Game folklore program for adults and children. Scenario of a competitive game program with elements of folklore. Drama of the nursery group



Participants: young children.

Venue: assembly hall, classroom, auditorium, lawn, courtyard.
Akulina and Egor appear, with a button accordion in his hands, accompanied by a ditty melody. They dance and sing.
Egor: What is this village
What is this village?
A lot of people gathered And they are having fun ?!
Akulina: Welcome us
It will be more fun at once!
We will play and sing Together with you and together!
Egor: We don't need refreshments
The table is set to nothing.
Who dances until you drop
Who goes to the game!
Akulina: Hello dear! We are glad to visit you. It took us a long time to get ready and dress up. These are the outfits that were found in an old chest. Do you want to look into such a chest? Let's try and see what happens.
Boys and girls open imaginary chests and "dress up".
Egor: Well done, good guys and girls!
Now is the time to dance for us lady, lady-madam!
Dance "Lady".
Akulina: The magpie chirps - prophesies more guests!
Varvara and Lukerya (enter, sing):
There is a stump in the swamp
He's too lazy to move.
The neck does not toss and turn
And I want to laugh!
Akulina: For a long time we have been waiting for you, Varvara da Lukerya!
Egor: Without you, beauties, we are already starting the holiday.
Lukerya: Here we are!
Barbara: The hosts are glad to see a lovely guest.
Lukerya: Yes Yes! Make yourself at home, but don't forget that you are a guest.
Akulina: You always have your word ready.
Lukerya: And the tongue has no bones: whatever it wants, it mutters.
Akulina: Come on, if the tongue is boneless - make fun of the children!

Varvara and Lukerya arrange rallies among the audience.

Lukerya (examines the seated one): Look! There's dirt under your feet! Why are you bowing to me, I am not a prince to you.
Varvara (goes to another): Say: "Bath!" (the viewer speaks). Vanya loves you! (Turns to another). How much is one hundred and one hundred? (Two hundred.) Your head is in the dough!
Lukerya (picks up one of the spectators): I will tell you, and you repeat: "Me too." I went into the forest! (And me too). Chopped down a tree! (And me too). Cut out the trough! (And me too). I poured the feed there! (And me too). The piglets began to sip. (And me too). Are you a little pig?
Varvara (picks up another viewer): Guess the riddle: German-pepper- Pinch the boat ride! Nemets-Peretz drowned, who stayed in the boat? (Fast-food). Oh, pinch you ?! You are welcome! (Nibbles as a joke).
Lukerya (calls one of the children): You say after me: "Well!"
My grandfather planted a turnip in the underground. (Well!).
The turnip has grown large, to the floor. (Well!).
Grandfather cut through the floor. (Well!)
The turnip grew and grew and grew to the roof. (Well!).
Grandfather cut through the roof. (Well!).
The turnip grew and grew and grew to the sky. (Well!).
The grandfather began to pull his turnips. (Well!).
Tugged-tugged - can't pull it out! (Well!).
And the granddaughter ordered to give a crack to the one
Who says "well!" All the time.
Akulina: Come on, Lukerya and Varvara! (addresses children).
Guess the riddle.
The kids are coming and going
On horses and bears,
Camels and ponies
And they won't catch up with each other!
What's this? That's right, a fun carousel! We start the game "Carousel".

One-two, one-two - it's time for us to roll others!
Children change places: whoever "skated", stands in a circle, holding hands. Each of those who were previously in the circle places their right hand on the clasped hands of each pair in the circle.
Barely painted merry-go-rounds began to spin,
And then, then, then - all running, running, running!
Hush, hush, don't rush - stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two - the game is over!
Akulina: The magpie chirps, prophesies guests again!
This is Matryoshka with Ermoshka. A little late.
We ask long-awaited guests,
Yes, we will ask you to sing ditties!
A girl and a boy from the audience are invited to the stage, in front of them are "portraits" of Ermoshka and Matryoshka with holes for the face. The participants "sing" ditties to the phonogram.
Enough, dear, to ask And wave a cap.
All the same, I will not play With you, little toddler!
Oh you, my dear,
Oh, you gentle!
I pulled all the candies out of my pocket!
Oh you, my dear,
Did I eat them?
I swallowed forty things,
I didn't want to anymore!
Milka was in the city,
She curled her curls.
Three hundred dollars were ripped off
It's worse than it was!
Akulina thanks the children for their performance, they sit down.
Akulina: But this, guys, isn't it a miracle?
It was, my dears, in the old days,
When grandfather Arkhip planned to climb the moon.
Then boring fairy tales flew through the air,
They grabbed each other by the wings.
And I followed them on a golden horse. Yes, I collected these boring fairy tales in a sack.
And then I got one of them.
There is a hut on the little hill,
An old woman lives in it.
Sits on the stove, chews rolls.
So she got up
From behind the stove I took out a washcloth ...
Shouldn't we start the story all over again?
Akulina passes the "bast" to Varvara, she repeats all her words and passes the "baton" to one of the guys - the repetition of the "endless" fairy tale continues several times at an accelerated pace.

Lukerya:(ends the game). Grandma Nenila was catching fish. I caught the karasya! That's the whole story!
Akulina: And now, guys, we will sing and dance together. When I sing: "Ay dili-dili-didi!", You raise your hands up and twist your hands like flashlights, singing along with me. And whom I will name by name, he goes into a circle. Ay dili-dili-didi! Where did you see Misha?
Barbara: We looked into the garden - Misha is dancing at the gate!
Lukerya: Ay dili-dili-didi! Where did you see Olya?
Barbara: We looked into the green garden - Olya is nibbling grapes!
Lukerya: Ay dili-dili-didi! Where did you see Sveta?
Barbara: We looked under the porch - Sveta was gnawing a cucumber!
Lukerya: Ay dili-dili-didi! Have you seen Sasha?
Barbara: In the clearing near the well, Sashka is fighting with a chicken!
Together: Ay, gu-gu, gu-gu, gu-gu! Do not circle in the meadow
There's a puddle in the meadow, your head will spin!
You will fall straight into a puddle, you will come wet for dinner!
Circling with children.
Akulina: And now we invite all the people to the round dance!
A round dance begins with all the spectators to the melody "Whether in the garden or in the garden".
Egor: Well thank you guys! We were glad to visit you! Lukerya: Good guest doesn't stay too long!
Barbara: Thanks to this house - let's go to another!
Akulina: Do you like to visit guests, love and receive guests! We invite you to join us!
Everything: Goodbye!

M. Kosterina

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Competitive game program with elements of folklore


Task: show the relevance and originality of Russian folk traditions through dance, play and Russian folklore.

Goals: to familiarize students with Russian folk traditions, to foster a sense of respect for the works of Russian folklore, a benevolent and respectful attitude towards other people in the process of communication, the development of interest in Russian folk art, in the history of the Russian people.

Red maidens and Good fellows appear to the folk melody, buffoons run out.

1st buffoon:

Bow to you, invited guests!

Guests are invited, but welcome!

Hello swans!

Hello young people!

Yes, the guys are daring,

Cheerful fellows!

2nd buffoon:

Welcome, dear guests!

We are waiting for you, we are waiting,

We will not start the holiday without you.

1st buffoon:

For a reason, friends, we bow to you,

By resorting to courteous words.

We like your fighting character,

Your temperament is cheerful, mischievous.

2nd buffoon:

And we came here to disperse boredom.

We came to have fun, to play.

Sing along with you a chorus of songs,

For fun, for fun to see!

1st buffoon:

Let the merry round dance spin

Let honest backgammon amuse himself!

2nd buffoon:

Everyone who is not lazy in the hall

Become wider in the circle!

Make way, honest people!

Let's start a round dance!

/ Dance in a circle "Lady" /

1st red maiden:

Very often after the events of the days

We don't remember our old days, we forget about it.

And although flights to the moon are more familiar to us,

Let's remember Russian customs, remember our old days!

/ Competition "Spit-maiden beauty": girls with braids are selected, invited to the center of the circle. Fans, with the help of applause, determine which of them deserves the title of "Russian Beauty", because at all times the braid in Russia was considered a symbol of female beauty / (Awarding of the winner)

1st buffoon:

So that we can rest for glory today,

We will continue our entertaining way

Fun awaits, daredevils will not wait

Calling brave volunteers.

/ Competition "Fight of roosters": two participants are in a circle. Their task: to push the opponent out of the circle with the shoulder, with each hand holding one leg bent at the knee behind the back / (Awarding of the winners)

2nd Red maiden:

Well done in the old years

On an arrow, went out into an open field,

They drew their bows and fired.

And who of you wants to try fate,

Shoot an arrow?

/ Competition "Arrow of Ivan Tsarevich": the participants are given sheets of paper from which they have to make airplanes in a certain time. These planes will be arrows. On command, the participants launch their "arrows" - airplanes. Whose plane flies farther, he won. (three participants) / (Awarding of the winner)

The eldest son's arrow fell ... Where?

The middle son's arrow fell ... Where?

And the younger Ivan Tsarevich, the arrow rose and flew away he does not know where.

Guys, what fairy tale are these arrows from?

Who invented this tale?

2nd buffoon:

Yes, we have a lot of talents:

Both singers and musicians

They love the fire dance

And I am removing the ditty.

/ Chastushki competition: from each class come out connoisseurs of ditties. Whoever knows more ditties wins / (Awarding of the winner)

1st buffoon:

Soon the tale is telling

Yes, not soon the matter is done.

Do you guys like fairy tales?

Do you know many Russian fairy tales?

/ Competition "Continue the line, name the fairy tale" /

    You will see a window in the mansion, there is a golden cage on the window,

And in the cage sits the Heat - a bird.

You take a bird, put it in your bosom,

Look ... (don't touch the cells!)

What is the name of the tale? (Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)

2) Call Sivka-burka.

(Sivka is a burka, a prophetic kaurka,

Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of a grass!)

Who knows the name of this tale?

3) What did Emelya have to say in order to fulfill his desire?

(By the pike's will, at my will ...)

What is the name of the tale? (Awarding of the winner)

1st Red maiden:

I am Lorca - tongue twister,

Lorca's tongue twister!

Talk so fast, friends,

Only I can, only I, only me.

To the speed, who are not used to,

The tongue is twisted!

/ Contest "Chatterboxes": utter a quick tongue twister: I rode the Greek across the river. The crayfish sees the Greek in the river. He put his hand in the river, the cancer by the hand of the Greek tsap! /

(Awarding of the winner)

1st buffoon:

And now we offer you a game-

Measure strength, as was the case in the old days.

We invite the strongest guys.

Come on, stand, strongmen, in a funny row!

/ Tug of war / (Winner's reward ceremony)

2nd buffoon:

The power is there, the mind is not needed!

And let's measure ourselves not by strength, but by intelligence!

Guess Russian folk riddles.

/ Contest "Mysterious" /

Clean, but not a hut,

Sticky, but not resin,

Sweet, but not honey:

Take from the horned

And they give the kids. (Milk)

No arms, no legs

Knocking under the window

Asks to go to the hut. (Wind)

The runner was running

Yes, sniffing into the corner. (Broom)

Yellow, but not a month,

A tail, but not a mouse. (Turnip)

White bedspread

Lying on the ground.

Summer has come -

It all came off. (Snow)

Behind our yard

Hanging cheesecake

With cottage cheese. (Moon)

Little black dog,

Curled up, lies.

Doesn't bark, it bites,

But he won't let him into the house. (Lock)

Not a bush, but with leaves.

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a man, but a story. (Book)

It flows, it flows, it won't flow out.

Runs, runs, does not run out. (Spring or river)

(Awarding of the winner)

1st buffoon:

The moment of goodbye has come

Our speech will be brief.

We tell you: goodbye!

We say: see you soon!

The script is competitive game program for children "Day of Russian Fun"

This methodical development the event is designed to work with school-age children.

Target - activating children for joint activities.

Everyone is welcomed in the hallbuffoons :

Come in, honest people,

To the hall where many games are waiting for you!

Let's have some fun on a day of fun

Let's play and frolic!

Let's play together

Dance and have fun!

Buffoon 1: Hello dear guests, small and large!

Buffoon 2: Hello guests, you are welcome!

Buffoon 1:

Do you want to play

Show your prowess?

Buffoon 2 :

Why not play?

We are always happy to play!

Will there be awards?

Buffoon 1:

And the reward will be laughter

Perky and cheerful!


Times are different now

Like thoughts and deeds -

Russia has gone far

From the country that it was.

Smart, strong our people,

Look far ahead.

But the legends of antiquity

We must not forget.

Guys, what do you think, how did the people in Russia have fun and rest from work in the old days, when there were no televisions or computers ..? (children's answers)

Yes, people played. And it's fun to play not alone, but when there are many participants in the game!

To begin with, our buffoons will ask you "Heroic Riddles", because the Russian people always love fairy tales about heroes. And the jury and I (jury presentation) will test your ingenuity.

Game "Heroic Riddles" (riddles have a heroic specificity. First, simple and funny tasks are offered).

Heroic figure (three);

Not alone in the field (warrior);

Witch-fly (pomelo);

Patronymic Snake (Gorynych);

Well, now the riddles will go more complicated - old ones! Can you handle it?

5. Black seed is sown with hands, with mouth to collect (letters);

6. There are many teeth, but eats nothing (comb);

7. A secret pantry with all the new clothes: there are matches, tobacco, and a copper penny (pocket);

8. He was born in the forest, grew up in the forest, came to the house, gathered everyone around him (table);

9. Not a winged, but a bird, as it flies, it whistles, but sits, it is silent (arrow);

10. Pakhom sits on horseback, does not know letters, but reads (glasses).

Well done! We did it with dignity!

Let's remember once again about the heroes. Without whom the hero cannot go to distant lands to perform good deeds? (children's answers). That's right, a hero must have a good horse, which must also be strong and strong, ready for any trials.

Relay "Crossing Horse"

All participants are divided into two teams: some - "horses", others - "riders". The "riders" sit on the "horses" and form a circle. One of the "riders" is given a ball. The riders pass the ball in a circle in one direction or another, for example, to the right. And the ball needs to go through several circles, as agreed before the game. After that, the teams change places, but, as a rule, the game develops differently. If during the throwing of the ball he is on the ground, then the teams instantly change places: "horses" become "riders", and "riders" - "horses".

So we saw what riders and horses are in battle. Now let's put your agility and speed to the test!

Relay "Running in galoshes"

For the relay, size 45 galoshes are used. Players need to run to the specified place and, returning back, pass the baton to the next participant.

Buffoons: Now let us begin the battle of tongue twisters. Let someone speak quickly, I ask the others to be silent.

Listen, remember
Yes, foldable, repeat quickly.

* Three magpies-talkers
They chatted on the hill.

* We gave Klasha porridge with curdled milk.
Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

The next competition will show us the strength and agility of the participants.

"Fight of roosters"

Players, jumping on one leg, put their hands behind their backs and push not with their palms, but shoulder to shoulder. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or if the opponent stands on both feet. The team with the highest score wins.individual victories.

Leading : Now guess this riddle:

There is a stove in this house,

It doesn't smoke every day.

There is also a broom, that's the problem -

He never sweeps.

They respect the heat in the house,

And the owner of the house is steam.


Competition "Russian Bath"

Who wants to take a steam bath

Who respects the steam room

Come soon-

There is a broom and water,

Broom in hand and, as of old,

The opponent himself is a pair.

Only the one wins

Who will quickly hit the broom!

(Two people "steam" with brooms from the newspaper)

The competition is held under musical accompaniment - the song "Russian Bath"

Tug of war game

Buffoon: All the guys, guys, girls

Calling to the rope.

Ten to the left, ten to the right

Only muscles are cracking!

(Children stand on both sides of the rope, at the signal they begin to pull in different directions. The team that manages to pull the rope over the line wins).

Playing with the whole audience.

I will tell you in turn the beginning of the proverb, and you will answer me the end of it.

1. Measure seven times.(cut once).

2. Easy.(you can't get a fish out of the pond).

3. A gift horse.(don't look in the teeth).

4. One in the field.(not a warrior).

5. With whom you will lead.(from this you will gain).

6. The word is not a sparrow.(you can't catch it).

7. Better tit in hand.(Than pie in the sky).

8. Don't have a hundred rubles.(and have a hundred friends).

9. Do you like to ride.(love to carry sleighs).

10. You are in a hurry.(make people laugh).

We continue our competition. Next competition-Russian folk game "Jumping".

To play, you need to outline a line, this will be the starting line. Players take turns standing long jump. The representative of the first team jumps from the start line, the place where he lands is marked. The representative of the second team must jump from the mark line in the opposite direction. And so on until all the players jump. Whose team wins depends on the jump of the last player. If a player lands behind the start line, then the team to which this player belongs wins, if the player does not jump to the start line and lands in front of it, then his team loses.

Now tell me: what kind of footwear is the hallmark of Russia? (bast shoes). Right!

Competition "Lapti".

Participants take off their shoes from one foot and take them to the indicated place. Then everyone line up in columns, and the leader mixes the shoes. At the start signal, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who know how to put on shoes quickly win!

Relay "At Salokhi"

Competition based on the famous work of N. V. Gogol. Saloha "packs" all his fans in bags so that the bag reaches the waist, and one hand holds it. Participants must take turns jumping to the specified place and, returning back, pass the baton to the next one.

"Throw an object at the target"
This is a fairly old game, it traditionally uses an object that children may have never seen before.
You can replace the clothespin with a coin, candy, or other small item.
Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw a small object (which you choose to play) into a box or basket.
Whoever was able to place the most items in the basket wins.
If candy is used in the game, the child at the end of the game takes whatever is in the basket as a prize.

Playing with the hall "Floor, nose, ceiling"

This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.
With your right hand, point to the floor and say, "Paul."
Then point to the nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: "Nose", and then raise your hand up and say: "Ceiling."
Do this slowly.
Let the guys show with you, and you will call.
Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: "Nose", and show yourself at this time at the ceiling. Guys should listen carefully and show correctly.
Well, if you can cheerfully comment on what is happening: “I see someone's nose fell to the floor and lies there. Let's help find the fallen off nose. "
The game can be repeated many times at a faster pace.
At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of "the world's tallest nose" to the stage.

Captains competition: Manual wrestling
The players stand opposite each other, feet shoulder-width apart, the right leg of one participant is next to the right foot of the second participant.
They then squeeze their right hands and, upon a signal, start pushing or pulling each other, trying to make the other lose balance.
Whoever was the first to move from the original position lost.

Competition "Get an apple"
A large bowl of water is required to play.
Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

The jury sums up the results.

While the jury is summing up the results, I invite everyone to play the Russian folk game "Stream"

This game was known and loved by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. She doesn't need to be strong, nimble, or fast. This game of a different kind is emotional, it creates a mood that is cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after the other in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, hold hands and hold them high above their heads. From the clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player, who did not get a pair, goes to the “source” of the brook and, passing under the clasped hands, looks for a pair for himself. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was defeated goes to the beginning of the "stream". And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the trickle moves - the more participants, the more more fun game, especially fun to have with music.
Not a single holiday in the old days was complete for young people without this game. Here you have a struggle for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch to the hand of the chosen one. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful.

Sounding of the competition results by the jury.

Buffoon 1:

We rested wonderfully

All won by right.

Have frolic, played enough,

Everyone remained in the mood!


1 "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" -O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. Study guide 2006.

2 "Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR" edited by T.I. Osokina 1988

3 "Reader for senior preschool children" - compilers: NP Ilchuk, VV Gerbova, LN Eliseeva, NP Baburova. 1998

4 "Musical palette" -№7. 2010


Folklore game program for children


Folk music sounds. The guys are sitting on chairs.

Leading and Matryoshka come out.

Ved. Good afternoon, dear guys!

M-ka. Hello, good health to you!

Ved. Our today's program is called "Matryoshka's Fun", and you

Everyone, probably, guessed what it was about.

M-ka. Today we will remember a little about our Russian folk

Traditions, about folk games, fun and of course toys that

They have retained their significance in our progressive 21st century.

Ved. And I would really like to know from you what folk you know

Games? Toys? (answer). That's right, maybe someone knows how

Matryoshka appeared?(answer).

M-ka. Then listen. “In a certain kingdom, in our state there lived

He was a wealthy and wise merchant. Once he went to distant

Country, and came to the land of the rising sun - Japan. Good luck

He traded in sables and martens, pitched pearls and others.

Red goods. Yes, he became so friends with a Japanese merchant that

At parting he gave him an amazing wooden toy -

Monk, but he was not an ordinary monk, touch him - he sways,

As if praying to his god Buddha.

When the merchant arrived home, he went to the master toy maker and

I showed him an intricate toy, but asked him to make such a

The same toy. The master really liked the toy, but only

She seemed incomprehensible to our children. Then I ran into the hut

The master's daughter Matryona, with her beloved friend a cockerel, took

The toy and began to play it. The master looks at Matryona and thinks: Here

I'll do it. " And he began to sharpen a doll out of wood. Refined, but painted:

A handkerchief, a sarafan - like Matryona, and even a cockerel in her hands. One

I made a doll for the merchant, one for Matryona. That's how Matryoshka and


Ved. Yes, but a real matryoshka still hides girlfriends inside itself, and in your

The fairy tale does not say anything about it.

Father and sooner - to brag to girlfriends. Girlfriends ran into the hut to

For the master, everyone asks for the same matryoshka, he made everyone a doll, and

I thought about it myself. Look how many friends Matryona has, let me make different

I will put all the dolls in one, there will be a Matryoshka with a secret. He carved

Dolls and painted them smart, beautiful, as if they came to

Matryona on the name day in colored handkerchiefs and sundresses.

Ved. And I know that Matryoshka celebrates her name day to this day, 9

April. And on her name days they always dance in circles, play different games.

I think it's time for us to start the fun.

M-ka. Let's play village to village, like in the old days.

Ved. Then one half of the hall will be the village of Sorokino and I will live in it.

- the other half is Voronino, where Matryona will live. Do you agree? Well


M-ka. What is our name, you all know perfectly well, but what is the name of all of you we

We'll find out now too!

Ved. And the inhabitants of my village Sorokino will be called PETKI.

M-ka. And the inhabitants of my village Voronino will be called VASKI. Do you remember?

Veda ... Let's check which village has more inhabitants. Who is louder and friendlier

Shouts, he will win.

One half shouts: Petki, the other half: Vaska.

M-ka. In my opinion, there are many of both. One point each village


Ved. Matryona, to look at you - the eye rejoices. You can immediately see that on

The party has gathered, but the guys after school did not come to dress up

We made it in time. What are we going to do?

M-ka. And I dressed up myself and grabbed something for the guys. Here is each

Village one box, each box contains ribbons, girls

On the head, boys can be tied around the neck.

Ved. Okay, each village will get a box, and we'll see which

The village will dress up faster and more beautifully!


M-ka. Oh, well done! How smart and beautiful.

Veda ... A Russian proverb says: "They meet by their clothes, they see them off by their minds."

M-ka. What are you getting at this?

Ved. I'm leaning towards proverbs, this is folk wisdom but not always all of them

They know and understand.

M-ka. Let's check now which village is better in proverbs

Understands. I have here the proverbs were divided into halves, and

Where is the beginning, where is the end, nothing is clear.

Competition "PEOPLE'S PROVERSE".

The teams receive the halves of the proverbs, you need to correctly assemble the proverb.

M-ka. The guys coped with the proverbs, they unraveled everything, but how they

They can handle it with a snake, I don't even know.

Ved. So let's play and find out.

The game "SNAKE".

All the players join hands, in front of Matryona, who leads the entire chain with a snake, avoiding obstacles, making loops, spirals, at the end, large twists and turns of the spiral.

Ved. Well done boys. And now I invite you to become masters for a while and

Make beautiful nesting dolls with your own hands. I think that in Sorokino,

And in Voronino there are craftsmen.(Choose from each team 3 - 4



Each craftsman is given a matryoshka template, glue and colored parts, flowers for decoration.

M-ka. In the meantime, our craftsmen are decorating the matryoshka, we will play a little.


Do you like riddles? (Yes!) Guess them then.

And there is a secret in riddles - give the correct answer.

There is no need to hesitate here at all, answer quickly, amicably!

On the fence in the morning crowed .... (rooster).

He sleeps in a den in winter, you guessed it - this is ... (bear).

A fountain is floating on the sea - a huge black ... (whale).

A kind-hearted gray man with a trunk - clumsy .... (elephant).

They fly to the south across the sky like a wedge in late autumn .... (cranes).

Quacks loudly in the pond, bathing ducklings ... (duck)

The tail is like a fan, painted, and it is called ... (peacock).

There are flies and mosquitoes healthy, in the swamp croaks ... (frog).

There is poison, glasses and a hood, beware - dangerous ... (cobra)

He walks with a red mane, the king of beasts, of course ... (lion).

It is as thick as a tub, a horn on the nose ... (rhinoceros).

If you prick - you can't hurt! The thorn is very much ours ... (hedgehog).

The long trunk is the nose, in front of you is a kind ... (elephant).

Striped shirt, lives in the savannah ... (zebra).

The ears are long, he is a coward, he hid under a bush ... (hare).

He knows a lot about raspberries! Well, of course, this is ... (bear0.

The tail looks like a fan, everyone knows what it is ... (peacock).

Striped like a ball, everyone knows. This is ... (zebra).

The look is cowardly and sidelong, and it is called ... (hare).

On a palm from a palm tree leap and leap, bananas love this ... (monkey).

Veda ... Well done, and now I offer the village of Voronino and Sorokino a game on

Attention. But this game is not simple, but a relay race. I explain the rules of this

Games. Now we will give each one a matryoshka, and at the finish line, at the end

We will arrange a so-called "clearing with matryoshka dolls" on the floor of the hall. Your

The task is to run up to this glade with your nesting doll and find a pair for her.


The children are given cards with painted nesting dolls, and at the end of the hall, the same cards (paired) are laid out on the floor. The guys' task is to find their match.

M-ka. Now let's play another game of attention and speed.

Reactions. First, I propose to play the village of Voronino, and then

The village of Sorokino will play. This game looks like a musical

A chair, only instead of chairs there will be Matryoshka on the floor while

The music plays, everyone walks around the nesting dolls, when it stops, you need

Take the matryoshka. But matryoshka dolls are one less than the number of participants.



Ved. Yes, I get the impression that in the villages of Sorokino and Voronino

The guys match each other. And I don't even know what else to do with them

It is possible, they can do everything, they can do everything.

M-ka. I have one tricky task, these are congratulatory telegrams,

For Matryoshka, only the words in these telegrams were confused, not all

Of course, there is something left. And the task of each village is to restore these

Congratulatory telegrams.


Ved. Matryona, I completely forgot about another Russian tradition, because in

The old days, not a single holiday passed without songs and round dances, but

There were also competitions in singing, who would sing whom, and whose

The accordion player will replay.

M-ka ... Well, we have a deficit with accordionists, but singing from village to village, yes

Who is louder and friendlier, I think the guys can.

Competition "PIECES".

M-ka. Well done boys. They coped with all my tasks, and remained with

I have one last assignment for you with a surprise. But you need to try

Our villages all together. Hidden in this room are letters that

You will need to find and add from them not just one word, but

Several. These words different color e.g. one word from blue

Letters, the other - from red. And when you put them down, you should



The children are treated to the found treats, the results of the game are announced, and cards are handed out. Say goodbye.





















The program was developed by O. V. Kartashova.

(teacher Bakutskaya S.L. SP-Kindergarten "Smile" GBOU OOSH Penzeno.)

Purpose: - to consolidate knowledge about genres and types of Russian folk art;

Develop emotional responsiveness, creative activity, invention, ingenuity;

Foster an interest in cultural heritage.

The hall is designed to look like a Russian hut. Along the wall there are benches covered with homespun rugs, in the middle of the "hut" there is a table with a samovar. Russian folk melody sounds. The hostess enters the room.

Hello, good people! Glad to see you in my room. Here for you, dear guests, it will be interesting, joyful! According to custom, according to the old days, they are called gatherings. I invited guests from all volosts. And here they are ...

Children enter the hall to the music.

Hostess: Welcome, dear guests! Make yourself at home! I have a place for everyone and a word.

As in Russia, it has long been customary for everyone to live happily and happily, so that no one cries and no one gets bored, the people themselves composed joke songs for themselves. Our grandfathers and grandmothers told us how they danced, they danced in round dances, how they laughed, joked, sang ringing songs, they taught their children to sing from the cradle.

(there is a knock on the door, a chest is brought in)

Children, they brought us a chest. Let's find out who he is from. (Opens the chest, finds a handkerchief, takes it out) Look, what a beautiful handkerchief, but something is written on it. “Hello, dear grandchildren! I miss you very much and look forward to your visit. Miracles await you! Wish you luck. Your grandfather Folklore. " An interesting message, and a strange name - Folklore. What is folklore?

Children: nursery rhymes, jokes, chants, songs, fairy tales, tongue twisters, games. round dances ...

Hostess: Who wrote them?

Children: people.

Hostess: Well done, let's go on a long journey to the country of Folklore

I suggest starting with a round dance song. After all, all the events in the life of the people were reflected in a round dance song, in a demonstration of movements. Whether it's work days or a holiday. In these songs, they spoke affectionately to a birch, a mountain ash. And even in the cold winter they basked with each other with memories of the red sun, curly birch, warm days.

(birch displayed)

Child. Birch, my birch! Curly birch!

You are standing, birch, in the middle of the valley!

On you, birch, green leaves!

Near you, birch, the girls are red,

Yes, good fellows lead a round dance!

The round dance "Zemelyushka - chernozem" is performed (middle group)

Hostess: Di-li-li, di-li-li,

Have you seen Dunya?

Child: We looked into the garden

Dunya vomits Lebed there!

Child: Dunya went to the garden,

Into the green garden

Plucked a burdock

Yes, right under the spine.

Sewed Dunya a sundress

And dressed up, and not woven!

Child: I put it in a corner

In a birch bark box,

Wherever there is a cockroach,

Dunin ate a sundress!

"Vo ku in the smithy" - Russian folk song

Riddle - exercise for the mind

1. Who comes, who leaves -

Everyone is taking her by the handle. (Door)

2. There are four legs under the roof,

And on the roof there was soup and spoons. (Table)

3. Always in your mouth, not swallowed. (Tongue)

4. What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire? (Sun)

Dear guests, do you know Russian folk tales? And now - riddles about fairy tales.

In what fairy tale is there a wonderful stump, where the shaggy one is not too lazy to sit down? Only one problem, he could not eat a pie ("Mashenka and the Bear")

The house was built by friends, they lived merrily, until the bear came in the evening, Mishenka the friend. He was both low and high, wonderful ...

In what fairy tale did the girl receive a chest of wealth for her hard work and kindness? ("Morozko)

Hostess: Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun,

And we have for the whole yard

Better yet, a conversation:

Children: In the tune!

Hostess: Cats

Children: Into spoons!

Hostess: Cockroaches

Children: Into the drums!

Hostess: Seagulls

Children: Into balalaikas!

Hostess: Cuckoos

Children: Beaters!

Hostess: And funny starlings

We started playing bells!

They play, they play

Everyone is amused!

Dramatization of children nursery group

Russian folk game "Raven"
Children stand in a circle. One child is selected in advance - a raven (he stands in a circle with everyone).
Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!
There is a mountain on the mountain
(children walk to the center of the circle in fractional steps)
And on that mountain there is an oak tree,
And on the oak there are funnels.
(with the same step, the children go back, expanding the circle, and leave a "crow" in the center)
Raven in red boots
With gold-plated earrings.
(the raven dances, the children repeat his movements)
Black raven on the oak
He plays the trumpet.
Turned pipe,
The pipe is okay,
Folding song.
With the end of the song, the "raven" runs out of the circle, everyone closes their eyes. The raven runs around the circle, touches someone's back, and he himself stands in a circle. At the beginning of the song, the child who has been touched becomes a raven.

The hostess. I see that you have become more cheerful, and in order to amuse you even more, I want to sing for you.

I will go and disperse

On the green grass.

The accordion players started playing -

Everything is agitated in me.

Guys, what did I sing, a ditty or a song?

Children. A ditty.

The hostess. Right. You can't confuse a ditty with a song. These are short, dance songs. In different places, people called them differently: choruses, turntables, shorties, that is, a fast song. Dance songs of a fast pace of performance have long been called "frequent" among the people. This is how a new name for these dance songs appeared - ditties. Chastooshkas were performed at parties, get-togethers. So I will ask my guests to amuse us with ditties.

1 guest: Yes, such a thing for us

Very simple!

Eh! The soul has grown younger

For ... ninety years!

Hostess: At ninety ??? Yes, this is complete nonsense!

Guests: Of course it's nonsense!

"Nonsense" -chastushki- Russian folk melody

2nd guest: You guys listen

We will sing out of place.

A pig grazes on an oak tree

A bear is steaming in the bath!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense

Pure nonsense!

Chip - chip, a - ha - ha -

Indeed, nonsense!

Guest 3: Nonsense on the fence

She made jam.

I saw a spider-

Lost my sight!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...

Guest 4: There is a watermelon on the table

There's a fly on the watermelon!

The fly is angry with the watermelon, That does not fit into the belly!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...

Guest 5: The camel grazes on the mountain

In white embroidered pants.

And a flea rushes after him

On high heels!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense ...

Children: We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad

And now we ask you,

That we would be clapped.

Hostess: Thanks for the funny ditties!

Where the song flows

It's easier to live there!

But in the old days at gatherings they not only sang and danced, but also worked. And there will be work in my room. While we were singing, my kitty-cat unwound all the balls of thread. You need to wind up the balls so that you can knit.

Well, girls - needlewomen, come out,

Show your skill!

Game "Wind the thread into a ball"

Hostess: Our girls did a good job. Thank you.

Now let's talk some more about tongue twisters- “You can't talk all the tongue twisters,” but let's try.

Three crows at the gate;

Bells near the stake;

Larisa made rice soup for Boris.

Hostess: Well done, but we forgot about proverbs and sayings - proverb

no wonder he says. I say the beginning of a proverb or saying, and you continue:

"What will you sow ...", "Autumn day ...", "It's time for business - ...", "Finished business - ...", "Bread - ... everything's head."

The hostess. The life of people is marked by the century.

The old world has changed.

Today we are all on the "bottom"

Personal files or apartments.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow

And what is there to say

It's boring to live without gatherings

They should be revived.

I think we succeeded today. Someone else is coming to us.

There is a knock on the door - Grandpa Folklore comes in.

Hello, dear grandchildren - so we have met, I am very glad to meet you. You remembered all types and genres of folklore, and I want you not to forget them, but to use them as often as possible, return to what our Russian people came up with. As the people say, "Finished business - walk boldly!".

All together get up to dance "The month is shining ..."

Grandpa Folklore: The fun is over-

It's time for a treat!

Do not be shy, do not hesitate,

Help yourself to sweets! - treats with sweets, sweets, dryers, bagels.