Children's and Youth Library of Anapa - Virtual book exhibitions. Creation of virtual book exhibitions Exhibition of electronic publications in the library

Central Banking System of Avtozavodsky District of Nizhny Novgorod. Creating and using electronic exhibitions in the library

Karzanova, A. Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library / A. Karzanova // Panorama of library experience. - Minsk, 2012 .-- S. 80-93. - (Library suggests).

Examples of virtual exhibitions:

Children's and Youth Library, the resort town of Anapa. Virtual book exhibitions

Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library

The objects of innovation in the library are both technological processes and products and services. The use of multimedia technologies allows introducing innovations into the traditional activity of the library - exhibition. What is an electronic book fair?

Electronic exhibitions (virtual) is a synthesis of the traditional book and the latest electronic methods of presenting information. The virtual exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an actual guide in an extensive flow of information. The virtual exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an actual guide in an extensive flow of information. The concept of "virtual book exhibition" is understood as a presentation of books in electronic format PowerPoint, and an electronic exhibition of fully digitized publications, and complete digital author's collections of works.

With the ability to organize permanent exhibitions, libraries can create cycles of virtual book exhibitions that run concurrently.

Using the power of hypertext allows you to focus on each book. Note that moving around the exhibition using hyperlinks requires active participation from the user; the user has the opportunity to ignore the sections that do not meet his interests, and more deeply get acquainted with the publications of interest to him. For organizers, hypertext links allow organizing the space of the website in such a way that the user can at any time get an idea of ​​the exhibition as a whole and of each book shown in the exhibition.

An electronic library exhibition can be created in the PowerPoint format - an electronic presentation. Currently, this format is widely used by us. The opportunities provided by this program allow you to create electronic exhibitions of literature, where the first slide represents the entire set of exhibited publications, and all subsequent ones - individual publications or authors.

The main elements that make up an electronic exhibition are visuals and text.

The visual range is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.).

The text that accompanies and reveals the visual row consists of citations, annotations, biographical references and bibliographic descriptions.

Conditions for visual comfort:

  • the brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;
  • the contrast of the image relative to the background must be chosen taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;
  • the size of the symbol should be consistent with the person's visual acuity. It also affects the speed and correctness of information perception, the visual sensation rises and falls within 0.5 seconds.

When using animation effects in text fragments, it should be borne in mind that an electronic library exhibition can be realized in two modes: a free demonstration mode and a demonstration controlled by the user. These modes assume different viewing times.

It is more expedient to use animation effects in relation to the whole text or to its large fragments. The appearance of the text on the principle of "typewriter" - by letter - slows down the viewing time of the exhibition and, if the text is large enough, tires the eyesight.

When using traditional (static) drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right image scale. The size of the parts must match the screen resolution and human visual acuity.

Electronic submission of information assumes careful handling of the color gamut.When choosing a color, experts recommend that you be guided by the following principles:

  • red and blue are the most eye-catching colors;
  • however, the blue color is of little use for painting small graphic objects that require maximum image clarity; for these purposes, the colors yellow-green, yellow and orange are used, and the blue color is used to accentuate the background for the highlighted graphic elements;
  • it is advisable to use color rather than light (brightness) contrast;
  • dark purple, dark green, lemon yellow, yellow green and pale pink shades and combinations cause negative reactions and should be used with great care

Electronic exhibitions for children also have their own specifics. The possibility of using not only animation, but also game moments makes this form of work especially attractive for children and adolescents. An exhibition in a library for children can contain a literary quiz, which will make full use of the potential of information technology.

There are various models of electronic exhibitions:

  • exhibition question;
  • exhibition quote;
  • exhibition-chronicle;
  • exhibition quiz;
  • exhibition crossword;
  • exhibition-illustration.

Their basis is still the same - a set of bibliographic descriptions, illustrative material.

The virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities, namely:

  1. The use of information technology. The very "participation" of the computer in the conversation, the presence of the heroes of the books on the monitor screen, animation - all this is very pleasant not only for children, but also for adults. Perception through the computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, with the use of game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Taking the book as a basis, creating electronic resources for children, you can not only provide quick access to the user to materials and information about documents, but also present the value of the book at a new level of understanding.
  2. The exhibition is designed for a different audience. And one person and a large group of readers can get acquainted with the books either on their own or at an event with a librarian. And if you present it on the Internet, everyone will be able to get acquainted. The use of electronic exhibitions makes it possible for librarians to communicate with readers remotely, without being tied to the inevitable formalities in service.
  3. A large number of books can be presented for review.
  4. At any time, in a matter of minutes, you can change slides and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, vary the color scheme, or the general design.
  5. The work of such an exhibition can be launched in automatic mode, equipping it with a voiced text and demonstrating it without special support.
  6. Possibility of developing electronic exhibitions as offsite. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in different educational institutions, audiences, offices, classrooms.
  7. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

In the book "Exhibition activities of public libraries" N.V. Zbarovskaya gives an algorithm for the preparation and organization of electronic book exhibitions:

  1. Development of a model for an electronic book exhibition:
    • choose a topic for your electronic exhibition;
    • analyze what material you will need for
    • organization of the exhibition;
    • select the books and illustrations you need;
    • chart the show.
  2. Technical preparation of the project:
    scan illustrations, prepare text materials;
    create a separate folder on disk where your preliminary materials will be stored.
  3. Presentation of works in PowerPoint format:
    create 6-10 presentation slides yourself or using templates;
    illustrate the slides using prepared materials, as well as animation effects;
    preview the exhibition;
    correct the shortcomings you noticed;
    prepare your e-exhibition for display.

On the basis of the material of any exhibition, you can develop its electronic version. Thus, the exhibition will take the form of a computer presentation.

Thus, an electronic (virtual) exhibition is a new type of information and library services for users. It is mobile, compact, meaningful, is an up-to-date guide in an extensive flow of information and allows libraries to keep pace with the times.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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"A library exhibition is not just a collection of books that have found themselves together due to a number of random circumstances, but a meaningful creation designed to arouse purposeful intellectual activity in the reader." exposition is a creative flight for the librarian, which gives readers a wonderful world filled with exciting events and discoveries. Among the main requirements for exhibition work are comfort, clarity, accessibility and efficiency. the reader according to the form and principles of presentation of the material, while it is necessary to take into account such a requirement as the unity of form and content.

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“... First, we are obliged to do everything in our power to help create the infrastructure environment necessary for normal cultural development, and above all in the Russian provinces. To small towns, settlements, villages - where there are no modern concert halls, large libraries, theater and exhibition centers - it is necessary to actively promote information technology. They should become the basis for modernization in the field of culture. With their help, access to cultural values ​​will open for millions of our fellow citizens and, what is especially important, for young people ... "Message from the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly Russian Federation

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"To choose books for your own and other people's reading, not only science, but also art" N. A. Rubakin "Electronic exhibitions are an actual product of library activity. They are the response of libraries to entering the open information space, are based on the use of multimedia and telecommunication technologies, allow to form and maintain the image of the library, contribute to the development and improvement of library services. "

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The first virtual exhibitions were an element of a large project of Internet resources of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, the purpose of which was to promote Russian entrepreneurs, as well as their goods and services via the Internet to new markets. The virtual exhibition stand was a mini-site that provides extended text information in Russian and English about enterprises and organizations, their products and services, commercial offers, the latest achievements and successes, as well as graphic and video materials. This new form provided a number of advantages and practically unlimited access to information for all interested users. Later, this form of information presentation began to be practiced in various fields of activity, including library practice.

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"The library area is constantly evolving, embracing new technologies and adapting them in accordance with changing expectations, and it will undoubtedly continue to do so" P. Miller What is the subject of a virtual book exhibition? Who is the user of a virtual book exhibition? ?

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"... Sometimes it is useful to look at a purely professional problem of a library exhibition from the outside, from the standpoint of a different profession - a designer or a theater director. After all, the task of creating a single, harmoniously integral work of art with the help of the creative organization of all its elements, the director's essence, should be set before oneself and librarians working on the exhibition "S. G. Matlin Virtual book exhibition is an on-line service for the remote reader, i.e. a reader who did not come to the library, but uses our services remotely, and, therefore, wants to receive a certain information service without leaving your computer.

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Traditional book exhibition Virtual book exhibition 1. Popularizes the library fund 1. Popularizes the book fund 2. Suggests interest in the topic 2. Suggests interest in the topic 3. Presents certain books 3. Presents certain books 4. Gives an opportunity to devise familiarize yourself with the books presented at the exhibition 4. ---- 5. Gives the opportunity to take these books for work directly from the exhibition 5. ----- 6. ----- 6. Gives the opportunity to refer to other Internet resources on the topic 7. ----- 7. It has the ability to provide additional information about the document in text mode: which library to get, where to buy, it is possible to receive an electronic copy, etc.

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“The exhibition is a social, cultural, scientific event for readers and at the same time a professional holiday for librarians, therefore it is a unique, extraordinary, one-time phenomenon” OP Zykov What are the advantages of virtual exhibitions and what opportunities do they provide to librarians and readers?

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Advantages of virtual book exhibitions First of all, the opportunity to present publications without taking them off the shelf. Provide users with the books shown at the exhibition, and not limit the lifetime of the exhibition. 1. use of information technology. Perception through the computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, with the use of game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic; 2. the use of the INTERNET makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely both in large quantities and in the order of individual contact; 3. mass character. More books can be displayed; 4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme, or the general design; 5. autonomy. The work of the exhibition can be launched in automatic mode, equipping it with a voiced text and demonstrating it without special support; 6. mobility. Most often, electronic exhibitions are developed (organized) as offsite. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in different educational institutions, classrooms, classrooms, classrooms; 7. efficiency. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

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Restrictions on the use of a virtual exhibition 1. Creation and viewing of EKV requires a computer. Not every PC meets the requirements for viewing an exhibition. 2. Not every library user has the necessary skills to familiarize himself with EKV. 3. In case of technical problems, presentation of the exhibition and its viewing becomes impossible. 4. The producer of the book exhibition must have the necessary computer skills and artistic taste.

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What is a virtual exhibition and what should it look like in a library? A virtual book exhibition is a public demonstration on the Internet using the means of web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized works of print and other media, as well as public electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

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The structure of the virtual exhibition consists of sections, accompanied by quotes, introductory articles, illustrative material, etc.

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The exhibition should be user-friendly in the web space, and may contain the following types of information: Data on editions - visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.) - bibliographic data (bibliographic record + fund ciphers library representing the exhibition) - analytical information (annotations, abstracts for publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.) - digitized parts of the book (chapters, the most interesting extracts, etc.) - links or full texts of the book, if available in the library or on the Internet

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Additional materials on the topic of the exhibition, links to Internet resources existing on the network (biographies, critical articles, reviews, reviews, thematic sites) information about the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc. images: portraits, illustrations, photographs of a thematic nature

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Additional information provided by the creators of the exhibition and information about the additional service biographical, bibliographic, encyclopedic information on the subject of the exhibition (biographies of authors and other persons, bibliographic lists, historical information, etc.) , EDD.

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Traditional, conservative form - the image of book covers and annotations of editions in the format of the Ms. Word document catalog, which has hyperlinks with lists of references by section, is full of quizzes, contests, games ... exhibitions. mini-site - much attention is paid not only to the traditional library methods of disclosing information about the book, but the possibilities of the virtual space to attract additional types information (digitized book excerpts, reviews, reviews, interactive links, etc.).

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In what format can an electronic exhibition be created? Learn how to create more complex virtual book exhibitions using the services OpenClass9 and Google, you will be helped by the Master class, which is conducted by Verzhanskaya V.I. and Glukhova A.S. To get acquainted, just follow the link:

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Virtual book exhibitions of the Children's Library. V.N. Orlov (; "To the mentors who kept our youth ..." virtual book exhibition of the Scientific Library of the Ural State University ( The cycle of book exhibitions "The Universe in Alphabetical Order", presented on the website of the Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library ( in the section "Electronic Exhibitions"; Virtual book exhibitions organized by the Fundamental Library. Empress Maria Feodorovna of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen (; Virtual visits to exhibitions of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" (; The Tretyakov Gallery project dedicated to the work of M. Vrubel (; Virtual exhibitions of the State Museum of Architecture. A.V. Shchusev (

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We also invite you to familiarize yourself with examples of the development of a virtual book exhibition of the Luhansk OUNB: And with the most interesting virtual book exhibitions on the websites of libraries Virtual exhibitions of the Rivne OUNB http: // Virtual exhibitions of the Nikolaev city library for children / vystav / index.htm Virtual exhibitions of the State Youth Library of the Republic of Buryatia

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1. Batygyan, T. Our credo: there are no questions without answers: effective forms and methods of working with a youth audience as a reflection of the new possibilities of library and information centers / T. Batygyan // Bibliopole. - 2009. - N 3. - S. 20-26. 2. Berkutova, L. Internet in library work: technologies and methods of use / L. Berkutova, E. Pankova [ Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode:, free. 3Vinogradova, EB About how a "minute" turned into an "hour": new forms of work of the Moscow media library / EB Vinogradova // Media library and the world. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 17-20. 4. Vyatkina, V.V. Methods of figurative-dialogue exhibition work in libraries for children [Text] / VV Vyatkina // School library. - 2006. - No. 2. - S. 77-81. 5. Golman, O. Yu. Non-traditional exhibitions [Text] / O. Yu. Golman // New library. - 2006. - No. 1. - S. 21-24. 6. Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in the modern library environment [Text] / author-comp. EAT. Zueva. - M .: RShBA, 2008 .-- 336 p. 7. Zhabko E. D. Internet as a medium of virtual communication / E.D. Zhabko // Library Science. - 2003.- No. 4. - P.45-50. 8. Zbarovskaya, N.V. Exhibition activity of public libraries [Text] / N.V. Zbarovskaya. - M .: Professiya, 2004. - S. 118-128. 9.Zbarovskaya, N.V. Virtual assistants / N.V. Zbarovskaya // Library. - 2003. - No. 10. - P. 45 - 47. 10. Matlina, S.G. Book exhibitions - ordinary and unusual [Text] / S.G. Matlina. - M .: Chistye Prudy, 2008. - (Library "First September". Series "Library at school". Issue 19).

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11. Meshkova, N.O. Virtual reality of one exhibition [Text] / N.О. Meshkova // Young in librarianship. - 2004. - No. 5-6. - S. 108-110. 12. Poroschay, N. S. "And every reader is like a secret ..." / N. S. Poroschay // New library. - 2008. - N 9. - S. 25-29. 13.Pantyukhova, T.V. Bring the script to life [Text]: methodological material dedicated to the organization of book exhibitions / T. V. Pantyukhova // Reading, learning, playing. - 2007. - No. 7. - S. 79-83. 14. Rozenson, IA Fundamentals of design theory: a textbook for universities: for university students studying in the specialty "Applied Informatics (by region)" and other economic specialties / IA Rozenson. - St. Petersburg [and others]: Peter, 2010. - S. 143-193. 15. Rzhevskaya, E. Formation of an information environment for children and adolescents [Text] / E. Rzhevskaya // Library Science. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 41-42. 16 .. Ryabykin, N. Work not for show: bibliographic information, technology and methods of book exhibitions [Text] / N. Ryabykin // Library. - 2006. - No. 10. - S. 49-50. 17. Savina, I.A. Bibliographic description of the document [Text]: textbook. Method. recommendations / I.A. Savina; ed. N.B. Zinovieva. - SPb. : Profession, 2006 .-- 272 p. 18. Savkina, Svetlana Vladimirovna. Electronic book exhibitions: consumer properties, preparation technologies / S. V. Savkina // Library business. - 2009. - No. 18. - P. 24-29 19. Reference book of the librarian / Under A.N. Vaneev, V.A.Minkina. - SPb., Publishing house "Profession", 2000. - 432p. - (Series "Library") 20.Ushakova, OB Experience of disclosing the fund of the scientific and technical library of the enterprise / OB Ushakova // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2010. - No. 12. - S. 35-41. - Bibliography: p. 40.21. Chizhanova, E.A. Virtual exhibitions: new technologies [Electronic resource] / Е.А. Chizhanov. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode: http: //… files / chiganova! 1422.doc, free

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The presentation was created by L.G. Samarina, head of the school library of the Dmitrievskaya school. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! "You lit a candle. Like lightning a glimpse, In the palms of your hands" Matsuo Basho

What is a "virtual exhibition" and what should it look like in a library?

There is no single answer to this question. Some believe that a virtual exhibition is images of paintings, books, other resources, press releases, information about works and authors. Others that it is a 3D - animated journey with detailed information about authors, artists, bibliography, additional information from other Internet sites. Still others, that this is a synthesis of traditional, book and the latest electronic methods of providing information to the library reader (free form of presentation)

There is no clear definition of what a virtual exhibition is yet, but we can say with a certain degree of confidence that this is a new, multifunctional information resource that provides a wide range of users with the opportunity to increase the efficiency of information search, expand the range of necessary materials (texts, graphics, audio, video, etc. etc.).

In other words, a virtual exhibition is a public demonstration on the Internet using the means of web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized works of print and other media, as well as public electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

The approaches to organizing virtual exhibitions are very diverse: from the already traditional, conservative form - the image of book covers and annotations of publications in the format of the Ms. Word document, to an animated journey into the world of the book. At exhibitions of the latter type, a variety of illustrative, audio, video material, bibliographic lists on the topic, etc. are presented.

The exhibition involves a virtual presentation of publications, revealing their content, as well as access to bibliographic, factual, encyclopedic materials that exist in in electronic format and accessible via the Internet. Using the power of Web design, among other means, is the next step in the evolution of the concept of virtual book exhibitions.

Exhibitions are no longer duplicating traditional book exhibitions displayed in the library, and are created specifically to be presented in an interactive form. Such exhibitions are made as mini - sites, where much attention is paid not only to traditional library methods of disclosing information about a book, but also makes wide use of the possibilities of the virtual space to attract additional types of information.

The advantage of virtual book exhibitions is the ability to present publications without taking them off the shelf. Provide users with the books shown at the exhibition, and not limit the lifetime of the exhibition.

Unlike the traditional one, the virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities:

1. use of information technology. Perception through the computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, with the use of game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic;

2. the use of the Internet makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely both in large quantities and in the order of individual contact;

3. mass character. More books can be displayed;

4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides (frames) and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or the general design;

5. autonomy. The work of the exhibition can be launched in automatic mode, equipping it with a voiced text and demonstrating it without special accompaniment;

6. mobility. Most often, virtual exhibitions are developed (organized) as offsite. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in different educational institutions, classrooms, classrooms, classrooms simply by downloading to a USB flash drive;

7. efficiency. Virtual exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

A virtual book exhibition, unlike a traditional one, is not obliged to consist of sections, which are accompanied by quotations, introductory articles. The exhibition should be user-friendly in the web space and may contain the following information:

Visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book, etc.),

Bibliographic data (bibliographic record and ciphers of the collection of the library representing the exhibition),

Analytical information (annotations, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),

You can also post additional materials:

· Information about the availability of books in other libraries.

There is a certain set of conditions that ensure the visual comfort of the user when working with information in electronic form:

· The brightness of the object must be within reasonable limits;

· The contrast of the image relative to the background must be selected taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;

· The eyes are most sensitive to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;

· The size of the symbol should be consistent with the visual acuity of the person; it also affects the speed and correctness of information perception;

· Since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, you should not overload it with special effects and color variety - the user's attention should not be scattered by distractions. The exception is exhibitions for children who are attracted by the colorfulness and animation effects. But, nevertheless, you need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the viewing time, and therefore perception.

Algorithm for preparing and organizing a virtual book exhibition (using Microsoft PowerPoint as an example):

Table 1


I Development of a model for a book exhibition

Select the theme of the exhibition

Analyze what material you will need to organize the exhibition

Find the illustrations, music, etc. that you need.

Draw up an exhibition scheme

II Technical preparation of the project

Scan illustrations, prepare text, sound and animation materials

Create a separate folder where your pre-production materials will be stored.

III Presentation of works in PowerPoint format

Create presentation slides

Illustrate slides using prepared materials and animation effects

Show preview of the exhibition

Correct any deficiencies you see

Prepare your exhibition for display

IV Presentation or publication of the project on the Internet

Publishing on the Internet

There are quite a number of services that can help in creating virtual exhibitions on their sites. Here are some of them (in most cases, instructions for working with services are presented in English with the possibility of automatic translation into Russian):

1. PhotoPeach. The service is good for creating simple but striking photo exhibitions.

2. BannerSnack. Using this service, you can create a simple and bright book photo exhibition or "bibliobanner", which can be edited at any time. In addition to pictures, videos can be inserted into the banner.

3. Sharesnack. The service allows you to create a voiced exhibition on the work of one writer or on a specific topic. The product is created in a simple way: links to videos from YouTube are inserted into the proposed form.

4. Popplet. The service provides opportunities for creating a more complex and extensive exhibition, even if it is an exhibition of one book. It allows you to create detailed exhibitions with sections, quotes, illustrations. Here you can insert video, audio materials and text in Russian. In addition, the service is ideal for organizing the collective work of readers to create an exhibition. Each of the participants can work on their own section of the exhibition.

5. Playcast. The service allows you to create a small exhibition - a postcard based on a separate work, using text, photographs, music.

6. Calameo. Service for creating an exhibition - books. You can create both individual books and entire virtual bookshelves.

7. Dipity. This service is ideal for creating a chronicle exhibition of the writer's work. Such an exhibition can be supplemented with illustrations, video materials, links, a map, and viewed in four modes to choose from: as a timeline; each event separately; list of events; locations of events specified when creating the map.

8. ZooBurst. Service for creating 3D - books. As an option - joint creation of an exhibition - fairy tales. The ClipArt library is used to insert pictures, but you can upload your own pictures as well.

9. Prezi. A service for creating an exhibition - a presentation of a new generation, in which you can collapse all the material into one picture, and by enlarging one or another slide, focus on a specific text, word, image.

More and more libraries, having mastered the traditional structure of a virtual exhibition, are trying to find new ways to publicly display print works on the Internet in order to disclose their funds. Nowadays, playcasts (see above) and book trailers are becoming popular.

A book trailer is a video - a miniature in free form telling about a book. It includes the brightest and most recognizable moments of the work, visualizes its content. When creating a book trailer, you can use video, or you can get by with illustrations, photographs, scanned spreads of books.

Introducing books to the reader and promoting reading in the global cultural community, book trailers have become a separate distinctive genre that combines literature, visual art and the Internet. Since 2012, the All-Russian Book Trailer Parade Competition has been held annually in Russia, in which libraries also take an active part. So, on the portal “Wiki. SiberiaDa ", created in 2011 by the Novosibirsk Regional Children's Library as a free resource for the collective work of librarians, teachers of local lore, children, adolescents and youth on the creation, placement and preservation of materials from the Siberian region, today, distance learning on the creation of book trailers has been organized.

Virtual book exhibitions are widespread in libraries of all types - regional, municipal, special.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Soviet poet Actor of the Taganka Theater of Drama and Comedy in Moscow. Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich was born in Moscow in 1938, on January 25. He died here on July 25, 1980. This talented person is an outstanding poet of the USSR, as well as an actor and singer, the author of several works in prose, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (posthumously, since 1986). He also received the USSR State Prize (also posthumously, in 1987).

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About the book "Vysotsky" Novikov V. Book of Vl. Novikov is a masterfully written, unadorned story about the life and work of Vladimir Vysotsky, our contemporary, a man whose voice in the 70-80s entered literally every home. From this biography, the reader will learn new details about the life of this restless soul, its ups and downs, passions and ailments. The author does not limit himself to the purely biographical framework of the narrative, thoughtfully analyzing the work of Vysotsky the poet and trying to determine his place in the cultural and historical context of the era.

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Vladimir Vysotsky. Selected Vladimir Vysotsky (2009) The book includes selected poems and songs by the famous Russian poet, bard and actor Vladimir Vysotsky, created in the period from 1960 to 1980. For a wide range of readers ...

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The two-volume book by Vladimir Vysotsky tells us about the bright fate of an extraordinary personality - a poet, a bard, an actor. The publication is structured in chronological order, which gives the reader the opportunity to trace how Vysotsky went his "four quarters of the way." Only "four quarters" ... But he managed to do everything that was destined for him:

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Annotation to the book A new version of the tragedy of Vladimir Vysotsky. A sensational investigation into the death of the great actor and poet. A shocking answer to the most "uncomfortable" and "scandalous" questions: what ruined "Chansonnier All Russia" - lack of official recognition, excessive popular adoration, vodka, heroin? From what worldly litter did his last poems and songs grow, who was his last love, how were the last film roles born, including the unforgettable image of Gleb Zheglov? What made Vysotsky live "to the rupture of the aorta" and for years "stand on the edge", looking into the abyss, playing with death? Why is his behavior so similar to self-destruction, self-immolation, suicide? And is it true that the poet took himself to the grave, and his tragic departure is nothing more than Suicide? No wonder V. Smekhov said: "He died of himself" ...

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Annotation to the book It is impossible to describe in a few lines the complex personality of Vladimir Vysotsky. Indeed, how to tell about a thousand facets of this person? It's like making a list positive qualities and disadvantages! In addition, Vysotsky had many shortcomings at the same time his merits ... for for such an artist who successfully took on everything, the temperament, excessive for a simple actor, was necessary for a singer-performer, and his explosions in everyday life were provoked and, maybe nurtured by the genius of the poet. His incredible energy tired everyone, but it also allowed him to create about 700 poetic works during such a short life. All those around him, not sparing him, enjoyed his generosity, which bordered on extravagance. In the future, experts will begin to talk about Vysotsky the composer, about Vysotsky the tragedian, about Vysotsky the poet and about Vysotsky, a public person, who died prematurely. But all those who want to know who Vysotsky was need ...

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Annotation to the book “Door hinges creak to many, sing to many: Who are you? You are not expected here! ("Sail. Song of Trouble") "The book includes selected poems and songs of the famous Russian poet, bard and actor Vladimir Vysotsky, created in the period from 1960 to 1980.

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Annotation to the book The poet's prose is a unique phenomenon. She lifts the veil of secrecy from the ideas, the inner life of the poet, some character traits. All the more so for a poet like Vladimir Vysotsky, whose life and work were cut short during the heyday of talent. Even the most fastidious book lover will like the book Novel about girls, and this is not surprising, because during the reading there will be a complete immersion, leaving a slight aftertaste. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky created not only a vivid plot that will not let you go to the last page, but also amazing heroes, with whom each reader will go on an unforgettable journey: together with the key characters, you will love, enjoy every moment, experience the most sincere and deep feelings, laugh, learn, comprehend wisdom and enjoy the moment "here and now." Of course, this will be accompanied by intrigues, difficult life twists and turns and difficult tasks that will arise on the way of the main characters, how could we go without it. But there are no unsolvable problems in the world, and the book Novel about girls will be able to prove it.

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I don’t lie with a single letter Annotation to the book Book I don’t lie with a single letter, even the most fastidious book lover, and this is not surprising, because during the reading there will be a complete immersion, leaving a slight aftertaste. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky created not only a vivid plot that will not let you go to the last page, but also amazing heroes, with whom each reader will go on an unforgettable journey: together with the key characters, you will love, enjoy every moment, experience the most sincere and deep feelings, laugh, learn, comprehend wisdom and enjoy the moment "here and now." Of course, this will be accompanied by intrigues, difficult life twists and turns and difficult tasks that will arise on the way of the main characters, how could we go without it. But there are no unsolvable problems in the world, and the book Not a single letter will be able to prove it.

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Save Our Souls Songs. Poems Book Save Our Souls Songs. Even the most fastidious book lover will like the poems, and this is not surprising, because during the reading there will be a complete immersion, leaving a slight aftertaste. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky created not only a vivid plot that will not let you go to the last page, but also amazing heroes, with whom each reader will go on an unforgettable journey: together with the key characters, you will love, enjoy every moment, experience the most sincere and deep feelings, laugh, learn, comprehend wisdom and enjoy the moment "here and now." Of course, this will be accompanied by intrigues, difficult life twists and turns and difficult tasks that will arise on the way of the main characters, how could we go without it.

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On Bolshoy Karetny Annotation to the book In Bolshoy Karetny, on the house where Vladimir Vysotsky's youth passed, there is now a memorial plaque. Nearby on the boulevard is a monument. He himself, with his characteristic irony, would have had a lot of fun about it. He, who left us almost a quarter of a century ago, is more alive than all the current "living legends". This collection begins with the very first songs of Vysotsky, written on Bolshoi Karetny and performed hundreds of times here, in the circle of friends. The book also includes poems from different years.

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Book: Vysotsky Vladimir. Silver strings Annotation to the book We bring to the attention of our readers a collection of poetry by Vladimir Vysotsky. This wonderful poet surprisingly subtly and accurately conveys in his poems thoughts and feelings that worried not only him, but also many people. And over the years they do not lose their relevance, since they speak of eternal spiritual values ​​- love, good and evil, truth and lies, courage and meanness ... Vysotsky's creative path is insultingly short, but unusually rich. Interest in his work does not diminish over the years, he was and remains a truly national poet.

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Annotation to the book Yuri Sushko. Vladimir Vysotsky. "Over the abyss" Who was Vladimir Vysotsky? A genius poet, a bully, a womanizer, an exalted cynic, a gentle romantic, a great performer, an alcoholic and a drug addict, a brilliant artist - who is he? Creative ups and downs, incredible popularity, crazy love, aggression - all stages of his life still cause a lot of controversy. What was the actual relationship with Marina Vlady? What is the reason for breaking up with first wife Iza? Who were his real friends, and who were his enemies and traitors? Is his death really accidental, or ...? He alone was responsible for all. He didn't lie. His work is close to everyone and at the same time is always very personal ... In this book - sorrows and joys, poetry and love of the poet, actor and just a great man Vladimir Vysotsky.

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Annotation to the book Vladimir Vysotsky and Valery Zolotukhin are undoubtedly the brightest and most distinctive talents from the Taganka constellation of the 60s and 70s. They were stars that shone with their own, not reflected light. They were friends. Vysotsky appreciated Zolotukhin not only as a colleague-actor, but also as a talented writer. "Volodya said today:" When I die, Valery will write a book about me ... "I will write about him, but is it just me? I'll write better. " This is an entry from V. Zolotukhin's diary dated February 11, 1971. He really wrote better. Among the various literature about Vysotsky, the memoirs of Valery Zolotukhin occupy a special place. In his book we meet with the living, unthinkable Vysotsky of the times of his lifetime nationwide popularity. The audience's favorite, starting with Bumbarash and the taiga policeman Serezhkin, was Valery Zolotukhin. The songs of different authors performed by the artist became hits. These diary entries are frozen moments, sincere and honest. Before you is one of best books about Vysotsky, about the legendary "Taganka", and, of course, about Valery Zolotukhin himself.

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Annotation to the book Vladimir Vysotsky - the man of the era, the idol of millions, the one whose songs remain relevant and popular even today, almost half a century after his departure - and Marina Vlady - the famous French film actress with Russian roots, the "witch", even from the screen stole the hearts of the forbidden, or, as they said then, "disgraced", Russian poet. Many years before their meeting, seeing her for the first time on the screen, Vysotsky knew that Marina would become his wife. How many things were there between them - ardent confessions and heartbreaking partings, hopes and disappointments, delight and devastation, and also - a magnificent wedding in Georgia, joint trips abroad, which he had been seeking for 6 years, loud quarrels and touching reconciliation ... telephonists of the Soviet Union helped their idol find her beloved, wherever in the world she was, and persuaded her to forgive him, because "he loves you so much" ... To love so brightly, so selflessly, of course, sincerely, "to rupture the aorta "probably only creative people can ... He sought her, won her love, wrote poetry to her and dedicated songs to her, and she was always his guardian angel, and as much as she could, she kept and cherished her beloved, struggling with the era, the country , by herself and with everything in the world, because then it seemed that everything was against them! 70 visas, 300 flights and thousands of hours of talking on the phone - it's not easy to love at a distance. This required absolute trust and complete acceptance, and they have always had them.

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Annotation to the book "Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife - And cut their bare souls into blood!" These words of Vysotsky can primarily be attributed to him. He was not destined to live up to even a small collection of poems, while lines born at night flew around the vast country at the speed of sound. He knew what fame was, but he was not - during his lifetime - a recognized poet. But it was the Poet that I felt most of all. This collection most fully represents the poetic heritage of Vysotsky, and even the prose presented here is a typical prose of the Poet. The book is illustrated with black and white photographs.

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Annotation to the book Vladimir Vysotsky is a rare case of a poet who can feel the rhythm of time, catch the pulse of history, and draw millions of readers and listeners into the force field of his work. His confessional verse, coupled with the people's sense of justice, is addressed to all of Russia with its past and present. His emotional responsiveness and spiritual upsides, exacting words and exacting conscience are reflected in hundreds of poems, songs, ballads. Vysotsky's lyrics are distinguished by the multilevel poetic vision. Almost every of his songs has social, philosophical overtones, second, third planes, which are not always revealed and not immediately. Most of the texts included in this collection gained fame primarily as songs. Reading today with the eyes of what was once perceived exclusively by ear, many will certainly mentally hear the unforgettable, slightly husky, nostalgic voice of the remarkable Russian poet - Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky.

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This book is a sensation. For the first time after the death of Vladimir Vysotsky, an attempt was made to lift the veil of secrecy over the little-known pages of the life of the great bard. Fyodor Razzakov took the liberty of invading the “forbidden zone” and defining the place and role of the singer in the “cold” war between the USSR and the West. The book convincingly and boldly destroys the stereotypes that have developed around Vysotsky, argues with a biased, tendentious interpretation of some facts from his biography. For the first time, the personality of the singer is considered taking into account the influence of the powerful communist ideology, the "undercover" struggle in the highest echelons of power. A detailed chronicle of Vysotsky's life and work, little-known facts and their unexpected interpretation make the book truly sensational.

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Currently, unfortunately, children are losing interest in independent reading. The essence of the exhibition work is to open the library fund, to interest the reader, to induce him to take some of the presented documents (publications). But today, simply putting it on an exhibition shelf is no longer enough to draw attention to a book. Indeed, one of the key trends in the modern development of human civilization is the formation of a new information environment. The technological base of this environment is made up of global computer networks that allow access to any kind of data anywhere and anytime. Consequently, librarians need to look for new forms of bringing information to their potential users, including through virtual exhibitions.

The objects of innovation in the library are both technological processes and products and services. The use of multimedia technologies allows introducing innovations into the traditional activity of the library - exhibition. A striking example of this is the virtual exhibitions that appeared about 5 years ago, and are especially widespread in the work of scientific and university libraries.

Library scholars point to the indisputable advantages of virtual exhibitions, as opposed to traditional ones: the time of their holding is not limited, besides, the virtual exhibition is available to the reader day and night - and not only for a strictly limited time, but constantly (in the archive).

The approaches to organizing virtual exhibitions are very diverse: from the already traditional, conservative form - the image of book covers and publication annotations, to an animated journey into the world of books.


In the era of the Internet, the Global Network has become an important part of cultural life in general and the life of cultural institutions in particular. Today, library users are already familiar with such services as electronic document delivery (EDD), virtual reference services, virtual guides to Internet resources, online access to databases and electronic catalogs, and thematic web projects. Library exhibitions are also going through the era of modernization, adapting to a remote type of user service.

Electronic exhibitions are a topical product of library activities. They are the response of libraries to entering the open information space, are based on the use of multimedia and telecommunication technologies, allow to form and maintain the image of the library, contribute to the development and improvement of library services.

The first virtual (electronic, interactive) exhibitions in the field of culture appeared in the largest museums in Russia -, , ... Today, all major museums in Russia are actively working to create virtual exhibitions on their own sites.

In library practice, virtual exhibitions began to be used for the first time in scientific and university libraries of the country. As a rule, these are thematic annotated lists of new acquisitions of books and magazines, which are accompanied by additional information: a photo of the book cover, information about the author, the history of the study of this issue, etc.

VIRTUAL EXHIBITION is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized works of print and other media, as well as public electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

The virtual exhibition, in comparison with the traditional one, provides librarians and readers with additionalfeatures and benefits :

    The use of information technology makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching attention from animated screensavers to a static page, virtual exhibitions are attractive for readers, and especially for children.

    The virtual exhibition is not limited by place and time - from any computer, anywhere and at any time of the day, you can get in full all the necessary information on this topic.

    The exhibition is designed for a different audience. Anyone can get acquainted with it. The use of virtual exhibitions makes it possible for librarians to communicate with readers remotely, without being tied to the inevitable formalities in service.

    A virtual exhibition can display a large number of books without taking up the real space of the library; there is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

    The work of the exhibition can be launched in automatic mode, equipping it with a voiced text and demonstrating it without special support.

    Virtual exhibitions can be used as offsite - they are conveniently displayed in various educational institutions, auditoriums, classrooms, classrooms.

    There is no need to worry about the safety of the publications presented at the exhibition.

    Virtual exhibitions can function indefinitely and even permanently.

    It is possible to redirect the user to other resources by posting links to online stores where you can buy your favorite book; to search engines for books on the Internet (such as), libraries, in the funds of which this book is also located.

    Placing the exhibition on the library's website, as well as advertising links to it on other sites, allows you to increase the number of its visitors, and therefore potential readers.

However, the virtual exhibition also has somelimitations.

    Creation and viewing of a virtual exhibition requires a computer. Not every PC meets the requirements for viewing an exhibition.

    Not every library user has the necessary skills to view a virtual exhibition.

    In case of technical problems, the presentation of the exhibition and its viewing becomes impossible.

    The producer of a virtual exhibition must have the necessary computer skills and artistic taste.


A virtual exhibition, like a traditional one, should consist of sections, which are accompanied by quotations, introductory articles, and illustrative material. The exhibition must be user-friendly in the web space and may contain the following information:

    visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.),

    bibliographic data (bibliographic record and codes of the collection of the library representing the exhibition),

    analytical information (annotations, abstracts for publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),

    digitized parts of the book (chapters, most interesting excerpts, etc.),

You can also post additional materials on the topic of the exhibition:

    information about the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc.

Special requirements apply toregistration virtual exhibitions. The first slide should contain information related to the virtual exhibition as a whole. All subsequent slides are separate exhibits of the exhibition. The visual range of the virtual exhibition is presented with illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.). The text itself, accompanying and revealing the visual range, should consist of quotes, annotations, biographical references. It is recommended to place prompts and help messages at the top of the screen.

When using animation, two display mode options are taken into account: a free demonstration and a user-adjustable demonstration. It is advisable to use animation effects in relation to the whole text or its large fragments. The appearance of text on the principle of a typewriter slows down the viewing time, and large text tires the eyesight. When using traditional drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right image scale and make good use of the color palette. In this case, if a graphic image is displayed on the screen together with the text, it is recommended to leave 1/2 of the screen blank: the size of the details should correspond to the screen resolution and human visual acuity.

There is a certain set of conditions that ensurevisual comfort of the user when working with information in electronic form:

    the brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;

    the contrast of the image relative to the background must be selected taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;

    the eyes are most sensitive to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;

    the size of the symbol should be consistent with the person's visual acuity; it also affects the speed and correctness of information perception;

    since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, you should not overload it with special effects and color variety - the user's attention should not be scattered by distractions. The exception is exhibitions for children who are attracted by the colorfulness and animation effects. But you still need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the page load time.

It should also be noted that the creation of a high-quality, attractive and easy-to-view virtual exhibition involves the use of modern technology and software... There are quite a number of services that can help in creating virtual exhibitions on their sites. Here are some of them (in most cases, instructions for working with services are presented in English with the possibility of automatic translation into Russian):

    The service is good for creating simple but striking photo exhibitions.

    Using this service, you can create a simple and bright book photo exhibition or "bibliobanner", which can be edited at any time. In addition to pictures, videos can be inserted into the banner. (Cm. output.)

    The service allows you to create a voiced exhibition on the work of one writer or on a specific topic. The product is created in a simple way: links to videos from YouTube are inserted into the proposed form.

    The service provides opportunities for creating a more complex and extensive exhibition, even if it is an exhibition of one book (see. ). It allows you to create detailed exhibitions with sections, quotes, illustrations. Here you can insert video, audio materials and text in Russian. In addition, the service is ideal for organizing the collective work of readers to create an exhibition. Each of the participants can work on their own section of the exhibition.

    The service allows you to create a small exhibition-postcard for a separate work, using text, photographs, music.

    Service for creating an exhibition book. Can be created as as well as entire virtual bookshelves.

    This service is ideal for creating a chronicle exhibition of the writer's work. Such an exhibition can be supplemented with illustrations, video materials, links, a map, and viewed in four modes to choose from: as a timeline; each event separately; list of events; locations of events specified when creating the map.

    Service for creating a 3D book. As an option - the joint creation of a fairy tale exhibition. The ClipArt library is used to insert pictures, but you can upload your own pictures as well.

    A service for creating a new generation exhibition-presentation, in which you can collapse all the material into one picture, and by enlarging one or another slide, focus on a specific text, word, image.

The virtual exhibition can also be posted on the library's website in HTML format. It is good if the librarian works in conjunction with a designer, information technology specialist with web design skills to create an exhibition.




I Development of a model for an electronic book exhibition

Choose a theme for your e-exhibition

Analyze what material you will need to organize the exhibition

Find the books and illustrations you need

Draw up an exhibition scheme

II Technical preparation of the project

Scan illustrations, prepare text materials

Create a separate folder on disk where your preliminary materials will be stored.

III Presentation of works in PowerPoint format

Create presentation slides

Illustrate slides using prepared materials and animation effects

Show preview of the exhibition

Correct any deficiencies you see

Prepare your e-exhibition for display

IV Presentation or publication of the project on the Internet

Publishing on the Internet

Models of virtual exhibitions:

    Photo exhibitions

    Exhibition books


    Sound exhibition

    Exhibition - "postcard" on a separate small literary work

    Exhibition - "illustration" with "rich" multimedia content, including audio and video recordings

    "Expanded" exhibitions with sections, quotes, illustrations, text. video and audio materials

    Exhibition quiz

    Exhibition lesson

    Thematic exhibition

The exhibition can be created in the format of an electronic exhibition

The simplest electronic exhibition can be created in the Power Point format. In this case, you will get a set of colored slide pictures, which is stored in a file of a special format, or:

    dynamic synthesis of text, images, sound;

    bright intelligible images;

    modern software technologies;

    interactive contact of the speaker with demonstration material;

    mobility and compactness of information carriers and equipment;

    ability to update, supplement and adapt information.

Learn to create more complex virtual book exhibitions using OpenClass and Google services.

When working on an exhibition, much attention is paid to design solutions: with the help of color, graphics, animation, it becomes possible to create a mood, attract attention, emphasize and highlight important points. The use of animated screensavers helps to make the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. The use of flash technology makes it possible to use audio and video formats (that is, sound files and videos), to make exhibitions multimedia and interactive.

The multimedia nature of exhibitions will make it possible to more effectively solve meaningful problems, and interactivity helps to attract and involve the reader in the world of the book, and create feedback. Interactive mode is an interactive mode in which a person and a computer exchange data. Having got acquainted with the offered information, the user has the opportunity to: express his opinion, add his own material, participate in the discussion on-line.


We propose to consider a virtual book exhibition as an online service for a remote reader, i.e. a reader who did not come to the library, but uses our services remotely, and, therefore, wants to receive a certain information service without leaving the computer. When creating an exhibition, we define: the goal, the final result. The task of a virtual exhibition is not identical with the task of a traditional exhibition, due to the peculiarities and capabilities of online technologies.

For convenience, consider the table of goals and functions of both types of exhibitions:

Traditional book exhibition

Virtual bookstore


1.Popularizes the library fund

1. Popularizes the book fund

2. Suggests to be interested in the topic

2. Suggests to be interested in the topic

3.Represents certain books

3. Represents certain books

4. Allows devis to get acquainted with the books presented at the exhibition

4. ----

5. It makes it possible to take these books for work directly from the exhibition

5. -----

6. -----

6. Provides an opportunity to refer to other Internet resources on the topic

7. -----

7. Has the ability to provide additional information about the document in text mode: which library to get, where to buy, it is possible to receive an electronic copy, etc.

Thus, the virtual exhibition does not allow the user to physically use the book, and therefore limits his ability to obtain meaningful information. At the same time, the virtual exhibition allows the librarian to redirect the reader to additional information sources available on the Internet, or to suggest using other library services.


In this situation, libraries are losing the monopoly on the possession of information in a systematic manner. Society has an opportunity to choose between accessing a real library or accessing virtual network resources. And since getting data from the Internet is often associated with immeasurably less time and effort, the choice will increasingly be made in favor of the Internet. Such technological realities of the new information environment inevitably lead to a change in the content of library work. The library, of course, continues to act as an intermediary between information and the consumer, but is forced to adapt to new realities and change the forms of its services. The philosophy of library work will gradually change, moving from the principle of possession of a document to the principle of possible access to it remotely. All this entails a rethinking of the essence of library activity, and the creation of an updated method of work. Changes in methodology can affect both new areas of work and the oldest traditional forms of library services.

Already today, libraries are accustomed to new services that are provided to the reader virtually, without physical contact with him. These are such services as: electronic document delivery (EDD), virtual reference services, virtual guides to Internet resources, on-line access to databases and electronic catalogs, thematic web projects. The next step is the creation of electronic libraries, virtual service.


    [Electronic resource]- Access mode:

    Vasiliev V.V. Information Technology in librarianship: study guide. allowance / V. V. Vasiliev, N. V. Sorokoletova, L. V. Khlivnenko. M.: Libereya-Bibinform, 2007.364 p. : With. 360-361 (43 titles).

    Vinogradova EB About how “minute” turned into “hour”: new forms of work of the Moscow media library // Mediatek i mir. 2008. No. 1. P. 17–20.

    Zbarovskaya N. V. Exhibition activities of public libraries / [otv. ed. T. Zakharchuk]. SPb. : Profession, 2004.224 p. : ill. (Library). Bibliography: p. 159-163 and app. Krat. terminol. words .: p. 164-166. Appendix: p. 167-224.

    Zbarovskaya N.V. Virtual assistants // Library. 2003. No. 10. P. 45–47.

    Smutneva, E.G. Wiki-Sibiriada // Modern Library. 2012. No. 1. P. 49–50.

    Stepanova A.S. Interactive exhibitions: towards the reader // New library. 2009. No. 23, pp. 26–31.

    Savkina, S. V. Electronic book exhibitions: consumer properties, preparation technologies // Library business. Library technologies. - 2009. - No. 1 (special issue). - S. 24-29. - Bibliography. at the end of Art.

    Golman, O. Yu. Non-traditional exhibitions [Text] / O. Yu. Golman // New library. - 2006. - No. 1. - S. 21-24.

    Berkutova, L. Internet in library work: technologies and methods of use / [Electronic resource]. Access mode:, free.