How to switch from freelancing to your own business. For beginners: some tips on how to get started on freelance exchanges. Prepare the terms of reference in advance and discuss the scope of upcoming work

Freelancer comes from the English freelancer, which means “free worker”.

For example, in the novel Ivanhoe by Walter Scott, the freelancer is a “medieval mercenary warrior”.

Freelancers carry out work on orders from various clients, whom they find on their own, and receive payment for the result of their work. This is not quite an entrepreneur yet, although a freelancer has already taken a certain step towards entrepreneurship.

If you are, say, a freelancer, then you get paid when you actually work and do your job. Entrepreneurs, unlike freelancers, often use their own finances to build their business, or rather, to build their business, their business structure, so as to receive income even while they are sleeping.

Freelancing is not yet a business; rather, on the Internet it is analogous to a regular hired job. The entrepreneur is engaged in business at his own peril and risk, with the investment of his funds in the beginning and in the development of the business.

Freelancing, as already noted, is an important step towards entrepreneurship. In the process of freelancing, you have to learn how to look for clients, communicate with them, clarify the nuances of the order and convince you to carry money.

You will also have to learn to develop and develop skills and ideas, and then test their viability in the market.

Why not compare online earnings with the usual offline earnings of an employee?

Freelancing, for example, is good because you can start working immediately and try to realize all your intentions. As practice shows, you can make money on virtually anything (of course, depending on your own knowledge and skills), but first you will need to change and correct your thinking. What does this mean?

Many users are looking for freelance form. At the same time, they constantly compare the amount of time they will have to spend on a part-time job and the possible earnings with what they are doing, for example, at their main job. This hardly makes sense if there is little to no internet experience.

It is better to try to get at least some result paid by customers on the Internet for a start, and then draw conclusions on which direction to move.

I remember a lady once asked me about making money on the Internet. At the same time, having retired, she just started to master the computer. My advice - to try to start work on the exchange of comments - caused a storm of indignation in her: the pay is minuscule compared to her previous work offline!

What was the use of explaining to her the next steps of a novice freelancer, for example, about the need to create an electronic wallet, register and much more, which she did not know and did not know how to do.

Indeed, at the initial level, it is not the Internet earnings itself that is more important, but the ability to generally work on the Internet.

You can start with freelancing (self-employment) to test the level of your business skills. In most cases, it is freelancing that is the bridge to the subsequent, larger-scale entrepreneurship on the limitless expanses of the Internet.

Difference between internet entrepreneurship and freelancing

  • Freelancers exchange their time for banknotes (sometimes for a much larger number of them than as a hired employee).
  • Internet entrepreneurs, on the other hand, strongly depend on the models for building their business, on systems, structures, and automation tools. And, of course, entrepreneurs depend on hired employees (freelancers) who can work without their direct involvement. Most likely, freelancers will be able to perform their work with high quality only if there are clear instructions from the entrepreneur in video or text format.

The key question for an Internet entrepreneur is: "If I suddenly fall out of the process, will the business continue to function?" Is your answer yes? Then you are a true entrepreneur.

In other words, if your business works smoothly, and regardless of your participation in it, then you have moved to the level of a successful entrepreneur, which was your goal. You have built a suitable model for your business, which now works for both clients and your employees, and, of course, for you and for your personal income.

How to start your journey from freelancing to online entrepreneurship?

Here is a typical, if you like, plan for a potential income from an online business (in fact, there can be many options).

  1. Choose an enticing idea, then, to attract visitors.

The simplest advice for inventing a bright business idea: combine your best practices / hobbies / skills to find what you are really strong in, and figure out how to actively use it in order to meet needs and solve problems target audience.

Remember that you can make money, first of all, on what you love to do most of all and are the best at doing it. Do not start from the very beginning for something that is not your “hobbyhorse”, it will not be your advantage over many other people. Take on "your business."

By the way, instead of your own site, you can create on social networks - it's even easier, and the result can be quite comparable to the result from further use of the site.

  1. Convert those visitors to your website or business page into loyal subscribers by offering them something in exchange for their email address.

Create useful and attractive content, in other words, you need to fill the site or business page interesting materials... And ask new visitors to subscribe to your updates and news in exchange for their email addresses, for their email.

  1. Convert subscribers into more or less loyal customers by making email newsletter with an offer to buy something from you.

You can sell a physical or digital product, training courses, all kinds of services, or even coaching. The goods and / or services you offer should be of interest to you in the first place, and you must firmly believe that these goods and / or services will bring considerable benefit to the consumers to whom you offer to purchase them.

For a while, first you post great content for free and send out update notifications (blog posts, or whatever else you produce or offer for free), and only then consider that you have the "right" to active sales.

If sales are absolutely not suitable for you, you can find other options for monetizing your site or working on the Internet without a site at all. Again, there are many options for earning money now in social networks, but this is a separate conversation.

  1. Automate the process

When the ice has broken, sales or other income options have more or less started and even look relatively stable, you can automate the whole process.

With the help of special email marketing programs and the main sales funnel (the main sales of your most popular products or services), a young business will be able to generate income without your constant involvement.

  1. Continuous exploration of new opportunities

Everything flows, everything changes, and it happens especially quickly on the Internet. Old opportunities can stop working or decrease dramatically in income.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the phenomena and events that appear on the Internet, and at the same time to constantly learn, without this there is no way on the Internet.

As, however, in everyday life, offline:

Study, study and study again!

(This quote is usually attributed to V.I.Lenin, although he wrote about teaching communism, in the first place, but not capitalism and not entrepreneurship).

You are tired of a stuffy office, you want freedom, work by vocation, not depend on anyone. You have decided to go freelance.

The first problem you will face is where to find your first customers?

In fact, everything is simple. For this, specialized sites work - freelance exchanges.

Freelance exchanges are dedicated resources for meeting freelance professionals and clients their services .

There are a lot of exchanges for freelancers, but it is not easy to work on them: each of them already has experienced users with many reviews and great ratings. You need to know how to stand out against the background of competitors, how not to run into a scammer, of which there are a lot of exchanges.

Working on a freelance exchange is a real art. Let's study it together.

Features of freelance exchanges

To begin with, I would like to dwell on some of the features of these sites. By understanding the nuances, it will be easier for you to get started.

As a rule, exchanges work according to the following scheme :

1. The customer publishes the project;

2. Freelancers study the assignment and submit their applications. They can be open to other users, or only visible to the customer;

3. The client chooses one contractor and entrusts him with the work;

4. The selected freelancer completes the task and gets paid.

Almost every exchange has list of registered freelancers , or directory. The list is built by rating: on the first page there are those with a higher rating on the exchange. The customer can choose a contractor from the catalog and offer him a job directly without opening a project. This scheme works at all major sites.

The trick is that the higher you are on the list, the greater the chance that you will be offered a personal project. So strive earn a high rating ... To do this, as a rule, you need to work through the exchange, and not bypass it, earn positive reviews, and replenish your portfolio.

Every self-respecting exchange offers Safe Deal service. It can be called that, or it can be called "Safe" (, Fair Play ( This is a service through which all transactions go through the exchange. The site provides a working area for cooperation between the parties, and acts as a guarantor of "fair play". You need to pay a certain percentage for this, but you are protected from fraud. A secure deal is only a plus, and experienced freelancers only work through it.

Each freelance exchange has - unique business model ... But everyone has common features: each site has paid accounts (PRO, PROFI, Business, Plus) and personal advertising that you have to pay for. Experienced freelancers actively use all these tools to make their face and name recognizable, to attract the attention of customers.

These are the main features of all freelance exchanges. But each site has its own characteristics, which you will learn when you sign up and get started.

First, you need to choose a launch site.

Choosing an exchange

Some of the exchanges have more projects and generous customers, some fewer. On some sites, there are many dumping (knocking down the price) freelancers, on others, competitors are more adequate. At first glance, all these subtleties cannot be determined.

But some preparatory work must be done. I would recommend doing the following:

Find a list of freelance exchanges. For example, a huge one is assembled on our website.

Follow the links and make a first impression - are you comfortable? Is the site convenient to use? Is everything clear? The exchange will become your main working tool for a long time, it is important that it is easy to use.

Find descriptions of exchanges and read reviews from freelancers, especially about scams and arbitrage. How does the administration treat its users? Is there a scam blacklist? Are they often deceived?

Please note if there is a Safe Transaction service on the exchange.

Does the exchange take a commission, how much does it cost to work on it? There are exchanges where you can start absolutely free of charge, and there are sites where it is almost impossible to get a job without first paying for an account with accessibility features. For example, if you choose, the largest exchange in Runet, to start, get ready to pay immediately for a PRO account. Almost all projects here are closed from "mere mortals".

Pricing for accounts on major freelance exchanges : - no fixed rate; the calculation of the cost is carried out individually, and depends on the rating of the performer and his specialization. - from 440 to 650 rubles per month. - there is no fixed cost, the freelancer chooses how much to pay. - from $ 1, depending on the specialization.

Look at the number of projects - is there a lot of work? If you look at the major freelance exchanges, then the number of projects per day reaches:

1300-1500 projects per day

500-800 projects per day

200-350 projects per day

150-300 projects per day

Look at project budgets. Remember that the number of projects is not as important as their quality. Choose your specialization, see what kind of work there is, and how much is offered for it. The price tag from exchange to exchange can vary significantly.

Many freelancers register on several sites at once. This is a smart move - it gives you a better chance of finding a worthwhile project. And in order not to miss something important, you can use special aggregators of freelance projects ... These are services that collect projects from several sites and display them in one feed. Projects can be sorted.

The most popular and convenient aggregators:

FreelanceGrab (to see projects from all exchanges, you need to register)

Trust large sites with good reviews from users. After all, the exchange will now become your breadwinner, your main place of work.

Registration and registration of the profile

Have you chosen an exchange? Go ahead - register!

After registration, you need to fill out the profile as detailed as possible. This will increase customer confidence in you, and will also add points to the rating.

A few tips for creating a profile on the freelance exchange :

Don't use stupid nicknames - Solnishko, Kotik, Yagodka. Please enter your real name - you are a professional!

Fill in a real photo. No normal photo? Make it worth a penny, it will come in handy more than once - for resumes and social networks.

Write about yourself. Simple, no bragging rights. List your achievements, not places of work - this will tell the customer more. Compare:

"Worked at Horns and Hooves." By whom? A janitor? Loader?

“He worked as a leading designer at Horns and Hooves, created the design of the company's official website (link).

Now everything is clear.

List the benefits of working with you. Just not the ghostly "quality and speed". More specifics. For example, "I make up a landing page design in a day."

Complete your portfolio. If there are no jobs, ask your friends to give you an assignment on which you could complete the job. Come up with something yourself. But there should be jobs in your profile, ideally at least five.

Enter your contacts. How to contact you? Many customers simply write to the performer they like by e-mail or on social networks.

Don't write too much or praise yourself - they won't read a lot of letters, and eulogies will look suspicious.

Project response

As I wrote above, freelancers "fight" for each project in response to it. You need to stand out from the crowd so that the customer pays attention and chooses you. This is somewhat vaguely reminiscent of an auction, and all means are good at bargaining for a performer's seat.

Many newbies think so, and write that they will do the job for a review. Or they greatly underestimate the price of their services. If you want to be a successful freelancer, don't do it. Know your worth and answer like a professional:

Analyze the project and technical task(TK) to him;

Think about what you can do for the customer;

Briefly outline your plan of action, give some practical advice. But you don't need to reveal all the cards;

Be sure to start your answer with a greeting: "Hello, Imyarek Imyarekovich." Politeness and the fact that you mentioned the name of the customer will immediately dispose him to you.

There is no need to write answers like: "I would be glad to cooperate", "Ready to work", or copy the same answer in a dozen projects. It looks like disrespect for the customer. And the chances that you will be chosen are negligible, because everyone wants attention to their person (especially the one who pays) ... If you understand this, your chances of success increase.

Likewise, you need to respond to personal projects. Be understanding. Outline your action plan. This will demonstrate professionalism and a serious approach to business.

Pass by those projects in which the customer writes that he only needs to reply to the mail, and he will not read the answers under the TK. In 80% of such cases, a fraudster is hiding behind the customer's nickname.

Fraudsters and how to deal with them

By the way, about the scammers. There are a lot of them on freelance exchanges, and they can be of very different kinds. The most common schemes of deceivers work:

You are offered to complete a trial (test) task, which will not be paid later.

How to fight : never do test tasks... You have an example of your work in your portfolio, if they do not suit the customer, let them look for another performer.

All correspondence is conducted via e-mail, you are given a task - you send finished work- you are not paid.

How to fight : Never ship finished unpaid work to a customer. The text can be screened and watermarked, watermarks are also superimposed on the logo, and the site is first uploaded to its hosting. Work through secure transaction services. Take a prepayment.

A scammer fakes your Skype, writes on his behalf to customers. Requires prepayment and is hiding.

How to fight : Don't share your contacts. Make sure that they are hidden from prying eyes on the exchange (at least from unregistered users). Write a warning in your profile that a scammer is using your nickname. Add customers to contacts yourself.

Fraudsters steal works from your portfolio and pass them off as their own.

How to fight : if you have identified such a fraudster - write to the Site Administration and attach the source code of the work, or the links where you uploaded it earlier.


It is best for a beginner freelancer to get started on exchanges. For a successful start you need:

Choose an exchange with good reviews and a user-friendly interface;

Work through a secure transaction service;

Fill in your profile in as much detail as possible, indicate your real name and fill in a real photo;

Thoughtfully respond to projects;

Beware of scammers;

After completing the work, ask the customer to leave positive feedback.

In fact, everything is simple - you need to start. Good luck with your freelance, and generous customers!

Greetings, novice freelancers!) Today in the article I will share my experience in freelancing - how best, faster and more correctly to start making money on the Internet.

Why can I advise you something?
I am a freelancer with 2 years of experience, here is my account from the Work-zilla exchange.

I have been registered on it since May 2014, that is, 1.5 years. With over 10,000 freelancers, I am now in 192nd place and have completed over 100 projects. This exchange is just one of the sources where I make deals with clients for my services - I create Landing pages and make websites and online stores on WordPress.

And I started from scratch. I didn't know how to do anything and didn't know how to communicate with customers at all and how to make them pay me money!)

In this article I will tell you what steps I would take if I were now a beginner and started my freelance career from scratch. Let's start!

Beginner freelancer. Where to begin?

1. Choosing a profession - Try everything first, it’s easier to decide what you like and more like in which direction you want to develop.

If you have already decided what you will do in freelancing, then great. If not, then decide :-) As it was brilliantly said)) But it's true, without this step you will not advance further.

Do you want to learn how to make websites?
To save money on development or to make money creating websites for others? I recently recorded a new course and, where I told step by step plan how to create awesome websites. I have been developing for more than 7 years, I earn more than 50 thousand a month on sites, and in the course I laid out all the technology on how to make such sites. The course is new - 2020. Take while fresh. More details.

What is the fastest way to decide on a freelance profession?
Try everything that interests you even a little. Before I started doing web design, I studied website development on WordPress and Joomla engines, studied SEO, Infobusiness, MLM, Programming languages, and only then web design and landing pages. And I have no regrets, the acquired skills in all areas still help me.
Don't be afraid to waste time, even if it turns out that this is not what you want to do at all. All the time is spent thinking about whether it is mine or not. You probably won't know until you try.

Choose a niche to your liking, you should like it, in order to achieve good results in any niche you will need to develop, it should be interesting to study new material.

There is a course of my colleague Vasily Blinov and Svetlana Kirilyuk "Freelance start", after going through which you will master the secrets of freelancing, you will understand the algorithm for making money on the Internet - link to course

When you decide, I advise you to do only one thing, one profession, possibly also parallel related topics, but nothing more.

If you are only doing one thing, for example: Creating Landing pages, then you will develop as much as possible in this vector and as a result:

  • the work performed will be more and more professional each time
  • you will better understand your customers
  • your work will cost more
  • you will be happier seeing your progress.

You need to respond as much as possible to projects on freelance exchanges, such as work-zilla, offer more people their services, shine on message boards, etc.

Develop a habit of being polite with your clients, the exception is probably people who consider freelancers to be fuckers :-(, but this is a separate conversation. Being polite with people is basically normal :-), but in freelancing it plays a very important role. Customers are very fond of adequate and polite freelancers, because it saves them time and nerves.

And here another important thing comes into play - word of mouth. If you do all of the above correctly, then a sundress is provided for you. If you are recommended to your friends, then this is a big plus for you, it means that the clients are satisfied with the way you do your job.

Take reviews. The best way- this is a video review, but if they do not want to shoot, let them at least write in the text and give a photo. You can place your reviews on your website or in the same google dox document.

At this stage: We declare ourselves and our service as confidently as possible, stop being afraid of customers, communicate more with them, improve communication skills, identify customer needs.

6. We repeat all this in a circle

- We are developing in the chosen niche - looking for orders - doing work - new project in the portfolio - the client is satisfied - we take a review - we are advised to other people - we develop a base regular customers- we communicate better, more confidently with customers -

Parting words

This is the way I would have done if I was a beginner freelancer.

How long would it take? I don’t know, and it’s not the most important thing. The main thing is to see your progress, never stop developing in your profession, in communicating with clients and the ability to sell your services at a higher price.

If suddenly this path seems difficult to you, then just remember why you decided to freelance at all?

I see obvious reasons for working on the Internet:

  • Compared to hired work, I earn more than I could earn working for an uncle
  • I can work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet
  • I am growing personally, developing as a professional in my niche
  • There is no fixed salary, but there is no ceiling either, all my earnings depend only on me. I'm in control of my life, not someone and that's cool!)

That's all. I hope I answered the question - How to become a freelancer from scratch? I wish you every success on your freelance journey! :-)

Today, freelancing has become the embodiment of freedom in its most diverse meanings - creativity, self-expression, movement, finance, lifestyle and daily routine. More and more professionals see freelancing as a seductive alternative to traditional office work, while companies are enthusiastic about outsourcing projects and even functions.

Interestingly, most go through similar stages of professional development, despite the diversity of industries and specializations open to freelancing. Understanding the specifics of these stages allows you to correctly prioritize and avoid dangerous pitfalls, achieving success even without connections, experience or formal education.

Let's try to figure out what these stages are and how to successfully overcome them.

Stage 1. Unrecognized genius

Nobody knows you, nobody trusts you, you apply for hundreds of projects and don't even get emails with rejection. You just don't exist in the freelancing world.

The goal of this step is to create a trustworthy profile.

What to do

Sign up with the leading freelance platform in your industry, one is enough to get you started. Next - fake it until you make it. Clearly and concisely indicate your skills and specialized education or certificates, add your photo with a cheerful smile and write a friendly message with the desire to work together.

Don't worry if you don't have the right education for your specialization, this can be easily made up with portfolio and testimonials.

Portfolio is the most main element your profile. If you do not have a portfolio and you are hoping to create one by starting working on the platform, then this stage you will have significantly longer than necessary and will likely lead to depression.

A portfolio of examples of projects that you ideally expect should be ready in advance. These can be imaginary projects or projects you've made for friends. The main thing is that they demonstrate the quality of your work. If applicable, attach examples before and after your intervention; this is one of the most effective means of getting the prospect's attention.

Once you've built your portfolio, start writing reviews of yourself. Bring in friends or family, create multiple projects, and hire yourself for those projects. As a rule, after 5-7 reviews and a beautiful portfolio appear in the profile, potential clients start responding to emails.

What not to do

Don't quit your job. Creating and promoting a profile and portfolio from scratch will take a lot of time, and you will need a parallel stable source of income.

Stage 2. Hopeful

You were hired for the first projects, you are often checked and meticulously interrogated for interviews. You get a response to 25% of the emails sent out.

The purpose of the stage is to confirm the declared reputation.

What to do

Work hard and develop communication

Desperately fight for projects, recycle, be in touch at any time of the day or night (thanks to the current exchange rate best projects come from abroad), listen to the client and fulfill his wishes, be polite and correct.

When applying for a project, be sure to indicate several ways of contacting you (phone, Skype, email). Monitor the prices for the services of your closest competitors and dump; at this stage, the price and speed of communications are your best friends in the fight for the customer. Develop your telephone conversation skills and business communication especially if your main market speaks a different language.

If your foreign language not good enough, invite the client to conduct all discussions by email under the pretext of saving all the details and wishes. As a rule, the majority perceives this approach positively and even distinguishes you from the rest as the most responsible executor.

To plan

Since everyone new client it still seems to you a miracle and extraordinary luck, there is a temptation to agree to all the proposed projects. The monitor is overgrown with files with unfinished tasks, coffee cups are spilling out on the table, and email tinkles with letters from customers with bewildered "When will I see the new version?"

You need to start time and prioritize projects, learn to say "no" or at least adequately assess employment ("I can start in two weeks").

To lead customer base

Be sure to start compiling a file with a client base: include contact information, data on the work done, the specifics of communication with this client, his personal or professional interests. Start building relationships with clients; completing a project does not have to mean a complete cessation of communication between you.

At this stage, you will longingly remember lazy lunches in the corporate office and fun evenings with friends over a glass of wine. The main thing is to realize that it is not endless and after 30, 80 or 150 projects (depending on your specialization) you will be recognized as a professional worthy of respect and decent pay. Of course, only if the reviews on your profile are impeccable and talk about high quality work, and budget and, most importantly, your pleasant personal qualities.

What not to do

Don't give up on heavy clients.

They are often the ones who become your most ardent supporters and lead a reliable flow of projects through friends and colleagues. Yes, you may initially lose time (= money) or some nerve cells, but in the long run you will be in the black.

Stage 3. Top specialist

You receive dozens of invitations to new projects, you have a stream of regular customers, you are recommended in professional circles as a specialist with a good reputation. You get paid enough and you can choose which of the projects you subscribe to.

The goal of the stage is to follow the strategy.

What to do

Choose projects that will bring you the best results over the long term. For example, between a small project of a corporate giant and a highly paid one-off project, choose the former. If successful, you have a high chance of becoming a permanent freelancer in the green field of corporate projects.

Also try to establish friendships with talent managers on freelance platforms. They are constantly looking for reliable freelancers with great recommendations for corporate clients platforms. A carefully selected pool of talent gets direct access to Fortune 500 companies and projects with unlimited budgets.

What not to do

Don't think that you are irreplaceable. You will be forgiven a couple of missed calls or unanswered emails, perhaps a couple of delayed deadlines, before hiring a dedicated and reliable freelancer for you.

So freedom is freedom, but suddenly you shouldn't go traveling for a month with unfinished projects.

Stage 4. What's next

In principle, top specialists are already free enough to live where they want, work in their own style, and grow professionally and creatively. For some, this stage is becoming the norm. happy life and for years to come.

Someone gets tired and takes a job with one of their clients or their partners (which is much easier if you maintain a long-term relationship with your client file). Others will try to translate personal success into starting their own company and developing as a manager. There are many options, and the decision is yours.

The steps outlined give a rough idea of ​​what awaits a novice freelancer on the path to success, how best to prepare for this, and what mistakes should be avoided.

Despite the fact that it is easy to become a freelancer today, only a few reach the level of top specialists. Understanding the steps and following basic advice will help you achieve your goals faster and with minimal waste. If you have already gone this way or are still halfway there, share with us your impressions, experience and advice on the stages in the comments to the article.


Hello. In this article we will tell you about what freelance is and who freelancers are.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is freelance and who are freelancers;
  2. Why is this direction so popular in recent years;
  3. How to find a job as a freelancer;
  4. How much can you earn;
  5. Which direction is worth choosing.

What is freelance in simple words

Lately, you can often hear the words freelance and freelancers. If for some citizens this is a mysterious word, for others it is a way of life. So what is freelancing?

Is a remote “free” work. A special type of employment in which you do not need to officially get a job and carry out orders from your superiors in work time, because in this direction, everyone decides independently with whom to cooperate and what services to offer to customers. For some it is simple, while for other citizens it is a stable, good income.

Who are freelancers

Some people still have no idea who a freelancer is. Translated from English "freelancer" is a free specialist who works for himself via the Internet.

He himself is looking for a customer, and also decides what work to do and sets a work schedule. Freelancers can work with one or several customers at once.

In most cases, among freelancers you can find representatives creative professions... Although recently, engineers, consultants, teachers and many others are engaged in remote work.

It is very easy to find a job today. All you need is to visit a special exchange, register and start actively doing work.

In practice, freelancers earn 1.5-2 times more than regular office workers. The income of successful free workers ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles per month. There are, of course, stars who have and receive more than 100,000 rubles a month. Everything is real - the main thing is to work for a long time and go towards your dream.

You already understood who freelancers are. Consider what they can do.

Areas of activity for remote work:

  1. ... This is purely based on my own knowledge. If you are a specialist in some field, you can write copyright useful tips... Everyone needs texts today, so you will definitely not be left without work. There are orders for a convenient search.
  2. Rewriting... If you lack your own experience and knowledge, this direction will help you. In this case, you will need to carefully read the finished article on the Internet and simply rewrite it in your own words. The main thing is that at the end you get a completely unique material.
  3. Translation of material... It should be noted right away that this is a very popular type of activity and well paid. All that is needed is to translate small articles and get paid. Just don't hope that you can translate an article with basic knowledge using an online translator. Customers need only high-quality work.
  4. ... This unknown word is well known to those who study them. This is very good profession with high pay, which requires special care and experience.
  5. Administration... Today, among the vacancies, you can find such a position as project admin. But who is this? This is a person who leads groups or projects on social networks. You will need to always be online and monitor all actions: delete mate, spam and other intrusive.
  6. Programming, layout and website development... It should be noted right away that special knowledge is needed here. For some, this direction is from the realm of fantasy. Thanks to this type of activity it is possible.
  7. ... Today, without design, nowhere. To choose this type of activity, you must be able to use all graphic editors. As they say, the main goal is to do it beautifully and stylishly. A designer can make good money.

As you can see, there are many directions, so anyone can become a freelancer and start.

Why freelancing is becoming more and more in demand

Why today more and more people choose remote freelancing, call it a trend and claim that it is the future? If you look closely, today retirees and office workers are becoming freelancers.

Probably all the demand lies in freedom of action and self-realization. Thanks to this direction, you no longer need to get up at 6 in the morning, quickly run to work and ride in a crowded bus.

If at work all the time you were told what and how to do, then there is only the wishes of the customers and complete freedom. What could be better? No bosses, no jealous employees, no penalties for being late or not following a plan.

But do not forget that remote work- this, in turn, interesting job with which you can combine several directions at once and constantly develop. Working as a so-called "office plankton" is unlikely to get good skills and do something that brings positive emotions.

Every person has hobbies. They can bring not only positive emotions, but also good money. There are a lot of directions in freelancing.

Pros and cons of freelancing

As in any direction, this area has its positive and negative aspects. Before starting remote work, you should carefully study them. Let's start with the positive ones.

Freelance pluses:

  1. Free work schedule.

This is perhaps the most important thing that people who have chosen this direction as their main job appreciate. You can decide how many days a week you will do work, which days you will take your days off, and when you go on vacation.

The main thing is to fulfill the order on time. You can wake up and go to bed at a convenient time for you and do not worry at all about the fact that you have to get up by the clock.

  1. Work from home.

What could be better than doing work in cozy homemade pajamas with a cup of aromatic tea? You no longer need to waste time traveling and communicating with unpleasant colleagues. Working from home, you are in a comfortable environment for yourself, next to your loved ones and you yourself decide with whom to communicate.

  1. It doesn't matter where you live.

If you look at the level wages, then in large cities it is much higher than in small cities. Moreover, the specialists are the same everywhere. This is the biggest disadvantage of a regular job, since the salary depends on where you are geographically employed.

When it comes to freelancing, it doesn't matter where you live. You get paid solely for your ability.

This is the nicest thing a freelancer has. It should be noted right away that the level of income is unlimited here. Your earnings will depend on what kind of work you do. In some areas, payment depends on the amount of work performed, while in others - on quality.

  1. Quiet work.

Calmness is what many citizens value. No more nervous clients bothering you and asking different questions. The same goes for nervous bosses, who often swear and overload them with useless work.

  1. The ability to combine work and travel.

Some people may think that you cannot work and travel at the same time. Everything is real if you work as a freelancer. All that is needed for work is a computer or laptop with Internet access and some free time.

As mentioned earlier, every job has its drawbacks. Let's consider what they are in remote work.

Cons of freelancing:

  1. There is no fixed salary.

For years, many citizens have become accustomed to doing the same type of work and receiving a fixed payment. As for remote work, it is difficult to find an employer who will agree to pay a fixed salary for the work performed.

  1. Search for customers.

Do not hope that you just register on the freelance exchange, and orders will fall on you. You have to look for customers yourself, submit applications and actively develop.

Freelance services:

Work-zilla Is the best exchange!

If you want to find an order that you can quickly complete and receive funds, then this is a great exchange. A simple and intuitive interface will allow everyone to instantly get involved in work and start earning.

Fl is one of the largest exchanges.

This is one of the largest remote work services. Every day there is a large number of free orders in different directions, good payment and friendly customers.

However, there is a small drawback. To start earning good money, you need to buy a Pro account, and this is additional investments which are sometimes unacceptable for a freelancer.

Etxt, Аdvego and - the largest copywriting exchanges

These are trusted exchanges to be trusted. Only now you can get a job there only in one direction. You can make money on the listed exchanges if you know how to write articles. These are the so-called rewriters and copywriters who write articles to order.

You can also find a regular customer today on special forums, in social network or groups.

How much do freelancers earn

How much can a freelancer make? This is the most popular question that arises among all newcomers who decide to give up office work and.

You should also take into account that each field of activity has its own pay range. The more useful information you know, the higher your payment will be. If in one direction the size depends on the number of completed tasks, in the other - on the quality.

If you approach work responsibly and devote at least 8 hours to remote work, you can earn from 30,000 rubles or more. As for the newbie, the first time will come out less payment. But you should not give up and you should always strive to move only forward, develop and get more money.

As experienced freelancers advise, you should be clear about how much you want to make. The delivered plan will need to be divided by the number of your working days.

Is it a real amount for your daily earnings? If so, then everything is in your hands. The main thing is to strictly follow the set task and do your job with high quality.

Today in freelancing you can find many successful professionals who earn over 100,000 per month. They share their achievements on the World Wide Web.

The most in-demand freelance professions

What are the directions, we have already briefly discussed above. Let's consider which directions are the most demanded.

How to make money freelancing:

  1. Graphics editor.

To expand your customer base, you need well-designed promotional materials: flyers, business cards, brochures, etc.

To do the job well, you need to be able to use graphic editors. And, of course, you need to be creative and keep abreast of new products that appear in the field of design.

A beginner freelancer can get 500 rubles for developing a simple logo or flyer.

  1. Website developers.

Almost every company seeks help from specialists in order to create its own website. This is a well-paid field of activity that requires special knowledge.

It takes several weeks to get the job done, but the pay will make you happy. Creation of an "empty" site without information costs about 30,000 rubles on average. The cost of publications is discussed separately.

Example. You have a cosmetics store. To grow your client base, you find a freelance developer who. But just creating a website is not enough, you need to correctly place information about each product.

The buyer must visually see what he is buying, examine the characteristics and understand how much to pay. If new products appear, you will need to contact a specialist again for help and ask to publish the material for a fixed fee.

  1. Developers of mobile applications or games.

What's happened mobile app even a schoolboy knows today. Applications are usually ordered from cafes or online stores.

For development and creation. Some site owners order games in which you need to invest.

  1. Photographer.

This is a great area that anyone can do. You just don’t have to think that it’s enough to buy. good camera and start taking pictures. If you set a goal, you will need to not only learn how to take high-quality pictures, but also process them.

Every day, citizens use the services of photographers: weddings, children's parties, presentations or exhibitions. Some citizens ask to just do a few good pictures in a special studio or outdoors.

  1. Videographers.

With the advent of YouTube, marketers' attitudes towards video content have changed a bit. If earlier they shot long videos about the company's activities, today they prefer short, well-edited videos.

  1. Accountant.

Not all firms can afford to hire an accountant. But what if you need to prepare reports? In this case, you can use the services of a freelancer for a fixed fee.

A remote accountant can simultaneously keep records of several companies. What's most attractive is consistency. It is necessary to do the work with high quality and then the companies will contact you constantly. Job vacancy remote accountant not only in high demand, but also well paid.

  1. Tutors.

This is a great direction if you can teach others something useful. Today, it is not necessary to personally meet with the client, since training can be carried out via Skype, and payment is accepted on bank card or an electronic wallet.

Tutors will be able to make good money English language and musicians who can teach guitar.

If you have thought well, have clearly weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of remote work and have decided to start free swimming, then you should follow a few basic tips.

Tips to help a newbie get started in their career:

  1. Education.

No wonder they say that it is never too late to learn. It is always necessary to learn new material and develop, no matter what area you work in. Today, you can easily find training videos, thanks to which you can immediately understand how to work in the required program.

Do not forget that there are also many freelancers on the Internet who are willing to teach you for a fee. If you understand that paid courses will benefit you, then you should not save and you should buy them.

Remember your investment in knowledge cash help you earn a lot more.

  1. Don't look for expensive orders right away.

If you have just registered on the freelance exchange, then you should not look for expensive orders right away. Customers are willing to pay well only to proven freelancers who already have a good portfolio, rating and positive reviews.

  1. Forums.

To get as much useful information as possible, you should visit the dedicated freelance forum. Today, every exchange has a forum where system participants share their knowledge.

  1. Portfolio.

If you want customers to offer you work themselves, then you need to make a good portfolio. If you are a beginner, no big deal. Start to do the work and gradually fill in this section.

  1. Improve constantly.

It must be remembered that there is no limit to perfection. Try to keep abreast of the latest trends in the area in which you provide services. Read professional books on a regular basis and interact with more experienced colleagues.

Even if you are sure that you know everything, attend special courses. All this will help you become better and achieve greater success.

In conclusion, it should be noted that freelancing is a very interesting area that is actively developing in Russia. More and more citizens prefer to do their favorite work, manage their time independently and earn good money. Only with a great desire can you achieve good results.