World apple day in the library. Extracurricular event "apple holiday". Greeting song "Hello, palms!"

Scenario of an extracurricular activity " Apple day »

prepared and conducted by Spirina Nadezhda Yurievna


    Stimulate cognitive and practical interest in the subject;

    to deepen the knowledge of students in the field of apple culture.



    expand students' knowledge of apple culture;

    correction of speech and visual activity.


    development of initiative and creativity, the ability to select the most important, essential from the general flow of information;

    with Improve knowledge of public speaking.


    contribute to the consolidation of a friendly student team;

    foster a culture of communication, the ability to work in a group and individually;

    education of aesthetic taste.


Slide number 1 (screensaver)

I ... Bim - Bom - telebom! How beautiful everything around!

Bom - Bim - well, let's play! Well, let's play naughty!

Together: Good afternoon we say to you!

Boom: We are very glad to see you!

Bam: Games - we have jokes!

Bim : And to argue the case,

Boom: We need to get acquainted!

Bohm: My name is BOM, from me everything is tumbling!

Bim : And I am BIM, we play with me and are naughty!

Bohm: Today we invite everyone to the holiday!

Bim : Eh, let's dance, play!


And here is a funny riddle for you,

Her answer is very sweet.

Starts with "I" and ends with "I"

And on every branch, kids, kids, too, with the letter "I".Children answer.

Bohm : Right! This is an apple tree, and the kids are apples.


I declare the festival of apples

Ripe, juicy, liquid,

That ripens on the branches.

Who among us does not love them!

Bohm :

Just before you start

This holiday, for us guys,

Autumn call us together

We need to visit you as soon as possible!


Oh, have to shout

Amicably everyone, yes loudly, in unison.

And then, hearing us,

She will appear immediately.


Autumn! We are waiting for you! (Autumn melody sounds, Autumn enters.)

II ... Autumn:

Who bothered me

Torn away from important matters?

Bohm :

The apple harvest is ripe!


Well, we will celebrate a holiday,

Red apple to dignify!

Did you know thatOctober 21 - World Day of Apples! It is celebrated in many countries around the world.

In Russia, the apple was especially revered. One of the greatest Christian summer holidays is calledApple savior ... It is celebrated19 August. On this day, ripe fruits are illuminated in the church. According to legend, having bitten off an apple on this day, you can make a wish and it will definitely come true.

Slide number 2,3,4

(Looking around)

And where are the heroes of the occasion? Where are the apples?


Oh, and we seem to have forgotten to invite them.


Oh how could you forget

And don't you invite the apples?

The apple-tree children are ripe,

And it's boring for them to hang on a branch.


We will do it now

And let's call them to us just in time.

Bim :

Down, apples, hurry up,

Yes, hurry up to our holiday!

III ... Apples run out (3 girls) Slide 5

1.Apples hang from the branches,

They beckon adults and children.

This fruit - all people know -

Rich in vitamins.

2. The apples are ripe! Fruit - harvest!

Collect faster, treat generously!

Juice-filled, crunchy fruits.

The sun is dear, traces of August.

3 we hung on branches, Slide 6

And the sides warmed in the sun,

We were a great success

They poured sweet juice.

4. We are full of ripe juice,

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy - golden

As if poured with honey!

5 . Round, ruddySlide 7

We grow on a branch

Adults also love us

And little kids.

6. We will tell everyone and always:

Our best friends are

Sun, air and water

We can't live without them!


Are our apples good?


Good, so good!

Bim :

The apples are ripe, red, sweet,

The apples are crunchy, with a smooth skin.

IV ... Autumn:

I see the guys are all smart.

Guess my tricky riddles.

Who will name more fairy tales,

Where are we talking about apples?

1. In what fairy tale does an apple tree save children from being chased? (in the fairy tale “Geese - Swans.” The apple tree covered them with its branches, covered the children with its leaves and the geese - the swans flew past).Slide 8

2. From which tale are the following lines?

And to the princess a liquid,

Young, golden

The apple is flying straight ...

It ... full of ripe juice,

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy - golden

As if poured with honey

The seeds are visible through and through ...

(The tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes)Slide 9

3. Listen to the passage and say what the story is called.

“... The girl buried the bones in the ground, watered them every day. And an apple tree grew out of them, but what a! Apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the twigs are bent silver. Whoever goes by - stops, whoever passes close - peers in ... "(" Kroshechka-Khavroshechka ").

Slide 10

V ... Scene "Andryusha"

Girl. Where is the apple, Andryusha?
Boy. I ate an apple for a long time.
Girl. You didn't wash it, looks like it?
Boy. I cleaned the skin from him.
Girl. What a fine fellow you have become!
Boy. I've been like that for a long time.
Girl. And where is the cleaning of cases?
Boy. Ah, cleaning ... ate too.

VI ... Host: But the apples had to be washed before eating! Listen to the Doctor's advice. Slide 11

"An apple a day - and a doctor is not needed", - says the proverb.

    Apples are also rich in vitamin C

Eating one apple a day is enough to protect your body from bacteria and viruses.

    Children can be allowed to chew apple seeds - the best source of iodine.

    An apple removes harmful substances from the body, purifies the blood.

    Perhaps you do not know that apples have become a must-have diet for astronauts. They tolerate cosmic speeds well, remaining intact, while lemons and oranges in the stratosphere "explode", scattering into pieces.

Useful substances - well, just a treasure,

Health is quickly brought into harmony.

Vii ... Leading: The symbol of our holiday is apples. That's whyditties girls, also about apples.

Apple ditties

We are autumn ditties
Let's sing it now for you!

Clap your hands louder

Meet us more cheerfully!

How beautiful everything around

On a golden autumn day

Yellow leaves are flying

There are apples hanging in the garden.

Apples ruddy

Grew up on a branch -

Adults also love them,

Children also love them.

Autumn, Autumn golden,
It's good that you came!
You and apples, you and honey,
You brought bread too!

You guys try

Our harvest is good.

Better than sweet and sour apples

You will not find a treat!
Lida spoke to Kolya:

I'm not mad at you

That you have lost the apple -

The worm missed him for a long time. "

So the thunderstorms died down,

The apples are ripe in the garden,

All the size of an elephant

It is a pity that there is only one apple tree.

Go around the whole world

And there are no tastier apples.

They are full of vitamins -

Everyone has known this for a long time.

There is no tastier ripe apples
The kids know it.
How will we see apples
All at once we shout: "Hurray!"

We sang ditties to you

Sang and tried

Will they give us apples?

We got hungry

VIII . Leading:

And I hope that when you eat an apple, be sure to remember our holiday "Apple Day" and remember all of its healing properties for our body.

IX ... Cartoon "Two Tales" or "Sack of apples".

Thank you for the attention.

The idea of ​​the Day is that the apple is a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic diversity.
Have you already stocked up on apples? After all, today they need to be bought, cooked, and simply eaten. "They love an apple tree for apples. They love a bee for honey." "They love a fruitful apple tree, and a businesslike person." We all know the phrase "rejuvenating apple". Is it really young? The British say: "Eating 1 apple a day, you save on the doctor," and the Russians: "An apple for dinner, and the doctor is not needed." The youth vitamins A and E, which are part of apples, rejuvenate the body. Studies confirm that eating 2 apples a day can bring cholesterol levels back to normal in 2-3 months. Apples normalize blood pressure, strengthen the heart, and supply energy. And many, many other useful properties. In connection with the holiday, I remembered several works of literature, where apples are the heroes of books. Both major and minor. Or simply - like a scent :-).

V. Rasputin "French Lessons"... This is a short story in which an adult recalls his school years, his teacher in French, and the history of your relationship with her. And - the smell of apples, like the end of childhood.
I. Bunin "Antonovskie apples"... Another memory of the recent past. The narrator recalls his Vyselki, which since the time of his grandfather were known in the district as a rich village. And around - apple orchards. Even the house smelled of them. Their scent is forever associated with happiness.
A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes"... The apple acts here as a symbol of evil. Why did the princess trust so much an unfamiliar old woman? Because I could not even imagine that such a familiar, such a beloved apple could be poisoned.
In a German fairy tale "White Snake" the golden apple from the tree of life also bestows love: "They shared the apple of life and ate it together: and her heart was filled with love for him, they lived in serene happiness to the very old age."
Poem by A. Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia". The author recalls the ceremony associated with the Apple Savior, which begins in mid-August. It was from the day of the Savior that it was allowed to eat garden apples. There was a belief that the one who eats the apple before the Savior, the dead children will not receive the apple in paradise.
A. Zhukova "Why Marina Dreamed of Apples".
The plots of the stories included in the book balance on the verge of reality and fairy tales: magic scissors in the hands of a woman hairdresser suddenly change people's fates, guardian angels descend on the roofs of earthly houses to protect their wards, and the developer of a computer game finds himself face to face with a virtual the heroine of this game.
Madonna "Mr. Peabody's Apples". The teacher buys apples, but only pays for them once a week. Only he and the seller knows about it. And the inhabitants of the city do not know. And a rumor spreads that the teacher is a thief. It turns out that the teacher was slandered by a boy who will then have to correct his mistake.
V. Tublin "Golden Apples of Gisperides". This book is about an ordinary Leningrad boy Dimka. One line of the narrative is the inner monologue of this very Dimka, and the other is pieces from Ancient History with the exploits of Hercules and the childhood of Homer, moreover, these two lines of the book are closely related, because it is Dimka who dreams of events from Ancient History. This book is about true friendship and love.
A. Drabkina "Magic Apples" - these are stories about school, about poor and excellent students, about those who fight, and about those who defend the weak. It's fun and a little sad.
V. Suteev "A sack of apples"... My little son's favorite book. A very kind story about a hare who gave away all the apples he collected to the animals he met. In response, the animals did not leave the kind hare and his children without food and covered the hare with a simply gorgeous "clearing :-).

With a blush, gold, liquid,

Orange, yellow-red ...

So fragrant, alive

On a platter - wonderful apples!

One of the main Orthodox holidays is about to come - the Apple Savior. It is believed that this holiday reminds people of the need for spiritual transformation. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is also called the Second, or Apple, Savior. Eating apples before the Transfiguration was considered a great sin. The people call this day the Apple Savior, since it was on August 19 in Russia that it was customary to pick and consecrate apples and other fruits of the new harvest.

The celebration of the Savior of Apple, the Russian folk harvest festival, will be held in the library. Lenin Komsomol (K. Marx st., 21) August 19 at 11 o'clock... A lot of interesting tasks await the participants of the event - riddles, tongue twisters and proverbs with "apple" words, cognitive quiz "The Scarlet Flower", it will be necessary to remember "apple tales".
Everyone will be able to take part in the contests "Apple in a circle", "Floating apple", etc., where it is necessary to show not only ingenuity, but also dexterity. Children will be able to get acquainted with the origins and traditions of celebrating the Apple Savior in Russia, the most important of the three Savior - Honey, Apple and Nut. V creative competition"Apple Kaleidoscope" in a playful way, participants will be able to show their talents and imagination, the ability to draw.

On book exhibition"Nature's generous gift" will be able to learn more about the beneficial properties of apples for our body, as well as find a variety of recipes for dishes from this wonderful fruit and surprise your family and friends. Apple fruits are considered an excellent dietary product due to their nutritional and energetic properties. No wonder the English say: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", which means, eat at least one apple a day and you won't need a doctor. Of course, because apples contain glucose, which is so necessary for the brain to function.

They also contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, sugars, amino acids. Apples are also rich in vitamins C, B2, B6, which is especially abundant in green apples. Like many other fruits, apples contain potassium and zinc. Well, apples surpass many fruits and vegetables in iron content. Iron is the first helper to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. And for a restful sleep, children are advised to drink a glass of milk or eat an apple in the evening.

On Apple Savior, there are their own signs - it is believed that on this day all apples receive magical properties. And if you make a wish on this holiday while eating apples, it will soon come true.

The Apple Savior in Russia has traditionally been widely and popularly celebrated. It was accepted that as many people as possible were treated to apples: relatives, loved ones, friends, and it was also considered a special godly deed to treat deprived people - beggars, poor, orphans, old people - on this day. First, it was necessary to distribute as many apples as possible to everyone in need, and then just try the apples and dishes from them yourself.

On Yablochny Spas, all kinds of apple dishes were prepared - it was believed that whoever could cook a large number of dishes with apples would have a rich harvest year. They baked a pie with apples, made apple jam, came up with all kinds of desserts based on apples - marshmallows, sweets. They brewed apple drinks - cider, compotes, liqueurs.

On Yablochny Spas, the girls communicated with the apple tree so that it would endow them with its freshness and beauty. For this, they had a round dance, and the leaves of the apple tree were woven into wreaths. Hair for density and beauty was combed at sunset with a special apple tree comb.

In the evening, the whole village people went out into the fields and saw off the summer.

According to the weather on Apple Spas, they judged the next January - the same January as the Apple Spas. If the weather was dry on Yablochny Spas, then the autumn is the same, if it rains, then the autumn is wet.

Chizhova - Olga Solozhentseva
Scenario of the event "Apple Day"

Name:« Apple day»


To acquaint children with the history of the appearance apples, to expand the knowledge of children about its beneficial properties, to form moral qualities in children based on folk traditions.


Expand the horizons and vocabulary of students;

To motivate children to participate in the program;

Give every child the opportunity to express themselves;

Create an atmosphere of friendliness and creativity.

awareness of value apples

Foster an understanding of the benefits apples in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, respect for them.

Materials and equipment:

Baskets, apples of different varieties and sizes;

Games "Fold Apple» , knives, plates

"Song about apples» , Barbariki, music for competitions

The form is unusual: educational and entertainment program with elements of research.

Event progress:

Leading. Dear Guys! Today is our event dedicated to one familiar item that lies in my basket, why guess my riddle:

I have something here,

This is something you can eat!

it "something" sweet,

Round and smooth.

I found him in the garden

If I want - I will find more.

I will bring a lot,

I will treat all of you at once!

Leading. Guys, what is this? Of course, these are all of you beloved apples.

I invite you today to apple show

Holiday I declare apples

Ripe, juicy, liquid,

That ripens on the branches.

Who among us does not love them!

Well, we will celebrate the holiday

Red dignify apple!

Did you know that October 21 - World Day of Apples! It is celebrated in many countries around the world. This is a holiday of colors, taste, harvest!

History: But as the apple hit our table?

Even in ancient times in the forest, a person drew attention to a low tree, which in spring is covered with milky pink flowers, and by autumn its fruits ripened, were tasty and fragrant. It was wild Apple tree... The man brought it in and planted it in his garden.

Extant images apples on the surviving monuments of ancient Egypt show that Apple tree grown for at least three thousand years.

The game "Collect apples from parts»

Available in 4 cut into pieces apples, they need to be assembled into a whole.

Competition for parents: “Who will name more dishes from apples»

The game "Hedgehog and Apple»

The players stand in a circle and quickly transmit apple to each other... The hedgehog walks around the circle, stops in front of the player, who, as it seems to him, should have at this moment Apple,and says: "Give Apple» ... If this player has Apple, he must give it to the hedgehog and switch roles with him, if not, the game continues.

Competition for children and adults: "Name a fairy tale"

Remember the tales where Apple- the main character.

1. In what fairy tale apple tree saves children from being chased?

- Apple tree, mother, hide me!

Eat my forest apple!

The girl ate it quickly and said thank you. Apple tree she covered it with branches, covered it with sheets ... (Tale "Swan geese")

2. “... The girl buried her bones in the ground, each watered them day... And grew out of them apple tree, yes what! Apples liquid ones hang on it, golden leaves rustle, silver twigs bend. Whoever drives by - stops, whoever passes close - peers ... "

(Fairy tale "Tiny - Khavroshechka")

3. And the king had a magnificent garden, grew in that garden apple tree with golden apples... Someone began to visit the royal garden, golden steal apples.

Sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And as light in the night as in the day.

(Fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")

4. ... and looked

All on Apple... It

Full of ripe juice

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy - golden

It’s like it’s overflowing with honey!

The seeds are visible right through ...

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes")

5. “... The Tsar is very outdated and his eyes have become impoverished, but he heard that there is a garden with extraordinary apples... If the old man eats it Apple, then he will be younger. "

- You tie the horse and go to the garden. You will see apple tree with rejuvenating apples... Three pick apples, but do not take it anymore. (A. Tolstoy "The tale of the rejuvenating apples and living water» )

6. "Rolling apple on a saucer, pouring on silver, and on a silver platter all the cities are visible one by one, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields ... "( "The tale of a silver platter and a liquid apple» )

7. "... And the Crow is all croaks:

Carr! Carr! To all handed out apples, and me at least one gave an apple! The Hare was embarrassed, shook out the last Apple:

Here. The best! Peck your health! " ( "Bag apples» Suteev)

Fun exercise.

Come on, and we will grow apple tree!

1. What we want to grow an apple tree? Show! (stretching, showing with hands)

2. Apple tree grows from the seed. Let's plant a seed in the ground! (sow, slopes)

3. We go to the well for water. Spinning at the well of the gate (right hand and left hand)

4. Bend over and water apple tree.

5. Show which tree will grow? What branches will it spread?

6. It was very small (sit down, and now (reaching up) will be great.

7. The wind has blown - we swing to the right - to the left, but we do not bend or break.

8. So the apples in the garden are ripe, jump up and pick the fruits. (on the right and left legs)

Leading. Ripe apples fall to the ground, and so that they do not disappear, we decided to hold a competition, which is called "Merry Apple»

Contest: "Merry Apple»

Children transmit Apple from hand to hand to the music. Who Apple left in the hands at the end of the music, goes to the center of the hall, there should be 6-8 people)

And now these guys will split into pairs and perform a fun dance for us, which is called that. « Apple»

(a couple of participants dance, holding apple foreheads, stomachs, shoulders. Who drops Apple, drops out of the competition)

Leading: And how good that apples are present in our life! Apples are wonderful fruits, their charm, taste and aroma give us health, beauty, youth, and simply good mood, taste for life!

Let's summarize our meeting and make a delicious fruit salad with our parents.

Leading: Be healthy

Live richly

AND eat apples

Both in the house and in the hut.

Theatrical performance with game elements.

Purpose: To acquaint children with the world holiday - Apple Day, with legends and fairy tales, with the beneficial properties of apples. Create an atmosphere of joy and good mood.



Apple Festival

Target : To acquaint children with the world holiday - Apple Day, with legends and fairy tales, with the beneficial properties of apples. Create an atmosphere of joy and good mood.

Event type : a theatrical performance with game elements.


Clowns: Bom and Bim


Vasilisa the Wise


Duration- 45 - 55 minutes

Holiday progress:

Dance music sounds melody. Funny buffoons run out. The music gradually fades away.

Bim - Bom - telebom! How beautiful everything around!

Bom - Bim - well, let's play! Well, let's play naughty!

Together: Good afternoon we say to you!

Bohm: We are very glad to see you!

Bim: Games - we have jokes!

Bohm : And to argue the case,

Bim: We need to get acquainted!

Bohm: My name is BOM, from me everything is tumbling!

Bim : And I am BIM, we play with me and are naughty!

Bohm: Today We invite everyone to the holiday!

Bim: Eh, let's dance, let's play!


And here is a funny riddle for you,

Her answer is very sweet.

Starts with "I" and ends with "I"

And on every branch, kids, kids, too, with the letter "I". Children answer.

Bim: Right! This is an apple tree, and the kids are apples.


I declare the festival of apples

Ripe, juicy, liquid,

That ripens on the branches.

Who among us does not love them!


Just before you start

This holiday, for us guys,

Autumn call us together

We need to visit you as soon as possible!


Oh, have to shout

Amicably everyone, yes loudly, in unison.

And then, hearing us,

She will appear immediately.


Autumn! We are waiting for you! An autumn melody sounds, Autumn enters.


Who bothered me

Torn away from important matters?


The apple harvest is ripe!


Well, we will celebrate the holiday

Red apple to dignify!

Did you know that October 21 - World Day of Apples! It is celebrated in many countries around the world. This is a holiday of colors, taste, harvest!

(Looking around)

And where are the heroes of the occasion? Where are the apples?


Oh, and we seem to have forgotten to invite them.


Oh how could you forget

And don't you invite the apples?

The apple-tree children are ripe,

And it's boring for them to hang on a branch.


We will do it now

And let's call them to us just in time.


Down, apples, hurry up,

Yes, hurry up to our holiday!

The apples are running out, dancing.

1 apple:

We hung on branches

And the sides warmed in the sun,

We were a great success

They poured sweet juice.

2 bull's eye:

We are full of ripe juice,

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy - golden

As if poured with honey!

3 bull's eye:

Round, ruddy

We grow on a branch

Adults also love us

And little kids.

4 bullseye:

We will tell everyone and always:

Our best friends are

Sun, air and water

We can't live without them!


Are our apples good?


Good, so good!


The apples are ripe, red, sweet,

The apples are crunchy, with a smooth skin.


What beautiful, laudatory words Bim came up with for apples: round, sweet, ripe ... And who else will praise our apples? Answer in order.

1 apple:

Everyone needs to answer louder,

2 apple:

The winner is waiting for the award.

3 apple:

Who can answer everyone better

4 apple:

That bull's-eye will get from us!

Game "Vaunted Apple"

fresh, beautiful, tasty, ruddy, golden, large, red-sided, liquid, crispy, aromatic, etc.

The one who praises is rewarded with an apple token.


Many good words have been said about the apple. It is understandable, since everyone loves it: both adults and children. Why do you know?

to me guys, I wonder

What do you know about apples?

Children answer. A token is received for the correct answer.


Well done! That's right! Apples are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Apples are rich in vitamins and are considered the best natural medicine.

“An apple a day - and a doctor is not needed,” says the proverb.

1 apple:

Eating one apple a day is enough to provide your body with natural defenses against bacteria and viruses.

2 apple:

Apples are also rich in vitamin C, but its amount varies depending on the variety, so give preference to "Antonovka" and "Semerenko" - they retain useful substances for several months after harvest. But the imported ones - "Golden Lelichez", "Lobo", "Jonathan", "Jonagold" and others - do not carry practically any nutritional benefit.

3 apple:

For children, apples are especially useful for easily digestible iron. Of course, there is much less of it,

than, for example, in a piece of meat or liver, but it is completely absorbed by the body, Thus, regular consumption of apples is the prevention of anemia in children. Moreover, green apples have a higher iron content than red and yellow counterparts.

4 apple:

Dentists recommend that children eat apples for normal dental growth. Hard fruits give the necessary load on the gums and teeth, which cleans tooth enamel well and prevents bleeding of the gums. However, it should be remembered that fruit acids soften the enamel of the teeth, and the softened enamel can then be easily damaged with a toothbrush. Therefore, brushing your teeth immediately after eating an apple is not recommended.

1 apple:

Children can be allowed to chew apple seeds - the best source of iodine. 3-4 grains provide the body with a daily intake of this most valuable trace element.

2 apple:

An apple removes harmful substances from the body, including toxins, cleanses the blood, improves the functioning of the brain, kidneys, liver and intestines.

3 apple:

Perhaps you do not know that apples have become a must-have diet for astronauts. They tolerate cosmic speeds well, remaining intact, while lemons and oranges in the stratosphere "explode", scattering into pieces.

4 apple:

An apple will prove to be helpful in treating colds and flu. Traditional medicine has long known that warm apple broth or infusion of apple pieces in water (the so-called apple tea) has a beneficial effect on coughs and hoarseness. And the pectin contained in the fruits of the apple tree delays the A.


Useful substances - well, just a treasure,

Health is quickly brought into harmony.


Eat apples - there will be no troubles,

You will live a long time - up to a hundred years.


The apple is nice to crunch.

After all, an apple is not simple,

Ripe, juicy, just golden.

Has a whole chest of vitamins,

Try it, bite off the barrel.

The game "Taste the apple"

Apples are hung by strings. Children are encouraged to bite off their barrel without helping themselves with their hands. Whoever succeeds gets a token.


The apple is not only nice to crunch, but you can also play, pass it to each other in a circle.

Autumn: All get up in a round dance, pass the apple unnoticed!

Game "Hedgehog and Apple"

The players stand in a circle and quickly pass the apple to each other. The hedgehog walks around the circle, stops opposite the player, who, as it seems to him, should have an apple at this moment, and says: "Give me an apple." If this player has an apple, he must give it to the hedgehog and switch roles with him, if not, the game continues.


You already know that apples can be eaten, played with, and also under “ Apple "you can dance.

Dance to the bullseye

  1. Put apples on top of your head. The one who dances for the longest time and keeps the apple on his head gets a token.

They dance to the melody "Apple". The more perky gets the token.


Gloriously you all danced!

Are you tired? Are you tired?

Well, are you ready to carry on,

Test yourself in a difficult competition?

Just before you start

The competition is more difficult

Call Vasilisa the Wise

We must visit as soon as possible!

Children call Vasilisa the Wise. A Russian melody sounds, Vasilisa comes out.

Vasilisa the Wise:

Hello, friends! Here I am!

Came to entertain you, gentlemen!

I see the guys are all smart.

Guess my tricky riddles.

Who will name more fairy tales,

Where are we talking about apples?

Here's the first one:

  1. In what fairy tale does an apple tree save children from being chased? How? (in the fairy tale "Geese - Swans." The apple tree covered them with its branches, covered the children with its leaves and the geese - the swans flew by)
  2. “… The Tsar is very outdated and his eyes have become impoverished, but he heard that there is a garden with extraordinary apples in the thirty-tenth kingdom. If an old man eats this apple, he will rejuvenate. " Tell me guys, what are these apples called? Name a fairy tale. ("The tale of a young man - a daredevil, oh rejuvenating apples and living water ")
  3. What tale are the following lines from?

And to the princess a liquid,

Young, golden

The apple is flying straight ...

It ... full of ripe juice,

So fresh and so fragrant

So rosy - golden

As if poured with honey

The seeds are visible through and through ...

(The tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes)

  1. Name a fairy tale.

And the Crow keeps croaking:

Carr! Carr! He handed out apples to everyone, but he treated me to at least one apple!

The Hare was embarrassed, shook the last apple out of the bag:

Here ... The best! Peck your health!

("A bag of apples" Suteev)

  1. Listen to the passage and state what the tale is called.

“... The girl buried the bones in the ground, watered them every day. And an apple tree grew out of them, but what a! Apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the twigs are bent silver. Whoever goes by - stops, whoever passes close - peers in ... "(" Kroshechka-Khavroshechka ").

What other tales and legends do you know where there are references to apples? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf", "Finist-lamb falcon", "Ivan, the widow's son").

The heroes walk among the guys and distribute tokens to those who gave the correct answer.

Fun exercise.

Bom and Bim are conducting.

Come on, and we will grow an apple tree!

1. What kind of apple tree do we want to grow? Show! (stretching, showing with hands)

2. An apple tree grows from a seed. Let's plant a seed in the ground! (sow, slopes)

3. We go to the well for water. We spin at the well of the gate (with the right hand and the left hand)

4. Bend over and water the apple tree.

5. Show which tree will grow? What branches will it spread?

6. It was very small (to sit down), but now (stretching up) it will be big.

7. The wind has blown - we swing to the right - to the left, but we do not bend or break.

8. So the apples in the garden are ripe, we jump up and pick the fruits. (on the right and left legs)


Take a look at our apple tree. It's hard for her to keep such large apples on the branches!

Let's help her and harvest!

Vasilisa the Wise:

And these apples are not simple.WITH back side apples are written lines that it is desirable for you to learn, remember and explain the meaning. Many legends and myths have been created by different peoples about the apple tree and its fruits, we will try to remember them.

Harvesting game

The guys go up to the tree, pick apples, read the texts and explain the meaning. For the correct answer - a token.

The apple has nowhere to fall(very crowded).

The apple never falls far from the tree(when it comes to bad behavior inherited from parents).

Hit the bull's eye(exactly to guess something or to say correctly about something).

According to legend, in 1307, when the Austrians seized power in Switzerland, a decree was issued that everyone who went to the city had to bow to the viceroy's hat. Wilhelm Tell, who lived in the mountains, went to the city with his seven-year-old son. For failure to comply with the decree, they were threatened with the death penalty. But the governor replaced the execution with a terrible condition: an apple was placed on the head of his son. William Tell had to hit him with an arrow. William Tell knocked down an apple from the head of his son with a bow shot, at which the cruel ruler ordered him to shoot. The ruler himself was killed by the next shot.

Apple of discord (what caused the quarrel).

Once the goddess of discord Erida was not invited to the feast of the gods. Eris decided to take revenge. She took an apple, on which was written "the most beautiful", and quietly threw it between the goddesses Hero, Aphrodite and Athena. The goddesses argued over which of them it should belong. The son of the Trojan king Paris, who was invited to be a judge, gave the apple to Aphrodite, and in gratitude she helped him to kidnap the wife of the Spartan king Helen. Because of this, the Trojan War broke out, which lasted 8 years.

the Forbidden fruit (what cannot be done, taken, etc. - according to the forbidden apple of paradise)

According to the Bible, Adam and Eve lived in a luxurious Garden of Eden. In the center of this garden a wonderful tree grew, the fruits of which, if tasted, revealed all the secrets of the universe to a person, and he became, like God, became all-knowing.

Newton's apple. (It began to mean any event that will push a person unexpectedly to the correct solution to a difficult problem)

Where does this name come from? Once an apple fell from a tree on the great scientist - the English physicist Newton. For the first time it occurred to him that, probably, the earth also attracts absolutely all objects. This incident, according to legend, played a huge role in the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.


Bim - Bom - Telebom!

How smart they are all around!


Can you answer our fun questions?

Fun questions.

1. What does a half of an apple look like? (for the second half)

2. Which apple is not a fruit? (eye, adamovo, the party "Yabloko")

3. What is the front of the apple and the back of the heron? (letter I)

4. What's the worst thing about an apple? (Worm)

5. Who picks apples with his back? (Hedgehog)

6.How many ripe apples can I eat on an empty stomach? (one)

7. Which poet is hiding in an apple? (Block)


Now it's time to play

Show your dexterity!

Hidden under your seat is half an apple (pictured)

You will find your other half

Collect a whole apple

Find out what it is called.

Game "Find your soul mate"

Summer: medovka, Moscow pear, papier, White filling

Autumn: anise, bessemyanka, tambovskoe, zhigulevskoe, melba

Winter: antonovka, reneth, hero, pepin, saved


That's how many apples we have harvested! There are so many! Here are summer, autumn, and winter varieties ...

Divide into 3 groups depending on the ripening period of the fruit. There is a clue on the apples.

Vasilisa the Wise:

Well done, guys, they coped with the task, showed their wisdom. Just what do we need now

to do with apples?

Apples can be dried

And in winter, put in a compote!

Apples can be chopped

And get delicious juice from it!

And what a lovely apple pie!

You can bake apples in the oven,

And put nuts and honey in the middle!

That will be yummy!


Yes, eat an apple,

Recover health!

Vasilisa the Wise:

So be healthy

Live richly.

And eat the apples

Both in the house and in the hut.


At your dacha,

In our village

Let them bloom

The gardens are even more beautiful.


Let them be in the little gardens

Apples are sweet.

And let it be in life

Everything is always smooth for you.


More to wish you

It's not too far:

May everyone have an apple a day

To get it!


Let's summarize ... Count how many tokens have you earned?

Vasilisa the Wise:

Here are our winners! Miss Bullseye - ..., Mister Bullseye - ...

Medals are handed over.