Travel agency opening plan. Strengths of the project. Determination of pricing policy

People have completely different ideas about rest, someone prefers to rest for free and remains in their home walls, someone cannot imagine their life without exciting travels to exotic countries.

The most important stage of the opening travel agency- correctly composed promising business a travel agency plan, which in its essence is the core of the future business, capable of determining not only the expenditure and revenue side, but also considering the long-term development prospects and risks of creating an enterprise in this segment of the service market.

Travel company resume

An example of a business plan is presented for a company in Moscow operating in the tourism segment. The main direction is domestic tourism, excursion and tourist services in Russia for foreign and domestic tourists.

The emphasis will be placed on providing opportunities for foreign tourists to get acquainted with the real life of Russia. The travel agency is defined as a limited liability company. Management activities will be implemented by the owner of the company.

Investing does not imply the use of borrowed funds.

  1. Authorized capital - 1,456,000 rubles.
  2. Profitability level -136%
  3. The break-even point is 862,992 rubles.
  4. Profitability index - 1.4
  5. Financial strength margin - 98%
  6. Net present value - RUB 365,781
  7. Income from project implementation - 529,742 rubles.
  8. The payback period is 9 months.

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Prospects for the development of the tourism industry

Russia, despite the presence of a colossal tourist potential, has a modest place in this market segment, limited to 1.5% of the world flow. Studies show that 80% of the material base of the industry requires reconstruction. There are no conditions conducive to the inflow of private investments, including foreign ones.

The formation of this situation was influenced by a number of factors, including a change in the geopolitical situation, the collapse of economic ties, a drop in production, inflation - a decline in living standards and a sharp increase in income differentiation, which provoked a decrease in domestic tourism.

Due to the insufficient system of state regulation of the tourism sector, there are ample opportunities for unfair competition and significant violation of consumer rights.

Investing in domestic tourism is exclusively tactical in nature and is very difficult due to the lack of a guarantee of profit and even return of funds, the lack of a planned nature and the ability to implement a long-term investment strategy.

Despite all the difficulties described above, the interest of tourists in Russia is growing, and the country is gradually losing the stigma of “closed”. The experts of the World Tourism Organization concluded that the properly organized work of the industry is capable of raising Russia to the 5th place by 2020, behind only France, Spain, Great Britain and Italy.

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Characteristics of travel agency activities

The organization of business planning assumes that at the initial stage of development, the company will be focused on receiving foreign tourists and serving our citizens. The firm will provide excursion and travel services that reveal Russian reality and the life of the hinterland.

The rest of tourists is held in high-class hotels. Experienced guides organize excursions along tourist routes and historical and architectural monuments. The company offers various customized thematic tours and guarantees catering and quality transport services.

The activities of a travel agency can be attributed to several categories at once, including youth, family and educational tourism. This approach allows you to cover a wide range of potential consumers of the tourism segment.

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Competitive advantages

Due to the fact that the office of the company will be located in the center of Moscow, services will be in stable demand. Potential clients can be: schoolchildren, families, students (including foreign ones), elderly people, individual tourists.

The analysis of competitors allows us to conclude that their main activity is focused on outbound tourism in different countries the world. None of them provide services to foreign tourists in the format of visiting the Russian hinterland.

Business planning in tourism has a certain seasonal reference. The most visited period is May-September. At this time, the advertising campaign will be strengthened, which will attract the flow of tourists.

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Marketing plan and advertising

Existing tour operators and agencies organize their activities with the involvement of advertising companies. Table 1 below shows the range of measures taken and their frequency to promote services to the market.

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Production plan

Based on business planning, production plan allowing you to determine the estimated sales volume different types tourist product. Table 2 shows the number of tours sold in a certain month in one of the directions.

Month Accommodation of foreign tourists Cognitive tourism Youth tour Family tour Excursions Individual tour
Russian tourist groups Foreign tourist groups Foreigners Russian.
March 15 10 30 20 9 8 6 5
February 15 15 40 40 8 5 8 5
January 20 20 80 60 10 10 5 5
December 20 20 80 50 10 15 20 5
November 15 70 30 40 20 10 20 5
October 17 60 30 40 40 10 20 10
September 20 50 40 80 30 20 40 10
August 20 50 100 80 20 28 30 40
July 20 50 100 80 20 30 40 25
June 15 30 60 80 40 40 40 20
May 10 40 50 70 40 40 40 10
April 5 30 40 30 10 5 10 5
TOTAL: 192 680 680 670 257 246 279 45

Accommodation of foreign tourists in hotel complexes of various categories is most intensively implemented from June to October, since weather conditions are fundamental factors for foreign tourists.

Youth tourism picks up steam in April, peaking in May, when school and student organizations are planning joint holidays. In addition, significant sales are planned for January, when Russia celebrates the New Year.

A special peak in sales of family travel tours occurs in the period from May to September, as well as in December and January. The poll showed that the majority of people organize rest in June in boarding houses and sanatoriums, in July and August, preference is given to rest houses with reservoirs.

The business plan of the travel agency was formed taking into account such areas as educational tourism, within which tours will be implemented: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Golden Ring, Gus Khrustalny, Vladimir region, Pskov, Tver-Torzhok. Note that sales will peak from July to November.

During the year of the travel agency's activity, it is planned to sell 2,914 tours, taking into account the average cost of a tour - 13,000 rubles, the volume of profit will amount to 37,882,000 rubles.

A sample business plan describes the creation of a travel agency that sells products from various tour operators to a variety of destinations.

The concept of a travel agency's business plan assumes that the agency will work in the following areas:

  • provision of mediation services within the country and abroad;
  • organization of services for foreign tourists in the Russian Federation;
  • sale to CIS citizens of trips abroad by third-party travel agencies;
  • organization and provision of services of guide-interpreters, provision of meeting-off, excursion service;
  • implementation on a contractual basis of booking hotels and transport;
  • registration of visas and passports;
  • retail trade in related tourism products;

There are two types of travel companies operating on the market - tour operators and travel agents. The former create a tourist product: they buy air tickets, hotel rooms, organize transfers from the airport to the hotel, offer excursions, etc. Travel agents do nothing of this - they sell the services of several tour operators, being an intermediary. A kind of travel shop.

On the current page you will find and can download for free ready example business plan for a travel agency... Specifically, travel agencies in a small regional center. The business plan provides an approximate calculation of the profitability from the sale of vouchers in the most popular tourist destinations. The abundance of local competitors is also indicated. Unfortunately, the federal players of the tourist market are not taken into account, although it is not difficult for potential buyers of vouchers to go to the regional center or the capital. But since there is a drawback, then the more interesting this travel agency business plan for detailing and customizing for your conditions and needs.

Fortunately, our fellow citizens have long been active tourists, and foreigners in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev are dark in the summer. And although the economic crises periodically occurring in our countries in certain periods negatively affect the dynamics of the tourism business, the industry's income as a whole is growing. Even if fewer people go abroad in a given year, then domestic tourism will greatly increase in the same year. That is why the travel agency presented in the business plan intends to develop all areas of tourism.

Opening a travel agency is, of course, troublesome. Due to the mass of unscrupulous representatives of the tourism business, our state has introduced a number of increased requirements for travel companies (we recommend reading the laws on this topic). This is a boon for ordinary consumers, but an extra headache for decent companies. Here "tsitramon" from the headache created by the state, which is created by the state, also needs to be prescribed in travel agency business plan.

Today tourism affects both the global economy as a whole and the economies of individual countries. This service sector is aimed at helping the population find ways to meet specific needs while traveling, as well as at raising the regional economy by creating an effective regulatory system in this area.

Studies have shown that it ranks second after oil production and refining in terms of profitability and rapid development. This business accounts for 10% of the total turnover of the production and service market. This business is prone to small businesses.

Each person is used to relaxing in his own way: someone at home on a bed, in nature with friends, in a movie, but for someone it will seem boring, and he would prefer to explore the underwater world of the Pacific Ocean or Thai culture. In all countries today tourism is considered a very popular form of recreation.

Is it easy to open your own travel agency?

Every entrepreneur once thought about this, because a huge number of people constantly go somewhere to rest.

As in any business, the population has its own difficulties, and in order to learn them, you need to penetrate deeply into the business of travel services.

One of the main stages of opening a travel company is a business plan. Many people have long thought about creating their own travel company, and often they have questions: what is a business plan for and is it needed in this area?

A business plan is a pledge successful business... It includes developing goals and objectives, evaluating available resources, analyzing the market and competition.

The business plan makes it clear whether you need to start doing this or that type of business and invest money, time and effort in it, shows the approximate time of return on business and profitability.

If you do not have a business plan, then this can cause caution on the part of your partners, lenders and customers. Every entrepreneur should clearly understand what should be included in his business plan. When creating an agency for the provision of services in the tourism sector, you need to understand what will be offered to the client.

The business plan in the field of tourist services is distinguished by excessive painstaking work, since this business gives positive emotions to the population. You need to make sure that your services are better than others, and people come only to you. These can be services for organizing recreation from and to, or intermediary services for the implementation of ready-made proposals in this area.

Business plan point by point

  1. Marketing analysis. Analyzes the compliance of activities with market and competition requirements.
  2. Technical and economic analysis. Analyzes the relevance of the activity to the specialization of the project. its organization and technology.
  3. The financial analysis. Analyzes economic efficiency activities.

The business plan of the tour company should be developed in stages. The ultimate chain of such development is the justification of the feasibility of the enterprise. Determination of the composition, structure and volume of a business plan is determined by the specifics of the enterprise, the size of the organization, the purpose of creation, the volume of the intended sales market, the presence of competitors and the growth prospects of the enterprise being created.

A business plan does not represent a clearly regulated form, but most often it contains:

  • sections are provided that reveal the main idea and goals of the business;
  • the characteristics of the specificity of the product or service of the enterprise and their satisfaction with the needs of the market are drawn up;
  • the market is assessed and the company's behavioral strategy is identified in the established market segments;
  • the organizational and production structure is highlighted;
  • a financial project of the case with a financing strategy and an investment proposal is drawn up;
  • the growth prospects of the enterprise are forecasted.

It is necessary to take into account all the key points when creating a business plan, such as:

  1. The location of the travel agency. It should be passable, filled with buyers of various services due to close competition.
  2. Company office. The room in which all the work on the provision of services will take place is a visiting card, therefore from appearance depends on the confidence of the buyer.
  3. Advertising. She needs to be given special attention. The main thing in this business is to loudly declare yourself so that a huge number of potential customers know about you.
  4. Legislation of the country. You must comply with all laws of the country in which you open a travel agency. V Russian Federation the travel agency must have a financial basis in case of damages to customers.
  5. Developed tourist destinations, popular and in demand from year to year.

When drawing up a business plan, do not save time on it, so as not to lose it later.

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Business plan on the example of the tour company "Tour for you" in the city of Cheboksary

The business plan is calculated for one year of travel agency operation. At the end of the annual work of the company, you can continue to work while achieving the planned goals and objectives.

Tour for you travel agency plans to provide tourist and excursion services to both the Russian population and foreign tourists in Tuapse and across Russia.

  1. The authorized capital of the enterprise is 1,456,000 rubles.
  2. The break-even point is 862,992 rubles.
  3. Financial strength margin - 98%
  4. The profitability level is 136%.
  5. The profit of the company is 529,742 rubles.
  6. Profitability index - 1.4
  7. The estimated payback period is 8 months.
  8. Net profit - 365,781 rubles.

Before starting the functioning of the company, it is necessary to go through many stages, such as:

  1. Registration of a legal entity.
  2. Choosing a bank to store finances. Conclusion of an agreement with this bank and opening a temporary account for transferring to it half of the authorized capital.
  3. Conclusion of a lease agreement for premises for the implementation of the activities of a legal entity.
  4. Tax registration. Registration takes place within a week.
  5. Registration in budgetary funds within ten days (pension, medical, regional, territorial, social insurance, employment, Rosstat).
  6. Convert a temporary account to a regular current account.
  7. Production of a seal and its certification by a notary.

Enterprise registration costs:

  • state fee - 2,000 rubles;
  • printing - 500 rubles;
  • memorandum of association certified by a notary - 1,000 rubles;
  • license for 5 years - 1,300 rubles.

Total - 4,800 rubles.

It is necessary to create a travel agency, the goals of which will be:

  1. High sales volume.
  2. Increasing market share.
  3. Assimilation of new markets.
  4. Build a decent reputation and image.
  5. Creation of new tourist services provided to the population.

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Marketing plan

The Tour for You company provides services to the foreign population that allow them to plunge into the culture of a country they do not know, to face an unusual way of life for them, to get acquainted with the Russian mentality.

The main advantage of the Tour for You travel agency service is the work of professional guides who are able to satisfy any wishes of clients. The demand for such services is unlimited because not many companies offer them.

Existing travel companies are divided into several types:

  1. Closed joint stock companies.
  2. Joint ventures.
  3. Companies offering a small range of travel products.
  4. Private companies providing their services mainly to foreign clients.

The firm "Tour for You" belongs to the third and fourth types. The niche market is sufficient to generate good profits. But for successful work and a large number of clients need an advertising campaign.

  1. Distribution of flyers (32 days) - RUB 21,504.
  2. Advertising in the newspaper (44 publications) - 56,000 rubles.
  3. Radio advertising (1 month) - 84,000 rubles.

Total: 161,504 rubles.

Sales plan:

  1. For 1 year, it is planned to sell 2,914 tours, with an average cost of 13,000 rubles.
  2. The expected profit is 37,882,000 rubles.

Technical equipment plan:

The successful operation of the enterprise depends not only on competent management, but also on the personnel, and in order for the personnel to work well, it is necessary to create conditions for this. To do this, you need to have a properly equipped room.

The room is divided into two offices. In one, the management works, in the other, the staff. The room must be renovated, there must be stationery, furniture, office equipment.

The rental price in the center of Cheboksary is 450 rubles per 1 sq. m. We need a room of 25 sq. m. m, therefore, the rent will be 11,250 rubles per month (135,000 rubles per year). The communal fee will be 3,000 rubles per month (36,000 rubles per year). Payment for telephone calls - 4,000 rubles per month (48,000 rubles per year). Internet - 5,000 rubles a month (60,000 rubles a year). Stationery - 2,800 rubles per month (33,600 rubles per year).

The total for the year is 108,000 rubles.

Equipment costs:

  • office equipment - 130,950 rubles;
  • furniture - 74,100 rubles.

Total - 205,050 rubles.

Depreciation - 5,600 rubles per year.

The annual fund for wages and social needs is 516,128 rubles.

Unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Thus, the amount of the initial investment is 1,375,282 rubles.

Profit of the company:

The gross profit from sales is 37,882,000 rubles.

Profit after interest payments to tour operators - 37,882,000 * 10% = 3,788,200 rubles.

MS Word Volume: 51 pages

Business plan

Feedback (117)

Who will be interested in a travel agency business plan? Of course, those people who themselves love to travel, who would like to open a business for the soul and earnings, for pleasure and prosperity. And there is no doubt that such an undertaking will be profitable! The last decade has shown that our people are happy to have a rest "with taste", and not just to plow in the country.

That is why a business plan for opening a travel agency is simply created for those who want to make their dreams of a comfortable vacation for different segments of the population come true. What could it be? Elite and rural tourism, excursions and travel for children, sea cruises and fun in the most famous resorts. And maybe all at once!

When purchasing a business plan for organizing a travel agency, please note that it will require not only initial capital, but also your own desire and enthusiasm. Only in this way will it be possible to captivate customers, offer them the best and organize unforgettable trips. Examples of the work of renowned travel agencies confirm that this is a profitable and creative business, designed for a good future.

It is quite simple to study the information in the business plan for opening a travel company, although further on your own company will require a lot of time and effort. Yes this ready-made solution, a scheme that has been carefully calculated and verified. What will you end up with? In addition to profit and satisfied customers, there is also joy that your business brings benefits, vivid emotions and satisfaction.

Tourism in Russia is becoming widespread, the number of travelers is constantly growing, due to which tourist infrastructure is developing very actively. But how can a beginner entrepreneur find his niche, how to open a tour operator activity, a tourist business - a company, a travel organization, without facing serious problems and withstanding high competition?

Where to start a tour operator business, if an entrepreneur does not have the necessary experience in opening a travel agency, creating a travel agency, what are the initial costs of opening a travel agency? Hundreds of novice businessmen are looking for answers to these questions every year. Many, for some unknown reason, believe that a travel agency is an easy way to start a business.

Of course, starting a tourism business is much easier than setting up your own car dealership or a new bank. Nevertheless, the opening and development of a travel company is fraught with many pitfalls, and the common mistakes of novice travel agents ultimately lead to the fact that the company is closed, as soon as it starts working. According to statistics, about a third of new travel firms do not live to see the end of the first season.

Opened a travel agency, a travel agency without experience, how to work is one of the most common start scenarios entrepreneurial activity for those who decided that the information about creating a travel agency, obtained from business forums for beginners, is enough for him. It is logical to assume that the absence of an organizational plan for a travel agency, a lack of knowledge about how the organization of the work of a travel agency should be built, sooner or later will lead a businessman to a dead end.

In order to stay afloat for a long time, a novice businessman will have to solve many questions for himself, and the first of them is the direction of the travel agency's activity. The peculiarities of the marketing of a travel company are such that a potential client needs to clearly explain what your company does, in what areas it works. This will determine the volume of sales of a travel agency per month, the number of sold tours, even in small travel agencies. Definition target audience clients will help you make the right choice - to sell tours abroad or to focus on the Russian direction.

The variant of the name of the travel agency is also important - remember: whatever you name the boat, so it will float. Take a look at the signage samples of competing travel agencies - not every office can boast an attractive name. The design of a travel agency and its financial support is a stumbling block for many entrepreneurs. The presence of an accountant in a travel agency at least part-time will solve a lot of problems. Financial statements is of great importance for a travel agency, and if your accountant has experience in keeping records of tourist activities, this will be an additional plus.

An experienced accountant will surely tell you how important professional example a business plan for opening a travel agency with ready-made calculations. From this sample, you will learn what time it is better to open a travel agency, what are the features of paperwork for tours, and how important reviews are in the travel business. You will understand what the opening and profitability of a travel agency can be.

Are you interested in how difficult it is to open a travel agency in small town, what are the criteria for choosing a rental office for a travel agency? You will find answers to all these questions in a competent business plan, and very soon you will be able to think about opening a second additional office of your travel agency.

Opening a travel business - travel agency, travel agency, travel agency - from scratch, from A to Z, what is needed for this, where to start ... Nowadays, hundreds of start-up entrepreneurs are puzzled by this problem, who decided to start their business with travel arrangements. When opening your travel agency, you need to know that only businessmen who have received the appropriate license can engage in this activity. And for this, certain requirements must be met.

Before applying for a license, you must already have some kind of basis for opening and creating a travel agency. So, the basic rules for running a tourism business presuppose a preliminary selection of agency personnel, and at least 20% of employees must have the appropriate education, or have work experience in the field of tourism for 3 years or more. The business model of an enterprise in the field of tourism provides for the mandatory availability of special education for the head of a travel agency, plus experience in this area. When making up the budget of a travel company, starting to build a business, you should rent a room for the tour in advance. services. This is due to the fact that the information certificate on the premises and objects that are used for the implementation of tourism activities must be included in the package of documents that are submitted to obtain a license.

When planning to open his own travel agency, create his own business from scratch, a businessman is waiting for advice on how to do it in detail in order to avoid annoying mistakes. How realistic is the opening of a travel agency for an individual entrepreneur with minimal costs, is it profitable, what documents are required for this? Answering these questions will help a businessman to act more confidently. But not every entrepreneur understands what difficulties await him at the very first stage - in the process of obtaining a license.

Whether a license for your travel agency will be an insurmountable obstacle or everything will go well depends on various nuances. In particular, it is necessary to provide for the fact that the office space should be rented in advance, despite the fact that you do not have the right to use it before obtaining a license. It is clear that deliberate losses that are inevitable when the office is idle must be taken into account when drawing up a budget. Indeed, one of the main reasons for the premature closure of the agency is errors in financial calculations, when a businessman simply does not have enough money to further promote the business.

According to the law, the decision to issue a license to a travel agency is made within 2 months, thus, the financial damage can be very impressive, given that it is more expedient to rent an office in places with good traffic, respectively, the rental cost will result in a significant amount.

In addition to a license, a sample of which the owner of a travel agency can find on the Internet, it will also be necessary to obtain a certificate confirming that the quality of the services provided meets the required standards, as well as a hygienic certificate. What else is needed for a full-fledged tourist activity, you can learn from an example of a business plan for opening a travel agency with ready-made calculations, drawn up by professionals.

How to open a travel agency, tour operator, what you need - this document contains the most important information, lists the features of conducting accounting in the tourism business and document flow at enterprises providing travel services. This critical financial document contains, among other things, a description of the green tourism business project. And if you dream of organizing rural tourism, as well as learn about the main centers of tourism development - you cannot do without a business plan.

Update: At the moment, a license is not required to open a travel agency. Only tour operators are licensed.

Analysis of the activities of enterprises of tourism and hospitality clearly demonstrates how important the role of a competent manager is in this area. The peculiarities of the marketing of a travel agency are such that the sales volume of the travel agency per month almost directly depends on the talent of this specialist to persuade a potential client to purchase a tour. In this regard, the search for a manager should be approached very thoroughly.

The characteristics of the personnel in the travel company are such that they need to know a lot about the product that they have to sell. Most of the tourists come to the company, not really deciding where they want to go. And the main job of a travel agency manager is to tell the client in an accessible way about the benefits of purchasing a tour from them. The more competently the algorithm for working with tourists is drawn up, the higher the chances of increasing the sales of the travel agency. The main operators for business tourism and other types of travel do not casually rely on the professionalism of their managers. After all, it depends on this person how many vouchers will be sold, how many people will go on exciting trips and, possibly, next time, they will decide to return to the same travel agency.

Is it possible to open a travel agency for 60,000 rubles? Probably, it is possible, it is important to know that it is permissible to save on the design and equipment of the travel agency's office, premises for the staff of the travel company and visitors, but in no case should you save on the professionalism of the manager. The scope of duties of this specialist is quite wide: negotiations with the partners of the firm and with its potential clients, registration and booking of tours, control of orders. They monitor how prices for organizing tours rise or fall, in which direction the requirements for paperwork are changing, analyze specific examples of advertising for enterprises in the field of tourism and service, build relationships between the travel agency and tour operators. These people are familiar with all the major tourist destinations by seasons and they know how to help the client make the right choice.

In the struggle for a great manager, businessmen resort to different ways... Some travel agency owners create special questionnaires for travel company managers, relying on their instincts, while others try to lure experienced specialists from other agencies, offering these travel company employees a higher salary.

But there are still others - those who rely on a professional example of a business plan for opening a travel agency with ready-made calculations, in which special attention is paid to the selection of personnel. This document describes in detail the features of the implementation of a tourist product by travel agencies, explains how to competently draw up an agency agreement and a contract in the tourism business and how the operator structure of tourism differs from the agency structure. What should be the responsibilities of an accountant and a manager of a travel company - you just have to look into a professional business plan and all the questions will disappear by themselves.

Dear website visitors, below you can familiarize yourself with an example of a travel agency business plan with economic calculations. This sample was prepared by specialists with extensive experience in drawing up similar projects, and the calculations were made in software product Excel. Thanks to this, you can use given sample document and calculations for drawing up your document for delivery as a student work, and to receive money from credit institutions or from an investor.


Purpose: opening a travel agency in the city of Orenburg.

Objectives: opening a travel agency targeted at people with average incomes and people with higher than average incomes.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is a person who previously worked as a manager in a travel agency and knows how to work in it, operators with whom it will be possible to work. The decision to open your own travel agency is associated with the desire to work for yourself and receive more income than when working as a manager in this area. To attract customers, in addition to marketing activities, travel operators will be selected, verified in the course of work by an employee who have high quality services provided and low prices.

Investment costs

The amount of investment costs is 965,500 rubles: 557,500 thousand rubles of credit funds and 433 thousand of own funds, which are invested during the period of unprofitable activities (to maintain activities until the enterprise reaches the break-even point). The loan will be taken from the bank at 17% per annum for five years and the attraction of guarantors.

Investment costs include:

  • Registration of a limited liability company with opening an account and creating a seal - 18 thousand rubles;
  • Conclusion of a lease agreement and payment of a security deposit - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Premises decoration - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Registration of the entrance (sign, banner) - 55 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment and office equipment, delivery, assembly and installation - 64 thousand rubles;
  • Creation of an advertising site - 15 thousand rubles.

In general, the investment will amount to 222 thousand rubles. The rest of the funds will be used to support the business in the initial period.

The office will be rented near the center, it will have a renovation and a separate entrance, which reduces the cost of renovation and decoration of the premises for work.

Financing the project

Main quantity Money will go to the decoration of the premises and the acquisition of equipment necessary for work, as well as for maintaining the business in the first time, when the activity has not yet reached 100%, while the costs must be paid. In total, 557.5 thousand rubles of credit will be required, which are taken from the bank at 17% per annum for five years. Own funds to invest 408 thousand.

After all the calculations of the business plan for opening a travel agency, the following performance indicators were obtained:

  • NPV - 3 699 thousand rubles;
  • simple payback period - 1.25 years;
  • discounted payback period - 1.33 years;

Suppliers and contractors

Repair of the premises is not required, you just need to arrange it in accordance with the implementation of tourism activities. Equipment is purchased: two used computers, two multifunctional devices for printing contracts, scanning and photocopying clients' documents.

Equipment, furniture, appliances, their delivery and assembly will be carried out using employees found on the internet.

Appliances and furniture were found on the Internet, which significantly reduced investment costs, while their quality and appearance did not differ from those purchased in the store.


The travel agency will offer its clients the following services:

  • International tours to Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Europe and other countries. A visa is issued for clients, if necessary.
  • Domestic tours to Crimea, Sochi, Altai and other places of interest to clients.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

In order to open a travel agency, you will need 965.5 thousand rubles. Of these, 222 thousand will go to pay investment costs, which look like this:

Name of works / goods / services Quantity Price Price
LLC registration 18 000
Security deposit under the lease agreement 40 000
Room decoration 30 000
Making a sign above the entrance 25 000
Making a banner and decorating the facade at the entrance 30 000
Purchase of equipment and technology: 62 000
Chairs 4 2 500 10 000
Org. technique 1 25 000 25 000
Sofa 1 18 000 18 000
Table 2 3 500 7 000
Coffee table 1 2 000 2 000
Delivery and assembly of furniture and equipment 2 000
Advertising start-up costs: 15 000
Website creation 1 15 000 15 000

Investment work plan

Obtaining a License to open a travel agency is not required, and no special repairs are required. Therefore, it is planned to start activities from the third month in order to start recouping investments. The work schedule will look like this:


The travel agency does not require special repairs and long preparations, the premises will be rented with cosmetic repairs. It is located on the first floor of a residential building located near the city center. A large number of offices and firms allows their employees to contact a travel agency, for example, during lunchtime, which will increase the number of clients.

The premises are 25 square meters, and the offices of other organizations are also located here.

Equipment and furniture

Of the technology, you will need two computers on which managers will work, as well as two multifunctional devices. All equipment was previously in use, which significantly reduced its cost, while the functionality did not suffer. The technique was found on the Internet, delivery was carried out on our own.

From the furniture in the room, there are two managers' tables for the selection of the tour and the execution of the contract. In addition, there is a sofa and a coffee table, so clients can sit comfortably on it and familiarize themselves with the travel agency's offers.

Working hours

The travel agency office will be open from 9.00 to 20.00 on weekdays, from 12.00 to 17.00 on weekends. Such a work schedule is convenient for both working clients who do not have time to visit a travel agency in a standard work time, and for other people who have flexible or shift work work.

Service delivery process

You can find out about the activities of a travel agency from the Internet, where advertising information is located, magazines, as well as directly on the agency's website. You can sign up for a specific time or come to the office at a convenient time, but then there is a possibility that you will have to wait. How is the procedure for providing services:

  1. You explain to the manager if you have certain preferences. For example, you want to visit a certain country, or you are interested in certain type recreation (beach, shopping, etc.), you expect a specific amount.
  2. You are offered an option (or several options), while all the significant points are discussed (what is included in the tour, which hotel, what kind of food, the availability of entertainment). Perhaps, in the process of discussing the proposals, you come to the conclusion that you want something else, then there is further discussion and search for a suitable option.
  3. After you decide on the tour, a Service Agreement is drawn up, its conditions are negotiated, and it is signed.
  4. You pay the amount specified in the Agreement and wait for the date of the tour.
  5. Throughout the entire period from the moment of signing the Agreement until the end of the tour, you can contact the manager and ask questions, report a problem. Throughout you, they will consult you in detail or solve problems related to a tourist trip.

Cost of services

The cost of services directly depends on the amount for the tour, which is declared by the tour operator. The agency's fee is 10% of the tour price. Therefore, the amounts indicated by the operator in the tour price are important. In addition, the cost price includes staff salaries, operating expenses, and loan servicing.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

In Orenburg, as in any other city, there are a lot of travel agencies. Competition is very strong in this area due to the fact that the business has a very low entry threshold. Most important is the agency's visibility and credibility. Therefore, in order to acquire our own circle of clients, the office was chosen in the city center, the location is convenient both for residents of nearby houses and for people working nearby.

To inform about the opening of a travel agency, a website is developed in advance, containing all information about its offers. In addition, the site allows you to select and book a tour online by paying for it by card, submitting an application and attaching scans of documents. You will need to come to the office only to provide the originals and sign the Agreement. In this way, customers' time is significantly saved.

Range of services and prices

Prices in the field of providing services for recreation and tourism were analyzed by the most popular travel agencies that can directly compete with our company:

Our travel agency has every chance to quickly acquire its clientele. At the initial stage after the opening, the most important thing is the awareness of the population. Then word of mouth will additionally work, at this stage it is important that the reviews are positive, the credibility of the agency is high.

Average prices for trips will look like this:

Direction cost, thousand rubles
International tours
Turkey 58 000
Egypt 47 000
Thailand 45 000
Europe 65 000
Other MT 58 000
Domestic tours
Crimea 50 000
Sochi 55 000
Altai 45 000
Other VT 55 000

The cost of a tourist trip will depend on the conditions and type of vacation that the client is interested in. In addition, the agency provides additional services for issuing visas, foreign passports.

The sales structure is supposed to be as follows:

Volume of sales

On average, it is planned to sell tourist vouchers to 37 clients per month, the amount of proceeds will be 1,947 thousand rubles, 10% of which will be the agency's share. Sales are highly dependent on the season in which the activity takes place. The dependence of sales on the month as a percentage is as follows:

In 12 months, after the start of activities, it is planned to reach 100%. The 100% yield schedule will look like this:

SWOT analysis

An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses from a travel agency, which will allow you to correctly assess the prospects and opportunities.


  • Location in the city center;
  • The presence of a large number of offices and multi-storey buildings around;
  • Director's work experience in this area (familiar potential tour operators);
  • Comfortable stay in the office, conclusion of the Agreement;
  • The presence of a client base, accumulated by the director from the previous place of work.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of publicity in the market;
  • The need to entice customers.


  • There are many similar organizations operating in this area, you need to stand out, correctly show your advantages, and gain trust.


  • Expansion of contacts with tour operators;
  • Expansion of the staff as the number of clients increases;
  • Opening of holiday destinations to new countries.

Advertising strategy

In order to spread information about the opening of a travel agency as quickly as possible, the following activities are planned:

  • A website with a convenient and intuitive interface will be created in advance. In addition to searching for the desired tour key indicators(country, number of days, "star rating" of the hotel, type of food, number of vacationers, etc.), it will be possible to book it and draw up a Service Agreement, you will need to come to the office only to sign it at a convenient time.
  • The entrance will be decorated with a large signboard and a banner on the side.
  • Once opened, business cards containing contact information will be printed monthly. They will be distributed to nearby offices and organizations.
  • The initiator will contact an advertising agency that has contacts in magazines and newspapers, where the advertisement will be submitted.
  • The promotion of information via the Internet will be carried out separately: websites of various directions, social networks.

Organizational plan

Business form

The travel agency will be organized in the form of a Society with Limited Liability, which will increase trust, compared to IE. Taxation will be carried out on UTII (15% of the difference between income and expenses) - this is the best option if there are large expenses.

Personnel and staff structure

There will be only three people on the staff of the travel agency. The structure will look like this:

Position Quantity Salary, (rub.) Prize Total
Director 1 20 000 1% of revenue 20 000
Manager 2 15 000 0.5% of sales 30 000
Total 3 50 000

Decided to bind wages directors and managers to sales, which will motivate them to increase.

The organizational structure will look like this:

To avoid overwork, the work schedule will be shiftable, there will always be two people in the office. The director will also deal with sales during the rest of one of the managers.

In addition to entertainment expenses, the director will deal with the order stationery and their delivery. The premises will be cleaned by employees according to the schedule.

Financial plan

The calculation for a travel agency was made for ten years in advance. In this case, the following indicators are used:

  • Annual inflation - 10%;
  • Personal income tax - 13%;
  • Social security contributions - 34.2%;
  • Tax rate - 15% (UTII).

Financing the project

The project will be financed with credit funds. An amount of 2,200 thousand rubles will be required, which can only be taken on the security of existing property. The main expenses will be associated with the purchase of cars.

Payback indicators of the project

Performance indicators for private security company, after carrying out all the calculations, we got the following:

  • NPV - 3 699 thousand rubles;
  • IRR -222%;
  • Increase in prices for tour operators due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate. This situation will lead to an increase in the cost of tours. But, as in the previous point, there will be people who will go to rest. Competition between travel agencies will intensify as the total number of potential customers will decrease. Therefore, it is important for everyone possible ways inform about their activities and cooperate only with trusted operators in order to earn themselves the status of a reliable company.
  • conclusions

    The considered example of a business plan for opening a travel agency with calculations gives good indicators that will be of interest to both banks and private investors.