Office killer: why is sedentary work dangerous? Is everyday work with car paints dangerous for a person? Is work dangerous

If you often work the night shift, be prepared for the fact that, in addition to your salary, you also "earn" a lot of diseases. Why is it so dangerous to stay awake in the dark and how best to get enough sleep after night shifts, says doctor of the department of sleep medicine, member of the Association of Somnologists Alyona Gavrilova.

Oksana Morozova, Alena Mikhailovna, how does work on the night shift affect your health?

Alena Gavrilova: When a person works on such a schedule for a long time, he has an increased risk of sleep disturbance, as well as a number of somatic diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity, metabolic disorders of carbohydrates, etc. As for excess weight, its appearance is due to the fact that secretion changes in the body insulin. It is this hormone that is responsible for the feeling of hunger. If a person is awake at night, he is hungry. In addition, with this regime, the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, increases, that is, the body is chronically under stress. At the same time, the level of serotonin decreases, which provokes irritability and even depression.

The enzyme system of the gastrointestinal tract also suffers. Normally, during the day, there is a maximum secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices, because we are active and eat, at night their secretion is significantly reduced. In a person who is awake at night and eats food, an imbalance in the production of enzymes occurs, which can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For the same reasons, the so-called "traveler's diarrhea" develops when we change several time zones. The body does not have time to adapt to the new mode of functioning.

I will emphasize once again that by nature, people are inherent in daytime activity. We must sleep at night. Of course, if you work on a shift schedule for several months (up to a year), and then return to a normal rhythm, there is a chance to avoid harmful consequences. But, when it comes to years, be prepared for health problems. Also, I would not forget that at night due to sleepiness, concentration of attention inevitably decreases, which means that the likelihood of making a mistake automatically increases.

- What is the difference between night and day sleep?

- Daylight affects the brain through the retina of the eye, altering the production of neurohormones that are responsible for the structure of sleep. It is correct and useful for us to sleep at night. Sleep during daylight hours is shorter and more superficial. It can be seen as an additional rest, but not as a main one. There are people who need a day's sleep, but not to the detriment of a night's sleep. If a person has insomnia at night, it is not recommended to sleep during the day, as this will impair the quality of night sleep. It is impossible to completely change the rhythm that is genetically laid down, that is, during the day - to sleep, and at night - to be awake. Otherwise, you will have the whole range of problems that I mentioned above.

- Such a regimen is not suitable for anyone and is definitely contraindicated for pregnant women, people who have suffered a heart attack or suffer from coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and other serious diseases that can worsen. In general, only people with ideal health can afford such a schedule.

By the way, if you are a morning person by your chronotype, do not even try to use the regime with night wakefulness - it is very difficult and extremely unhelpful. "Owls" in this sense is easier. Their biological clock works differently. They may not sleep and go to bed in the morning. For them, this is normal, comfortable and does not increase the risk of getting any diseases. Such people often choose "free" professions that do not force them to depend on the daily routine of society. Working night shifts is also fine for them.

- What is the best way to get enough sleep after the night shift, go to bed right away or a little later?

- Focus on your own feelings. But there is nothing wrong with falling asleep as soon as you get home. The main thing is to try not to doze off in transport when you are driving from work. Already in the apartment you need to create all the necessary conditions for yourself: silence and complete blackout so that daylight does not penetrate the room at all. If you have difficulty falling asleep during the day, you can take melatonin supplements. They are often used on shift schedules, flights to multiple time zones, and are sold over the counter and are not addictive. Most importantly, they do not have any serious contraindications. If you do not want to use drugs - drink herbal teas, for example with chamomile or sage, take a warm shower.

- Can you take caffeinated products when you are at work?

- Yes, it is even recommended to take them at the beginning of the night shift. But in the second part of it, you need to completely abandon such drinks in order for them to cease their effect by the time of the alleged sleep, when you finish work. Then, once at home, a person can sleep peacefully. It is believed that the average dose of drinks, which does not have a negative effect on the body, 5-6 cups of coffee or tea a day.

- How to reduce the negative consequences if you are forced to work at night?

- You need to exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week, for 40-60 minutes. Swimming, jogging, shaping and other aerobic activities are suitable. This improves sleep quality and well-being. In addition, such exercises are the prevention of cardiovascular problems for absolutely any person. Minimize stress. It is clear that we cannot completely avoid them, but we can use various techniques of autorelaxation. This will improve the quality of sleep at any time of the day.

Also, when you go outside after a night shift, wear sunglasses so that daylight does not reduce the synthesis of melatonin, which makes you fall asleep. Then, upon returning home, you can quickly immerse yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus. In order to achieve the opposite effect at the beginning of the shift and, conversely, reduce drowsiness, it is recommended to turn on a bright light. It is desirable that the lamps are fluorescent, at least 2500 lux. Due to this, the synthesis of melatonin will decrease, a person will become more active. Naturally, by the end of the shift, it is better to gradually dim the lights.

Remote work seems like a dream to many: no need to spend time on the road to the office, money on formal clothes, and nerves on communicating with annoying colleagues. However, teleworking can be fraught with many pitfalls for employees who work from home. Does this mean that for effective activity it is necessary to come to the office and only there? Not at all, you just need to learn how to avoid them.

It should be noted that remote work and freelancing should not be confused. Freelancers work on specific projects and orders, which in most cases are looking for themselves, do not receive a fixed salary, and also do not get a job under labor law. If you work in the company's staff, but your presence in the office is not necessary, then you receive all guarantees and compensation methods, just like your colleagues, but you do it at home. In this material, we do not consider features of freelance work - we are talking about the "home" format of work in general.

Lack of feedback from the manager

Someone even sees an advantage in this: the less you communicate with the authorities, the less stress. However, the lack of feedback (and it is still more difficult to maintain it remotely) does not let you know what you are doing well and what needs to be worked on. Hence the problems with career and professional development and possible mistakes. And if someone needs to be recommended for promotion, it is unlikely that it will be a remote employee - you can not expect a dizzying career growth. What to do in such a situation? If you need a stable, quiet paid job, and not the ability to jump up the rungs of the career ladder, then take it easy. By the way, remote work is often considered by students, young mothers and other categories of employees, whose priorities are currently shifted in a different direction.

Features of self-discipline

Many telecommuters dress the same way for work at home as they do for the office. And rightly so - working in slippers can relax you to the point that you lose the motivation to look after yourself. A specific dress code will help you focus and compose yourself, even if no one can see it but you. In addition, you need to equip the workplace so that as few things as possible distract from work. If the office environment mobilizes on its own, then the comfort of your apartment can be the reason for the work to be done right before the deadline, in the last minutes. We also advise you to study time management books. and self-organization- many tips can be useful for remote workers.

Imbalance between work and rest

Freelancers and telecommuters seem to spend less time commuting, which means they can get more rest. However, this is a myth. In reality, If office workers can go home with a clear conscience after the end of the working day, then their remote colleagues do not have this opportunity. You need to plan your day clearly, as your only performance indicator is the finished result. If you can't find free time or days off, then you are either facing too much work, or working ineffectively.

Work and family

Despite the growing popularity of teleworking and the development of technology, it can be quite difficult for loved ones to explain that if a member of their family is sitting at a computer, it means that

Scientists say that working the night shift disrupts the normal functioning of the body and sooner or later leads to various diseases. Working at night leads to a malfunction of the established, psycho-emotional overload, the appearance of problems with the heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders, metabolic syndrome and diseases of the female genital organs, mental disorders and neoplasms.
Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

Night shifts and obesity

At the University of Colorado, a study was conducted that showed that working at night (on the night shift) leads to a decrease in metabolism, slower metabolic processes and lower energy costs compared to exactly the same day work.
By the way, during the time, despite the fact that it is less deep than at night, less energy is spent by about 15%.

In addition, the observations of scientists have shown that work at night is usually accompanied by the intake of monotonous meals based on instant products (hamburgers, pizza, sandwiches, chips and chocolate bars). This type of diet does not provide any health benefits and contributes to the appearance of excess weight.

Nighttime activity and cardiovascular diseases

It has long been known that working night shifts increases the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the harm to health increases with frequent and prolonged work at night (8 hours more than 2 times a week). At night, in general, according to statistics, heart attacks and strokes, hypertensive crises occur more often, and if you also work during this period, this likelihood of an exacerbation of the disease increases several times.

Night work and diabetes

Constant disruptions of biological rhythms with constant work on the night shift inevitably lead to metabolic disorders, an increase in blood sugar and increased deposition of fat in the subcutaneous fat and around internal organs, the appearance in blood vessels. As a result - obesity, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.

Night work and mental health problems

Working at night has been found to disrupt serotonin production, leading to decreased mood and exacerbation of affective disorders. In addition, frequent night shifts are a serious psychological burden on a person who has to work in conditions when mental performance, attention and coordination of movements are reduced, which means that the likelihood of errors and work injuries is increased. Periodic social isolation due to separation from family and friends during repeated night shifts and subsequent daytime rest also affects.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and night wakefulness

It has been established that the negative effect of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenal ulcer increases at night, and therefore peptic ulcer disease is more common among workers on the night shift. Of course, dry food and mental strain play an important role here.
Working at night provokes the development of diseases such as functional dyspepsia (functional indigestion), syndrome.

Night work and reproductive disorders in women

Long-term observations of pregnant women have shown that working at night significantly increases the risk of miscarriages, complicated and premature births. In addition, women who work at night were more likely to experience menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, and infertility. Scientists suggest that such violations are associated with the unfavorable effect of night work on the hormonal function of the female body, immunity, and the central nervous system.

Night shift and oncology

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified shift work as a probable carcinogen. According to Western researchers, work at night increases the risk of disease by about 50%, and to a lesser extent - tumors of the colon, rectum, prostate gland in men, and female genital organs - in women.

It is hypothesized that this may be due to the suppression of the production of the hormone melatonin, which is most actively produced by the body at night during sleep. But being awake at night in lighted rooms disrupts the production of this hormone, which can become an impetus for the development of a malignant tumor.

Work or sleep?

So what can you do to prevent night work-related health problems?

  • First, exclude night work for minors, pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • At a young age - from 18 to 35 years old, work at night should be no more than 2 times a week. At the same time, daytime sleep should be at least 8 hours (sleep in a dark room), food should be full, physical activity should be regular, stay in the fresh air should be at least two hours a day.
  • After 40-45 years, it is advisable to exclude work on night shifts or, in extreme cases, to plan them no more than 1 time per week. Indeed, it is at this age that the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, endocrine disorders and oncological diseases increases significantly. And any unnecessary shake-up for the body (including work at night) will be harmful. So think about what is more important to you - money or health?
  • In order to timely identify the beginning diseases associated with night work, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations. This is a consultation with a cardiologist and an ECG with stress (treadmill, VEM) for early diagnosis, examination and mammologist for women + ultrasound of the pelvis and mammary glands, examination by an endocrinologist + tests for sugar, thyroid hormones and sex hormones. A health check must be done at least once every 2 years, and preferably annually.

In general, periodic work at night at a young age, subject to the correct regime of work and rest, nutrition and physical activity, will not have an adverse effect on the body. In other cases, it is better to refuse regular night shifts at the first opportunity.

Excessive, hard work can lead to deterioration of your health. For example, hypertension is a frequent companion of both those who work at the plant and those who sit up until dark at the office.

Recycle is harmful!

Scientists have long proven that workaholics get sick much more often than their less diligent colleagues. They often have heart attacks, and the risk of injury is also higher than the rest. Women who stay late at night in their workplaces usually do not eat normally, but eat at a fast pace, abuse smoking and pay less attention to sports and their health.

By the way, even if the processing per week is only a few hours, it still has a negative effect on the body. Researchers at the University of California Irvine concluded that men and women who work 41-50 hours a week are 14% more likely to have high blood pressure than workers who work no more than 40 hours a week. If more than 51 hours are devoted to work per week, then, accordingly, the risk of earning this disease is already 29%.

Alternate work and play

Thanks to scientists, an interesting pattern has emerged: even complex intellectual duties associated with considerable mental stress can protect against hypertension, provided that the employee can actively influence his working conditions. To improve your health, as well as to maintain physical fitness, it is recommended to have active rest, for example, it is useful to ride a bike or an evening jogging.

Scientists from Holland have proved the negative effect of working night shifts on the condition and function of the cardiovascular system. Research results are clear: those who work at night are twice as likely to suffer from tachycardia. And tachycardia in the future can cause heart attacks or even sudden death.

Industrial hazards

Heavy physical activity at work eventually leads to occupational diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bones and muscles suffer. If an employee by occupation regularly has to inhale harmful substances, then the risk of getting sick, for example, asthma or other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, increases significantly. Electromagnetic fields, various noises and vibrations will also not add health to a person.

An occupational disease usually occurs when the working conditions are unsatisfactory, in which the employee stays on a regular basis. If it is proven that you have an occupational disease, then the organization in which you work must pay you monthly compensation. Sometimes such payments even make up 100% of the salary. You are also entitled to additional leave, medicines at the expense of your company, every year - a voucher to a sanatorium, as well as other measures aimed at rehabilitating your state of health.

It is no secret, however, that work associated with mental stress is no less harmful than work in industrial enterprises. So, if half of the working day is spent in front of a computer monitor, such work is assigned the category "harmful". The reason for the deterioration of vision, the occurrence of neuralgia, as well as other diseases can be a long stay at the monitor. Women in a position and nursing mothers are generally not recommended this kind of work, so they have the right to demand a transfer to another position.

If the harmfulness of work lies precisely in a long stay near a computer monitor, the employer is obliged to submit the lists of employees to Rospotrebnadzor and discuss regular scheduled medical examinations with sanitary doctors.

5 dangers of the office

Danger # 1 - Monitor

Keep in mind that working at a computer spoils your eyesight every day. Those who already have poor vision are advised to wear special glasses for working in front of the monitor screen. Their special coating protects the eyes, reduces the negative effect of the monitor on vision. It is also advisable to perform certain eye exercises during the working day.

Danger # 2 - air conditioning

Coolness in summer, hot air currents in winter. This device helps to dry out the skin, literally dehydrating it. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with moisturizer at least twice a day and at least one to restore makeup. Conditioned air is also harmful to those suffering from bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, it is very easy to get colds “under the air conditioner”.

Danger # 3 - hard stools

Sitting on a hard chair has a negative effect on posture, and working in a sitting position generally has a negative effect on the entire state of health. Therefore, if the desire arises, be sure to stretch - this will make the muscles stronger. You can also solve the problem of sedentary work with the help of lunch walks. It would be nice to refuse the elevator service. From time to time, during the whole working day, you need to do short (literally a couple of minutes) physical unloading for the muscles. You need to get up and do a few simple exercises, at your discretion.

Danger # 4 - a picky employer and an irregular schedule

Because of these two reasons, you have to be endlessly nervous. You work from early morning until late at night, trying to achieve unattainable peaks. However, often the result of such efforts is only a nervous breakdown and a broken family life. Understand, finally: the result is important, but no one will pay you money for excessive zeal! You don't have to do what no one asks you to do and which, in fact, is not particularly important, but it takes a lot of time.

Danger # 5 - heels

The result of being in high heels is ruined veins. Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon branded stiletto heels, so we will solve this situation in a different way: wear replacement shoes at work, or take off your shoes under the table and move your fingers.

Compared to our parents, and even more so to our grandparents, we spend most of our lives in a sedentary state. School, work, evenings in front of the TV, driving time, meeting friends in a cafe - the list is endless. Our life is becoming more and more convenient, but from this, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is more dangerous to health.

The gym won't save

Numerous studies have linked sedentary work to weight gain (especially in the abdomen), increased blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This leads to an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, stroke and some types of cancer. At the same time, even regular visits to the gym after work does not reduce such risks, because prolonged sitting without interruptions for warm-up has a negative impact on health.

According to statistics, every fourth resident of a large city spends 70% of the day sitting or lying down, and the remaining 30% leads a not very active lifestyle.

Sedentary diseases

The main problems from sedentary work:

  • With prolonged sitting, the body burns less fat and the blood moves more calmly. This increases the risk of vascular blockage and blood clots. Compared, for example, to a farmer, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease in an office worker is twice as high.
  • During sitting, and especially in the wrong posture (the back is bent, the head is pushed forward), cerebral circulation worsens. As a result, problems with memory, concentration, headaches, fatigue and the risk of stroke.
  • The spine and bones also suffer - the development of spinal hernias, scoliosis, osteochondrosis is possible.
  • The pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone that carries glucose to cells for energy. But muscles do not use this energy while sitting, so insulin continues to be produced, and glucose remains unclaimed. This seriously increases the risk of developing diabetes and other diseases.
  • Sitting in one position without interruptions in movement leads to the development of varicose veins in the lower extremities.
  • Lymphatic stagnation increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body, cancer.
  • Without movement, the intestines suffer, digestion worsens, due to which there is an imbalance in the hormonal system and immunity decreases.
  • Weight gain and obesity are closely related to sedentary work. Excess weight is not always dictated by nutrition. An Australian study in 2015 found that taking light work breaks without dietary changes helped office workers reduce abdominal size and begin to lose weight.

5 minutes is a lot or a little

To protect yourself from these problems, it is important to take breaks from work and move for at least 5 minutes. Walk along the corridor in the office, reach a colleague instead of writing him a message, walk up and down the stairs of 1-2 floors, do some active exercises.

If there is an opportunity to do what you would normally do while sitting while standing, use it. Talk on the phone while standing, do not sit in transport, get a table with an adjustable height. At home, sit more often on a fitball instead of a sofa or chair, for example, while watching a movie.

Set a reminder on your phone to warm up. Now it is possible to set vibrating reminders in smart watches. Many applications count your activity during the day (if the phone is with you all the time or you use a fitness bracelet or watch). For example, the Google Fit app.


Try to spend your rest actively, and not lying on the couch or sitting in front of the screen. Go for a walk, go bowling, mini golf, try a climbing wall. In winter, feel free to ride the slides, go skiing, or go ice skating. In summer, diversify the outing for barbecues with football in nature and other active games.

If you have a dog or a child, this is a great opportunity to actively spend time outdoors. Don't just walk, but play frisbee, ball, run or ride a bike.

After a working day, be sure to do evening exercises. These are exercises for stretching the muscles and joints of the legs, stretching the spine using bends and bends, squats. Before going to bed, lie for 10-15 minutes with raised legs to normalize blood and lymph circulation. Before showering or bathing, self-massage with a dry brush from the extremities towards the center of the body.