Tests for the course “Labor motivation and personnel management. Which of the listed management functions allow the ultimate goal of management is

1. How is the current control carried out in the organization?

1. By listening to employees of the organization at production meetings;

2. By observing the work of employees;

3. + By means of a feedback system between the guiding and guided systems;

4. By means of reports at training camps and meetings;

5. A superior structure.

2. Test. Who should monitor the implementation of the assigned tasks for the team?

1. Specialists;

2. Employees;

3. + Leaders;

4. Individual leaders;

5. Ministries.

3. Control is:

1. + Type of management activity to ensure the fulfillment of certain tasks and the achievement of the goals of the organization;

2. Type of human activity;

3. Monitoring the work of the organization's personnel;

4. Monitoring the implementation of individual tasks by personnel;

5. Constantly checking how the organization is achieving its goals and adjusting its actions.

4. To reduce the need for control, it is advisable:

1. + Create organizational and socio-psychological conditions for staff;

2. Create appropriate social conditions for staff;

3. Create appropriate organizational conditions for staff;

4. Constantly improve the system of incentives for personnel labor;

5. Continuously improve the qualifications of personnel.

5. Control should be:

1. Objective and vowel;

2. Vowel and effective;

3. + Objective, businesslike, efficient, systematic and transparent.

4. Effective;

5. Current.

6. What is the basis of labor motivation in Japanese corporations?

1. Receiving high material rewards;

2. + Harmonization between labor and capital;

3. Recognition of merit;

4. Continuous professional development of personnel;

5. Achieving a competitive advantage.

7. What are the main groups of needs identified by the Ukrainian scientist Tugan-Baranovsky?

1. Physiological and altruistic;

2. Sexual and physiological;

3. + Physiological, sexual, symptomatic instincts and needs, altruistic;

4. Physiological and symptomatic;

5. Physiological, needs for security, in relations of belonging, in self-expression, in self-actualization.

8. When did the issue of labor motivation come up historically?

1. Since the appearance of money;

2. Since the emergence of organizations;

3. Since the appearance of the head of the organization;

4. + Since the birth of organized production;

5. During the bourgeois revolutions in Europe.

Test - 9. How should the motives of prestige be understood?

1. Attempts of the employee to take the highest position in the organization;

2. + Attempts of the employee to realize his social role to take part in socially important work;

3. Attempts by the employee to receive a high salary;

4. Attempts of the employee to take part in social work;

5. The employee's attempts to influence other people.

10. What are the main groups of motives for work identified by the Ukrainian scientist V. Podmarkov?

1. Provision and recognition;

2. Recognition and prestige;

3. + Provision, recognition, prestige;

4. Security and prestige;

5. Image, prestige.

11. Operational plans are developed for a period of:

1. + Half a year, a month, a decade, a week;

2. On working days;

12. Planning is understood as:

1. Type of activity;

2. + A separate type of management activity, which determines the perspective and future state of the organization;

3. Development perspective;

4. The state of the organization;

5. Integration of activities.

13. Organizational planning is carried out:

1. Only at the highest level of management;

2. At the highest and middle levels of management;

3. At the middle level of management;

4. + At all levels of government;

5. Determining the needs of subordinates.

14. If you have to explain what the planning function is, you will say that it is:

1. + Establishing goals and objectives for the development of management objects, identifying ways and means of achieving them;

2. Setting the goals of the organization;

3. Determination of ways and means of completing tasks;

4. Determination of ways to achieve the goals of the organization;

5. Modeling the actions of the organization.

15. One of the forms of monopoly, the association of many industrial, financial and commercial enterprises, which formally remain independent, but in fact are subject to financial control and to the management of the group of enterprises dominating in the merger:

1. + Concern;

2. Cartel;

3. Consortium;

4. Corporation;

5. Association.

16. Type of economic activity in which some of the participants are liable for debts with all their property, and some only within the limits of their contributions to the authorized capital

1. Subsidiary partnership;

3. General partnership;

4. + Limited partnership;

5. Joint Stock Company.

17. The type of economic activity in which its participants are responsible for the debts of the enterprise with their contributions to the authorized capital, and in the event of a shortage of these amounts, additional property that belongs to them:

1. Full partnership;

2. Limited Liability Partnership;

3. Limited partnership;

4. + Partnership with additional liability;

5. Production cooperative.

18. The type of economic activity, when all its participants are engaged in joint entrepreneurial activities and bear joint responsibility for the obligations of the company with all their property is -:

1. Partnership with additional liability;

2. Limited Liability Partnership;

3. + Full partnership;

4. Limited partnership;

5. Joint Stock Company.

19. An organization that has unambiguous internal relationships and strict regulation of all aspects of its activities is:

1. Primary organization;

2. Organic organization;

3. Secondary organization;

5. At the corporate level.

20. The means of labor motivation do not include:

1. Rewards;

2. Conducting production meetings;

3. Professional development of personnel;

4. + Providing conditions for self-expression;

5. Announcement of gratitude.

21. The following theory of motivation is based on the belief that for a certain work performed a person will receive a reward:

1. Equity;

2. Needs;

3. Rewards;

4. + Expectations;

5. Assumptions.

22. In accordance with the Mescon concept, the main (general) management functions are implemented in the following order:

1. + Planning, organization, motivation, control;

2. Organization, planning, control, motivation;

3. Planning, organization, control, motivation;

4. Motivation, control, planning, organization;

5. Strategy, planning, organization, control.

23. When is the final control in the organization carried out?

1. Before the actual start of work;

2. + After completing the planned work;

3. In the course of carrying out certain works;

5. After achieving the goals.

24. When is the organization's current control carried out?

1. After completing certain work;

2. Before the actual commencement of certain work;

3. + In the course of carrying out certain works;

4. When it is convenient for the leader;

5. When it is convenient for the team.

25. What does the management function "motivation" provide?

1. Achievement of personal goals;

2. + Encouraging employees to effectively perform the assigned tasks;

3. Execution of the adopted management decisions;

4. Ensuring undisputed influence on the subordinate;

5. Motivation of employees to work.

26. If you have to explain what the function of motivation is, then you will say that it is:

1. The process of achieving the goals set for the administration;

2. Encouraging yourself to be effective;

3. + The process of encouraging oneself and others to effectively achieve the goals set for the organization;

4. A way of influencing personnel in order to achieve goals;

4. + Mechanistic organization;

5. Dynamic organization.

27. The following phases of the organization's life cycle are defined:

1. Creation, formation, development, revival;

2. Birth, maturity;

3. + Birth, childhood, adolescence, maturity, aging, rebirth;

4. Birth, maturity, rebirth;

5. Creation, development, maturity, aging.

28. The main constituent elements of the internal environment of the organization do not include:

1. Consumers, competitors, laws;

2. + Goals, objectives;

3. Personnel, technology;

4. Management structure;

5. Consumers.

29. What should be understood by the mission of the organization?

1. The main tasks of the organization;

2. The main functions of the organization;

3. Main line of business;

4. + Clearly expressed reasons for existence;

5. Basic principles of the organization.

30. If you have to explain what is meant by an organization, you will say that it is:

1. Uniting people to perform certain jobs;

2. + Conscious association of people, which acts on the basis of certain procedures and rules and jointly implements a certain program or goals;

3. A group of people who jointly implement certain programs; ...

4. A group of people who unite on the basis of sympathy for each other for the realization of personal goals;

5. Bringing people together by interests.

31. The internal environment includes:

2. The state of the economy, changes in politics, social culture, scientific and technological progress, technologies, group interests, the international environment;

3. + Goals, personnel, tasks, structure, technology, organizational culture;

32. Test of management. The external environment of the organization of indirect action includes:

1. Suppliers, manpower, laws and regulatory agencies, consumers, competitors;

2. + State of the economy, changes in politics, social culture, scientific and technological progress, technologies, group interests, international environment;

3. Goals, personnel, tasks, structure, technology, organizational culture;

4. Plans, forecasts, organizational structure, motivation, control;

5. Partners, staff, social and psychological conditions.

33. What principles of management was substantiated in his book "Nicomachean Ethics" by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle?

1. + Ethical and aesthetic principles;

2. Organizational;

3. Corporate;

4. Moral principles;

5. Specific principles.

34. How can you explain the essence of the principle of "subordination of personal interest to the general"?

1. The organization should always take into account only the personal interest of the leaders of the organization;

2. The interest of one employee should prevail over the interests of the organization as a whole;

3. The interests of individual managers should prevail over the interests of individual groups of workers;

4. + In the organization, the interests of one employee or group should not prevail over the interests of the organization as a whole;

5. The interests of the organization should not prevail over the interests of the collective.

35. What does discipline provide as a management principle?

1. Fulfillment of assigned tasks by all employees;

2. + Strict adherence by the administration of the enterprise and its personnel to the concluded collective agreement and contract;

3. Execution of assigned tasks by managers;

4. Fulfillment of the assigned tasks by the employees of the administrative apparatus;

5. Full subordination of employees to the management apparatus.

36. What should modern management principles reflect?

1. Basic laws of management;

2. The main connections that are formed in the system;

3. Basic relationships that develop in the system;

4. + Basic properties, connections and relations of management, which are formed in the system;

5. Mandatory presence of a goal in management.

37. What is the basis for the management of any system?

1. + Principles that reflect the market conditions of business;

2. Methods of management;

3. Management functions;

4. Financial resources;

5. Object of management.

38. Where, in the opinion of domestic and foreign management specialists, was the practice of managing an organization formed?

1. In Sumeria, Macedonia, Rome, Kievan Rus;

2. In Kievan Rus;

3. + In Rome and Sumeria;

4. In Sumeria and Macedonia;

5. In the Russian Empire.

Test. 39. An approach that requires an optimal decision, which depends on the ratio of interacting factors, is:

1. + Situational approach;

2. Systematic approach;

3. Process approach;

4. Behavioral approach;

5. Current approach. ;

40. If management considers all processes and phenomena in the form of an integral system, which has new qualities and functions that are absent from the elements that make them up, then we are dealing with:

1. Behavioral approach.

2. Process approach;

3. A situational approach;
4. + Systematic approach;

5. The current approach.

41. What is the constituent control?

1. + Marketing;

2. Management;

3. Economic processes;

4. Socio-economic processes;

5. Finance.

42. What methods of management, organizations have a leading role in modern conditions?

1. + Economic;

2. Socio-psychological;

3. Organizational and administrative;

4. Administrative;

5. Socio-economic.

43. Primary needs include:

1. Psychological;

2. + Physiological;

3. Economic;

4. Material;

5. Social.

44. Needs are:

1. Primary and internal;

2. Internal and secondary;

3. + Primary, secondary, internal and external;

4. Internal and external;

5. Primary and external.

45. Motivation is based on:

1. Needs and self-expression;

2. + Needs and rewards;

3. Rewards and satisfaction of individuals;

4. The satisfaction of all people;

5. Self-expression and rewards.

46. ​​The main form of material incentives for the organization's personnel is:

1. Prizes;

2. Prizes and valuable gifts;

3. Valuable gifts and salary;

4. + Salary;

5. Bonuses and salaries.

47. What creates a management structure for an organization?

1. A set of linear controls;

2. A set of functional services;

3. A set of linear and functional services (bodies);

4. + A set of governing bodies;

5. A set of program-targeted services.

48. The analysis of the organization's competitors is carried out in order to:

1. Definition of their strategy and strengths;

2. Definition of their goals and strengths;

3. + Definition of their goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses;

4. Strategy definitions;

5. Definition of their goals and weaknesses.

49. The objectives of the organization should satisfy the following basic requirements:

1. + Achievability, concreteness, orientation in time;

2. Reachability and orientation in time;

3. Orientation in time and concreteness;

4. Achievability;

5. Orientation in time.

50. When did the term "organization" become widespread in the economic literature?

1. In the 20s of the XX century;

2. In the 30s of the XX century;

3. + In the 60s of the XX century;

4. In the 70s of the XX century;

5. In the 80s of the XX century.

51. Organization as an object of management:

A. Acts as the main unit of the market economy, within which management decisions are made

b. Serves as a link between the state and consumers of goods and services produced

v. Helps the government in collecting and accumulating various types of taxes

52. Which of the listed management functions are based on the needs and interests of employees?

a. Control

b. Planning

B. Motivation

53. The practice of management has arisen:

a. During the rapid industrialization of industrial production

b. Simultaneously with the emergence of a systematic approach to management

B. Simultaneously with the unification of people in organized groups

54. The ultimate goal of management is:

a. Streamlining the organization of production

B. Ensuring the profitability of the enterprise

v. Increased employee motivation

55. What is the most important management function?

A. Creation of favorable conditions for the further development and functioning of the enterprise

b. Increasing the productivity of workers

v. Continuous implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in production

56. Is management of productive labor?

a. No. Managers and managers are not directly involved in the production process.

b. Depending on the form of ownership and specialization of the organization

Q. Yes. Because management is an integral part of the production process

57. What is not a product of a manager's labor?

A. Goods and services

b. Decision on the choice of sales markets

v. Business plan preparation

58. The size of the organization in management is determined by:

The number of departments and structural units

The number of people working in it

The number of regular customers and / or customers

59. The purpose of stabilization management is:

Development of measures that can affect the stabilization of the financial condition of the company

Wedging a firm into sectoral and inter-sectoral structures to stabilize its financial condition

Continuous implementation and implementation of measures aimed at stabilizing the financial, personnel, technical and technological, internal and external structure of the organization

60. What characterizes the controllability rate?

The total number of people who are subordinate to one leader

The number of duties fixed in the job description for each individual employee

Time taken by the employee to complete the task of the manager

61. Management is a science that studies:

Human potential

Interaction of employees within the team

Management processes of material, raw materials, labor, etc. firm resources

62. Research methods in management:

They are specific ways to implement management decisions that lead to the achievement of the goals and objectives.

These are specific methods of cognition, techniques, approaches and principles that make the impact on the control object effective.

A set of rules, norms and scientific techniques that are used to study the motivational characteristics of employees

63. Management as a science is:

A complex of interdisciplinary research aimed at studying the principles of making effective management decisions

Specific economic knowledge that studies all types of resources and their management

Area of ​​expertise on how to effectively influence the resources available in the organization

64 - test. Management methods are:

Approaches to the selection and culling of resources

Ways to improve the efficiency of the resources used

Techniques and methods of influencing the team, as well as individual employees to achieve the goals and mission of the organization

65. Planning as a management function consists in:

Formulation of development goals of the organization, as well as determining ways to achieve them

Development of tactical and strategic plans for the economic activities of the organization

Drawing up production plans for each employee

66. The decision-making process in management is:

Chaotic process

Systematized process

Routine activities

67. The criterion for the effectiveness of management is:

The period during which the organization operates in the market

A set of indicators that characterize how effective the work of systems and subsystems managed in the organization

Continuous growth in profits

Test. 68. The tasks of management are:

Development and scientific justification of management decisions

Creation of the necessary conditions for making rational and effective management decisions

Development, testing in practice and implementation of scientific methods, approaches and principles that ensure the coordinated and uninterrupted work of the team and its individual members

69. What is the object and subject of management?

Objects - management decisions, subjects - managers, subordinates

Objects - production activities and interaction with contractors, resources of all types, market, information, subject - manager

Objects - money, labor resources, market, subject - market economy

70. Management is in management:

The main method of work of the head

The process of organizing information and proper management of it

The process of forecasting and planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling, which allows you to formulate the goals of the organization and outline ways to achieve them

71. Organization is in management:

A group of people who work together to achieve a specific goal, while acting on the basis of certain rules

Main control system

Main managed subsystem

72. The founder of management science:

F. Taylor

73. The basis of labor collective motivation in Japanese companies is:

Balance between capital and labor

Continuous improvement of the qualification level

Bonuses for unusual approaches to solving work problems

74. Who implements the control function?

Line managers

All team members

Top management of the company

75. What determines the number of subordinates of the head?

Type of organization

Hierarchical level

Position held

76. By what principle is it impossible to classify management decisions?

Level of responsibility


Degrees of formalization

1 What management action is not a personnel management function?

a) planning;

b) forecasting;

c) motivation;

d) drawing up reports;

e) organization.

2. The management staff includes:

a) auxiliary workers;

b) seasonal workers;

c) junior service personnel;

d) managers, specialists;

e) main workers.

Test 3. Japanese personnel management does not apply:

a) life-long employment;

b) principles of seniority in payment and appointment;

c) collective responsibility;

d) informal control;

e) advancement in the career hierarchy depends on professionalism and successfully completed tasks, and not on the age of the worker or seniority.

4. What disciplines are not associated with the system of labor and personnel sciences?

a) Labor Economics;

b) "Transport systems";

c) "Psychology";

d) "Physiology of Labor";

e) Sociology of Labor.

5 The job description at the enterprise is developed with the aim of:

a) determination of certain qualification requirements, duties, rights and responsibilities of the personnel of the enterprise;

b) hiring workers at the enterprise;

c) selection of personnel for a specific position;

d) in accordance with the current legislation;

e) achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise.

6. The study of the personnel policy of competing enterprises is directed to:

a) for the development of new types of products;

b) to determine the strategic course of development of the enterprise;

c) to create additional jobs;

d) to re-profile the activities of the enterprise;

e) to develop an effective personnel policy for your company.

7. What does investing in human capital include?

a) investment in production;

b) investing in new technologies;

c) expenses for staff development;

d) investing in the construction of new structures.

e) investing in improving the organizational structure of the enterprise.

8. Human capital is:

a) the form of investment in a person, that is, the costs of general and special education, the accumulation of the amount of health from birth and through the upbringing system until the working age, as well as economically significant mobility.

b) investing in means of production;

c) intangible assets of the enterprise.

d) tangible assets of the enterprise;

e) it is a set of forms and methods of work of the administration that ensure an effective result.

9. Personnel management functions are:

a) a set of directions and approaches to work with personnel, focused on meeting the production and social needs of the enterprise;

b) a set of directions and approaches to improve the efficiency of the enterprise;

c) a set of directions and approaches to increase the authorized fund of the organization;

d) a set of directions and approaches to improve the strategy of the enterprise;

e) a set of directions and measures to reduce the cost of production.

10. The potential of a specialist is:

a) a set of opportunities, knowledge, experience, aspirations and needs;

b) human health;

c) the ability to adapt to new conditions;

d) the ability to improve skills on the job;

e) the ability of a person to produce products

11. Horizontal movement of the worker provides for the following situation:

a) transfer from one job to another with a change in salary or level of responsibility;

b) transfer from one job to another without changing wages or level of responsibility;

c) the release of the worker;

d) demotion of a worker in position;

e) promotion of the worker in position.

12. Professiogram is:

a) a list of the rights and obligations of employees;

b) a description of the general labor and special skills of each employee at the enterprise;

c) this is a description of the characteristics of a certain profession, revealing the content of professional work, as well as the requirements for a person.

d) a list of professions that an employee can master within his competence;

e) a list of all professions.

13. What section does the job description not contain?

a) "General Provisions";

b) "Main tasks";

c) "Job responsibilities";

d) "Management powers";

e) "Conclusions".

14. Intellectual conflicts are based on:

a) on the collision of approximately equal in strength, but oppositely directed needs, motives, interests and hobbies in the same person;

b) a clash of armed groups of people;

c) on the struggle of ideas in science, unity and the collision of such opposites as true and erroneous;

d) on the confrontation between good and evil, duties and conscience;

e) on the opposition of justice and injustice.

15. A conflict situation is:

a) clash of interests of different people with aggressive actions;

b) objects, people, phenomena, events, relationships that need to be brought to a certain balance to ensure a comfortable state of the individuals who are in the field of this situation;

c) the state of negotiations during the conflict;

d) determination of the stages of the conflict;

e) conflicting positions of the parties regarding the solution of any issues.

16. At what stage of the conflict does a clear (visual) manifestation of acute disagreements appear, achieved in the course of the conflict:

a) the beginning;

b) development;

c) culmination;

d) ending;

e) post-conflict syndrome as a psychological experience.

17. The latent period of the conflict is characterized by the following feature:

a) the parties have not yet declared their claims to each other;

b) one of the parties admits itself defeated or an armistice is reached;

c) public identification of antagonism, both for the parties to the conflict themselves and for outside observers;

d) extreme aggressive discontent, blocking of aspirations, prolonged negative emotional experience that disorganizes consciousness and activity;

e) there are no external aggressive actions between the conflicting parties, but indirect methods of influence are used.

18. The style of behavior in a conflict situation, characterized by the active struggle of the individual for his interests, the use of all means available to him to achieve the set goals is:

a) adaptation, compliance;

b) evasion;

c) confrontation, competition;

d) cooperation;

e) compromise.

19. Comprehensive assessment of work is:

a) assessment of professional knowledge and skills using test questions;

b) determination of a set of estimated indicators of quality, complexity and efficiency of work and comparison with previous periods using weight coefficients;

c) assessment of professional knowledge, habits and intelligence level using test questions;

d) determination of professional knowledge and habits using special tests with their further decoding.

e) assessment of professional knowledge, habits and intelligence level using sociological surveys.

20. Collegiality in management is a situation when:

a) the personnel of a certain unit are colleagues in relation to each other;

b) only the head of the organization can manage personnel, but he can delegate some powers to his subordinates;

c) there is a decentralization of the organization's management;

d) employers work in close contact with each other and are linked by bonds of cooperation and interdependence, constitute a management staff.

e) there is a centralization of management of the organization.

21. What subsystem of personnel management is aimed at developing a promising personnel policy:

a) functional;

b) tactical;

c) manager;

d) providing;

e) strategic.

22. The goal of which school was to create universal principles of management:

a) school of scientific management;

d) school of behavioral science;

23. The personnel potential of the enterprise is:

a) a set of working specialists who get a job, study and improve their qualifications on-the-job;

b) a set of working specialists;

c) the totality of those applying for a job;

d) a set of students and advanced training on-the-job;

e) the totality of those moving up the career ladder.

24. What is the provision of the theory of acquired needs D McClelland:

b) the distribution of all workers to those who want to work and those who do not want to work;

c) the worker has a need for achievement, for participation, for power;

d) a person's need to be fairly rewarded;

e) all human needs are located in a certain hierarchy.

25. What theory of motivation belongs to the procedural theories?

a) A. Maslow's theory of needs;

b) V. Vroom's theory of expectation;

c) D. McCleland's theory of acquired needs;

d) K. Alderfer's theory of existence, connection and growth;

e) F. Getsberg's theory of two factors.

26. Valence according to V. Vroom's theory is:

a) the measure of remuneration;

b) a measure of expectation;

c) expectation of a certain reward in response to the achievement of results;

d) a measure of value or priority;

e) expectation of the desired result from the additional effort expended.

27. The main thesis of which theory is that people subjectively determine the ratio of the reward received to the effort expended and correlate with the reward of other people?

a) A. Maslow's theory of needs;

b) V. Vroom's theory of expectation;

c) the extended Porter - Lawler expectation model;

d) D. McClleland's theory of acquired needs;

e) the theory of equality by S. Adams.

28. BF Skinner's gain theory based on the following statement:

a) highlighting hygienic and motivating factors;

b) people's behavior is due to the consequences of their activities in a similar situation in the past;

c) all human needs located in a certain hierarchy;

d) a person's need is based on fair remuneration;

e) the worker has a need for achievement, for participation, for power;

a) B.F.Skinner;

b) S. Adams;

c) V. Vroom;

d) the Porter - Lawler model;

e) F. Herzberg.

30. What position relates to the theory of motivation Porter-Lawler:

a) effective work leads to employee satisfaction;

b) a responsible person;

c) people's behavior is due to the consequences of their activities in a similar situation in the past;

d) a person seeks to delegate authority;

e) a person is satisfied only with economic incentives.

31. What needs in A. Maslow's theory are basic (located at the lowest level of the hierarchy of needs)?

a) physiological;

b) security and safety;

c) affiliation and involvement;

d) recognition and respect;

e) self-expression.

32. What position does not apply to the theory of motivation by F. Herzberg:

a) the lack of hygienic factors leads to dissatisfaction with work;

b) the presence of motivators can only partially and incompletely compensate for the lack of hygiene factors;

c) under normal conditions, the presence of hygienic factors is perceived as natural and does not have a motivational effect;

d) the maximum positive motivational impact is achieved with the help of motivators in the presence of hygiene factors;

e) the maximum positive motivational impact is achieved with the help of motivators in the absence of hygiene factors;

33. How many groups of needs is allocated by the theoretical model of motivation K. Alderfer:

at four;

34. The average wage level for one employee is calculated:

a) as the ratio of quality products to the total volume of marketable products;

b) as the ratio of profit to the cost of production;

c) as the ratio of the cost to the cost of marketable products;

d) as the ratio of the volume of products produced to the total number of employees;

e) as the ratio of the general wage fund to the total number of personnel.

35. What style of leadership does not include the model describing the dependence of the style of leadership on the situation, proposed by T. Mitchell and R. House?

a) "support style";

b) "instrumental" style;

c) style oriented towards achievement;

d) leadership style focused on the participation of subordinates in decision-making;

e) the "offer" style.

36. What style of leadership does not include the theory of the life cycle of P. Hersey and K. Blanchard?

a) the style of "giving directions";

b) "sell instructions";

c) "inform".

d) "participate";

e) "delegate";

37. How many options for leadership distinguishes the model of leadership styles Vroom-Yetton:

b) four;

38. Which of the five basic leadership styles, according to the two-dimensional model of leadership behavior (Blake and Mouton's management grid), is the most effective?

a) "fear of poverty";

b) "Team" (group control);

c) "Rest House - Country Club";

d) "Power - subordination - task";

e) "In the middle of the way";

39. What kind of power implies the belief of the performer that the influencer has the ability to satisfy his needs:

c) expert authority;

d) reference power;

e) legal authority.

40. What kind of power implies the belief of the performer that the influential has the ability to force and the full right to punish:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert authority;

d) reference power;

e) legal authority.

41. What type of power implies the belief of the performer that the leader has special knowledge and competence that will satisfy his needs:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert authority;

d) reference power;

e) legal authority.

42. What kind of authority implies the belief of the performer that the influential has the right to give orders and that it is his duty to obey them:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert authority;

d) reference power;

e) legal authority.

43. In what kind of power are the characteristics and properties of the influential so attractive to the performer that he wants to be the same as the influential:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert authority;

d) reference power;

e) legal authority.

44 Determination of the qualifications of a specialist, the level of knowledge or feedback on his abilities, business and other qualities:

a) certification;

d) job description;

e) approbation.

45 A leader with enough power to impose his will on the executors.

a) an autocratic leader;

b) a democratic leader;

c) liberal leader;

d) advisory leader;

e) instrumental leader.

46 Conflicts, depending on the method of resolution, are divided into:

a) social, national, ethnic, interethnic, organizational, emotional;

b) antagonistic, compromise;

c) vertical, horizontal;

d) open, hidden, potential;

e) intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup.

47 The costs of health care, education, physical formation, intellectual development, general education, acquisition of a specialty are:

a) investments in the construction of sports complexes;

b) investment in human capital;

c) investment in new technologies;

d) investment in production;

e) investments in educational and recreational complexes.

48 The indicator is characterized by a change in price indices for goods and services that are included in the consumer baskets of the minimum consumer budget:

a) price indices;

b) the index of the cost of living;

c) indices of agricultural products;

d) indices of livestock production;

e) indices of crop production.

49 Intangible personal property: a product of intellectual activity, which manifests itself in the effect of use in various spheres of society:

a) intangible property;

b) intellectual property;

c) radio frequency resource;

d) material property;

e) aerospace development.

50 Regulates the relationship between employers, i.e. buyers of products of intellectual work and the subjects of intellectual activity themselves regarding the formation of the price of intellectual work:

a) financial market infrastructure;

b) agricultural exchanges;

c) infrastructure of the intellectual labor market;

d) funds for promoting entrepreneurship;

e) owners of intellectual work.

51 What the infrastructure of the market for knowledge-based labor does not include:

a) labor exchanges;

b) agricultural exchanges;

c) funds and employment centers;

d) centers, institutes for retraining and advanced training of specialists;

e) electronic labor markets (automated data banks);

52 Skills to understand and interact effectively with other people:

a) semantic;

b) communicative;

c) non-verbal;

d) verbal;

e) professional.

53 What feature is characteristic of a formal group (team) in an organization:

a) association by interests and goals;

b) there is no clear role structure - division of labor and management;

c) a sign of a social community (for example, by nationality, signs of social origin);

d) groups have different social significance in society, at the enterprise - of a positive or negative orientation;

e) the structure of collectives and groups is determined by the relevant official documents that provide for the range of duties and rights, both of the entire collective and of individual employees included in its composition.

54 A calculated indicator that takes into account logical thinking, the ability to achieve the set goal, the objectivity of self-esteem, the ability to formulate informed judgments:

a) the coefficient of intellectual development (IQ);

b) the coefficient of the tariff scale;

c) labor productivity;

d) annual salary;

e) the value of human capital.

55 Which component does not include a person's labor potential:

a) human health;

b) education;

c) professionalism;

d) creativity (ability to work, think in a new way);

e) deposit accounts with banks.

56 What is staff adaptation?

a) improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve the professional skills of workers, their assimilation of advanced technology, technology, means of production;

b) activities that are carried out deliberately to improve the capabilities of personnel, which are necessary to perform work or to develop the potential of employees;

c) participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel, taking into account the requirements of specific professions and jobs in order to provide the best career guidance for employees;

d) the relationship between the employee and the organization, which is based on the gradual adaptation of employees to new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions;

e) participation of personnel in certification.

57 The division of labor provides for:

a) the performance by one employee of all functions and actions for the manufacture of a specific product;

b) division of labor according to systematized labor functions;

c) a careful calculation of the costs of work for the production of products and services.

d) performance by one employee of all functions and actions for the manufacture of a set of products;

e) performance by several employees of one function for the manufacture of a complex product.

58 Standardized working hours include:

a) all expenditures of time that are objectively necessary to complete a specific task;

b) the total duration of the work shift during which the employee performs labor functions;

c) the time of preparatory and procurement work for the task;

d) the time of service of the workplace;

e) a) all expenditures of time that are objectively necessary to complete all tasks.

59 The production rate is based on:

a) on the establishment of norms for the expenditure of time;

b) on determining the amount of products that must be manufactured by one worker;

c) on the establishment of norms of work costs;

d) at the time of service of the workplace;

e) at the required number of workplaces, the size of production areas and other production facilities assigned to service for one employee or team.

60 The method of personnel assessment, which provides for a conversation with an employee in a “question-answer” mode, according to a pre-drawn scheme or without it, to obtain additional information about a person, is a method:

a) interviewing;

b) questionnaires;

c) sociological survey;

d) testing;

e) observation.

61 Conscious motivation of a person to take a certain action is:

b) needs;

c) claims;

d) expectations;

e) incentives.

62 Benefits, material values, to which a person's labor activity is directed, are:

b) needs;

c) claims;

d) expectations;

e) incentives.

63 Methods involving the transfer of information to employees that allow them to independently organize their behavior and their activities are:

a) various methods of incentives;

b) methods of information;

c) methods of persuasion;

d) methods of administrative coercion;

e) economic methods.

64 Among the qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the management system, single out the quantitative indicator:

a) the level of qualifications of employees of the management apparatus;

b) the validity and timeliness of decision-making by management personnel;

c) the level of use of scientific methods, organizational and computer technology;

d) the level of organizational culture;

e) the amount of expenses for the maintenance of the management apparatus in the general wages fund of personnel.

65 The ratio of the increase in labor productivity to the increase in average wages is:

a) the level of staff turnover;

b) production profitability;

c) payroll fund;

d) the level of labor discipline;

e) the ratio of the rate of increase in labor productivity to wages.

66 The ratio of the number of dismissed employees to the total number of personnel is calculated:

a) the level of labor discipline;

b) the reliability of the personnel;

c) staff turnover;

d) socio-psychological climate in the team;

e) the coefficient of labor contribution.

67. Test. The ratio of the number of cases of violation of labor and executive discipline to the total number of personnel is an indicator:

a) the reliability of the personnel;

b) the level of labor discipline;

c) staff turnover;

d) the socio-psychological climate in the team;

e) the coefficient of labor contribution.

68 What type of unemployment characterizes the best labor force reserve for the economy, capable of sufficiently quickly making inter-sectoral movements depending on fluctuations in labor demand and supply?

a) structural unemployment;

b) technological unemployment;

c) natural unemployment;

d) economic unemployment;

e) involuntary unemployment.

69 Which school of management thought that observation, measurement, logic, and analysis could improve many manual operations to make them more efficient?

a) classical school or school of administration;

b) the school of human relations;

c) school of behavioral science;

d) school of scientific management;

e) School of Management Science or Quantitative Methods.

70 Scientists of which school of management first defined management as “ensuring that work is done with the help of others”?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) School of Management Science or Quantitative Methods.

71 Researchers from which school of management recommended the use of human relations management techniques that include more effective actions by supervisors, consultation with employees and giving them more opportunities to communicate at work?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) school of behavioral science;

d) the school of human relations;

e) School of Management Science or Quantitative Methods.

72 Researchers from which school of management studied various aspects of social interaction, motivation, the nature of power and authority, organizational structure, communication in organizations, leadership, changes in the content of work and the quality of working life?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) School of Management Science or Quantitative Methods.

73 A key characteristic of which school of management is the replacement of verbal reasoning and descriptive analysis with models, symbols and quantitative meanings?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) School of Management Science or Quantitative Methods.

74 Which of the 14 principles of management outlined by Henri Fayol will lead to better results with the same amount of effort:

a) autocracy (one-man rule);

b) division of labor (specialization);

c) unity of direction and a single work plan;

d) scalar control chain;

e) stability of the workplace for staff.

75 According to what principle, outlined by Henri Fayol, a person should receive orders from only one boss and obey only him?

a) one-man management;

b) scalar control chain;

in order;

d) initiative;

76 Which of the schools in the theory of development of personnel management formulated the functions of management:

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) School of Management Science or Quantitative Methods.

77 Which approach helps to integrate the contributions of all schools that at different times dominated the theory and practice of management:

a) situational approach;

b) process approach;

c) a systematic approach?

78 Model "Z" contains the basic ideas of American and Japanese management and is regarded by most specialists as ideal. It combines a system of individual values ​​and group forms of interaction. Which of the following ideas is typical for American management:

a) long-term work at the enterprise;

b) making strategic and managerial decisions based on the principle of consensus;

c) individual responsibility;

d) slow job promotion, which allows you to accurately assess the ability of employees;

e) increased attention to the personality of the employee, his family and household concerns.

79 Which of the presented factors of the efficiency of the enterprise is most conducive to stimulating the activities of employees:

a) strategic goal;

b) information;

c) management methods;

d) motivation system;

e) selection of personnel.

a) establish meaningful standards perceived by employees;

b) establish two-way communication;

c) avoid excessive control;

d) set tough but achievable standards;

e) reward for achieving the standard.

81 There are four main types of human behavior, the formation of which occurs on the basis of people's attitude to the norms of behavior and values ​​of the enterprise. What type of behavior is characterized by high reliability:

a) dedicated and disciplined (fully accepts values ​​and norms of behavior, his actions do not conflict with the interests of the organization);

b) "original" (accepts the values ​​of the enterprise, but does not accept the existing norms of behavior, generates many difficulties in relationships with colleagues and management);

c) "opportunist" (does not accept the values ​​of the enterprise, tries to behave, fully following the norms and forms of behavior adopted at the enterprise);

d) "rebel" (does not accept either the norms of behavior or the values ​​of the enterprise, all the time comes into conflict with the environment and creates conflict situations).

82 According to Theory "X", a leader should:

a) coerce subordinates;

b) threaten subordinates;

c) understand them and stimulate work;

d) respect subordinates;

e) do the work for them.

83 From the point of view of the "Y" theory, the manager must believe in the potential of the person and treat the subordinates as responsible people striving for full self-realization. According to this theory:

a) work is not contrary to human nature;

b) work gives people satisfaction;

c) employees are trying to get everything they can from the company;

d) the person does not like to work;

e) a person is ready to work only for a high material remuneration.

84. In order to effectively use money as a motivator and avoid its impact as a demotivator, you should:

a) pay competitive salaries to attract and retain specialists;

b) pay wages that reflect the cost of work for the enterprise on an equitable basis;

c) link the pay with the quality of performance or the result, so that the reward is commensurate with the efforts of the employee;

d) assure the employee that his efforts will be rewarded with an appropriate reward;

e) pay wages not less than the subsistence minimum.

85. According to what principle outlined by Henri Fayol, in order to ensure the loyalty and support of workers, they should receive payment for their service?

a) one-man management;

b) scalar chain;

in order;

d) staff remuneration;

e) authority and responsibility.

86. What type of power influences people through culturally imparted values:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) traditional or legal authority;

d) expert authority;

e) the power of charisma (influence by the power of example).

87. The main socio-psychological factor affecting the effectiveness of the group is:

b) structure (the order of organization of the group - the distribution of the roles of its members);

c) culture (the basic assumptions developed by the group regarding the ways of perceiving thoughts and feelings during the task);

d) process (the way employees interact when performing a specific task, for example, a decision-making procedure in a group).

88. While strengthening the authority, the manager must make sure that he does not suppress, does not hinder the initiative of subordinates. Which of the following types of pseudo-authority (false authority) deprives people of confidence, initiative, gives rise to reassurance and even dishonesty:

89. What type of role in an informal group is assigned to a person developing new approaches to old problems, proposing new ideas and strategies?

a) coordinator;

b) a creative person;

c) critic;

d) performer;

e) administrator.

90. What information does not apply to transmitted through informal communication channels:

a) the forthcoming layoffs of production workers;

b) upcoming movements and promotions;

c) a detailed account of the dispute between the two executives at the last sales meeting;

d) rumors about upcoming changes in the structure of the organization;

e) orders and orders of the general director.

91. Highlight the main type of behavior characteristic of a charismatic leader (charisma - personal charm):

a) focusing on issues of particular importance, concentrating communications on major issues in order to involve others in analysis, problem solving and planning of actions;

b) the ability to take risks, but only based on careful calculations of the chances of success, and in such a way as to create opportunities for others to participate;

c) skillful interaction with understanding and empathy, confidence that such effective two-way interaction is obtained only through active listening and feedback;

d) expression of active concern for people, including about oneself, modeling, self-respect and strengthening of self-esteem in others, involving people in making important decisions;

e) demonstration of consistency and reliability in their behavior, open expression of their views and adherence to them in practical matters.

92. Which of the presented leadership styles should be applied in extreme (emergency) situations:

c) liberal;

d) anarchic;

e) neutral.;

93. Leadership style that adheres to the principles of hands-off, team members are encouraged to express themselves creatively, is:

b) democratic;

c) anarchic;

d) cooperative;

e) permissive.

94. The management grid, or the grid of R. Blake and D. Mawton, includes five main approaches of leadership and is a 9x9 table of positions. The vertical line (nine values ​​of the matrix code) means caring for a person. Nine values ​​horizontally indicate production care. Which of the styles is optimal for developing a strategy in conflict situations:

b) socio-psychological (increased attention to human needs creates a friendly atmosphere and an appropriate pace of production - code 1.9);

c) liberal (minimum attention to the results of production and the person - code 1.1);

d) cooperative (high results are obtained by interested employees pursuing a common goal - code 9.9);

e) compromise (satisfactory results, average job satisfaction, a tendency to compromise and traditions inhibit the development of an optimistic view - code 5.5).

95. When in the process of production activities the interests of different people or special groups collide, the main cause of the conflict is:

a) resource allocation;

b) unsatisfied communications;

c) differences in goals;

d) differences in perceptions and values;

e) the difference in demeanor and life experience.

96. Which of the conflict resolution styles is aimed at finding a solution through mutual concessions, at developing an intermediate solution that suits both sides, in which no one gains much, but neither loses?

a) the style of competition;

b) evasion style;

d) the style of the fixture;

e) compromise style.

97. Communication networks show:

a) the degree of division of labor in the enterprise;

b) the level of centralization of powers;

c) a diagram of the structure of the enterprise;

d) the whole set of connections between the elements of the enterprise;

e) horizontal communications.

98. The price of labor is:

a) it is an expedient activity of a person (people) aimed at changing and transforming reality to meet their needs, creating material goods and services (or) spiritual values;

b) wages and benefits actually paid by the employer, taking into account state regulation in this area;

c) a measure of the person's ability to generate income. Includes innate ability and talent, as well as education and acquired qualifications.

d) supply and demand for intellectual labor;

e) the totality of his capabilities for creative work.

99. What is not the task of the personnel management system?

a) social and psychological diagnostics of personnel;

b) planning the need for personnel;

c) analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships between the leader and subordinates;

d) marketing of personnel;

e) all of the above is included in the tasks of the personnel management system.

100. What are not HR functions?

a) forecasting and planning the need and staffing, motivation and staffing;

b) registration and accounting of personnel; creation of optimal working conditions; training and movement of personnel;

c) rationing of labor; analysis and development of ways to stimulate labor;

d) assessment, coordination and control of performance results;

e) all of the above are personnel management functions.

Answers to tests on "Labor motivation and personnel management":

The following theory of motivation is based on the belief that a person will receive a reward for a certain work performed: Expectations

108. When is the final control in the organization carried out? After completing the planned work

When is the organization monitored? In the course of certain work

If you have to explain what the function of motivation is, then you will say that it is: The process of encouraging yourself and others to effectively act to achieve the goals set for the organization

The following phases of the organization's life cycle are determined: Birth, childhood, adolescence, maturity, aging, rebirth

The main constituent elements of the internal environment of the organization do not include: Goals, objectives (wrong answer)

113. What should be understood by the mission of the organization? Clearly expressed reasons for existence;

If you have to explain what is meant by an organization, you will say that it is: A conscious association of people that acts on the basis of certain procedures and rules and jointly realizes a certain program or goals

115. What does discipline provide as a management principle? Strict adherence by the administration of the enterprise and its personnel to the concluded collective agreement and contract

What should modern management principles reflect? The main properties, connections and relations of management that develop in the system

What is the foundation of managing a modern organization? Principles that reflect market conditions of business

An approach that requires an optimal decision, which depends on the ratio of interacting factors, is: Situational approach

What is the constituent control? Marketing (wrong answer)

The main form of material incentives for the organization's personnel is: Salary

What creates a governance structure for an organization? A set of governing bodies

The analysis of the organization's competitors is carried out in order to: Determine their goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses

123. The system of reasoned ideas about the directions of development and the future state of the organization and its environment is called: Forecast

124. Power built on the strength of a leader's personal qualities is: Charismatic

125. The degree of professional training required to perform these job functions is Qualification

126. Indicate the approach to which the theory of F. Fiedler applies: situational approach

127. One of the basic principles of planning involves the need to work on a plan: participation of the maximum number of employees

128. What condition prevents the emergence of a formal organization of people (according to Charles Bernard)? Striving for freedom of action

129. Choose the correct judgment: both are correct

130. The purpose of planning the activities of the organization is: Determination of goals, forces and means

131. What are the main factors involved in the motivation model of Viktor Vroom?

132. What is the main difference between preliminary, current and final control? During implementation

133. Which of the listed theories of motivation does not apply to meaningful theories: Porter Lawler's model

134. What theory states that the application of a particular leadership style depends on the maturity of the subordinates? In the theory of P. Hersey and C. Blanchard

135. What is the primary need for the successful work of an employee in a new place? Social adaptation

136. The functions of the strategic management level do not include: market dynamics analysis

137. Under the concept of equity, until workers begin to believe that they are receiving fair remuneration, they will: that they are receiving fair remuneration, they will: both are possible

138. Indicate the time of emergence of strategic planning: in the 1960s and 70s. Twentieth century

139. The totality of the rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee, the labor functions performed by him, the legal status in the complex are characterized by: Position

140. Which theory states that the application of a particular leadership style depends on the degree to which subordinates are allowed to participate in decision-making? In the Vroom-Yetton theory

141. Objectives that can be used as standards for control are distinguished by the following: time frame, specific criterion

142. The BCG matrix takes into account: growth rate and market share

143. From the point of view of G. Mintzberg, a strategy that is formed semi-consciously in the head of a leader on the basis of an intuitive understanding of the logic of business and a good knowledge of the situation is called entrepreneurial

144. Which person should be chosen as a new employee in most cases? The person with the best qualifications for the actual job in the position held

145. What is “urge”? A feeling of lack of something, which has a certain direction and is focused on achieving a goal (desire to do something)

146. In order to be effective, control must be economical

147. What is the most important management function? planning

148. Performance of work under duress or through economic incentives is: extrinsic motivation

149. What kind of authority will be most acceptable in a research group of highly qualified specialists? Expert

150. Which of the listed management functions is based on the needs and interests of employees? Motivation

Test assignments in the direction of "Management"

Block "Difficult questions"

1. The style of leadership, characterized by the centralization of power, one-man management, excessive exactingness, methods of coercion, is called authoritarian

2. How can you explain the essence of the principle of “subordination of personal interest to the general?” In an organization, the interests of one employee or group should not prevail over the interests of the organization as a whole

to identify deviations arising in the process of functioning of the organization?

A) Planning B) Organization C) Control D) Motivation

8. What is organizational management?

A) Management of production processes B) Management of technological processes

C) Managing people D) Control function

9. What changes does management react to as a flexible management system?

A) In the external environment B) In the internal environment C ) In the external and internal environment

10. Give a definition of the term: "psychological or physiological deficit of something that causes an urge to action"

A) Need B) Reward C) Need

11. Control should be:

A) Objective and vowel; B) Vowel and effective; C) Objective, businesslike, effective, systematic and transparent. D) Effective; E) Current.

12. Planning is understood as:

A) Type of activity; B) A separate type of management activity that determines the perspective and future state of the organization; C) Development perspective;

D) The state of the organization; E) Integration of activities.

13. Organizational planning is carried out:

A) Only at the highest level of management; B) At the highest and middle levels of management;

C) At the middle level of management ; D) At all levels of government;

E) Determining the needs of subordinates.

14. Means of labor motivation do not include:

A) Rewards; B ) Conducting production meetings; C) Advanced training of personnel; D) Providing conditions for self-expression; E) Announcement of gratitude.

15. The following theory of motivation is based on the belief that a person will receive a reward for a certain work performed:

A) Justice; B) Needs; C) Rewards; D) Expectations; E) Assumptions.

1. The main constituent elements of the internal environment of the organization do not include:

; B) Goals, objectives; C) Personnel, technology; D) Management structure; E) Consumers.

3. What is the basis for managing any system?

A) Principles that reflect market conditions of business; B) Management methods;

C) Management functions; D) Financial resources; E) Management object.

4. What is the constituent control?

A) Marketing; B) Management; C) Economic processes; D) Socio-economic processes; E) Finance.

5. Primary needs include:

A) Psychological ; B) Physiological; C) Economic; D) Material; E) Social.

6 Needs are:

A) Primary and internal; B) Internal and secondary; C) Primary, secondary, internal and external; D) Internal and external; D) Primary and external.

7. Motivation is based on:

A) Needs and self-expression; B) Needs and rewards; C) Rewards and satisfaction of individuals; D) The satisfaction of all people; E) Self-expression and rewards.

8. The main form of material incentives for the organization's personnel is:

A) Prizes; B) Prizes and valuable gifts; C) Valuable gifts and salary; D) Salary;

E) Bonuses and salaries.

9. What creates a management structure for an organization?

A) A set of linear controls; B) A set of functional services;

C) The set of linear and functional services (bodies); D) A set of governing bodies; E) A set of program-targeted services.

10. Analysis of the organization's competitors is carried out in order to:

A) Definition of their strategy and strengths; B) Definition of their goals and strengths;

C) Definition of their goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses; D) Strategy definitions;

E) Definition of their goals and weaknesses.

11. The objectives of the organization should satisfy the following basic requirements:

A) Achievability, concreteness, orientation in time; B) Reachability and orientation in time; C) Time orientation and concreteness; D) Achievability;. E) Orientation in time.

12. Give a definition to the term ― this is effective planning of working time to achieve goals, finding time resources, prioritizing and monitoring the implementation of the planned ‖

A) Timing B) Management itself C) Time management

1. How is the current control carried out in the organization?

A) By listening to employees of the organization at production meetings; B) By observing the work of employees; C) By means of a feedback system between the guiding and guided systems; D) By means of reports at training camps and meetings; E) A superior structure.

2. Who should monitor the implementation of the assigned tasks for the team?

A) Specialists; B) Employees; V ) Leaders; D) Individual leaders; E) Ministries.

3. Control is:

A) The type of management activity to ensure the fulfillment of certain tasks and the achievement of the goals of the organization;

B) Type of human activity; C) Monitoring the work of the organization's personnel; D) Monitoring the implementation of individual tasks by personnel; E) Continuous verification of how the organization is pursuing its objectives and adjusting its actions.

4. To reduce the need for control, it is advisable:

A) Create organizational and socio-psychological conditions for staff;

B) Create appropriate social conditions for staff;

C) Create appropriate organizational conditions for staff;

D) Continuously improve the system of incentives for personnel;

E) Continuously improve the qualifications of personnel.

6. The external environment of the organization's direct influence in management theory does NOT include ...

A) resource providers B ) state legislation and government acts

C) sales service specialists D) competitors E) consumers

7. Organizational management structures DO NOT include ...

A) matrix B) linear-functional C) informal D) divisional

7. The main constituent elements of the internal environment of the organization do not include:

A) Consumers, competitors, laws; B) Goals, objectives; C) Personnel, technology;

D) Management structure; E) Consumers.

2. Give a definition to the term ― management function, which ensures the regulation of relations between not subordinate to each other subjects of management

A) Organization B) Discipline C) Coordination

Tests on "Fundamentals of Management"

1. How is the current control carried out in the organization?

1. By listening to employees of the organization at production meetings;

2. By observing the work of employees;

3. By means of a feedback system between the guiding and guided systems;

4. By means of reports at training camps and meetings;

5. A superior structure.

2. Who should monitor the implementation of the assigned tasks for the team?

1. Specialists;

2. Employees;

3. Leaders;

4. Individual leaders;

5. Ministries.

3. Control is:

1. The type of management activity to ensure the fulfillment of certain tasks and the achievement of the goals of the organization;

2. Type of human activity;

3. Monitoring the work of the organization's personnel;

4. Monitoring the implementation of individual tasks by personnel;

5. Constantly checking how the organization is achieving its goals and adjusting its actions.

4. To reduce the need for control, it is advisable:

1. Create organizational and socio-psychological conditions for staff;

2. Create appropriate social conditions for staff;

3. Create appropriate organizational conditions for staff;

4. Constantly improve the system of incentives for personnel labor;

5. Continuously improve the qualifications of personnel.

5. Control should be:

1. Objective and vowel;

2. Vowel and effective;

3. Objective, businesslike, efficient, systematic and transparent.

4. Effective;

5. Current.

6. What is the basis of labor motivation in Japanese corporations?

1. Receiving high material rewards;

2. Harmonization between labor and capital;

3. Recognition of merit;

4. Continuous professional development of personnel;

5. Achieving a competitive advantage.

7. When did the issue of labor motivation come up historically?

1. Since the appearance of money;

2. Since the emergence of organizations;

3. Since the appearance of the head of the organization;

4. Since the birth of organized production;

5. During the bourgeois revolutions in Europe.

8 ... Planning is understood as:

1. Type of activity;

2. A separate type of management activity, which determines the perspective and future state of the organization;

3. Development perspective;

4. The state of the organization;

5. Integration of activities.

9 ... Organizational planning is carried out:

1. Only at the highest level of management;

2. At the highest and middle levels of management;

3. At the middle level of management;

4. At all levels of government;

5. Determining the needs of subordinates.

10. If you have to explain what the planning function is, you will say that it is:

1. Setting goals and objectives for the development of management objects, identifying ways and means of achieving them;

2. Setting the goals of the organization;

3. Determination of ways and means of completing tasks;

4. Determination of ways to achieve the goals of the organization;

5. Modeling the actions of the organization.

11. Means of labor motivation do not include:

1. Rewards;

2. Conducting production meetings;

3. Professional development of personnel;

4. Providing conditions for self-expression;

5. Announcement of gratitude.

12. The following theory of motivation is based on the belief that a person will receive a reward for a certain work performed:

1. Equity;

2. Needs;

3. Rewards;

4. Expectations;

5. Assumptions.

13. In accordance with the Mescon concept, the main (general) management functions are implemented in the following order:

1. Planning, organization, motivation, control;

2. Organization, planning, control, motivation;

3. Planning, organization, control, motivation;

4. Motivation, control, planning, organization;

5. Strategy, planning, organization, control.

14. When is the final control carried out in the organization?

1. Before the actual start of work;

2. After completing the planned work;

5. After achieving the goals.

15. When is the current control in the organization carried out?

1. After completing certain work;

2. Before the actual commencement of certain work;

3. In the course of carrying out certain works;

4. When it is convenient for the leader;

5. When it is convenient for the team.

16. What does the management function "motivation" provide?

1. Achievement of personal goals;

2. Encouraging employees to effectively perform the assigned tasks;

3. Execution of the adopted management decisions;

4. Ensuring undisputed influence on the subordinate;

5. Motivation of employees to work.

17. If you have to explain what the function of motivation is, then you will say that it is:

1. The process of achieving the goals set for the administration;

2. Encouraging yourself to be effective;

3. The process of encouraging oneself and others to effectively act to achieve the goals set for the organization;

4. A way of influencing personnel in order to achieve goals;

5. Dynamic organization.

18. The main constituent elements of the internal environment of the organization do not include:

1. Consumers, competitors, laws;

2. Goals, objectives;

3. Personnel, technology;

4. Management structure;

5. Consumers.

19. If you have to explain what is meant by an organization, you will say that it is:

1. Uniting people to perform certain jobs;

2. Conscious association of people, which acts on the basis of certain procedures and rules and jointly realizes a certain program or goals;

3. A group of people who jointly implement certain programs; ...

4. A group of people who unite on the basis of sympathy for each other for the realization of personal goals;

5. Bringing people together by interests.

20 ... The internal environment includes:

21. The external environment of the organization of indirect action includes:

1. Suppliers, manpower, laws and regulatory agencies, consumers, competitors;

2. The state of the economy, changes in politics, social culture, scientific and technological progress, technologies, group interests, the international environment;

3. Goals, personnel, tasks, structure, technology, organizational culture;

4. Plans, forecasts, organizational structure, motivation, control;

5. Partners, staff, social and psychological conditions.

22. An approach that requires an optimal decision, which depends on the ratio of interacting factors, is:

1. Situational approach;

2. Systematic approach;

3. Process approach;

4. Behavioral approach;

5. Current approach. ;

23. If management considers all processes and phenomena in the form of an integral system, which has new qualities and functions that are absent in the elements that make them up, then we are dealing with:

1. Behavioral approach.

2. Process approach;

3. A situational approach;
4. Systematic approach;

5. The current approach.

24. What is the constituent control?

1. Marketing;

2. Management;

3. Economic processes;

4. Socio-economic processes;

5. Finance.

25 ... Primary needs include:

1. Psychological;

2. Physiological;

3. Economic;

4. Material;

5. Social.

26 ... Motivation is based on:

1. Needs and self-expression;

2. Needs and rewards;

3. Rewards and satisfaction of individuals;

4. The satisfaction of all people;

5. Self-expression and rewards.

27. The main form of material incentives for the organization's personnel is:

1. Prizes;

2. Prizes and valuable gifts;

3. Valuable gifts and salary;

4. Salary;

5. Bonuses and salaries.

28. What creates a management structure for an organization?

1. A set of linear controls;

2. A set of functional services;

3. A set of linear and functional services (bodies);

4. A set of governing bodies;

5. A set of program-targeted services.

29. Programmable solutions are required to resolve problems:


2. systematized



30. What management models do you know?

1. Russian and Ukrainian model

2. Chinese model

3. Japanese and American model

4. Swiss and French model