Classification of school projects. Formation of design skills in technology lessons in primary grades Classification of types of educational projects table

Based on the dominant (predominant) student activity:

- practice-oriented project(from tutorial to package reco
recommendations for the restoration of the Russian economy);

- research project- research of any problem according to all the rules of scientific research;

- information project- collection and processing of information on a significant problem in order to present it to a wide audience (article in the media, information on the Internet);

- creative project- the most free author's approach to solving the problem. Product - almanacs, videos, theatrical performances, works of art or arts and crafts, etc .;

- role project- literary, historical, etc. business role-playing games,
the result of which remains open until the very end.

By complexity and nature of contacts projects can be monoprojects and interdisciplinary.

Monoprojects implemented within Interdisciplinary performed outside
one academic subject or one lesson time under the guidance of a specialist
areas of knowledge. socialists from different fields of knowledge.

By the nature of contacts projects are - intra-class, intra-school, regional and international. The last two, as a rule, are implemented as telecommunication projects, using the capabilities of the Internet and the means of modern computer technologies.

By duration projects can be:

mini-projects- fit into one lesson or even part of it;

short-term- for 4-6 lessons;

weekly, requiring 30-40 hours. A combination of classroom and extracurricular forms of work is expected. Deep immersion in the project makes the project week the optimal form of organizing project work;

long-term (annual) both individually and in a group setting. They are performed, as a rule, after school hours.

By composition project participants can be group personally The first of them has its own indisputable merits.

Types of project presentation:

scientific report, business game, video demonstration, excursion, telecast, conference, staging, theatricalization, games with the audience, defense at the academic council, dialogue of historical or literary characters, sports game, performance, travel, advertising, press conference, etc. ...

Project evaluation criteria should be understandable and accessible to the project participants, there should be no more than 7-10 of them, known from the very beginning of the project. First of all, the quality of the work as a whole, and not just the presentation, should be evaluated.

Classification of projects

In modern science, technical design is distinguished (the development and implementation of projects for predetermined goals) and humanitarian (problematic organization of thinking and activity). The most complete classification of projects in domestic pedagogy is the classification proposed in the textbook by E.S. Polat. It can be applied to projects used in the teaching of any academic discipline. Here is a classification of projects:

1. Research projects.

Such projects require a well-thought-out structure, designated goals, substantiation of the relevance of the research subject for all participants, designation of sources of information, well-thought-out methods, results. They are completely subordinate to the logic of a small study and have a structure close to a truly scientific study.

2. Creative projects.

Creative projects presuppose the appropriate design of the results. They, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of the participants. It is only outlined and further develops, obeying the logic of joint activities adopted by the group, and the interests of the project participants. In this case, it is necessary to agree on the planned results and the form of their presentation.

It should be noted that any project requires a creative approach, and in this sense, any project can be called creative.

This type of project was distinguished based on the dominant principle.

3. Role-playing projects.

In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants take on certain roles due to the nature and content of the project, the peculiarity of the problem being solved.

The degree of creativity is very high here, but the dominant type of activity is still role-playing.

4. Information projects.

This type of projects is initially aimed at collecting information about an object, phenomenon; familiarization of the project participants with this information, its analysis and generalization of facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure, the possibility of systematic adjustments in the course of work on the project.

Such projects are often integrated into research projects and become their organic part, module.

5. Practice-oriented projects.

These projects are distinguished by the result of the activities of the project participants, clearly marked from the very beginning, which is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves.

Such a project requires a well-thought-out structure, even a scenario of all the activities of its participants with the definition of the functions of each of them, clear results of joint activities and the participation of each in the design of the final product.

6. Monoprojects.

As a rule, such projects are carried out within the framework of one academic subject. At the same time, the most difficult sections or topics of the program are selected, for example, in the foreign language course these are topics related to regional, social, historical topics, etc.

Of course, work on monoprojects involves the application of knowledge from other areas for solving a particular problem. But the problem itself lies in the mainstream of philological, linguistic, and cultural knowledge proper. Such a project also requires careful structuring by lessons with a clear indication of not only the goals and objectives of the project, but also the knowledge and skills that students are supposed to acquire as a result. The logic of work in each lesson is planned in advance in groups (roles in groups are assigned by students), the form of presentation, which is chosen by the project participants on their own. Often, work on such projects has its continuation in the form of individual or group projects outside of school hours.

7. Interdisciplinary projects.

Interdisciplinary projects, as a rule, are performed after school hours. These can be small projects affecting two or three subjects, as well as fairly voluminous, lengthy, school-wide, planning to solve one or another rather complex problem that is significant for all project participants.

Such projects require highly qualified coordination on the part of specialists, well-coordinated work of many creative groups with clearly defined research tasks, well-developed forms of intermediate and final presentations.

In practice, it is usually impossible to see one or another project in its pure form; one can only talk about the dominant direction of the activities of the participants in one or another project. But full-fledged project activity does not correspond to the age capabilities of younger students. In this regard, the method of design tasks is widely used with which we will get acquainted below.

Private institution of educational and additional education

"Lyceum boarding school" Podmoskovny "

Final certification work

(abstract) on the topic:

"Typology of educational projects"

Performed by the chemistry teacher

E.V. Stepanova

Coral 2016


Introduction …………………………………………………………. ………… ... …………… .3

Typology of projects …………………………………………………………………….… .5

    Typological features of projects …………………………………………… ... 5

    Classification of projects by typological characteristics ……… .. …………… .6

    Organization of external evaluation of projects of different types ………………. ……… .12

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………… ... 14

References ……………………………………………………………………… .15


“Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember,

involve me - and I will learn. "

Is there an effective pedagogical tool that can engage students in learning and development? Of course, the project method is such a tool. In recent years, in pedagogy, we have seen a surge of interest in the project method known since the 1920s. We all understand that a modern person must be able to do a lot in order to be successful in various areas of his life. The project form of work is one of the most relevant technologies that allow students to apply the accumulated knowledge of the subject. The project method is based on the idea of ​​the orientation of the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren on the result that is obtained when solving a particular practically or theoretically significant problem.

Working on a project is a creative process. A student, independently or under the guidance of a teacher, is looking for a solution to a problem, this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, possession of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. In the course of foreign languages, the project method can be used within the framework of program material on almost any topic. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities.

The ability to use the project method is an indicator of the teacher's high qualifications, his progressive teaching methodology and student development. It is not without reason that these technologies are referred to technologies of the XXI century, which primarily provide for the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing living conditions of a person in a post-industrial society. The project method can be used in the study of any subject. It can be used in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. It is focused on achieving the goals of the students themselves, and therefore it is unique. It forms an incredibly large number of skills and abilities, and therefore it is effective. But in order to ensure the effective work of students with a project, you should know its typology.

The purpose of this work - to study the classification of project types according to typological characteristics.


    indicate the typological features of projects;

    give a brief description of the types of projects in accordance with their typological characteristics;

    pay attention to the need to organize an external evaluation of all projects.

Subject of study : method of projects.

Object of study : types of projects by typological characteristics.

Research methods and tools : the study of scientific and methodological literature on the problem, the method of analysis, the use of Internet resources.

Typology of projects.

    Typological signs of projects.

It is extremely important not only for a general understanding of the problem, but also so that the teacher, when developing a project with his students, preparing for it, selecting the necessary materials, can clearly understand its features and plan the work accordingly. Knowledge of the typology of projects will help teachers in the development of projects, their structure, in coordinating the activities of students in groups. Typological features of projects include:

    the dominant method or type of activity in the project: research, creative, role-playing, informational, practice-oriented, etc.

    subject - content area: monoproject (within one area of ​​knowledge) and interdisciplinary project.

    the nature of the project coordination: with open coordination, explicit coordination and with hidden coordination.

    the nature of contacts: (among the participants of one school, one class, city, region, one country, different countries of the world) internal or regional, or international.

    number of project participants (individual, couples, group)

    duration of the project (short-term, medium-term, long-term).

    Classification of types of projects by typological characteristics.

According to the dominant method in the project, the following types of projects are distinguished:


Such projects require a well-thought-out structure, designated goals, the relevance of the research subject for all participants, social significance, well-thought-out methods, including experimental, experimental work, methods of processing results. Such projects are completely subordinate to the logic of research and have a structure that approximates or completely coincides with genuine scientific research: argumentation of the relevance of the topic adopted for research, definition of the research problem, its subject and object, designation of research tasks in the sequence of the adopted logic, determination of research methods, sources of information, determination of research methodology, hypotheses for solving the indicated problem, determination of ways to solve it, including experimental, experimental, discussion of the results obtained, conclusions, registration of research results, designation of new problems for the further course of research.


Such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of the participants, it is only outlined and further develops, obeying the genre of the final result, due to this genre and the logic of joint activities adopted by the group, and the interests of the project participants. In this case, it is necessary to agree on the planned results and the form of their presentation (joint newspaper, essay, video film, dramatization, sports game, holiday, expedition, etc.). However, the presentation of the project results requires a well-thought-out structure in the form of a video script, dramatization, holiday program, etc., an essay plan, article, reportage, etc., design and headings of a newspaper, almanac, album, etc.

Adventure, gaming

In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants assume specific roles based on the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. The results of such projects can be outlined at the beginning of the project, but they can only loom towards its end. The degree of creativity here is very high, but the dominant type of activity is still role-playing, adventure.

Information projects

This type of projects is initially aimed at collecting information about an object, phenomenon, familiarizing project participants with this information, analyzing it and summarizing facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure, the possibility of systematic correction in the course of work on the project. The structure of such a project can be designated as follows.

The purpose of the project, its relevance - methods of obtaining (literary sources, mass media, databases, including electronic, interviews, questionnaires, including foreign partners, conducting a "brainstorming") and information processing (their analysis, generalization, comparison with known facts, reasoned conclusions), result (article, abstract, report, video), presentation (publication, including online, discussion in a teleconference, etc.).

Such projects are often integrated into research projects and become their organic part, module.

The structure of research activities for the purpose of information retrieval and analysis is very similar to the subject research activities described above:

    information retrieval subject;

    stage-by-stage search with designation of intermediate results;

    analytical work on collected facts;


    adjusting the original direction (if required);

    further search for information on specified

    analysis of new facts;


    conclusion, presentation of results (discussion, editing, presentation, external assessment);


These projects are distinguished by the clearly defined result of the activities of its participants from the very beginning. Moreover, this result is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves (a document created on the basis of the results of the study - on ecology, biology, geography, agrochemistry, historical, literary and other nature, an action program, recommendations aimed at eliminating the identified inconsistencies in nature, society , draft law, reference material, dictionary, for example, everyday school vocabulary, reasoned explanation of some physical, chemical phenomenon, draft winter garden of the school, etc.).

Such a project requires a well-thought-out structure, even a scenario of all the activities of its participants, with the definition of the functions of each of them, clear outputs and the participation of each in the design of the final product. Here, a good organization of coordination work is especially important in terms of stage-by-stage discussions, adjusting joint and individual efforts, organizing the presentation of the results obtained and possible ways of their implementation into practice, organizing a systematic external evaluation of the project.

Based on the subject-content area one can single out monoprojects and interdisciplinary projects.


As a rule, such projects are carried out within the framework of one academic subject. At the same time, the most difficult sections or topics related to regional, social, historical topics are selected. Of course, work on monoprojects involves the application of knowledge from other areas to solve a particular problem. But the problem itself lies in the mainstream of philological, linguistic, and cultural knowledge proper. Such a project also requires careful structuring and lessons with a clear indication of not only the goals and objectives of the project, but also the knowledge and skills that students are supposed to acquire as a result. The logic of work in each lesson is planned in advance in groups (roles in groups are assigned by students), the form of presentation, which is chosen by the project participants on their own. Often, work on such projects has its continuation in the form of individual or group projects outside of school hours.

Interdisciplinary projects.

Interdisciplinary projects are usually carried out after school hours. These can be small projects affecting two or three subjects, as well as sufficiently voluminous, lengthy, school-wide, planning to solve a particular problem that is significant for all project participants. Such projects require highly qualified coordination on the part of specialists, well-coordinated work of many creative groups with clearly defined research tasks, well-developed forms of intermediate and final presentations.

By the nature of coordination projects can be of two types.

With open, explicit coordination

In such projects, the project coordinator participates in the project in his own function, unobtrusively directing the work of its participants, organizing, if necessary, individual stages of the project, the activities of its individual participants (for example, if you need to make an questionnaires, interviews of specialists, collect representative data, etc.).

With hidden coordination (mainly telecommunication projects)

In such projects, the coordinator does not reveal himself either in networks or in the activities of groups of participants in his function. He acts as a full participant in the project. An example of such projects is the well-known telecommunication projects organized and carried out in Great Britain (University of Cambridge, B. Robinson), in which in one case a professional children's writer acted as a participant in the project, trying to “teach” his “colleagues” to express their thoughts competently and literally on various occasions. At the end of this project, an interesting collection of children's stories based on the Arabian fairy tales was published. In another case, a British businessman acted as such a hidden coordinator of an economic project for high school students, who also, under the guise of one of his business partners, tried to suggest the most effective solutions for specific financial, trade, and other transactions. In the third case, to study some historical facts, a professional archaeologist was brought into the project, who, acting as an elderly, infirm specialist, sent "expeditions" of the project participants to different regions of the planet and asked them to inform him about all the interesting facts found by their participants during excavations. asking from time to time "provocative questions" that forced the project participants to delve deeper into the problem.

By the nature of contacts projects are divided into domestic and international.

Domestic or regional (i.e. within the same country), such projects are called that are organized either within one school - interdisciplinary, or between schools, classes within a region, one country (this also applies to telecommunications projects).

International projects such projects are called, the participants of which are representatives of different countries. These projects are of exceptional interest, which will be discussed in more detail in the second part of the book, since their implementation requires information technology tools.

By the number of participants projects can be divided into three types of projects:

    personal (between two partners located in different schools, regions, countries).

    paired (between pairs of participants).

    group (between groups of participants).

In the latter type, it is very important from a methodological point of view to organize this group activity of the project participants (both in a group of their students and in a united group of project participants from different schools and countries). The role of the teacher in this case is especially great.

By duration Projects are carried out in the following types:

    short term (to solve a small problem or part of a larger problem). Such small projects can be developed in several lessons in a single subject program or as interdisciplinary ones.

    average duration (from a week to a month).

    long-term (from one month to several months).

Typically, short-term projects are carried out in lessons in a particular subject, sometimes drawing on knowledge from another subject. For medium and long term projects, such projects (conventional or telecommunications, domestic or international) are interdisciplinary and contain a rather large problem or several interrelated problems, and then they constitute a program of projects. Such projects, as a rule, are carried out after school hours, although they can be tracked in the classroom as well.

Mixed types of projects.

Of course, in practice, most often one has to deal with mixed types of projects in which there are signs of research projects and creative ones, for example, both practice-oriented and research projects. Each type of project has one or another type of coordination, deadlines, stages, number of participants. Therefore, when developing this or that project, one must bear in mind the signs and characteristic features of each of them.

The success of project activities is based not only on the knowledge of the capabilities and abilities of each child, but also on the teacher's ability to clearly define already at the initial stages of the project's typology and didactic features. This will allow the teacher to most competently determine the goals and results of project activities, therefore, to build the students' activities in the most rational and effective way.

    Organization of external evaluation of projects of different types.

Separately, it should be said about the need to organize an external evaluation of all projects, since only in this way it is possible to track their effectiveness, failures, the need for timely correction. The nature of this assessment depends to a large extent on both the type of project and the topic of the project (its content), and the conditions of its implementation.

If thisresearch project, then it inevitably includes stages of implementation, and the success of the entire project largely depends on properly organized work at individual stages. Therefore, it is necessary to track such student activities step by step, assessing it step by step. However, here, as in collaborative learning, the assessment does not have to be expressed in the form of grades. This can be a wide variety of forms of encouragement.

Vgame projects that provide for a competitive nature, a point system (from 10 to 100 points) can be used.

Vcreative projects it is often impossible to measure intermediate results. But it is still necessary to track the work in order to come to the rescue on time if such help is needed (but not in the form of a ready-made solution, but in the form of advice).

External project evaluation (both intermediate and final) is necessary, but it takes various forms depending on many factors: a teacher or trusted external independent experts (these can be teachers, students from parallel classes who are not participating in the project) constantly monitor joint activities, but unobtrusively, and if necessary, tactfully come to the aid of the guys.

External evaluation parameters of the project:

    the significance and relevance of the problems raised, the adequacy of their studied topics;

    the correctness of the used research methods and methods of processing the results obtained;

    the activity of each project participant in accordance with his individual capabilities;

    the collective nature of the decisions made;

    the nature of communication and mutual assistance, the complementarity of the project participants;

    necessary and sufficient depth of penetration into the problem; attracting knowledge from other areas;

    evidence of decisions made, the ability to argue their conclusions, conclusions;

    aesthetics of the presentation of the results of the project;

    the ability to answer the questions of opponents, the laconicism and reasoning of the answers of each member of the group.



    New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat - M., 2000

    A. V. Bychkova The method of projects in the modern school. -M., 2000.

    Zachesova E.V. Method of educational projects. Educational technology of the XXI century - [Electronic resource].

    Pakhomova N.Yu. Project learning - what is it? / N.Yu. Pakhomova // Methodist, 2004– № 4

    Chambers E.S. New pedagogical technologies in the education system. M., 2005.

    Sergeev I.K. How to organize the project activities of students M., 2006.

We offer you a detailed classification of projects on various grounds. You will find out what types of them exist, how they differ from each other. First of all, let us give the necessary definition in order to have an idea of ​​what is at stake.

A project is a complex systemic process that aims to change various areas of a person's life. In developed countries and in the states of the former USSR, this concept differs significantly, and the classification of projects sometimes has its own characteristics (see the section "Investment projects").

In the traditional sense of the word, a project means:

1) Intention, idea, design.

2) Description, presentation, image of some object (intangible or tangible) on paper or other media.

What does the project include?

Its concept in the developed countries of the West is broader than it is accepted in our country. So, for example, the American Institute of Project Management designates it as a certain task with the initial data, as well as the required goals (results) that determine the way to solve it. Here, however, it is not said about what funds exist for the implementation of the project. In addition, the method of solving a particular problem is not always determined and not only by the goals (results) of its solution. Therefore, we can say that the project includes:

Concept (task, problem);

Solution (implementation) means;

Objectives (results).

Project results

In a broad sense, a project is something that can change anything in the world, in life. Its results from a similar point of view can be both concrete (organization, structure, building, products, etc.) and abstract (experience, knowledge, methods, plans, etc.). If we consider it as a dynamic system, we can distinguish:

Current (technology, documentation, etc.);

Final (profit, product, etc.).

Often a project and its results are presented in the form of a system of goals, which means that the project is a system. In other words, it is a set of various elements and the connections that arise between them, which ensures the achievement of certain goals.

Reasons for classifying projects

The classification of projects can be carried out according to the timing of implementation, scale, quality of their development and implementation, place of implementation, the size of the resources used. The variety of their types is extremely great in reality. The classification of projects has the following grounds:

The structure, composition of the project and the subject area that define its class;

Industrial premises;

Production facilities;

Work and production technology;

Technological equipment;

Services, works, product that are produced.

Depending on the nature of the project, others are possible, as well as a more detailed division of the above.

The supporting elements of the project are: finance, raw materials, personnel (personnel), premises and the territory of the location, contracts, agreements, contracts, as well as other elements that contribute to its implementation and development.

Investment projects

Almost all projects are investment projects, since the overwhelming majority of them require an investment of funds, that is, investment. In the special literature on project analysis and investment planning, it means a complex of interconnected enterprises that are aimed at achieving specific goals within a certain limited period of time. The classification of investment projects can be carried out on various grounds: by the scale of investments, goals, degree of risk, degree of interconnection, timing. In particular, in terms of the scale of investments, small, traditional, large and megaprojects are distinguished.

In the countries of the United States and Western Europe, small projects are meant, those, the cost of which is less than 300 thousand dollars. Medium (otherwise called traditional) have a cost of $ 300,000 to $ 2 million. Large projects are those that are strategic in nature and cost more than $ 2 million. And finally, megaprojects are international or state target programs that combine a number of investment projects with a single purpose. Their cost ranges from $ 1 billion.

In Russian practice, a somewhat different classification of investment projects has developed. For example, in the case when centralized investment resources are allocated on a competitive basis, projects worth more than $ 50 million are considered large.

Classification of educational projects

They can be personal and group. Moreover, each of them has undeniable advantages. There is also a special classification of which is presented below. This is a learning system, knowledge and skills in which are acquired in the process of independent planning and implementation of projects by students - practical tasks that are gradually becoming more complex.

It is possible to classify educational projects by:

The scale of the activity;

Subject areas;

The number of performers;

Terms of implementation;

The importance of the results.

All of them, regardless of type, are unique and inimitable, aimed at achieving certain goals, involve the coordination of interrelated actions, and are limited in time.

Complexity projects can be intersubject and monoprojects. The latter are carried out within the framework of only one area or one subject. Interdisciplinary ones are carried out under the guidance of specialists representing various fields of knowledge, outside the classroom.

By the nature of their contacts, they can be divided into international, regional, intra-school and intra-class. As a rule, the first two are carried out as telecommunication projects, using various means of modern technologies and the Internet.

If we take as a basis the predominant activity of students, then the following types can be distinguished:

Practice-oriented project;





As for the duration, we can highlight:

Mini-projects that fit into 1 lesson or part of it;

Short-term, designed for 4-6 lessons;

Weekly projects, which require 30-40 hours and involve a combination of extracurricular and class forms of work, as well as deep immersion in them, which makes them the optimal form of organizing work on projects;

Long-term (annual), both group and individual (as a rule, they are performed after hours).

Variety of projects

The classification, as you can see, is carried out not only by managers and scientists. Many of us encounter them in our professional activities, in particular, teachers. By the way, students also often receive the task to complete the "Project on the topic ...". This will help them in their future professional activities. A project on a topic proposed by a teacher or chosen independently is often regarded as a graduation or examination work.

Project type a brief description of
1. Informational The goal of the project is to collect information about an object or phenomenon, familiarize project participants with this information, analyze and summarize it, as well as present it in the form of abstracts, articles, reports, photo and video materials, tables, diagrams, etc. During the implementation of such projects, students develop the skills and abilities of searching, processing and presenting information. Information projects can be integrated into research projects.
2. Research
3. Creative
In real educational practice, projects are most often of a mixed (combined) nature, combining features of different types of projects.

Practical task:

1. Analyze the characteristics of the proposed types of training projects. 2. Identify the types of training projects that can be integrated (merged).

3. Justify the integration of types of training projects.

4. Determine the type (s) of the training project according to the problem that you identified for the development of the training project.

5. Fill in the table.

Of tables a

Objectives of the training project

The goal of the training project is the main element of achieving the planned result. Particular attention should be paid to the formulation of goals, because the success of project development depends half on the thoroughness of this part of the work. First, the most general goals are determined, then the general goals are detailed to the specific tasks facing each participant in the work.

The goals are subdivided into:

1. Cognitive goals - cognition of objects of the surrounding reality; studying ways to solve emerging problems, mastering the skills of working with primary sources; setting up an experiment, conducting experiments.

2. Organizational goals - mastering the skills of self-organization: set goals, plan activities, work in a group, competently conduct a discussion, analyze information.

3. Creative goals - creative goals: construction, modeling, design, etc.

One of the largest modern researchers of educational projects Evgenia Semyonovna Polat, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. the distance learning laboratory of ISMO RAO identifies the following goals of educational design: the formation of critical (analytical, associative, independent, logical, systemic) and creative thinking; formation of skills to work with information: select and analyze the necessary information from different sources; systematize and generalize the data obtained in accordance with the set educational task; identify and formulate problems in various areas of knowledge and the surrounding reality, put forward options for their solution; to set up experiments, formulate reasoned conclusions, carry out a proof, statistically process the obtained experimental data; generate (create) new ideas, possible ways to find solutions, formulate results; the formation of skills to work in a group, solve cognitive, creative tasks in cooperation, performing different social roles; development of a communicative and reflective culture.

Practical task:

1. Based on the brief characteristics of the types of educational projects given in the table, select the objectives of the educational project, using the recommendations for the formulation of objectives E. S. Polat.

2. Complete the table.


Study project type a brief description of Objectives of the training project
1. Informational The goal of the project is to collect information about an object or phenomenon, familiarize project participants with this information, analyze and generalize it, as well as present it in the form of abstracts, articles, reports, photo and video materials, tables, diagrams, etc. During the implementation of such projects, students develop the skills and abilities of searching, processing and presenting information. Information projects can be integrated into research projects.
2. Research Simulates the situation of a real scientific search. Such a project involves proving the relevance of the research topic, formulating a problem, subject, tasks and research methods, identifying sources of information, choosing a research methodology, putting forward hypotheses for solving a problem, developing ways to solve it, conducting an experiment, discussing and formalizing research results (scientific publication, scientific report , participation in a project competition, etc.)
3. Creative It differs from other types of projects by a well-thought-out structure of project results in the form of a play script, video film, holiday program, essay plan, article, reportage, album, newspaper release, radio broadcast, etc. At the same time, the structure of joint activities of the project participants is not worked out in detail, it is only outlined and develops further, subject to the genre of the final result.
4. Practice-oriented (applied) It is distinguished by a socially significant result of the activities of its participants clearly marked from the very beginning. This result, for example, can be some kind of visual, didactic help (diagram, table, reference material, handouts in the form of cards, etc.), a project for the design of a dining room, classrooms, etc. Requires a carefully thought out structure and role and functions of each participant ... In addition, it is necessary to provide for each student in the design of the final result (product). Particularly important is the role of the project coordinator in terms of stage-by-stage discussions, adjustments of activities, in organizing the presentation of the results obtained and ways of putting them into practice, systematic external evaluation of the project.

Practical task:

1. Using the materials in the Objectives of the Study Project table, formulate the objectives in accordance with the type of study project you have chosen.

Classification of educational projects

There are many approaches to classifying educational projects. One of the authors of the classification of educational projects is Alla Stepanovna Sidenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Agroindustrial Complex and PPRO.

In modern pedagogical practice of secondary vocational education, the following are distinguished types of training projects:

By area of ​​application

Educational project: project - illustration of the educational topic; current educational project, final educational project in the discipline

Educational project

Organizational project

· Regulatory project

Socially significant project (a project related to resolving environmental problems of the city, district, problems of family, youth conflicts)

· Political project.

By subject of labor

Human - human

Man - nature

Human technology

· Man is an artistic image

Man is a sign system

By scope

Educational organization

Professional self-determination

By interest




· Professional - labor


By material embodiment




By material embodiment



By content structure

Monomodular (cover one section, subject of the academic discipline program)

Polymodular (combining the content of several sections, topics of the curriculum of the academic discipline)

Integrated (interdisciplinary)

By creativity level
