The best pharmacies in shopping malls. TOP20 pharmacy chains occupied more than a third of the commercial pharmaceutical market in Russia. Online pharmacies - without leaving your home

The assortment of drugs in different chains almost completely coincides, but their prices may differ by only a few rubles, or by several hundred.

Our "first aid kit" includes nasal drops "Snoop" (0.1%), antiviral lozenges "Ergoferon" (20 tab.), Cough syrup "Lazolvan" (30mg / 5ml, 100ml), painkillers "Nurofen" (20 tab., 200 mg) and "Aspirin Express" (12 tab.), Drops for restoration of intestinal microflora "Hilak Forte" (100 ml) and sorbing paste "Enterosgel" (225 g), vitamins "Vitrum" (No. 100 ) and on the occasion of the summer - Compeed callus plaster (medium # 5).

Comparison of prices in pharmacies, rub.

The cheapest way to buy our “first aid kit” is at the Rigla pharmacy, its cost will be 3,187 rubles, compared to the most expensive set, the savings will be about 1.5 thousand rubles. The biggest difference in prices for vitamins, it almost reaches 400 rubles, the least difference in prices for nasal drops - 20 rubles.

The second place is taken by the pharmacies of the Doctor Stoletov chain, where the cost of the set is 286 rubles more expensive and amounts to 3 473 rubles. On the third line is Samson-Pharma with a check amount of 3,624 rubles. At the same time, it will still be more profitable to buy certain goods from our basket at Samson-Pharma than at the Doctor Stoletov pharmacy, for example, a plaster, Lazolvan, Nurofen, Enterosgel and Ergoferon will be cheaper here. ...

By law, pharmacies cannot sell drugs remotely, but they provide an opportunity to book a product on the website and redeem it at a convenient point.

But it is important to keep in mind that prices in pharmacies change very quickly. And if in coffee shops, chain stores of clothing or the same McDonald's prices do not depend on the point of sale - and Big Tasty at the Medvedkovo metro station will cost the same as on Tverskaya Street, then in pharmacies of the same chain prices can differ a lot. For example, Vitrum vitamins at Neopharm can cost from 1,092 rubles to 1,440 rubles, depending on the location of the pharmacy.

This is explained by different supplies. “Most often this is due to the fact that batches of drugs are purchased at different prices. But apart from this, differences in prices may be due to the location of the pharmacy, the activity of competitors in a particular location. If next to Gorzdrav (one of the brands of the chain 36.6 - approx., for example, there is a hard discounter, then we will definitely give competitive prices, ”said Alexey Kiselev-Romanov, press secretary of the 36.6 pharmacy chain.

How to save money on medications?

1. Compare prices before buying on different networks. On the Internet, prices may differ from the actual ones - it all depends on the speed of updating the database. But all the same, the difference will not be so strong, so you can easily navigate with their help.

2. Book online. “If you have time, it’s best to book medicines, dietary supplements, medical supplies on the website,” advises Alexei Kiselev-Romanov from 36.6. “The Internet pharmacy offers a wide assortment of all categories of goods, while prices are at the level of Gorzdrav pharmacies and even lower, because, unlike offline sales, the price does not include the costs of renting premises, staff salaries, etc.”.

3. Pay for purchases with a bank card with cashback function and then part of the money spent will be returned to you. Some banks periodically offer increased cashback in this category of purchases. For example, in B&N Bank you can select the category "Sports, Beauty, Health", which includes pharmacies, and return 5% of purchases. TransCapitalBank also has a system for calculating increased bonuses (5%) in the "Health" category, with the received points you can compensate the cost of purchases made earlier in the online bank. In Rosgosstrakh, the bank is refunded 3% of the cost of purchases in pharmacies using a pension card. And when paying in pharmacies with the NS Bank's profitable card, you can return 2% back to the account.

4. Use pharmacy discount cards.

5. Look for cheap alternatives (generics), but before buying a cheaper option, consult your doctor.

6. Check if your pharmacy has Happy Hours. In some chains, it is more profitable to buy medicines in the morning on weekdays.

How did we count?

We chose pharmacy chains for comparison based on Russia, compiled by the analytical company RNC Pharma at the end of 2016. Moscow networks were taken with the exception of ASNA, which is an association, and Pharmacopeyka - Your Doctor, which, as reported by phone hotline actually not represented in Moscow, but there are in the Moscow region.

The cost of medicines was found out on the websites of pharmacies on June 9, 2017 *, if they indicated a different price in retail outlets, then the maximum was taken into account. Promotions and discounts were not taken into account.

When preparing the material, "" did not cooperate with pharmacy chains.

* By the time the material was published, Pharmacy 36.6 had re-launched the site, reducing its prices.

Even the healthiest people go to the pharmacy, no, no, and most of us use the services of pharmacists on a regular basis. Where to go for medicines, what a modern pharmacy can offer and how a pharmacy reference works - we will tell about this below.

There is a pharmacy for everyone

Until now, the majority of pharmacies with a traditional (albeit rather large) assortment, working from morning to evening, are in Moscow. Nevertheless, some of the items have switched to the sale of specialized assortments, for example, a homeopathic pharmacy offers a wide range of drugs to adherents of the appropriate treatment method.

Given the high employment of many Muscovites and the fact that the medicine may be required at any time, such a format as a round-the-clock pharmacy is in demand, therefore, along with other search parameters, the reference pharmacies of the Moscow medical portal, the site allows you to display those institutions in which you will be served even at night.

The pharmacy section of our project includes large chains and individual pharmacies in Moscow: addresses, phone numbers, nearest metro stations, opening hours. Most often, site visitors are interested in the phone number of a pharmacy or the address of the nearest pharmacy of one of the large chains.

Prices - lower, quality - higher

Today the competition on the Moscow pharmaceutical market is very high: only the addresses of pharmacies occupy dozens of pages. This state of affairs is good news for the average buyer, because pharmacies are fighting for his attention, offering various discounts and bonuses. Most of the large companies have developed their own discount program, and it is really profitable for their clients to buy medicines in the same network over and over again. Particular attention should be paid to the branches cooperating with the government of the capital in the field of social projects: Social Pharmacy due to the already low prices may not offer a corporate discount, but will provide a discount on a Muscovite social card.

Pharmacies in Moscow are seeking to reduce prices by establishing direct cooperation with large suppliers, as well as purchasing drugs in large wholesale (relevant for large chains). There is another plus in this: medicines from a trusted, reputable source come exclusively of high quality.

If the price cannot be reduced (or you don’t want to), you can take the level of service. For example, in a number of branches of the Samson-Pharma network, an electronic queue system has been implemented, and in some pharmacies under the signboard "Rigla" you can get professional advice a cosmetologist or a specialist in a children's studio.

Online pharmacies - without leaving your home

The format of the online store is very convenient, but cannot be fully applied in pharmaceuticals due to legal restrictions. That is, it is impossible to deliver medicines to the address of the buyer, but to the nearest pharmacy - please. This is exactly how the largest online service in Russia “” works: an Internet pharmacy transfers the customer's order to the supplier's warehouse, and the courier takes it to the branch specified during registration.

The scheme for the virtual purchase of drugs is convenient not only for the buyer, but also for the seller, so many Moscow firms have introduced the practice of online orders. The official website of pharmacies includes a catalog of medicines, sometimes instructions for them. Most often, payment on delivery is provided, but some companies also accept online payments. Although you still have to go to the pharmacy for medicines, it will take a minimum of time. Sometimes a separate window is organized for issuing such orders.

How did the Moscow pharmacy chains appear?

In the early 90s of the last century, the pharmaceutical industry in Russia, like many others, fell into decay. At that time, state-owned official pharmacies, despite their enormous potential, suffered from poor management, most clearly reflected in the decline in the range and the emergence of drug shortages. Some suppliers were also adding fuel to the fire, unreasonably raising prices or even selling counterfeit medicines.

It became obvious that the Moscow pharmaceutical market requires the creation of a new structure of pharmacies: well-organized, modern, and guaranteed protection against counterfeit. The first of these organizations was the GorZdrav network of pharmacies, which today has more than half a thousand branches. Later, the market was expanded by Samson-Pharma, Norma and others.

As for the state official pharmacies, they still waited for the reorganization, but much later - in 2005. The renewed and re-equipped branches were merged into the State Unitary Enterprise "Stolichnye Apteki", and the improvement of the chain's assortment had a beneficial effect on the supply of medicines to all medical state institutions in Moscow.

Sooner or later, every person is faced with the need to go to the pharmacy. The reason may be insignificant - to buy cotton wool or vitamins, or it may be serious - to purchase expensive drugs on which someone's life depends. Pharmacies are represented by various organizations that differ from others in pricing, quality of advice, online service. Which pharmacies should be avoided, and which really provide professional services? About this in our article.


The permanent representative of the top lines of the rating of Moscow pharmacy chains is "36.6". The company earned the trust of customers thanks to the convenience of service: there is no need to stand in lines, to face the lack of necessary medicines, to choose a pharmacy that is far away at the time of filling out the order form. The possibility of an online purchase service allows you to place an order without leaving your home, to choose exactly the product that suits all parameters and price. After confirming the purchase, it is enough to come to the nearest pharmacy for the buyer and pick up the already formed package with drugs.

In total, there are about 1120 points of sale of goods in the capital, the central offices are located at:

  • st. Pokrovka, 1/13, building 1;
  • Red Square, 3/2/2/1;
  • Lubyansky pr-d, 27/1, building 1;
  • Sretensky Boulevard, 7.


The popular Rigla pharmacy chain in Moscow is one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical industry thanks to modern approach to service, competent marketing policy and unconditional quality assurance, both of the drugs sold and the advice provided by pharmacists in pharmacies.

Rigla began its history back in 2001. The main motto of the company is customer convenience and an innovative approach to service. It was this pharmacy chain that was one of the first to place goods on open shelves and introduced the online ordering service for medicines.

Pharmacy addresses "Rigla in the city center:

  • st. Nikolskaya, 8/1, p. 1;
  • Manezhnaya pl., 1;
  • st. Pyatnitskaya, 9/28, building 1;
  • Pottery pr-d, 6, p. 1.

In addition, Rigla is the owner of several well-known pharmacy brands such as Pharmacy, Zhivika, and Panacea Family Pharmacy. By the way, more than 1,700 points of sale have already been opened in Moscow and throughout the country.

This network has a loyalty program that gives great benefits regular customers, promotions and discounts are periodically offered.


A special place among the pharmacy chains in Moscow belongs to the Evalar company, which supplies the medical market with its own drugs, developed using the latest technologies and exclusively on a natural basis.

Each pharmacy employs highly qualified specialists: pharmacists, nutritionists, nutritionists, who can give free advice directly at the point of sale. In some central branches, robotic pharmacists "Consis" are working, which increase the speed of order processing, delivering the goods to the buyer in less than 10 seconds.

In addition to standard medicines, there is a wide selection of active food additives, natural cosmetics, created on the basis of medicinal plants of Altai.

In total, there are about 30 pharmacies in Moscow, the central addresses include:

  • st. Tverskaya, 4;
  • Zubovsky Boulevard, 13, building 1;
  • st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 2;
  • Zatsepsky shaft, 14.

"Doctor Stoletov"

Another pharmacy network about which is almost always positive is Doctor Stoletov.

Convenient online ordering service, the possibility of courier delivery, a wide range of certified products, a large selection of medical instruments, products and Supplies- these are the main advantages that propel the company to a high level and help to get ahead of competitors.

For 20 years, the network of pharmacies "Doctor Stoletov" has been operating in the pharmacological and Russian pharmacies. But it is never too late to develop, so in 2016 the process of rebranding of the company began, the results of which customers have already noticed. This is a significant expansion of the range of medicines and related products, an updated interior and design of individual pharmacies. Now customers are surrounded by a more comfortable atmosphere.

The total number of Doctor Stoletov pharmacy points is more than 70. There are pharmacy points at the following addresses:

  • st. Arbat, 28/1, building 1;
  • st. Pokrovka, 11;
  • d. 16, building 2;
  • st. Tverskaya, 22.

"Pharmacies GORZDRAV"

An active player in the pharmaceutical market is the GORZDRAV pharmacy chain, which began its journey more than 25 years ago, at the very beginning as a drug manufacturer, and then as a seller.

Pharmacies GORZDRAV position themselves as socially oriented. Indeed, price policy this company differs significantly from others in favor of the consumer. In addition, pharmacies constantly hold promotions and offer discounts, together with partner companies, they often raffle off certificates and gifts.

More than 120 pharmacies have already been opened in Moscow, and this figure is growing every month. In the central part of the city, you can visit "GORZDRAV" at the addresses:

  • Nikitsky Boulevard, 9;
  • Bolshoi Ovchinnikovsky lane, 12, p. 1;
  • st. Verkhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, 7, p. 1;
  • st. Suschevskaya, 19, p. 4.


Pharmacists of the Dialog pharmacy chain in Moscow are not only reliable sellers of medicines, but also good friends for many families.

The company skillfully combines wholesale and retail trade, which means that medical institutions are also partners of Dialogue. This fact confirms once again that this pharmacy chain is quality and guaranteed service of the highest class.

Dialog entered the market in 2003 as a pharmaceutical distributor of VITTA Company.

You can place an order on the official website, or you can buy at one of the points of sale. There are more than 70 Dialogue branches in Moscow, the addresses of the central points of sale are as follows:

  • st. Gilyarovskogo 36, p. 1a;
  • st. 6th Kozhukhovskaya, 13;
  • st. Aviamotornaya, 6, building 1;
  • Yablochkova street, 16.


The well-known pharmacy chain "Samson-Pharma" does everything to ensure that visitors are not only satisfied with the service, but also recuperate more quickly after visiting the pharmacy. Particular attention is paid to people who need medicines on a regular basis - these are patients with diabetes, hypertension, ischemia, hepatitis, etc. For them there are special conditions purchase of medicines.

Such pharmacies are equipped with electronic queuing devices, waiting areas, which greatly simplifies the functioning of the organization.

In total, there are more than 70 pharmacies in the city, in the central part of the capital they are located at the following addresses:

  • d.19;
  • st. Nikolskaya, 17, building 1;
  • Earthen shaft, 44;
  • Ostozhenka street, 25.

"Capital pharmacies"

One of the largest state-owned drugstore chains in Moscow is called Capital Pharmacies. Initially, the residents of the capital knew Stolichnye Apteki as a state unitary enterprise, however, due to the reorganization, now it is a joint-stock company.

The network was opened at the initiative of the Moscow City Property Department, and it still closely monitors the firm's activities.

The Moscow pharmacy chain "Stolichnye Apteki" has more than 180 points of sale in the city and region.

Central branch addresses:

  • st. Litvin-Sedogo, property 13, building 4;
  • st. Polyanka Bolshaya, property 65/74, building 1;
  • st. Novorogozhskaya, property 14, building 1;
  • st. Abelmanovskaya, property 6, building 1.

The competent location of pharmacies allows you to purchase the necessary goods anywhere in the city. In addition, Stolichnye Apteki regularly has promotions for seasonal drugs, cosmetics and food supplements.

Thus, the Moscow pharmacy market fully satisfies the needs of city residents, everyone can choose for themselves exactly the network that will suit them in all respects.

Add to list 100 largest enterprises Several pharmacy chains are included in Russia. The largest in terms of profits included in the Top 7 are ASNA, Rigla, Pharmacy Chain 36.6, Implozia, Planeta Zdorovya, Erkopharm Group of Companies, Neo-Pharm.

The last few years in the context of the crisis have shown the dynamics of the fall in demand for drugs. The research of the pharmaceutical retail market conducted by the analytical company KMPG in 2016 marked the beginning of a turning point - for the first time in several years, there was a positive increase in the revenue of pharmacy chains.

Analysis of the table shows that Russian pharmacy chains in the TOP-10 have strengthened their positions in the market. Their total share has increased to 45%. The ratio of revenue in 2016 to 2015 increased by 26.6%. These figures indicate the ongoing consolidation of the market.

RNC Pharma, a well-known analyst, has presented a rating of Russian pharmacy chains based on the results of the 1st quarter of 2017.

Table 2. Top-7 pharmacy chains by share on retail market

Pharmacy chain

Headquarters location

The number of points as of 01.04. 2017 Nov.

Market share in Q1 2017

Market as a whole, without LLO

Pharmacy chain 36.6


Planet Health

Erkafarm Group of Companies

If we compare the results of 2016 and the 1st quarter of 2017, we can note some significant changes in the TOP-7. Rigla outstripped the Pharmacy Chain 36.6, Raduga flew out of the coveted seven - its place was taken by Neo-Pharm.

According to the researchers, the pharmacy market is close to saturation - today it is more and more difficult to find suitable premises in places with a sufficient amount of traffic. Certain opportunities are promised by global investment programs, such as the renovation project in Moscow. However, it is local in nature. The growing interest in the pharmaceutical market from the non-pharmaceutical retail sector promises a serious increase in competition for the foreseeable future.

Table 3. Main sources of increased competition in the market during 2016

Aggressive player pricing

The existing high concentration of pharmacy chains in the regions of the company's presence

Future strengthening of the geographic presence of local players

Development by other players of new formats (pharmacies, supermarkets, discounters)

The emergence of new players, mainly regional ones in the places of the company's presence

The emergence of new players, mainly federal in the places of the company's presence

Business diversification by other players (for example, launching own production or distribution)

That is why leading players are in a hurry to seize the remaining market space - in 2017, according to a KMPG survey, 90% of large retail chains plan to expand their presence by opening new points of sale. The geographical location of pharmacy points is carried out on the basis of preliminary marketing research.

Some players speak out about the need to limit the market. More than 58% of the heads of pharmacy chains are in favor of legislative limitation of the number of pharmacies in the country, following the example of Western European countries: France, Spain and Germany.

There can be no oversupply of pharmacies in Russia - Nadezhda Sharavskaya, deputy head of the social sphere and trade control department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), expresses her disagreement with the heads of pharmacy chains. This is a commercial market, pharmacies are opening, so they are profitable and they have a demand, she argues. Many pharmacies operate in the capitals of the subjects, the restriction will lead to higher prices and hinder competition, from its point of view.

Consider the large pharmacy chains in Russia, which are leaders in the pharmaceutical market.


ASNA is an association of independent pharmacies, which includes more than 5,000 pharmacies in many cities of Russia. ASNA is a new format among pharmacy chains, since the members of the association are independent pharmacies and pharmacy chains, united by a common goal - to make medicines, medical equipment and related products more accessible to buyers. Today the territory of the Association extends far beyond the capital, occupying the territory from the south to Kamchatka. ASNA is present in more than 100 cities and more than 60 constituent entities of the Federation. Regional offices are open in Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kazan. The company has 150 marketing contracts with manufacturers.

Legal address: 125368, Moscow, st. Mitinskaya, house 33, building 1

2. Wrigla

Established in 2001, the national pharmacy chain is the second largest in Russia in terms of sales. As of December 2016, the chain has 1,769 retail outlets in 47 regions of Russia. Rigla represents the retail business segment of the Protek Group of Companies, the largest pharmaceutical holding in Russia. The assortment of the pharmacy chain includes 18 thousand assortment positions, of which about 60% are parapharmaceutical products. Pharmacy chain "Rigla" includes 1768 pharmacies at the end of 12 months of 2016 Pharmacies under the brand "Bud Zdorov!" and Zhivika operate in the discounter format. At the end of 2016, there were 1,214 discounter pharmacies in the chain.

Legal address: 115201, Moscow, st. Chermyanskaya, 2

Information about the owners: parent company "Protek"

Capitalization: RUB 23 billion

3. Pharmacy chain 36.6

PJSC Pharmacy Chain 36.6, founded in 1991, is a leading Russian company sectors retail goods for health and beauty. In January 2016, the largest shareholders of the Group and the controlling shareholders of A5 Pharmacy Retail Limited (the parent company of the A5 pharmacy chain) reached preliminary agreements on the merger of the pharmacy chains. The merger was completed in December 2016 as part of an additional issue of shares in PJSC Pharmacy Chain 36.6, which remained the parent company of the merged group.

Legal address: 121096, Moscow, st. Vasilisa Kozhina, 1

Information about the owners: Major shareholders as of 2016:

  • Palesora Ltd. (Cyprus, owners - Vladimir Kintsurashvili and Ivan Saganelidze) - 60.58%;
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance - 15%.

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Ivan Saganelidze

General manager- Vladimir Kintsurashvili

Capitalization- 16.6 billion rubles.

Gross profit in 2016 10766 mln RUB

Promotion rate - 6.99 rubles.

4. Implosion

Implosion LLC was registered in 1991. Since 1993, trade in medicines has become the main activity. In addition to our own pharmacies, the sale of goods takes place through pharmacies of other legal entities working under a partnership agreement. The products are sold through the pharmacy network in the following regions of Russia: Samara, Saratov, Penza, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk regions, Moscow, Bashkiria, Tatarstan. At the moment, in Tatarstan and Bashkiria, Implozia is represented only by partners, in other regions - both by its own pharmacies and by the pharmacies of partner companies.

In 2003, the company was divided in order to minimize economic and legal risks into several companies: LLC "Pharmperspektivu", LLC "I-Trans", "I-cube", LLC "Implosion-finance" and others.

Legal address: 432072, ULYANOVSK, PR. GENERAL TYULENEVA, D. 7

Information about the owners: Implosion has an opaque ownership structure. In the largest operator of the holding - LLC "Pharmperspektiva" ("FP") - Grant Bezruchenko controlled 27.19%. 24% of the company belonged to his brother Valery Bezruchenko. The brothers' partners in "FP" were Dmitry Podgornov (27.19%) and Oleg Teplyakov (21.6%). After the death in 2015 of the founder of the company, Grant Bezruchenko, his share was bought out by the beneficiaries.

Capitalization: RUB 15 billion

5. Planet of health

Zdorovya Planet LLC is one of the most actively growing players in the Russian pharmaceutical retailer. Perm Territory, Kirov Region and the Udmurt Republic remain the key regions among the regions that the network is developing. Moreover, in Perm, "Planet of Health" is an absolute monopolist. The network also operates in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and other large regions.

Legal address: 614068, KRAY PERM, CITY PERM, STREET LENIN, 83/34

Information about the owners: Founder - an individual Kislov Alexey Evgenievich

6. GC Erkafarm (Doctor Stoletov & Ozerki)

The group of companies "ERKAFARM" was founded in 1994. Today the group includes more than 360 pharmacies in 12 regions of the Russian Federation, operating in various formats from discounters to pharmacies. ERKAFARM includes several pharmacy chains: Doctor Stoletov, Ozerki, Khoroshaya Apteka, Narodnaya Apteka and Apteka No. 1. The total number of ERKAFARM Group employees is more than 3500 people.

Legal address: 107005, Moscow, Bakuninskaya Street, 14

Information about the owners: Individual, Saganelidze Ivan Givievich, LLC "Prestige Market", LLC "Proftekhgroup", LLC "Russian Trust Alliance" Your Savings ", LLC" Sana-MT ", LLC" Enterprise Service "

7. Neo-farm

The history of NEOPHARM Group of Companies began as a small family business- from several pharmacy kiosks in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Today, the NEOPHARM Group of Companies comprises almost 300 pharmacies under two brands - NEOPHARM and STOLICHKI, it is more than 3000 employees and over 25 million customers a year.

Legal address: 123423, Moscow, Otkrytoe highway, 2, bldg. 12

The cost of drugs poses many people with a choice: either to be treated as prescribed by a specialist doctor, or to select analogues. And they are not always really good substitutes. And what is the cheapest pharmacy in Moscow? Where can you buy medicines that are not overpriced?

Kurskaya metro station

Of course, there is no shortage of pharmacies in the capital. But choosing a really good and inexpensive one among this variety is a problem. According to some reviews, the cheapest pharmacy in Moscow, where the margins on medicines are minimal, is located at the Kurskaya metro station, on Vorontsovo Pole Street, in house number 14, where the RAMS polyclinic is located. In general, prices here are 50-100 rubles lower than in the city. Samson-Pharma is a fairly well-known and almost the cheapest pharmacy in Moscow, where, despite the fairly high traffic, you can always quickly purchase the necessary drugs at an affordable cost. So, spray "Aqualor" will cost an average of 250-300 rubles for a large bottle, which is already quite economical.

Working hours

Those who are looking for the cheapest pharmacies in Moscow can turn their attention to Samson-Pharma, where the prices for medicines are really not too high. She works every day, without days off and lunch breaks. On weekdays, medicines can be purchased from 08:00 to 20:00. On Saturday, the pharmacy is open from 09:00, and on Sunday from 10:00. The working day also ends at 20:00, regardless of the day of the week.

Dobryninskaya metro station

Here, too, according to many, is perhaps the cheapest pharmacy in Moscow. On Losinovskaya Street, at 12 (building No. 1), there is a pharmacy with very affordable prices for medicines. Moreover, the latter are in no way inferior in quality. The owners' policy is very simple: they make a minimum mark-up on medicines so that all categories of citizens can afford to buy them “painlessly”. Some residents of the capital even from other parts of the city come to this pharmacy. Here, the cost of drugs differs from the usual Moscow prices by 40-120 rubles, which is quite noticeable when a whole list of drugs is typed for the intended purpose.

Working hours

It is quite democratic, since the pharmacy is open any day of the week until 21:00. In addition, there are no weekends or lunch breaks, so anyone can get medicine at a convenient time for him. On weekdays, the pharmacy starts working at 08:00, on Saturday at 09:00, and on Sunday at 10:00.

Metro station "Pushkinskaya"

One of the city's budget pharmacies is also located here. It is noteworthy that it has a very high cross-country ability, but at the same time it does not have to stand idle in the queue for a long time. Those who are wondering where the cheapest pharmacy is in Moscow should remember the address: Tverskoy Boulevard, house no. 19/1. It is quite convenient to get from the metro stations "Pushkinskaya", "Tverskaya" or "Chekhovskaya". Samson-Pharma is almost the cheapest pharmacy chain in Moscow. And, remarkably, prices are the same at all locations, regardless of location. Therefore, some residents of the capital do not need to choose the one where the cost of medicines is lower. The operating mode of Samson-Pharma at the Pushkinskaya metro station differs from the pharmacy, which is located at the Kurskaya metro station. The end of the working day falls on 21:00, which is associated with high evening traffic of buyers.

Metro station "Belyaevo"

It is not so difficult to find the cheapest pharmacies in Moscow, they are usually not so pompous and do not “shout” with a signboard about their availability. Most often these are modest pharmacy points, which you can easily pass by accidentally. As, for example, on Miklukho-Maklaya street. House number 23 houses one of the Samson-Pharma pharmacies. There is no need to talk about the cost of drugs, they are all the same online. And the operating mode here is the same as at the Pushkinskaya metro station. Pharmacy traffic is high, but long queues was not noticed.

Metro station "Akademicheskaya"

Those who are wondering which pharmacy is the cheapest in Moscow should pay attention to the Stolichki chain. There are really favorable prices here, which will not hit the buyer's pocket hard. So, for example, an effervescent instant "Aspirin" will cost 159 rubles for 12 tablets. This is about 40-50 rubles cheaper than in other pharmacies in the capital. At the metro station "Akademicheskaya", on Dmitry Ulyanov Street, in the house number 17, building number 1 is one of the "Stolichek". Finding it is easy. The network is large, there are pharmacies on almost every metro line within walking distance. The operating mode at the Akademicheskaya metro station is stable: from 09:00 to 21:00, regardless of the day of the week.

Metro station "Proletarskaya"

One of the pharmacies of the Solnyshko chain is located here. On the third Krutitsky lane, at number 13, you can find a modest pharmacy, where the cost of medicines will pleasantly surprise you. For comparison: "Tavegil" in tablets will cost 190 rubles per pack (20 pieces). This is about 30-50 rubles lower than in large network pharmacies. At the same time, the service at the pharmacy remains at its best, and the operating mode pleases with its round the clock.

Metro station "Novokuznetskaya"

A small chain "Your Health" pleases customers with the average price of medicines. At the same time, the network also operates online, which explains the somewhat inflated cost in comparison with the pharmacies described above. The content of the website is also expensive for the owners. By the way, the cost in the "Your Health" network is not much higher than in others. For comparison: "Claritin" tablets cost 545 rubles per pack (30 pieces). The pharmacy is located at the Novokuznetskaya station at the address: Pyatnitskaya street, house No. 17. Working hours on weekdays: from 08:00 to 23:00. This is convenient for those who come home late from work, but you definitely need to get to the pharmacy. Saturday from 09:00 to 20:00 and Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00. The online pharmacy works around the clock, so you can buy the medicine you need at any time of the day without leaving your home. This is a convenient option for emergencies, when, for example, a small child is ill or there is a seriously ill person at home who cannot be left for a long time.

Of course, everyone wants to spend as little money as possible on medicines. But not all budget pharmacy items are so good. The first thing worth paying attention to is the display cases. They must be clearly visible, clean and free of dust. The second is pharmacists. They should be dressed in clean white robes. The third is the availability of refrigerators for storing medicines with special requirements. This is very important, because some medicines can deteriorate in a matter of hours, and sometimes they can turn from useful to dangerous to health. The cheapest pharmacies in Moscow can have a variety of names, but the main thing is what drugs are sold there, how much they cost, how well they are stored, what kind of staff serve customers. These are really important criteria that cannot be ignored.