Contests for the birthday of 10 13 years. Fun games and contests for children and adults. Fan dance

Children's birthday contests! We select contests for the child's birthday individually. If you have ordered a birthday from us, you can choose the contests for your child's birthday that are suitable for you.

Competition for children from 4-6 years old "Dwarfs" and "Giants"

Description of the game:
Children stand around the presenter, who tells that there are very small people in the world - dwarfs, and there are huge ones - giants. When the presenter says: "Dwarfs!" He even pronounces the word "dwarfs" in a thin voice - that is how tiny they are.

When the guys have learned to execute the commands correctly, the presenter warns that now he will see who is the most attentive.

Host: Remember, children, the correct commands: "Dwarfs!" and "Giants!" All my other commands do not need to be carried out. Anyone who makes a mistake is out of the game.

First, the presenter gives the correct commands, and then the words "dwarfs" and "giants" are replaced by similar ones. The winner is the one who made the least mistake.

Competition for children from 4-6 years old "Hear the signal"

Description of the game:
Children walk in a circle with the leader and move in a circle. The presenter gives pre-agreed signals - sound (clap of palms). For example: when the presenter claps his hands once, the children freeze, when he claps twice - the children run, when three - the children walk. Those who make mistakes are eliminated.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Children's bowling"

Children's bowling is a very entertaining game. Develops awareness of cause and effect, hand-eye coordination, general motor skills.
Description of the game:
The line is marked with a rope. Pins are made from plastic bottles or regular pins are used. The child is put behind the line and he must roll the ball so as to hit the pins.

The winner is the one who knocked down the pin the most. If the same number of pins is knocked down, the round is repeated.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Tails"

Description of the game:
This game is played by two people. Players tie a rope around the belt so that a "tail" hangs from the back - a knot at the end of the rope. The player must catch the opponent's tail-knot so that he does not have time to catch the opponent's tail-knot. Whoever caught the opponent's “tail” first won. The game is played with cheerful music.

Game for children from 4-10 years old "What did we do today?"

Description of the game:
The driver is selected. He leaves the hall for a while. The rest of the participants agree on what action they will portray.

The driver returns and addresses them with a question:

What did you do today?

Children answer:

We will not tell you what we did, but now we will show you!

And they begin to depict the action that was agreed upon. (they eat, play the violin, dance, brush their teeth, etc.)

From these movements, the driver guesses what they were doing. If he guesses correctly, then another driver is chosen. If not, then the driver leaves again, and the players will think of another action.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Collective art"

Description of the game:
Two teams are required to play. The first player in each group starts at the top of the sheet and draws the head of a person along with the beginning of the neck, the rest of the team does not see what he has drawn. The player then wraps the paper so that only the very end of the neck is visible and hands the sheet to the second player. The second player continues the drawing, wraps the sheet so that only the bottom lines are visible, and so on until the last team member.

After the sheet unfolds and the result can be assessed.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Art Relay"

Artistic relay - calm, interesting game that develops creativity, thinking, imagination and teamwork.
Description of the game:
Two teams are required to play. Groups must draw an animal or any object within a certain period of time. In this case, one participant at a time has the right to draw only one line, circle or oval. The winner is the team whose drawing looks more like an animal.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Candy on a fishing rod"

Description of the game:
Tie the end of the fishing line to the candy wrapper (instead of a hook).
With the help of a fishing rod, we pull the candy to our mouth, unfold it (without helping with our hands!) And eat it.

Whoever does it faster wins.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Volleyball with a balloon"

Balloon volleyball is an entertaining game that promotes the development of reaction, dexterity and coordination of movements of the players.
Description of the game:
Two teams are required to play. At a distance of one meter, chairs are placed opposite each other, on which the players sit. The floor is shared by the rope midway between the teams. Children play volleyball. The ball must fly over the rope, players must not get up from their chairs or take the ball in their hands. You can only push the ball away. If the ball falls on the opponent's territory, a point is awarded to the team. The game goes up to 15 points.

Game for children from 4-6 years old "In search of a toy"

Looking for a toy - good game for the development of child care.
Description of the game:
A toy is placed around the room, secret from the child, which should be in plain sight. The child must find a toy. One selected participant comes out, the toy is placed somewhere in the room, the child is introduced blindfolded. The rest of the participants should guide the child, prompting: "Warm", "Cold".

Game for children from 4-10 years old "The sea is worried"

Description of the game:
The presenter turns away from the rest of the participants, who dance to the music, imitating the waves, and says loudly:

"The sea is worried once,

The sea is worried two,

The sea waves three,

Freeze the sea figure in place! "

At this moment, the players should freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The presenter turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever is the first of them to move is eliminated from the game and becomes the "overseer" - helping the presenter to find those who have moved.

You can use another version of the game, when the presenter examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes best. This child becomes the leader.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Nesmeyana"

Nesmeyana is a fun children's game for the development of imagination, wit of the participants, and communication skills.
Description of the game:
One participant is selected - Princess Nesmeyana, who sits on a chair in front of the rest of the guys. The goal of the rest of the participants is to make the "princess" laugh without touching her.
The participant who made her laugh becomes Nesmeyanoy himself.

Game for children from 4-10 years old "Cat and mouse"

This old Russian game develops the reaction and endurance of children well.
Description of the game:
Two drivers are selected - a cat and a mouse. The rest of the players stand in a circle, holding hands, thereby forming a gate between themselves. The cat is behind the circle, the mouse is in the circle.

The cat's task is to enter the circle and catch the mouse. In this case, the cat is allowed to break through the chain of players, crawl under the clasped hands, or even jump over them.

The players try not to let the cat inside the circle. If the cat manages to get into the circle, the players immediately open the gate and release the mouse. And they try not to let the cat out of the circle. At the end of the game, when the cat has caught the mouse, they stand in a circle, and the players choose a new cat and mouse.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Eskimo hideous man's buff"

Description of the game:
The driver is blindfolded and thick mittens are put on his hands. Then the players come up to him in turn, and he must determine by touch who is in front of him. If the driver has identified the player, then the identified player becomes the driver, if not, the next players come up for identification in turn.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Guess"

Description of the game:
The driver thinks of an object on a topic discussed in advance (furniture, animals, a holiday, etc.), and the players must guess what kind of object it is by asking questions, to which the driver answers yes or no. Whoever guesses the word becomes the leader.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Broken phone"

The game "spoiled phone" is good entertainment for children, along the way, develops hearing and attentiveness.
Description of the game:
The presenter whispers a word or a phrase into the ear of one player, and he passes it to the other player in the same way, and so on in a chain.

The last player says out loud what he has done and is compared with the original. Then the leader moves to the end, the next player becomes the leader.

Game for children from 6 to 10 years old "Golden Gate"

Description of the game:
In the game "Golden Gate", two players at a distance stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. It turns out "collars". The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should go under the gate.

"Vorotiki" say:

"Golden Gate

Not always missed!

The first time he says goodbye

The second is prohibited,

And the third time

We will not let you pass! "

After these words, the "collars" abruptly drop their hands, and those children who were caught also become "collars". Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children are the gate.

Game for children From 6-12 years old "We compose a fairy tale for the birthday boy"

Description of the game:
The presenter opens a magazine or book on any page and, without looking, pokes his finger at the word that comes across. The first storyteller should come up with a phrase using that word. This continues until all the players come up with a proposal, maybe two or three. The result will be interesting story... We write down the history on a prepared form, give it to the birthday boy.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Fisherman and goldfish"

Description of the game:
Participants stand in a circle. The leader in the center twists a rope with a knot at the end or a rope. The end of the rope must pass under the feet of the players, who must not touch it. Anyone who hits the rope is temporarily out of the game. Those who have never touched the rope win.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Hold the ball"

Description of the game:
Two pairs are created. For each pair, a circle with a diameter is drawn or a hoop is placed. Players stand in this circle, they are given a balloon. They must, without leaving the circle, blow on the ball so that it rises and falls over them and over the boundaries of their circle. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. The couple that can last the longest wins.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Empty space"

Description of the game:
The participants of the game stand in a circle, and the driver remains behind the circle. The driver walks around the circle and touches one of the players, touching the shoulder or arm. This means that he challenges this player to a competition. The driver runs around the circle in one direction, and the called out - in the opposite direction. Having met, they greet each other, shake hands and continue to run further, trying to race to take the free space (left by the summoned player). The one who managed to take this place remains there, and the one left without a place becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Guess whose voice"

Guess whose voice is a fun game that develops auditory perception and promotes more relaxed communication among children.
Description of the game:
The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver, who stands inside the circle, is blindfolded with a scarf. Everyone goes in a circle, humming:

"Here we have built a circle,

Let's turn together suddenly. "

(Turn around and go the other way)

"And how do we say:" skok-skok-skok ",

The words "skok-skok-skok" are spoken by only one player named by the host.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Claps"

Description of the game:
Players stand in a circle. Each participant receives a serial number.
All players together begin to clap rhythmically: twice in their hands, twice on the knees. At the same time, one of the players says his number to claps his hands, for example - "five-five", and to claps on the knees - the number of any other player. Whose number he called - continues the game, clapping his hands and calling his number, clapping his knees and calling any other number. Those who go astray are eliminated. A player who did not have time to call his number or who called the number of an already retired participant leaves the game. The last two remaining players win.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Three, thirteen, thirty"

Description of the game:
The presenter of the game stipulates in advance: which of the numbers - which action means. For example: 3 - hands up, 13 - on the belt, 30 - hands forward, etc.

Players are lined up at a distance of outstretched arms.

If the presenter says "three" - all players should raise their hands up, with the word "thirteen" - hands on the belt, with the word "thirty" - hands forward, etc.
Players must quickly perform the appropriate movements, gradually the leader increases the pace. Those who have lost their way stand next to the presenter and distract the others with incorrect movements. The most attentive wins.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Dragon's Tail"

Description of the game:
The players stand one after another, taking the one in front of the one by the waist. The one in front is the head of the dragon, the last one is the tail.
The "head" of the dragon is trying to catch its "tail", and the "tail" must dodge from the "head", while all the other guys must not disengage.
When the front player catches the back one, the caught becomes the "head".
Game continues.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Liberation Action"

The release action is a dynamic game that well develops hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction in the leading player, and dexterity and reaction in the rest of the players.
Description of the game:
They form a circle of chairs where the participants of the game sit.
In the center of the circle sit a "guard" with a blindfold and a "prisoner" with his hands and feet tied. The rest of the participants in the game "liberators" are trying to free the prisoner, that is, they are trying to untie him. The guard must interfere. Hitting any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go behind the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the prisoner without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Waves in a circle"

Description of the game:
The chairs fit tightly to each other in a circle. There are as many chairs as there are players. One of the players (driver) stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players sit on chairs, and one of the chairs remains free. The driver must have time to sit on an empty chair while others move here and there, interfering with him. When the driver manages to take a seat on the chair, the new driver becomes the player who did not have time to interfere with him.
The driver can give commands to the participants "Right" (players must move clockwise one place), "Left" (players must move counterclockwise one place) or the command "Chaos". With the command "Chaos", the participants must quickly change places, the leader tries to sit on any free chair. The player who took the chair that was free before the command "Chaos" becomes the driver.

Contest for children from 6-12 years old "Siamese twins"

Description of the game:
The participants are divided into 2 teams, and the teams are divided into pairs. Pairs of players stand sideways to each other and hug one arm over the shoulders. It turns out that the one on the right has only the right hand, and the one on the left has only the left. Together they are the “Siamese twin”. And this "Siamese twin" needs to run to the plate on which the candies are and unroll the candy together and eat it. The team that ate all the candies the fastest wins.
If there are few children, then the couples compete with each other. You can give an assignment: tie the laces on your shoes or make an envelope out of paper.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Hunting"

Hunting is an active game, a game for the development of dexterity, emancipation, coordination of movements for children.
Description of the game:
The names of all participants in the game are recorded on the cards. The cards are shuffled and dealt to the players. The players dance to the music and at this time keep an eye on the one whose name is written on his card as inconspicuously as possible. As soon as the music stops, the hunter must grab his prey. But each prey player, in turn, must grab another player for whom he is a hunter. Then the cards are shuffled, the game continues.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Copy of the monument"

A copy of the monument is a game that develops attentiveness in children and adolescents, helps to overcome shyness.
Description of the game:
Two players are selected from those present. One of them (the copyist) is taken out of the room and blindfolded, the second (the monument) at this time must take some interesting pose and freeze in it. A blindfolded copier player is introduced. He must feel the pose in which the memorial player is frozen, and take exactly the same. When the player-copier assumes a pose, then his eyes are untied and everyone compares what happened.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Spoiled fax"

Description of the game:
The players sit down one after another, looking at the back of the head of the neighbor. The first and last player is given a pen and paper. The last player draws a simple figure on the sheet, and then the exact same figure on the back of the neighbor in front. Each next player draws on the back in front of the seated person what he felt on his back. The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back, after which the resulting pictures are compared.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Cockfighting"

Description of the game:
We demarcate the floor with a rope or tape. Two players stand on opposite sides of the rope.
Starting position: players stand on one foot opposite each other, and their hands are caught in the lock behind their backs. The player's task is to go over to the opponent's side without disengaging his hands or putting his other foot on the ground. At the same time, do not allow the enemy to go over to his side. You can only push with your shoulder or chest. The loser is also the one who lowers the other leg to the ground or unlocks his hands.

Competition for children from 10 to 12 years old "Kneenochki"

Description of the game:
The players sit close to each other. The left hand of each rests on the right knee of one neighbor, and the right hand rests on the left knee of the other. If the circle is not closed, then the extreme put one hand on their knee. During the game, you need to quickly slap your palm on the knee, without breaking the sequence: one hand after another. If someone slapped in the wrong turn or simply raised his hand, he removes the “wrong hand”. As a result, one or more winners remain. For more interest, you need to keep a high pace during the game.

Can be carried out both at home and on children's birthday.

Birthday contests for children can be held at home or anywhere else. It is generally accepted that fun games, quizzes and comic contests suitable only for preschool holidays, but in reality they are not. And older children are happy to participate in competitions if the games are selected in accordance with their age. A correctly selected script with birthday contests, even at the age of 14-16, is the key to a fun and memorable holiday!

1. Competition "Smile for the birthday boy"

(competition for the birthday of a child 10-14 years old)

It is best to hold this competition at a child's birthday, it turns out to be fun and not forced.

The presenter announces:

"It is necessary that everyone give the birthday boy his most beautiful smile."

Children will immediately start smiling, and then the presenter announces that it is too easy and everyone can smile like that. Then the host takes out a plate of sliced ​​lemon wedges. Children need everyone to take a lemon, put it in their mouth, chew it, and smile at the same time. And the birthday boy must determine whose smile he liked the most.

2. Contest "Bell"

(Birthday: contests for children 10 - 14 years old)

An unlimited number of people can participate in this competition. It can be held at any holiday. For the competition, you will need a small bell on a string that will be hung around the participant's neck. You will also need several ropes that will be stretched in the room at different heights from the floor, the ropes can be fastened both horizontally and across the room space, so that the participant, going to the finish line, had to squat and step over the ropes. The player's task is to reach the finish line so that the bell hanging on his neck does not ring. Whoever coped with this task best of all is considered the best bell tamer from that day on.

3. Competition "Balls-animals"

(children's birthday contests)

The following items are required for the competition: balloons, threads, felt-tip pens. Inflate all the balloons prepared for the competition, tie them so that they do not deflate. Divide all balls equally into two halves. Hang one half of the balls in one corner of the room, the other half in the second corner. Divide everyone present into two teams, hand them felt-tip pens. The teams must draw eyes, nose, mouth and so on on the balls. They should make funny little animals. The winner is the team that creates the animals faster.

4. Game "Handkerchief, laughter and children"

(games and contests for birthday children 10-14 years old)

To play, you need a small silk handkerchief the size of a handkerchief. All children, except for the birthday boy, stand in a circle. The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle, throws a handkerchief in the air and starts laughing out loud. The rest of the kids should start laughing too. If someone stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, he is out of the game. When the handkerchief touches the floor, everyone stops laughing. If the participants do not fulfill this condition, they are eliminated from the game. The last child to stay in the game is the winner.

5. The game "Running ball"

(children's games and contests for the birthday of 8-10 years old)

You will need two balloons and two glasses to play. The participants are divided into two teams. Each team joins the column. The first members of the teams are given a glass and a balloon. They put the ball on the glass to keep the ball in balance. Then these participants must run around their team and return to their place. After that, the first players pass the glass with the ball to the second players, who also run around the team. The game continues until all participants run around their team. But if someone's ball falls, it must return to its place and start running around from the beginning. It is not allowed to touch the ball with your hands during the task. The first team to complete the task wins.

6. Relay competition "Turtles"

(contests for the birthday of a child 4 years old)

This funny competition for children will perfectly cheer up all the guests on their birthday. If you're hosting a Jungle-style party, be sure to include the competition in your script. To carry it out, you need 2 basins. Then you type two equal teams and put them in two columns. The first participants receive a pelvis, thanks to which they must turn into turtles. To do this, you need to get on all fours and put an inverted pelvis on your back - you get a turtle under the shell. Now each participant must run to the given place, return to the team and pass the baton to the next participant. The team in which all the turtles pass the test wins the competition.

7. Competition "Who is Faster?"

(contests for the birthday of a child of 8 years old)

The presenter puts two boxes at the finish, leaving a distance of at least two meters between them. Small toys of the same size are put into boxes, for example balls, cubes, rings. They are divided equally into two teams. At the start, two teams of children line up, each of them has a certain number of participants. Teams are waiting for the start of the competition at their empty boxes. It is best to mark the start line somehow (with chalk, flags) and put empty boxes, which the children will have to fill with toys, transferring them from the full box. At the signal from the leader, the first participants from each team must run to a full box at the finish line, take a toy from it, run to the start, throw the toy into an empty start box. After that, the following participants continue the competition. So children, running from a full box to an empty one, must move all the toys. The winner is the team that was able to transfer all the toys faster than the other. The winners must be presented with a prize.

8.Pointing the Finger Competition

This contest is fun to have on your child's birthday. The presenter shows 5 objects and names them. For example, nose, plate, ceiling, door, birthday boy. Each child, when the presenter calls a word, should point to an object or person with a finger. The presenter will deliberately confuse the guests and may point to one subject and name another. Whoever has never strayed, that participant receives a prize.

9. Competition "Where is our ball"

(children's birthday contests 11 years old)

This is an active sports game. It is most convenient to carry it out in the gym or on the sports ground. It starts at the sign of the leader. Children close their eyes, and the presenter throws a small ball in any direction. Participants listen to the sound of the falling ball, trying to guess where it flew. The host asks: "Where is our ball?" These words are a signal for the players that they can run in different directions, look for the ball. The one who finds it must, imperceptibly for others, run up to the agreed place, pat it with his hand and shout: "My ball!" If during the game the player sees who has the ball, he must try to catch up with the lucky one and touch him. Then the ball goes to him. Now the rest of the children run after the player with the ball, trying to catch up with him. And the player with the ball will try with all his might to run to the agreed place with the words: "The ball is mine!", Dodging everyone who is eager to catch it.

10. Game "Catch the Snowball"

(games and contests for children)

Children's active fun game that develops children's dexterity and attentiveness, as well as quick reaction. Usually children are invited to play it. preschool age... For the game, the presenter should prepare a bag with small balls or "snowballs" made from cotton wool. Children should be given small, multi-colored plastic buckets. On a prearranged signal, children must get ready for the game, it requires a good reaction and speed. The presenter takes out snowballs from his bag and throws them in different directions. The kids run around and try to catch them, putting the buckets under the flying snowballs. When all the snowballs in the bag run out, the game ends. The counting of the balls caught by each player begins. The one who catches the largest number of "snowballs" becomes the winner, he is awarded with friendly applause and a prize

11. The game "Flying on a broomstick"

(games and contests for children 11 years old)

This game is a team one. It is suitable for children. You can play this game for any holiday: for the New Year, and for March 8, and for your birthday, etc. You will need two stools or two chairs. You will also need two brooms or mops. The children are invited to imagine that they have turned into evil wizards and can fly on a broomstick. The task of the participants is to take turns to pass the broom, holding it between the legs, run to the stool, go back and pass the broom to another team member. The first team to finish the game wins.

12. Quiz-competition "SpongeBob"

(quizzes and contests for the birthday of 10 years)

Kids love this funny character, SpongeBob. Cartoons with him are very popular all over the world. This quiz will calm the kids down for a while. Here are the questions:

  • Where does Spongebob live? Bikini Bottom, Pineapple house.
  • When is SpongeBob's Birthday? the 14 th of July.
  • What pets do Bikini Bottom residents keep at home? Snails and worms.
  • Who are SpongeBob's best friends? Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Gary.
  • Why does SpongeBob go to Jellyfish Field? Catches jellyfish and "milks" jelly from them.
  • What is the name of SpongeBob's teacher? Mrs. Puff.
  • What exam SpongeBob cannot pass Mrs. Puff? Driving a submarine.
  • What is the name of the only friend of SpongeBob, who cannot breathe underwater like fish and other marine inhabitants? Sandy.
  • Who are the Sea Superman and the Spectacled Man? Superheroes from Bikini Bottom.
  • How many residents are there in Bikini Bottom, including SpongeBob? 538.
  • Who is Plankton and what does he need from SpongeBob? This is the villain Bikini Bottom, who is trying to steal the magic formula of the crabsburger.
  • Who's the Greediest Money Lover at Bikini Bottom? Mr. Crabbs.
  • What are the names of SpongeBob's neighbors, where do they live? Squidward (statue from Easter Island) and Patrick (under the stone).
  • Who is the Flying Dutchman? The ghost of the Sea Pirate.

Give the child who gives the most correct answers a prize: any object with the image of a SpongeBob.

13. Game "Guess who is eating what?"

(games for children's birthday)

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday.

This competition is best held when the children have just arrived for their birthday. It is held at the table. The theme of this game is "Animals". Prepare questions about what the animal is eating. And ask the kids. You can think of all the animals in the zoo and ask about each one.

Start with easy bunny and wolf questions and end with exotic animals. For each correct answer, give the child a sticker or candy.

14. Competition "Trees are"
(contests for children's birthday)

An interesting game for toddlers that develops their attentiveness, logic, and quick reaction. Usually preschool children play it. Children are seated in front of the presenter, who says: “Trees are low,” and he raises his hands up. Children, on the other hand, must show attentiveness, logic, speed of reaction, and show how low trees look like. The presenter lists what trees are like: tall, small, huge. At the same time, he tries to confuse children with incorrect movements. But if any of the players gets lost, shows like the presenter, he is out of the game. True, the retired participant misses only a few rounds, he is not allowed to get bored for too long, and is offered to return to the game. The winner is the participant who, faster and more correctly, showed what trees are like, and was not mistaken. He is awarded a delicious prize.

15. Competition "Backs-pictures"

(birthday contests)

A fun game that can be offered to children when they need to find an interesting and exciting activity for them. Children are seated in a circle, facing the back of a neighbor. A sheet of paper is attached to the back of each tape. Further events in the game develop according to the principle of a "damaged phone". The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: flower, house, sun. He should draw a picture on the back of his neighbor with a blunt pencil. And he, being guided only by his feelings and guesses, while they draw on his back, must decide what is drawn there and make a similar drawing on the back of the player sitting in front of him. The main thing is that the children do not peep, otherwise it will be uninteresting. When all the participants in the fun have finished their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works! Usually everyone finds it very funny from those pictures that were drawn by young artists.

16. Competition "Invisible back"

(children's birthday contests 6-12 years old)

This competition is perfect for a children's birthday. All guests participate in it. The birthday boy stands facing the wall and with his back to the guests. Guests line up at the door of the room. On the count of three, the first guest begins to move towards the birthday man. As soon as the birthday boy feels that the guest is already close and is standing behind him, he says: "Stop!" It also continues with the next participant. The main thing for the birthday person is not to be hurt by the participant, and it is important for the guest to get to the birthday person as close as possible. Who of the guests will be closer to the birthday boy, he wins. The winner must be encouraged with a tasty chocolate prize, or given a toy.

17. Contest "Find your prize"

(contests for children)

The game helps to reveal the talents of each child. This game requires a set of colored cardboard, two boxes and lots of prizes to be enough for everyone. First you need to prepare the cards (according to the number of players). A piece of colored cardboard is cut in half. The task is written on one half, and the name of the prize on the other. If there are more children than multi-colored boxes, cards of the same color can be cut in different ways: lengthwise, across, at an angle, in a wavy line. Cards with assignments are put in one box, colored side up. The second box, hidden in another place, contains the cards with prizes. Each player, drawing out a card, must complete the task: tell a rhyme, sing a song, compose a small thematic story, and make a riddle for children. Then the child must find the other half of his card and receive a prize. For prizes, it is best to buy colored pencils, felt-tip pens, albums, coloring books, books, small toys. At the end of each toddler's performance, the others thank him for his efforts, clapping their hands and cheering him on as he searches for his prize.

18. Game "In the bazaar"

(contests for children 10 - 12 years old)

At the very beginning of the game, all participants are divided into three groups and one leader. Each group chooses a fruit for themselves, for example, one group will be called bananas, the second - strawberries, and the third - peaches. Then all players sit in a circle, facing the center of the circle. The presenter stands in the center of the circle and says the following phrase "I went to the bazaar and bought (a) ..." Further, depending on the continuation of the phrase, the participants must act in different ways, for example:

- "... and bought bananas", then all those who belong to the group of bananas change places (the leader also participates in this exchange). After the exchange, one "extra" fruit remains, which becomes the leading one and the game starts again.

- "... and bought peaches and bananas (or any other combination of groups)", then all participants belonging to the named groups change places (together with the leader). Again, the extra “fruit” becomes the leading one.

- “… and bought some fruit,” in which case all participants change places. The only one who is left without a place becomes the leader.

19. Competition "Funny Fairy Tales"

(interesting contests for children for birthday 11 - 12 years old)

Reaction and attentiveness - these qualities guarantee the player's success in this fun. All participants stand in a circle. Each participant clenches his right hand into a fist, exposing thumb up. Everyone folds the left hand with a tube that is put on the neighbor's thumb. And now, when all the players clasped their hands in such an intricate way, the presenter begins to tell a fairy tale, having named the code word in advance. The condition of the game is as follows - having heard the code word, you need to have time to grab your right hand, at the same time catching the neighbor's hand, grabbing his finger. At the same time, in a fairy tale, you can use various funny ad-libs, which are designed to confuse and confuse players. For example, if the code word princess Nesmetna, then you can, when telling, use the frog princess, princess and seven heroes and any other phrases starting with the word princess. Hearing them, the players will break free and grab the hands of their neighbors. The game is always accompanied by laughter and sincere fun.

20. Competition "Who am I?"

(funny birthday contests for children)

This competition is perfect for children's day birth. Draw some pictures like pineapple, cake, candy, etc. Cut out the middle for the baby's head. The participant takes the picture and sticks his head inside. He does not see who is drawn in his picture, in order to find out he asks the guests questions. Guests can only answer "YES" or "NO". For example, questions: "Am I tasty?", "Am I made of wood?", "Am I bigger than an orange?", "Do I start with a vowel?" etc.

Interesting birthday contests for children are an indispensable attribute of a modern holiday. Long gone are boring gatherings with eating cakes and not understanding what to do with their free time.

Many parents invite friends to the birthday boy, strive to bring a touch of creativity to the children's holiday. To help moms and dads - advice on organizing a celebration, a description of birthday contests for boys and girls, for toddlers and older children.

What kind of contests can be arranged? How to get kids interested?

Professional animators give advice:

  • take into account the age of the guests, select tasks that the birthday boy and friends can easily cope with;
  • prepare more props: children love to dress up, change clothes, paint, turn into fairy-tale heroes;
  • alternate calm activities with fun relay races;
  • find out more about the friends of your son or daughter, ask about their preferences;
  • a safe bet - a themed party with original costumes;
  • Refuse contests in which the participants will feel uncomfortable (humiliated). Do not allow the competition results to create a division into stupid and smart, quiet and activists, inept and jack of all trades. Entertainment should evoke joy, laughter, not ridicule;
  • prepare prizes. The main thing: attention, not the price of the gift. The reward must be age appropriate;
  • think over two or three contests in which there are no winners: all children receive gifts for participation. Required condition for babies aged 3-4 years;
  • invite all young guests to participate;
  • prepare a script, write the names of the competitions on the sheet, a short description so that you can easily navigate which task to offer;
  • design entertainment based on the size of the room. If there is not too much space, if possible, remove excess furniture, unnecessary things, fragile decor on the day of the holiday. In a large room, it is easier to hold sports competitions: take advantage of this.

Advice! Be sure to consult with your child. Of course, the holiday should be a surprise, but many children are happy to participate in organizing the celebration, offering interesting solutions. Make props together, think over contests. Don't scoff if your child's sentences seem naive or too simple. If your son or daughter is sure that friends will be delighted, include the task in the list.

Calm contests

Immediately after a delicious meal, don't run and jump. Offer guests quizzes, imagination assignments, funny poems, and original fairy tales. When choosing assignments, consider how old the birthday person and guests are. The host is mom or dad, it is better if both parents are involved.


The competition is suitable for children of all ages. The task will allow guests to get comfortable, less shy, especially if the company is assembled from children who do not know each other very well. Often, the child invites friends from the yard, preschoolers / classmates. A simple task will help you get to know each other.

The presenter asks the children who have a blue color in their clothes to stand up and tell a little about themselves. The guys get up the loan with yellow, red, green etc. Everyone should introduce themselves, say a couple of phrases.

Don't miss anyone especially if there are more than ten guests.

Get to know the subject

For children from 4 years old. Put small gifts in a large bag: sweets, apples, cars, dolls, oranges, balls. Anything that is easy to recognize by touch is suitable. The children take turns approaching the bag, throwing their hands down, trying to figure out what item they got. The guessed thing remains with the participant as a prize.

Cheerful artist # 1

Competition for children 3 - 4 years old. Each guest receives a piece of paper, felt-tip pens, pencils. The task is to draw an animal familiar to everyone, for example, a teddy bear or a hare. Everybody gets prizes. Prize categories: Funniest, Neat, Most Original, Drawn Fastest, and so on.

The artist's game # 2

For children from 3 years old, the game is more suitable for toddlers. Fasten whatman paper on the board or wall. Give the kids finger paints. Each guest draws a gift for the birthday boy - a beautiful flower. Usually kids willingly agree to participate in the competition, draw with enthusiasm.

Are there many kids at the birthday party? Give each a piece of paper, allocate a table for creativity. Sign the finished drawing, put the date, hand the birthday boy to the applause of the guests.

Unseen beast

For children from 6 to 7 years old. The competition develops imagination, originality of thinking. The task of the presenter is to prepare in advance several questions about outlandish animals that do not exist in nature.

Children should describe the beast, if they want, draw, show what sounds it makes. Usually the guys have fun, willingly fantasize. The main thing is to come up with original animals.

The options are:

  • What does a frying pan fish look like?
  • How much does a hippopotamus fish weigh?
  • Where does the musician bird live?
  • What are the wings of a crocodile bird?
  • Who is Murmuryonok?

Word game

A popular game for children from 6 years old must be with a festive bias:

  • first task. Name the dishes on the table with the letter K, then P, then B;
  • second task. Which of the guests has a name beginning with the letter A, C, L;
  • third task. What gift can you think of for the letter I, M, K and so on.

Broken phone

The competition is suitable for children over 5 years old. The game has been known for more than a dozen years, but lowly raises the spirits of young guests. The more participants, the more unexpected the result, the more fun. Remember the essence: the leader quietly calls the word to the first of the children, he speaks the word to the second in the ear, then to the third, until he reaches the last participant. It is important to speak quickly, not to delay the line, not to pronounce every syllable perfectly.

Most often, the word is mutated beyond recognition. The funniest results are if a word of 2–4 syllables is not very “simple”, for example, Murzilka, Crocodile, Businka.

Fun contests

Fun contests for birthday parties are suitable for babies and older children. Animators advise holding such games in the middle of the holiday, when the children got to know each other, got used to it, and stopped being shy.

Fashion show

Suitable for children from 8 years old. Prepare a box of clothes and shoes in advance. Everything is suitable: from light dresses, thin scarves to a fur hat, gloves. Put a lot of different things. Required attributes for cheerful mood- wigs from different materials, horns, ears on a hoop, a fox or hare's tail, belts, braces, fins. If wearing heels, choose a small size with a stable base to prevent falls.

Each of the participants, blindfolded, approaches the box, takes out 5–6 items, dresses, comes up with the name of his model or a motto. When all the items are taken apart, the fashion show begins. Girls are more willing to participate in the competition, but boys often keep up with them. The more active, relaxed the children, the more vivid emotions.

Miracle chamomile

Game for children from 7 years old. Make a large flower, write a funny task on each petal: depict your favorite singer (one of the animals), crow, sing a song with musical accompaniment(spoons, drums, rattles). Each participant receives a prize.

Funny answers

Children's competition from 7 years old. Prepare sheets with the inscriptions Desert Island, School, Shop, Stadium, Disco, Cinema, Bowling Club. Suitable for Spaceship, Swimming Pool, Cinema, Luna Park, Sea, Zoo, Tall Tree and so on. The more cards the better.

The presenter asks one participant to come out, sit on the back chair to the rest. An adult or one of the older children takes turns taking out a new sheet, shows the inscription to the guests, asks the participant: "What do you usually do in this place?" The discrepancy in the answers amuses all the guests. Have a few people participate. The leader always feels when it is time to finish the “survey”, usually three or four participants are enough.

Young talent

For children from 6 years old. You need a sheet of drawing paper, a bright felt-tip pen or marker. The presenters offer to draw someone. Children themselves choose a suitable character: a bear, a man, a hare, a cat, a cartoon character. Do not impose your opinion.

Children close their eyes, you can't peep. The leader takes the children to the Whatman paper in turn. The task is to draw one detail at a time with closed eyes. The first participant draws the head, the second draws the torso, the third draws the legs, and so on.

The competition is not boring, it cheers up well. It often turns out that the head "lives" separately from the body, and the tail grows from the ear. It turns out an unprecedented beast or alien. The competition always amuses children of any age (and adults too). Usually two or three animals are enough.

Fun flight

Game for children from 6 years old. You will need a thick scarf and a balloon. The presenter puts a ball on an empty table, brings the participant, makes it possible to remember the location of the object, blindfolds, takes 2-3 steps back. The child turns a couple of times (not very much, so as not to get dizzy).

The participant's task is to blow the ball off the table. Very often, after turning, the child turns his face in the wrong direction, blowing into the void. The task is funny, but not offensive to the participant.

Guess the animal

The game is suitable for children 6 - 7 years old. Children are divided into two teams, write the name of the animal on the sheet, pass it to the presenter so that the rivals do not see it. The first command shows what this animal (bird) does with gestures, gait, facial expressions, but does not utter a sound. The second team must guess the animal. Prizes for all participants. Those who could not recognize the beast are rewarded, for example, with a piece of candy, and the winning team - with a self-made medal “Member of the Club of Experts”.

Porcupine or deer are not very suitable there should be animals / birds that are easy to recognize.

Outdoor and active games

The area of ​​the room allows you to run? Let the kids warm up. Even in a medium-sized room with a small number of guests, fun competitions can be arranged.

At the address, read about how hematogen is useful for the child's body.

The biggest soap bubble

For children 5 - 6 years old. The essence is clear from the name. Buy bubbles based on the number of guests. Whoever has the greatest miracle ball gets a prize.

Accurate shooter

Suitable for children from 5 years old. You will need a plastic bucket, small balls, nuts, large Lego parts, balls of thread. Place the bucket at a distance of 3-6 steps from the children (note the age). The task is to hit the target. Each successful throw - 1 point. The winner is the one with the most points. Mandatory prize, medal "The Most Aim".

Catch the tail

Competition from 6 years old. Play to music with enough space. Each participant ties a rope with a bow at the end, a scarf with a “tail” to the belt. The task is to catch the opponent by the tail before the other. The winner will get a sweet prize.

Extra high chair

For kids from 5 years old. A familiar game always evokes a storm of emotions. A prerequisite is a large room so that there is where to run.

Essence: guests - 7, chairs - 6. Place the chairs with their backs inward, form a circle. To the music, children walk (run) around the chairs, the music stopped - it's time to take a seat, the late child leaves. By the end of the competition, 1 chair remains, 2 participants. The winner will receive the "Most Dexterous" medal + a prize.

Unusual volleyball

Game from 7 to 8 years old. Place 4–5 chairs in a row, after 1 meter put a rope (scarf) on the floor, after another meter - the second row of chairs. It turned out to be a field for playing volleyball.

The essence: children are divided into 2 teams, take places. Instead of a ball - a balloon. You need to throw the "ball" onto the opponent's field without getting up from your chair. The winner was the team whose ball flew off the field less often.

Children's bowling

Cheerful children's competition from 7 years old. Place 6-8 objects on the floor. Plastic skittles, balls, cubes will do. Instead of a bowling ball - plastic bottle(empty). The task is to bring down objects. The distance depends on the size of the room. Remove all unnecessary things from the floor so that nothing is broken or broken.

Parents often ask which contests to hold for girls / boys. Most of the proposed tasks are suitable for all children, regardless of gender. Even at the "fashion show" many boys show off original outfits no worse than young fashion models. It is more important to "stir up" the children, create a pleasant atmosphere, then all the guests will be happy to participate in the competitions.

Have you decided to organize a children's party? Arm yourself with tips, pick up two or three contests on various topics from each section. Consider the age of the young guests, hobbies, character (if there are only 4–5 children), and the level of knowledge.

A few more fun children's contests in the following video:

Birthday contests for 11 year olds at home: funny and funny games

What birthday contests for children 11 years old at home are ideal? What is the success of anyone children's party? It is not so simple to answer this question unequivocally.

There are a number of important points, which must be taken into account if you want to create a truly exciting and interesting celebration for the kids.

Firstly, children should be able to eat tasty and dense food in order to recharge their energy.

Second, they must have relative discretion to avoid feeling supervised.

And thirdly, boys and girls you need to give the opportunity to throw out energy in fun games. And here, perhaps, contests for the birthday of 11 years old are best suited.

Amusing, funny contests, games and entertainment for the 11th birthday. We all love contests, and children are no exception. The difference between an adult and a child lies only in different interests. What you like may not necessarily please your child. Therefore, competitions for children should also be organized here. What specific contests for children for the birthday of 11 years to choose is a rather difficult question. It all depends on the number of children, their character and mood. Therefore, it is best to pick up several diverse competitions at once so that the maximum number of children are satisfied with the entertainment program.

You can get ready-made birthday contests for a child of 11 years old on the Jossi website. Especially for this, we have collected a large collection of interesting and relevant children's contests. With their help, you will be able to make the celebration interesting and memorable for every little guest and the birthday person directly.


Two participants are selected to put on boxing gloves. Their task is to unfold the candy in one minute and eat it. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.


Each of the participants in the competition puts any soy thing in the bag. One of the children is blindfolded. The presenter takes a thing out of the bag and the participant, blindfolded, comes up with a task that the owner of the taken out thing must complete.

Difficult dances

For such dances, we need strings or an elastic band. We pull one rope to a height of 1 meter, and the second - 50 centimeters from the floor. Make a small distance between them. Assignment: to the incendiary music, you need to step over the lower rope, and under the upper one - bend over and pass without touching. You can walk several times in a circle. For the third time, we blindfold several participants and ask them to do the same. We discreetly remove the ropes and cheerfully observe how our dancers are trying.

Scarecrow couture

The competition is quite simple, it only requires a lot of imagination and creativity. To do this, you need a bunch of old clothes, you can also put foreign objects, such as a towel, napkins and all that kind of stuff. To understand how creatively they can use for their task. The essence of the task is that each team of participants needs to create a scarecrow from the proposed material, for vegetable gardens, but at the same time it should be very fashionable and look stunning. The most inventive team wins.

Pop balls

Children are divided into two teams. Each is given 5-7 balls tied together. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to break the balls of the opposing team. The winners are those who have at least one unburned balloon left.

Non-existent animal

If the existence of a hammerhead or needlefish is scientifically proven, then the existence of a thimble fish is not excluded. Let the child dream up: "What does a fish saucepan look like?" What does a scissor fish eat and how can a magnet fish be used? "

Manage to pick up

The ball is given to the player's hands, and 8-10 tennis balls are folded behind him. The player's task is to throw the ball up while it is in the air, pick up as many tennis balls as possible, and then catch the big ball. The game develops agility, attention, coordination of movements.

Paper mummy

Yes, dear adults, this may not be interesting for you, but some children at the age of 11 for the first time can wrap themselves in toilet paper. Give the opportunity to have plenty of fun! And with toilet paper, you can do a kind of greed test. Pass the roll of paper in a circle, the task for the children is to tear off the squares as much as they want. Well, you can come up with a task (after they will tear everything off), for example, by the number of squares, say wishes to the birthday man, hug with your neighbor, then how much imagination is enough.

Birthday games for 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years old

The most common type of entertainment at children's parties is contests.

They allow you to relieve tension and stiffness, make children more relaxed. Most often, after contests, the guys become more sociable and friendly.

It is not always possible to organize an outdoor celebration for children. Therefore, parents often wonder how safe it is to hold contests indoors. To prevent injury to children while playing, adults should be sure to remove all furniture with sharp corners, as well as all glass objects. To conduct a competition at home, the premises must be cleared as much as possible.

There are a huge number of options for conducting a competition. They use a variety of things. It is this factor that affects the total cost of the competition. Some of them (intellectual) are organized without additional things at all, therefore, do not require any costs.

It will take a lot of time to prepare contests for children. On average, this figure ranges from 3 to 6 hours. The most difficult ones are prepared even for several days. This is due to the fact that during the preparation you need to find a room, prepare and decorate it, write a script, draw up a budget, purchase the necessary items for the competition, etc.

At the age of 11, the child begins to grow up. By this age, he has accumulated a sufficient store of knowledge. Right now, for the first time, he has a conscious desire to seem an adult independent person, to stand out from the crowd. All this must be taken into account when preparing the competition.

Try to guess

Glue a sheet of paper with any word (TV, for example) on one child's back, he does not know what is on his back for the word pasted. Therefore, he asks other children questions, and they say "YES" or "NO" (for example: is this object round? - no, is it edible - no, it is in the house - yes, etc.) until he guesses what kind of word.

Guess the picture

The presenter shows the players a picture, which is covered by a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet over the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The winner is the one who guesses faster.

Sea chain

Participants are given a box of paper clips each. At the signal, they begin to make a chain using these clips. Playing against the clock - about 1-2 minutes. Whoever makes the longest chain during this time wins.

Push push

Children are divided into pairs, each pair becomes backs to each other and interlocks with elbows. The task is to run to the finish line without disengaging, and then return in the same position back.


Players can buy real estate in the most different countries using plastic cards. In addition to hotel buildings and ordinary green houses, children will be able to buy Swiss chalets and African reed huts, Chicago skyscrapers and Chinese pagodas ... The advantages of the game are obvious: children learn concepts such as "investment", "stock exchange", "initial accumulation of capital" - and after all realities modern world are such that without knowledge of the fundamentals of economics there is nothing to do in it.


You need to split into 2 teams.

The host announces what kind of applause he wants to hear.

  • ingratiating, sycophantic;
  • lazy and condescending
  • loud, encouraging;
  • lazy and condescending;
  • restrained, delicate;
  • stormy, enthusiastic.

This game allows you to introduce children, or vice versa, it is better to remember or assimilate various emotions and their expression.

The audience determines the winners.

Uncle Fyodor's letter

The player sits in circles and everyone is given blank sheets of paper and pens. The host asks the question: "Who?" Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After that, fold the sheet so that the written is not visible. After that, they pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The host asks: "Where did you go?" Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Host: “Why did he go there?”…. Etc. After that, a fun reading together begins.

Interesting answers

The participant of the competition is seated with his back to everyone, and a plate with pre-prepared inscriptions is fixed on his back. The labels can be very different - "Toilet", "School", "Shop", etc. The rest of the participants ask him various questions, such as "why do you go there, how often, and so on." The player, not knowing what is written on the plaque hanging on his back, must answer these questions.

"Pop the balls."

Children are divided into two teams. Each is given 5-7 balls tied together. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to break the balls of the opposing team. The winners are those who have at least one unburned balloon left.

"Sea battle".

The guys are divided into two groups and stand on either side of a large basin of water. After the word "Start!" children splash each other with water. According to the rules of the competition, one cannot turn away, so the player who turned his head away from the splashes decreases. The team that has one person left wins. This competition can also be held in a pool or on a river.

"Dwarfs and Giants".

Children stand in a circle and join hands (this way the children can help their friend if he gets confused). When the leader says the word "dwarfs", the players should squat down, and when the "giants" - stand up. Anyone who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition.
"Sea chain". Players are given a lot of paper clips. Of these, they must form a chain within 2 minutes. The one with the longest chain wins.


Children participating in the competition are given a lock and a bunch of keys. The essence of the rivalry is to pick up the key and open the lock the fastest.

"South America".

Each participant is given a costume that matches the Latin American culture. When the music comes on, the children should perform a dance song. The winner is the one who has the best feel for the peculiarities of Latin American dances.

Birthday contests on the street and at home

It is preferable to hold competitions outdoors. A house or apartment does not always have the required space. A small space will constrain the actions of children, so the rivalry may not work out fair.

If there is no way to take the children out into nature, then on the eve of the birthday you need to prepare the largest room in the house for competitions. All furniture should be removed from it so that there is more free space.

It is necessary to arrange in advance all the things that the presenter will need for the competition. To do this, you can put a round table in the corner of the room and close it with a screen from prying eyes. You can also put a music center or laptop with speakers there.

Nature contests will be much more interesting. The very stop is conducive to joy and fun. It has been noticed that if the game is played outdoors, children are more willing to take part in it.

For competitions, you can use a variety of sports equipment that cannot be used at home: badminton, volleyball or soccer ball, tennis rackets, etc. Naturally, the direction of the competitions changes: most often they acquire a sports character. Such contests are suitable for children of any age.

What to look for when conducting competitions

First of all, you need to clearly define which age group will take part in the competition. When children of the same age play, then it is much easier, because they have the same interests.

  1. If the guys are of different ages, it is important to consider whether a particular competition will be interesting to everyone present.
  2. Holding a children's competition, as mentioned above, requires a lot of free space.
  3. The organizers should take care of where the celebration will take place in advance.
  4. You should also take into account the nature and personal characteristics of each invited child. If most of the children are not active, there is no need to include sports competitions in the script. In this case, intellectual competitions are suitable.

When a child turns 11, he wants to show his individuality by all means. Contests should be based on this. They should be aimed at creating a cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the team, and in no way make a hint of the child's failure or his inability.

We've brought you fun, fun contests, games, and entertainment for your 11th birthday at home.


  • Birthday contests for children 10 years old at home: funny and funny games
  • Competitions for New Year 2019 new year games and entertainment

Children of different interests and strangers at the age of 10-12 were invited to the holiday. Now at this age, if children are already adults, if teenagers are still very young. I was faced with the task of finding such a holiday scenario that would be interesting for both the first and second categories of children. So that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, first of all, to my daughter and, of course, to her friends. Using the materials of entertaining leisure for children and scenarios for children's matinees, I decided to generalize them and come up with my own. The scenario is very simple, it does not take much time in preliminary preparation, special material costs does not require. The hosts of this event were me - (mother) and my daughter Angelica.

Preparation for the holiday

  1. Be sure to decorate the room. It can be balloons, a Christmas tree garland (electric), on the wall, mark "10" with large numbers (you can use foil or a Christmas tree "rain-hedgehog")
  2. Cardboard cards with the names of guests.
  3. Tokens. They can be colored paper or cardboard. Awarded to players for correct answers.
  4. Prizes, such as school supplies, will be awarded at the end of the evening when the number of tokens is counted.
  5. Cards with letters for the "Brownie's Tricks" competition.
  6. For a comic lottery: candle, calendar, felt-tip pen, chocolate, cream, handkerchief, comb, mug (or tea bag).
  7. A postcard with the text of congratulations for "Comic congratulations" and small leaves with adverbs: boldly, quickly, accurately, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly.
  8. For "Self-portrait" prepare sheets of paper and pencils according to the number of participants.
  9. Prepare tasks-notes for the game "forfeits".
  • do not start the holiday with difficult contests, start with the simplest ones;
  • rehearse each number (game, rally, magic tricks);
  • take the role of the presenter very seriously: connect the numbers with each other with some stories, jokes;
  • if you do not rely on your memory, it is better to have a printout of your holiday on hand (from the words of the presenter to assignments and questions).

Holiday script

Leading - mom:

"Every person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, on his personal holiday - Birthday. Today is Angelica's birthday. Today she is 10 years old. This is the first round date. in your life. This is the first date of years, consisting of two digits. 10 years! Infancy and early childhood have passed. Childhood is ahead, but already "adult", the whole life is ahead, and I want to say:

I wish you at ten years old
Life is fun, bright, without troubles.
Useful gifts, surprises,
Less resentment and whims!
May everything be fine at school:
Nice, understandable and cool!
I wish you a perky laugh
More luck and success! "

All guests congratulate the birthday girl, get to know each other and sit down at the table. To avoid confusion at the table, my daughter and I prepared cards with the names of the invited children, put the cards on the table. On the spread of each card, they explained what the name meant, and wrote a comic poem with it. For example:

Nadezhda: "Nadezhda" is a Russian name.
Always shine a gentle dawn
Over the world, clever Nadezhda!
Gayane: "earthly" is an ancient Greek name.
You're like a star in the night window
O stranger Gayane!
Victoria: "victory" is a Latin name.
Vicki has her own approach to clothes,
Since Vika is a trendsetter.

After absorbing salads and a hot dish, the presenter again takes the floor.

Leading - mom:

"I draw your attention to the content of the inscription in the middle of the cards. Let's read it one by one." Each of the guests reads humorous rhymes about themselves and the designation of the name. Thus, if the children meet for the first time with each other, it is another opportunity to remember the names.

Host - Angelica:

"And now we are starting our holiday program. I invite you to participate actively. Because for each correct answer, my assistant (this is my mother or younger sister) gives a token. At the end of our evening, points will be calculated and prizes will be awarded in accordance with their number. So, the competition of riddles.

Both adults and children love to guess riddles. Thanks to riddles, a person thinks about new, previously unnoticed properties of an object, learns to find the correct answer. To make it easier to answer, I divided the riddles into groups: about nature, about a person, about a house and household utensils.

About nature:

  1. He lives in the forest, hoots like a robber, people are afraid of him, but he is afraid of people. (Owl)
  2. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea)
  3. Not fire, but burning. (Nettle)
  4. Flies - a long nose, a thin voice, whoever kills him will shed human blood. (Mosquito)
  5. A blue scarf, a red bun rolls around on a scarf, smiles at people. (Sky and sun)

About a human:

  1. Five brothers equal for years, different in height. (Fingers)
  2. All their life they go after each other, but they cannot overtake each other. (Legs)
  3. Two Yegorkas live near the hill, live amicably, but do not look at each other. (Eyes)
  4. What is the most precious thing in the world? (Health)

About the house, household utensils:

  1. It knocks, spins, walks the whole century, and not a man. (Watch)
  2. The little dog lies curled up, does not bark, does not bite, and does not let him into the house. (Lock)
  3. Hangs in the house, there is no tongue, but he will tell the truth. (Mirror)
A token is awarded for the first correct answer.

Host - Angelica:

"Imagine if a brownie suddenly came and mixed up the letters in words, we would stop understanding each other. This cannot be allowed! So, each of you needs to break the brownie's spell and restore the words."

Further competition "brownie's tricks"... Cards are handed out, each with one set of words. You need to arrange the cards with letters so that you get the word:
monk - cinema, kevi - eyelids, ointments - winter, riag - game, kera - river, roll - eagle, and so on. Those who correctly and quickly collected the words are awarded tokens.

Leading - mom:

"You are probably already tired of mental work. Let's play comic lottery... One box contains both the prizes and rolled up notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you comes up, takes a note, reads what prize he got, and takes it himself.

  1. We'll have to live a study of grief,
    Don't forget about the days of the calendar. (prize - calendar)
  2. Do you understand what is the meaning of the gift?
    Life will be joyful and bright. (prize - markers)
  3. And you will not be bitter - it will be sweet,
    Since you got a chocolate bar. (prize - chocolate bar)
  4. And big love awaits you
    And kisses all year round. (the prize is a handkerchief)
  5. You will be beautiful to walk with your hair
    Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (prize - comb)
  6. While the teacher "removes the shavings" from you,
    Calmly brew a mug of tea. (prize - a mug or tea bag)
  7. To the one who receives this candle,
    We'll have to travel the world. (the prize is a candle)
  8. Even though this cream is inedible
    But the smell is just incomparable. (prize - cream)

Host - Angelica:

"I want to show you some funny and hilarious tricks. Focus "I am clairvoyant"... I learned to read minds. I suggest you write your plan on pieces of paper (for example: drink a glass of juice, look at the ceiling, etc.), glue these sheets in an envelope and give it to me. "

For the uninitiated, what follows looks like this. The magician takes the envelope, puts it on the table, covers it with his palm and says: "They ask me to look out the window. Was there such a request?" The magician at this time opens the envelope and does not read the contents of the note aloud. Someone answers: "Yes". The session continues. The magician takes the next envelope, etc. What is the secret? At the beginning of the session, the magician asks his sister (mother, grandmother) to join the drawing, having previously agreed with her about the content of the note in the envelope, and it is also necessary that she somehow mark the envelope (for example, fold a corner). The magician will take this envelope last. And having taken any envelope, he "reads thoughts" not from the envelope in his hands, but from an agreed-upon agreed phrase written by his sister (mother, grandmother). When the magician seems to be checking what he has written against what he has “read”, he actually memorizes the contents of the note in order to “read” it while guessing over the next envelope.

Host - Angelica:

"Now I want to show you a small draw "at least three times"... Who would like to participate? Here's a strip of paper. We bet you can't rip it three times? "

The participant replies that he will cope with such a trifle and will now show how it is done. It really breaks the strip. The presenter raises his eyebrows in surprise and says: "But I told you - from three ..."

Host - Angelica:

"The next competition is game "I believe - I do not believe"... I ask the question, do you answer "yes" or "no". Do you believe that:

  1. In Japan, do students write on the chalkboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
  2. Was the fountain pen invented in ancient Egypt? (Yes)
  3. In a Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)
  4. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, they can't fly)
  5. If you put a flounder fish on a chessboard, will it become checkered? (Yes)
  6. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots? (Yes)
  7. Can bats use radio signals? (No)
  8. Do spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)
  9. Are fortified pencils produced in Africa for children who have a habit of chewing on anything? (Yes)
  10. Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)
  11. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
  12. Do the Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
  13. Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)

Leading - mom:

"I suggest you play game "forfeits"... Children are given a hat in which there are forfeit notes (for example, telling a joke, dancing an oriental belly dance, singing the song "Let them run awkwardly ...", etc.)

Host - Angelica:

And now competition "questions for quick wits"

  1. Which month is the shortest? (May - 3 letters)
  2. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, cannot speak)
  3. What can you cook but not eat? (lessons)
  4. What etiquette hand should you use to stir tea? (tea is better with a spoon)
  5. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (wet)
  6. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)
  7. Which European capital stands on the mown grass? (Paris, on the Seine)
  8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
  9. What key can't you put in your pocket? (violin)
  10. What state can you wear on your head? (Panama)
  11. What are we eating for? (at the table)
  12. What stones can't you find in the sea? (dry)
  13. Which word belongs to you, but is pronounced more often by others? (name)

Tokens are awarded for the first correct answers.

Leading - mom:

"Guys, you are great: dexterous, resourceful, smart. And you have not forgotten who the holiday is dedicated to today? Of course, the birthday boy. Let's congratulate him. So, "comic congratulations"... The birthday boy gets up, the guests are given a box with little notes-words (boldly, quickly, accurately, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly). The leader reads the text, and the children take turns taking out notes, finishing sentences and sticking words on the postcard. The more ridiculous, the more fun. Then everyone puts their signatures. Sample text:

Dear Birthday Girl! Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you that you
I got up in the morning .....................,
I washed my face .........................,
Did the exercises ......................,
Had breakfast ..........................,
I went to school ........................,
She answered in the lesson ...............,
At recess she behaved ...................,
I prepared my homework ............,
And she also studied well.

Next, a birthday cake with candles is introduced. The birthday boy makes a wish and blows out the candles. The birthday girl thanks all the guests and asks to leave her self-portraits, and each must draw himself blindfolded, and then sign with his name. It turned out very interesting and funny.

Then the number of tokens is counted and prizes are awarded.

Everyone liked the holiday: both my daughter and her guests. Conversations about an interesting holiday did not stop for several days.

Elena and Angelica.