Copywriting market. Top article exchanges: why are they needed and how to choose the best one for making money. Rewriting and copywriting exchange Text

Copywriting exchanges are services that allow authors of texts to find orders, and customers to find authors. To get started, you need to register on stock exchanges, get tested, confirm literacy and you can start assignments. At first, the earnings will be small, since customers are more willing to give tasks for execution to authors with a high rating. In order to gain the employer's trust, it is necessary to fulfill orders with high quality, according to the terms of reference, to make the adjustments required by the customer, to be polite and responsible.


Copywriting exchanges give creators good money. Let's see what copywriting is and why people pay for it. Copywriting is writing texts, but the value is not in letters, but in solving customer problems. The text helps to raise the site to higher lines in the search engine, sells, increases conversion, improves the image, and covers the reader's need for knowledge. If you manage to solve the customer's problem with the help of text, then you are a good copywriter.

Varieties of texts:

  • selling- encourages to make a purchase;
  • informational- answers the reader's questions;
  • SEO text- helps to get promoted in search engines.

To earn money, you can study on your own or take specialized distance courses, but they cost money, so it is better to master the profession yourself, it is imperative to read copywriting books and practice a lot. The practice will be provided by the exchanges, and the books recommended for improving the skills are below:

  1. Write short, M. Ilyakhov and K. Sarycheva- a book that helps to learn info style and editing. You will understand what phrases, words and phrases it is better to never write, how to get closer to the reader and clearly convey the idea;
  2. About advertising, D. Ogilvy- a book that immerses the reader in the world of advertising and introduces the basic techniques of sales through text, relevant to this day. Advice from the author will help you write effective selling texts, which will bring a lot of income;
  3. 77 copywriting secrets, A. Parabellum- a small guide with working techniques for a copywriter. Briefly and clearly, the book contains professional chips, they can be introduced into your texts as you read.

When you read the listed books and decide to move on to practice, you need to create accounts on copywriting exchanges. After registration, hundreds of orders on various topics will be available, and ready-made articles can be sold on many exchanges.

The following types of tasks are available:

  • copywriting- writing expert texts;
  • rewriting- writing a text based on the specified sources;
  • translations texts from other languages.

Consider the best copywriting exchanges on the Russian-speaking Internet, where a good author can earn from 15,000 rubles a month on texts.

Copylancer is a copywriting exchange founded in 2007. Initially, it was closed and only select authors could get there. Now the exchange is open to everyone, you need to register, be tested and you can safely start the tasks.

Unlike many other exchanges, Copylancer has its own rating system, consisting of access levels for performers:

  • Low level;
  • A basic level of;
  • Increased level;
  • High level.

You can't buy a paid premium account here to get promoted faster, so all authors are equal and start low, even if they have experience and a portfolio.

To go to the basic level, the author should write 10 orders to different customers, upload a photo to the profile and have a rating from customers of at least 4.5 points. At the basic level, there are already significantly more orders, payment for 1000 characters ranges from 24 to 56 rubles. It is quite possible to earn 15-20 thousand rubles a month on the basic one.

If you want to earn even more, strive to get to a higher and higher level. To switch from basic to advanced, you need to complete at least 15 tasks for different customers worth more than 40,000 characters, write an essay, have an assessment from customers of at least 4.7 points and a photo in your profile.

At an increased level, orders with payment for 1000 characters from 48 to 96 rubles will be available. Here you can earn 25-35 thousand rubles a month and these are not exaggerated figures. Every 3 weeks Copylancer sends users statistics on the earnings of successful authors, where you can see the real numbers.

Most of the orders on Copilancer are from the copywriting and rewriting category. To work with translations and writing texts in other languages, you need to contact the administration. In September 2019, the exchange expanded its functionality and is glad to cooperate with authors who know English, German and Chinese.

Etxt is a popular copywriting exchange among beginners. For the first money, it is enough to register, but if you want to get access to higher-paying orders, it is better to take a literacy test, it is easy and does not take much time.

The exchange began its existence in 2008, and at the time of 2019, more than 1 million performers are registered on the site. The authors like the interface, the large number of orders and opportunities on Etxt.

You will have to start small, newbies fulfill orders worth 10-20 rubles per 1000 characters. The price is low, but you won't stay long at this level of earnings. Such orders are executed not for the sake of money, but for the sake of feedback from customers and ratings.

  • Beginner - pay from 25 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • Medium - pay from 50 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • High - pay from 1000 rubles for 1000 symbols.

To qualify, you need to write an essay on a given topic. The exchange editors, who are professional philologists, will check it, appreciate your literacy, speech, style. Based on your results, you will be awarded one of the qualifications listed above. is an exchange where you can complete copywriting, rewriting and translations. There is also an article store on the exchange, where you can post a finished article and get money for it.

The exchange began operating in 2000 and is currently one of the most popular on the Russian-speaking Internet. Hundreds of new orders on various topics appear on the site every day. has a system for evaluating authors. After completing the assignment, the customer evaluates the work. Good writers move quickly and gain access to more expensive orders. You can initially apply for any orders, but customers choose authors with positive reviews and high ratings.

Access to orders also depends on the literacy level of the author. To confirm your knowledge of the Russian language, you must take a test. At first, it is basic, it is easy, and after a few days you will be able to go through a more complex text in order to get an Advanced level of knowledge of the Russian language. has a 10% commission. Fulfilling an order for 80 rubles, you get 72 rubles.

Register and get started. To write unique texts, go to the copywriting exchange; to rewrite, click on the rewriting exchange.

The site also has a built-in uniqueness check, SEO analysis and literacy check.

Turbotext is a copywriting exchange with over 240,000 performers.

Testing is required to begin assignments. The literacy test consists of 15 questions, for successful completion you must answer correctly at least 12 of them. If you fail, the next time will only be available after a month.

Until you pass the test, you will not be able to complete copywriting, rewriting and translation tasks, but you will have access to micro-tasks:

  • likes, reposts and other activities on social networks;
  • watching video;
  • writing small reviews.

You won't earn much on such cheap assignments, so it's best to get tested and get back to normal work.

Turbotext uses the following author rating system:

  • Micro-task performer - a user who has not passed the test;
  • Newbie - a user who has passed the test, but does not have much experience on the exchange, receives from 22 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • Basic level, price from 45 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • High level, price from 96 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • Profi, price from 120 rubles per 1000 characters.

To move up the career ladder on the turbotext service, you need to perform tasks with high quality, get positive marks, write competently and uniquely.

The level of the performer is influenced by many indicators:

  • evaluation from customers;
  • number of orders canceled;
  • test score;
  • number of work performed.

The exchange is famous for decent wages for copywriters, but it has its drawbacks:

  • there are few orders and stagnation;
  • 20% commission from the performer.

Advego is one of the largest copywriting exchanges operating since 2008. It is famous for its high prices, but the difficulty of entry for beginners. It's not about literacy testing, it's simple, it's about ranking. There are many professionals on the exchange who have been working for more than one year and have a high rating. It will be difficult to compete with them for tasks, but doable, the main thing is not to give up.

Register, take the test and start looking for orders. Hundreds of new tasks appear on Advego every day. Submit requests for your favorite orders and write arguments answering the question "Why should the customer choose you?"

The competition is high, so it's better not to write platitudes that you write well and uniquely, because many people write this way. Throw links to past works, share regalia and achievements. For example, an article on the topic of construction, and you have a specialized education with a specialization in “Construction” and have several completed orders on a similar topic. Describe your advantages over other authors, and then you will be chosen.

There is also an article store on the exchange, where you can sell a finished article. Pick your favorite topic, write a unique article, upload to the store, set a price and wait.

You can withdraw money to popular e-wallets or a bank card, the exchange commission is 10%.

MiraText is an exchange that has been operating since 2010. For 9 years now, the service has allowed copywriters and rewriters to earn decent money and find regular customers.

Becoming a MiraText artist is not easy. It is necessary to pass a literacy test and write an essay on a given topic. But the main advantage of the exchange is that you can immediately get a high level if you pass all the exams well and provide links to past work. The editor will evaluate the testing, essay and submitted work, and will award the highest level for a whole month. Within a month, you must confirm it with your work on the copywriting exchange.

MiraText has three levels of performers:

  1. Experienced;
  2. Pros;
  3. Master.

On the exchange, the commission is 20%, but the prices for tasks in the feed are already indicated taking into account the commission, so you get as much as it was originally indicated.

ContentMonster is a copywriting exchange where 12% of authors get the opportunity to work due to difficult testing and writing.

Register and take the test, confirming your understanding of copywriting, rewriting and the specifics of the work, and then write an essay on a given topic. Editors review your work to assess literacy and professionalism. If you write well and uniquely, you can work on the exchange.

Average price per 1000 symbols:

  • rewriting - 40 rubles;
  • copywriting - 60 rubles.

Top performers receive 30-40 thousand rubles a month, so get ready for testing and writing, turn in and start earning.

NeoText is a copywriting exchange that appeared in Runet in 2008. It is not as popular as the ones listed above, so the competition among the performers there is lower.

The minimum order value for 1000 characters is $ 0.6 and the maximum is $ 8. As with other exchanges, the level of the performer's earnings depends on the rating and customer reviews.

Complete tasks efficiently and on time, get high marks, get promoted and take expensive orders. It is quite possible to earn 8-15 thousand rubles a month on the stock exchange.

TextSale - store of ready-made articles on various topics. More than 240 thousand authors are registered and work on the site. You can publish here ready-made articles written on your favorite topic, set a price and wait for a sale. Customers can also contact you for an individual order.

The competition on the site is high, since there are millions of ready-made articles, but good and high-quality works are bought quickly. To make your articles buy, write on popular and in-demand topics.

To work on the exchange, fill out a profile and complete a portfolio so that the customer can see your past work and regalia.


As you already understood, you can earn a lot on copywriting exchanges. If you have a main job or are busy with studies, devote 2-4 hours a day and earn 5-8 thousand rubles. If you have a lot of free time, then write 8 hours a day, build up a rating and earn 20-40 thousand rubles a month.

To grow as a copywriter and make a lot of money, follow these tips:

  1. Work at least 2 hours a day on a regular basis;
  2. Develop self-discipline, freelancing is attractive to many, but disciplined people who can make themselves work without being distracted by games and TV shows can make money from home;
  3. Constantly read copywriting books and fiction to improve your skills;
  4. Register on several exchanges, if there is no work on one, look for orders on another;
  5. If you enjoyed working with the customer, do not hesitate and offer him permanent cooperation.


Copywriting exchanges are services that allow copywriters to earn decent money, and for customers to fill sites and blogs, sell products, and advance in a search engine. To become a copywriter, you can complete courses or self-study with special books and practice.

Write well, according to the terms of reference, get high marks from customers and build a rating. Performers with a high rating earn 30-40 thousand rubles a month and have regular customers with interesting topics.

Have you tried to make money on copywriting exchanges? Share your experience and impressions in the comments and do not forget to rate the article.

(Votes: 3, average 5 out of 5)

Freelancer. I am fond of business in my free time.

Copywriting, rewriting and SEO copywriting exchanges are becoming more and more popular with freelancers every day. After all, life does not stand still, and working on the Internet today is a demanded business. People are not surprised if another acquaintance becomes a freelancer. If you want to go to work on the Internet, you should take a closer look at several sites of copywriting exchanges - it is easier to start with them for a person who wants to devote himself to intellectual work, and not put likes and repost for a penny. Copywriting on the Internet is a popular area of ​​work remotely.

8 best copywriting and rewriting exchanges

Work on the copywriting exchange should be carried out on 2-3 useful resources, so you should not pounce on the sites one by one. Let's take a look at the best copywriting exchanges for making money.

ETXT is the most popular exchange for beginners to earn money

In 2020, the ETXT copywriting exchange is hugely popular among aspiring experienced copywriters. It and

It is understandable: here a lot of orders accumulate every day, and prices are not limited in any way - write at 5 rubles per thousand characters or for 200 rubles. The exchange has a clear interface, so you don't have to spend a lot of time trying to figure it out, and if something remains unclear, you are invited to contact the feedback - there they will promptly answer questions.

To make a stable income on the exchange, it is advisable to pass a literacy test, if you answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly, tasks from 25 rubles per 1000 characters will be available. To take on expensive assignments, you must pass qualification tests and earn stars.

In addition, it is one of the best exchanges for customers who need texts for their sites.

Advego copywriting and rewriting exchange

Once the copywriting exchange Advego topped the top copywriting exchanges, but in 2020 it ended up in second place after ETXT. This was due to the fact that the prices for jobs do not rise. You can earn here both in rubles and in dollars. You can also earn money by completing simple tasks, for example, subscribing to social networks, leaving comments, and so on. Just like Etxt, it is allowed to sell articles. Therefore, the criterion of the exchanges is practically the same; it is impossible to single out the one on which articles are sold faster.

Rewriting and copywriting exchange Text

Most often people come to this site to check the text for uniqueness. Moreover, it is rewriting exchange, which allows you to increase earnings on copywriting and rewriting, there are many tasks, prices are not limited. To receive the assignment, it is necessary to prove the offered advantages to the customer. The rating plays a role - it is awarded for completing tasks and filling out a profile, passing a test for knowledge of the resource, adding materials to a portfolio and posting articles.

Renowned exchange of articles TextSale

This resource differs from the ones listed above in that there are no open access tasks here. To find customers, you need to pay the amount. The site is convenient for selling content. The Textsale exchange is suitable for those authors who prefer to write on their favorite topics, to be in free float, and not to adapt to the requirements of the customer. You can earn a lot here if you post a lot of articles. But it is better to use this Internet resource as an additional one and complete tasks on other sites.

TurboText - a convenient exchange for copywriters

To get started here on writing articles, authors take a literacy test of 15
questions, write a test article-essay with a size of 1000 characters or more. After the successful delivery of the essay (grade 4 or 5), orders up to 60 rubles are available. After completing several orders (an average of 30), the level of the copywriter rises, the cost of orders, respectively, also becomes higher. There is also an opportunity to perform mini-tasks, these are the same comments, registrations, likes.

Freelance exchange ContentMonster

Registration takes place in several stages: phone confirmation, literacy test and
writing an essay on your favorite topic. In general, this takes about 40 minutes, in the add-on you need to wait for the administrator to check the essay.

Everything is the same as on previous exchanges - you submit an application, it is approved, the task must be completed, and paid. There are 5 "steps of the career ladder" on the exchange, from beginner to master. The higher the level, the more tasks are available, prices also go up.

CopyLancer - an exchange for ordering content

Here you can write your own articles for sale, so
and fulfill orders. At first, the earnings will be small, since the rating is low and a certain amount will be spent on checking the text by the editor. But with due diligence, the transition to a new level happens very quickly, and you can earn much more. The exchange is ideal for selling content.

Miratext - site for buying / selling high quality content

If we consider new copywriting exchanges, then Miratext should be noted. Get there The hardest of all the sites listed above, but the pay for the assignments justifies the difficulty. This is where the best authors are. First you need to pass a literacy test, then a test for knowledge of the exchange rules, and the third point is writing an article on a given topic. After admission to orders, a copywriter can take orders from 40 rubles per 1000 characters. At first, editors will charge 7 rubles per 1000 characters for checking texts. There are not so many tasks on the exchange, but the pay is decent.

These resources are the best copywriting and rewriting exchanges in 2019. Each of them deserves attention.

Review of copywriting and rewriting exchanges for beginners

As for me, I prefer Etxt and Turbotext, despite the negative reviews about the latter. The rating of the best copywriting exchanges in 2019 also guarantees stable earnings on Etxt. There is only one conclusion - it is a convenient service with a diverse set of orders, to find a task to your liking. The Turbotext exchange is interesting in that there is no need to wait for the approval of the application - choose any task and complete it. There is a tender - offer a cost for completing the task. The topics did not like Miratext, there are too few jobs, and if there are lucrative orders, then another copywriter may sooner take him to work. If you make money writing articles on free topics for sale, then it is better to consider two exchanges - Etxt, Textsale or Advego. These are literally the best article exchanges.

Comparison of exchanges showed that each of them has distinctive features, attractive and repulsive sides, and only the copywriter can choose which site to work on. If you are interested in a copywriting exchange, reviews on sites will help you decide whether it is worth working, tell you the pros and cons.
The above projects are the best content exchanges. There are less popular article exchanges. For example ContentMonster and CopyLancer. There are significantly fewer orders here than on Advego or Etxt, but you can do this if you wish.

Good day, my dear friends! I often talk about making money on articles. Newbies might have a question: "Where to show yourself and start making money?" Today I am here to answer. I want to tell you about article exchanges, where thousands of people already receive a decent income from texts.

The text exchange is an intermediary site for performers and customers. There copywriters sell their articles or write to order. Webmasters and bloggers are also not deprived. They can buy or order content if they don't have the time or skills to deal with it. In the end, everyone is happy.

When I had a desire to make money on the Internet, I also did not know where to go. There are so many sites, but no less doubts. After all, I want to work not for "thanks", but for a pretty penny.

Overcoming my fears, I ended up on Etxt. For 2 years I have been writing for stock exchanges and have never been deceived. Although there are sites where they pay little or it is inconvenient to withdraw funds. We will talk about all this in detail here.

Have you had any experience working on exchanges or are you just preparing to become a freelancer? Share in the comments.

Why is it profitable to work on the exchange of articles

Even if you are a good journalist, in copywriting you start from scratch. No portfolio, don't know SEO - go for a walk.

To catch a “fat” customer, you need to work with Internet content. And where to gain experience? That's right, on the text exchange.

You can find a customer in 10 minutes. All conditions are already in the TK. No need to waste time and effort on negotiations.

Searching for an employer in advertisements, offering your services to sites, of course, is correct. But no one gives a guarantee. If they want to - they will pay, if not - they will say that they have not seen the article. Until you learn how to weed out scammers, it is better to go to the exchange.

Yes, they charge a commission on every order or article sold. But you will receive the previously agreed amount for the text without surprises.



You can not only write articles, but also comments, repost on social networks, repost audio into text.

For the site order:

  • texts,
  • reviews or comments,
  • filling groups in social networks,
  • visiting sites to improve the site in the search results.

Accounting is in dollars. Money is paid to WebMoney, Qiwi or bank card. To do this, you need to collect $ 5.

Typical price for 1,000 characters without spaces is $ 0.5-1.

02/03/2020 does not work.

- a brand new creation. Was born in 2015. For 2 years, the project managed to gain several thousand users, which is a drop in the ocean compared to large exchanges.

There is a standard guarantee for the contractor, the customer. I did it - I got it, no - they downgraded the rating, the money was returned from the account.

You can earn in two ways:

  1. Submit articles for sale. The authors estimate the works at 35–60 rubles / 1,000 characters. Sometimes they just put the price for the whole text.
  2. Search for orders. The cost per kilo-character is almost the same as on other exchanges without restrictions - 40-60 rubles. If you're lucky, you will find generous customers who will pay 110–120 rubles.

Webmasters can stock up on content here. The prices are attractive.

The site has its own anti-plagiarism. True, only registered users are allowed to use it without a limit. Guests can check 1 text once a day. It slows down a little, it takes a long time to wait for the result.

It is famous for its low competition. It's very easy to get a job for $ 0.8 a kilo. The requirements for authors are so low that there are illiterate among the top performers.

Neotext has the wildest commission at 20%. I earned $ 100, give $ 20 of them.

It is also unpleasant that they take their commission on withdrawal. Immediately you see how much money leaves your account, and motivation decreases.

Copilancer has nice prices and fluffy administration. The exchange has been operating since 2007 and has managed to recruit over 50 thousand authors and customers.

Some orders can be taken without orders. Just fill out your questionnaire first. You don't need to pass the tests, just upgrade the status along with the rating. They grow from customer ratings.

Copywriters receive from 50 rubles. for 1,000 characters, and rewriters - 30–70 rubles, depending on the level.

Webmasters and bloggers also have something to profit from here. More than 15 themes, plagiarism protection help to fill the site without problems. You can buy not only an article, but also a unique photo. You will save time searching for content.

The exchange transfers money to a bank card, WebMoney and Qiwi.

I also analyzed it in a separate article.

- a magic wand for SEO or blogger. The site specializes in promoting articles. You can buy ad space for your site, but you must indicate not a link, but a whole article with a thematic anchor.

Where to get articles for Miralinks if you don't know how or don't want to write? Create an order on one of the top copywriting exchanges, choose one worthy author among the heap.

Positions itself as an article store. Here you can take orders, but there are few of them, and they are available for beginners only for a separate fee - $ 10.

The price for 1,000 characters starts from 20 rubles. and takes off to 150-200 rubles. With a low rating, sky-high prices will not work.

You can earn decent money. But selling is such a thing ... Today I was able to sell an article, and then you wait for a whole month in the hope of a buyer. Until you received good reviews in your profile, rating points - do not rush to make Textsale your main place to make money.

Bloggers, content managers will like the rich assortment here. The site on any topic can be filled from the first to the last page.

We also have it.

Top text exchanges for advanced copywriters

I believe that income should grow along with experience. You learned how to insert keys, write hypnotic texts without errors, and not get 30 rubles. for 1,000 characters.

I offer you a list of top exchanges where you can earn from 110 rubles / 1,000 symbols.

Of course, no one will just let them join the elite. Get ready to take exams.

What if it doesn't work? It will help you to rise to a new level, increase income, prepare for exams on stock exchanges. You will become better than 90% of the authors on RuNet. No competition will be scary.

Now let's move on to our high-paying exchanges.

The performers are well paid. Highly rated pros even get 150–300 rubles. for 1,000 characters. Beginners start with 22 rubles, but is that bad? Some exchanges offer 5-10 rubles. beginners.

The main snag is that you have to pass the test and pass the essay for verification. If you get a score below 4, only micro-tasks, like likes, reposts, comments, will remain available.

The commission bites. The system takes 20% of the income. But the high rates pay off.

Why is the exchange attractive to customers? Quality. All performers are selected according to strict requirements. Therefore, the risk of getting not an article, but a set of letters, is minimal.

In our article.

- a harsh exchange for true professionals. Active since 2011. Exams for admission to orders are held in 2 stages. Several incorrect answers and access denied.

Even after passing the test, I do not advise you to relax. Moderators monitor the quality of articles, and if they spot errors, violation of the technical specification, they can lower the rating or be banned for a week.

The advantage for a copywriter is pricing. Here, no one will let you set a price of less than 20 rubles. per kilo If you want cheaper, go to another exchange - site policy.

I advise customers to pay attention to the site due to the strict selection of authors. You will get a job as a professional, not a student.

Rewriting is the rewriting of existing text in order to increase its uniqueness. This may also require the insertion of keywords at the request of the customer. The rewriting exchange also publishes many orders for proofreading of the text, in which it is necessary to correct spelling, punctuation, stylistic and other errors.

Yes, this is in demand on our rewriting exchange. Customers often need to correct mistakes in existing text, improve its style and design beautifully with headings and lists.

The price for rewriting text can vary significantly depending on many factors. Often, top-rated performers fill orders at higher prices than beginner performers. The more experienced the performer and the higher his rating, the higher the price the customers charge for the execution of the order.
We see many examples of the successful work of our users who know how to write high-quality texts and who know how to build good relationships with customers, for whom the site has become the main source of income with decent earnings, much more than the average market salary.

No, registration and stay on our service is absolutely free.

For the provision of services and ensuring the security of the transaction with the funds earned.
  • The service site guarantees the security of the transaction between the customer and the contractor.
    The contractor can always be sure that if he completed the work efficiently and on time, he will receive a reward for it.

    The customer can refuse payment only in the following cases:

    • the work was not submitted on time;
    • the customer is dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed and filed a complaint with the internal Arbitration website, where the customer's side was accepted.
  • Yes, you can work on our copywriting exchange, fulfilling orders for the creation of unique texts. If you want to sell your copyrighted articles, you can publish them in our Article Store. Detailed statistics on key queries of the Store is also available, so that performers have an idea, articles on what topics are in demand at the moment. If you write news stories, you can sell them in the News Store.

    You are responding to the order you like. If the customer chooses you among other contractors, you will receive a system notification and you can start working on the order.

    When creating an order, the customer sets the deadline for the work (deadline), and by leaving a response to it, you agree to submit the work on time and in accordance with the requirements specified in the TOR.

    After writing the text, you send the work to the customer through the service of our exchange. Then there are 3 options:

    • The customer accepts your work and the funds for it are transferred to your account.
    • The customer sends the text to you for revision with an indication of the reason(errors in the text, inconsistency with technical specifications, low uniqueness). In this case, you should correct the indicated errors and send the text back to the customer. If you do not agree with the reason for the revision and think that you have done a good job, then you have the right to file a complaint against the customer with the internal Arbitration of the service.
    • The customer submits a complaint to the internal Arbitration of the service to refuse your work due to multiple errors or non-compliance with the TOR. In case of acceptance of the customer's side, the contractor loses a significant part of the rating (its size is 3 times more than the rating for the execution of this order).
  • To withdraw funds, you need to click on the "Withdraw funds" link, and add a counterparty - an individual or a company, indicating the country of residence. Next, you will see a list of payment systems through which you can withdraw funds, which will indicate the commission for the withdrawal of funds.

    When creating an order, the customer sets a deadline for the order. When you respond to an order, you see when it has a deadline.

    It is very important to submit work on time, so you will not only avoid a fine for breaking the deadline, but also earn the customer's trust. In the future, he can start working with you on an ongoing basis and provide you with a stable income from his orders.

    The customer has the right to refuse you if you do not send the work before the deadline. In this case, the work is not paid. For breaking the deadline, you will be charged 2 times more rating than you could have received for completing this order.

    The work is checked personally by the customer. The administration of the service checks the work only if the customer or the contractor submits a complaint to the internal Arbitration.

    The customer has 3 working days to decide on your job (weekends and holidays do not count). If during this time he does not accept the work, does not send it for revision and does not file a complaint, then the work will automatically go to the Auto-Acceptance Arbitration, where it will be checked for errors and compliance with the TOR. If a discrepancy to the TOR is found or the work is not unique enough, the Arbitration will extend the auto-acceptance period by returning the work to the status sent to the customer. Otherwise, the work is accepted automatically and you will be credited with money for the order.

  • The artist's rating is an indicator of his experience on the site service. The performer receives a rating for the timely execution of orders and publication of texts in the Content Store, as well as for studying the site. A one-time increase in the rating can be obtained immediately after registration by filling out a profile, uploading an avatar and answering the question "How did you hear about the site?" There are also additional bonuses for timely submission of works, writing unique texts and earnings per day.

    • The ability to respond to more interesting orders. When choosing a contractor, customers are often guided by his rating and prefer to give expensive orders to experienced authors.
    • Reduced exchange commission. A performer with the title "Academician" has a significantly lower commission than a performer with the title "Schoolboy".
    • Reduction of the check queue. The waiting time for uniqueness checks decreases as the rating increases: the higher the rating, the less queue for you.
    • Confidence in arbitration. Arbitration deals with contentious issues. Higher ranked performers are more trusted. Therefore, when considering their questions, it is more likely that the situation will be quickly resolved in favor of the performer.
    • The opportunity to take a place among the top performers. Customers trust more highly rated performers. Profiles of top performers with high ratings are shown at the top on the home page. Customers are guided by the top and choose performers who occupy high places in it.
  • Users with a PRO account have the following benefits:

    • rating increase 30% faster;
    • trust from customers;
    • quick check of uniqueness;
    • instant withdrawal of funds without additional commission using express withdrawal.
  • Olga Filippova

    Copywriting is an increasingly popular activity among freelancers. Everyone needs interesting and competent content. The best copywriting exchanges compete with each other for a place in the sun. They have the same essence - mediation between performers and customers, but the content and features are different.

    This tactic usually does not bring good results. all exchanges have a rating that is developed by hard work. By registering as a performer, you start from the lowest level on any exchange, gradually climbing to the top of the rating.

    In our review, we will consider the features of the work of the 6 most famous copywriting and rewriting exchanges, but there are more than a dozen successfully working with the authors of sites in 2019.


    Exchange an exchange that is known to all copywriters, even those who have never been registered on it. This popularity is due to the powerful uniqueness checking program that is available online to any user.

    Login to the exchange

    Two sections work:

    • copywriting exchange;
    • rewriting exchange.

    Free admission. After elementary registration, you can immediately start searching for orders.

    Scheme of work on

    The contractor submits an application to perform the work and waits for the customer's response. First you have to take cheap orders to increase the rating.

    The completed order is immediately sent to the customer for verification. He can accept the article, send it for revision in case of minor errors, or through arbitration refuse your work due to poor quality.

    The arbitration also deals with all disputes between authors and customers.

    The rating on the exchange depends not only on the quantity or quality of completed orders, here you can improve your positions for simple actions such as filling out a questionnaire, adding your photo, reviewing the exchange on a third-party website.

    For every 20 minutes of the open page of the site, you will also receive 1 point in the rating. Even for responding to an application or posting an article in the store, you will be awarded points.

    You can buy a PRO account with which some privileges will be available. Its price in 2019 is RUB 5,990, but it is possible to purchase a PRO account for shorter periods of time, at least for 1 day.

    The commission for the intermediation of the exchange is charged on both sides and depends on the position in the rating:

    • schoolboy - 10%,
    • applicant - 9.75%,
    • bachelor - 9.5%,
    • Master's degree - 9.25%,
    • graduate student - 9%,
    • candidate - 8.75%,
    • doctor - 8.5,
    • academician - 8.25%.

    Prices are average, "schoolchildren" can start from the level of 20 rubles. for 1000 characters. The bulk of orders on average from 35 to 60 rubles / kilo-decimal.

    How to withdraw funds

    • WebMoney - 1%,
    • Yandex.Money - 2%,
    • QIWI - 2%,
    • Bank card of the Russian Federation - 3%, but not less than 50 rubles
    • Bank card of other countries - 4%, but not less than 250 rubles.

    Money transfer is carried out within 3 working days. The minimum amount is 100 rubles. Express withdrawals are subject to an additional 5% fee for everyone, including the PRO account.

    Penalties and incentives

    Penalties are charged for an overdue deadline and poor quality work that the customer refused. In these cases, points are deducted from the rating.

    There are ample opportunities for increasing the rating on the exchange. Every day there is a quiz, in which you can win extra points.

    Pros and cons of

    Exchange +Exchange -
    Free entry to the exchangeSpecific design for an amateur
    Easily improve your rating by earning extra points on everythingWhen the customer delays the review of the work for 4 days, the article goes to arbitration, which checks it and sends it back for revision or for review to the customer.
    The exchange is popular, there is a lot of work hereOn other exchanges, in such cases, the order automatically receives the status of completed, and the contractor receives money
    Built-in multilateral text validation toolsFirst you have to take cheap orders to increase the rating Is one of the oldest copywriting exchanges, the Advego nausea criterion has long been a meme.

    The site is known for its tools for checking and semantic analysis of texts.

    Login to the exchange

    Scheme of work on

    Orders are submitted as tenders and bids. Experienced copywriters with an established rating participate in tenders.

    The shop of ready-made articles is available after the successful completion of 10 works on the order.

    Advego has 30 orders per week and 200 orders per month. One job application can be submitted only once every 10 minutes. In case of revision - for everything about everything is given 24 hours.

    Exceeding the number of characters in the article is not encouraged.

    • amateur - has the right to carry out only 1 order;
    • specialist - 2 orders at the same time;
    • professional - 3 orders;
    • expert - 4 orders:
    • guru - an unlimited number of orders, for this level it is necessary to pass a test in Russian.

    Commission for exchange services - 10% from each side.

    Orders of different price categories, for beginners in copywriting from $ 0.6 to $ 1.5 per kilo character.

    How to withdraw funds

    • WebMoney - 0.8%,
    • QIWI - 2%,
    • Bank card - 3%.

    Calculations are made in U.E. 3% is charged for currency conversion. Money is withdrawn for a very long time - 16 days. For express withdrawal - 5%. The minimum amount is from $ 5 to $ 10, depending on the wallet.

    Penalties and incentives

    An order taken for work can be canceled without penalties within 30 minutes.

    Literary contests with a reward are held on the Advego exchange.

    Pros and cons of Is a rapidly growing popular exchange among newbies with its own anti-plagiarism checker program.

    It is the best copywriting exchange in terms of the number of orders. But the minimum price per kilo-decimal place of 5 rubles is found only here.

    Login to the exchange

    Admission is free, you just need to register.

    Scheme of work on

    After registration, you can immediately start working. There are a lot of extremely cheap orders on the exchange that are available to completely green beginners.

    You need to select an order and submit an application. The customer chooses the contractor himself from among the applicants. There is auto-acceptance if you match the parameters specified by the customer.

    There is a shop of ready-made articles.

    A beginner with a zero rating can raise his status by passing a test in the Russian language or by writing qualification papers.

    Depending on the quality of the qualifying article, you are given 0 to 3 stars. Each star unlocks access to restricted orders.

    The commission for the services of the exchange - 5% on each side - is the lowest among all copywriting exchanges.

    Orders of different price categories, a lot of extremely cheap ones from 5 rubles. A lot of work in the middle price category - from 50 to 70 rubles. per kilo

    How to withdraw funds

    • WebMoney - 2%,
    • QIWI - 2%,
    • Yandex. Money - 1%,
    • Bank card - 4%.

    The money is withdrawn in 5 working days. For express withdrawal - 5%. The minimum amount is from 250 rubles.

    Penalties and incentives

    For late work and a customer complaint, the rating is lowered. There is a risk of going negative.

    The contractor can work on his status by passing testing, qualification and certification.

    Pros and cons of a closed exchange with a level of earnings above average, but with strict requirements for authors.

    Login to the exchange

    To work on the Turbotext exchange, regular registration is not enough. First, you need to fill out a registration form, after passing this procedure, several tests await you.

    • Russian language test. The passage time is 8 minutes. In 15 questions, 3 mistakes are allowed. Retake is possible in 30 days.
    • An essay on a randomly assigned topic. The topics are nice, general philosophical. A week is given for writing, they will be checked hard, within 3 days. In case of failure, the work can be rewritten in a month.

    While going through the tests, you have access to microtasks at a price of 10-15 rubles.

    Scheme of work on

    With a score of 4 for an essay, you will be given access to orders for rewriting, with a score of 5, copywriting becomes available. But you need to be prepared for the fact that for beginners there may not be work. All orders are snapped up by more experienced authors.

    There is no tendering system here, if you see an order, you can immediately take it to work.

    There is an unusual function "Live", you can see who is working on which order at the moment.

    The article store becomes available after receiving 300 points in the rating.

    • beginner - from 22 rubles,
    • basic - from 39 rubles,
    • high - from 86 rubles,
    • professional - from 189 rubles.

    The exchange is focused on the fact that the customer is always right. If you don't like your work, chances are you won't get paid. Commission for exchange services - 20% is charged only from the performer.

    How to withdraw funds

    • WebMoney - 0.8%,
    • QIWI - 1.5%,
    • Bank card - 4%.

    Money is withdrawn on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the day. For express withdrawal - 7%. The minimum amount for e-wallets is 50 rubles, for bank cards - 500 rubles.

    Penalties and incentives

    Pros and cons of Is a relatively new closed exchange that positions itself as a platform for high-quality content. The feature of this exchange is a free copywriting school for those who have passed the entrance tests.

    Login to the exchange

    Copywriters who have passed entrance exams are allowed to work on the exchange.

    • Russian language test. The passage time is 15 minutes. 30 questions. The threshold for passing is 75 points. Renewal only after 3 months.
    • Article on a given topic which moderators manually check.
    90% of applicants are eliminated. The exchange positions itself as a place where only the best authors work.

    How ContentMonster works

    After successfully passing the entrance tests, the author fills out his profile and starts searching for orders. Having seen an interesting order, the author must leave an application with a description of why he is suitable for the role of the performer.

    After approval of your candidacy, you need to write the work on time, strictly observing the TOR, check the text on any anti-plagiarist (there is its own Monster Antiplagiat Online program) and send it to the customer.

    • newbie,
    • advanced,
    • experienced,
    • pros,
    • master.

    With a large number of penalties, you can go to a negative rating level. The growth of positions is influenced by grades for literacy and customer assessments.

    In reviews of the Content Monster exchange, they often write about unjustified and unfair downgrades of the rating by moderators.

    In most cases, arbitration is on the side of customers.

    There is no ready-made article store here.

    Commission for exchange services - 20% is charged only from the performer. In this case, the author sees the price already taking into account the commission.

    How to withdraw funds

    • WebMoney - 0.8%,
    • QIWI - 1.5%,
    • Bank card - 3%, but not less than 50 rubles.

    Money is withdrawn on Mondays and Fridays from 1 to 3 business days. Instant payout is estimated at 5%. The minimum amount for e-wallets is 150 rubles, for bank cards - 100 rubles.

    Penalties and incentives

    They are fined for late deadlines, refusals to pay by the customer, failure to complete the revision, negative feedback from the customer.

    Points are awarded according to the scheme of 10 units for 1 dollar earned on the exchange. A school of craftsmanship with lessons and test assignments is open for registered copywriters. After training, a certificate and a distinctive sign in the profile are issued. Education is free.

    Pros and cons of an exchange for experienced copywriters with a very strict selection system.

    Login to the exchange

    3 test tasks for entrance:

    1. Classic spelling and punctuation test with 4 possible answers. The number of attempts is not limited, 1 error - you need to start over. The time for the test is 5 minutes.
    2. An essay for 2-3 thousand characters and several sentences with a direct entry of curved keys. Although there are no style restrictions, colloquial text will not work. 2 attempts, the second after 7 days. After the second unsuccessful attempt, you are blocked without the right to restore your account. In case of successful completion of the 2nd round, you need to fill out a profile - photo, personal information, etc.
    3. Test for knowledge of the rules of the exchange without time limits.

    Workflow for Miratext

    You have access to the list of orders, some of them can be taken immediately, without waiting for the consent of the customer, in other cases, the customer chooses the contractor from the applicants who have submitted applications.

    There is an opportunity to sell ready-made articles.

    All articles are checked by the in-house editor before being sent to the customer, who evaluates your work. The fate of the copywriter on the exchange and even the size of the commission depends on his decision. If the rating is less than 5 points, the commission charged from the author remains equal to 20%.

    There is an arbitration tribunal that deals with disputes between authors and editors or customers.

    Commission for the customer - 0%, for the contractor - 20%.

    Prices are high. 60-70 rubles / kilo-mark is earned by an average copywriter.

    How to withdraw funds

    • WebMoney - 3%,
    • Yandex.Money - 1.5%,
    • QIWI - 1.5%,
    • Bank card - 2%.

    Within 1 business day without any limit on the amount.

    Penalties and incentives

    You can refuse to work within 30 minutes. no penalties, indicating the reason.

    The system of rewards also works.

    MiraKuksy is a system of bonuses that are awarded for every 100 rubles of an order, estimated by the editor at 5.

    Pros and cons of

    Exchange +Exchange -
    Rigorous selection weeds out competitors dumping on free exchanges (students, schoolchildren, illiterate and irresponsible copywriters)Very strict selection at the entrance
    The system of bonuses and incentives for good authorsPicky editors, hard to get a 5 grade
    Responsive technical supportIt is easy to fly off the exchange without the right to be restored if you get scores 2 and 3 several times in a row
    Very fast withdrawal of fundsVery high commission percentage

    Top 6 best copywriting exchanges: comparison chart

    NameentranceExchange commission
    From the author /
    from the customer
    Average price range per 1000 charactersCopywriting level
    TextopenDepends on status
    10-8,25 %
    35-60 rub.beginning,
    Advegoopen10 % / 10 % 35-60 rub.beginning,
    Etxtopen5 % / 5% 20-60 rub.beginning,
    literacy test
    20 % / 0 % 40-90 rubles.intermediate, advanced
    literacy test
    20 % / 0 % 40-60 rub.intermediate, advanced
    literacy test
    exchange rules knowledge test
    20 % / 0 % 60-70 rubles.intermediate, advanced

    Comparing copywriting exchanges, everyone chooses the best platform for work. Many people like the democratic approach of free exchanges, where no entrance tests are needed, and authors and customers are in the same conditions - they pay an equal commission, can count on a fair trial in arbitration in disputes.

    But for this approach you have to pay with huge competition, a lot of cheap orders, slow progress up the rating ladder.

    At the same time, closed exchanges, rigidly weeding out objectionable copywriters, fighting three skins from authors who have passed the selection, are no less popular among writing freelancers. This is a great motivator for the development of skills; on such exchanges, really good authors have a real chance to get a decent income. 6 assessments, average: 5,00 out of 5)