Scenario of a corporate party in nature. Several fun outdoor contests for a corporate party. Clothing Line Competition

So the hot summer has come. Have you been waiting for him? Of course they were waiting! And now, when summer has come, it's time to go to nature on vacation. The scenario of a summer corporate party in nature will help you to have a corporate party in a fun and organized way. For your vacation, we have come up with contests that will complement your vacation and all employees will want to repeat it again.

And so, before you start a corporate party, you need to choose a place. And when you have found a suitable place, then you can equip it a little. How and what to do is up to you. After all, only you can see this place. We will immediately offer small mini contests. You need to take matches, salt and paper with you and find three secluded places for them. And hide salt, matches and paper in them. You also need to draw three different maps that lead to the hidden "treasures".
When you arrive the next day with all your colleagues, it turns out that you have no matches, no salt, no paper! What to do? Here's what to do:
We divide all colleagues into three teams and give cards to each team. They must find these "treasures"! When the treasures are found, then you can begin to disassemble the bags and arrange a party.

And as soon as you sat down at the table, then immediately the first competition. All employees should wear masks on their faces. And try to do it like this. So that they do not see their masks, but see only through them all the rest. When the masks are on, each employee can ask the others only one question about their masks and get answers to it. If no one guessed his mask from the first question, then the second questions are asked. And so on until all the masks are guessed. See below for examples of such funny corporate party masks:

Well, it's time to play some contests.

And we will tell you which contests you can play more.
The first competition is related to skiing! Yes, don't be surprised, with skis. You need special skis that will ride on the grass. The essence of the game is simple:
It is necessary to divide employees into teams. Each team has its own captain - he is the first and he has skis on his feet. The rest of the team stand behind him. They all hold onto each other. It will not work to take a step with skis, since everyone is on skis. Therefore, before taking a step, the captain warns: raise your right leg! And they all raise their right leg. Then the right ski is free and you can pick it up and take a step to it. Then the captain commands: raise your left leg! When everyone has raised their left leg, then you can step on the left track. And so on until the finish line. The more harmoniously the captain works, the more chances the team has for overall success.
See below for a photo from this competition:

Did you like the first competition? Move on!
And then we have a team competition again. Only those who are not afraid to get wet will take part in it! The teams line up. Team players stand facing each other's backs. Each of them has a plastic cup in their hand. And the last member of the team has a liter can. The first participant collects water in his glass and, raising his hand up, pours the water behind his back. And there is the second team member who must "catch" this water in his glass. When he "caught" her, he does the same further. And so on until the water reaches the last participant. He pours water into a jar. After the first one picks up a glass again and everything is repeated anew. And so it is played until then. Until one of the teams fills the entire jar. She wins the competition.
The advantage of this competition is that the participants will enjoy the game, get a lot of laughter and positive emotions, and most importantly they will refresh themselves, because the water will constantly spill!
See the photo for an example of how to play this game:

For the next competition, you need beams or branches. With their help, you make a track. Place one bar on the ground. Where it ends, put the second one, only at an angle of 90 degrees. And so on, until you get a winding path of beams. Then again, you need to divide everyone into teams. The first team stands on the first bar. They must embrace to be one. On command, the team must start moving forward to the finish line. If someone from the team fell to the ground, then this is plus one second. After the team has reached the finish line, time stops. If there is a penalty, then it is added to the team. After all teams have passed the distance, the team that took the least time to complete it wins!

Summer corporate parties and contests are practically everything you need for a successful and memorable event. Summer and fun - will be the main companions of guests in maintaining an excellent mood throughout the celebration, and even after it, in the memories of employees in the middle of working days.

Rope competition

Have you already tried kebab and are you ready for some serious physical challenges? Then this is the competition for you! The facilitator should prepare a ball (or something that can replace it) and a rope. Two players stand opposite each other and pull the rope at shoulder level. The rest of the players line up in single file. The essence of the game is to go under a tight rope, squeezing a ball between your knees. Leaning forward is not permitted (only backward). Anyone who does not keep his ball is eliminated from the game. Naturally, with each new circle, the rope is lowered lower and lower: you are not looking for easy ways, are you? Believe me, the winner who doesn't drop the ball to the last really deserves a prize as the most agile and flexible member of your team!

Competition "Cross the swamp"

Guests are divided into two teams. For the game, a special playing field is cleared: a platform 2-3 meters wide and 3-4 meters long. This will be our "swamp". Each team receives two "bumps" (small cardboard circles on which one person's legs can fit). Moving the "bumps", you need to cross the swamp and not go astray. The team that crosses the swamp faster than their rivals will receive a prize!

Contest "Collect the rain"

Have you ever taken part in catching raindrops? If not, then with this competition you will have such an opportunity. The presenter stands in the center of an impromptu circle and sprinkles water from a bottle around him - "rain". The task of the players is to catch as many "rain" drops as possible with plastic cups. And try not to get wet: the rain is very tricky!

Competition "Potato"

Divide the participants into teams of 4-6 people and offer them a simple but fun competition: collect a bucket of potatoes. Naturally approach this important business it is necessary to be creative, namely - put an empty bucket, move back a few meters and try to fill it by throwing potatoes from this distance. So which command turns out to be the tag itself?

Competition "Three Legs"

Guests are divided into pairs, and then, in each pair, the left leg of one player is tied to the right leg of the other. Voila! Now we have strange three-legged creatures, whose task is to go faster than rivals a given distance. Be careful: walking on three legs is for some reason much more difficult than on the usual two!


A holiday in nature, in a forest, in a park area, on the shore of a reservoir in the warm season for several families with children.

The number of participants is 8-20.

Duration - 4-6 hours.

Material security

Picnic equipment.

Props for games.

Treasure for the game "Treasure hunt" (sweets, cookies, chocolate medals, small toys).

Event plan

Family game "Treasure hunt".

Forest builders.

Green arrows.


Games for the little ones.


Entertainment "Gifts of the forest".

Nature quiz for kids

Family sports games.

Games and contests.

Clay crafts.

Sand sculpture competition.

Way back home.


1. Family game "Treasure hunt"

The holiday must be organized in such a way that both big and small can enjoy it. Therefore, most of the offered games are family games.

If you have time to prepare, you can start the holiday with an interesting adventure game. The game requires some preparation and imagination of the presenter, but this work is fully paid off by the delights of children and adults.

All participants are divided into teams. For example, one family can represent one team, participants who come alone can unite into a separate team.

The presenter reports that a treasure is hidden somewhere in the forest. You can find the treasure using the clues hidden in the forest in certain places. The leader has the first clue for each team. To receive it, the teams must complete the task of the leader.

Teams receive a list of items that they must bring to the leader in order for him to give them the first clue. An example of a list is provided in the supplementary materials.

After the team receives a hint, it tries to find the location indicated in it. In this place lies the next clue, having solved which, the participants find the next place. The number of prompts is the same for all teams, however, their hiding places are different. In the last cache, to which the last tips of all teams lead, a treasure is hidden. See the supplementary resources for examples of tips.

The team that finds the treasure first is declared the winner. However, it is desirable that the treasure can be divided among the members of all teams.

Where intermediate clues are hidden, there may be candy or other little surprises.

2. Forest builders

Children, and many adults as well, will enthusiastically accept the idea of ​​building a hut. In this hut it will be possible to play and take a break from noisy games. And if you cover the hut with polyethylene, you will be able to wait out the rain in it.

Be careful and make sure that there is no anthill next to the hut and that poisonous plants do not get into the grass bedding in the hut.

3. Green arrows

Another forestry fun is making bows or slingshots. A bowstring (thin cord) or an elastic band for a slingshot must be prepared in advance at home.

Armed with bows, participants (regardless of age) can compete in accuracy by shooting at exposed cans.

4. Ring toss

Another attraction, easy to make. Several sticks must be dug into the ground. Rings can be made from thick rope at home or woven from thin twigs. Participants who put rings on sticks

get a prize. The distance to the poles may vary depending on the age of the participants.

5. Games for the little ones

If there are children at the picnic preschool age, they can help adults in some contests. In addition, especially for them, it is necessary to conduct the following entertainment from time to time.

Find a toy

An adult hides a toy near a clearing. The task of children is to find a toy. Whoever found it gets a prize.

The game must be carried out under the supervision of adults, making sure that none of the children in excitement go far into the forest.

10 pebbles are laid out on the path at the same distance from each other (the distance between the pebbles is about 15 cm). Pebbles can be replaced with cones. Children take turns to stand on the line near the first pebble and jump forward. At the same time, it is remembered to which pebble the child jumped. The best jumper wins a prize.

Quiet dashes

In the forest, a short distance is noted (no more than 5 m.) The task of the participants is to pass the distance inaudibly, so that a twig does not crunch and a leaf does not rustle. Whoever succeeds in this will receive a prize.

Knock the bumps

Several cones are laid out on a stump. The task of the participants is to knock all the cones off the hemp with sticks or other cones from a distance of 1-2 m. The game is played for fun.

Throw in the basket

Hang a basket for mushrooms on a tree branch or bush. The basket is hung one meter above the ground. The task of the children is to get into the basket with a bump from a certain distance.

It is necessary that all participants receive prizes and become winners of any competition. To prevent children from overworking, it is necessary to arrange gaps between games.

6. Cooking food

Children will be happy to fry bread or sausages over the fire. You just need to explain to them how this is done, and string the food on a twig so that it does not jump into the fire. Also, make sure that children do not eat burnt food.

Regardless of whether you cook kebabs or fried sausages, everyone will be delighted with the offered treat. Food is best pooled so that everyone can find “tastier” food brought by other participants on the table.

8. Entertainment "Gifts of the forest"

Camping in the woods - The best way develop children's interest in nature, plants and animals, insects, mushrooms. Depending on the time of year and the place chosen for a picnic, you can pick mushrooms, berries, nuts, and medicinal herbs. You can teach children to make herbariums or show them how flowers grow, insects live. If you take binoculars, you can watch birds.

However, if you are not specifically fond of botany or ornithology, prepare for such an excursion so that your story is interesting and you can cope with numerous children's questions.

9. Nature quiz for kids

After practical observation, have a quiz with the children. Various questions about flora and fauna need to be prepared in advance. Examples of quiz questions are provided in the supplementary materials.

If you choose more complex questions, adults can also participate in the quiz. In this case, the right of the first answer belongs to the younger participants, and if they fail, one of the adults tries to answer the question. In order for the children not to lose interest in the quiz, it is necessary that it contains questions of varying difficulty.

10. Sports family games

After resting, the participants can again play active games. You can play a volleyball or football match. I wonder if the teams will be selected in a certain way, for example, a competition between two families, a competition between dads and mothers, a competition between fathers and sons. In this case, the strength of the teams should be approximately equal.

Players not directly participating in the match can organize a noisy cheerleading group.

11. Games and contests

In addition to sports games, various entertainments can be held among children and adults. At the same time, calm and active games should alternate.

Players stand in a circle. Drivers - "dogs" (2-5 people) - inside the circle. The players are thrown with the ball, the task of the dogs is to intercept the ball when it is in the air. If the dog manages to catch the ball, it switches roles with the player from the circle who missed the ball.

There is also a team version of the game. One team - "trainers" - throw the ball to each other, the players of the other team - "dogs" - try to intercept the ball. If one of the players succeeds, the teams change roles.

Without leaving the place

Participants stand in a circle. The ball is passed in a circle with an ever increasing pace. In this case, the players must stand in one place. If any of the players drops the ball, he is out of the game and leaves the circle. Thus, the distance between the players is increasing more and more. The participant who is the last player left in the game wins.

Ball in a circle

The players form a circle. The driver with the ball is in the center of the circle. The driver tries to knock (kick) the ball out of the circle. And the players prevent him from doing this by hitting the ball. If the driver still manages to knock the ball out of the circle, the player who missed the ball becomes the new driver, and the former driver takes his place.

Players in a circle must be at least an arm's length apart from each other.

For the game, you can choose not one, but 2-3 drivers. In this case, the game can be played with one or two balls.

Players stand in a circle. They are informed that now each of them will be named an animal. After that, the players should walk slowly in a circle, and the leader will list the various animals. As soon as someone hears the name of his animal, he should squat down, and his right and left neighbors should prevent him from doing this. The drawing consists in the fact that all players are called the same animal (for example, a bear). First, the presenter lists 3-4 other animals, and then says: "Bear", and a fun dump begins on the playground.

A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the ground. Two people are simultaneously participating in the competition. Each participant stands on the right leg, holding the left leg by the ankle with the right hand. The left hand is hidden behind the back. The goal of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle. The one who does this is declared the winner. In addition, the participant who, during the fight, released his left leg or used the help of his hands, is considered a loser.

For the game, it is advisable to choose a referee who would monitor the implementation of all safety rules and regulations. Players must be of the same weight class.

Name the sixth

The first player names five items of the same category (for example, five animals, fish, birds, trees, etc.). The next participant must name another item from the same category. If he succeeds, he asks a question to the next player, if not, this participant gives a phantom. At the end of the game, a draw for forfeits is held.

What kind of beast?

The driver conceives some animal. The rest of the participants must guess what they have planned. To do this, they ask the driver questions to which he can only answer "Yes" or "No". The player who was the first to guess the intended animal becomes the new driver.

Additional game numbers suitable for the occasion can be found in the Entertainment Index.

12. Clay crafts

If the holiday takes place on the banks of the river, one of best entertainment clay modeling can be useful for children (if you can find one). Clay figurines can be burned in a fire or dried in the sun. Even the smallest will be able to squeeze out their palm on the clay layer, which will remain in memory of the holiday.

13. Sand sculpture competition

If you find a picnic spot near the sandy river bank, you can arrange for children and adults a competition of sand castles or any sand sculptures. You can also sculpt a huge sand city together.

At the same time, make sure that children are not overheated in the sun or overcooled in the water.

14. The Way Home

To make the journey home fun for tired travelers, arrange a song contest along the way, or create and sing a song about your adventures. You can compose a song one at a time. The one in front sings the first line, the next participant sings the second line in rhyme to the first, etc.

Nothing brings employees together like sharing alcoholic beverages ... Sorry, how corporate party... But, as a rule, we, and all over the world, cannot do without alcohol at such events. And just so that the event for team building does not turn into a simple booze, and it is necessary to make it up.

Particular attention should be paid to competitions for corporate party... Such events are simply necessary in order to dilute the pastime and make it exciting. The emphasis should be on team games in which many people will take part at once. You can also choose individual competitions, but contests that awaken the corporate spirit and rally the team should prevail in any way.

But here is a specific selection of contests that will take their free time on vacation, depends, first of all, on what kind of place will be chosen. For example, in nature, all participants of the event will feel freer and it is much easier to organize mass games there than in a restaurant or cafe.

When drawing up a script, the main thing is not to overdo it with the correspondence of the subject matter of the event with the professional field of activity of the participants. Employees are already tired of work and the oversaturation of the program with similar topics may not be beneficial, but will only cause negative reactions and rejection.

List of corporate parties that are held almost in mandatory is large enough. The most popular one is New Year... In order for him to be remembered on the good side, a little effort should be made.

As a standard, the team also holds celebrations of all employees' birthdays, which are also best not to be left to chance.

Most of the official holidays are also collectively celebrated, scenarios for which will also make the event more interesting and exciting.

In addition, depending on the class and level of the institution, corporate events can be carried out at very different levels. If the company's funds allow, then in many cases the organization of all the holidays is entrusted to the professionals, who are engaged in drawing up scripts for the order.

If the income and the level of the company do not allow such expenses, then it is quite possible to do it on your own.

Going on vacation after a corporate party? On the website of our partner, you can easily calculate vacation pay, as well as find answers to this and many other questions.

Portal I offers its own version of the scenario for a corporate party in the summer

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, chic nature gives clean air, greenery, brilliant rivers, and of course, it will not do without a corporate party, with a trip to this nature. Be sure to stock up on food and all other accessories, which you cannot do without. And of course, it's better to do it all according to a good scenario.

The theme of the summer corporate party is "Summer Fairy Tale". The topic is light and interesting, allowing you to truly relax and enjoy your time. Be sure to take with you party hats, a tablecloth of a cheerful color, prizes for various competitions. You can also grab a couple of balloons, they are the same, will cheer you up.

Greetings to all hard workers,
I give you shish kebab and cognac,
After all, you went out into nature,
But don't rush to rest here,
And here you will be instructed,
From a summer fairy tale - legends,
I will distribute the roles to all of you here,
And the fairy tale will be here and there,
There will be crazy contests,
For them, gifts are expensive,
And to start it all
I ask you to applaud!
(everyone applauds)

And so now I ask you,
Raise your glasses at this hour
You are all undeniably good
Everyone worked from the heart,
And let's all drink to
To rest so much for us!

The tale begins
And the most daring, on the role, are called!

Competition "Forest Animals"

Participation is optional, four people. They will have to conduct a staged scene, in which everyone will have their own role. Roles are not disclosed to the audience, they must guess who is playing who. The roles are: hare, squirrel, wolf and fox. Everything happens on the edge of the forest, everyone is busy with their own business: the squirrel collects cones, the wolf howls, the fox wags its tail, the hare gallops. It is better to switch roles, so that, for example, a man plays a fox, it will be funnier. And so, whose roles will be guessed, those participants receive prizes. For prizes, it is better to find something useful for work.

Here comes the first episode
The fairy tale makes its move
Well, we take glasses
We are happy with what is happening
And we drink for our director,
We thank and praise him for everything!
(Director's speech with wishes about work, etc.)


The tale continues
New competition starts!

Competition "The Frog Princess"

The male half takes part, the number of participants is optional. Each one in turn is given a bow and arrow, and is given a one-shot chance. At a distance of 10-15 meters, a target is hung (one large one with several divisions for prize points), or several targets with different prizes. Prizes are written in back side targets for the participant to shoot at random. The prizes are as follows: wrist watch, a fountain pen, a golden frog souvenir, to attract money, a mug for tea, men's underpants, a set of cosmetics for a shower.

That's so well-aimed arrows
All good fellows and daredevils,
Now we continue the meal again,
But don't forget about fabulous contests!


The men did the deed
But I also know the topic for women,
Like there in a fairy tale, under the window,
Spinning late in the evening
Only here you will not have to knit,
Here each fish will take care of the river!

Competition "Tasty ear"

The female half takes part, the amount is optional. All this is done in order to cook delicious fish soup later. Each woman is given a certain amount of potatoes and one medium-sized fish, as well as a knife. At the command of the leader, they must peel the potatoes and gut and clean the fish. Whoever makes it forward wins. Prize: everyone on a tea towel, and the fastest: seasoning for fish and a certain amount of canned fish.

And now under the blue sky,
You dance, dear ones, in a round dance!

(everyone gets up and dances in a round dance, then regular dances alternating with slow ones)

Than the evenings are beautiful in nature,
By the fact that you can sit by the fire
Let's all sit in a circle,
And let's look into the eyes of the fire!

(the presenter makes a fire, everyone sits around it, someone plays familiar songs on the guitar (at your discretion), everyone sings at will)

Any fairy tale ends sweetly
And it will not do without a gift,
But to find a gift for you,
We'll have to go one way
I give you the scheme,
In it I will show you the route,
I will give you hints,
So that you can walk faster!

(the presenter gives everyone a route that should lead to a magic tree on which gifts will hang on avoid confusion, such searches will surely please everyone)

Well, the fairy tale is over here,
Who participated - well done,
Thank you all for coming here,
We rested with you from the heart,
Now you are full of strength and inspiration,
So that new achievements are in the works!

(the presenter finishes her work)

What is the best way to organize outdoor recreation?

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what a real outdoor recreation should be. That is why it is so difficult to please everyone. Choosing entertainment for leisure, people often go four ways.

The first way - "card picnic"... The easiest and least laborious choice. All that is needed for such an organization is to take a deck of cards with you. And while the shish kebab is being fried, you can safely turn into a fool, poker or another popular game. But such a tournament is also possible in a cozy room: you don't have to get out into nature for this. And in the room, you do not need to constantly press down on the cards with something, so that the vile wind does not carry them away.

The second way - “sports weekend". This option is not as simple as the previous one and requires preliminary preparation. You will need to take care of sports equipment and a suitable place for outdoor activities in advance. Football, volleyball, badminton, relay races - this is a small list of things that can be played by a large company. Such a vacation is certainly suitable for a company that loves sports and is in good physical shape.

The third way - "popular rest"... Today such entertainments as paintball etc. have become very popular. It's interesting, exciting and convenient. Convenient, because you don't need to think through something on your own. A couple of calls and companies that specialize in this will organize everything themselves. The only drawback of such a vacation, perhaps, can only be considered that you have to spend a lot on it.

The fourth way - "competitive expanse"... The most affordable option for interesting and inexpensive leisure activities. Special conditions or complex equipment are not needed here, both sports and people far from sports can participate. All that is needed for the organization is a healthy imagination and a set of interesting contests. And here are some of the most interesting ones according to the version. site

1. Hot-cold

A wonderful competition, familiar to everyone since childhood. But, it is clear that during adult company there are no children, and therefore we are talking about its modified version. It is best to spend at the moment when the kebab is strung and laid on the grill, and there is still a lot of time before it is ready. Then the presenter, prudently hiding all alcohol nearby, suggests finding it according to the "hot-cold" principle. That is, when the players approach the cherished cache, they will receive verbal prompts "warm", "even warmer", "very warm". But if their searches lead them in a completely different direction, then the phrases "cold", "colder", "very cold", "freeze" will sound. When the participants get directly to their destination, they will hear the words "hot", "hot", "now you will burn yourself", "burned". The prize, of course, will be the drinks found, which can be consumed right there and then.

2. Question-answer

A wonderful competition-game that will require very little preparation, but will provide a lot of positive and Have a good mood... This entertainment will be appropriate at a time when the participants are a little liberated. The essence of the game is pretty fast: the presenter reads questions to the participants from one type of cards, and the participants answer by reading the answer from other cards. The whole trick is that the questions and answers are specially selected quite frank or, perhaps, even vulgar.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you love phone sex?
  2. Have you been caught stealing?
  3. Do you like bald men (women)?
  4. How often do you wash?
  5. Do you love yourself?
  6. Can I kiss you?
  7. How often do you have sex?
  8. Do you have the strength to stop drinking?
  9. Are you a sadomasochist?
  10. Do you often go naked (naked) around the house?

Sample answers:

  1. If only nobody sees.
  2. I'm holding on with my last strength.
  3. This is my weakness.
  4. Only in bikinis and stockings.
  5. Since childhood.
  6. Only in a severe hangover.
  7. This is the only thing that gives me strength.
  8. I learned from you (learned).
  9. And I'm proud of it.
  10. I'm a maniac in this.

It is clear that the level of frankness of the questions should be chosen depending on how well everyone in the company knows each other.

3. Twister on the grass

Twister is a wonderful game that everyone knows. Only after all, hardly anyone thought that it can be played not only at home, but also on soft young grass. How is this possible. It's very simple. To do this, you don't even need to bring a ready-made playing field, it can be made right on the spot. For making, you need grass and spray paint of the right colors. It is applied to the grass through a round stencil and allowed to dry. And now everything is ready for a fun and perky game.

Such entertainment will help to disperse alcohol and will not allow you to get very drunk. But the most important thing is that all participants will receive a lot of positive emotions and spicy photos.

4. Insidious food

There is no need to prepare anything in advance for the event. All the necessary equipment will be with you anyway. Disposable cups and plastic bottles will be used, as well as various snacks from those that you take with you to a picnic (chips, crackers, nuts, popcorn).

The competition can be conducted in two ways. In the first case, the competitors must pour salted nuts or croutons into plastic bottle using only one hand. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to scatter a snack, and it is also forbidden to ask for help from those present. The one who copes with the task earlier and better than the others is announced the winner.

The second version of the competition is practically impracticable, but very amusing. Here, chips or salted popcorn are poured into plastic cups. This unusual weight is placed on the socks of the participants' shoes. The goal of the competition is to pass a distance of 3 m with glasses, at the end of which there will be a glass of beer, which you need to drink and have a snack with the brought tasty treat. Only now it is forbidden to hold cups with your hands or somehow specially attach them to shoes or feet.

The winner of the competition is the one who goes through all the stages first and without loss. If no one cope with the task, then the consolation prize again will be beer and a snack. Fun and excitement are definitely guaranteed here.

5. Delivery service

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter says that today there is a competition for the best and fastest delivery service. To do this, all those present are invited to unite in two or more teams (depending on the total number). Teams line up parallel to each other. In this case, the team members must look at each other in the back.

Then the presenter says that today each team needs to deliver only one bottle of beer, passing it from the last participant to the first. But at the same time, you cannot touch the bottle with your hands, but you can transfer it only by holding it between your knees.

The winner is the team that is faster than its rivals, without dropping the load, to cope with the task. The winners will receive all bottles of beer that took part in the competition. It is better to take 1 liter or 1.5 liter plastic containers for entertainment.

6. Naughty pens

The competition will go well already in a well-“warmed-up” company. Only men are invited to take part in it, who must stand in pairs with their backs to each other. After that, each of them is given a specially prepared inventory (sticks with a red-colored top and pieces of sandpaper).

After everyone has taken the necessary positions and received game attributes, the presenter gives a signal warning of the start of the competition. And at this moment, the participants must clean off the red paint with the issued skins at speed.

The winner is the one with the more "naughty" pens, that is, the one who can handle it earlier. Laughter with tears in their eyes will be provided for everyone.

7. Twelve notes

Becoming a treasure hunter is interesting not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. The contest "12 Notes" is a kind of quest that will allow you to plunge into the indescribable atmosphere of adventure and excitement.

The essence of the game is to find the hidden treasure. And if in childhood sweets acted as a treasure, then a box of beer, a dish with crayfish or fruit is more suitable for adults. But in order to find the hidden one, you need to go through a certain path, the instructions on which are 12 notes. 6 notes will simply indicate the location of the next note, and the remaining 6 - different tasks.

You can come up with tasks yourself, or you can use ready-made options.

Task 1. "Nude" - you need to dance a striptease.

Task 2. "Are you weak?" - drink 1 liter of beer in 1 minute.

Task 3. "Armenian Radio" - tell 6 funny anecdotes.

Task 4. "Gourmet" - with closed eyes, guess 6 offered food or drinks.

Task 5. "Air hero" - burst without hands 6 balloons.

Task 6. "Who is the wiser in the world" - solve 6 riddles with a trick.

8. Silent formation

A cheerful company will definitely like the game "Silent System". It would be nice to shoot the course of the game with a video camera, so that later its participants can watch the recording and laugh.

The essence of the game is that all participants line up in one row, and the presenter, passing behind them, slaps them on the back with a different number of times. How many claps there were - this is the serial number of the participant. At the command of the leader, when numbers have already been assigned to everyone, the participants must line up in one formation in order, but at the same time talking or gesturing with their hands is strictly prohibited.

The whole catch is that the leader can slap the same number of times to several participants at once, which means that the formation will turn out not one, but several at once. Only the participants who hum and wink at each other do not immediately understand this, and therefore it is very funny to watch all their manipulations.

9. Universal quest for outdoor recreation

If you don't have enough time for preparation, and you want to entertain friends and family with something more than just a competition or a game, the quest will be an excellent solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you to spend an hour and a half with excitement and fun. See here for more details.

There are also games and contests in nature for adults.