Scenario of the creative presentation of the educational system. Script for the presentation of an educational institution Script for a creative presentation at the school of the year competition

Concert program "Celebration of Honor - 2017".

Student and student

So, changing in a string

Days go by, years go by

We come and go

To the school sweet, kind house,

Where we study, where we live.

The memory of childhood calls us.

Time changes course.

And an excellent student, and a prankster -

Everyone knows:

Together:it is a holiday today!

Music "Road without end" (against its background)

Man, like a star, is born

In the midst of an obscure, misty milkiness.

In infinity begins

And ends in infinity.

Generations of creators

Age after age, the earth is imperishable,

Man, like a star is born

To make the universe brighter!

Good afternoon dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you to the traditional holiday of honor and pride of the school!

By tradition, this holiday in our school takes place at the end of the school year. Here we honor the most talented and intelligent...

the strongest and smartest...

all those who bring good fame to our school and make the life of the school itself interesting and joyful.

Today we will sum up your achievements. We will be able to see everyone who especially excelled this academic year.


The school is famous for its deeds,

The school is famous for its students.

In sports, in studies, in work, in entertainment

We have achievements in our school!

All those who have done a good job

Honor, paying their deeds,

And succeeded in them

We invite you to join us for a holiday!

Here at this school for a whole year

You crowned your work with success.

Parade of achieved victories

All winners - meets!

"It's raining men"

+ PRESENTATION about school activities.

School is a special world! This is a unique state!

School is joys and sorrows, miracles and traditions.

School is childhood and youth!

At school, together we overcome the difficult road to knowledge, success ...

But we are getting great results!

Have you forgotten how it all began?

Music "Mustached Nanny"

(6 children run out with cubes)

Our school is the whole world! Here we are carefully folded hard-earned knowledge...

(a cube with a + sign rises high)

- Delili equally difficult...

- Did you read harmful...

- Multiplied worthy…

- equated your fate to the fate of the city!

And even country!

And as a result, for a year, many talented students! "talent"

which have been building for a whole year long away going plans! "road"

And with their diligence and work, they achieved high results! "knowledge"

Our school is a place where they believed and believe in every student! "school 11" - line up the word on the floor

"Mustachioed nanny" (children leave)

There is very little left and our whole friendly team of students and teachers will sum up all the work.

But today, here in our hall - the best of the best.


Here are those who are famous for academic achievements.


Those who delve into the secrets of science and research.


Here are those who, not sparing themselves on treadmills and playgrounds, won prizes and ...



Those who give their talent, their creativity, their art to grateful viewers.

Here are those who know how to create with their own hands.


You again and again from year to year prove that you are the best!

The best students of our school!

And for you, for our friendly team, a student of class 6 "B" Artem Krainov performs with the song "The crew is one family."

Krainov Artem with the song "The crew is one family."

Once a first-grader boy,

Coming home from school for the first time

Parents ask: “How are you?

Did you like your first class?"

I liked it, but that's all the details, -

The son taunted his parents in response,

So why didn't you just tell me?

And why, answer, you hid all your life,

That they go to school for 10 years?”

There are some guys in our school for whom the years of study are not at all a burden.

And no matter how many years they gnaw at the granite of science, the main thing is that they have achieved excellent results in this matter!

We are glad to welcome those whose names are known not only in our school, but also outside of it.

Those who won more than one victory on olympiads different levels.

They deserve the loudest praise and endless applause!

To reward the best Olympiads, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


For you, science is a true friend!

But experience is confirmed by deeds.

We wish you to become candidates of sciences,

And we already see you as doctors!

Students perform for you elementary school with the dance "Russian Folk"

Dance elementary school "Russian Folk"

Talentedchildren give hope

Participate in competitions, dance and sing.

And there are no barriers to their creative path

After all, school is a start, and life is all ahead!

It's great that in our school there are talented guys who make school life brighter and more interesting with their creativity. It's time to reward them for their active participation in the creative life of the school.

For the awards, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


Song "Merry Wind"

Khaidarova Alina 6v

Khaidarova Albina 4a

Are you tired yet? And then from the very morning, lessons, changes ... Look how much time has passed ...

We offer a little warm-up, arrange a short physical minute.

You need to perform all the actions that will be discussed in the poem.

Let's call the physical minute "We are one family."

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Say hello to the neighbor on the right

Say hello to the neighbor on the left.

We're friends.

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Touch the neighbor's nose on the right

Feel the neighbor's nose on the left.

We're friends.

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left.

We're friends.

You and I are one family.

You, we, you, me.

Hug the neighbor on the left

Hug the neighbor on the right.

We're friends.

Warm up…

Who lifts you up to heaven?

Only myself!

Who brings you down from on high?

Only you!

Where are the keys forged in your destiny?

Only in you!

How will you pay for the lost battle?

Only by yourself!

But today we are talking only about the battles won. About those who won these fights.

Sports surnames of the country

Known to the world, we are proud of them!

There are glorious sons of the Fatherland!

The Motherland is proud of its athletes!

And it all starts - at school sometimes,

In a simple physical education lesson,

Then - years of hard work,

The path to the master - work without hack-work!

Basketball, volleyball, athletics, skiing, team competitions. In total and not to list, where only our athletes did not declare themselves.

We congratulate the winners of various sports awards and wish them further victories!

And to reward the best athletes of the school, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


Athletes and sportswomen

Beautiful and smart.

You are the pride of our school

The hope of the whole country.

Students of the 8th "B" class enter for you.

Number 8 "B" girls.

Every person in his life does first step. The first step towards mother's gentle hands. Towards the teacher. The first step on the path to knowledge, success, victories.

Our kids, elementary school students, also take their first steps in studies, sports, and creativity. Let's give them the opportunity to show themselves in all their glory.

Song of students 2 "B" class "We are all sailors."

And besides creativity, our kids have already been able to express themselves at city competitions and sports competitions.

To reward the youngest students of the school, we invite the director of the school to the stage.


Well, what do you wish? Learning, of course -

To achieve heights and depths in your learning!

Let every school day pass for good reason,

You need to know a lot, a lot

To become like the hero Gagarin,

To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!

And we believe that you will definitely have a big victory ahead!

Students of the 5th "B" class perform for you.

5 "B" dance

After such a parade of stars, I think no one will doubt that “If the stars are lit, then someone needs it!”

Of course you do! Even necessary! I know such wonderful people, true experts in their field, for whom finding and lighting stars in the school sky has become a matter of life! These are our respected teachers!

Who are ready to give you parting words today, so that each student wants to become brighter, more interesting.

Presentation by school teachers.

Well, the program is over.

Olympics pedestal.

Science does not tolerate falsehood.

And if you put in the work,

You will be supported and understood!

And the school is proud of all of you!

You are the best! As always!

Good luck everyone! We wish you new victories and achievements in the coming year!

Grade 10 + Teachers "People think about the good."

Closing remarks by the director.

The script for the presentation of specialized classes "Meet, it's us!"

Presenter 1: Boys and girls, as well as their parents,

I think you want to study at the gymnasium,

as soon as we introduce you to the current plot.

After all, you will immediately understand that there is no better school!

Voice-over: Dear guests! Customs Service reported that a young man of pleasant appearance appeared on the territory of the city of Buguruslan. His name is Ostap Bender. If you see him, then be on the lookout.

Ostap Bender appears on the stage, a hooligan boy runs after him.

Hooligan boy: Uncle, give me 10 rubles ... Well, uncle, give me 10 rubles ...

Oleg Bender: Maybe I should also give you the key to the apartment where the money is?

At the same time, a giant of thought, the father of democracy, a person close to the chosen circle, was heading towards the center from the direction of Dubovsky Garden. They haven't seen each other for several years.

Kitty Vorobyaninov appears.

Ostap: Kitty, what fate!

Kisa: Ostap Ibrahimovic! Are you spoiling the chairs again?

Ostap: No, Kitty. I calmed down, decided to land on a safe haven. I'm choosing a city. Don't you know, Kitty, are there brides and daring fellows in this city?

kisa: To whom and the high school student's fiancee.

Ostap: You know me, Field Marshal. I need a sultry woman, a poet's dream.

kisa: Then you've come to the right place. After all, it is today in the gymnasium No. 1 that tenth-graders represent specialized classes. The best representatives of this city gathered there.

OB: In that case, the ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury. I will lead the parade.

Kisa: No, Ostap Ibrahimovic! Now the parade is commanded by high school students.

An accelerator appears on the scene.

Reader 1: My years are growing, I will be 17.

Where should I work then? What to do?

I ask this difficult question more and more often.

And there is no answer to it, as in a dark thicket.

I came to the gymnasium to find out where it is better

Apply my knowledge so that, and do not torture yourself.

Tell me friends

Which profile to choose:

It’s good to be a techie, but cooler to be a lawyer?

The melody of the song of the captains of KVN sounds, the boys of the humanitarian class come out

and sing: Our mothers did not know, our fathers did not know,

That difficult children grow up in their family.

What's later or sooner, what's later or sooner

Their children will come to the humanitarian class.

The melody changes. To the music of A. Pugacheva's song "Hey you, up there"

humanitarian class girls and sing:

Hey there you guys! Don't stomp like elephants

you better look: we have come to study with you.

What is it, just horror. Do not fall asleep again, do not fall asleep.

Hey, you're up there! Don't stomp like elephants

give me a break, but I need to solve algebra.

Chorus: Deal time, deed time, and fun hour.

Presenter 1: In our class, many want to become lawyers,

Because history is taught all furiously.

Yes, and we have the right to the same.

And, of course, everyone needs social science.

Reader 3: Tatyana Valeryevna is right everywhere,

After all, she knows all our rights.

She leads the state and law

And knows when we're wrong.

And we are forever grateful to her for that.

Her lessons are always welcome to us.

Host 1: In our class, two teachers come to us every day.

We only see in the schedule: here is history - there is literature.

If we suddenly decide to fall asleep, then we will dream again:

Here we remember the dates, and here the essay must be written.

But nothing comes to mind, except perhaps this:

Literature! The same extraction of radium.

In gram extraction. A year of work.

You harass a single assessment for the sake of

Thousands of tons of word ore!

Song to the melody "And I'm in Russia, I want to go home!"

Vocal group of girls: We have been so long, we have not rested for so long,

We were just not up to the rest with you.

After all, we have read so many books with you,

That a swarm of bees is now buzzing in my head.

Literature - what a misfortune!

I read night and day like a fool.

On the essay will not let the abyss

Literature, literature.

Two students come out and play a poetic pun on each other.

from the works of Pushkin.

    We all learned a little...

    Love, hope, quiet glory...

    And also a stern Slav ...

    I knew the young fields of joy ...

    Confused by memories...

    I remember a wonderful moment...

    Is it the same Tatyana?

    Like a fleeting vision...

    He proudly, honestly rules us!

Host 1: Who rules?

1 student: Russian language! You know, we have Russian language three hours a week! We write, we compose, and we solve the exam! But without the language now nowhere! That's for sure!

2 student: Yes and foreign languages are now very much needed. Here you go, for example, to America for an internship ...

Student 1: So what?

2 student: How, so what? English language you need to know, that's what! And even better - business English! He teaches us.

To the tune of "Viva!"

All: Knowing the language in life is important for everyone.

Today he is the solution to all problems.

A couple of phrases - the contract is ready.

In any edge of six continents.

Suddenly you go to Harvard to study,

Or you decide to rest abroad -

Knowing the language is important now.

Chorus: Viva, English!

Viva, German and French!

Viva, French!

Viva, English and German!

1 student: And we also have an economy. Do you know how this subject will help us in life!

2 student: How? Since childhood, I hate mental counting.

Love is disgusted by all calculation.

I proudly take out the calculator

The song "People meet, people fall in love, get married"

Vocal Group of Girls: People meet, people fall in love, get married.

I keep standing at the blackboard and take the integral.

But why? I can use a calculator

So that the seller does not shortchange me.

Again I stand at the blackboard, cursing my life,

I know that learning is light, but it doesn't make it any easier, no!

O. Bender and Kisa appear on stage

Kisa: Well, Ostap Ibrahimovic! Do you need such a bride?

O. Bender: Offend, dear! So she can't do anything, what's the use of her? She won’t be able to earn money, and she’ll squander everything mine.

Presenter 1: You see, guys, even in this case you need to know the basics of economics!

Baba Yaga: We are interested in technical progress:

Do they know a lot in subjects - with or without a cheat sheet?

They were taught without fuss about benzene and a hundred seas,

To know where and how much you can throw out rubles.

How many different torments there were in the study of sciences.

And they taught the FAQ, let them tell us aloud.

Presenter 2: What are you talking about, grandma Ezhka, or don’t you know what we have

There is a beloved techie in the gymnasium - this is a class!

Song: An order was given - to him on the 10th,

She's on the other side...

Volunteers were leaving

Who goes where, who is in the vocational school.

They said, parting, leaving the school house:

Do not be sad, our director,

We will come again, we will come.

Moderator: Yes, it did. Of the 44 children of our graduation, 38 students came to study at the gymnasium. We faced a serious choice.

Reader 4: Mathematics is the queen of sciences! Ships don't sail without it

You can't divide an acre of land without her,

you can’t even buy bread, you can’t count rubles,

that you don’t know how much, but when you find out, you won’t understand.

Presenter 2: But Valentina Dmitrievna claims that "mathematics is the queen of all sciences, but the servant of physics." Is it so?

Reader 5: How to assemble this circuit so that it does not close?

Can we comprehend all this without physics?

But this is important in life just for everyone!

Reader 6: In physics, I often peck with my nose,

The movement of bodies was calculated by Newton.

Yes, the head leans askew to the desk,

But he's the only one to blame.

Song: The minutes are slowly drifting away

We are in physics class.

Valentina Dmitrievna is a little sorry,

Everything is ahead of the person.

Presenter 2: Valentina Dmitrievna! If the statement is true that a body immersed in a liquid pushes out a volume of liquid equal to its volume, then the knowledge that you tried to invest in us should throw out all other knowledge long ago.

Reader 7: Explain this science on the fingers

Without experience, because it's just flour.

Without money it is difficult to live in our country,

And the chemistry room doubly so.

Reader 8: And if suddenly trouble happens: red smoke curls in clubs,

Flames lick the ceiling. Don't be afraid - it's just a chemistry lesson.

On the way to a great goal, suffering is not terrible.

Mendeleev would approve of our research.

Presenter 2: The play "The torments of education." From the life of the chemistry classroom. Characters: Small test tube, Large test tube, Periodic table, Chemistry textbook, chemistry teacher.

Small test tube: I've been standing empty for many years,

No one has been pouring anything into me for a long time.

Large test tube: I remember before ... Life was full.

Acids, alkalis... Everyone needed me.

Periodic table: Oh, stop it! Give me the floor.

Here I am - hanging quietly on the wall,

The student will raise an inquisitive gaze

And in front of him is a pattern of cells,

Anything, he will know in an instant ...

Chemistry textbook: Oh yes, oh yes! Diligent student,

Having opened me, he will turn the pages,

And all science will instantly become clear ...

Presenter 2: Enter S.V. She seems to be annoyed.

Chemistry teacher (S.V.): That's it, I'm leaving! I can not do it anymore!

In my sick, exhausted brain

Just one thought, and it barely flickers,

When will students start learning?

Break the test tubes and break the table,

Throw away the textbook! Here I would be a student

Ile at worst student.

At least try a little! And the board

And chalk - then it would not be useful.

I would teach them when they were learning!

Presenter 2: "Knowledge is a path, not a goal."

Reader 9: We will be scientists, we will be engineers,

we shall master secular manners.

Only labor could turn a monkey into a man,

And we need to talk about this more often in the classroom.

Reader 10: I know that I am made of bones,

As well as meat, blood, lymph, skin.

But I don't understand, for the life of me

How will this help me in my life?

Presenter 2: Now, if you want to treat people, knowledge will help in honey. you to do.

Presenter 1: The teaching fraternity will help you understand all the sciences. We dedicate this friendly caricature to our teachers.

To the tune of "Generals of the Sandpits"

I started learning Russian at school, but I didn't understand anything.

History is my second mother, but I don't understand her.

Literature is my mother again, but I don't understand it,

When I decided to receive a medal, I quickly, quickly began to understand.

To the melody "Help Me" from the movie "The Diamond Arm"

You talked about integrals, so tedious, so long,

But still, we grasped the essence of this knowledge a long time ago.

You scared us with hydrostatics, nuclear physics,

But through scientific thorns

We broke anyway!

help me help me

Pass mathematics with physics.

And not just, oh, not just

And we want to get five!

To the melody "There is only a moment between the past and the future" from the movie "Sannikov Land"

We can pollinate all the flowers in the meadow,

And we can pour H 2 O into a test tube.

We can open our island in the ocean

And the stars go far, far away (2 times)

Presenter 2: And to our graduates and those who have not yet decided on the choice of the profile of education and future profession, we will give our comic recommendations.

To the melody of the song "Healthy Ukrainian" ("... be healthy, live richly ...")

Mind if not, then go straight to the ped,

And there is no conscience - then you are in honey.

If you like to mess with water,

Then you will be useful in the captains, in the fleet.

But if you like to dig in manure -

Then you need to go into agriculture.

And if you love combine harvesters and tanks,

Then you go as an engineer to a mechanic.

Or maybe you like to play war games -

Then you need to join the military.

And if you jumped from the balcony more than once -

Then aviation is your finest hour.

And if you can't do anything at all -

Go to culture, at least warm your soul.

There are so many professions people need,

Wherever you go, we will never forget you.

And if fate throws you home -

Welcome to your own high school!

So be healthy, live, love,

And while we move - lessons to teach us!

The students leave, and O. Bender and Kisa appear on stage

O. Bender: Well, it's probably time for us to go in search of new adventures, new ideas.

kisa: See you soon, friends!

Teacher: We represent a small rural school from Russian hinterland. Our village Andreykovo is located near the city of Vyazma, between Smolensk and Moscow. And if Smolensk is called the key-city, then Vyazma is the gate that opens the way to Moscow. It is a worker city and a warrior city.

Parent: Vyazemskaya land is unusually talented. Among our fellow countrymen are Nakhimov and Dargomyzhsky, Dokuchaev and Yakushkin, here is the Griboyedov's estate museum and the three-hipped church of Hodegetria, the first stories were written here by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. In our school, where there are only 185 students, the cultural and historical heritage of the Vyazma land is carefully preserved.

Director: We present to your attention a film about our school.


Representation of team members
The reporter: There are star schools that are of particular interest to the public. Andreykovskaya secondary school undoubtedly belongs to those. They say that a person is greeted by clothes, and a school by appearance and emblem. You, I know, have your own symbolism. What does the coat of arms of your school mean?

Student: The basis of the emblem of the school is a circle symbolizing the continuity educational process: some students graduate from school, others enter preschool groups. Background - blue sky, which is, on the one hand, a symbol of a carefree childhood, and on the other hand, opens the way to Big world Knowledge and Discovery. Against the background of the sky is gaining strength ear- an attribute of a rural school. The ear is formed from books, the traditional source of knowledge.

  • affordable and quality education;
  • formation of a viable personality of a rural schoolchild;
  • preservation and strengthening of children's health;
  • innovative development of the educational process;
  • additional educational services;
  • harmonization of parent-child relations;
  • informatization of school educational space.

Student: Motto of our school are the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Thales: (together) "The bliss of the body consists in health, the bliss of the mind - in knowledge" .
Director: The concept of the school is the development of a viable personality of a rural student based on the use of collective creative activity, health-creating technologies, as well as preparing students to choose the path and method of further education.

The main directions of transformations.
1. Implementation of the project: "Education of a viable personality in a rural society"
This direction is being implemented jointly with the Institute of Social and Pedagogical Problems of the Rural School of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow) on the following topics:

  • "Modern socio-pedagogical and communicative technologies for preparing schoolchildren for professional and value self-determination" (Effectiveness: Psychological and pedagogical support was introduced, EC "Steps to the Profession", "Communicative Culture" grades 9-11. Schoolchildren consciously choose ways and means of continuing education) ;
  • “Education of a viable personality by means of physical culture and recreational work” (Children’s health indicators have a positive trend, a sports class has been opened, areas of recreational work and types of recreational activities have been introduced: swimming, aqua aerobics, fitness, therapeutic exercises and others
  • "Development of parent-child relations in a rural family as a factor in raising children" (in preschool groups, play therapy classes are held together with parents) .

The experience of the school in the preservation of mental and physical health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle is summarized in federal level The Institute of Social and Pedagogical Problems of the Rural School at the regional level - the Smolensk Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers.

Second direction
Modernization of the content and technological aspects of the educational process
1. Creation of a flexible learning system in the educational model "School Resource Center"
Resource support for the introduction of specialized training has been created:

  • regulatory
  • information and methodological
  • 29% of teachers have publications in professional media
  • motivational
  • introduced "Teacher Portfolio"
  • 30% of teachers are participants in all-Russian competitions
  • 33% of teachers today are winners of the competition within the framework of the priority national education project
  • organizational
  • The experience of the school is presented at III All-Russian competition"Management of the educational process at school » ,
  • The article "Features of the functioning of the resource center in the context of an experiment on the introduction of profile education" was published in the journal "Director of a rural school"

2. "The project of landscaping the school area" was developed as a school-wide collective creative work. The result of this activity was personal development schoolchild, the formation of over-subject skills and abilities in the framework of the work on the project. For example, a 8th grade student A. Kapustina completed research work on the topic of the project. To draw up a project for landscaping a school site, one had to know what a scale is and be able to draw a site plan; solve percentage problems. Anya's calculations were used by the biology teacher when purchasing seeds and planting seedlings.
Elya Zaitseva, a 11th grade student, attended the elective course "Mathematics in Economics". I applied the knowledge gained in the lessons of mathematics, economics, in the elective course in my work at the school site and conducted a study “Solving problems with economic content on the school site”, calculated how much and at what price you need to sell vegetables grown on the site so that the profit is the greatest .

3. Informatization of the school educational space.
At the beginning of 2006 the school had only 6 computers, by the end of the year part of the funds received under the Priority National Project "Education" was spent on the purchase of computer and office equipment. The computer class was completely re-equipped, computers appeared in many classrooms. The expansion of the computer park has led to the emergence of new tasks not only in teaching, but also in the practical application of computer technology by teachers. Today there is one computer for every four students. 85% of teachers use computer technology in their work.
The funds received within the framework of the PNVE in 2008 were spent on the purchase of computer equipment for the implementation of the School Television project, a multimedia class, 3 interactive whiteboards, modern fitness equipment for the gym primary school, a set of health-saving furniture and computer programs for psychological and pedagogical support of specialized training, payment for advanced training courses in teaching tutoring at the Academy for Advanced Studies in Moscow. Compared to 2006, the funds of the second grant are aimed not at the quantitative component, but at the qualitative provision of the educational process.
The result of the implementation of the school development program should be considered - the formation of the child's personality within the framework of the "graduate model".
- interaction with the School Council, alumni, parents, rural community.
- the formation of a high image of the school.

The reporter: And how do parents feel about school innovations? Does this interfere with the education of children, does it affect their health?

Parent: sings ditties
Help me to understand
In our school - what's what
So many innovations
I don't understand anything

Here I stand at the classroom door
Heart is beating wildly
Guys eyes sparkle
From the exam, brains are cracking

We don't need summer in winter
We have a pool in winter
And children are learning in the pool
Olympic crawl and breaststroke

Many different technologies
warm school interest
So you want from the threshold
I myself sit at the desk

Reporter to the teacher: You talked a lot about school informatization. But the informatization of the school educational space is only for professionals. I know that a young specialist is doing this in your school. What, in your opinion, is the main feature of informatization of the school?
Teacher:… an initiative group of high school students has been created at the school, which helps to implement ideas for informatization of the school. Lobanov Alexander is one of the active participants in this project.
Reporter to student: Sasha, what are your achievements in this area?
Student: I have developed computer program"Number Systems Calculator", an electronic textbook on the language "Pascal". I take part in the regional exhibition every year computer technology. Last year, my portfolio was the best in school, and I took part in the district competition "Student of the Year" and was awarded 1 Svetlana Savitskaya Prize.

Parent: Our school, indeed, is small, but it is on such schools that the village rests, our Russia rests. It is no coincidence that the Smolensk poet Alexei Mishin wrote in one of his poems:

Russia begins
From the village
From the hill
Going down the ages...

Teacher: From time immemorial, hospitality, generosity and hospitality have been characteristic of the Russian people. One of the most ancient traditions is offering a loaf to dear guests, and we would like to hope that you will definitely be guests of Andreykovskaya secondary school.
(removal of loaf and handing over to jury members)

Singing the school anthem

1. There is ancient Vyazma in the Smolensk region,
There is a glorious village in the Smolensk region.
Lots of things to do and different
A glorious school will show you here.

Chorus 2 times:
School in Andreykovo - a drop of the Fatherland -
Teaches children the rules of life.

2. Books, textbooks, ball and dumbbells
They are friends with the guys six days a week.
And in education the right vector
The director will advise with the team.

3. Each teacher is both affectionate and strict.
Let's say thank you, going over the threshold.
Adult life does not scare the guys,
The school in Andreykovo is a white frigate.

Ved.8 We are glad to greet with thunderous applause today those who gave their whole lives to this wonderful profession - our veterans.

Photos of veterans

Ved.1. . They are replaced by young teachers , those who have yet to go through this difficult path.

Ved.2. It's not easy to teach others!
But life goes on, and we must hurry.
To have time to educate students,
So that there is someone to learn from later

Ved.3. Let these lines become a kind of order from our veterans to their colleagues. And let the veterans of the education of the Yarkovsky district always be close to their schools, ready to give us their shoulder, just like today.

On the stage, 9th grade children with guitars in front of the presenters

It's great that we're all here today...
1. Today is a holiday in the club and the competition has begun.
In the excitement of the contestants, ready to soar up,
The jury met the participants very strictly here,
But it's great that we're all here today.

2. On the stage, with a tremor in the throat, we will perform songs,
We will answer the questions that were born in thoughts.
We will fill every moment with poems and business cards
It's great that we are all here today.

Slide #9 Children with guitars go in one direction, on the other side 16 children of the 2nd grade with balloons inflated with gel come out

Slide #10 Ved.4 The professional credo of the Yarkovskaya school teachers is

"A business. Creation. Joy".

Ved.5. The most important thing in our school is (children in chorus) CHILDREN!

In parallel, dance to the song "Childhood".

1: Do not poison childhood with an argument,

2: Don't push the conversation

3: Do not crush with evil and fear

4: Do not throw words in a big way,

5: Spare the soul of a child,

6: Take care of your eyes,

7: Do not reproach for a prank in vain,

8: Dear teacher,

9: Developing children's mind,

10: Do not get into the jungle right away,

11: Do not rush childhood days,

12: Give the sun to childhood.

13: Let the childhood hold on

14: Let faith breathe,

15: Let him rise to his height,

16: Let childhood take place!

The children leave, the leader immediately says the text.

Ved.4. School. Yarkovskaya school! What is she?

(On the screen: student achievements + various photos)

What music?
Ved.5. It has a permanent teaching staff, which means it is patient.
Ved.6 There are a lot of smiling faces here, which means happy.
Ved.7. They are always glad to see their graduates here, which means they are hospitable.
Ved.8. Here we are ready to help every student, which means kind.
Ved.1. Former students bring their children and grandchildren here, which means beloved.
Ved.2 This is what our school is like! KHOROM - The best school in the world!

Ved.3. There are star schools that are of particular interest to the public. These, of course, include the Yarkovskaya secondary school.

Ved.4 They say that a person is greeted by clothes, and a school by its appearance and emblem. We have our own symbols. What does the coat of arms of our school mean?

On the screen is the emblem of the school, surrounded by emblems of the Teacher of the Year

Slide #13 Ved.5. The basis of the emblem of the school is a circle, symbolizing the continuity of the educational process: some students graduate from school, others enter the short stay group. Background - blue sky, which is, on the one hand, a symbol of carefree childhood, and on the other hand, opens the way to the big world of Knowledge and Discoveries. Against the background of the sky, a learned owl is located - an attribute of wisdom. And, of course, the book is a traditional source of knowledge.

1st grade kids leaving

slide number 14 Ved.6 We represent the activities of our school in the form of a rainbow.

Directions are read by first-graders

    affordable and quality education; formation of a viable personality of a rural schoolchild; preservation and strengthening of children's health; innovative development of the educational process; leisure (extracurricular employment); harmonization of parent-child relations; informatization of school educational space.

Ved.8 motto of our school are the words of the ancient Greek philosopher: (together) "The bliss of the body consists in health, the bliss of the mind - in knowledge" .

Slide #15 Ved.1 Director: The school development program was developed for the period from 2009 to 2013.


The purpose of the program is to adapt the educational process to the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, different levels of learning content, the conditions for the development of the school as a whole, by introducing new teaching and upbringing methods into the educational process, diagnosing the level of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, psychological diagnosing the level of actual development, creating conditions for the maximum disclosure of the teacher's creative potential, comfortable conditions for the development of the child's personality.

Ved.2. The priority areas of the program are:

Determination of the optimal content of education for students, taking into account the requirements of modern society for a school graduate:

Creating conditions for the development of a person who owns a culture of health, social skills,

Formation of the foundations of citizenship, creativity and development of creative abilities of students through interaction educational institution with society, familiarization with national traditions;

Increasing the level of material, technical and staffing of the UVP.

Slide #16 Ved.3. Modernization of the content and technological aspects of the educational process provides for
Creation of a flexible learning system in the educational model "School Resource Center"
Profile education at the senior level of education has been introduced at the Yarkovskaya school since 2005. Resource support for specialized training has been created:

    regulatory and legal information and methodological 8% of teachers have publications in professional media motivational organizational introduced "Teacher's Portfolio"

Slide #17 Ved.4 Innovations at the Yarkovskaya school have always occupied a significant place:

1993 - pilot site for the introduction of a basic plan;

Vedgod – approbation of the first “Health” program in the Yarkovsky district

Ved.6-2003 - the status of a resource center for educational institutions of the region.

Ved.7-2005 - an experimental municipal platform for the introduction of profile education;

slide number 18

Ved.8 -2006 - the status of the "School of the center of educational work in society"

Ved.year - by decision of the Academic Council of TOGIRRO - an experimental platform for the introduction of the national-regional component;

Ved.god is a pilot site for approbation of federal state educational standards.

Slide #19 Ved.5. Informatization of school educational space.
At the beginning of 2006 The school only had 12 computers. During the years funds received under the Priority National Project "Education" were spent on the purchase of computer and office equipment. Computer classes were completely re-equipped, computers appeared in many classrooms.

slide number 20 Ved.6 The result of the implementation of the school development program should be considered - the formation of the child's personality within the framework of the "graduate model".
- interaction with the School Council, alumni, parents, rural community.
- the formation of a high image of the school.

Ved.7. And how do parents feel about school innovations? Does this interfere with the education of children, does it affect their health?

Parent sings ditties
Help me to understand
In our school - what's what
So many innovations
I don't understand anything

Here I stand at the classroom door
Heart is beating wildly
Guys eyes sparkle
From the exam, brains are cracking

Lots of different technologies
warm school interest
So you want from the threshold
I myself (Myself) sit at the desk

Slide #21 Ved.8 Extra-curricular and educational work is carried out in various areas. The basis is the annual cycle of holidays and events, as well as traditional ones: First Bell Holiday, Health Days, Teachers, Elderly, Mother's Day, New Year holidays, graduation evenings, participation in the Victory Parade, song and formation reviews, and many others.

slide number 22 Ved.1. In order to actively participate in the formation of a health-saving environment and create the necessary conditions that can positively influence the dynamics of the formation, preservation and development of the health of each student, the school has developed and operates the Health program.

Ved.2. The school has a psychological and social support service. The school employs a psychologist and a social worker. teacher.

slide number 23 Ved.3. Clubs and sections work on the basis of the school, in the 2nd academic year there are more than twenty of them.
Ved.4 The school is doing a lot of internal work, the employment of students in circles and sections in the system of additional education is more than 65% of school students.

Ride leisure activities with pictures.

Athletes come out

Slide #24 Ved.5. The school's area of ​​success is sports work. According to the results of the academic year, the school took 1st place in the district Spartakiad of schoolchildren of the Yarkovsky district, 6th place in the regional meeting "Safe Wheel", 2nd place in the erudite tournament of the 10th regional meeting of young traffic inspectors.

Athlete 1.

Lessons, sections, competitions

For everyone who wants, sports are open,

Health is not for competition

athlete 2.

We are brave, and strong, and dexterous,

With sports always on the way,

The guys are not afraid of training,

Therefore, we are ahead!


While reading poems, a pyramid is built!

slide number 25 Ved.6. The experience of the school was presented at the All-Russian competition of the best educational institutions within the framework of the PNPO in 2006 and 2008, the school's well-deserved awards are a grant from the governor - 500,000 rubles and a "presidential million".

Ved.7. 70% of teachers are participants in regional, federal and all-Russian competitions

Ved.8 18% of teachers are winners of the competition within the priority national project education

Ved.1 The research activity of teachers and students is represented by participation in regional scientific and practical conferences over the past ten years.

Ved.2. Every year, students and teachers of the school take part in all-Russian, regional, municipal reviews, competitions, olympiads, but the academic year was a record one, we took part in 78 all-Russian and regional competitions.

(Depict the screensaver in the form of a scene - a small student and a big girl, both wearing glasses)

2 host (high school student School is a living organism . Where is his heart?

1 presenter (first grader) In the director's office !

2 host (high school student) And here it is not. Although many hearts fluttered at the mention of this office.

1 presenter (first grader) In the medical office! They won't let a single student go to waste! Heal quickly.

Slide #26 2 leading (high school student). Of course, it is very important that the child is healthy at school. . But the heart of the school is the library! A place where a person joins the world of knowledge accumulated by mankind on their own. And the librarian serves as a real guide on this interesting and important path. .

Ved.3. Therefore, a significant event in 2010 was the participation of the library of our school in the full-time stage of the competition of the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region "The Best Library of a Rural School".

Ved.4 2011 has been declared the year of reading. So let our heart beat without interruption.

slide number 27 Ved.5. We have favorite place all students canteen, so the participation of the canteen in the full-time stage of the competition of the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen region "The best canteen of a rural school" was adequately noted by the education department and the Yarkovo school won the regional competition of school canteens.

Slide #28 Ved.6 The school has established itself as an educational institution that provides a high level of knowledge with a consistently high percentage of at least 60% entering universities.
Ved.7. The Governing Council of the school was created, its interaction with the teaching and student teams was organized.
Ved.8 We are ready to talk about the achievements of the school for a very long time, but there is such a magic word "regulations" and therefore the word to the director.

Ved.1 Director: We deeply believe that there are two keys to success in all our endeavors. On the one hand, these are the richest opportunities for children, inherent in them by nature itself, and on the other hand, the pedagogical possibilities of teachers who work creatively, looking for the most effective forms and methods of work.

Teacher! There is no better profession
in the world.
You bring the light of knowledge to children.
Not for money, fame or titles -
This is your high calling.|
I want to bow low to you
For myself and for all students.

Hall applause.

slide number 29 The anthem begins to sound, the children come out - first the choir, then the second class sits on the steps from both sides, the dance children and athletes come out.

Ved.6. Dear our teachers!
Today, greeting you with warm love from the bottom of my heart
We wish you happiness and health!

Ved.7. You are always young in soul, sharing work and joy with us,
Our strict, our dear, patient teachers!
Ved.8 You give us a lot of strength and love, no matter what,
How do you believe in us, that, perhaps, no one knows how to believe like that!

Singing the school anthem

Purpose: to summarize students' ideas about the school, about the value of school friendship.


    To reveal the meaning of the concepts “school house”, “school is a friendly family”;

    to form a civic position in relation to their school, to others;

    Cultivate a sense of pride in their school family, native school;

    Awaken the desire to do something useful for the native school.

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation CD, cards.

Introductory speech of the moderator.

Perhaps there is no person who was not associated with the school. School is our big life. And if in a family a child is born physically as a person, then at school he is born as a citizen. It is in school that you learn to live among people. Here the best human qualities, love for the native land, respect and pride for one's country, mercy and compassion are sown. At school they teach not only the sciences, but, probably, the most important thing - to be a man. And of course, what kind of people surround you at school is of great importance. What good do you take, comprehend every day.

The school anthem is played.

School anthem.

We live in Russia, there is no more beautiful place.

We learn, grow up, build our own happiness.

We hurry to school - our dear home every day.

Here, our beloved teacher is warmly welcomed.

Chorus: School, school, no more wonderful!

Here lessons sports and songs.

Here we are accustomed to work,

To be useful in life.

"City of Masters" - we were not called so in vain,

Skill can hardly be compared with us.

"Golden Hands" - that's what they call us.

We are proud of the school, where else is this!


We love our school

Spacious, bright home

Where there are many happy days

We'll do it together.


To keep everyone in the house warm, let's collect what we need for this. I need to have kindness in my house.
And you?

Respect, understanding, comfort, care, love.
(While the students are speaking, words appear on the board.

As a result, a house was built. The word "HEAT" is written on the roof.)


Here we have built a house in which it is warm.
Collect your warmth in the palm of your hand, let it be a lot.
Feel this warmth, share the warmth with each other.

Circle of joy. The teacher invites the children to hold hands.
- Feel how warm you feel.
- Give each other a smile.

The sun rose early.
Good afternoon!
The waves of the ocean are dancing.
Good afternoon!
The wheat is rising.
Good afternoon!
And the birds sing fervently.
Good afternoon!

The lakes are smiling.
Good afternoon!
Mountains are nodding from above.
Good afternoon!
And in your window the wind
Knocked at dawn -
Wake up, get up
Good afternoon!

Children read poetry

It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

You just have to be very kind.

To not forget each other in trouble.

And the guys will live together,

If we are kinder to you.


Where should our children live more friendly?

Riddle: There is a cheerful bright house,
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and count
Draw and read ... (School)

Yes, this is our school. (On the board "School is our common home")
- Why do you think they say that? (children's answers)

- From your words, I concluded that the school can really be called our common home, because. here we spend a significant part of our time. Here we live a special school life.
What role does school play in our lives? /Gives knowledge. Chat with friends. Brings up worthy citizens./

How do you understand the expression “school educates worthy citizens”? / The school brings up those qualities of character that help to become good people who can benefit their homeland /
- Many of these qualities you learn in the classroom, at extracurricular activities. Name them. / Diligence, honesty, responsiveness, accuracy, etc. /

Right. All these qualities are brought up in the family.

Each of us can contribute to making our school family even more warm and comfortable. And for this we must abide by the rules by which we live.
We will:

    Call each other by their first names.

    Protect our friends if they are hurt.

    Help them in trouble.

    Help them study.

We will not:

    Rude to each other.

    Launch your fists.

    Say hurtful things to your friends.

Don't dare to quarrel.

You can't live without friends

No way.

For nothing, for nothing

No way!

Don't leave your friends

Be responsible for them.

Don't hurt them

Nobody in the world.

Nobody, nobody

Nobody in the world.


Yes, peace in the family is the most precious thing. Let's see what our family is like.

Our class at school is the most active
And in fact, he is everywhere!
We will tell you frankly:

This is our class - the fourth "A"! (We all talk together)

Our class at school is the most friendly,
We will support everyone in need!
We will tell you without a doubt:

This is our class - the fourth "B"! (We all talk together)

Our class at school is the smartest,
There are a lot of fives in the diary!
We will definitely tell you:

This is our class - the third "A"! (We all talk together)

Our class at school is the noisiest,
Everything is spinning in my head!
We'll be honest with you:

This is our class - the third "B"! (We all talk together)

And which one is the funniest?
With smiles on their faces!
We will exclaim loudly to you:

This is our class - the second "A"! (We all talk together)

Our classes are the best
Because we are family!
We will tell you together:

We are reliable friends!

Children read poetry

I don't know better schools

She is already many years old!

Explains, teaches everything

And he answers everything!

Everyone is caring, like mothers,

And, like grandmothers, they are kind.

We suddenly get tired of work,

there will be a place to play!

Here we live very friendly:

Senior, junior - all important!

Help us if needed

Together, troubles are not terrible!


This is our close-knit school family.

And when it's a holiday in our family, of course, we like to play.

Competition "Comic exam".

Guys, you have been in school for a quarter. Let's check how attentive you were during this time. Try to answer my questions correctly:

1. How many floors does our school have?
2. How many steps do you have to climb to get into our building?
3. How many subjects do you study at school?
4. What is the name of the director of our school?
5. What is the name of your music teacher?
6. When you hear a call, what should you do?
7. How many boys and girls are in your class?

Islands of Knowledge game

Three circles are drawn on the floor. The melody of the song "What is taught at school" sounds. Students move freely around the room. As soon as the music stops, the children need to take a place in one of the three circles - "islands". The children are then asked to:

1st competition

Look how good he is
The house where you live!
A land that has been dear since childhood,
It's called homeland.

Grade 2

    What is the name of our country?

    Which city is the capital of Russia?

3rd grade

    Name your small home.

    Show the flag of Russia, the flag of Kuban.

4th grade

    What is the name of a person whose thoughts and actions are aimed at the good of the Motherland?

    What state symbols do you recognize?

II competition

Grade 2 "Riddles"

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but talking. Book

Living in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They count everything in the world. Numbers.

Grade 3 "Complete the proverb."

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

Live and learn).

There is no friend - look for .... (but found - take care).

Seven ... (one is not expected).

Grade 4 "Game with numbers"

    What number will be obtained if, to the number of heroes (33) led by Chernomor, add the number of dwarfs with whom Snow White lived (7).

    To the number of months that the stepdaughter met in the forest clearing (12), add the number of kids that were left at home alone (7).

II I competition

Quiz "Do you know the rules traffic

Grade 2

    What part of the street is for pedestrians? (Sidewalk.)

    Where do you need to cross the street? (At the crosswalk.)

    At what traffic light can you cross the street? (To green.)

3rd grade

    What is the name and meaning of this road sign?

    Why do traffic rules forbid games on the roadway?

    Where should children play?

4th grade

    Which sign prohibits cycling?

    At what age is it allowed to ride a bicycle on the streets of the city?

    What are the causes of child road traffic injuries?

Creative activity. Miracle School project. Presentation.

Our sweet school house. Special, unlike any other. Let's mentally walk through the corridors of our school, look into each class.
- What do you like most about our school?
- Would you like to change something here?
- I suggest you do creative project"Miracle School".

The class is divided into 3 groups using colored circles (blue, green, red). Each group gets a task.

1st group - "Director and teachers of the Miracle School."

Assignment: to draw up a mode of operation of the Miracle School. On a piece of paper, write down the answers to the questions:

What subjects will be at the Miracle School? ___________________

How many minutes will the lesson last? __________________________________
- A change? ___________________
- How many lessons per day? ____________________
- What homework should be given? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- What grades should be given? ________________________________________________________________________
- Will the holidays continue? ________________________________________________________________________

2nd group - "Students of the Miracle School."

Task: from the proposed pictures, choose those items that will be needed to study at the Miracle School.

3rd group - "Builders of the Miracle School"

Task: from the cut parts - "bricks" to fold the drawing of the Miracle School.

The phonogram of the song "Chunga-changa" sounds. Children together with the teacher sing the song "Miracle School"

How we live together, have fun,
We learn notes, we sing songs.
School, school is our dear home,
And we can't live without school.

Our school is amazing
It's so fun for everyone
It's so great for all the people
Let it be so!

Every student knows
That without a school, the world grows dim in an instant.
Our kids love school.
School, school is the best time!

Circle "Heart to Heart"

Our school is a big, beautiful, bright house. Miracle school! Here you will learn a lot of new, interesting things, you yourself become better and kinder. Your loving teachers, your friends and classmates are always by your side. Together we are one big, friendly family. School is a home where you are always welcome. Let's end our lesson with the phrase: "I wish my school ..."