is performed with quick jerks so as to displace the sternum by 4-5 cm, the duration of pressure is no more than 0.5 seconds. If the revival is carried out by one person, then for every two blows he produces 15 pressures on the sternum. When two people participate in resuscitation, the ratio "breathing-massage" is 1: 5, the one who does artificial respiration does not exert pressure.

11. Signs of revitalization of a person while providing assistance to the victim.

Signs of a person's revival when providing first aid are:

  • - the appearance of spontaneous breathing;
  • - constriction of the pupils;
  • - the skin turns pink.

12. When and how is artificial respiration performed?

Artificial respiration is performed in cases where the victim does not breathe or breathes very badly (rarely, convulsively, as if with a sobbing), and also if his breathing constantly worsens, regardless of what caused it (electric shock, poisoning, drowning, etc.) etc.). The most effective method of artificial respiration is mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose method, as this ensures that a sufficient volume of air is supplied to the victim's lungs. It has been established that the air exhaled by a person is physiologically suitable for breathing the victim. The victim must be put on his back, unfastened tight clothing, free his mouth from foreign objects (cigarette, candy, dentures, etc.).

The person providing assistance is located on the side of the victim's head, puts one hand under the victim's neck, and puts the palm of the other hand on his forehead, throwing his head back as much as possible. The caregiver leans towards the victim's face, makes a deep exhalation with his open mouth, while covering his nose with his cheek. In this case, the victim's chest should rise. The interval between breaths should be approximately 5 seconds (12 breaths per minute).

13. The sequence of first aid.

When providing first aid, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  • - release the victim from the action of electric current;
  • - to determine the nature and severity of the injury;
  • - take the necessary measures to rescue the victim in order of urgency (restore airway patency, artificial respiration, external heart massage);
  • - to support the basic vital functions of the victim until the arrival of the doctor;
  • - call an ambulance, or take measures to transport the victim to a medical facility.

14. Release of the victim from the action of electric current at voltage up to 1000V.

The release of the victim from the action of an electric current in electrical installations with a voltage of up to 1000V is possible with the help of a rope, stick, board or other dry object that does not conduct an electric current. You can also pull it by the clothing if it is dry and loose from the body, while avoiding touching the surrounding metal objects and parts of the victim's body that are not covered by clothing. To insulate hands, wear dielectric gloves or cover them with dry clothing. It is recommended to operate with one hand.

15. What does the presence of wide pupils mean in the victim?

If the victim has no consciousness, breathing, pulse, the skin is cyanotic, and the pupils are wide (more than 0.5 cm in diameter), then we can assume that he is in a state of clinical death.

16. A set of necessary devices and first aid equipment (first aid kit). A set of necessary devices and first aid equipment (first aid kit) must contain:

  • - individual aseptic dressing bags - 5 pcs;
  • - bandages - 5 pcs;
  • - cotton wool 50g each - 5 packs;
  • - cotton-gauze bandage - 3 pcs;
  • - harness - 1 piece;
  • - tires - 3 pcs;
  • - rubber bubble for ice - 1 piece;
  • - glass - 1 piece;
  • - a teaspoon - 1 piece;
  • - tincture of iodine - 1 bottle;
  • - ammonia - 1 bottle;
  • - boric acid - 25 grams;
  • - drinking soda - 25 grams;
  • - hydrogen peroxide solution - 1 bottle;
  • - tincture of valerian (Corvalol) –1 bottle;
  • - nitroglycerin - 1 tube.

17. Signs by which you can quickly determine the condition of the victim from an electric current.

Signs by which you can quickly determine the condition of the victim from an electric current are:

  • - absence or presence of consciousness;
  • - bluish or pink color of the skin;
  • - absence or presence of breathing;
  • - the presence of a pulse in the carotid artery;
  • - the presence of wide pupils (more than 0.5 cm)

Number of impressions: 550

In the modern world, there are many laws, rules, instructions and other official documents that permit or, conversely, prohibit something. As a rule, most of these acts are aimed at ensuring safety, improving living standards or preventing emergencies.

Hardly anyone will doubt the importance of electricity. However, not only the device, but also the person himself can suffer from improper work with electricity and electrical installations. To prevent this from happening, "Labor protection rules for the operation of electrical installations" (abbreviated as POTEU) were developed.

A bit of history

This document was approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in July 2013. In order for the rules for the use of electrical installations to come into force, the said body issued a corresponding order (No. 328n), which stated that POTEU began to work on August 4, 2014.

Of course, the adoption of this document was not something completely new. In fact - this is an improvement in safety rules, which were indicated in the previous document - Interindustry rules on labor protection in the operation of installations. This instruction was valid from July 2013 to August 2014, when the new rules were adopted.

Short description

The main changes in the new edition of the POTEU are as follows:

  • The introduction of new terms, definitions and abbreviations in the operation of electrical installations.
  • The list of persons responsible for safety when using such devices has been expanded.
  • Requirements for electronic documentation have been created.
  • Changes were approved when working with overhead lines.

Also, in accordance with the new rules, employees responsible for the operation of electrical installations are required to undergo recertification. For this, company leaders should send employees to training before 08/08/14, as well as conduct an extraordinary test of knowledge. All details are indicated in the official letter No. 15-2 / OOG-161, sent by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health.

Detailed overview

The document on compliance with labor protection rules when using electrical installations applies to a wider circle of people. Namely:

  • Workers with electrical and electrical engineering activities.
  • Employees of companies that do not operate electrical installations.
  • Employers involved in the maintenance of electrical installations with their subsequent operation.
  • Specialists responsible for construction, commissioning and installation tests or measurements.

All of the above persons are fully responsible for the serviceability of the equipment during its operation. For example, for the operation of power lines, electrical apparatus, machinery and auxiliary equipment, which are intended for the production, transmission, transformation, distribution or transformation of energy. In addition, the room where this equipment is located must be various medical products for protection, as well as first aid equipment.

To operate electrical installations, workers need to be trained in safe work. As mentioned above, the responsibility for completing the training rests with the employer. In addition, the company's management is also required to send some employees for periodic medical examinations. This applies to people working in hazardous or harmful working conditions (eg underground).

Employees who have successfully completed training in the rules for the operation of electrical installations, get the appropriate certificate, which indicates the category of special work that the employee can perform. For example, "operation of electrical installations at height", "work under voltage with live parts", etc.

The document also indicates how to act correctly when performing certain actions. For example, when turning off electrical installations, installing grounding, checking the absence of current, etc. In addition, the POTEU describes actions when working in a magnetic or electric field.

The document also provides for the need to place various prohibition signs next to certain equipment. An example is communication devices with manual control (switches, disconnectors, separators, switches, etc.). According to POTEU-2014, there should be a sign next to such a device warning that people are working now.

Most of the questions regarding the new rules of labor protection when working with electrical installations arise about the training and certification of electricians. According to the new version of POTEU, it is possible to study and take exams both in the organization itself and in a specialized training center.

Training in the company

There are two ways to go here.

  1. Put on staff independent study of documentation, and then form a commission of 5 people, three of whom need to be certified by Rostekhnadzor.
  2. Send 3 people for training to the training center. After training and issuance of certificates, they will become members of the commission together with the chairman of the commission and a representative of Rostekhnadzor.

If the company entrusts the training of employees to a specialized center, then there is no need to establish a commission to pass the certification. As in the previous version, the management of the company can again go in two ways.

Pote rules applicable during the operation of electrical installations are a very important point for the safety of the worker. Exactly annual certification and recertification allow to reduce the level of injuries to workers when servicing electrical installations.

Also, warning signs and the expansion of the circle of persons responsible for safety when working with electrical installations have a significant impact on this aspect. This helps not only to preserve the health of the employee, but also to avoid financial expenditures on medical treatment. After all, as you know, the best treatment is prevention.