The l800 printer prints green in the shades. View full version

Many users of EPSON L800 printers are faced with a choice: use original ink or compatible ink. Original ink is quite expensive, and with compatible ink very often the color rendition of photos is distorted. Let's try to figure out what this is connected with and how to fix the problem.

EPSON has developed its own inks for the L800 printer, which are noticeably different from those in the original T50, P50 cartridges. Because EPSON T50, P50 and L800 printers differ only in the control board (more precisely, in the firmware in it, the factory CISS does not count), then it is logical to assume that the same compatible ink can be used. But when refilling the L800 with ink from T50 / P50, users are faced with incorrect color rendering. What's the matter if these devices are identical? The fact is that in addition to firmware, different drivers are installed on these devices. And since Since the original L800 ink differs from the ink of its predecessors, the standard color profiles in the drivers are also different.

To fix the situation with color rendering on the L800, you need to install a driver with color profiles from T50 / P50 on it. Let's describe the procedure in Windows 7.

We open Devices and Printers and choose our L800 printer. Right click to select Printer properties.

A window will open Properties: EPSON L800 Series... Go to the tab Additionally.

Opposite the line Driver push the button Change.

The printer driver setup wizard opens. We press Further, choose Install from disk ...

By button Overview specify the path to the EPSON T50 / P50 printer driver (the driver must be unpacked). In the window that opens, select the Epson T50 or EPSON P50 model and click Further.

We see a message about the successful installation of the driver and click READY... In line Driver the installed driver (T50 or P50) will be selected.

We close the window (OK) and try to print one of the test pages or a photo. Color rendition will correspond to the device whose driver we installed. At any time, in the printer properties, you can select any of the previously installed T50, P50, L800 drivers, thereby changing the standard color profiles and, accordingly, the color rendition for a more suitable compatible or original ink.

Many inkjet printer users experience incorrect color rendering inkjet printer or MFP when printing photos. Moreover, this problem also occurs on original new cartridges. Let's try to figure out how to fix this at home.

Those who print photos professionally select ink and photo paper and build a special color profile. The color profile is created on professional equipment in specialized firms for specific inks and photographic paper. It is almost impossible to build a good color profile at home, but you can remove excess color to an acceptable level.

For example, let's take an EPSON L800 printer connected to a computer running Windows 7.

We follow the path START - Devices and Printers... Select our printer, right-click on it and select Printer properties.

The printer properties window opens.

Press the button Setting ... and in the window that opens, click on the tab Extended.

In the block Color management select item Color correction and press the button Settings...

You can adjust the color using the color wheel or sliders.

You can adjust brightness, contrast, color intensity, and color balance. You can increase or decrease the values ​​of the desired color. By decreasing the value of one of the colors, we thereby increase the proportion of the other color. The color wheel will help you figure out how this works. By increasing the value of one color, for example, cyan (C), we decrease the value of the opposite color on the circle of red (R).

Mutually exclusive colors according to the scheme:

Blue< - >Red (Cyan< - >Red)
Purple< - >Green (Magenta< - >Green)
Yellow< - >Blue (Yellow< - >Blue)

The scheme of actions is simple:

1. Add / subtract the color value by 2-3 units
2. Print the test or photo and look at the changes
3. Has the shade remained? Repeat points 1 and 2

Costs: several sheets of photo paper and 10 minutes of free time. Of course, you cannot achieve perfect color reproduction in this way, but you can get rid of, for example, green faces or yellow skies.

31.01.2013, 22:31

We bought an Epson L800 printer. The ink for it is original, everything was poured according to the instructions as expected, the first picture "snow-white snowflake" was printed - the snowflake turned out to be green and everything around the snowflake was also green. We tried other pictures - the result is the same, everything is printed on a green background (that is, all light colors "overlap" with green).
Black font is printed.
To eliminate the "green" and stripes made 3 times "head cleaning". The result - it became even worse - yellow was added to the green, and the black disappeared altogether: angry :.
I calibrated the print head - no result.
I registered on the forum, read everyone and was horrified !!!
: scream:
Blow out, flush with a syringe, fill in "mister muscle", change ink, "defend" ..... etc ..: scream: ... not a cheap printer at all on the day of purchase I'm NOT ready (I can understand everything these actions are in the process at least after a year of use).
Dear experts, please tell me what to do?
1. While there is a warranty period, it may be wiser to hand it over and take it better (then what?).
2. Give to service center for repairs? Then, where is the guarantee that in 2 days it will not happen again?
I would like to turn it on and immediately work, and not engage in "blowing".

I really look forward to advice.
I apologize in advance for the style of presenting my thoughts, I'm just very disappointed and don't understand anything about it.
Best regards, "teapot".

31.01.2013, 22:55

"Green" was probably due to incorrectly selected settings in the driver, or due to paper (which by the way?). Then there was no need to do any cleaning ... Always in case of printing problems, do a nozzle test first to determine what was wrong and what needs to be done. And you still did 3 cleanings at once and without letting the printer "come to its senses" (settle) calibrated the print head in the absence of nozzles / colors ...
Let the printer stand, check the nozzles, and then you will see what to do next.

01.02.2013, 00:58

Dimchik, thanks for the answer.
Let me explain a little:
1. Regarding the settings: I did not make any settings except for the installation disk.
2.About paper: I use ordinary paper (since I purchased a printer for printing simple children's pictures on ordinary A4 sheets every day and possibly even in large quantities, occasionally I plan to print photos, but for this I purchased high-quality photo paper)
3.About the nozzle test: I did it 2 times (I forgot to mention it) the first time there were many intermittent lines on green + letters and numbers were printed not in black, but in yellow-green, the second time much worse - there were more and narrower intermittent lines not only on green, but also on purple, and numbers with letters were not printed at all.

I'll let it settle, I'll test the nozzles again, write the result and wait for further advice. Thanks.

01.02.2013, 01:42

L800 is still a photo printer, not the best way use it for printing on plain paper, as it uses water-soluble ink, which will give less sharpness on such paper (due to spreading) and very poor water resistance of the print (if water gets on the print, the image will simply "blur"). Also, the resulting image will be desaturated and low-contrast in comparison with a print on photographic paper.
It is not clear what dashed lines on green and purple in the nozzle test are you talking about? The printer is six-color, black, cyan, light cyan, magenta, light magenta, and yellow. There can be no green and purple colors on the nozzle test, at least if there are no additional problems ... (or do you call cyan and magenta green and purple?).
Lay out a better scan of the nozzle test. Also, if some nozzles are missing in the dough, try opening the filling holes in the containers, perhaps there is poor air flow there.
To assess color rendering, you first need to ensure that all nozzles print as expected. And it is better to make an assessment by printing on photographic paper. In the printer driver, the appropriate setting must be selected for each paper type. There are many options, but the most "used": plain paper, matte, epson gloss and premium epson. There is also a choice of print quality, for a photo you can put "photo" or "RPM", the latter option is longer in time, but gives best quality on good photographic papers.

01.02.2013, 03:25

nastyuha, the transport switch - on the compartment with the CISS should be in the vertical position - check at the same time. And without panic, there is still no need for a check-calibration. You probably did something wrong somewhere. A scan of the nozzle check print, please.

01.02.2013, 11:32

I post a scan of the test.

01.02.2013, 11:33

The switch is upright.

01.02.2013, 12:36

Scan does not open - "attachment is not specified or does not exist".

01.02.2013, 14:52

Maybe I am attaching it incorrectly?

01.02.2013, 16:47

Try opening the filler holes and doing two cleanings in a row, then a test. If it does not change, then after an hour's pause, two more cleanings in a row, and again the test. Let stand for half a day, test. Write down what happens.

01.02.2013, 19:32

Actually, after the first refueling, the L800 prints about 500-1000 A4 sheets of full fill without the slightest hint of missing nozzles! Perhaps
1 - the first ink refill was performed incorrectly
2 - for some reason I don't see light crimson - on the test there are 3 blue ones (are those colors exactly filled in the containers that are supposed to be?

What do you actually understand about calibration? All the "dummies" try to do the calibration first! Having no idea what it is fraught with!
To ditch the L800 - you have to try very hard! This is not a T50, which can be rendered unusable in 1 day!
What syringes? What flushing? This is the L800 - everything here is made for people! If you don't understand anything about printers, don't rush to break your car! And if you are going to print on plain paper, then you need to set up the printer for plain paper and with high quality! I suppose your default was like from the factory - Epson-gloss ... and there you have snowflakes and green and blue and pink ...