How to make a presentation of a business project. Development of a business presentation Recruitment and training of company employees

Special software is used to design the presentation. In most cases, it is rendered using PowerPoint. This program is included in the standard set of Microsoft Office products and is available to users of the operating system of this company. Also, you can arrange the material using other free or paid software that differ in functionality.

For any business sector, the format of public familiarization with information will be the same.

The business presentation technology is based on a template. It displays slides describing business planning, and taking into account its individual areas, results and goals. Mentioning all of the success factors, as well as information on the risks inherent in the production process, will help to leave a positive impression.

The finished project should be remembered and provide comprehensive information. This can be achieved through visual design combined with textual accompaniment. Slide design should not be a distraction for your audience.

A business presentation in any area combines several elements that add up to a system. The information presented in the slides should be meaningful. At the same time, it is concise and logical.

The purpose of the event is to present the project:

  • investors;
  • clients;
  • the public.

The challenge facing the presentation is to convince the audience of the final success of the project. In a short time period, the speaker shows the benefits and strengths of the company, builds a dialogue with investors that will help in building long-term relationships.

During the presentation, a businessman convinces partners or investors of the viability of his own business idea. This is done using a prepared and well-grounded sequence of slides. Thanks to the use of advanced programs and technical means in the presentation, the speaker demonstrates the advantages of his product over analogues of competitive enterprises.

An effective business presentation shows compelling arguments for the attractiveness of the considered business option from scratch. The success of an event depends on the setting in which it takes place.

If the dialogue with the audience is built on mutual trust and goodwill at every stage, then the businessman gets confidence that he has interested the listener to participate in the project.

As noted, PowerPoint is used to prepare an effective presentation. This product helps you create a convenient and highly informative slide show. The success of the work directly depends on the combination of visual effects and text information. The ideal option is considered to be the presence of a small amount of text, which is complemented by appropriate pictures, diagrams or photographs.

It is worth remembering that the design of the slides should not distract the investor from the goal of the project. The background used when displaying text or objects is done in calm colors that do not interfere with the assimilation of information. To design the text, you should use a large and understandable font without unnecessary elements. The slides themselves are designed using a business style.

The main principles that apply when submitting a slide are:

  • meaningfulness;
  • consistency;
  • brevity.

In addition, a businessman adheres to the principle of moderation when displaying a visual illustration. Graphic material is not oversaturated with text.

It is important for an investor to be interested in the product. Therefore, it is worth preparing several samples of products or printing colorful booklets if a businessman works in the service sector. For the presentation, which is held with the aim of attracting a foreign investor, an English version is being prepared.

Naturally, the presentation of a business plan depends on the scope of the company. For this reason, a slideshow that is being prepared to attract subsidies to the development of a car wash will be different from a presentation to obtain an investment in a beauty salon.

The information used in preparing the presentation is written into the summary of the business idea. Before the start of the presentation, guests of the event should be presented with small brochures containing information on a business idea that will affect the successful implementation. The brochure should include the characteristics of the products produced, the item of income and expenses of the company, the likely level of profit of the finished business and the associated risks.

The standard structure of a presentation includes the following components:

  1. Presentation by a businessman of his products or services provided.
  2. Covered market segment, including listing competitors and indicating the number of potential customers.
  3. Marketing policy of the company.
  4. Financial priority setting.
  5. Introduce the employees involved in the implementation of the business idea strategy.
  6. The size of the required subsidies and the purpose of its application with calculations.
  7. Investment protection actions.

Some of these points in the course of the speech should be sanctified in full detail. This will allow the listener to thoroughly understand the end goal. Particular attention should be focused on the feasibility of providing subsidies for the implementation of the project, their number, potential risks, as well as the timing of the return of funds.

When making a presentation on an innovative product, a businessman must clearly emphasize the strengths of the novelty. Particular attention is paid to the project team and the personal qualities of the leader. In order to interest an investor, the speaker must show his own interest in the idea and enthusiasm.

The optimal presentation time is considered to be an interval not exceeding 20 minutes.

A business plan presentation consists of the following steps:

  1. Brief acquaintance of the audience with the position of the company and the basics of the presented project. This stage should attract the attention of investors. Its duration does not exceed 1 minute. During this time, the businessman should briefly familiarize the audience with each stage of the presentation. It is important to sincerely interest investors in investing in a project.
  2. Argumenting the choice of this project. An entrepreneur should provide irrefutable arguments or beliefs that allow the investor to understand that this particular project and this company is the ideal option for fruitful and long-term cooperation. The emphasis should be placed on familiarization with a specific result, available developments, demonstration of the professionalism of the company's employees. The maximum stage duration is 5 minutes.
  3. Presentation of an idea. This stage of the presentation is the longest. Its duration is 10 minutes. The businessman must announce the essence of the project and back it up with concrete material containing step-by-step proposals that allow the idea to be realized. It is important to pay attention to the detailed characteristics of the project, to focus on the uniqueness of the idea. In addition, this stage includes the analysis of the financial component. The speaker announces the profit and the timing of the payment of the investment income.
  4. Summarizing. This stage lasts no more than 4 minutes and should be no less attractive for listeners as the performance itself. It is worth communicating to investors what will be achieved with their participation. It is important to dispel all doubts of the subsidizing party about the relevance of the project, in which financial, time and physical resources are invested.

At the end, the businessman is obliged to thank the audience for the opportunity to acquaint them with the material.

When preparing a presentation on business plan development, it is important not to focus on a lengthy introduction. Such actions will relax the listeners and turn their attention to the secondary directions of the idea. With the first slide, the entrepreneur should go straight to presenting his own project.

It is important to focus the attention of investors on the following points and fully disclose them:

  • presentation of information on the market segment of the business entity;
  • parameters of work results, taking into account the demand for a service or product, as well as popularity with customers;
  • the reasons for the search for attracted subsidies for the implementation of the plan;
  • the profit that investors will receive from the final cooperation.

While preparing for the presentation, it is worth remembering personal achievements that can attract the attention of the audience. In order to determine the preferences and worldview of investors, you can use an interesting psychological trick, which consists in telling a short story-test. Such preparation of the presentation of the business plan will allow the businessman to assess the reaction of the audience and adjust the subsequent presentation of information.

Before a performance, you should be confident in your own abilities. However, you must proceed with caution and do not overdo it with pressure. Overconfidence will harm the painstaking work of preparing a presentation. In addition, the entrepreneur must show his perseverance in the implementation of the idea, as well as an understanding of the ways that are suitable for these purposes.

Errors when creating a presentation

The finished presentation should be simple and understandable for the audience. It is important to avoid tricky terms that would cause fear among investors. A businessman should focus on the basics of the idea, removing multilevel concepts from the textual representation. By the way, the use of these concepts will harm both the presentation and the independent solution of the task.

The entrepreneur must be prepared for possible questions from the audience, to which it is important to give an exhaustive and competent answer. If the investor asks something during the speech, the speaker should stop, listen carefully to the interlocutor, make sure that they fully understand what was said and provide an honest and complete answer. It is worth listing all the information that the investor wished to hear. If you have any difficulties in clarification, you can use a standard phrase in the style "at the moment it is impossible to give a correct explanation."

Preparing a business presentation and speaking with it does not tolerate the following points:

  1. Speaking too long, listening to which investors lose interest in the project.
  2. The monotony of the speaker's voice, as well as typical speech patterns without emotion and gesture. Or, on the contrary, the manifestation of unnecessary emotions that frighten off the audience.
  3. Speech with mistakes or not rehearsed text of the presentation, uncertain and fussy behavior of the presenter affects the formation of a negative impression.
  4. Using too much visual material or text slides in the text. The situation is identical with too few illustrations.
  5. Ignoring the rules of the business style of communication, the use of jargon expressions can discourage investors from cooperating with such a businessman.
  6. Bringing arguments in the sections of the presentation that satisfy the needs of the exclusively acting party and ignore the interests of the audience.
  7. Not using in the presentation information about the project team, their abilities in the field of analytics and marketing.

Investment companies are used to investing money only in those projects whose managers are ready to reveal their leadership qualities. But the secrecy of information about the object of subsidies and the unclear goals and objectives of the project scare away investors.

Therefore, it is worth creating a business presentation in such a way that will satisfy both sides of the presentation. If you can't do this on your own, then you can leave an order for a presentation for a small business.

As Sigmund Freud said, "people are strong as long as they defend a strong idea." The key to success for a person who is ready to open his own business will be a well-developed marketing plan and a successfully prepared business presentation for. After the development of the project, it is necessary to carefully work out the presentation, on the success of which the future of the enterprise will depend, because any idea needs funding. What is a business presentation, what is it for and how to properly prepare it, we will tell you in the article.

What is and who is it directed to

To create a business based on your idea, an investor presentation is needed. Presentation is a speech of a person in front of a specific audience with the aim of presenting specific information, his ideas, showing a personal vision of the presented object. The business presentation provides an overview of the marketing plan for starting a business, the purpose of which is to attract investor (s) to the business.

The contributor must be convinced of the success of the idea. This will be facilitated by confirmed data, a competent plan, prescribed risks and measures to minimize them, as well as opportunities for generating additional profits in the future, developing your business and personal brand.

The business presentation should be short-lived, on average 20-25 minutes. During this period of time, it is necessary to do everything for a successful result, present yourself as a professional and make such an offer of cooperation that a potential partner cannot refuse. All priority features of the partnership should be set out clearly and understandably so that the investor has a minimum of questions. It is important that a potential entrepreneur himself believes in his own and realistically evaluates his prospects. Only in this case can the investor be convinced of profitability.

Presentation scheme

Preparation of a business presentation begins with the formation of the structure and sketches on paper. A competent structure is created in special software, the classic version is Powerpoint. Key attention is paid to the item "Summary" of the business plan. He is the first assistant in the development of the presentation of this product.

Key attention is paid to the item "Summary" of the business plan.

Presentation points:

  • Business name and object description (product / service).
  • Selected niche, competitors in accordance with geography (targeting).
  • Business marketing strategy development.
  • The financial costs of launching the project.
  • Staff (a team of specialists to implement the idea).
  • The amount of costs, for what goals and objectives.
  • Terms of cooperation, benefits for the investor, terms of refund.

Successful sale of benefits to the client is the key to a successful presentation, as a result - the investment of the project.

Briefly, but succinctly, you should list your strengths as an ideological inspirer, competent leader and organizer. You must show that you can not only come up with something sensible, but also use business communications to successfully negotiate. The future entrepreneur has the opportunity to present the last skill in the process of communicating with the investor.

In addition, it is necessary to tell about the team of specialists who will participate in the implementation of the idea, how the business process and their interaction will be built. It is important for investors who the company will be based on and how competent the managers of the future enterprise are.

Create a presentation layout

Making a business plan for investors is a prerequisite for successful work. As mentioned earlier, the presentation must be created in special software. Its design tools should make it possible to make the layout of the company's presentation clear and visual. The format of the computer program makes it possible to use video in a business presentation, create infographics and much more.

Overuse of effects and specific designs can only distract listeners from information. Everything should be very clear.

The development of a presentation by graphic designers will create a strong tool for attracting investors, because the ideal combination of the necessary information and effective visual implementation will increase the impact on the target audience.

An effective business presentation is short and concise text, illustrated with images, infographics, and videos that help impress investors and help visualize an idea.


The best technique for delivering your presentation is practice and self-confidence. Therefore, before carrying out it, you should practice at least in front of colleagues and relatives, in advance having overcome your fears and insecurities. They are the enemy of the startup.

Selling a new product is synonymous with presenting your idea. Its buyer (and this is the role played by the investor) must be interested in the product. He will do this only if the seller himself is confident in the quality and success of his business and can prove it clearly. Therefore, the presentation technology is partly comparable to the technique of selling a product or service, here a person sells his idea. You can draw on some techniques from this area.

A good idea, well-written and well-designed presentation does not guarantee that investors will agree to invest. The art of public speaking plays an important role. To become a good speaker, in addition to psychological preparation, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of experts in this area (professional business coaches and other well-known speakers), adopt the techniques used by politicians and actors with a well-established public speaking skill.

Here are some classic tips that will come in handy in most cases:

  • Speak clearly, slowly, and loudly enough to be heard by those far away.
  • During the presentation, do not be monotonous, change the tone of voice, volume and timbre, focus on important points.
  • Use short breaks of 20-30 seconds as needed, which will give you the opportunity to improvise new things and generate a creative idea during the presentation.
  • Use keywords that will interest investors (they are different for each industry, among the universal ones - profit, profitability, efficiency, development, and others).

The development and implementation of a business plan as a presentation for investors and partners consists of a set of the above points. Step by step, step by step, you need to implement each point, and the result will be self-confidence, and an excellent presentation, and negotiation skills.

In the life of almost any entrepreneur, there comes a time when he needs to present his brainchild to potential investors, be it venture capitalists or angels. It is known that public speaking is the main human fear (after the fear of death, of course), and if you do it in front of professional sponsors who have the opportunity to bring your idea to life (or kill it), then you can completely lose heart. Putting a startup in such a way that someone writes a large check is not easy. It is a skill that comes over time through trial and error.

Here are 10 tips. They are based on my observations of IMD MBA graduates presenting their ideas to real-life venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. Most of these meetings ended successfully.

1. Remember: this is NOT a corporate presentation. Time is running out, and if you don’t catch the audience’s attention with the first three slides, they will immediately go to their iPhone to check Twitter messages.

2. Get down to business right away. What does your product do? What do you need in terms of financing? Why might it be of interest to them? In addition to the product, you need to present its potential capabilities. They should be clear by the third slide. Maybe not in detail, but in a general sense. Explain to them why they shouldn't be distracted on Twitter right now. Over the 13 years that I have watched performances in Silicon Valley, I have always been amazed by the following: Based on a great visual presentation, seasoned investors learned about the company in five minutes more than entrepreneurs told them orally. How? They took the clear, unambiguous facts presented to them by the entrepreneur and compared them to thousands of other startups. Presenting familiar and clear images leads to great results.

3. Tell a story. And tell it in such a way that both you and the audience will like it. To do this, you need to know a little about the people in the audience, their experience, what they like, what they don't like, what they invested in earlier and what their first three questions will be. A little effort and the internet is enough to find out everything you need to know. Otherwise, it will only demonstrate a lack of respect for your potential partners.

4. Presentation is not a competition. You will be stressed, investors can be rude, but this is all for the sake of a clear understanding of the facts, and if you do not have the ability to communicate these facts, investors will ask questions over and over again, and eventually the level of stress and tension will increase. Investors, as a rule, do not have the goal of humiliating you - they just need to know if this story is worth retelling to their partners, and if it can justify their financial investment.

5. Be confident, but careful and prepared. It is well known that entrepreneurs are often overconfident and definitely blind to the flaws in their ideas. On the other hand, the ability to exude confidence when presenting a startup has been proven to be vital and capable of raising funds.

6. Uncover contradictions. As you think about the future of your idea, such as what will become of it in three years time, reverse the chronological order of the diagram. If you want to achieve something in three years, what can (or should) happen during this period? Incorporate these reflections into the story you sell to investors. They need to know how you plot the road to profit and / or liquidity.

7. Don't be too verbose and descriptive. This point is based on point # 1. Show both your passion for implementing the idea and your understanding of how it will be implemented.

8. Present a big idea. Yes, everyone advises you to say "our numbers are preliminary ... let's not wave ...", but if what you propose is really radical, talk about it loudly and boldly. Stay within the realm of reality, but at the same time, let the investor dream of great opportunities.

9. Keep it simple. This is especially true of the plan to translate the idea into reality. The main thing is to focus on the essence. The complexity of the presentation will trigger a red alarm above the presentation screen. Multiple product lines, complex ownership structures, multi-level pricing (and you don't yet know if there will be a buyer at all), development plans with seven phases, unclear distribution of responsibilities - all this must be removed from the presentation, as well as from the business plan.

10. Answer the questions. When the audience has a question, stop. Forget the story you're telling for a second. Listen, make sure you understand the question, and then answer. And answer clearly, in essence, honestly, and to the question that you heard, not the one you want to answer. Sometimes you can say this: "I don't know, but we'll come back to this a little later."

I asked Alex Fries, a seasoned Silicon Valley businessman, to name three of the worst investor presentations he had ever seen. He named these:

1) the presentation of the quick-tempered CEO, which ended in a verbal squabble with the investor (an entrepreneur always loses in such quarrels - see point # 4).

2) the demonstration materials did not work (always check and double-check your materials, and if you are not sure that everything will work, do not use them - see point # 5).

3) businessmen got lost and were 40 minutes late for the meeting. There were only 20 minutes left for the presentation and questions (no, they were not invited to a repeat meeting, and it’s probably understandable why).

None of the above requires extraordinary intelligence. Graduates of the EMBA program have one try. Some of them do it. Some of those who do it make a good deal. If you are an entrepreneur and the future life of your brainchild depends on your next presentation, consider these points carefully and prepare well for the presentation.

When composing a company presentation, entrepreneurs focus on design and completely forget that a presentation should first of all be selling, and only then - beautiful.

Therefore, I have prepared a guide for creating a selling presentation with samples and recommendations that have been proven in practice.

Selling presentation() Is a set of informative product / company slides.

If you think that you can show a product or service in, tell about it by phone or in a letter and this is quite enough, then I hasten to upset you.

Only a marketing kit combines detailed information and colorful visualization, take a look for yourself.

As you may have noticed, the marketing kit contains: a detailed description of the completed projects; materials used in the arrangement of baths; real cases.

And it is thanks to such details that the presentation about the company allows you to engage, warm up and increase the audience.

Who is it suitable for?

Before getting down to more complex questions, let's figure out if a marketing kit is right for you. And yes, you heard right, some businesses do not make sense to do it.


The marketing kit is actively used in sales to colorfully represent a business, as well as in niches where entrepreneurs are the main customers.

And the tool is also perfect if you are engaged in complex products and services, for example, you sell software or provide services for the construction of baths, or maybe you organize holidays.

Does not fit

If you have an online store, then you can forget about the marketing kit, since you need completely different methods to work with clients. Therefore, it is better to invest in advertising - it will be more effective and profitable this way.

That is, the principles are similar to the landing page. And that is why I recommend reading the article (it is below), it describes in detail successful and unsuccessful examples of landing pages, so you can use them.

Where to use?

You can use the selling presentation both online and offline. For example, create a PDF or Microsoft Powerpoint file that you can easily download from the site or send by email.

For offline use, ask the designer for a separate print option and use it in the process of communicating with clients.

And below I have prepared the most typical situations for using a marketing kit:

  1. Business meetings. A well-written company presentation will increase the loyalty of the interlocutor, and will not be thrown away yet, since it looks more like a book than an advertising material.
  2. . As a speaker at an offline event, arm yourself with a company presentation. Effective slides can “reinforce” a presentation and create a positive impression.
  3. . Attach a presentation to a personal message or to a mass mailing letter (for example, using UniSender services , MailiGen , SendPuls (discount - 500 rubles)). Also add the link to the marketing kit in the text.
  4. On the site. The button "Download presentation" or "Watch marketing kit" will increase the number of applications. So anyone can study in detail your company and the advantages of working with you.

A selling presentation will be a great cheat sheet for. Only how effective the use of a marketing kit will be depends on its information content and structure, then we will just talk about this.

Your gifts from partners

Warm and cold

When drawing up a marketing kit, remember about. This is perhaps the most important point, since for the cold base, the emphasis is on the benefits of working with the company, and the task of the presentation for the warm base is to push you to buy.

And below I will go into detail on the specifics of each case, so read on and implement.

Cold client

The “cold” audience does not know anything about the selling proposition, and may not be aware of the need for the product.

USP can be based both on the result from the purchase, and on the timing of its receipt, additional characteristics that distinguish it from analogues on the market.

"We sell apartments in 30 days with a profit of up to 30,000-50,000 rubles." - here is the essence of the proposal, and the timing of achieving the result, and the specific benefit in rubles.

Add a logo, company, and basic contact information to the first slide.

2. Basic proposal

Basic proposal

What is the essence of the product? Where is it applied? How many elements does it consist of? Answer these questions at the beginning of your presentation.

Before the block about the main proposal, you can introduce a description of the problems (pains) of the target audience, write in front of each difficult situation an option to get out of it with the help of a product.

I would like to point out that the block on “pains” and their solutions is optional. In some business niches, it is appropriate to start by showcasing a key offering.

3. Product advantages

Product Benefits

Share the pros of the product and the service. The first is what is associated with the properties of a product or service, its quality characteristics, and the result of its application. The second is the positive features of the company and service.

Try to look at the product through the eyes of the consumer. What does he expect from the purchase? What are your competitors' customers complaining about the most?

Also at this stage all other content is collected. That is, collect key information about the work performed and form cases. Likewise with the description of production technology and other important blocks.

Then fill out the brief - a document with answers to questions about the business, purpose, and presentation format.

It is filled out in the event that contractors or colleagues will participate in the work in addition to you. You can see an example of a brief in the picture below.


Step 4. Structure

Now let's start drawing up a presentation plan. And it does not matter, 8 points or 30. The main thing is that the content implied by them covers all possible questions of potential customers and reveals the product in a logical sequence.

Remember the “” technique. First, give an answer to the question “What do we offer?”, Then tell us how the product differs from its counterparts on the market.

And only then colorfully describe the result from using the product or ordering a service.

The purpose of the presentation is to reveal the benefits that your customers receive. After viewing the marketing kit, let the person clearly imagine the improvements that will occur to him after contacting the company.


Step 5. Prototype

This is the same as in the creation. But if you are faced with this understanding for the first time, then let's figure it out a little.

Presentation prototype is a schematic representation of the placement of blocks on its pages.

That is, a specialist creates a “sketch” of a marketing kit in a special program. Read more about the prototype in the article.

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