What a positive mood. A positive attitude is the basis of a happy life. How to be positive every day

Life is a series of black and white stripes. Often, meetings are followed by parting, success is followed by failure, joy is followed by sadness and disappointment. However, it also happens that even in cloudless periods we somehow feel sad ... Let's find out how to tune in to the positive, so as not to waste precious mental strength, getting upset over trifles.

The importance of a positive attitude and good thoughts

A good mood is the key to success in everything. And constant complaints of failure do not lead to anything other than negativity, envy and constant dissatisfaction with oneself (and here we are rather talking about women, because almost every second person “sins” with such behavior).

Living in constant stress is simply unbearable, so you need to learn to think optimistically. A positive attitude can change your life for the better, because:

  • Optimism literally attracts good luck and happiness, because a person exuding positive is a priori happy.
  • Positive people are treated very positively: you want to communicate with them, spend your leisure time, build friendly, trusting relationships.
  • A good mood in the morning charges you with vivacity and energy for the whole day.
  • A balanced person is more resistant to various diseases, it is not for nothing that it is said that all diseases arise in our head.
  • Positive-minded people are also attractive in appearance, because a smile always paints a person.
  • A positive thinker will never give up, he will cope with any difficulties, and therefore quickly moves up the career ladder and achieves success in all endeavors.
  • The absence of negativity frees you from meaningless reflections and reckless actions, depressive states and loneliness.
  • A positive attitude is the key to happy family relationships.

How to get rid of bad thoughts

It is useless to tune in to a positive wave without freeing yourself from negative thoughts. Therefore, for a start, it is worth throwing all the negativity out of your head. The following tips will help you do this:

  • Understand what is the cause of your anxiety. Divide a blank sheet of paper into three columns. In the first, write down all your fears, in the second, note the basis of those worries, and in the third, your actions to eliminate them.
  • Do not hide from obsessive negative thoughts, do not leave them unattended. Even letting go of you for a while, they accumulate in the subconscious and can “cover” at the most inopportune moment.
  • Don't let the negativity get into your head. Anxious thoughts should be eliminated even at the stage of emergence. Get in the habit of switching to any interesting activity, as soon as you realize that you are starting to worry.
  • Don't be afraid to accept independent decisions... If doubts gnaw at you, you cannot come to a consensus with your own thoughts, you cannot make the right choice, put aside all fears and finally make a decision. Even if it turns out to be wrong, it will be your personal experience.
  • Don't exaggerate the significance of the problems. Just think: in less than a year, you will forget about those thoughts that today do not allow you to sleep.
  • Look for the positive in any situation. Human psychology is designed in such a way that he easily notices the disadvantages, but in order to discern the advantages, one has to make an effort.
  • Do not suffer for months and years with a sense of guilt in front of people offended by you. Better try to change the situation, act, and do not withdraw into yourself. Step over yourself, try for the first time in your life to ask for forgiveness, do not hesitate and help with deeds, not just words. Depression often arises precisely because of the feeling of guilt that trails after the person in a train, haunting him.
  • Learn to forgive. Resentment towards loved ones or anger at oneself has a destructive effect on the psyche. Forgiveness will give you a sense of inner freedom.
  • Fight against a violent fantasy that paints pictures in your head with bright colors about a sad outcome of problems. Remember that you have the power to find a way out of any situation. Instead of fantasizing, it is better to do planning using a simple psychological technique: just write down the points how you can turn what happened in your direction; visualizing what is written with your own hand, you will convey important thoughts to your mind.

The power of thought: how to be on a positive wave

Getting rid of negativity is not enough, you need to not let it return. This requires a change in lifestyle, behavior and even outlook.

  • First, do only the things you love. Each of them should bring exclusively joy and pleasure.
  • Second, open yourself up to new experiences. A positive shake-up is what is needed for a positive attitude. Parachute jumping, scuba diving, hang-gliding - these or other extreme activities unusual for you will bring a lot of new emotions and, possibly, lead you to think about a new hobby.
  • Third, listen to yourself and learn to relax. Sometimes problems at work, in the family or in other areas are associated with the fact that we are in the wrong tune in the right way, work endlessly and forget about rest. If peace of mind comes when you are lying in a bathtub filled with warm foamy water and reading a book by your favorite author, then ask your loved ones to give you a couple of hours of peace and quiet. Most likely, they will approach your request with understanding. Going to the theater, museum, cinema, meeting with friends and outdoor recreation should take place more than once a year, but much more often, because they drive away the blues and drive away fatigue.
  • Don't put an overwhelming burden on your shoulders. If you find that you can't handle a lot of work alone, then don't go for it in pursuit of a bonus. It is better to be healthy and fresh than to hold rustling bills in your hands, but not have the strength for anything.
  • Respect other people's rules and principles. If you don’t like someone’s judgment, don’t take it with hostility. A condescending attitude towards people will give positive to them and to you.
  • Dream. All thoughts are material, so in your free moments, imagine that your dream has come true.
  • Love yourself. Pamper yourself with gifts, with or without reason, praise for your successes, do not dwell on external shortcomings, but do not forget to work on internal ones.

A positive attitude allows us to enjoy every day and thank fate for the wonderful world in which we live. Be optimistic, exude light and joy, infect other people with a good mood, then you will not only be happy yourself, but also give a piece of goodness to others.

Features of thinking directly affect our life and the events that take place in it. Friends, it is this factor that is decisive in our life, what distinguishes the rich from the poor, the happy from the unfortunate, the sick from the healthy. Precisely the features of our thinking.

Many people now write and talk about the importance of a positive attitude. Because what we constantly think about is what we represent from ourselves. Features of thinking, or rather, our thoughts create us. They are the main factor determining our destiny.

A person is what he thinks during the day.

The biggest problem a person faces in life is learning how to set the right direction for his thoughts.

In other words, how do you learn to create a positive attitude?

Because if you do this, then you will be able to get on the path of solving all your problems. And these are not empty words! Understand:

Our life is what we think of it!

When your thoughts are filled with happiness, you will be happy. But, and if your thoughts are full of envy, fear and irritation, you will feel unhappy and dissatisfied with life.

Positive attitude Is one of the main factors in your health. If you think about diseases all the time, talk about diseases, then do not be surprised when you yourself get sick. If you feel sorry for yourself all the time and are dissatisfied with yourself, then everyone will avoid you, etc.

You are not what you think of yourself, you are what you think!

I am not saying that a positive attitude can solve all your problems. But I believe that this is very important if you want to live in harmony with this world and do not worry about trifles.


It is very easy to create a positive attitude if you are happy from the inside. The other day, how to become a happy person? Read it and a lot will become clear to you. I am sure that after implementing the information from this article, it will be very easy for you to create exactly the mood that you need!

The angle of attention decides ...

Yes, everyone has problems, but the main thing is how you feel about these problems.

Are you in the process of solving them, or are you more anxious and winding yourself up with negative thoughts? You can deal with serious problems, but still be in a good mood and walk down the street with your head held high.

Always try to think positively and don't let failure win you over.

Any problem or failure is just an episode of your life, you can call it preparation or training so that in the future you will become even stronger, more confident and be able to achieve greater success!

After all, whatever is done, everything is done for the better. I often repeat these words to myself. Trust me, it helps a lot.

Very often I notice that our physical strength also depends on the peculiarities of our thinking.

When athletes were hypnotized under hypnosis, they were taught that they were very weak, then their physical indicators became much less than usual, and vice versa, when they were told that they were very strong, their indicators doubled.

This experiment was conducted by an English psychiatrist and thus proved that if a person's subconscious is filled with positive thoughts, for example, about physical strength, then real strength increases by almost 50%.

This is what our inner positive attitude means!


And it's also very cool when you have a roadmap of what you need to do in order to be constantly in a good mood and have a high level of spirit. I talk about how to make positive thinking the foundation of your life. Be sure to read it to make sure you can be happy and positive! And not only that, for this you were born into this world!

I am sure that our peace of mind and a positive perception of the world do not completely depend on what we have, who we are or where we are now.

It all depends on our thinking, on the mood of our thoughts.

The human brain is his own world, capable of turning hell into paradise, or heaven into an abyss.

Happiness is the search for each of us!

Even such a great commander as Napoleon, who had everything: fame, wealth, power, could not become happy.

While on the island of St. Helena, he wrote that in his entire life he did not have even six happy days ...

And, for example, the American writer Elena Keller, who lost her hearing and sight at the age of one and a half years, wrote that life is incredibly beautiful.

She has written dozens of books and showed the richness of human thought, faith in herself and in God.

Nothing can bring peace to your soul but yourself!

Even the ancient Greek philosophers believed that we need to remove bad thoughts from our minds more, so that later we do not have to deal with the removal of abscesses and tumors. Because most of our illnesses are largely the result of emotional stress and stress.

It's simple - all diseases are a consequence of poor adaptability to problems and to life in general.

A person does not suffer so much from what happened to him, but more from what he himself thinks about it!

When I first heard this phrase, I thought, how exactly is it said, this is definitely about me. And about 90% of all people on earth. The main thing here is to understand that what we think on any occasion completely depends only on us.

I understand perfectly well that when you have serious problems and your nerves are at the limit, it is difficult to create a positive attitude and be in a good mood. But, this is exactly what you need to do or learn to do!

Happiness needs to be learned!

The Reality Builder training is exactly what can help you change your life forever and learn to be a happy person in just 21 days.

By the way, this training by Mikhail Gavrilov was also attended by my young man, if he does not mind, I will ask him to record a video review for you, but he spoke very strong words about him to me.

His text review is on the training page - Sergey Bondarchuk. Just find them through the search.

I want to tell you a simple secret, how with a little effort you can change negative thinking into positive.

In short, create a positive attitude.

It is believed that we do all our actions on the basis of our feelings, moods, but in fact, our actions (actions) and feelings are one whole, they are simultaneous!

We can control our actions with the help of willpower and thus indirectly control our feelings.

That is, you cannot change your mood in an instant, BUT you are able to change the direction and nature of your actions. By doing so, you will change your emotional mood.

Everything is simple enough.

To start thinking positively again and regaining a good mood, you need to speak and act as if you are already doing well.

I know, at first it seems very difficult, but believe me, this is a matter of habit and work on yourself.

Try it yourself.

Practical task

Right now, smile broadly, sit up straight, straighten your shoulders, take a deep breath and think about what is good, what makes your heart beat a little faster, fills you with warmth, joy, or turn on your favorite song.

After all, music is also very good at creating a positive attitude.

You will soon realize that physically you simply cannot be depressed because you are behaving like a happy person.

Believe me, it is better to spend all your strength on being a happy person, and not spend it on maintaining your own bitterness and unhappiness.

I have another interesting article. Read it to understand and discover the topic of happiness even deeper!

Of course, we have to admit that it takes a lot of effort, but it's worth it.

Now there are many cases when a person who has been diagnosed that he has no more than a month left to live is cured and overcomes his illness simply by changing his thinking. He gave his body a chance to heal while creating a positive attitude!

Therefore, I have only one question for you: "If a person can change his thinking to positive and only by this can save his life, then why should you put up with your negative thinking, bad mood or depression for at least one minute?"

How do you feel about the world that surrounds you?

Why fill your consciousness with bad thoughts and at the same time worsen the life of yourself and those around you, if you have a real opportunity to create happiness for yourself, and for this you only need to change your inner attitude and start feeling joyful.

As soon as you change your attitude towards the world around you, then it will change its attitude towards you. Change your thinking and you will see how quickly it will change the material conditions of your life.

A person attracts to himself not what he wants, but what he really is.

Therefore, you yourself shape your destiny!

And everything that you have achieved is the result of your thinking.

No kidding…

Just start thinking differently and you will have completely different results!

You will be able to achieve your goals only if your thoughts are elevated to the level of the tasks you set.

But, if you do not work on your thinking, then you will remain a sick, weak and unhappy person who always blames others for everything, not realizing that everything that happens to him is he himself.

Because he wanted it, and the universe gave it to him.

A positive attitude can change your consciousness, which, in turn, leads to real miracles in your life!

Remember this ...

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Your attitude to life determines your attitude towards life. Even if at some point the choice of actions is limited, the choice of mood is not. Always choose, this approach may be considered optimal by default.

A positive attitude makes you happier and more resilient, improves relationships with people, and increases your chances of success in any endeavor. In addition, it makes a person more creative and helps to make the right decisions. Below you will find several ways to create and maintain a positive attitude.

Create your morning routine

As you start the morning, so will the day. Therefore, take full control of it and do not let it go by itself. Plan everything in the evening to get everything done in the morning, because you may wake up with a completely different mood and thoughts. Follow this plan.

Boost your brain with positive

Read books that carry positive messages. Listen to music that makes you want to dance and sing. Watch films in which the optimism of the protagonist helps him to overcome any difficulties, no matter what. Change your attitude for the better by loading your brain with positive things.

Take responsibility

At any time, you can behave either as a victim or as a responsible person. Take responsibility for all the events in your life. The mottos of such a person:

  • I am the author of my life
  • I am fully responsible for myself
  • I am in charge of my destiny

Practice the Zen mindset

Think of life not as something that happens to you, but as something that happens to you. Look at any situation, person or negative event as if it was all sent in order for you to endure the best and learn something.

The next time something bad happens, don't think, "Why is this always happening to me?" Ask yourself, "What should I learn to prevent this from happening again?" and "How does this help me become a smarter and stronger person?"

Be proactive

The reactive person allows other people and external circumstances to determine how they will feel. the person decides how he will feel regardless of the circumstances. Be proactive and aware that only you can decide how you will feel in absolutely any situation.

Change your thoughts

Positive thoughts lead to positive attitudes and vice versa. Changing your attitude is as easy as hitting the pause button in relation to your thoughts.

Find a goal

Being in life gives you a fixed point on the horizon to focus on so you can stay resilient in the face of life's vicissitudes and challenges. This leads a person to happiness.

Keep track of your enthusiasm

People who live life with enthusiasm have a much more pronounced positive attitude than others. Make your list of enthusiasm-boosting things for when it starts to run low.

Follow the parable "Who touched my cheese?"

Think of the parable "Who touched my cheese?" Spencer Johnson.

Two small mice and two miniature humans are placed in a maze. Here's what's going on:

  • When the mice find the cheese is not where it should be, they immediately set to work looking for another piece of cheese.
  • Instead, the two petite people got angry that the cheese had been moved. They waste time expressing outrage and blaming those who moved the cheese and each other.

Stop banging your head against the wall and convincing yourself that things should be given to you. Your attitude should always be as follows:

  • It depends on me if I get what I want
  • Good things happen to those who work hard
  • I adapt to change quickly and easily.
  • I keep walking even when the situation gets unbearable

We wish you good luck!

There is a proverb about a bad mood: "I got up on the wrong foot!" Or you can say and do it differently: "As you set yourself up in the morning, so the day will pass." Checked!

1. Awakening

What do you think about when you wake up? What's your first thought? Do you think this is not important, and you will not remember the first thought upon awakening? But no! It is important to develop the habit of smiling when your brain wakes up and be sure to think about the good. Well, for example: "Today is a wonderful day for me!" If, during the day, someone strongly spoils your mood - remember this thought. Keep doing this for a while. And soon you will notice how the connection “good, bright first thought - great mood all day” will work automatically.

It's great if the first words of your new day will be any prayer that is authoritative for you, or your morning mood. (This is how yogis do, by the way). Come up with it yourself, experiment, see what works best. As a mood, it is not necessary to read a treatise by heart! It can be as little as 2-3 sentences. The main thing is that from them you feel energy, joy, self-confidence.

2. Think good

Are you awake? Think about the beautiful with your eyes closed for a couple of minutes! This makes a lot of sense. If you do not open your eyes immediately upon awakening, and in this state you start thinking about good things, then the brain will perceive your thoughts as a fait accompli! The same situation occurs when you fall asleep. Therefore, it is not recommended to fall asleep under the TV, especially if a horror story is being played there - you are guaranteed a nightmare!

3. Everyone to charge!

Opened your eyes in the morning? Good! Please do not jump out of bed right away, even if you are very late! 5 minutes, allow yourself to lie around. Then start charging. Yes, right in bed! There are excellent, easy complexes that will help you develop joints and muscles in 10-15 minutes. The body will begin to energize. Learn from animals. Cats, as soon as they wake up, do not jump up right away, even if you move a sausage in front of your nose! They definitely stretch.

These stretching exercises are very necessary for our body. In addition, they will allow you to remain mobile as long as possible, especially if sedentary work... For me, for example, for 3 years such morning exercises are like "our father". My body does not even want to get up without her! But, most importantly, do not moan and concentrate on the pain, if any. Smile, gentlemen, smile! Everything should be fun. If it is forcible, then you better not bother.

4. Preparing ourselves for breakfast

Hack to yourself Golden Rule: As soon as you get out of bed, slowly drink a glass of water at room temperature. Someone will say: I love hot or ice! Well, that's your problem. Our gastrointestinal tract loves when the contents of this temperature enters it: slightly warm. First, give a signal to the stomach to eat - it will begin to produce the necessary enzymes. Secondly, you will wash off all the microbes that have stagnated overnight from the mucous membrane. Well, and if, with some water, you utter words of love and gratitude - it's generally wonderful! In short, what you say to water is what you get.

By the way, a glass of water in the morning will help you wake up. Because the brain, which is mostly water, will immediately receive energy, which will invigorate the entire body.

5. Affirmations

These are nothing more than positive statements. The affirmations went to the broad masses with the light hand of Louise Hay, who claims to have cured herself, in this way, of cancer. Let's leave this statement in brackets, but nevertheless, it won't hurt to say to yourself a couple of positive phrases in the morning. Which ones? It depends on what you want to improve in your life, or what you are missing. For example: “Every day I become more and more successful! (richer, healthier, more beautiful, more talented, etc.) The main rules of affirmations: any statement without the particle "not"; in present time; repetition of the same phrase several times (the more, the better).

6. Golden time

This is the first hour of the new day. Do not turn on the "box" or the Internet, do not fill your head with negativity. During this time, our brain is most receptive to information. So, “recharge” from the morning news, and then the whole day you will wonder why there was unpleasant excitement, or even aggression.

Dedicate this golden hour to meditation, writing a diary, meditation, reading something enjoyable. In short, to what the soul lies with and what inspires you. At this time, there is, so to speak, "the search for their own wave." Establish a connection with yourself, then you simply cannot "lose your temper."

7. We are planning a "five-year plan"!

A five-year plan, of course, is not necessary, but it will not hurt to sketch out a business plan for the day. It organizes. And do not worry if you do not have time for something, do not scold yourself. Most importantly, learn to prioritize. Then you will be sure that the main things are done for today.


To maintain a positive attitude, start each day with a smile. Smile at your reflection. It will charge you with positive emotions for the whole day. If you are sad, tired, or worn out, angry, or annoyed, try just smiling. Internal changes can come through external changes.

Your mood directly depends on your thoughts. If you are immersed in sad thoughts, berating yourself, or thinking about a situation in a negative way, naturally, you cannot have a good mood. Follow the stream of your consciousness. There are a lot of practices to control your thoughts. Master a few of them and maintain a positive attitude with the right thoughts.

To maintain a positive attitude, pamper yourself every day. Make pleasant purchases, visit beauty salons, watch interesting films and read fascinating books. Any little thing can affect your mood. Therefore, try to make sure that at the end of the day there are much more pluses than minuses.

After one difficult task, do not rush to immediately take on another. Give yourself time to rest. For example, when you come home from work, you shouldn't do the housework right away. Take a quarter of an hour to relax. Play some nice music, relax, do a little stretching, or have a cup of tea.

To maintain a positive attitude, tell people nice things and compliment them. If you are kind to those around you, your mood will be high. Call your loved ones, chat with friends. Charge yourself with positivity from others.