Pottery workshop as a business. You can hire people to work in the pottery workshop. Sales of finished products

Many of us have our own hobbies. Usually these activities bring only moral satisfaction. But who said that hobby cannot be profitable? It is to such a profitable type of activity that pottery can be attributed. How much will it cost to open a small pottery workshop? And how much can you earn by rotating a potter's wheel?

Main material the potter works with is clay. It comes in different varieties and is selected depending on the product being made.

Technological processes of pottery production - this is kneading, molding and firing. In the future, the finished product can be coated with glaze.

The production time for one ceramic pot can take about two hours. At the same time, 20-30 minutes will be spent on kneading and modeling from clay, and the rest of the time - on drying and firing.

Any work has its own nuances. In pottery, the total scrap rate reaches 20-30%, and at first it can be half of all clay pots. The degree of suitability of raw materials, clay modeling, the level of dryness before firing - all this affects the quality of the finished product. If you intend to rotate the potter's wheel yourself, then you will have to master all the processes and delve into all the technological details. Also, to make pottery or souvenirs, you need to have artistic taste and imagination.

The composition of the equipment of the pottery workshop includes
- muffle furnace - preferably 3-4 pieces. The price is about 100 thousand rubles;
- potter's wheel - the amount depends on the number employees... The price is 30-50 thousand rubles. But there are ways to make a pottery wheel with your own hands;
- clay mixing machine - the price is about 30 thousand rubles;
- scales - the price is about 6 thousand rubles;
- forms for products - quantity as required.

The composition of the premises of the pottery workshop consists of a production area and a warehouse. The glazing process is best done in a separate room with good ventilation. The glaze contains lead and other chemical elements, therefore, you must observe your own safety measures.

Room area is selected, depending on the volume of production and the number of workers. The minimum industrial volume assumes not less than 50 sq.m. production space, while the warehouse is allocated about 20 sq. m. Rent of such premises will be about 30-40 thousand rubles. per month.

Pottery activities workshop falls under the OKVED code 26.21 "Production of household and decorative ceramic products." This category includes the production of tableware, ceramic household utensils, as well as figurines and other decorative items. At the same time, the production of toys is not included in this group. If the production of such products is also planned, then during registration it is necessary to add the OKVED code 36.50 "Other production". Number of registered species economic activity should be as large as possible and include all possible productions.

It is better to choose an individual entrepreneur under the simplified taxation system as an organizational and legal form when registering an activity. This will reduce tax payments and insurance premiums.

Number of workshop staff directly depends on the volume of implementation. As a rule, people who are in love with their craft are engaged in pottery. And there are not many of them. In addition, earthenware, souvenir products are exclusive works of authorship. Finding customers and organizing sales is a very time consuming process. Usually craftsmen take their products to places with a large flow of foreign tourists, to all kinds of festivals and exhibitions, closer to Europe. There, where handmade clay pots and pots are in demand. Therefore, the staff in a small pottery workshop consists of 1-2 people.

Sales establishment - the most crucial moment in the whole pottery business. Despite the fact that the volume of sales of souvenirs in last years have grown significantly, 90% of all products are manufactured outside of Russia. In any case, traders import their goods from Southeast Asia. This means that this market is still free for domestic producers.

According to wholesalers, Russian manufacturers very unreliable in terms of the timing and quality of their products. For a large souvenir chain, the minimum batch of products of one name should be at least 1000 pieces. Therefore, when concluding a contract with such a customer, there are very high risks for the supplier.
Arrangements with small souvenir shops are more attractive for a small pottery workshop. The volumes are smaller, but the incomes are accordingly.

One of the implementation options is custom-made products. For example, when designing interiors, many are looking for special vases, clay pots or reliefs, tiles or frames. As advertising souvenirs, fridge magnets, small coasters for stationery, clay figurines, and beer mugs go well.

Pottery business development assumes, in addition to the sale of finished products, and the establishment of a training program for pottery. Organizing master classes or training courses can be a good income item. There has always been interest in this art form. Rotating a potter's wheel, watching a piece of clay turn into a slender vase or jug ​​is truly a pleasure. Therefore, there are many who want to try. In addition, recently, pottery therapy has become very popular. By the way, master classes can be conducted with a visit to the customer's home. And, as customers, elite schools and kindergartens can act here.

Advertising of products and services Is an element of promoting any business, including pottery. In order to be noticed and appreciated, you have to spend a lot on advertising. But, as they say, the end justifies the means.

The cost of clay products ranges from 100 to 1000 rubles. a piece. The price depends on the volume, shape, design, complexity of the work. Souvenirs and magnets cost from 40 to 100 rubles.

Cost of education can vary from 300 to 1000 rubles per hour. It all depends on the professionalism of the master and the availability of those willing to pay this or that amount.

Summarizing all of the above, we can characterize the business model of an ideal pottery workshop, which works in three areas at once: 1) production of clay products for large wholesalers; 2) a separate small workshop for the production of works of authorship to order; 3) a school for teaching pottery. At the head of this enterprise is himself individual entrepreneur and carries out direct control over the quality of manufactured products and delivery times.

With regard to the initial investment, then, as you can see, they are small. The opening of the workshop and promotion will cost no more than 10 thousand dollars. But the payback period and the amount of profit will depend on the creativity and organizational abilities of the entrepreneur himself.

Ceramic dishes or interior items keep the warmth of natural materials and the hands of a potter, so the products attract customers. You can open a workshop and work to order, or start producing popular designs.

Perhaps the pottery art can be classified as one of the most ancient in the whole world. Archaeological excavations confirm this fact, constantly presenting new exhibits to the society - pottery, created hundreds of years ago.

However, to this day, a master who is fluent in the art of pottery can earn good money by opening his own workshop. Many fans of the pottery art today constantly support the popularity of this business.

Therefore, many specialists decide to turn their hobby into a source of income, and in most cases this decision turns out to be correct. To open a pottery workshop and make it profitable business, you should draw up a competent and reasoned one, and execute it step by step.

It is important to note that even if you are not at all familiar with pottery, but this area of ​​work is interesting to you, then it is quite possible to open such an enterprise.

It is enough just to have an idea of ​​what stages the production of pottery consists of, and also to be good manager, a successful organizer. In this case, you can open a company that will employ hired pottery specialists. Competent business organization in this case will be the key to success.

At the very beginning, you should create a business with minimal costs, which will allow as soon as possible make a profit and recoup all costs. Then, over time, the business can be expanded by increasing production capacity and the number of personnel. Having chosen such a strategy of work, an entrepreneur will be able to create a profitable business in the shortest possible time.

It should be noted that a significant advantageous characteristic of the pottery business is the minimum level of competition in this industry. Due to the fact that the activity is highly specific, only a small percentage of entrepreneurs decide to enter it.

Thanks to this, the market capacity is high, and it is not difficult to make a profit here. However, on the other hand, a sine qua non condition for making a profit from a pottery workshop is the creation of an exceptionally high-quality product. If you create an ordinary product that will not qualitatively differ from the products of similar firms, then the enterprise can hardly count on profit.

Now you should go directly to the process of organizing a pottery business. First, find a suitable room. Here, its territorial location will not have a key role, therefore, by choosing a room far from the city's business center, you can significantly save on rent.

Experts do not recommend buying a property immediately. You just need to rent it and check how convenient it will be. There are some requirements for the area of ​​the production facility. The optimal room is considered, which consists of two rooms. One of them, with an area of ​​approximately 50 square meters, will be used as a workshop, and the second, approximately 20 square meters, is needed to organize a warehouse.

After the premises have been found and the corresponding lease agreement has been concluded, it is worth thinking about purchasing equipment. You should not buy it yourself if you do not deeply understand this issue.

Consult with a specialist, and in this case, the likelihood of the wrong choice will be minimal. At first, such equipment as a potter's wheel, equipment for kneading clay, scales for dosing raw clay mass, molds for products for various purposes, as well as a special furnace that is used for firing finished products, will be sufficient. In addition, warehouse equipment - racks, shelves and cabinets - will not be superfluous. It is important that such equipment completely preserves fragile items from damage.

Once the equipment is selected and placed in the rented space, you can start recruiting. Many entrepreneurs, wanting to save on this cost item, entrust all responsibilities to one employee. But this decision is fundamentally wrong.

Indeed, even physically, one person cannot complete the entire volume of work. Pay particular attention to the distribution of responsibilities if you yourself plan to do the sculpting.

In this case, the entrepreneur will have to simultaneously engage in the production of products, and establish sales through various channels, and look for suppliers and customers, and conduct advertising campaigns. Therefore, the best solution is to distribute responsibilities among several employees. By the way, wages should fully correspond to the number of duties assigned to the employee, and his qualification level.

Some entrepreneurs insist on the following way to increase the profits from the work of the pottery workshop. For its implementation, an additional workshop should be opened, which will be engaged in the production of unique products that are produced on order in a single copy.

Sometimes an entrepreneur himself works in this place, if he is familiar with the art of pottery and has experience in the manufacture of such products. Exclusive pottery can be sold at a high price and reap significant profits from it.

In order for the pottery workshop to be truly profitable and successful, immediately after all organizational issues have been settled, proceed to the formation of sales channels.

Here can help advertising, participation in art exhibitions, direct interaction with potential clients. In each city, a number of sales channels can be identified that will be interested in purchasing products from a pottery workshop. These are souvenir shops in shopping centers cities, train stations and airports, large supermarkets, flower shops.

Today, the Internet is a powerful and effective distribution channel. Create your own online store, or sell items through auction sites, and your profits will increase soon. By following all the recommendations presented, you have the maximum opportunity to create promising and profitable business for the production and sale of pottery.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

So, if you are planning to start your own production of ceramic products, but at the same time do not have sufficient funds to organize a full-scale enterprise, you can start with a pottery workshop. Currently, this area is of great interest to entrepreneurs. Experts note the growing interest in this area. Moreover, consumers are interested not only in the pottery themselves. self made, but also the process of making them as an original hobby.

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Regardless of whether you are going to get by with your savings or plan to attract investors, before proceeding with the solution of organizational issues, be sure to draw up detailed business plan... Of course, ideally, you should be well versed in all the intricacies of this craft. But even if you have no experience in this area, but it is of interest to you, you should not give up your idea. In this case, you will not act as a master, but as an organizer and leader. But in any case, you should have at least a general understanding of the process of making ceramic products.

First of all, you need a suitable room. It can be located far from the city center. The main thing is that it is convenient for you and your employees to get there. Most pottery workshops open either on the outskirts of the city (or even the suburbs), or even in the region. But the last option is suitable for more large enterprises, who save on the delivery of raw materials, locating their production near the place of extraction of clay.

There are certain requirements for the workshop area. It must consist of at least two rooms. The first one with an area of ​​at least 50 sq. meters is allocated for a production workshop, and the second with an area of ​​20 sq. meters is used to store raw materials and finished products. The work area must be equipped with a good ventilation system. It is best if your workshop has one more separate, third room, where the glazing of the products will take place. The glaze contains lead and other harmful substances, therefore it is necessary to work with it in compliance with safety measures and using respirators. Ideally, the premises should be your own. But if there is none, then you will have to rent a suitable one for several months. The rental price will be from 35 thousand rubles (the exact amount depends on the region, location, area and condition of the premises).

When a suitable room is found, you can start looking for equipment. There are a lot of nuances here, so if you are not an expert in pottery, seek help from one. Otherwise, there is a great risk of acquiring the wrong thing.

The main equipment includes pottery wheels, equipment for kneading clay, scales for dosing clay mass, molds for products (for example, for making magnets, photo frames and other small things), tools and special furnaces for firing finished products. You will also need work tables and chairs for potters, racks, shelves and cabinets for storing products and raw materials. The set of tools for pottery work includes stacks, strings with handles, rolling pins, knives, compasses and calipers, spoons, pottery knives, etc. One potter's wheel will cost from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. A machine for kneading clay also costs about 30 thousand rubles. Another 5-7 thousand rubles will be required for the purchase of scales and about 5 thousand rubles for instruments.

Some craftsmen make a muffle furnace with a heating temperature of up to 950 ° C on their own from household electric stoves. To do this, a body is made from a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.5-0.9 mm, according to the diameter of an electric stove, and a lid is attached from above, having drilled several holes in it for steam to escape. The muffle bowl is made as follows. First, a form is made of cardboard, which is impregnated with paraffin or wax. On the inner surface of the mold, a clay mass is applied in a layer of 1 cm. After drying, the clay cup is separated from the mold, dried again and fired. Its lower part should fit snugly against the electric stove. The finished muffle cup is placed in the housing. The space between the muffle and the body is filled with asbestos chips. To control the firing process, an eyelet with a diameter of 20-25 mm is made with a shutter. The structure itself is installed on an asbestos base.

However, it is better not to risk it and buy muffle furnaces. The cost of one furnace ranges from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. Even in the case of a small workshop, it is desirable to have at least two or three ovens.

The purchase of the first batch of raw materials, impurities, glazes, paints, etc. will require about 50 thousand rubles. In a small workshop of about 50 sq. meters, three masters can work at the same time. Wage each of them starts from 10-15 thousand rubles, depending on the region, employment, qualifications, etc.

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The income of a pottery workshop consists of two components - the sale of the pottery itself and their manufacture to order, as well as conducting paid master classes, excursions, and renting out work space and equipment. The wholesale cost of a simple clay object made by stamping (for example, a magnet) starts from 60-70 rubles at a cost price of 25-30 rubles. At the same time, such magnets are sold at retail at a price of about 170-190 rubles. Attending a master class with teaching the basics of working with a potter's wheel costs from 350 rubles per person. The average number of participants in one master class is five to six people. The cost of renting a pottery workshop, along with all the necessary equipment, starts from 1000 rubles and more. Of course, it is possible to make money on training and renting out a workshop only if it is located in a large city, where there is practically no competition in this area and there is interest on the part of people in the pottery craft. It is possible to sell finished products through small wholesale companies (as production volumes increase, it will be possible to think about large wholesale), through retail chains, individual stores (flower shops, toy stores, souvenir and gift shops), outlets and stalls (including souvenir shops in shopping centers of the city, at train stations and at airports), points in markets, through own store at the workshop, as well as through online stores (but this option is only suitable for selling small souvenirs). The dream of all small producers of souvenir products is to become a supplier of large Russian retail chains. Clay souvenirs are distinctive and in demand, and competition for federal level absent. But for cooperation with retail chains, the minimum batch of goods must be at least a thousand pieces of one name, which is a rather large volume for a small workshop, even if we are talking about small things like stamped magnets. Another difficulty is associated with the specifics of any semi-handicraft production, which include unstable product quality and non-compliance with delivery times.

Even if there is almost no competition in this segment in your city, you should not forget about advertising and, most importantly, the high quality of your products. Advertising will help attract the attention of those wishing to master the art of clay modeling. A high quality and the original design of your products will become the key to success among potential buyers.

To open a small pottery workshop, you will need from 250 thousand rubles. The payback period for this type of business is from one year.

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Attachments: from 135,000 rubles

Payback: from 4 months

An excellent option for an aspiring entrepreneur with creative potential would be to open your own pottery workshop. This, at first glance, non-obvious idea can be a worthy object for the investment of effort, money and time. You will learn how to implement this project in this article.

Business concept

Since time immemorial, ceramics has been a companion of our life and to this day does not go out of fashion. And the growing popularity of hand-made products makes them even more relevant. Clay products can be very diverse - purely utilitarian or exclusively decorative. Dishes made on a potter's wheel: jugs, plates, mugs, dishes, etc. - can be used for their intended purpose or as decoration. Can be made from clay and souvenirs, jewelry, decorative tiles, photo frames and much more. If there is a large enough assortment, there will be no shortage of potential buyers. There are also many options for selling products. You can sell products in bulk for subsequent sale through stores, make products to order, put up for sale in various souvenir shops. It is also possible to sell goods directly to customers - right in the workshop or through your own shop or shop.

Various kinds of master classes, including those on the manufacture of ceramic products, are quite popular now. By equipping your workshop with additional tools and pottery wheels, as well as providing sufficient advertising to attract customers, it is quite possible to organize classes for everyone.

What is required for implementation?

You will need a suitable room for work. It doesn't have to be big, but it should be able to accommodate everything. necessary equipment, materials and finished products. If you plan to conduct courses and master classes, then you should choose a room with a convenient location, as well as equip it with additional furniture and fixtures.

The main tools will be a potter's wheel, a machine for kneading clay, scales and, perhaps, the most expensive element - a kiln for firing products. Finding a material for modeling - clay - is not difficult.

Pottery wheels are of various designs (hand, foot, table, floor, mechanical, electrical). Each master selects a circle individually, based on personal preferences and convenience.

For the production of standard products, for example, souvenir magnets, it is convenient to use ready-made forms. This will speed up the process and get the same neat products.

At the initial stage, the entrepreneur himself can work in the workshop on his own or with one assistant. While the scope of work is small, it is quite possible to combine production and organizational work. However, as the business develops and the volume of work increases, additional staff will be required.

In no case should you neglect advertising. As with any business, it is the engine of commerce. The more potential clients and customers learn about the workshop, the more likely it is to succeed. One of the most effective channels today is the Internet. You can organize your own website and online store or use the services of existing resources.

For legalization entrepreneurial activity it is advisable to open an individual entrepreneur of this kind.

Step-by-step startup instructions

  1. Market analysis, study of competitors, demand for products, possible options sales.
  2. Drawing up a business plan and seeking funding.
  3. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Search and rental of premises (repair, if necessary).
  5. Selection and purchase of furniture and equipment, tools.
  6. Search for suppliers of raw materials and purchase of the first batch of working material.
  7. Advertising and promotion of a business project.

Financial calculations

A pottery workshop is a business that requires investment. An entrepreneur cannot do without initial costs, because funds will be required to rent premises, purchase equipment and materials for work.

The amount of start-up costs for each individual project will differ depending on the scale of the activity. As an example, consider the option of a small pottery workshop in which an entrepreneur works independently.

Start-up capital

The initial investment will include:

  • rental of premises - from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • potter's wheel - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • oven for firing products - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • clay mixing machine - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • scales - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - about 10 thousand rubles.

In total, the minimum amount required to open your own small pottery workshop will be 135 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

The monthly expenses will include rental payments for premises and advertising costs, which in aggregate will amount to about 30 thousand rubles.

Payback period

The pottery business can pay off in 4-5 months.

Business features

Opening a pottery workshop is one of those cases when a simple hobby can grow into your own financially successful project.

This type of activity is ideal for people who are passionate about working with clay. Otherwise, you will have to first master this craft or immediately hire professional craftsmen.

It is not enough to simply produce pottery. It is necessary to first find out which of them will be in demand, otherwise the entrepreneur risks being left with unsold goods. The best option is to work on pre-order.


Own pottery workshop is a good option for a beginner entrepreneur, allowing you to realize your creative potential and receive a stable income. The risks associated with such a business are minimal, and relatively small amounts of financial costs allow you to start working almost immediately.

Any creative person sooner or later thinks about changing boring office work for one that will delight his soul. All kinds of ideas come to mind, from drawing to organizing parties. For many, it is important that their business is ethical and brings real benefits to society. One of these is training ancient craftpottery.

Clay is a pure natural material that, on the one hand, allows you to relax and escape from the routine. On the other hand, since ancient times, clay has been an excellent material for construction and various industries. Clay is still used to make bricks, crockery and decorative ceramics. Expensive porcelain and earthenware are also made from clay using a process that is not much different from making bricks. The difference in production lies only in the type of clay and some specific final processes. Despite the antiquity of the pottery craft, it is still relevant. And with the increased availability of tools, it has become popular with ordinary people who want to make ceramics for themselves and friends as a hobby. Therefore, the business of training and providing the opportunity to do this wonderful business will always find its consumer.

Why exactly a pottery school?

Agree, everyone in childhood loved to sculpt from plasticine, and someone was lucky to work with the purest natural material - clay. By itself, clay is a viscous substance that easily lends itself to plastic changes. Clay is used to make dishes, decorative interior items, jewelry and much more. But learning to sculpt something worthwhile out of clay yourself is quite difficult. That is why people willingly sign up for master classes in clay modeling with their hands and on a potter's wheel.

Both children and adult elderly couples come to classes. Clay modeling soothes, clears the mind and bestows positive attitude all day. In addition, the products obtained after classes can be fully used in everyday life. Some people compare the process of sculpting with clay to meditation. Also, group classes are in great demand, as an excellent form for a birthday or corporate party.

Where to begin?

Many people think that in order to open a pottery school, one must be very good at sculpting from clay. Partly it's true. In your state, you must have at least two specialists who are versed in the pottery craft, it is desirable that one of them was a ceramic designer trained in a special educational institution... It is important to understand that after your students mold clay products, you will need to dry them yourself and fire them at the correct temperature. Also, do not forget about technological processes: glazing of products (glazing), painting with engobes, waste and secondary firing.

Of course, if you do not want to teach courses on your own, then it is worth entrusting the control of these important components of the business to your employees. But in reality, these processes are not so complicated, but, of course, it is better for the first time to hire an experienced specialist in this area in order to learn from his experience and create your own technological manual. As for the sculpting itself, there is nothing complicated here. You can create a training program in just a week. Study the literature on pottery on your own and for the first time this will be enough for children and novice ceramists.

Some subtleties and tips for equipping and opening your own pottery school

To get started, you will need:

  • clay kiln
  • Potter's wheel
  • a set of tools (brushes and special devices)
  • furniture and shelving
  • clay and paint

The business of opening a pottery school has a low threshold of entry. First you need to purchase a kiln for firing, its price starts from 90,000 rubles. For the first time, the simplest oven will suffice. Please note that it is important that the oven can burn clay at temperatures above 1000 degrees. Also, you will need the clay itself, tools and special paints for it (engobe and glaze). Do not forget about the potter's wheel, it will be indispensable if you want to start learning from the production of tableware, although for the first time, classes can only be carried out on hand molded... All this can be purchased in specialized online stores.

An important part of the expenditure will be the purchase of furniture to organize the workspace in the pottery school. It all depends on the area of ​​the room. The minimum purchase for the organization of a pottery school with an average throughput of about 100 people per month is 150,000 rubles, excluding premises rent.

The area of ​​the room should be at least 30 square meters, but keep in mind that the larger the room, the more comfortable the students. Try to be closer to schools and kindergartens, preferably in the city center for easy access to the workshop.

Allocate a special place for the furnace (this will be an electric muffle furnace), take into account the requirements fire safety, consult with the specialists who manufacture clay kilns.

Training formats can be:

  • - single master classes in hand sculpting or on a potter's wheel (for everyone)
  • - basic course, consisting of 8-12 lessons (for those who want to learn modeling)
  • - narrowly focused classes for professionals in their field (advanced courses, professional development)
  • - renting of working space for advanced potters and individual lessons (pottery coworking)
What can you expect in the end?

The payback of such a business is approximately 6-8 months, it all depends on advertising and correct positioning in your city. At the start, it is very important to lure students with friendly service and flexible pricing system. The average bill for a master class can reach 2,000 rubles per student.

Design is important to the image of the pottery school, so pay special attention to both the name and the appearance. The pottery school attracts both children and parents with its creative process. As a rule, there are no indifferent people, because clay modeling is an excellent way of self-expression, which will always be in demand in the service market.