The types of costs of working time are. Labor rationing: accounting for the working hours of the main production workers. for machine-manual work

The classification of the costs of working time has such a grouping that would allow for an objective analysis of the feasibility of using the working time of performers and the time of using the equipment.

In the rationing of labor, two classifications of the costs of working time are used: according to one of them, the total time is subdivided into the time of work and the time of breaks, according to the other, into the standardized and non-standardized time. The time of work includes the time of execution of the production task and the time of work that is not due to the task (casual or unproductive work). Break times include breaks that depend on the workers (for rest, personal needs and caused by a violation of discipline) and not depending on them (for technical or organizational reasons). The break time is divided into necessary and unnecessary, overlapped by machine time and not overlapped. The normalized time is called such expenditure of working time, which are necessary to perform a given work. Irregular time is the loss of working time and time spent on work, unconditional on the completion of the task.

1. The standardized time consists of preparatory and final time, operational time, time for servicing the workplace, breaks for rest and personal needs, breaks for organizational and technical reasons.

V general view magnitude time norms includes:

The preparatory and final time is spent by the workers on preparing to perform the assigned work and on actions related to its completion. The norm of the preparatory and final time is established either for a batch of products, or for a work shift.

The operational time is used directly to perform the assigned work. It is divided into two parts: main (technological) time; auxiliary time. The main (technological) time is the time spent by the worker on changing the object of labor (its shape, size, appearance, physicochemical or mechanical properties, etc.), its state and position in space and repeated during the manufacture of each unit of production. The auxiliary time refers to the time spent on the worker's receptions, without which the course of the main (technological) process is impossible: installation and removal of a part, machine control, tool approach and withdrawal, etc.

The workplace service time is used by the worker to take care of his workplace and maintain it in working order throughout the shift and is divided into:

  • · The time of organizational service, it is not related to the work performed and is implemented 2 times per shift: at the beginning and at the end of the shift;
  • · time Maintenance, associated with the operation being performed; this is the time spent on adjusting equipment and devices during operation, on changing blunt tools, cleaning shavings, etc.

The time of breaks for rest and personal needs is usually set at 8-10 minutes per shift (at construction sites - 15 minutes) and in all cases is included in the time norm.

Break times for organizational and technical reasons -- these are breaks associated with the repair of mechanisms on schedule, waiting for service due to the busyness of a worker serving several machines.

  • 2. Non-standardized time includes the time of losses:
    • · For organizational and technical reasons. These are losses associated with waiting for work, workpieces, tools, machine repair, foreman, etc.
    • · Due to the fault of the worker. Loss of working time through the fault of the worker is understood as interruptions in work due to a violation labor discipline and daily routine.

There are two main types of rationing the costs of working time:

Experienced statistical. With this method, the norms are established on the basis of personal experience rationer, statistics data. Such norms are called experimental-static, they do not contribute to an increase in labor productivity, therefore, they must be replaced with scientifically based norms established by analytical methods.

Analytical. Scientific method. It is based on the study of the operation by dividing it into labor methods, on the study of factors that affect the duration of individual labor methods; on the design of a rational work process, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of a person. On this basis, the standard duration of the individual work elements is determined and the time rate is calculated. When using the analytical method, labor standards are established in the following ways:

  • 1) research. Based on the data of the photograph of the working day and timing, therefore, it is quite laborious, but it provides high accuracy of calculations;
  • 2) analytical. Time rates are calculated according to ready-made standards that were previously established by an analytical and research method.

The time of work for the implementation of the production task is divided into preparatory and final, main, auxiliary and service time of the workplace,

The time for the preparatory and final work includes the time for preparing the workplace and objects of work for completing the task (receiving materials, familiarizing with the drawings, preparing equipment for operation, receiving instructions from the master, etc.), as well as time for operations related to completion of the assignment (transfer to the equipment changer, delivery of products, tools, etc.).

The time of the main work is the time spent on the fulfillment of the main purpose of the operation, that is, on changing the shape, size, physical or chemical properties, state, externally, appearance, mutual arrangement of the elements of the object of labor.

Ancillary time includes the time spent on creating conditions for the main work (for example, for installing, securing and removing workpieces, starting, stopping and controlling the machine, control measurements and log entries, etc.).

The main and auxiliary time can be machine, machine-hand or manual. The sum of the execution time of the main and auxiliary work is called the operational time.

The time for servicing the workplace is spent on maintaining the equipment, tools, fixtures, control devices and devices for regulating the technological process in working order, as well as maintaining cleanliness and order at the workplace. When standardizing machine and machine-manual work, it is sometimes subdivided into the time of technical and organizational maintenance.

In machine, automated and hardware operations, the time of preparatory-final and auxiliary work and maintenance of the workplace, depending on the possibility of their combination with the time of the main work, is divided into overlapping and non-overlapping.

Regulated breaks include: rest breaks to prevent overwork; breaks for personal needs - time for personal hygiene and natural needs; breaks of an organizational and technical nature due to the technology or organization of the production process.

The classification of the costs of working time can be carried out in relation to three elements of the production process: the subject of labor, workers and equipment. The basis of these classifications is the separation of two components; the time of the implementation of the production process (or the functioning of a given element of production) and the time of breaks. Classification in relation to the object of labor is also a classification in relation to the production process, because in this case we are talking about the expenditure of time required to transform objects of labor into a product of labor. On the basis of this classification, the composition of the time spent included in the norms is established.

Work time

Time of implementation of the technological process - basic (technological time)

Break times during the technological process

Machine (hardware)



Time of regulated breaks

Time of irregular breaks

Auxiliary time

Service time working hours

Time for rest and personal needs

Break times for organizational and technical reasons

Preparatory and final time

Scheme for the classification of labor costs in relation to and the subject of labor

When calculating labor standards, the costs of time are established: preparatory and final, operational, maintenance of the workplace, for rest and personal needs and regulated (normalized) breaks.

Preparatory and final - this is the time spent on preparing for the implementation of this task and the actions associated with its completion: obtaining tools, devices, technological and planning documentation; familiarization with the work, drawings; briefing on the procedure for performing the work; installation of devices and tools; adjustment of equipment, removal of devices and tools after work; delivery of devices, tools, documentation. Its peculiarity is that it is spent once on work (a batch of objects of labor) and does not depend on the amount of work performed on a given task.

Operational- this is the time spent on changing the shape, size, properties of objects of labor, as well as on the performance of auxiliary actions necessary to implement these changes. The costs of operational time are repeated with each unit of production or a certain amount of work. It is subdivided into main and auxiliary.

The main(technological) time is spent on a purposeful change in the subject of labor.

During auxiliary time the raw materials are loaded, they are removed finished products equipment management, changing its operating modes, monitoring the progress of the technological process and product quality.

Workplace service time - This is the time spent by the worker in caring for the equipment and maintaining the workplace in good condition. It is subdivided into technical and organizational. Workplace maintenance time is spent taking care of the equipment while performing this particular job. For example, the time of replacing worn out tools, adjusting equipment, cleaning chips, etc. Organizational service time is spent on the care of the workplace associated with the performance of work throughout the shift. This category includes the time spent on nesting at the beginning and cleaning at the end of a work shift, and on cleaning and lubricating equipment.

Time for rest and personal needs installed to maintain normal performance and personal hygiene. The length of these breaks depends on the working conditions. The time of regulated (normalized) breaks for organizational and technical reasons is objectively determined by the nature of the interaction between workers and equipment. Eliminating these interruptions is almost impossible or economically impractical. For example, if one worker serves several machines, then in many cases it is impossible to completely synchronize the working time of the worker with the machine time. The consequence of this is the breaks, which must be included in the time norm.

Time of ad hoc breaks - these are downtime of equipment and workers caused by violations of the established technology and organization of production. These breaks are not included in the time limit:

When analyzing the time spent by workers, first of all, the time of their employment and the time of breaks are highlighted. An employee's time of employment includes the time for completing a production task and the time he is busy with other jobs. The latter includes the time of odd work outside the established schedule and the time of unproductive work (correcting defects, searching for materials, tools, devices, etc.).

Busy time can also be divided into the time of direct work, transitions (for example, in multi-station work) and active monitoring of the progress of the technological process, which is necessary in order to ensure its normal course. If the worker is busy with active observation, then he should not perform other (functions. In addition to active, passive observation is also possible, the cohort is one of the types of breaks in the worker's employment for organizational and technical reasons.

When analyzing the cost of working time, unregulated breaks are allocated for organizational and technical reasons and due to the fault of the employee. The time of unregulated breaks for organizational and technical reasons includes downtime of equipment and workers due to waiting for workpieces, documentation, tools, etc., as well as excess time of breaks associated with asynchronous production process. The time of breaks due to violation of labor discipline is due to the late start and premature end of work, excess rest time, etc.

For the calculation of labor standards, the division of time expenditures into overlapping and non-overlapping is essential. The overlapped usually refers to the time the worker performs those elements of the labor process that are carried out during the period of automatic operation of the equipment. Non-overlapping is the time for performing labor techniques (setting the workpiece, quality control, etc.) when the equipment is stopped (non-working) and the time for machine-manual techniques.

The object of labor rationing is labor activity person in social production, which requires working time.

Working time is understood as the time during which the employee performs the work assigned to him. This is the most important resource of any production. The enterprise (firm) accepts employees so that they give part of their time to production during a certain time of the day, month, year. It is interested that working time is used efficiently, since its losses are irreplaceable. Time cannot be accelerated, slowed down, or accumulated.

All costs of working time can be classified during work and breaks.

Work time includes the time spent on all employee actions related to the work performed. Based on the content of the employee's actions, it is divided into the time spent on the performance of the production task and work not provided for by the production task. In turn, the time for the execution of the production task includes the preparatory and final time, operational time, and the time for servicing the workplace.

Preparatory and final time is needed to prepare for the task and finish it. This is the receipt of materials and assignments for the shift, familiarization with the work, study of documentation, equipment adjustment, tool sharpening, delivery of finished products and tools to the warehouse. If specified works absent, preparatory and final time is not allocated.

Operational called the time required to change the shape, size, properties of objects of labor, to perform auxiliary actions to implement these changes. It is divided into the main and subsidiary.

  • The main (technological) time is the time for a direct impact on the subject of labor, changing its size, properties, composition.
  • Auxiliary time includes time for installing parts, removing finished products, changing the operating mode of equipment.

Workplace maintenance includes the time it takes to maintain equipment and keep the work area in good working order.

During the shift, the employee can perform one-time work at the direction of the foreman, foreman, not directly included in his duties. For example, fixing a defect, finding tools, materials, an adjuster, a repairman or an electrician. This is the time of unproductive labor due to the low level of organization of production.

The rest of the working time is time breaks, which, depending on the reasons that caused them, are divided into regulated and unregulated... Regulated breaks are time for rest and personal needs and breaks for organizational and technical reasons. Time for rest and personal needs is given to the employee to maintain normal performance and prevent fatigue. The duration of such breaks depends on the degree of tension and working conditions. Break times for organizational and technical reasons are associated with the difference in operating modes of the associated equipment. Unregulated breaks are caused by a lack of raw materials, materials, equipment breakdowns, violation of internal regulations by employees.

When analyzing the use of working time, special attention is paid to its losses.

All working time spent at the workplace is divided into standardized and unstandardized.

  • The normalized time is the time to complete the operation, the production task: preparatory and final, operational, maintenance of the workplace, regulated breaks. It is included in the time norm.
  • Irregular time arises in case of various technical and organizational problems. It is not included in the standard of time.

Work time - the length of the working day (working week) established by law, during which the employee performs the work entrusted to him. The purpose of studying the costs of working time is to identify reserves for improving the use of working time and increasing labor productivity both for an individual performer and for the enterprise collective as a whole.

Checking the production capabilities of each workplace, studying the experience and the most advanced working methods, identifying intra-shift losses and obtaining the necessary materials for the development of standards and norms requires systematic research. labor processes and analysis of the cost of working time in production.

The classification of time expenditures is carried out in relation to three elements of the production process - the subject of labor, equipment and employee.

In practice, when studying the cost of working time, the classification of working time differentiated by separate categories is used. The presence of such a classification contributes to the achievement of unity in solving issues of organization and regulation of labor and serves as the basis for studying the actual costs of working time, analyzing and comparing them with the standard spending of time by elements of the labor process, as well as for identifying irrational costs and losses of working time and their causes, setting standards at enterprises of various sectors of the national economy (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Structure of working time costs

The classification allows:

Study the state of the organization of labor and the use of working time, most fully identifying the loss of working time and their causes;

Establish the degree of necessity and feasibility of individual time expenditures when performing a given work;

To fully study and analyze the time of using the equipment in mutual connection with the working time of the contractor;

Determine the labor costs for performing a given work and its constituent elements.

Labor rationing should be accompanied by an improvement in the organization of labor and technological processes at workplaces in combination with the most complete and economical use of equipment. Therefore, classifications have been developed for the use of working time in relation to the performer and equipment.

The basis of the currently developed classifications is the allocation of two components: the time of work (functioning) and the time of breaks.

Performer's working hours - this is the time spent on direct work, and the time of breaks when the labor process is not carried out.

The main and most important group of expenditures of working time - working hours , including that spent by the employee on preparing for the performance of work, on the direct performance of the work and its completion.

The time spent on the direct execution of the work, in turn, is divided into the time of the production order and the time not due to the production order.

1... Work time to complete the production task spent on the preparation and direct execution of the assignment.

Let's consider it in more detail.

1 ... Preparatory and final time (PZ) - preparation for the start of work and its completion. Most often, this includes the time spent on receiving the task at the beginning of the shift, receiving the material, receiving, installing and removing the tool on the equipment, handing over the finished product, tool, documentation at the end of the shift, etc. It is important to know that the preparatory and final time is spent on the entire shift wholly and well depends on the number of products produced per change and the amount of work.

2. Operational time (OP) is the time during which the employee directly performs the performed task by performing technological operations. It is subdivided as follows:

· Basic (O), which represents the time spent on transforming the object of labor, on changing its shape, size, structure, properties, qualities, etc.

· Auxiliary (B), spent by the employee to perform such actions that ensure the performance of the main work.

Without auxiliary time, it is practically impossible to carry out the process of transforming the object of labor, i.e. main job. Ancillary time costs include the time spent on loading equipment, rearranging and moving materials; blanks, parts, finished products within the workplace, control and monitoring of equipment operation, etc. The duration of the auxiliary time depends on the level of mechanization and automation of the workplace.

3. Workplace maintenance time (OSSL) is spent on caring for the workplace and maintaining the equipment in working order. It is subdivided as follows:

· The time of organizational maintenance of the workplace, spent on maintaining the workplace in a working condition (cleaning of industrial waste, moving containers with blanks and finished products within the workplace, etc.);

· The time of maintenance of the workplace associated with the care of equipment, tools, due to a specific production task (replacement of worn out tools, adjustment and lubrication of equipment, etc.).

II. Working time not due to the production order(NZ), includes the cost of working time to perform:

1) random work (CP) - here the time spent is caused by production needs (for example, walking ta orders, performing auxiliary and renovation works and etc.);

2) unproductive work (NR) - here the time spent is associated with work that does not give an increase in production or improve its quality, including the time to correct defects, the time of excessive car mileage, etc.

Considering the work time, it is necessary to take into account the classification of this type of time, depending on the nature of the employee's participation in the performance of the production operation:

· time self made, i.e. without the use of machines or mechanisms;

· Time of machine-manual work performed by machines with the direct participation of an employee or an employee using manual mechanisms;

· The time of observation of the equipment operation during automated or hardware operation;

· Time of transitions (from machine to machine with multi-station service).

A feature of automated and hardware production is a large proportion of the time for monitoring the operation of the equipment, over the course of the production process. The observation time can be active or passive.

Active observation time the operation of the equipment consists in the fact that the employee himself does not perform physical work, but his presence at the workplace is mandatory, since he must observe the progress and set parameters of the technological process, i.e. exercise direct control and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments.

Passive observation time the operation of the equipment is characterized by the fact that the employee does not need to constantly monitor the technological process. Therefore, the employee during this time can be busy performing other types of work and monitor the equipment for a while.

The division of the operating time into overlapping and non-overlapping is of great importance. Their essence is as follows.

Overlapping time is when a worker performs labor functions during automatic operation of the equipment. For example, with passive observation, an employee can perform a number of auxiliary tasks.

Non-overlapping time- this is when work is performed with the equipment stopped (for example, loading raw materials into devices or semiautomatic devices).

Another important group when studying the cost of working time is break times - the period during which the employee, being at the workplace, does not work. It is subdivided into scheduled break times and non-scheduled break times.

Time of scheduled breaks, those. for rest and personal needs, industrial gymnastics, for breaks associated with technology and organization of production, it is designed to prevent fatigue of workers and maintain their normal performance throughout the working day. In turn, it is divided as follows:

1) time for breaks for rest and personal needs, which are provided to employees to restore their working capacity during the working day.

2) the time of irreparable breaks established by the technology and organization of the production process, due to the specifics of the technological process and the organization of labor (drying of painted surfaces); it is practically impossible to eliminate such interruptions, since their elimination or reduction can lead to a deterioration in the quality of products or works.

Time of ad hoc breaks can be eliminated or at least reduced, since its presence is associated with violations of the normal course of the production process or with violations in labor discipline

Interruptions caused by disruptions in the normal course of the production process can occur for organizational and technical reasons due to poor organization of labor and production, as well as due to technology disruptions leading to accidents or unforeseen equipment downtime.

Breaks associated with violations of labor discipline are most often associated with being late for work, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature termination of work, absenteeism, as well as due to the absence of other workers, without whom the main worker cannot perform work.

As noted, the classification of working time is carried out in such a direction as the attitude to equipment, as a result of which equipment usage time (VIO). The structure of its costs is similar to the structure of the working time of the contractor. This is quite understandable, since he is busy with the equipment and the costs of his work time are interdependent on the peculiarities of technology and production technology.

The equipment usage time is subdivided as follows.

I. Equipment operating time(BP) includes the following components.

1. The operating time of the equipment to complete the production task (OP), which is called operational time and is subdivided into main (O) and auxiliary (B).

Most of the time is spent on the process of processing the object of labor and automatically entering it for processing. It can be:

· Machine-manual - when the equipment works with the direct participation of the worker;

· Machine - when the worker only observes and regulates the operation of the equipment (it is also called machine-automatic time, and its presence allows the introduction of multi-station service).

The auxiliary time takes into account only the actions necessary for the implementation of the main work, which are not overlapped by the machine time (if it is necessary to stop the operation of the equipment to ensure the main work, i.e. install or remove parts).

In the operation of equipment, operational time can also be subdivided into machine (hardware) -free time (when the equipment is in operation, when there is no need for the direct participation of the worker) and for the time of operation of the equipment with the participation of the worker (this is the worker's employment in servicing equipment during multi-station maintenance or operational time minus time machine (hardware) -free).

Besides. for some types of equipment, it is important to divide the operating time of the equipment into the working stroke time, when the equipment is in operation and the main work is performed on it, and the idle time, when the equipment is operating, but the main work is not performed on it, but preparation for the working stroke is underway.

2 ... The operating time of equipment not provided for by the production task is the sum of the time of unproductive work and the time of random work. Unproductive work of equipment is similar to unproductive work of a worker and includes, for example, time for manufacturing scrap, while random work of equipment is associated with the manufacture of products that are not due to a task caused by production needs.

II. Equipment interruption time(NS). The equipment is divided into the time of regulated breaks and the time of unregulated breaks.

1. The time of regulated breaks established by technology, organization of the production process, as well as the need for an employee's rest, is subdivided as follows:

· Breaks during the maintenance of equipment, which are associated with the preparation for its work and with the maintenance of the workplace;

· A break in the operation of the equipment associated with waiting for service, due to the technology and organization of the production process (unavoidable technological breaks, equipment repairs on schedule), as well as with breaks of the employee for rest and personal needs.

2. The time of unregulated interruptions in the operation of equipment is due to the same reasons as unregulated interruptions in the work of a worker, namely, violations of the production process (PNT) and violations of labor discipline (PND).

For the sake of completeness, consider the classification of "time spent on the subject of labor, i.e. classification production time(Runway). When analyzing the time structure of the production process, you need to know that the duration of the production process does not always coincide with the duration of the shift.

The production process time is subdivided as follows:

1) the time of implementation of the technological process, i.e. the main technological time, in the process of which the object of labor is transformed;

2) time transport operations during which there is a movement of the object of labor from operation to operation, transportation of the object of labor to the places of processing and assembly, as well as the time of control and testing of finished products and interoperational control;

3) the time of breaks during the production process.

Depending on the degree of mechanization and automation of the production process, all components of time, with the exception of breaks, are divided as follows:

· Time of manual work;

· Machine-manual time;

· Machine (hardware) time.

When establishing time norms, it should be borne in mind that not all of the considered elements of working time are subject to regulation. Therefore, there are standardized and non-standardized costs of working time.

Standardized costs those that are recognized as necessary are called, are included in the time standard and are subject to standardization.

Irregular time expenditure- this is actually a loss of working time, (for example, unregulated breaks). Their reduction and elimination is one of the reserves for the growth of labor productivity.

The work to reduce ad hoc breaks should be carried out in two directions:

1) improving the organization of the workforce, production and management;

2) improving labor discipline at the enterprise.

The classification of the costs of working time includes the classification of the costs of working time of the contractor and the classification of the costs of the use of equipment.
Classification of the performer's working time costs.

In any type of labor, the performer's working time is divided into work time and break time (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Distribution of working hours

Work time is the period during which the employee prepares for work, its immediate implementation and completion.

The time spent on completing the production task is the time spent on the preparation and direct execution of the task; it consists of preparatory and final time, operational time and time for servicing the workplace.

The preparatory and final (PZ) is the time spent by the employee to prepare for the work and to complete it (receiving a job assignment and familiarization with its content, obtaining materials, documentation, tools, receiving instructions on the procedure for performing work, installing tools in the equipment , its adjustment, removal of the tool from the equipment after completion of work, delivery of finished products, tools, devices, documentation, etc.).

The amount of preparatory and final time does not depend on the amount of work to complete the production task, therefore, the larger the volume of the task, the smaller the proportion of the preparatory and final time falls on the unit of work for this task.

Operational time (OP) is the time during which an employee or a group of employees directly performs a production task. It is subdivided into primary and secondary time.

The main (O) is called the time during which the object of labor undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes, as well as a change in position in space. For example, processing a part in a machine tool in metal and woodworking, stitching parts of a product in a garment industry, the time of active monitoring of the progress of an apparatus process in a chemical industry, driving a car when transporting goods in road transport.

The auxiliary time (B) is spent by the performer on actions that ensure the performance of the main work (installation in the machine and removal from it of objects of labor in machine-tool production, measurements of the manufactured part, loading the apparatus with raw materials and Food Industry, changing the operating modes of equipment, etc.).

Workplace maintenance time (Obs) is the time to take care of the workplace and keep the equipment in working order. It is divided into maintenance time and organizational maintenance time.

The time of maintenance of the (Tech) workplace is associated with the care of the equipment when performing a specific task on this equipment (replacement of worn-out tools, adjustment and lubrication of equipment, replacement of cartridges in office equipment, etc.).

Organizational service time (Org) is the time to maintain the workplace in a working condition (cleaning of industrial waste, moving containers with blanks and finished products within the workplace, washing and cleaning cars, etc.).

Depending on the nature of the employee's participation in the performance of production operations, the work time is subdivided into the time of manual work, the time of machine-manual work and the time of monitoring the operation of the equipment.

The time of manual work is called work without the use of machines or mechanisms, when only manual non-mechanized tools are used.

The time of machine-manual work (including manual mechanized work) is the time during which work is performed by a machine with the direct participation of an employee or an employee using a manual mechanized tool (for example, an electric drill, pneumatic hammer, chainsaw).

In the conditions of mechanized and automated production a significant part of the working time is taken by the time of monitoring the production process. It can be active or passive.

The time of active observation (A) over the operation of the equipment consists in the fact that the employee does not directly perform physical work, but his presence is mandatory at the workplace to monitor the progress of the technological process.

Passive observation time (Pass) is the time during which there is no need for constant monitoring of the operation of the equipment or the technological process, the observation is carried out periodically. This time can be used to perform other work, allowing periodic monitoring of the independent operation of the equipment. Working hours can be overlapped and non-overlapped.

Overlapped time - the time of performing any work during the period of automatic operation of the equipment. The execution time, for example, of ancillary work by an employee and the operation time of equipment, for which he is passively observing, overlap one another, that is, they are performed simultaneously.

Non-overlapping is the time for performing auxiliary work when the equipment is stopped, for example, when loading raw materials into discontinuous devices.

Work time not provided for by a production order (WT) is the time spent performing random or non-production work.

Occasional work (CP) is work that is not provided for by the production task, but caused by production needs, for example, to correct defective products.

Unproductive work (NR) is one that does not increase the volume of production or improve its quality. For example, excessive mileage of a car with a load due to an incorrectly drawn up route.

Break time (P) is the period during which an employee does not work while in production. It is subdivided into scheduled break times and non-scheduled break times.

The time of regulated breaks (PR) implies time for rest, personal needs, industrial gymnastics, the time of breaks established by the technology and organization of the production process.

Rest breaks and personal needs (Ex) are provided to employees to restore their working capacity during the work shift, to carry out industrial gymnastics, as well as personal hygiene and natural needs.

The time of unavoidable interruptions established by the technology and organization of the production process (PTI) is determined by the specific conditions of the course of specific technological processes. For example, a break for a heated part to cool down to a certain temperature, a break for drying painted surfaces.

The time of unregulated (disposable) interruptions (PNT), which are caused by violations of the normal course of the production process and violations of labor discipline.

Interruptions caused by disruptions in the normal course of the production process (PNT) arise for organizational and technical reasons due to poor organization of labor and production (untimely submission to workplace raw materials, materials, electricity, untimely equipment maintenance), as well as due to technology violations leading to accidents or unforeseen equipment downtime.

Interruptions caused by violations of labor discipline (IPD) arise as a result of being late for work, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature termination of work, as well as downtime of employees who cannot fulfill their duties due to the absence of other employees violating labor discipline.

Working hours are divided into standardized and non-standardized.

The standardized costs of working time include the costs required to perform a given work. These include: preparatory and final time, operational time, time of service of the workplace, time of breaks provided for by the technology and organization of the production process, time for rest and personal needs. These costs are included in the time rate.

Non-standardized expenditures of working time include loss of time due to organizational and technical reasons (emergency shutdowns of equipment, removable shortcomings in the organization of labor), as well as due to violations of labor discipline (equipment downtime due to delays, absenteeism, untimely start and premature end of work on the part of individual workers).

The total value of standardized costs per unit of production is called piece-calculation time and is determined by the formula

where Tpz - preparatory and final time for a batch of products; n is the size of the batch of the product; to - main time; tв - auxiliary time; tob - the time of service of the workplace; totl - time for rest and personal needs; tпт - time of normalized breaks for organizational and technical reasons.

The classification of labor time costs determines the structure of a technically justified rate of time. Analysis of the structure of working time costs reveals the amount of lost working time, as well as irrational costs of working time at the workplace.
Classification of equipment use time costs

The structural elements of the expenditure of time for the use of equipment largely coincide with the elements of the expenditure of the performer's working time.

So, the time of using the equipment is subdivided into work and time of breaks.

The operating time of the equipment consists of the operating time of the equipment to complete the production task and the operating time of the equipment not provided for by the performance of the production task.

The operating time of the equipment to complete the production task is called operational time and is divided into main and auxiliary time.

The main time is divided into machine-manual time and machine (hardware) time.

Machine-manual is the time during which the equipment works with the direct participation of the worker.

Machine (hardware) is called the time of automatic operation of equipment, when the functions of the worker are limited only to observation and adjustment.

Auxiliary time is the time that is not overlapped by machine time when the equipment stops to perform work to support the main work, for example, the time to install or remove a part from the machine.

In the operation of equipment, operational time can also be subdivided into machine (hardware) -free and for the operation time of equipment with the participation of a worker.

Machine (hardware) -free time is the operating time of the equipment when it does not need the direct participation of the worker.

The operating time of the equipment with the participation of the worker is the time of the worker's employment in servicing the equipment in multi-station (multi-unit) service or operational time minus the time of the machine (hardware) -free.

The operating time of equipment not provided for by the performance of the production task is the sum of the time of unproductive work and the time of random work.

The time of breaks in the operation of the equipment is divided into the time of regulated and non-regulated breaks.

The time of regulated breaks is subdivided: into the time of breaks associated with the preparation of equipment for work and with its organizational and technical maintenance; for the period of breaks provided for by the technology and organization of the production process (equipment repairs on schedule, unavoidable technological breaks); during breaks for rest and personal needs of the worker.

The time of unregulated breaks may arise due to disruption of the production process (lack of electricity, raw materials, materials, etc.), as well as due to violation of labor discipline by workers (lateness, premature departure from the workplace, etc.).

The time of unproductive and casual work, the time of breaks caused by violations of labor discipline and violations of the production process, refer to non-standardized costs of working time. The rest of the equipment operating time is standardized.

The variety of production processes and forms of labor organization, the different content and frequency of expenditure of working time, as well as the purposes of their study, necessitate the use of different methods and techniques of observation, different equipment.

The methods of study and types of observation of the expenditure of working time can be classified according to the following criteria:

By the observation method - continuous, selective, periodic, cyclic, instant observations

According to the object of observation - individual, group

According to the form of recording the results of observations

Digital, index, graphic, oscillographic, combined

By the way of observation - visually, with the help of instruments.

Method of continuous (continuous) measurements - applied in all production processes at different forms organization of work and types of study of working time (timing, photography); allows you to get the most complete, detailed and accurate idea not only about the average, but also about the actual costs and losses of working time in terms of their content, size and sequence of implementation.

Periodic observation method, used in group and route photography, allows: to obtain data on the number of incidents of certain costs, lost working time or equipment downtime. Monitoring is carried out simultaneously for the work of a large number of workers or pieces of equipment. Simultaneous coverage is up to 20 objects, sometimes one person can monitor 70 workers.

Sampling method used mainly in timing, when the individual elements of the operation are studied. It is most widely used in the study of the techniques of auxiliary time in the conditions of a multi-station organization of labor, instrumental processes.

Cycle measurement method- a kind of selective observation process - it is used only for timing, when it is necessary to measure the time of performing techniques (actions or movements) with a very short duration, and therefore it is impossible to accurately record the time of their implementation using conventional methods of observation (using stopwatches). Here, time measurements are taken in groups of individual techniques.

Momentary observation method costs of losses of working time and use of equipment in time is based on the theory of probability and is a kind of sampling method. In order for the results of the observations to reflect the actual use of working hours, the following conditions must be met:

* observations of certain expenditures of working time should be random and equally possible;

* the number of observations (sample size) should be large enough to reliably characterize the observed phenomenon as a whole.

In the study of labor processes, the most important is the solution of two problems: determining the actual time spent on performing elements of operations (labor movements, actions.); determination of the structure of time spent during a work shift or part of it. Depending on the purpose of the study, three methods of studying the costs of working time are used: timing, FRV, photo timing.

The classification of methods for researching the cost of working time is presented in table 3. Table 3 - Classification of methods for researching the cost of working time
Classification attribute Research method
Purpose of the study - photograph of working hours; - timing; - photo timing
Number of Objects Observed - individual; - group; - route
Research form - direct measurements of time; - method of moment observations
Data commit form - continuous, continuous observation; - selective observation; - cyclical observation
Observation type - visual; - using automatic metering devices
Observer - an outside observer; - the performer himself
Record form - digital; - index; - graphic; - photography, filming