Promotion of educational services using "alternative marketing" on the example of the Tomsk Institute of Business. Alternative Marketing Mix Electronic Media

Already at the planning stage, the advertiser can predict how interesting he is to place search ads. How much will one referral customer cost? What should be the price of the product? The cost of advertising can be taken into account in calculating the prices of your products, simply by increasing the price by this amount or some part of it, thereby knowingly covering the cost of advertising.

There is a value that shows the return on investment:

where Р3 - profit from one order; WITH 3 - attachments for one order.

Let's calculate how much it may cost to attract one customer who bought a refrigerator. Let's say that in total, for the queries under consideration in this topic, we get about 55,000 impressions per month on Yandex. The average cost per click on this topic is predicted to be $ 0.6.

The number of clicks is calculated using the following formula:

where N pok - the number of impressions; CTR Wed is the average click-through rate.

The number of clicks (per month) will be:

55,000 impressions 3% = 1,650.

1,650 clicks $ 0.6 = 990.

As a result, we get 1,650 clicks per month for $ 990.

Average conversion of clicks to buyers is about 4% for this topic. Based on this, you can calculate the approximate number of orders:

1650 clicks 4% = 66.

Thus, the cost of one client attracted by advertising will be, USD:

$ 990/66 orders = 15.

It is important to understand that 4% is the average conversion rate of clicks to customers on the topic in question. It can be completely different - it all depends on the price of products, the convenience of the online store, delivery terms and many other factors.

-activities in social networks (viral marketing technologies)

There are basically two ways to influence the Internet audience. First- "hidden" method of promotion, in which the company conducts active propaganda work, but does not indicate that this activity is paid for by this particular brand. With this method, the company is actually buying positive opinions on the most popular blogs. Such activity, although it brings short-term results, is ultimately considered unethical and equates to spam, which in the long term can negatively affect the image of the company that has chosen this method of promotion. What's more, it's worth saying that hidden ad technologies violate ethical code formulated

American Word Marketing Association ( Word of Mouth Marketing Association), the meaning of which boils down to the need to honestly say who you are. It cannot be hidden that people are actors (in the case of creating a video), and the advertising campaign was ordered by the brand. Second the method of advertising is based on the following principles of open marketing:

Openness. If a firm receives material benefits from promoting a product, this must be publicly announced. No secret deals.

  • Interest. Only those promotions that generate voluntary feedback from the community. No spam.
  • Personality. Work only on your own behalf. No anonymous and virtuals.
  • Meaning. Think, say and imply the same thing. No manipulation of consciousness.
  • Ecology. Only the essentials. No rubbish.

One way or another, the choice of marketing method remains on the conscience of the heads and marketers of the companies. On the result of a successful PR- the company's activities are influenced by the quality and degree of creativity of the promoted information material.

High-quality and creative content is the basis for building loyal consumer communities. Creative marketing is the key to marketing success. People expect positive and entertaining information. It is for this reason that more and more companies are turning to the creation of videos, texts, images and games aimed at entertaining the audience. At the moment the audience consumes this content, the company has the opportunity to promote its product by showing the audience a logo or "singing" the brand's slogan. Online promotion activities begin to resemble technology product placement, where the company acts as a producer creating a new blockbuster and "investing" its goods in the hands of the protagonist as an advertisement.

Creativity is also required to make the advertisements distributed "viral", ie. the "fun" and gaiety of the advertised message should reach such a level that people will begin to transmit an object (video, picture, text or audio recording) containing the advertising message by word of mouth by sending the link through e-mail, instant messaging programs or by publishing in their diaries and blogs.

If a brand plans its presence in the Internet environment for a longer period than a short-term advertising campaign, then it becomes possible to build a so-called thematic community, within which the company manages to collect the maximum target audience and form brand loyalty.

Thematic community is the basis for open marketing, a new form of communication. This is not just communication, but communication of interests. The concepts of a social network and a thematic community should be separated. Social network Is an association of people according to some statistical criteria (age, geography of residence, language, etc.). Communities can arise both within the social network, and simply outside it. Communities basically bring people together by interest, not social or demographic.

The basis for building a community can be your own blog, and this blog does not have to be directly related to the promoted brand and company. A blog can be thematic and only indirectly advertise a brand.

Obviously, in this case, too, the brand will not be able to get away from the creative component. The role and degree of quality of community content becomes decisive. To retain and increase the number of members of the thematic community, it is necessary to constantly come up with new and new viral promotions, write useful articles, find or even shoot really interesting videos.

It is extremely important to correctly convey the created content to the target audience or, speaking in a professional language, to carry out the initial seeding. There are a number of technologies to carry out this activity. Basically, the seeding stage includes three main stages.

  • 1. Targeting(identification and definition of target opinion leaders, i.e. people who are most actively disseminating information among the target audience of interest and who have a certain authority).
  • 2. Identifying habitats(target opinion leaders are united by interests in the so-called "network nodes" - environments such as blogs (forums, sites)). For a successful launch, you need to place content in the required number of "hosts".
  • 3. "Activation" leaders. With the right delivery of relevant content in their chosen habitats, leaders pick up the content and spread the "virus" among friends - the same target audience as themselves.

Examples of environments in which you can find influencers with a shared interest include:

With the help of these sites, companies are able to convey information to the maximum number of opinion leaders, and if this or that promoted content meets the requirements of the so-called "virus intensity", then success is inevitable. This is how virus intensity is defined.

Virus intensity Is a criterion for the qualitative assessment of a creative (content), characterizing the likelihood of its dissemination on the basis of word of mouth.

If users are ready to actively send each other links to a viral campaign object, then it can be called a virus-intensive one. Otherwise, no.

The criteria for evaluating the virus intensity are:

  • a) trendiness - content compliance with the "pulse" of the blogosphere, the latest trends, fashionable topics, interesting events, characters, phrases, etc .;
  • b) insight - actual solution to the objective problem of the user;
  • v) humor- make you laugh, i.e. entertain, engage in communication;
  • G) production- high-quality production of material (script, shooting, design, copyright, stylization, etc.);
  • e) novelty- to be the first, on the wave of the viral effect, an important component of online socialization, user status.

Based on this, it becomes obvious that the cost of distributing advertising materials designed to ensure brand promotion is inversely proportional to the virus intensity, i.e. the more virus-intensive an advertising object is, the less costs will be spent on its distribution.

Alternative Marketing Online

Alternative marketing advertising campaigns on the Runet can be divided into three types according to their cost. The first category - $ 5,000-10,000, campaigns with low-cost content and reach up to 100,000 users. The second category is the most common - with a budget of $ 10,000–100,000. More than $ 100,000 requires large campaigns with high reach for advertisers with specific requests. Revenues from non-traditional types of marketing go to the social network, if the campaign was ordered from its unit, and sometimes "out of the box". "Insofar as cash flow from non-standard types of marketing is not yet very large, then the networks turn a blind eye to this, "says Sirosh.

A successful example of viral Internet marketing based on the method of distributing an advertising message by the users themselves is the Beeline advertising campaign. Once an uncensored version of one of the commercials appeared in Runet, where one of the dancers could be noticed that one of the dancers had no underwear. The audience of LiveJournal began to relay this video en masse. Another example is the Utkonos advertising campaign. At about the same time, several "thousanders" (users of diaries who have several thousand regular readers) published texts of similar content on the topic "I buy food only in Platypus and I recommend it to everyone." Outraged by the insolent advertising, users immediately organized an anti-campaign, promising never to use the services of this trading network... At the same time, it is thanks to the anti-campaign that the broad masses of Internet users learned about the "Platypus".

Practice of modern PR-activity proves the unconditional effectiveness of this kind of marketing activities. However, you must also remember about the mistakes that brands often make when promoting in the blogosphere and social media. It is important to remember the principles of openness and not to deceive consumers; even if we manage to do it once, it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to count on long-term loyalty. If a company launches "viral" material, it is necessary to painstakingly check the distributed object against the criteria of virus capacity, otherwise even a very expensive and effective video may not be viewed by anyone, thus not fulfilling its main purpose. If the main task is the formation of a large thematic community, it must be remembered that the audience is waiting for original and high-quality content, and not reprints from other blogs and sites. Compliance with these immutable rules will allow companies to take the first right steps towards popularizing own brands in the Internet. The main rule is that open marketing can only be done on one condition - if the brand is open and sincere with its consumers. Compliance with this main condition will allow you to avoid mistakes and achieve maximum marketing results.

As many researchers note, the role of marketing in crisis situations is increasing: it is marketers who help the company to survive by searching for new niches, restructuring product policy, searching for new reserves and new points of application of efforts E.P. Golubkov. Anti-crisis marketing / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2009. - No. 1. - p. 7. Today, there are more and more opinions about the need for a non-standard approach to the development of tools, technologies, marketing techniques. Thus, we can talk about "alternative marketing", which allows you to increase sales, inform consumers about promotions and "gain a foothold" in their minds.

However, it is often difficult to understand which marketing is considered standard and which is alternative. Let's consider some opinions on this issue.

On the one hand, an alternative can be an unconventional approach to traditional forms, creating a favorable atmosphere for finding creative and innovative ideas that will further help transform traditional marketing programs into effective strategies and advertising campaigns. URL: /090413-00.html.

On the other hand, the alternative, which means that does not coincide with the generally accepted or with the official Efremova T.F. Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language. - 2006. - Vol. 1. - with. 54. Alternative marketing ceases to be such, if it is repeated, merges with the background, does not carry intrigue, does not evoke feelings or does not attract attention. At the same time, intrigue is understood as hidden actions, using various kinds of unseemly means, to achieve any goal; the machinations of T.F. Efremov Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - 2006. - Vol. 1. - with. 276.

Thus, alternative marketing refers to the creation of alternative techniques that can make old non-working tools bring effective results. Alternative marketing aims to distinguish yourself, touch, surprise, and give emotions. It plays on the curiosity, emotions and feelings of consumers, therefore it is perceived by them with interest. Alternative marketing events open up consumers, and therefore, advertising ideas easily penetrate the minds and hearts of potential buyers.

At the same time, the use of such marketing is fraught with a number of difficulties due to the need for constant innovation, the success of which lies in the presence of people who come up with bold ideas that evoke an emotional response from customers.

Despite this, today we can talk about different types alternative marketing. These include: neuromarketing, cognitive and sensory marketing, mobile, viral and guerrilla marketing, buzz and blog marketing, provocative advertising and advertising on non-standard media, flash mobs, the use of rumors and much more Karpova S. Innovative approaches in marketing policy modern TNCs / Marketing. - 2009. - No. 2. - with. 23.

Let's take a closer look at guerrilla marketing. Its popularity stems from the need to use channels and sources of information that people have more confidence in. After all, a consumer oversaturated with communications is forced to filter information coming from outside, which leads to the rejection of advertising messages, and for an enterprise this means a waste of considerable sums. Guerrilla marketing means unconventional, unconventional, increased flexibility, high results with limited opportunities The use of guerrilla marketing is based on the so-called "chips", "hooks" for customers. Unlike traditional tools, it implies creativity as the main driving force, when the point nature of promotion does not allow one to be content with “middle” ideas.

The term "guerrilla marketing" was conceptually coined in 1984 by marketer Jay Konrad Levinson, who is considered the founder of this type of alternative marketing. Instead of money, he proposed using ingenuity, and instead of expensive advertising - alternative budget carriers.

Guerrilla marketing (guerrilla marketing) is called low-budget advertising and marketing methods that allow you to effectively promote your product or service, attract new customers and increase your profits without investing or almost no investment, therefore, guerrilla marketing is also called "low-budget marketing" or "low-cost" marketing URL: http // / pmdetali.htm.

The task of guerrilla marketing is to make non-standard promotion at a minimum cost.

The following characteristics of guerrilla marketing are highlighted:

  • a) minimal costs (compared to direct advertising in the media);
  • b) originality (creative) approach;
  • c) most of his techniques give the result either immediately or after a short time;
  • d) his methods are invisible to competitors, and therefore cannot be copied by him;
  • e) Marketing agencies in this area of ​​alternative marketing strive to measure the effectiveness of each of their promotions.

During its existence, guerrilla marketing has undergone a number of changes, departing from the postulates put forward by Levinson and incorporating many new promotion technologies. Today, guerrilla marketing refers to the totality of non-standard, non-traditional and at the same time the most effective communication channels and promotion methods. These technologies are not necessarily cheap (which runs counter to Levinson's original design for small businesses), but they are effective in the face of declining returns from direct and conventional advertising.

Often all innovative marketing (advertising) technologies are called guerrilla marketing. He uses all types of commercial information technologies (forums, chats and blogs) and much more Karpova S. Innovative approaches in the marketing policy of modern TNCs / Marketing. - 2009. - No. 2. - with. 28.

Table 4 Elements of Guerrilla Marketing

Elements of guerrilla marketing

Element characteristic

flash-mob - "instant crowd"

provocative games that gather a crowd of spectators in a real urban environment

life placement - "life placement"

implementation in life game scenarios for the brand ( brand)

viral marketing

based on the production of information that consumers themselves disseminate

shock marketing

uses shock and shocking as main element drawing attention to the product

Funky business

the main feature is originality to the point of foul

mystery shopping - "mystery shoppers"

evaluation of the customer service process using specially trained people; verification is carried out on behalf of potential / real customers


shocking promo at public events

performance - street performance

system of actions of the performer or performers designed for public display

guerrilla video projection

videos posted in unusual locations

Let's look at examples of effective guerrilla marketing moves.

  • 1. One of the companies producing alcoholic beverages issued a leaflet in the form of a newspaper, which contained articles about the victories of football teams, a table of penalties for breaking the rules road traffic and an article about high-quality vodka from this manufacturer. As a result, many men kept these flyers interested in a useful traffic penalty chart, and the advertisement continues to work for its target audience.
  • 2. The director of the bookstore could not arrange the delivery of books to the buyer at home, because, according to calculations, it was unprofitable. But as a result of the "partisan" approach, the store has established cooperation with a nearby pizzeria, whose couriers deliver orders throughout the city. Going to the desired area, the courier began to take a parcel from the bookstore with him. To promote its services, the Feng Shui Center has agreed with a company that supplies water to the offices that the company's drivers will distribute advertising materials for the center free of charge. Every time a driver delivers a bottle of water to the office, he leaves a few Feng Shui business cards right on the cooler.
  • 3. At the expense of only printing business cards, the company covered hundreds of offices with its advertising and soon received several large orders and many small ones. A kitchen cabinetry firm has begun using spin-off advertisements. When the installer of the company finishes the work for the client, he takes the elevator to the last floor, and then goes down on foot, leaving a cardboard on the door handle of each apartment with the message that one of the tenants of the house has installed a kitchen of their production today. At the same time, according to the firm's estimates, the effectiveness of this advertisement turned out to be higher than that of television.
  • 4. The owner of the pet store invited the students from the surrounding schools on a tour of his store as part of a natural history lesson. At the end of the excursion, each of the children received a present - a live goldfish in a plastic bag with water and a brochure with information on how to care for this fish. As a result, the parents of many of these children were forced to buy an aquarium, aerator, algae, special food and other goods for the fish, the total cost of which was hundreds of times higher than the cost of the fish itself.

Thus, it can be seen that guerrilla marketing can take many different forms - from signs of attention from the company to its customers to "undercover work."

Everyone is compelled to "partisan" in marketing today. Small firms - to survive, medium - to find competitive advantage, large companies - to survive from the market to the last drop. For many companies that do not have advertising and promotion budgets, using this type of marketing is a way to win customers. And today there is a steady upward trend in the share of guerrilla marketing in the total budget of rapidly growing companies.

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on the topic

Promotion of educational services through "Alternative marketing" as an example Tomsk Institute of Business

  • Introduction
    • 1.1 The importance of marketing
    • 1.2 Advertising in mass media
    • 1.4 BTL Toolkit
  • Chapter 2. Characteristics and principles of promoting educational services
    • 2.1 Characteristics of services and its types
    • 2.2 Principles of service promotion
    • 2.3 Characteristics of educational services
      • Chapter 3. Promotion of educational services of the Tomsk Institute of Business with the help of alternative marketing
    • 3.1 Introductory data of the Tomsk Institute
    • 3.2 Analysis of the advertising activities of competitors
    • 3.3 Analysis of advertising activities of the Tomsk Institute of Business
    • 3.4 Development of alternative advertising
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography



Marketing, that is, a thorough analysis of customer needs and the search for new ways to increase the value of the goods and services provided, is the only way to stay afloat in the turbulent flow of time.

Experts unanimously argue that modern market marketing services are in a stage of rapid growth associated with the search for new solutions and distribution innovative technologies... Companies' expenses on traditional advertising are decreasing, and the redistribution of advertising budget funds is taking place in favor of alternative marketing tools. Marketers are incredibly resourceful when they come up with custom marketing campaigns that generate higher profits.

In our time, and this is the time of communication noise, some kind of advertising and information ripples, it is very difficult to "reach out" to the consumer by means of standard marketing tools. The winner is the one who is more original, who is not afraid to "creatively" present this or that product, and even this, in some cases, no longer helps. There is no doubt that traditional marketing is going through difficult times. For most companies, it has become very difficult to reach a consumer who is tired of a huge stream of advertising messages. But it is possible to attract his attention, as the practice of world companies shows, thanks to new alternative tools and bright creative ideas. After all, someone has already achieved this!

This thesis shows that “alternative marketing”, with all its novelty and some distrust among Tomsk enterprises, has a right to exist and even more, competes well with standard methods of product popularization.

And, of course, "alternative marketing" is one of the modern methods of solving certain problems in the current market situation. But here there is a "borderline" moment: it involves the use of, at times, provocative methods, which is not permissible in all spheres and industries. One way or another, time will pass, and "alternative marketing" will become the classic method of achieving marketing goals.

The purpose of this work is to promote educational services of the Tomsk Institute of Business with the help of alternative marketing.

Tasks thesis:

Definition of "alternative marketing"

Definition of "alternative marketing" tools

Consider "alternative marketing" techniques

Consider marketing strategy Tomsk Institute of Business

Development of an alternative marketing strategy

The object of the research is "alternative marketing" and the use of its tools in the educational services market of the city of Tomsk

The subject of research is the higher educational institution"Tomsk Institute of Business" and its methods of popularization with the help of "alternative marketing".

The first chapter of the thesis discusses theoretical basis marketing as a whole, and its types, the tools of influence are also considered in detail. The definition of alternative marketing is given, as well as specific examples of its application in world practice.

In the second chapter of the thesis, a definition of the service and its types is given. Its characteristic difference from the product. The distinctive features of the promotion of services are also defined. The methods and nature of the promotion of educational services have been identified.

The third chapter of the thesis analyzes the educational services market in the city of Tomsk. The use of alternative marketing in this market by local educational institutions. The advertising activity of the Tomsk Institute of Business is analyzed. Also, research was carried out in the ranks of Tomsk schools to identify the needs of consumers of these services, on the basis of this, an alternative strategy for popularizing the services of the Tomsk Institute of Business is being developed.

The research is based on the dialectical method, in particular A complex approach to the study of all advertising processes in the educational market. Also, such research methods were used as analysis of literary sources and Internet resources, comparison of statistical data.

The proposed hypothesis: for effective popularization of educational services and a minimum advertising budget, it is necessary to use alternative marketing tools.

Chapter 1. Traditional and "non-traditional" advertising ATL and BTL

1.1 The importance of marketing

Leaders commercial enterprises long ago realized that marketing is an integral part of a company's success. Today, the validity of this statement is beginning to be realized in non-profit organizations- state, public, sports ... No wonder - no organization can exist for its own sake. Its main task is to meet the needs of those groups of the population to serve which it was created. Marketing techniques and tools are the best fit for solving this problem.

Many entrepreneurs still don't see the difference between marketing and sales. For them, the word “marketing” conjures up impressive television commercials, the latest gimmicks and gimmicks in store-led propaganda campaigns, and sleek, eloquent salespeople. However, these images have nothing to do with what is actually considered to be a well-designed marketing strategy. True marketing is a management philosophy, according to which, the only guarantee of long-term success of an enterprise is more effective, in comparison with competitors, efforts to meet the present and future needs of customers F. Marketing, management / F. Kotler. - SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- p. 59. Employees of sales and marketing departments of companies are doing a common task, but the tasks they solve are different. The main objective of sales is to "get" customers to buy the company's products, while marketing is intended to confront the enterprise with the need to develop and offer consumers goods with genuine value and to ensure long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation between the manufacturer and its customers.

Marketing is becoming increasingly important. Recently stable markets are becoming a thing of the past _ the relationship between suppliers and buyers is constantly becoming more complex, unstable and flexible. Consumers welcome change, technological innovation, and competing manufacturers are looking for new ways to add value to their products and better meet customer needs. Organizations that do not pay enough attention to ever-changing markets are doomed to be washed ashore by the flood of new products, services and positioning strategies. No one will be spared. Even business monsters such as IBM, General Motors, ICI, GEK, Olivetti and Philips are struggling to survive. Every year, hundreds of companies with an excellent reputation disappear from the "map" of the business.

The fundamental idea of ​​marketing is that the life and death of an organization is its ability to meet the needs of consumers F. Marketing, management / F. Kotler. - SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- from 60. More than 200 years ago, the great economist Adam Smith formulated the thesis that free enterprise is the basis of the social and political system of the state. He showed that the desire of competing firms for profit, based on satisfying the needs of consumers, ultimately turns out to be in the interests of the buyers themselves, since they receive goods and services in a larger volume, of higher quality and more. low prices... Firms that do the job grow and prosper, while those that fail to produce a high-demand product are ingloriously leaving the market. Marketing management aims to facilitate this process by intelligently identifying consumer needs and developing proposals to satisfy them.

However, many economists and political scientists question this explanation of the essence of marketing and free enterprise. They argue that no consumer really needs a McDonald's hamburger or a Porsche sports car. ”In response to such claims, we put forward the following counterarguments.

The first has a political connotation and affects the freedom of each individual to buy or sell what he wants (provided that his actions do not directly harm others). When freedom of entrepreneurship is restricted, the right to determine what firms will produce and what consumers will buy falls into the hands of government officials. But state socialism has repeatedly proved its economic inefficiency and disregard for individual rights.

The second argument has to do with the nature of human psychology and behavior. As sociologists would say, marketing does not create needs, since they are primary, but it is able to set the direction of their development.

Marketing management has five objectives:

Definition of target markets.

First of all, it is necessary to identify consumers who would like to make an exchange with the firm. The choice of target markets is determined by the level of effective demand and the organization's ability to serve them.

Marketing research.

It is necessary to obtain and analyze information about the existing and potential needs of buyers in selected markets, how they make purchases, and what competitors offer them.

Product development.

The company must create products (and / or services) that will meet the needs and desires.

Planning your marketing mix.

It is necessary to set the price of goods, select the means of promotion to the market and distribution channels. The purpose of the marketing mix is ​​to offer consumers certain benefits, to convey information about new opportunities and ensure that they are received.


As the firm seeks to establish stable long-term relationships with consumers, it is necessary to provide a stable information channel about the degree of customer satisfaction with the exchange, and constantly improve the product and marketing mix as needs and competitive environment change.

The concept of marketing is the heart of the free enterprise system. In a competitive economy, buyers have a choice between products from different companies. Consumers purchase goods from those of them, the offer of which, in the opinion of buyers, is of the highest value. And the value of a product is a function of the perceived value and the asking price of the company. Accordingly, in order to achieve success, the company must offer a product of the highest value and quality at a lower price compared to competitors F. Marketing, management / F. Kotler. - SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- p. 62. Until a company offers a competitive price and quality of goods, it cannot expect to make a profit.

Marketing - providing customers with the highest quality - plays an extremely important role. It cannot be viewed only as one of the functions of management. The main task of management is to find ways to meet the needs of customers. The focus of the company should be on the consumer On the other hand, the role of the marketing department in creating value for the proposal should not be overstated. Marketers are leading the way in customer research and sales strategy development, but does it make sense to downplay the importance of R&D, manufacturing, staff finance in innovation, product development, quality assurance, and company response to environmental changes? The marketing concept is a perspective that connects certain types activities put together.

Advertising in the most read publications and popular programs is, of course, the most expensive. Therefore, by saving on them, the advertiser risks losing a wide range of consumers. Advertising appeal is often made catchy, attracting attention. At the same time, the reader, viewer, and listener should understand where the advertisement is and where the editorial material is. The form of the advertising message must correspond to the culture and worldview of the advertising audience to which it is directed.

Creative approaches vary. For example, when advertising consumer goods, as a rule, emotional motives are used, for industrial products - rational Goncharov N.K. Media technique and technology. Printing, television, radio broadcasting Publ .: M., EKSMO, 2005.- p. 35.

clearly formulates the market position of the product, i.e. contains information about the specifics of its use, differences from competitors' products;

promises to the consumer significant benefits when purchasing a product, for which its merits are shown, a positive image is created, other prerequisites of preference are formed both in the title of the advertising appeal, and in its illustration, and in the style of presentation of text and graphic materials;

creates and implants into the mind a clear, well-thought-out image of a product - a stereotype that increases its value in the eyes of consumers;

emphasizes high quality the offered product and at the same time the level of performance itself is associated with this high quality;

is original and therefore not boring, does not repeat well-known, boring solutions;

has a precise targeting, reflecting different requests, desires, interests of specific consumers and informing them in such a way as to take into account the differences in consumer demand in a specific advertising audience;

attracts attention, which is achieved by successful artistic and textual solutions, placing an advertisement in the media with a high reputation, which are read, listened to, and watched by those for whom the advertisement is intended;

focuses on new unique features and the properties of the product, which is a prerequisite for its success in the market and the most effective component of advertising argumentation;

focuses on the main thing, without complicating it, offers only what is important to the consumer, and addresses him directly.

Advertising in the media has an impact on a wide range of the population and therefore is appropriate for consumer goods and services and mass demand. When the question of the choice of the media arises, the main arguments for and against making alternative decisions are:

§ the popularity of publications or programs among them, their circulation or, accordingly, the audience of viewers or listeners

§ geography of distribution or action

Naturally, the features of specific advertising media are taken into account.

Complex advertising campaigns, including advertisements in the press, on radio, television, on billboards, are built on the same advertising ideas and creative ideas, so that the capabilities of each advertising medium complement each other.

Modern media - newspapers, magazines, television, radio - offer a variety of advertising opportunities. Let's consider them in more detail.

Electronic media

These advertising media are considered to be the most effective because they reach large masses of the population (consumers). The advantage of such advertising lies in its special efficiency. Goncharov N.K. Media technique and technology. Press, television, radio broadcasting Publ .: M., EKSMO, 2005. - p. 54. Electronic media give the most effective results when advertising goods and services of mass demand, designed for consumption by wide sections of the population. These include:

§ advertising films (advertising and technical films, advertising and prestigious films, advertising express information) - usually these are short advertising films shown among the general population either in cinemas or at exhibitions and festivals

TV advertising

This is the most expensive type of advertising, and not everyone can afford it. TV commercials combine sound, image and dynamics (traffic). Thanks to this, it affects the audience much better than other types of advertising. Its disadvantage is that during the commercial, the viewer's attention must be concentrated on the screen, otherwise the effectiveness will come to naught. Despite the pronounced dislike of advertising among the masses, my survey showed that it is television advertising that people like the most. This is how the votes of the respondents were distributed (for ease of understanding, their percentages are also presented).

Table 1, Survey results

Among advertising producers, it is considered fashionable to make black and white commercials. But polls show that the viewer prefers ads in color. The main explanations can be imagined by the phrases: "I generally like everything in color" and "My TV set is color." In numbers, the answers to this question can be expressed very simply:

In addition, silent ads are considered a good advertising gimmick. The absence of sound for some time should draw the viewer's attention to the TV. But in fact, people prefer videos with soundtracks. More specifically, the people interviewed prefer musical accompaniment speech advertising (see Table 2).

I should also note that the effectiveness of advertising depends on the program in which it is placed. Advertising that is "out of place" causes a lot of irritation. For example, advertising of drugs for sclerosis is perplexing if it sounds in the middle of a youth entertainment program.

As a result, it turns out that the viewer loves TV ads! But here there are preferences: the commercial should be color, sound and, preferably, not with a speech accompaniment, but with music.

Radio advertising

The advantage of radio over other media: 24-hour broadcasting to many regions and a variety of programs.

Radio is listened to in residential and industrial premises, in the kitchen, walking in the fresh air, in the car. Therefore, advertisements placed on relevant radio programs reach a significant percentage of the target audience of consumers, regardless of where they are - at work, on vacation, on the road. Radio advertising is efficient and has a low cost.

The data of American researchers also confirm the high effectiveness of radio advertising. US radio advertising revenues exceed $ 9 billion, with the majority coming from local advertising. Radio covers such categories of people who are not reached by TV and the press, for example, motorists and outdoor travelers, a third of all programs the average American listens to outside the home. The mobility, flexibility and low cost of radio are highly valued by advertisers. The efficiency of a one-minute radio spot is approximately 75% of that of a standard 30-second TV spot. Moreover, the price of radio advertising is 5-6 times less than the price of television advertising.

According to American views, modern "post-television" radio is addressed to listeners who are mainly engaged in other activities. It claims to be the rest of the attention of an active person, forming the background of his work or rest. But precisely because it is designed for an inattentive person, according to American theorists and practitioners of advertising, the messages appearing in it should be more interesting, more inventive, more sophisticated than before, in the "golden age" of radio.

In our country, the systematic broadcasting of advertising programs began after 1960 with the formation of specialized organizations as part of the USSR Ministry of Trade. (In the United States, the first radio advertisement aired on August 22, 1922, two years after regular radio broadcasts, at a cost of $ 50.)




intimacy, that is, the ability to address the addressee at home and thereby create an atmosphere of trust.

There are laboratory results showing that people are better at remembering a list of words presented to them by ear, say, read or taped and played back, than what they see in an image, for example, on a photo slide.

Studies show that people can be more easily convinced of the merits of a new product if done in words. They like it more, and they are ready to buy it more than in cases where verbal appeals are accompanied by pictures. It seems that unsupported verbal communication can create a much stronger positive feeling for the product in people.

This effect is due to the physiological characteristics of perception. The ear responds faster than the eye. Repeated tests show that the brain is able to perceive a spoken word in 140 milliseconds, while it takes 180 milliseconds to understand a written word. Psychologists believe that a difference of 40 milliseconds is spent by the brain to translate a visual image into an auditory image that the brain can perceive. Goncharov N.K. Media technique and technology. Press, television, radio broadcasting Publ .: M., EKSMO, 2005. p - 66.

Not only do we hear faster than we see; our auditory perception lasts longer than our visual perception. A visual image - a picture or printed words - fades out in less than 1 second, if our brain does not make special efforts to remember the essence of what it saw. Auditory perception lasts 45 times longer.

Therefore, listening to a message is more efficient than reading. First, the spoken word is stored longer in the brain, allowing better follow-up of thought. Secondly, the timbre of the human voice imparts emotionality to words, unattainable by any image.

The disadvantages of radio advertising include the limited elements of influence on the listener and, most importantly, the inability to show the product and repeat what was heard. Radio advertising affects only the ear and creates its own "theater of the imagination", operating with just three elements: in a word, noise effects and music.

Elements of radio advertising

The word is the main building material of the audio spot. It describes a product or service. Another function of the word in radio advertising is to grab attention, create and maintain interest by stimulating the desired response. The warmth of the human voice is often enough to effectively convey the essence of the advertising message to the listener.

Radio relies more on the skill of the screenwriter than other media. Any screenwriter will make his texts more effective if he checks what was written aloud in order to once again clarify the pauses, rhythm, and remove stylistic negligence.

There are 3 main sources of sound effects:


Recorded natural sounds


Manual effects are created right at the studio - the sound of an opening door, steps. Recordings are selected from a professional music library - dog barking, thunder, auto racing, etc. Electronic effects are created on special devices(oscillators, reverbers).

Music performs a variety of functions, from background to jingles. In radio advertisements, a few bars of specially written music often identify the product - this is a music logo that takes 4-10 seconds. Advertising songs (jingles) help to remember the slogan. Successful musical slogans have been used for years by such business "sharks" as Coca-Cola, Chevrolet, McDonald's.

There are a lot of recommendations and rules for compiling an audio spot, and it is not possible to consider everything. This work proposes only a few of the existing developments in this area. For example, there is a well-known theory of the advertising field, in which radio is presented as a system designed to form certain needs of the listener. Based on this theory, the following principles of radio advertising are formulated:

the level of comprehensibility of the message should be 10 points below the average IQ of the social stratum for which it is intended;

the message should not require efforts to memorize or understand the text;

the program should be designed so that the listener can understand the essence of the advertising message in less than 6-8 seconds.

In advertising and in radio advertising, in particular, the recommendations of psycholinguists are used on the use of certain words or in order to avoid some inconsistencies, etc. Research valuable for the effectiveness of radio advertising has been and is being carried out by representatives of many sciences: psychologists, sociologists, economists, marketers, linguists, art theorists. Some of the recommendations and advice presented in this work are highly specialized knowledge, but most of them have been developed in cooperation with specialists from different fields.

Audio spot efficiency factors

In addition to words, music and noise that make up an advertising audio spot, more general factors have an impact on the effectiveness of a message:

station format and compliance with the style of the video and the advertised product;

air time;

duration of the sound;

audio spot structure;

characteristics of the text;

the originality of the video, the emotional impact.

One of the topical trends in advertising in general, and in audio advertising in particular, is the use of media that influence the subconscious. In this case, every sound perceived by the radio listener plays a role. It makes sense to assume that the most successful and effective radio spots are precisely because of the information conveyed by them at a subconscious level. Advertising directed to the depths of the human brain may look quite clumsy and unattractive, but it will work flawlessly. Conscious argumentation of the advantages of a product takes time to comprehend it and "fit" to the subconscious needs of the individual. According to some psychologists, it is in the recesses of consciousness that the final decision “like it or not like it” is made.

One of the methods of influencing the subconscious is to force the client to persuade himself. For example, a verbal invitation from an announcer to enter an advertised store can encounter many obstacles in the listener's brain, both on a conscious and subconscious level. In contrast to the traditional phrase in such cases: "Come in, you will be satisfied", we can say the following "You will be a guest." The mechanism of action of this phrase is simple: everyone knows the stable phrase: "Come in - you will be a guest." The word "come in" will be automatically spoken by the client to himself. And any person tends to trust his “inner voice” to a greater extent than businessmen who only think how to “take my money”. Such a technique should lead to an increase in the efficiency of the radio spot. In principle, any persistent phrase with a conjectured "lost" part will have the same effect.

Advertising on the Internet

Recently, there has been a rapid development of telecommunication systems, one of the key elements of which is the global computer network Internet and its main service WWW (World Wide Web). The Internet is the first implementation of a computer-mediated hypermedia environment that is uniquely positioned for advertising and serves as two pillars:

First, the Internet is a new means of communication, represented by the “many-to-many” communication model, which is based on the pull-model of consumers receiving information. In addition, the Internet is a hypermedia way of presenting information, which significantly differs from traditional mass media in its interactive nature, high flexibility and scalability V. Kholmogorov. Internet Marketing // Short Course 2nd Edition. - SPb .: Peter -2002. C - 64.

secondly, the Internet is a global virtual electronic market that does not have any territorial or time constraints, which allows for the interactive purchase of goods and significantly changes the ability of firms to promote goods and the place of distribution firms in this process.

The use of the Internet as one of the elements of the marketing system can have a significant impact on the positive image of the company and on the consumer's awareness of goods and services. The firm can use Internet resources in the following elements of the marketing mix:

Advertising. The set of possibilities for direct advertising of goods and services through the Internet includes the placement of information about the product on its own Web-server WebSite (website, site, server): A set of Web-pages, united in meaning, navigationally and physically located on one server. A web page is physically an HTML file. May contain text and images. The page can be static or dynamically generated. , placing advertisements on other servers, sending emails; participation in teleconferences. Feature of advertising on the Internet is the need for additional actions to advertise your own Web-server. There are three main ways for visitors to reach a Web server:

the server can be found by search engines

the server can be accessed by hypertext links

you can learn about the server from other sources of information, including traditional ones (newspapers, magazines, radio, etc.).

server registration on search engines

posting free links to web directories

placement of links in the "yellow pages"

registration on thematic web-servers

placing links on other servers

publication on other servers of materials containing links to the server

participation in teleconferences; use of mailing lists

the use of the server name in all types of advertising products of the company and the use of traditional types of advertising.

Public relations. Press releases may be posted on the WWW or current information for shareholders may be provided. WWW can be effectively used in crisis situations when a company needs an urgent response to a market situation, while the advantage of WWW is the ability to update information in real time.

Consumer support. Consumer support can be significantly expanded by posting additional public information (statistical and / or dynamic) on the WWW and / or implementing an additional feedback mechanism.

Expansion of the enterprise infrastructure through the use of the Internet. This can be expressed both in the use of Internet technology in the internal infrastructure of the enterprise, and in going beyond it.

Promotion of the company's trademark.

Sales promotion.

Marketing research. The main methods and tools for conducting marketing research A. A. Romanov. Tutorial in the discipline "Advertising. Internet advertising "/ Moscow International Institute of Econometrics, Informatics, Finance and Law. - M .:, 2003. S - 54:

§ using search engines, WWW catalogs, thematic Internet servers; conducting surveys

§ questionnaire survey of visitors to your own Web-server

§ conference research

§ use of data from surveys conducted on other servers.

Along with the listed marketing elements, one of the main features of the Internet marketing system is the possibility of online payment for goods, which allows you to organize online stores directly on the Internet and is the basis for the development of the Internet as a global interactive electronic market.

The following basic elements are used for the formation: a corporate Web server, banners Banner (banner, candy wrapper) - a graphic file placed on a Web page and having a hyperlink to another (advertised) page. As a rule, it has a rectangular shape. To ensure fast banner loading, banner display systems usually impose size restrictions on it (for example, no more than 15 Kilobytes). So making a colorful, animated banner, and even meeting the stringent file size requirements, is often a daunting task. The most common banner sizes are 468x60, email and newsgroups.

A corporate server will allow you to make information about a company or product / service available to millions of people, including geographically distant ones. In addition, you will be able to quickly respond to the market situation - change the price list data, announce new products / services, and so on. The server will allow you to implement all possible forms of information presentation: text, graphics, sound, video, animation, and so on. Another advantage of the Web server is the ability to open a virtual office that will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in the world.

Banner is one of the main elements working to form a positive image of the company. With the help of ad networks, you can display banners to your target audience. Research by renowned Internet advertising authorities has shown that a banner works even when not clicked on. A click means only momentary interest. The main idea reflected in the banner (if any) is still remembered. Due to the specifics of the Internet, people are active in searching and perceiving information, so the likelihood of exposure to advertising is higher here: about 30% of respondents remember the banner they saw after seven days.

E-mail is an additional means of forming an image. With its help, you can show the clarity of work with clients, the clarity of the organization of the company. In addition, in a well-formed letter, the name of the company (or your name) is always in sight and the person willy-nilly remembers this information. Thanks to mailing lists, you can clearly target your audience. If you are able to regularly prepare information on a topic, it makes sense to create your own mailing list. Discussion sheets are created to exchange information, discuss issues on a specific topic. Unlike mailing lists, not only the creators of the list can write to the list, but also all participants. An additional positive aspect of your active participation in the list is the fact that often popular and authoritative discussion lists are viewed by representatives of the specialized press and it is likely that you will be quoted on the pages of publications or you will be invited to write an article. By analyzing published messages, you can calculate your potential customers and contact them directly. Finally, keep in mind that in addition to your own promotion, dedicated discussion lists are extremely useful as they are very helpful. will provide you with valuable information and news.

Speaking about the prospects for the development of Internet advertising, it should be noted the expected sharp increase in spending on such advertising. However, these predictions will come true if the Web pays more attention to the needs of a wide range of buyers and advertisers distributing consumer goods V. Kholmogorov Internet Marketing // Short Course 2nd Edition. - SPb .: Peter -2002. C - 144.

Print media

newspapers (city, regional, all-Russian, specialized);

magazines (industry or general purpose);

company newsletters;

reference books

In terms of costs, advertising in print media is second only to advertising on television. Advertising in newspapers is cheaper than television advertising. At the same time, the quality of reproduction of advertising originals in newspapers is usually low. Hence, the advertisements placed in them are usually less attractive, and each publication has many such advertisements at the same time, and therefore the impact of any of them individually is reduced.

The advantage of advertising in the press lies in its high selectivity. People with different interests will read literature on the area of ​​life that interests them. Thus, thanks to newspapers and magazines, advertising messages affect a specific consumer group. The specifics of advertising in the press dictates special approaches to its creation and placement. When creating it, you need to take into account that advertising is perceived purely visually, which means that you need to pay special attention to the visual part. That is, the design should attract attention and interest, and the semantic load should keep and push the consumer to action. In this case, the creators must take into account the color, the size of the letters, the reality of the depicted, the style of circulation, and also, for example, that a photograph is better than a drawing; that one big illustration works better than many small ones; and much more.

§ the prestige of a newspaper or magazine;

§ location (from the page, cover, heading, advertising block);

The print page in general and the newspaper in particular provide the advertiser with a flexible medium for expressing creative needs. The newspaper is a medium used by almost everyone, it has great flexibility, and the thought expressed in writing is remembered. However, newspapers have their drawbacks, which include: lack of audience selectivity, relatively short life, poor print and reproduction quality, fierce advertising competition, the impossibility of guaranteed advertising in a given print space, overlapping circulation. Despite this, the newspaper remains one of the leading conductors of news and advertising to the public.

Journals have other benefits. By their very nature, they are the most selective of all media. They have flexibility, both in terms of the range of readers and in the presentation of advertising. They can work with color, have excellent printing capabilities, and are also prestigious and have a reserve of trust from the readers. And all this at an acceptable cost. However, they often have a much longer release period, they make it difficult to obtain the required coverage and frequency, and advertising competition in magazines is even more intense. In addition, the cost of advertising in some publications is very high.

When choosing magazines for advertising, it is necessary to take into account the circulation, audience, cost and technical capabilities. A magazine's advertising rates can be determined by several factors: primary and secondary readership, number of subscribers and retail sales, and the ratio of guaranteed versus real circulation.

Outdoor advertising

Outdoor billboard posters are typically placed along busy highways and in crowded areas to remind consumers of businesses or products they already know or point potential buyers to places where they can shop or receive appropriate service.

Advertising in outdoor advertising is usually short and cannot fully inform about the company or product, therefore, acquaintance of potential consumers with new products using this media is not effective enough.

visualization should be simple and placardly catchy, illustration is one and no more than seven words;

use simple and clear fonts such that the announcement can be read from a distance of 30-50 meters;

it is necessary to make up the color scheme so that it does not strain the vision and is familiar to the eye;

for better perception, elements of TV advertising can be introduced into outdoor advertising;

it is necessary to check how the advertisement is perceived in different weather, whether it is obscured by buildings, etc.

The main purpose of these advertisements is to remind consumers of companies or products that they already know about or to point potential buyers to places where they can make the purchases they need or receive appropriate service.

As one of the main advertising media, outdoor advertising offers the lowest cost per "display". In addition, outdoor advertising has a number of other qualities that are attractive to the advertiser. These include instant wide coverage, very high frequency, flexibility and high impact. Its disadvantages are: the need for a short advertising text, a significant limitation in reaching narrow demographic groups, a long preparation and production time and negative phenomena associated with the former reputation of this advertising medium. In addition, some advertisers are discouraged by the high up-front costs and the inability to personally verify that they have advertisements on their billboards.

1.3 The concept of alternative marketing

As many researchers note, the role of marketing in crisis situations is increasing: it is marketers who help the company to survive by searching for new niches, restructuring product policy, searching for new reserves and new points of application of efforts E.P. Golubkov. Anti-crisis marketing / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2009. - No. 1. - p. 7. Today, there are more and more opinions about the need for a non-standard approach to the development of tools, technologies, marketing techniques. Thus, we can talk about "alternative marketing", which allows you to increase sales, inform consumers about promotions and "gain a foothold" in their minds.

However, it is often difficult to understand which marketing is considered standard and which is alternative. Let's consider some opinions on this issue.

On the one hand, an alternative can be an unconventional approach to traditional forms, creating a favorable atmosphere for finding creative and innovative ideas that will further help transform traditional marketing programs into effective strategies and advertising campaigns. URL: /090413-00.html.

On the other hand, the alternative, which means that does not coincide with the generally accepted or with the official Efremova T.F. Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - 2006. - Vol. 1. - with. 54. Alternative marketing ceases to be such, if it is repeated, merges with the background, does not carry intrigue, does not evoke feelings or does not attract attention. At the same time, intrigue is understood as hidden actions, using various kinds of unseemly means, to achieve any goal; the machinations of T.F. Efremov Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - 2006. - Vol. 1. - with. 276.

Thus, alternative marketing refers to the creation of alternative techniques that can make old non-working tools bring effective results. Alternative marketing aims to distinguish yourself, touch, surprise, and give emotions. It plays on the curiosity, emotions and feelings of consumers, therefore it is perceived by them with interest. Alternative marketing events open up consumers, and therefore, advertising ideas easily penetrate the minds and hearts of potential buyers.

At the same time, the use of such marketing is fraught with a number of difficulties due to the need for constant innovation, the success of which lies in the presence of people who come up with bold ideas that evoke an emotional response from customers.

Despite this, today we can talk about various types of alternative marketing. These include: neuromarketing, cognitive and sensory marketing, mobile, viral and guerrilla marketing, buzz and blog marketing, provocative advertising and advertising on non-standard media, flash mobs, the use of rumors and much more Karpova S. Innovative approaches in marketing policy modern TNCs / Marketing. - 2009. - No. 2. - with. 23.

Let's take a closer look at guerrilla marketing. Its popularity stems from the need to use channels and sources of information that people have more confidence in. After all, a consumer oversaturated with communications is forced to filter information coming from outside, which leads to the rejection of advertising messages, and for an enterprise this means a waste of considerable sums. Guerrilla marketing means unconventional, unconventional, increased flexibility, high results with limited opportunities The use of guerrilla marketing is based on the so-called "chips", "hooks" for customers. Unlike traditional tools, it implies creativity as the main driving force, when the point nature of promotion does not allow one to be content with “middle” ideas.

The term "guerrilla marketing" was conceptually coined in 1984 by marketer Jay Konrad Levinson, who is considered the founder of this type of alternative marketing. Instead of money, he proposed using ingenuity, and instead of expensive advertising - alternative budget carriers.

Guerrilla marketing (guerrilla marketing) is called low-budget advertising and marketing methods that allow you to effectively promote your product or service, attract new customers and increase your profits without investing or almost no investment, therefore, guerrilla marketing is also called "low-budget marketing" or "low-cost" marketing URL: http // / pmdetali.htm.

The task of guerrilla marketing is to make non-standard promotion at a minimum cost.

The following characteristics of guerrilla marketing are highlighted:

a) minimal costs (compared to direct advertising in the media);

b) originality (creative) approach;

c) most of his techniques give the result either immediately or after a short time;

d) his methods are invisible to competitors, and therefore cannot be copied by him;

e) Marketing agencies in this area of ​​alternative marketing strive to measure the effectiveness of each of their promotions.

During its existence, guerrilla marketing has undergone a number of changes, departing from the postulates put forward by Levinson and incorporating many new promotion technologies. Today, guerrilla marketing refers to the totality of non-standard, non-traditional and at the same time the most effective communication channels and promotion methods. These technologies are not necessarily cheap (which runs counter to Levinson's original design for small businesses), but they are effective in the face of declining returns from direct and conventional advertising.

Often all innovative marketing (advertising) technologies are called guerrilla marketing. He uses all types of commercial information technologies (forums, chats and blogs) and much more Karpova S. Innovative approaches in the marketing policy of modern TNCs / Marketing. - 2009. - No. 2. - with. 28.

Table 4 Elements of Guerrilla Marketing

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I have been fond of marketing for a long time. It has become my hobby and my job. I think that I am very well versed in marketing, but as a real marketer, I am constantly looking for something new for myself in marketing. It seemed that I already knew everything, but then I came to a noomarketing site and I had a question, what is noomarketing?

Is this some kind of alternative marketing or is it just the name of the site? I would very much like to hear that this is exactly alternative marketing, because for me it will be a large scope for activity, otherwise it becomes boring without new products in the field of marketing.

Sergey S.

If you are such a big fan of marketing, then you are definitely in luck, because noomarketing is truly alternative marketing, and not just the name of a site dedicated to marketing. Noomarketing is one that has appeared recently and is gradually gaining more and more new positions.

I would especially like to emphasize that noomarketing is really alternative marketing. What makes it an alternative is the fact that it uses alternative grounds. For example, the basis of F. Kotler's classic marketing is the needs and requirements of people. While the basis of noomarketing is ideas.

For the reason that the basis of noomarketing is an idea as an element of our world (not as something that is generated in a person's head), it is quite possible to say that noomarketing is not just an alternative marketing, but also. Previously, other marketing concepts did not consider ideas as the basis.

Noomarketing is a real alternative marketing

Plato also believed that ideas are the basis of everything and that one should dance from them, but no one has yet tried to apply this to marketing. Pavel Bernovich tried to do this, took the marketing system of F. Kotler as a basis, added to it the idea that an idea is the beginning of everything and he got his own system, and this system really works. In fact, noomarketing is innovative marketing, a real system of working with ideas in order to create needs and requirements in people and to satisfy them in the future.

So noomarketing as an alternative marketing has every reason to be considered an alternative to classic marketing. It should be noted that many companies are actively adopting some analogs of noomarketing. One of the most striking examples is Apple. This company seems to be considered a manufacturer of iPhone, iPod and so on, but in reality it is actually engaged in the creation and promotion of ideas using technology similar to noomarketing.

If you don't like classic marketing, then you should try noomarketing.

Need more information on modern marketing? Read free articles on noomarketing. If you don't find the answer to your question, you can get personal advice on noomarketing. Do you want to get advice on your issue? Click “ask a question”.

Abstract of an article by Don Schultz and Chekitan Dev, 2012, issue 2

4P concept

The Four Ps Concept (also known as the Marketing Mix) is a traditional marketing concept based on four core marketing planning metrics. P are the first letters of Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. 4P - a set of the listed parameters.

In one of their previous publications (In the Mix, Marketing Management, Jan / Feb 2005), the authors of the presented article argued that, being a valuable management tool in the 20th century, the marketing mix today does not reflect the full picture in marketing, and is also not suitable managers of the XXI century. in terms of planning. This concept focuses too much on what is driven by marketing in the organization — available resources and market leadership. But at the same time, very little attention is paid to the needs and desires of consumers. Thus, the 4P initially reflects the point of view of marketers, not consumers.

Nowadays consumers and customers are more and more in control of the market. Therefore, the authors express doubts about using the concept of a marketing mix, built on the four "Ps", as the main prerequisite for changing the market, while it may be developing its own way. But a customer-centered approach will be necessary.

SIVA concept

Instead of the 4P concept, the authors offer managers a new planning concept called SIVA. This acronym stands for Solution, Information, Value, and Access. It can be said that this is a mirror image of the 4P concept - the same, only through the eyes of consumers, not marketers. The emphasis is on exactly what customers (consumers) need, what they want.

Instead of focusing on the product itself (how it is made, what competitors offer, etc.), the authors recommend focusing efforts on solving the consumer problem by offering the desired product or service.

The same goes for price and value. Price is the value (or value) expressed in monetary terms. At the same time, it makes sense to consider value from several positions:

From the point of view of the consumer, the value can be of several types: monetary, psychological, social ... It can be expressed in the time saved or something else that a person needs, that he is looking for and / or loves.

What the consumer should refuse when accepting the offer of the marketer. It can be money, time, or other valuable resources needed to obtain a solution to a problem.

Instead of focusing on promotion, focus on information. In this case, we mean informational support of products and consumer support - he must understand how this marketing solution will solve his problems. Information can be provided via email, print, social media, media, sales, or any other means. But it should be borne in mind that the method of delivering information should meet the wishes of the client, and not the requirements of the marketer.

The last of the four "Ps" is the promotion site. Instead of this element, the SIVA concept proposes to use access, that is, possible ways of acquiring a solution. It can be retail sales, online sales or some alternative method included in the range of distribution channels for the solution. Access to obtaining information about the solution should also be provided in accordance with the wishes of the clients. Today it is extremely important to provide timely access to the solution and information about it.

A new era of marketing

The SIVA concept appeared in 2005 and was then first published. The authors received a lot of feedback and comments, which is always valuable from a theoretical and practical point of view. This concept, the authors say, has become widely known through seminars and meetings, speeches at conferences in support of it around the world. People noted its usefulness and practical applicability. Many followers have applied (and are applying) it in B2B and B2C, retail and services - in Australia, India, China, the UK, as well as in other developed and emerging markets.

The authors note that interesting fact that the concept of the Apple Store is based on a model similar to SIVA. In doing so, they refer to an article by Yukari Iwatani Kane and Ian Sherr (Secrets from Apple's Genius Bar: Full Loyalty, No Negativity, The Wall Street Journal, June 15, 2011). The authors examine the use of the SIVA concept using the example of Apple products.

The Apple Store's sales policy is also not about selling itself, but about helping customers solve their problems. Apple's seller guides make it clear that you shouldn't try to close a deal by hook or by crook. Instead, you should find the client's “pain points” and offer your solution. It is important to identify customer needs that they may not even be aware of. Employees do not receive commissions on sales, and they are also not dependent on a sales plan due to its absence.

The main idea of ​​the SIVA concept is the transformation of a product proposal into a proposal for a solution to the consumer's problem. Therefore, the provision of information can be considered the key to a successful interaction with the client. And that the Apple Store employees are doing great. At one time, Steve Jobs said that people no longer want to just buy computers. They want to know what they can do with them.

As for the value of Apple products, it is expressed not only in the acquired advantage of owning a device compared to not having it, but also in the fact that it is easy and pleasant to use the products of this company. In addition, Apple Stores are raising a sense of value among their fans by fueling interest in anticipation of new models. In addition, the stores themselves are constantly developing - the latest models are displayed in the most prominent places, special children's rooms are created, etc. And in a number of stores the Joint Venture service was launched to provide a separate program to business clients.

The authors of the article note that it is obvious that Apple Store management believes in adding value to products based on total customer experience and quality of service. This means that total value is derived from both the provision of the solution itself and in terms of value, the way in which products are distributed and used.

In terms of access, the Apple Store is different from most retailers. Usually retailers are trying to reduce staff and services provided, use technology to reduce the cost of the sales process. In contrast, Apple Stores have built a large number of stores in high-profile locations. Steve Jobs knew that in order to successfully bring new products to market, it was necessary to “introduce” people to them. This concept works, since future customers already in the store itself, using the example of demo devices, can understand how their own device will look after purchase - with uploaded content, photos, etc.

Apple Store management understands the importance of customer access to their products. This means not only the convenient location of the point of sale, but also the quality of service for the incoming customer. Well-trained staff are always ready to assist in finding a solution to a client's problem, and not just sell the product as soon as possible. Thanks to this approach, retail sales of Apple in 2009 grew by about 7%, and in 2012, excluding online sales, by 70%, and amounted to $ 11.7 billion. And the number of visits to 326 Apple stores in just one quarter exceeded 60 million. And this can already be called a serious success of the SIVA concept, or the success of the twin concept. In this case, it doesn't matter.

Will the SIVA concept work in other areas? As already noted, practice shows that yes, it will. The main thing is, guided by common sense, to accept the point of view of the client, not the marketer. Themes.