New Year, Christmas - Presentation templates - Community of mutual assistance of teachers Santa Claus around the world

New Year's presentation New Year, Christmas, Old New Year.

Who doesn't love the holidays? Especially New Years! We remember the enchanting moment when the lights go out and the Christmas tree lights are lit - and the familiar world is transformed into fairy tale, where miracles are about to happen and we will find ourselves in the fabulous land of gnomes, wizards, dragons and castles in the air.

But we grow up and ask ourselves the question: why in Russia can the New Year be celebrated ... three times? Name these three New Years: New Year - January 1; Christmas - January 7; Old New Year - January 14.

Occurrence of Holidays What do you know about the occurrence of these holidays? When and why did they arise? How are they celebrated in Russia?

New Year In the old days in Russia, the pagan New Year was celebrated on March 1, and only in the 15th century did they gradually switch to celebrating the New Year in accordance with church tradition.

Decree of Peter the Great By decree of Peter the Great, since 1700, January 1 became the New Year (thereby approving the European custom of celebrating the New Year).

Decree of Peter the Great: “And as a sign of a good beginning and a new century-old century, in joy to each other, to wish each other a Happy New Year. Along the noble and passable streets at the gates and houses, learn some decoration from the trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper, repair the firing of small cannons and rifles, launch rockets, as many as happen, and light fires. "

Decree of the Tsar On New Year's Eve, Peter himself lit the first rocket on Red Square. Lights were lit along the big streets - bonfires and resin bulls attached to poles. The festivities with bells, cannon firing, trumpets and timpani continued throughout the night. The houses of the residents of the capital were decorated with needles of trees and branches of spruce and pine. Since that time, the custom has been established annually on January 1 to celebrate the New Year and put a Christmas tree in the house.

Nativity of Christ “The holy night reigns over the world, the daily noise of worries has subsided.” An exciting and joyful message is carried over Russia. In all churches they sing: "Thy Christmas, Christ God, lift up the light of reason ..." On January 7, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas.

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Why do Christians revered the holiday of Christmas so much? On this night a new star lit up in the sky, announcing the coming of the Savior of the human race - Jesus Christ. In Russia, on the eve of Christmas, trees were decorated in houses - a symbol of eternal renewing life. A star made of paper or wood was hung on top. She portrayed the gospel star, which showed the Magi the way to the born Jesus.

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B. Pasternak They stood in the shadows, as if in the twilight of a barn, Whispering, hardly choosing words. Suddenly someone in the dark, a little to the left From the manger, pushed the sorcerer away with his hand, And he looked back: from the doorway to the virgin, Like a guest, the star of Christmas was looking.

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Celebrating Christmas in Russia In Russia, the people celebrated Christmas solemnly. On the first day after the service, young people, adults and even elderly people went to “praise Christ.” The children learned chants like this: “Greet the Magi, greet the holy, Christmas has come, we begin the celebration! The star goes with us, sings a prayer. "

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Christian tradition Christmas was preceded by a long (40-day) fast, during which food was limited. On the day before Christmas, nothing was eaten until the first star appeared. In the old days, after her rise, the family gathered for prayer in front of the icons. Then the elder in the house brought in an armful of straw. It was spread out on the table, covered with a tablecloth. In the evening they ate only vegetables and kutya (porridge). The more desirable were the delicacies that the hostesses cooked for the beginning of the festival.

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Christmas delicacies In the north - Russian provinces they made special cookies "roes" in the form of animal figurines. They were made to children or exhibited in windows. In the Nizhny Novgorod province, baked goods from figurines were called "carols", in Ryazan - "oats". In Siberia, they made “cheesecakes” - frozen cottage cheese balls. Such delicacies were put into the bags of the congratulators. They gave gifts not only to slaves, they shared sweets with the poor and the sick.

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Christmas festivities Parishioners invited friends and relatives to Christmas festivities. Both old and young praised the birth of Christ on the streets and crossroads. Children walked home with a painted paper Christmas star and a nativity scene, a cave-shaped box where Jesus was born. This custom appeared in the 16th - 17th centuries. in Little Russia. Children sang about the birth of the savior of the world, adding their own songs - carols. The grown-ups presented little Christos with money and pies.

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On the streets, crowds of mummers danced and sang songs of "playful content." Children swung on swings and skated on boards - the usual holiday fun. The people were especially amused by the buffoons - songwriters, musicians, dancers and puppeteers.

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After New Year's Eve Usually, on the first day after Christmas night, as soon as the parents woke up, young people came to them with requests, the kids were waiting for New Year's gifts.

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Christmas days “Christmastide, that is, holy days - 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany. They are also called holy evenings, perhaps in remembrance of the events of the Nativity and the Baptism of the Savior, which took place at night. The church began to sanctify 12 days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ from ancient times ... Meanwhile, the sanctity of these days and evenings in many places was violated by fortune-telling and other superstitious customs that survived the pagan festivals of the same time of year, "- so popularly explains the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron.

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Svyatki began to celebrate as early as 3 thousand years BC. ancient Sumerians, Chaldeans and Assyrians. The first 12 days at the beginning of the year were accompanied by noisy carnivals and mysteries. And nights on the 8th and 11th day were devoted to fortune-telling. Among the Slavs, such mysteries were called carols. The ritual of these days is playful, but once it was magical in nature, aimed at making bread grow and livestock to breed, so that there was prosperity in the house, and happiness in the family. Divination was the privilege of women.

V / V / In general, the year will be successful, together with the positive it will burst into the life of Aries with new, non-standard ideas, promising opportunities and bright events. The stars warn Aries that they are likely to lose old friends this year. As charming as new acquaintances seem to you, remember about reliable old friends. Aries

Taurus People born under the sign of Taurus, tired of work and constant worries, in 2015 can hope for significant changes in their lives. The luminaries advise them in 2015 to avoid conflicts with relatives, such problems can lead to great losses.

Gemini Get ready, dear Gemini, in 2015 you will have grandiose plans for the near future, but you should think about them now. In the first half of the year, repairs and home improvement are possible. All representatives of this zodiac sign will have to rethink what kind of person they are.

It is never too late to learn, and most importantly, it will never be superfluous. But it will not do without a number of contradictions, however, from which Cancers will be able to derive a lot of benefit in the form of valuable experience. The time is coming for complete independence and responsibility, which in no case will need to be avoided and feared. Crayfish

Lions For all Lions, a period of unprecedented activity begins, however, the changes compared to the previous two years are minimal. Lions continue to win using their strength and influence. In the year of the Wood Goat, Lions are waiting for stability and debugging of all mechanisms that, for some reason, were previously out of order.

Virgo Virgos in 2015 will finally be able to fully realize themselves. This sign cannot be stopped, you always need to move forward, even if various insurmountable obstacles arise on the way to success. Virgos need to be collected, not trust their colleagues too much. The horoscope promises the possibility of moving to another country or improving living conditions.

Libra will be in the center of events, do not forget that ill-wishers may be nearby. In dating, communication, you need to be choosy, where necessary, to demonstrate your professional skills. You need to listen to your inner voice, not make hasty decisions. scales

Scorpios With corpions, the horoscope for 2015 warns of possible troubles, if you do not think over the consequences of your actions. Success will surely come to Scorpios if you manage to concentrate your professional quality... The most successful months of the year are April, May, September.

Sagittarius Sagittarius need not go too far beyond the established work duties, but adhere to the instructions strictly and in everything. Success, material wealth awaits those who are confident in themselves. The year is good for self-development, self-education and self-realization.

The year 2015 of Capricorns warns that you are like magnets, you will attract dishonest people, blindly trust hypocrites and follow their lead. It will take a long time for Capricorns to separate the wheat from the chaff and understand who is a friend and who is an enemy. Be extremely attentive to new acquaintances, do not open the soul and doors of your house to them Capricorns

The 2015 horoscope for Pisces recommends that you apply all your intuition and business acumen to achieve the best result. Your activity will be noticeable to others and you will be able to draw everyone's attention to your favorite business or project. Fishes

The mighty Bull swam first, but when he brushed himself off to appear before the Buddha in a proper form, he shook his tail, and the Rat flew off the tail, right at the feet of the Buddha. The Tiger lagged slightly behind the bull. Since then, the Tiger and the Bull have always competed with each other.

The competition between the Bull and the Tiger so captured the Buddha that he did not consider what kind of animal sailed in fourth! Or a Cat, or a Hare or a Rabbit. The fifth was the Dragon, the sixth was the Serpent, the seventh was the Horse. Then a strip of fog went down the river, and again it is not clear who was the eighth Goat or Sheep. The Monkey became the ninth in line. The Rooster came running tenth (and maybe the Chicken, who will take them out, wet). The Dog galloped on the eleventh. The Pig was the last to appear (according to other sources, he sent a Pig instead).

Each year has its own characteristics, and the year of the Wood Sheep is no exception. Firstly, the element of the Wood is the most mobile, the most changeable, so the Wood Sheep can quite unexpectedly fight off the herd and end up where momentary desires and aspirations take her. Catching up and holding the Sheep will not be easy, so the best thing is to learn how to change direction as quickly as she does. And keep track of where the wind of change is blowing.

In the year of the Sheep, friendships become important, especially a joint rest at a richly set table. So invite guests more often, share treats with loved ones, discuss light topics without touching on those that may lead to a conflict of interest.

Despite the ambiguity of character, the Sheep is one of the luckiest zodiac animals, since according to Tibetan astrology, the elements of life and good luck are best correlated with it. Fortune will always be with the Sheep, which means that in the coming year you will no doubt be lucky.

The goat is a very clean animal, therefore, it is advisable to clean the house before the holidays to the state of "everything shines!" Take the time to look into the farthest corners of the cabinets, wipe the dust on the topmost bookshelf, remove and wash the curtains, and elegantly display the dishes even in a closed sideboard.

Favorites of the festive feast for the new 2015 Goats vegetables and herbs in any form: salads, grilled vegetables, fresh bunches of any herbs, spicy pickled snacks and so on. The goat does not really like meat and fish, but it is tolerant of the weaknesses of "meat-eaters". Cheese and fresh pastries should be present.

The goat is an original young lady, therefore, for the well-being of the family, she suggests hiding gifts not under the Christmas tree, but under the table. Better in a large wicker basket: intertwined rods emphasize unity, symbolize a request for a strong family, reliable friends, stability in life. What will be in the basket is not very important, although the goat prefers “female” or “wooden” presentations.

Cleanliness, comfort, freedom, taste are the main requirements of the goat for the outfits of guests and owners of the house. Soft flying and laconic classic silhouettes made from natural (cotton, woolen, velor or silk) fabrics. The jewelry is wooden, with matte stones (of course, green or blue shades), original and discreet. And high heel shoes. Men, change your shoes from sneakers and a slap into more decent shoes!

4th grade student

Class teacher: Elvira Rimovna Volobueva

G. Megion KhMAO-Yugra

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The custom of celebrating the New Year originated in Mesopotamia, In Russia, the New Year was officially approved in the 14th century by John Vasilyevich III, its date was September 1. in 1699, Peter I, by his decree, appointed a new date for the celebration of the New Year - January 1,

A bit of history

The star, which many are fortifying at the top of the Christmas tree, is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem that shone over the birthplace of Jesus Christ. the connection between Christmas and New Year is traced.

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New Year's table

  • In Russia: "Olivier" salad, poultry, meat or fish dishes, New Year's tangerines
  • In Romania, these are cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves.
  • in Italy - pork sausage with lentils
  • in Norway - dried cod
  • in China (imagine!) - dumplings
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    Who are you, Santa Claus?

    Name: Santa Claus.

    He is: Grandfather Treskun, Moroz Ivanovich,

    Frost Red Nose (Russia)

    Appearance: a tall man with a snow-white beard. Wears a red or blue fur coat. He has a magic staff in his hands, with which he "freezes".

    Character Earlier, Grandfather was stern. With age, the character of Santa Claus has changed for the better, and now the old man is perceived as a kind wizard with a bag of gifts.

    Age: There are a lot of years for Santa Claus

    Place of residence: Ancient Santa Claus, lived in an ice hut, where one could get, lives in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

    Kind of activity:. he goes to visit on New Year's Eve and the distribution of gifts. True, sometimes it requires the recipient to first recite the rhyme.

    Vehicle: Moves, as a rule, on foot. Travels long distances - in a sleigh pulled by three white horses

    The very first Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas. When he left, he left the poor family who sheltered him with golden apples in a shoe in front of the fireplace.

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    Santa Claus around the world

    Belgium, Austria - Saint Nicholas. .Germany - Weinachtsman. Spain - Papa Noel Italy - Babbo Natale. Kazakhstan - Kolotun Aha ... China - Shan Dan Laozhen.

    Russia - Santa Claus. Romania - Mosh Jarile.

    Serbia - Dada Mraz USA - Santa Claus. Turkey Croatia - Deda Mraz. Uzbekistan - Noel Baba. Finland - Yolupukki. France - Père Noel.

    Czech Republic, Slovakia - Mikulas. Japan - Segatsu-san.

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    New year in Russia

    In Russia, a wish is made at every blow of the chimes. It is believed that these wishes will come true in the New Year. How you celebrate the New Year - such a year will be. For this reason, quarrels and troubles should be avoided on New Year's. it is customary to wear new clothes, associated with the personification of the renewal of the year. there must certainly be money - then the whole year the family will not need it. New Year, as traditionally, was considered the most suitable time for fortune-telling. Interesting customs in other countries

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    Quiz "Do you believe that ..."

    Yes, since 1700, Peter 1 issued a decree to celebrate in the winter months

    2. In Japan, at midnight, the bell starts ringing, which beats 108 times?

    Yes, each ringing "kills" one of the human vices.

    There are only 6 of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy),

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    3. Do you believe that the first New Year's

    the postcard appeared in London?

    Yes, it was mailed by Henry Cole in 1843.

    4. Do you believe that in Mongolia on the New Year it is customary to water each other with compote from


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    5.Do you believe that in Cuba there is such a tradition before the New Year to fill all

    dishes with water, and with the onset of the holiday -

    pour it out of the windows?

    Yes. Before the New Year, people fill their glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they throw it out through the open window onto the street as a sign that the old year has ended happily and sins have been washed away.

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    Do you believe that in China, with the beat of the clock, everyone runs to swim in the sea?

    NO! In China, thousands of lanterns are lit during processions to light the way on New Years. The Chinese believe that the new year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. Sometimes the Chinese seal the windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits.

    Shan Dan Laozhen (China)

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    When the holiday comes

    Nice and wonderful new year!

    May it be bright and beautiful

    Happiness and good luck will bring!

    View all slides

    New Year is one of the most beloved children's holidays celebrated in every school and kindergarten... Teachers with children prepare concerts, scenes, evening scenarios, decorate classrooms, make crafts.

    Features of the New Year presentation

    To create New Year's presentations, we suggest using thematic templates with the image of Christmas trees, lights, gifts, candles, as well as New Year's characters: Santa Claus, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

    Do not be afraid to make your presentation bright, rich in clip art, lights, animation, because the purpose of a festive presentation is to create a festive mood.

    When creating a presentation for New Year and Christmas, they usually use colors: dark green and dark blue, bright red, and the design uses gold, silver, white.

    Festively decorated presentations will create a joyful mood for children and an expectation of a miracle. Christmas backgrounds can be used for create slideshow, presentations to cool hours, parental meetings and even for the registration of letters.

    New year presentation template

    As you know, PowerPoint was created to illustrate reports on the topic of science or business. But now the scope is PowerPoint presentations much wider; they are also loved by teachers. After all, a colorful presentation attracts and retains the child's attention, helps to create the desired mood and allows the use of a variety of illustrative material.

    Presentations are also appropriate during the extracurricular activities... For example, during a matinee dedicated to the New Year, a perky, bright presentation will cheer up, and New Year's songs can be placed on the slides (you can offer to guess them by the "backing track" or sing in chorus), riddles, contests, New Year's quiz questions and fragments of cartoons.

    This section contains beautiful templates with New Year's design. This development will help you quickly prepare a festive presentation without spending too much time on layout design. You can download templates at any time; it's fast, easy and free. Happy New Year and pleasant creativity!

    Download templates, share with colleagues and make your students happy.

    Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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    It is difficult to find a person who would not love the New Year. From early childhood, the New Year is the most beloved, homely and warm holiday for each of us. Meanwhile, everything has its beginning.

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    Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year come from? The history of this wonderful holiday dates back at least 25 centuries. This custom was first born in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia). Here, as well as in the lower valley of the Nile at the end of the 4th millennium BC, civilization was born for the first time. It was here, according to scientists, that for the first time (in the third millennium) they began to celebrate the New Year.

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    During the excavation of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel on which was written: "The beginning of the new year." In ancient Egypt, the New Year was celebrated during the flooding of the Nile River (around the end of September). The Nile spill was very important because it was only thanks to him that grain grew in the dry desert. In the New Year, statues of the god Amun, his wife, the sky goddess Mut, and his son, the moon god Khonsu, were placed in a boat. The boat sailed along the Nile for a month, which was accompanied by singing, dancing and fun. Then the statues were brought back to the temple. Amon Khonsu Mut Ancient Egypt

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    Ancient Rome For a long time, the Romans celebrated the New Year in early March, until Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar (now called Julian). Thus, the first day of January became the date of the New Year. The month of January was named after the Roman god Janus (two-faced). One face of Janus was supposedly turned back to the last year, the other - forward to the new. The celebration of the New Year was called "kalends". During the holiday, people decorated houses and gave each other gifts and coins with the image of the two-faced Janus; the slaves and their owners ate and rejoiced together. The Romans made gifts to the emperor. At first this happened voluntarily, but over time, the emperors began to demand gifts for the New Year. Two-faced Janus

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    The Celts, the inhabitants of Gaul (the territory of modern France and parts of England) celebrated the new year at the end of October. The festival was called Samhain from "summer" s end. On New Years, the Celts decorated their dwellings with mistletoe to drive out ghosts. They believed that it was on New Years that the spirits of the dead were alive. New Years Celts The Celts inherited many Roman traditions. including the demand for New Year's gifts from the subjects. Usually jewelry and gold. Several centuries later, thanks to this tradition, Queen Elizabeth I amassed a huge collection of embroidered and jeweled gloves.

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    New Year in Russia In Russia, New Year was celebrated on March 1. In the XIV century, the Moscow Church Council decided to consider September 1 as the beginning of the New Year according to the Greek calendar. The last time the New Year on September 1 was celebrated in Russia with royal splendor in 1698. Dressing everyone with an apple, the king calling everyone a brother, congratulated everyone on the New Year, on new happiness. In 1699, Peter I, returning from a trip to Europe, by a special decree, commanded "to count the summers from January 1," January.

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    ... And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, wish each other a Happy New Year, wishing well-being in matters and prosperity in the family. In honor of the New Year, decorate with fir trees, amuse children, ride on sleds from the mountains. And adults do not commit drunkenness and massacre - there are enough other days for that. "

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    This is how the New Year came to us, with Christmas tree decorations, lights, bonfires (which Peter ordered to be arranged at nights from January 1 to 7 by lighting resin barrels), the creak of snow in the cold, winter children's fun - sledges, skis, skates, snow women, Santa Claus, gifts ...

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    I must say that the new New Year's customs took root among the Slavs pretty quickly, because earlier at that time there was another Christmas holiday. And many old rituals, merry carnivals, tricks of mummers, sleigh rides, midnight fortune-telling and round dances around the Christmas tree - fit well into the ritual of celebrating the New Year.

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    HISTORY OF THE NEW YEAR TREE A tree - an integral attribute of winter holidays - also arrived in Russia along with Peter's reforms. However, the arriving "stranger", though not immediately, but took root in the Russian land firmly - as if it had always grown here: from the branches that decorated the houses, a luxurious tree in a festive dress grew.

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    By the middle of the 19th century, the winter beauty became familiar to the townspeople, although in the villages such an "ancient folk custom" was not yet known. But this tree was not yet New Year's - it was called Christmas and was decorated with toys, treats intended as a gift for guests, and candles, and its crown was crowned with an eight-pointed Christmas star - silver or gold. In Russian Orthodoxy, a tradition arose to decorate churches with coniferous branches on Christmastide days (from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany), the tree itself became the prototype of the tree of paradise with the fruits of knowledge and the Tree of the Cross, and evergreen needles - a symbol of immortality. However, not everyone remembered about the symbolic side, and adults at Christmastime entertainments sometimes behaved worse than children ...

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    The prototype of the modern Santa Claus was a very real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. He was a very kind person, and after his death, Nicholas was declared a saint for his good deeds. But in the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of the Church of St. Nicholas were outraged. History made so much noise that Nicholas became an object of veneration and worship by Christians from around the world. In the Middle Ages, a custom was established: On Nikolin's day, December 19, to give gifts to children, just as the Saint did. After the introduction of the new calendar, the Saint began to come to the children at Christmas, and only then on the New Year. In England and America - this kind saint is called Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas). Father Frost

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    The ancestor of our dear Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, Moroz, Studenets. More often Frost preferred to amuse himself, crunching with snow, tapping on the walls of houses, making travelers tremble from the cold (he especially loved to freeze those who sit in the sleigh, wrapped in a fur coat, and those who ran on foot or waved an ax were not given to Frost so easily) ... This is how Moroz appears in the literature of the 19th century. - "Frost Red Nose" by Nekrasov and old man Frost in Ostrovsky's "Snow Maiden". When Russia began to celebrate the New Year, an old grandfather with a beard and felt boots began to appear in houses. But then Santa Claus was not cheerful and good-natured. He had a sack in one hand and a stick in the other. Of course, he gave gifts, but only to smart and obedient children, the rest got good with a stick. But the years passed, and Santa Claus grew wiser and old, stopped giving out cuffs, and simply intimidated naughty children with terrible tales.

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    The traditional costume of Santa Claus did not appear immediately either. At first he was portrayed in a cloak. Santa Claus skillfully cleaned chimneys through which he threw gifts to children.

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    But at the end of the 19th century, he was dressed in a red fur coat trimmed with fur. What is he like now? A bit harsh in appearance. He wears a long fur coat and a high hat, with a beard, a staff and a bag with gifts in his hands. And the name "grandfather" is not just that, but because he has a granddaughter. Only our Santa Claus has a granddaughter Snegurochka and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. She appeared in 1873 and at first was called not the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but a daughter. This happened thanks to the play by Alexander Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden", which he created on the basis of folk tale about a girl sculpted out of snow and melted by the warm sun's rays. Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl (not a girl), dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbols. Her headdress is an eight-pointed crown embroidered with silver and pearls.