Action plan for the creation. Plan for a New Year's corporate holiday. Where are they compiled

Developing an action plan is straightforward for a project management specialist. However, the author has repeatedly observed how authoritative leaders made up rather chaotic plans, from which it was impossible to conclude how the goal of increasing the efficiency of the direction, department or enterprise as a whole would be achieved. Instead of concrete actions, the plans featured only declarations with indefinite deadlines and results.

Action plan this is a document that defines goals, specific actions (work or activities), requirements for their results, deadlines and performers of these actions.

A set of activities (in the specified sense) is a project - a temporary enterprise aimed at creating unique products, services or results or a program - a series of related projects, the management of which is coordinated to achieve benefits and a degree of control that are not available when they are managed separately.

Thus, an action plan is one of the documents of a project or program that defines expectations regarding the timing of their implementation, the required resources and the results obtained. Deceptively simple form the action plan requires (if, of course, the customer is interested in getting a real result) painstaking thoughtful work. Needless to say, “pre-production is the most important thing in production” and that a well-thought-out and structured plan will go a long way towards making a project successful.

Recommendations for organizing work prior to the emergence of an action plan are contained in numerous guides to improve business efficiency, among which we can note, and, as the closest to the topic of our article,.

In this article, we will show you how to develop a focused and well-founded action plan, after completing the necessary analytical work. To do this, an instructive example from the author's practice is considered, in which the use of KPIs is combined with the technique of cause-effect diagram, "5 why" and with the usual ability of a project manager to build project schedules. This example is also useful because it is typical for many service businesses.

Plan structure

The above definition of an action plan allows you to define only the most general requirements for the structure (sections) of the document:

  • Name
  • Objectives of the activities
  • Performers of events
  • Scheduled dates of events
  • Rationale for activities
  • Schedule
  • Requirements for results
  • Reporting and control
  • Applications

Plan form

The obligatory details of the action plan are: the name of the organization, the name of the type of approval document, its date and number, place of preparation, stamp of approval. They are placed at the beginning of the text of the document.

The signatures of the persons approving the draft action plan are placed either at the end of the text of the document, or on a separate approval sheet, the details of which must unambiguously determine which document was approved. At the end of the text of the action plan or on a separate sheet of acquaintance interested workers affix their signatures on familiarization with the document and receiving a copy of it in their hands.

Development of the content of the action plan

Method idea

Statement of the problem: there is a product or direction of the organization's activities, the quality indicators of which need to be improved.

It is proposed to solve the problem in several steps.

  • Step 1. Describe accurately the product (s) of the business line in question.
  • Step 2. Determine the main indicators of the quality of the product (products).
  • Step 3. Classify the causes of quality impairment.
  • Step 4. Assess the degree of influence of the identified reasons on quality violation.
  • Step 5. Propose measures aimed at eliminating or compensating for the identified causes.
  • Step 6. Assess the degree of influence of the proposed measures on improving quality indicators.
  • Step 7. Rank activities by priority, focusing on the degree of their impact on the result, timing and cost; select the most effective activities.
  • Step 8. Form a network schedule of events.
  • Step 9. Form a time schedule of events, identify performers.

The first step is included in the sequence of actions because the description of the product (requirements for it) is decisive for the entire subsequent planning process. If a sufficiently accurate idea of ​​the product is not formed, then further actions are doomed to be incomplete or ineffective.

We will illustrate the application of the described method with an example.

initial situation

Service company (hereinafter - SK) provides equipment and tools for rent for repair oil wells, which is performed by a specialized well workover company (hereinafter - workover) (see Fig. 1). The equipment is delivered to workover teams working in the fields, in accordance with workover requests on-line. The application contains requirements for the equipment configuration. The complete equipment must be accompanied by a set of documents confirming its serviceability and the possibility of use. The SK ensures the serviceability of the equipment, performing its maintenance and repair after its return from the workover. Delivery is carried out transport company(hereinafter referred to as the TC) working for the SK on a subcontract. Some repairs and tests are also performed by UK subcontractors. The workover pays for the lease time or the number of successful transactions performed with the leased equipment. The unproductive time of the workover crew caused by the rented equipment is not paid.

The described direction of activity is relatively new for the UK, therefore, some issues will have to be solved "from scratch".

Rice. 1. NK, KRS, SK and its subcontractors

Further information on the initial situation is provided as the discussion progresses below.

It is required to develop an annual action plan to improve the operational efficiency of the company.

Step 1. Product Description

The SK product is equipment that meets the requirements for:

  1. technical characteristics (type, brand, size, power, diameter, etc.) - are determined by the application;
  2. resource or reliability - determined by the rules of work, equipment operation manuals or an agreement between the workover and the SK;
  3. completeness - determined by the equipment operation manuals or an application;
  4. the presence of accompanying documents - determined by the rules of work and / or the agreement between the workover and the UK;
  5. place and time of delivery - determined by the application.

Violation of at least one of the listed requirements entails the impossibility of using equipment in the process of well workover. Compliance control is carried out by the repair crew master or supervisor oil company(hereinafter - NK), which is the customer of the well workover.

The fulfillment of the listed requirements must be ensured by the following business processes of the IC, respectively:

  1. formation of a revolving fund of equipment;
  2. ensuring technical readiness (includes sub-processes: revision, maintenance, current repairs, overhaul, testing);
  3. equipment;
  4. document management;
  5. delivery.

Thus, the requirements for the SK product are decomposed into the requirements for the products of individual business processes.

Step 2. The main indicator of quality

As a reminder, product quality refers to the conformity of the product to the customer's requirements. Quality indicators are quantitative measures of this fit.

A naive approach to the definition of quality indicators in our case would lead to simple dialing of several indicators of inconsistencies. For example, for this type of equipment, it is necessary to have 5 accompanying documents, in fact they brought 3, therefore, after meeting the requirements for the documents, we put "minus", etc.

A correct view of the process (from the point of view of not the consumer of the SC product, but from the point of view of the NDT - the consumer of the workover product) leads to one indicator - the loss of productive time of the workover team during the well workover process. Indeed, NK is interested in the minimum downtime of the well due to workover. The required repair time is determined by the workover plan; time spent in excess of the standard, and even more downtime for workover, is not paid. Consequently, the workover is also interested in minimizing the waste of productive time. Interested in this, through the billing system, and the UK.

So, the basis for the quality indicator of a SK product is the amount of losses of productive workover time (hereinafter referred to as PPV) caused by the use of rented equipment. This indicator is measured in brigade-hours. The goal is to minimize it.

Step 3. Classification of the reasons for the quality violation

PPV are related both to the quality of the product itself (i.e., the equipment delivered to the brigade), and to its operation by the brigade. Therefore, the first step in the classification of PPV is to determine the party guilty of losses, which may be:

  • subcontractors of the UK,

The next step of the classification is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Classification of the causes of lost production time.

Note that in our classification, the causes of losses correspond to the business processes of the IC, which, in turn, meet the types of requirements for the quality of the IC product (see step 0).

The result of the step is a causal diagram of quality violations, which resembles the Ishikawa diagram and is constructed according to the "5 whys" method.

Step 4. The degree of influence of the reasons for the violation of quality on the result

In order to assess the degree of influence of the reasons identified by us on the result, analytical accounting by types of reasons is required. As a rule, such accounting is kept in the UK - at least in order to correctly submit claims to subcontractors or a customer (KRS). In fig. 2 shows the corresponding figures.

The largest share of losses (80%) falls on the UK; in turn, the greatest problems (60%) are associated with the process Maintenance and repair, designed to ensure the serviceability and sufficient resource of the equipment provided to the customer.

Let's try to figure out the repair problems deeper. Like everyone manufacturing process, the repair is provided by the following resources:

  • technology,
  • production facilities,
  • spare parts and materials,
  • staff,
  • general production organizations.

For each of the listed types of resources, we will set the following "why?" (third in a row).

It should be recognized that rare companies keep a correct analytical account of quality losses in relation to production resources. The SC in question was no exception. Therefore, to assess the degree of influence of production resources on the quality of the product, it was necessary to use the opinions of experts. In accordance with them, according to the degree of problematicity, the resources were lined up as follows:

  • insufficient equipment of production (20%),
  • absence or inadequacy of repair technologies (10%),
  • irrational organization of production (10%),
  • insufficient qualification of personnel (10%),
  • insufficient staff motivation (5%),
  • substandard spare parts (5%).

The result of this step is an extended causal diagram of quality violations, which provides quantitative estimates of the impact of the identified causes on quality violations.

Step 5. Suggestion of activities

First of all, as is clear from the above estimates, it is necessary to start upgrading production capacities. However, this is an expensive and time-consuming business. Therefore, at this step, we, not holding back our imagination, will try to offer as many different activities as possible to help solve certain problems (see Fig. 3).

To enlarge the image, click on it with the mouse

Rice. 3. Activity.

In practice, to make a pattern like Fig. 3, it is useful to use a whiteboard or some kind of software environment such as MS Visio, since you will have to add and rearrange events and build causal "clusters" of them. Each event will “beat” one or more problems, or logically precede one or several events (at the same time, a prototype of the network schedule of events appears).

Note that it is not proposed to take any measures under the category of problems called “other”, since the assignment of a certain percentage of violations to this category means that the problems are either not so critical or their nature is unclear. In the final version of the action plan, “other” categories can be devoted to actions aimed at clarifying the reasons for such losses, if, of course, such actions are economically justified.

Already at this step, it is quite possible to assess how “easy” or “difficult” the proposed activity will be in terms of its cost, duration or other factors (for example, the degree of resistance to its implementation). Nevertheless, we repeat that at this step one should get rid of prejudices and maximize the range of tools used.

The result of the step is a diagram in which the causes of quality loss are answered by the activities that form a causal network.

In the final version of such a diagram, of course, not all the activities that were proposed during the brainstorming session remain, but only those that are planned to be performed. The total time for the implementation of activities can be determined either based on the need to achieve the set goal, or as a fixed period (for example, a year). Recall that in our example, one year is allotted for the implementation of activities.

Step 6. Assessment of the degree of influence of measures on the result

At this step, you need to understand how the implementation of certain activities affects the result. In our case - to what extent certain measures will reduce the PPV.

The improvement score is calculated based on the fact that all activities shown in the diagram will be completed.

The required score can be approached in two ways: either we determine what improvement is possible and calculate the target value, or the target value is set and the size of the improvement is calculated. In the situation that was the prototype of the example we are considering, both approaches were used. Let's consider some details in detail.

Let's take PPV due to the fault of the equipment customer - cattle. The main losses are associated with the incorrect filing of the application and with the improper operation of equipment in workover teams.

An incorrect application means an incorrect indication of the standard size or equipment configuration. In turn, the incorrect indication of the standard size may be due to the absence (or deliberate non-use) of a unified equipment directory or an error of the technologist preparing the application.

The first reason is eliminated at the first stages of explanatory work with technologists, the creation of a "paper" unified reference book that must be used, and at the final stages - by automating the ordering process, when unified directory will be used within a single automated information system.

The second reason, most likely, cannot be eliminated by means available to the UK. There will be mistakes, especially since some of them in reality are due to the actions of the Tax Code issuing cattle definite plan well work.

As a result, the real estimate will be the reduction of losses in the category of "incorrect order" by half, that is, as a result, by 1% of the total volume of PPW.

Likewise, it will be possible to cut the losses associated with equipment misuse by about half. Here, the main tools of influence are well-established claims work, based on the data of monitoring the operation of equipment by the workover. However, the control of operation will still not be total, since it requires a significant increase in the resources of the spacecraft.

Other losses due to cattle remain unchanged.

Let us now consider the losses associated with the UK's own production activities.

To optimize the working capital of equipment (purchases necessary equipment, conservation, sale or liquidation of unnecessary), preliminary analytical work is required to calculate the range and volume of the optimal working capital. This requires data on the behavior of the random variables of demand for equipment from the workover side and the turnover time, which is formed by the operation time of the equipment by the workover team at the well, the repair time of equipment based on the SC, the time of equipment transportation and the time the equipment is in a state of technical readiness at the SC warehouse. The required statistical information must be collected for at least six months. The financial constraint will also not allow solving the problem of optimizing the working capital completely. A reasonable estimate would be an improvement in this indicator by 5% of the total PPV.

The target value for improving the quality of repairs (three times in relative terms and by 40% PPV in absolute terms) in our example was set "authoritarian". Nonetheless, this value was reinforced by sober assessments of the possibilities. Namely:

Summarizing the estimates obtained along the arrows of the causal diagram of losses, we find that due to the planned measures, PPV can (and should) be reduced by 60% during the year.

The result is the target value key indicator quality and, accordingly, the main goal of the activities. The diagram shows how the target is achieved.

After the schedule of activities has been formed (see step 8), it will be possible to talk about the values ​​of the target indicator, which should be achieved in stages. If it is assumed that the target value should be achieved evenly, then using known formulas, the target values ​​should be calculated monthly or quarterly.

Step 7. Ranking events

In this step, the proposed activities should be prioritized, taking into account the degree of their impact on the targets of the activities.

In fact, steps 4, 5, and 6 occur concurrently or cyclically while drawing the problem and activity diagram. By prioritizing a particular event, we prioritize all related activities (by logical connections that are shown in the diagram). However, for independent events, priority needs to be determined based on both quantitative and “political” considerations.

The output of a step should be a list of independent activity groups, ordered in order of importance.

In our example, the importance of all groups of measures was recognized as the same, in other words, it was decided to “attack” losses “on all fronts” simultaneously.

Step 8. Formation of a network schedule of events

The network graph for our purposes is a diagram showing the logical dependence of activities. In the diagram, activities are represented by the vertices of the graph and are connected by arrows if the results of one activity are input objects for another.

The tops of the graph are both the activities listed earlier and additional activities, the need for which is dictated by logic.

So, added activities related to the collection of statistical information necessary to calculate the optimal volume of the working capital of equipment and the norms of resource consumption for repairs. Work on the automation of SC processes is preceded by a problem statement (development terms of reference) and the choice of a software solution provider.

To enlarge the image, click on it with the mouse

Rice. 4. Network schedule of events.

Step 9. Formation of the time schedule

The timeline shows how the implementation of activities should unfold over time.

To build a time schedule, you must:

  • have a network of events,
  • estimate the resource intensity of each event,
  • estimate the duration of each event based on resource constraints,
  • tie events to the time axis,
  • identify executors and other necessary resources.

Building a timeline is a difficult task (an integer optimization problem), therefore, in practice, it is solved in several iterations. The location of events in time should not contradict the "precede - follow" relationships indicated on the network diagram. The volume of activities in which a certain resource is involved should not exceed the volume (throughput) of this resource. The duration of activities involving external actors should be determined taking into account the risk of delays caused by the other party. Parallelization of events should be used as widely as possible.

It is necessary to carefully consider the timing and duration of events. Namely, an event can be:

  • one-time (for example: preparation of technical specifications or purchase of a certain type of equipment);
  • periodic (for example: training);
  • current (for example: collection of statistical information).

The duration of a one-time event is clearly limited by start and end dates. A periodic event is characterized by the frequency and duration of each implementation. The current event is also limited, usually by start and end dates, but extends from the start to the end of the event scheduling period. To clarify the differences between these types of events, and also to refer to the rules according to which periodic or recurring events are carried out, the field "notes" is used in the action plan.

It is not uncommon for the action plan to include activities related to the development of a certain subproject and its implementation. In such cases, as a rule, the development of a subproject plan refers to a well-defined period, while the duration of the implementation of a subproject can be determined only approximately or not at all predetermined in advance. In this case, in the general timetable of events, an approximate interval should be indicated, accompanying the event with a note that it is being carried out in accordance with the plan (task) approved at the previous stage (give a link to the item of the plan) and that its duration is subject to clarification in accordance with the specified plan.

A similar recommendation can be made for streamlining periodic and ongoing activities. If the order of their implementation has not been determined in advance, then within the framework of the planned activities, measures should be envisaged to establish such an order. For example, for periodic multilateral technical meetings, the rules of such meetings are first adopted: the frequency (say, once a month), the order of formation of the agenda, discussion and decision-making are established. Further, the plan includes a periodic event "holding technical meetings", and the note indicates: "in accordance with the regulations, see paragraph ... of the action plan"; at the same time, the said regulation appears in the action plan as a result of the event to which the link is given.

If a one-time event is included in the action plan, as a result of which another project or current work is launched, then this is indicated in a note.

The monthly schedule of events for our example is shown in table. 1.

Table 1. Time schedule of events.

To enlarge the image, click on it with the mouse

After the development of the substantive part of the action plan, building diagrams and graphs, performing calculations, you can start drawing up the document.


The document name usually looks like this:

Action plan for ...
Program of events for ...

when it comes to a lot of systematic work.

In any case, the name should be short, accurately describing the main purpose of the activities, as well as, if necessary, the place and period of the activities. For example:

Service development program for oilfield equipment in the Nizhnevartovsk region for 201X.

Objectives of the activities

This section of the document summarizes the main objectives of the activities.

The order in which the goals are listed is determined by the priority of the goals; quantitative targets precede qualitative ones. Both types of indicators must be objectively measurable. When formulating goals, a brief explanation is possible, due to which it is assumed that this goal will be achieved. The number of specified goals should not exceed 3 - 5. The abundance of goals makes it difficult to verify their achievement.

For example:

The objectives of the events are:

1. Reduction of losses of productive time of customers in the Nizhnevartovsk region by at least 60% from the level of 201X-1 by the end of 201X and monthly during 201X by at least 8% compared to the previous month.

2. Achievement of profitability in the direction of servicing oilfield equipment for 201X at least 5% by optimizing the organization of the business of the direction.

3. Increase in the revenue of the oilfield equipment service line by accepting new customers for servicing in 201X.

The purpose of the measures is to develop unified regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions employees of LLC "AAA", LLC "BBB", LLC "VVV".

The absence of goals, the indication of purely declarative goals, goals without establishing objectively measurable quantitative or qualitative indicators is unacceptable.

Performers of events

This section lists the performers of the activities in accordance with the timeline built in step 8.

Executors are grouped by organization if several organizations take part in the events. In this case, the head organization is indicated (it is the first in the list), the leader of the events, the leaders of the working groups by organizations, the curators of the events, etc.

If necessary, it should be indicated that:

At the direction of the event manager, employees may be involved in the events.<указываются наименования организаций и/или их подразделений>in agreement with their immediate supervisors.

If some performers are to be appointed or selected based on the results of the implementation of certain stages of activities, then the name of such performers is indicated conditionally (its role in the implementation of activities is briefly described) and an explanation is given of how and when a specific performer is determined. For example:

Contractor-supplier of AIS - the contractor of the Company, supplying software; determined by the results of the competition at stage 7.

Scheduled dates of events

This section indicates the planned start and end dates for the implementation of activities, based on the time schedule obtained in step 8.

Rationale for activities

This section of the action plan is not necessary, but is useful for justifying the goals set and the means proposed to achieve them. It is possible to transfer this section to the annex to the action plan.

Depending on the subject of the activities, this section may contain descriptions of the situation “as is” (before the implementation of activities) and “as will be” (after the implementation of activities), including quantitative assessments in the context of the targets mentioned in the section “Objectives of activities”.


This section is central to the action plan. In it, events are grouped into stages (by time) or other sections, and for each individual event, the following are indicated:

  • serial number or symbol;
  • full name of the event;
  • the required result;
  • deadlines (start, finish or frequency);
  • place of execution;
  • executors (including the responsible executor);
  • notes.

The form for presenting information about events in this section can be different. When choosing a form, one should be guided by the principles of completeness of information and clarity.

The following combined form, which we have already used above, is very convenient (Table 1).

If the performers of the same type of activities are in different organizations, then you can use two tables - the general work plan (Table 2) and the traditional time schedule (Table 3).

Tab. 2. An example of a general work plan.

Tab. 3. Sample timeline.

The name of the event should be short and accurately define the essence of the event. Generalized formulations are allowed for the names of blocks of events - sections of the plan. The name of the event begins, as a rule, with a verbal noun indicating the action being taken (for example: development, construction, creation, implementation, acquisition, etc.); the following words describe the object of action (for example: purchase of licenses, formation of a separation balance sheet, collection of statistical information, etc.). It is desirable that the names of the activities, when they are mentioned outside the full context of the work plan, would make it possible to identify the activities being performed (for example: instead of two activities with the name "license acquisition" in two different sections of the plan, it is better to write "acquisition of licenses for accounting software" and "acquisition licenses for the technology of welding works ").

The names of the results of activities should also be very specific. It does not matter if in the name of the result it is necessary to repeat part of the name of the event (for example: event - "conclusion of a contract for the supply of spare parts", the result - "concluded contract for the supply of spare parts"; note that the short wording "concluded contract" will not identify result, if the list of results of activities is cited in another document without specifying the names of activities).

It is necessary to distinguish between activities leading to different results. In turn, differences in results may appear in the statuses of the corresponding objects. For example, it is advisable to divide the general activity "conclusion of an agreement" into "preparation of a draft agreement" with the result "draft agreement", "approval of a draft agreement with the counterparty" with the result "a draft agreement agreed with the counterparty" and "signing of an agreement" with the result "signed agreement ". The expediency of this is due to the difference in performers (the draft agreement is prepared by one party, agree and signed by both), as well as the need to divide the deadlines (preparation of the draft agreement is a process completely controlled by one party; approval is a two-way process with the risk of delaying due to the fault of the other party).

Requirements for results

This section provides requirements for the outcomes of activities or links to sources of such requirements (for example, industry standards or local regulations of the organization).

The section describing the requirements for the results is mandatory if such requirements are not generally known or are not established by the current legislation or local regulations of the organization. In particular, specific requirements for appointed or elected executors can be formulated in this section of the document.

Reporting and control

This section is devoted to the forms and methods of monitoring the implementation of activities.

If the organization has a local normative act that establishes the project management procedure, in which the forms and methods of monitoring the implementation of projects are described with appropriate detail, then in this section of the action plan, it is enough to give a link to the relevant sections of such normative act with specification of personalities.

Otherwise, in this section of the action plan, it is necessary to include a minimum set of provisions to ensure control over the implementation of actions.

Reports on the implementation of activities are prepared, as a rule, along the entire vertical of management of activities, from ordinary performers to the curator of events, who reports to the body that approved the plan. At the same time, the frequency of providing reports decreases when moving along the vertical of control from the bottom up. The main control function is performed by the event curator; the final decisions on activities are made by the body that approved the action plan. For example:

The head of the working group weekly (on Monday of the week following the reporting one, before 10.00 Moscow time) reports in the prescribed form on the progress of the project to the curator of the events.

The event curator reports on the implementation of events before director general at least once every two weeks.

Control of activities, including the approval of work plans, verification of compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of activities, verification (examination) of the compliance of the results of activities established requirements, carried out by the curator of the events.

Reporting forms can contain information on the implementation of project targets and administrative information on compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of activities, the appointment of performers, planned actions (detailing the activities of the plan), problems in the course of the implementation of activities.

  • Steps to be performed.
  • Results.
  • Planned actions.
  • Problems.
  • Offers.


The annexes to the action plan can contain all the information that is necessary for the implementation of actions, but was not reflected in the above-mentioned main sections of the plan.

Such information may include:

  • plans for the use of resources, including financial (in other words, the budget for activities);
  • a plan of communications and other actions accompanying the implementation of activities;
  • risk analysis of events.


  1. Pyzdek Th. The Six Sigma Project Planner: A Step-by-Step Guide to Leading a Six Sigma Project Through DMAIC - McGraw-Hill. - 2003 .-- 232 p.
  2. Pyzdek Th., Keller P. The Six Sigma Handbook. - McGraw-Hill. - 2010 .-- 548 p.
  3. Andersen B. Business processes. Improvement tools. - M .: RIA "Standards and Quality". - 2005 .-- 272 p.
  4. GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork ”(brought into force by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated 03.03.2003 No. 65-st).
  5. Demidov E.E. Building a control system service company... - Controlling. - 2007. - No. 22. - p. 40 - 50.
  6. Demidov E.E. Effective use of the revolving fund. / Economist's Handbook. - 2013. - No. 1. - p. 80 - 87.
  7. Michael J.L. Lean Six Sigma: Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Speed. - M .: Alpina Business Books. - 2005 .-- 360 p.
  8. Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Fourth edition. (Russian translation.) - Project Management Institute. - 2008 .-- 463 p.

It is also "Ishikawa diagram" and "fishbone diagram".

They are also "time charts", "band charts" or "Gantt charts".

Define - Define, Measure - Measure, Analyze - Analyze, Improve - Improve, Control - Check.

Such losses include: downtime (including waiting), accidents, repeated operations (operations not provided for in the work plan, but performed due to the failure of the planned operations), failure to comply with work speed standards, and other similar types of losses.

How this can be done is described in.

The information obtained will be the basis for combating the decrease in the variability of these random variables in the spirit of Six Sigma, which should be fully developed for the next year of the project.

Manufacturers in every possible way limit the spread of maintenance and repair technologies in order to avoid the appearance of competitors.

Ideally, of course, losses should be reduced to zero, however, given the existing constraints, including time constraints, the 60% we have determined is a real goal. Specifying unrealistic goals devalues ​​both the plan and the entire project.

Linear (arithmetic progression) or non-linear (geometric progression) method. In our example, the target was a monthly PPI reduction of at least 8% from the level of the previous month - with a slight advance, since 100 x (1 - 8/100) 12 = 36.8.

In the real plan, the full name is indicated. performers.

NPO - oilfield equipment.

It is useful to immediately limit the volume of such a report, say, to one page - then the project manager will have to give preference to the most significant achievements, plans and problems.

How to make a plan. Planning events, steps (10+)

Planning. Drawing up an action plan

The most important:

The plan should start from the current state and end with what we want to get. He should lead us from our present position to our goal.

The steps should be small enough to understand how to take each step., and so that you can understand what steps have already been taken and what are to be done.

There must be a timing for each step. in which it should be made. This allows you to understand the chronological sequence of steps, clearly know when and what to do, and assess the degree of implementation of the plan.

Monitor your plan regularly.

If the plan is carried out by several people, then an executor must be assigned for each step. You also need to provide for the interaction of participants in order to coordinate and control the timeliness of steps.

It is advisable to understand which steps depend on which previous ones. This is useful when adjusting the plan if needed.

When adjusting, try to change the steps, but not the timing.

Think about where things might go wrong in your plan. List the risks. Make contingency plans for these risks. You need to understand what you will do if something does not go as planned.

Planning (making a plan)- the most important component of achieving the goal. Big task in itself is frightening. It is not clear from which side to approach it. It is demotivating and depressed. The presence of an understandable executable plan in itself convinces of the achievability of the goal and motivates. The only way to eat an elephant is by eating it in portions.

It is most convenient to draw up a plan in a text editor or a table editor, since we will have to move the lines apart, insert comments and adjust the plan at runtime. It is impossible to do this on paper. I tried to use specialized programs for planning, but I was disappointed, I did not find any additional advantages in them in comparison with the usual table editor.

Structure of the action plan

The plan consists of steps, grouped into stages. Small stages can be grouped into larger ones. Each item of the plan should contain the start and end dates of the stage.

I plan this way. I set a goal. How to set goals correctly can be found here. To begin with, there are only two lines in my plan (the first and the last): the current state of affairs and the desired result (goal). Then I go to the middle of the plan from both ends. On the one hand, I am writing the steps that can be taken starting from the current state (let's call them real steps). On the other hand, I write the conditions for achieving ultimate goal which, in my opinion, are closer than the goal itself (the desired stages). I insert these lines between the first and the last. I try to find such stages so that they eventually meet, that is, the first desired one follows from the last real stage. This usually succeeds, although not always the first time. You may need to study the experience of other people who have already solved similar problems, to consult. If the goal is such that no one has reached before, then all the same, its achievement consists of stages, many of which other people have already passed. So, in planning these stages, you need to rely on someone else's experience, and you will have to think over the unique steps yourself.

For example, consider the development plan foreign language... The sequence in which I added the steps is shown in parentheses.

  • I don’t know a foreign language (1)
  • I ask my friends who know the language how they learned it (3)
  • I select and buy a language manual (7)
  • I am mastering the language by self-study guide to the level of "reading with a dictionary" (8)
  • I enroll in courses with a native speaker, learn pronunciation and listening comprehension (9)
  • Learning words, expanding my vocabulary (10)
  • I read literature in language (11)
  • I read periodicals in this language via the Internet (6)
  • I watch satellite TV programs in this language (5)
  • I visit a country where they speak this language for practice (4)
  • I know a foreign language at a conversational level (2)

Planning activities to clarify the plan. Control and adjustment

I add the points of the plan after the third following the results of the third, that is, asking friends about the ways of mastering the language. This is fine. It is not uncommon for plans to include some research, on the basis of which planning is then continued. But it is important to remember the goal and the deadline by which it must be achieved. Having received the necessary data, we try to draw up a plan leading to the goal at the right time.

In complex plans, it is almost impossible to plan everything in advance. As a result of some steps, information may appear that affects others. I advise you to plan all the steps based on the information that is available. As the plan is being implemented, when new information appears, make adjustments. But at the same time, constantly keep your attention on the ultimate goal and timing. You should always try to adjust the plan so that the deadlines are not shifted. It is easy to start shifting deadlines; it is almost impossible to stop. Adjusting the deadline is the last frontier when nothing else can be offered. My experience shows that if you constantly monitor the implementation of the plan, understand that things are not going as planned, immediately after the problems arise, and not at the end of the stage, then you can make adjustments and complete the plan on time, despite the difficulties that have arisen.

So the most important element in the implementation of the plan is to assess the degree of its implementation. You need to regularly check if the plan is on schedule. This is important for both the collective and the individual plan. How to assess the degree of implementation? This requires sufficient detail.

Level of detail of the plan

Now I detail the stages to such a state that the execution of each step is obvious and takes at most a few hours. If the detailing is done correctly, it is easy to assess the feasibility of each step and you can control how the plan is being implemented.

For example, the stage "Learn 3000 foreign words in a year" is not detailed enough. It is not clear whether this is real, how to approach this, it is impossible to control the execution. At the end of the year, it will become clear that the plan has failed, but it will be too late to take action.

Such detailing will correct the situation: "Daily study ten words, repeat words from the last ten days, repeat words from the day that was a month ago, repeat words from the day that was two months ago." It is clear how to follow these steps. These steps are easy to follow. You either completed these steps in a day or you didn't. These steps lead to the desired result - mastering 3000 words per year.


There is an opinion that the time allotted for the implementation of a certain project is a fixed amount. The difference is how much time you spend preparing and planning. Let's try to represent it graphically.

Question: which option is better?

Obviously, the second: it is cheaper, and in this case there will be fewer errors. Try to spend enough time planning and preparation.

A special focus is that it is necessary to pay special attention to the accuracy of the execution of the plan - otherwise why make it? If you have prepared it, then you must definitely implement it.

Basic planning elements:

- goals and objectives of the event;

- the concept of the event;

- time and place of the event;

- time and pace of performance;

- ways to achieve goals;

- necessary resources and distribution of work:

a) personnel;

b) machinery and equipment;

c) budget;

- work with suppliers and subcontractors.

Formulation of the goals and objectives of the event for its participants

As you prepare your plan, consider how the objectives of the event will sound to the participants. They must be understandable, must meet the interests of the chosen audience, solve their problems or make life better, more convenient.

The formulated goal should be moderately noble, truthful, realistic and realizable. You may find it easier to formulate a goal if you have a reason. The reason for the event may be:

- public or religious holidays;

- annual cycles (for example, the end of the fiscal year, the beginning of the summer season);

- anniversaries, anniversaries, memorable dates;

- important events, news;

- traditions;

- launch of a new product.

Make sure that all members of your team can clearly and approximately equally answer the question about the purpose of the event. This is important both for yourself and for the Clients, since people with completely different expectations, who received different information from the organizers, should not come to the events.

Writing an event concept

If your event is even slightly more complex than an in-house planning meeting, you should write a concept for it. This should be a document that describes your vision of the event: what it will be like when it will take place. Perhaps the actual event will differ from your preliminary expectation. Take it easy. This is a kind of offer to the market. Even if in the end everything does not go as you planned, you should still have a preliminary idea.

“If you don’t care where you want to go, girl, you don’t care where you go,” the smiling Cheshire Cat said to Alice.

The concept will help you understand where you want to go. Include in the concept draft what you could tell a potential attendee over a cup of tea. It doesn't have to be all the information about the event, including the budget and resources involved. This is still internal data. Include in the concept what you could and would like to tell the participants.

The concept can describe the goals and objectives of the event, its the target audience... Give your arguments: why you need to participate in the event. Include technical information there: date and location, information about organizers and supporting organizations, partners and sponsors, indicate the cost of products, contact information, etc.

In the future, the concept can be used as a basis for creating an event website, information brochures, etc.

Time and pace of performance

During the preparation of the event, you may need several time plans of different sizes.

For the convenience of planning, you can use time intervals: month, week, day. The more time before the event, the larger the time periods you can operate on.

Typically, if the preparation of an event begins several months in advance, you will need three plans:

- general work plan - weekly or monthly;

- the plan of the final stage: in the last few days before the event, when all the deadlines come up (from the English. deadline- final, deadlines), the connection of all temporary components must be filigree;

- the scenario of the event itself. It will be quite correct if it is per minute.

If the servant only thinks about what he has to do during the day, he can do everything. You only need to accept what you can finish in one day. Tomorrow will also be only one day.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo, "Hagakure (Hidden in the Foliage)", XVIII century

How to make a plan?

It is best if you already have a plan for a previous event that was extremely successful and only need to make adjustments. Even if the event was not very successful, it is still good if the plan is preserved. This means you can use it because you know where and what needs to be fixed.

If there is no such plan, you will have to draw up it the first time.

Here are some tips.

- Make a general list of all the work to be done before the event. Just write them down in a column on paper. Try to do this with extreme meticulousness.

- Having a list of works, arrange them in a logical reverse order, starting from the day of the upcoming event and up to the present moment.

- List the key dates. These are a kind of checkpoints - checkpoints, in which it is checked how successfully the plan is being executed. On these key dates, the main events for the preparation of the event should take place: sending invitations, booking a hall, paying for air tickets for an invited speaker, etc. necessary for printing the booklet), and with some kind of calendar dates (holidays, days of competing events, exhibitions, etc.).

- Check how the dates are in line with the calendar, take into account holidays, weekends, etc. See how the dates relate to the work plans of the company as a whole: do the planned actions overlap with the vacation of management, participation of the company in exhibitions, participation in large projects of the entire available team of the company ...

- Show your plan to colleagues, contractors (all or that part that concerns them) and make the corrections indicated by them.

The plan is ready, proceed with its implementation.

Most of this work can be done in the Microsoft Project package.

How should the plan be implemented?

You can immediately select the desired pace and follow the target, or work at a different speed.

The graph illustrates the shortest distance between the starting point and the result. That is, the execution of work according to this schedule assumes minimum labor costs and optimal workload.

If you work slower, then in order to achieve the planned result, you will either need to work much more intensively (that is, with overloads) at the final stage, or accept that the results will be much more modest.

If you started to fulfill the plan faster than planned, then this could happen for the following reasons.

- You have set yourself too simple tasks and therefore easily complete them. This is bad, because it means that either you were wrong with the tasks when you could have acted more ambitiously, or you just do not want to take responsibility for planning.

- You set to work with enthusiasm, received the first results, they inspired you, and you think that everything will be fine. There is a danger that soon, due to complacency or simply losing a burning interest in the project, you may relax the intensity of the work, and the results will be much more modest than it seemed in the middle of the project.

Consolidation of plan components into one whole

It is also important that the components connect together. One part of the team must not overtake the other. In some cases you are involved in the preparation of only one event, in others you are responsible for several events at different stages of preparation. If a person does not know that other actions depend on his actions, then he may not realize the importance of the work, the measure of his responsibility and miss something somewhere, or, conversely, run ahead.

For example, you talk to a designer and tell him on Tuesday, the 1st, that you need to make a layout for the booklet, say, on Thursday, the 3rd. The designer says, “Oh, kay.” The booklet has all the raw materials, and there seems to be enough time to complete the assignment. th. At this time ...

You agree with the printing house that on Friday morning, the 4th, you will have a layout and are ready to submit it to print. The print shop prepares, plans the press load times, the time at the repro for color separations, etc. If you miss the time, it will be given to another customer and you will have to re-enter the queue.

The printing house promises that it will print the booklets in four working days, that is, on Friday night, the 11th, you will have a booklet. This is normal, because on Monday, the 14th, your exhibition opens, where you bought a stand and paid $ 5,000 for it, agreed to meet with several very important customers, hired promotional staff to distribute brochures ...

All this money is wasted if the designer didn't get the job done on time. But he does not know how important this day is ... Realizing that he needs to make this layout and the work of ten people depends on its speed and the budget is ten times higher than the cost of his work, the performer has a more responsible attitude to work, he understands motivation and understands why he is required to hand it over today, and not on another day.

I hope you never have such a situation.

Some parts of the event (for example, the opening and closing ceremonies) will have to be thought out and written every second, indicating which actions are going on at the same time, which ones are a signal for other actions, etc.

Also, when drawing up such a plan, you need to pay attention to so that your plan is understandable to other people. Check how clearly you explain everything. For example, after talking about your plan, ask your team to write a script. And then compare it with your own version.

Time is the only completely irreplaceable resource that we have. Don't just read this chapter. Learn more about how to make plans like this, how to manage your time. I can advise you to read Time Drive by Gleb Arkhangelsky, one of the best time management specialists in Russia today. It may help you plan for your personal and professional goals. Which, in fact, is what we need.

Resource planning and work allocation

Keep track of your resources. Necessarily. What you do not consider your resource will be left unattended and will be lost over time. Take an internal inventory and estimate the resources available.

Resources are very diverse. Of course, we can name the following.

Time. How can you manage your time and what are the alternatives? Do you have enough time to plan, prepare and implement the project?

Are you meeting deadlines? What are the ways to save time?

Resource development: you can save time by planning, planning, scheduling. Delegate the solution of tasks and powers, make the most of the computer, the Internet, and other technical means (they are created precisely for this).

Remember that time is one of the most valuable resources. Moreover, like oil, it is non-renewable.

Knowledge. Also a key resource. What's your education? How erudite are you? What specific and unique knowledge do you have? How many books have you read? How much are you reading now? What newspapers and magazines do you read? How many languages ​​do you speak? How do you improve your knowledge? Do you share your knowledge with others? How do you convey this knowledge? Do you not sit on them like the Covetous Knight?

Resource development: read books, magazines, websites, attend educational programs and seminars, participate in industry conferences, use communication with colleagues for these purposes. Buddha learned even from a beggar carrier by a mountain river ...

Finance. What financial capabilities does your company have? How serious are you capable of implementing projects? What are the restrictions on the use of this resource? What is its cost to the company?

Resource development: source financial resources there may be loans, funds of investors and some of your suppliers, giving deferred payments, sponsorship fees and, of course, solvent and grateful Clients.

Staff. Do you have enough staff to handle this project? Is his qualifications, skills and abilities sufficient? How trained is he and how much does he share the values ​​of the company? How loyal your staff is to the company and Clients (!). How close-knit and well-coordinated is your team, how hard is it with work? What stars, unique talents do you have in your team?

Resource development: your staff can constantly develop professionally, you can attract talented and competent people through specialized agencies (headhunters). However, you can also hire temporary staff - students, volunteers, specialists from your suppliers and partners.

Technical base. What own technical means can you use in the current project? What should be purchased in the future? What tasks does your technical base allow to solve and in what state is it?

Resource development: stay tuned. Your hardware, software constantly needs maintenance and modernization. The speed of technical development is amazing. Keep up with progress!

These are the most obvious resources used in preparing an event. However, don't be limited to them. In the field of event management, there are also specific and valuable resources.

- Your experience. You have done similar events and already know everything narrow places, you have statistics and insight into the whole process.

Your connections. Do you have great advisors for every occasion? Can you be recommended? Can you quickly and easily find any specialist you need?

Database. In our region, the importance of this resource can hardly be overestimated. This is a vegetable garden that needs to be carefully weeded and grown. Sometimes for years. It is very important, because information about Clients is stored there.

Your products. How good are they? Are they the best? Are they unique? Are they helpful? Are they scalable?

Your approach to work. How detailed is your activity thought out and worked out? Why are you doing this, for whom?

Your fame. When you are famous, many things are much easier for you than for less famous colleagues. You are freer and more valuable. Of course, I do not mean those about whom they say: “sad famous mr N ".

It is very convenient to be famous. You may be boring and boring to speak from the podium, but the audience in the audience will think that they lack the education to understand you.

(G. Kissinger)

Identify your resources and consider whether you are using them correctly in your work. There can be many resources, more than meets the eye. A memorable phone number or website address can become your resource. It can be an impressive library of business or specialized literature, a useful hobby for an employee, a good office location, a unique client base with hyperloyalty, etc. The list is almost endless.

How did we choose the printing house that prints our brochures? We were not looking for the best value for money. They are just located on the floor below us in the same business center. We have convinced them that we are a regular and accurate Client, have achieved a price reduction that suits us, and are satisfied with the quality. The office in the business center became a resource. Our company has a collection of brochures dedicated to events held by other organizers - conference brochures from England, USA, Germany, Switzerland, France ... This is a source of constant inspiration for finding topics, decorating brochures, etc. Host a collection of materials for similar events.

Once you've identified your resources, try to find ways to develop them.

Planning the course of the event and operational management

In order for the event to go well, you need to properly manage the employees involved in the process on this day, to “conduct” all parts of your “event-orchestra”. This will require an internal script, scheduled by the minute. None of the participants will even suspect the existence of such a document, but the organizers will focus on it. It should be written here who, when and where should be, what to do and what to be responsible for. When writing this document and assigning work and areas of responsibility, you will have two ways to focus on:

- approach 1 - what is;

- approach 2 - what you need.

For example, you can first write down the names of the people at your disposal in a column and distribute all the work only between them. In this case, your employees may be overloaded, but on the other hand, you will not go beyond the budget - only those resources (in this case, human resources) that are available will be used. This is the first approach - to build on what is.

On the contrary, when writing a script for an event, you can describe the ideal model for holding it, assigning roles based on what needs to be achieved, and giving each one one task (one person is only involved in coordinating the work of contractors, the other is exclusively transport from 15.30 to 19.00 and etc.). In this case, you can implement the planned course of the event as efficiently as possible, but it may turn out that additional employees will have to be involved in order to fulfill this plan. This second approach is to build on what is needed.

When writing a script, think about how the different parts of your team will be connected to each other, how communication will be carried out between them. When organizing a large-scale event, the inclusion of an operational headquarters in the plan may be a good solution. This will allow contractors, clients and your employees to use the principle of "one window" when working - that is, to solve a problem, you do not have to look for who specifically deals with this issue, where this person is located and who can replace him - you just need to inform the operational headquarters about the presence of a problem, and his employee will contact the right person himself, give the required orders. However, the operational headquarters is not engaged in solving the problem itself and therefore does not waste time on anything superfluous. His task is to keep his finger on the pulse of the event, to keep abreast of what is happening, to speed up the exchange of information as much as possible, and to ensure that the event scenario is carried out.

Moreover, under the operational headquarters it is not necessary to use an office with hundreds of incoming telephone lines. It may simply be an employee who is released from other duties and who is called in case of emergency. He, like a chess player, keeps the current state of the event in his head.


When preparing the event, use the preliminary investment in the project. Investing in broad sense... The necessary resources should be allocated even during the approval of the project, and not become a subject of bargaining in the course of its implementation. Unfortunately, this also happens quite often.

If a customer (or management) entrusts you with a certain project, then stipulate how much time you can spend on its implementation. And agree that you can manage this time and it will not be cut.

If you were given something extra in the load, then the whole project could be at risk. Just because you run out of time. Better, more correct and far-sighted in this case to say "no".

The same goes for your team time. For example, you have planned all the work and see that you need a team of three full-time employees for two months. According to the preliminary plan, their time has already been scheduled for this period. Ensure that the workload of your group is taken as seriously as possible and your employees are not given additional work.

If you have been allocated a certain budget, then try to ensure that you do not need to spend energy on knocking out the next tranche of funding.

Time has a value. Re-negotiating and agreeing on a budget will take that time away. The one that you planned for other activities and which you must spend on the right things in order to organize the project.

The customers of the event (or company leaders, if the event is internal) must first of all understand the value of someone else's time. Try to make them like-minded people, try to convey to them the idea that pre-investing is the right approach and there is a justification for it. Tell them that you are all in the same boat and that you are all equally interested in the success of the event (I mean, you should really say “All in the same boat”).

How to plan staff workload and cash flows, we'll talk in other chapters.

Now let's look at examples of action plans developed by different companies.

Document 1. Example calendar plan works

Continued doc. 1

Continued doc. 2

Continued doc. 2

Continued doc. 2

Document 3.

An example of an internal conference scenario (fragment).

Only the organizers see it.

General rules

- The meeting place is the registration desk, hall 1, 4th floor. If your work on the script is over or there is a pause, everyone returns to the registration desk.

- There must be perfect order at the check-in desk. Is always.

- Emergency questions, all organizational changes and additions are reported to Anna (8-xxx-xxx-xx-xx).

- If a conference participant asks you a question that you cannot answer, say that you will find out everything in a minute, and give your answer exactly in a minute, as you promised.

- Show everyone that you are a professional who can handle your job. And perfect.

- All persons involved - the organizers of the conference must know where and which hall is located, what will take place in it and at what time. This information is contained in the program.

Continuation of the schedule

End of schedule

This plan describes in detail which employees are responsible for what. This is especially important if one employee is responsible for the implementation of different stages of the event. In order not to miss anything, he must have a document in front of his eyes, which will indicate where he should be at a particular moment in time.

New Year ... We all meet and celebrate it in very different ways. But before the clock strikes twelve on December 31, there may be many more training celebrations: meetings with friends to exchange gifts in advance, children's matinees, as well as corporate work parties for those who work in a team.

Large corporations with hundreds or even thousands of employees usually use the services of specialized companies to organize celebrations. And customers can only agree and pay. Smaller, but rather large enterprises usually have a creative department in charge of such matters. In small companies, the organization of the New Year's celebration usually falls on the fragile shoulders of some secretary and the matter is limited to a noisy or not very feast.

If you are not devoid of enthusiasm, and inspiration, no, no, yes visits, then you are quite capable of organizing a fun New Year's celebration for their colleagues, and first of all for themselves.


One in the field is not a warrior, and even more so when it comes to organizing a holiday. You definitely need volunteers. But not too much to keep the intrigue of the evening for most of the team. When choosing assistants, you should build on their strengths... Ideally, the initiative group should have at least one "creative", one person with organizational talent and one "actor" who is able to embody any conceived image without hesitation in front of the entire team (albeit not too flawlessly). If you and your colleague have all the right qualities- then go ahead!


One is capable of provoking the other. The management can immediately tell you the money limit, and this will push you to any idea for the holiday. Or it can happen the other way around: your idea will be so liked by the management that it will allocate the necessary funds for its implementation.

So the idea. Perhaps the most important thing that can become both a brick, which will drag the whole holiday to the bottom, and a wing, which will lift not only you, but also your satisfied colleagues above the ground. Ideas are not born from scratch. You definitely need food for thought, which will certainly lead to the successful thought that will be the beginning of everything. Analyze your team, its employees, the general mood, rumors that are currently being actively discussed, the type of activity that the company conducts, its main partners, the product that you produce, etc. Anything can inspire an idea. And more often you go the whole way to the result and one thought clings to another, and not a single thought is accidental or stupid. Speak out loud. Voice in the initiative group even the most, at first glance, stupid thoughts. Because even the most insignificant can suddenly turn into "what is needed"!

It so happens that no matter how you fight, you cannot come up with anything original. It's OK! Start with the obvious things, you see, then something more interesting and suitable for your team will emerge.

You can have a carnival or a color party. Invite everyone to come in clothes of a certain color or with some certain obligatory attribute, for example, in a headdress, and everyone will already choose for themselves. And if there is a crisis in the country? You can give a comic tribute to this if everyone comes to the party with a hole in their clothes or absolutely leaky and torn clothes. Great pictures will turn out!

Imagine and let your imagination know no bounds!


It is important. This nuance can also lead you to an idea. It can be like a separate office in your office, its hall or specially rented room... Think about everything in advance, and also how you will decorate it. It depends on the size of the room: will it be possible to arrange a feast or will you have to get by with a buffet table so that there is enough space for everyone. Remember to provide space for dancing, performances (if any), and gifts from the organization (if any). Also, set aside a corner for your props, most likely you will need it.


There are two options for this point: order all the snacks and hot meals ready-made with delivery, or buy everything you need in the store yourself, and lay out and cook on the spot. Everything is much easier if the holiday is held in a cafe or restaurant. If not, then purchases can be made in advance via the Internet so as not to bother with delivery, but can be distributed among colleagues: one buys sweets, another - alcohol, the third - cuts, the fourth - fruits, etc. With this option, it is necessary to draw up a "holiday menu" in advance. And do not forget that the snack should be proportional to the alcohol. Any holiday can be ruined by putting meager food on the table with a large amount of alcohol.

It so happens that the holiday is financed by the employees themselves. You can arrange a parade of homemade dishes: everyone brings a pre-cooked dish from home (salad, appetizer, pies or cake). By the way, the best can be chosen by secret ballot and marked with some memorable souvenir.

When preparing a feast, do not forget to provide: dishes from which you will eat and drink, as well as in which you will lay out fruits and sweets, napkins or paper towels, garbage bags, if you do not specifically purchase. There should be trash cans not far from the table so that if necessary you do not have to run somewhere on purpose.


Always set aside time for this. The main toast, said by the head of the company, designed to take stock and determine the direction of movement in the next year is a must! In advance, you can hold a secret vote on several comic and not very nominations: the most affable employee, the most eloquent, the most representative, etc. You can prepare a board of honor, where all the winners are represented in the form of a friendly cartoon.


In addition to food, toast and dancing, you can come up with a variety of activities that will make your holiday unique. To conduct them, you do not need to wait until your colleagues have already drunk enough: you run the risk of slamming the right mood!
A glass or two of champagne and you can start having fun. Entertainment should be geared towards your colleagues. But with the right atmosphere, even the most modest will become participants in your festive marathon. Always call the bravest volunteers first, if you wish, you can even participate yourself to set an example. Don't be afraid to be funny: looking stupid is a great stress reliever! Awkward at first? But then you will laugh together with the whole company! And what memories will remain!

Perhaps all kinds of contests have already set someone's teeth on edge, but they are universal. Having organized a completely children's competition, you suddenly catch yourself thinking that an adult uncle in a tie, carrying an egg in a spoon, is terribly funny!
Arrange a relay race in which the maximum number of people present can participate. And let it not upset you if someone does not give in to the charm of the evening and stubbornly sits in a corner, looking with doubt at everything that happens ... then his hour has not come yet!

The fun goes off with a bang when two people feed each other blindfolded with some sloppy food, for example, cream cakes. Do not forget to consider how to cover the elegant clothes of the guests so that only your face gets dirty, well, your hands ... well, maybe your hair, but it's very funny! You can divide the guests into pairs and arrange a competition, who will be more accurate, and therefore will remain cleaner after such feeding. And a must-have photo of the couple as a keepsake! A joke prize for the winners.

Blindfolded, you can not only feed, but also draw, dress. Plenty of room for imagination!

Offer the men hockey golf on the carpet. Give them tiny hockey sticks or something similar to them (mops, for example) and have the ball run into a glass that lies on its side. Just make the track longer, so that the path is clearer, and the spectators in the stands have time to cheer.

Race on chairs with wheels backwards. There will be laughter!

Along with active games, there must be a spectacle. This is a moment of respite for colleagues, but not for you.
These can be charades. Or you can think of something more creative. You can come up with a story in which actors will be all or key employees of the company, they should be hidden, but recognizable. For example, some fairytale character, which has distinctive feature a specific employee. Come up with a funny adventure story with a good ending. If it's hard to come up with, you can use some ready-made text, reworking it for yourself and for your company.

You can add a detail to it, some repetitive phrases or sounds that you entrust to speak at a certain moment to a specific employee from among those who wish. The more such moments and phrases there are, the more interesting and fun. Or maybe it will be an action? For example, it could be the bleating of a sheep. But it should fit into the plot in some funny way. Remember Yan Arlazorov, he loved scenes in which he involved the audience.

If you have the opportunity to make a funny corporate video, then take it! And always with funny comments. You can make a cut of past corporate events to remember "how it was."

You can remake a famous song in your own words, and recall all departments or employees in it, if there are not too many of them. Or maybe ditties? About each one you can think of not offensive, but humorous four lines. And so that in them the colleague is sure to be recognizable. During the performance, you can dress up with anyone, but as musical accompaniment use a toy musical instrument or lids from ordinary saucepans, with the sound of which you will stun everyone after each ditty.

You can buy a bunch of funny gifts and run a lottery. At the same time, for each gift, come up with a funny rhyme indicating the scope of the gift. Write rhymes on pieces of paper and put them in a bag, let colleagues pull without looking and read them aloud (or you are for them). It comes out very funny when a bald man pulls out a comb, and a sedate department head is a bib. And the scope of application can be invented by ourselves, and it is not at all necessary that it be obvious. It's even more fun!

Although the Internet is replete with ideas, you can always come up with something of your own. An important condition is to relax and have fun, enjoying the process.
Remember the game from childhood and adapt it for adults, slightly changing the conditions. When drawing up a script for a holiday, be sure to alternate all the components: a feast, toasts, congratulations, active games and spectacles. And make sure they don't stretch too far in time. Then no one will get bored, and there is a chance that all colleagues, no matter how different they are, will be satisfied!
And you will enjoy not only the result, but also the process of preparing the holiday.
Have fun!