Is it possible to melt soap in the microwave. How to recycle soap leftovers at home. Helpful Hints: How to Melt Soap. What ingredients are used

What do you usually do with old remnants? Surely throwing it away? Completely in vain. The next time you see a piece in a soap dish that can no longer be used, do not rush to send it to the trash can: take an empty jar and put all the accumulated residues in it. Learn how to make soap from remnants at home and try creating your own product with the scent, color, and shape of your choice.

Solid soap recipe

For cooking you will need:
  • 200 g remnants;
  • a container that can be put in a water bath;
  • grater;
  • 200 g of water (milk, herbal decoction);
  • a small amount of glycerin (this inexpensive product can be purchased at the pharmacy);
  • essential oils;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • molds (you can take a children's one or a special one, which is sold in a specialized store for soap makers).
You may also need fillers: liquid vitamin E, cocoa butter, honey, ground coffee, oatmeal, and more.

If you want to make soap not from old pieces, but from a whole bar, then it is better to take - it has the least fragrances.

How to make soap from remnants at home - step by step instructions

  1. Rub all the remnants you have on a fine grater - this way they will melt faster, and the finished product will be homogeneous.

  2. Pour the grated soap into a prepared container, fill it with water. The result should be a thick, viscous mass. Leave it on for a couple of hours to soften the soap shavings.

  3. After the specified time, add olive oil to the mass, place the container in a water bath. Keep it there, stirring occasionally, until all the lumps are dissolved. Make sure the mixture does not boil.

  4. When all the shavings are completely dissolved, pour the additives of your choice (jojoba oil, ground coffee, or any other) into the container. After mixing, leave for a while to warm up the mass.

  5. Remove the container from the stove, add essential oil with your favorite scent. Do not pour it while the mixture is hot - when exposed to high temperatures, the aromatic oils disappear. At the same stage, glycerin is added to the mass, which will moisturize the skin.

  6. Pour the thoroughly mixed mixture into molds, level the surface. If you don't have any molds, you can use any container: cookie packaging, glass, yogurt jar. The main thing is that the neck of the container is wider than its bottom - this is necessary so that you can easily pull the finished soap out of the mold.

  7. Now you need to put the molds in the refrigerator. After a day, take out the product and try to press on it with your finger. If no traces remain on the surface, the mass can be easily separated from the walls of the mold, which means that the soap can be taken out.

  8. Now the hardened pieces must be thoroughly dried. To do this, transfer them to a clean sheet of paper and leave them in a warm, dry place for a week. The degree of readiness of the product is easy to determine: it should become tough, like regular soap.

If you want to make colored or multi-layered soap, separate the remnants into different piles by color, and melt them separately. Pour the melted mass from different containers into the mold in layers - the finished bar will be striped.

Video "How to make soap from remnants at home"

Liquid soap recipe

It takes less effort to make liquid soap.


  • a liter jar of remnants;
  • 1.5 liters of hot water;
  • aroma oils;

  • glycerin (optional) - 1 cap
  1. Rub all remnants on a fine grater.

  2. Cooking Variant 1. Pour the resulting shavings into the bottle so that they take up half of the container. Pour hot water inside. Close the bottle with a lid, shake it well.
    Your task for the next two days is to periodically shake the mixture so that all remnants are completely dissolved in water.
    When this happens, and the liquid inside becomes homogeneous, pour in essential oils and milk. Close the lid again and shake. The liquid soap is ready - pour it into the dispensary and use it.

  3. Cooking option 2. Pour hot water over the soap shavings, beat with a blender. Add fragrances, glycerin (optional) Pour into the dispensary. The soap is ready
With these two recipes, you can create your own unique soap.

Video - how to make liquid dish soap from remnants or from a whole piece

Soap. Rub it on a coarse grater, this process seems tedious and time-consuming only at first glance. Do not try to melt diced baby soap, even if some of the mass melts, lumps will remain in it. Remember that you can only melt baby soap in a steam bath. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil. Place the soap shavings in a metal bowl and add a small amount of plain water or milk. Place the bowl on the saucepan so that the steam heats the bottom, stirring the mixture constantly. If the saucepan is boiling too vigorously, reduce the heat. Do not allow the soap mass to boil or the formation of bubbles in it, subsequently it is impossible to get rid of them.

Purchase a soap base in specialized stores, it is transparent and white. This material is very convenient for making soap in, melts easily and allows even beginners to create real masterpieces. Cut the base into small cubes, place in a metal bowl and melt in a water bath. In addition, the soap base can be melted in the microwave. Place it in a ceramic dish, set the mode to 450-600 watts, turn it on for 30 seconds. Monitor the condition of the base. After the first heating, stir the soap mass thoroughly; if necessary, put the dishes in the oven for another 15 seconds. The post-heating time depends on the initial amount of soap base. Make sure that the mass does not overheat and does not start to "shoot" in the microwave.

Only add any additional ingredients (colors, flavors, oils, petals, flakes, or ground coffee) to the soap base when it is completely melted. Only in this case the components will be evenly distributed, and you will get a mass ready to be poured into molds.

Each of us has an e-mail box. It often stores the most important information - from business correspondence and logins, passwords for access to various services to personal messages concerning only us. Sometimes it happens that our e-mail boxes are stolen or appropriated by cybercriminals - both in order to find out our personal data, and out of simple curiosity. In such cases, you can get your soap back if you hurry.

You will need

  • - computer
  • - Internet connection


Immediately after you have established that the mailbox is no longer for you, namely that suspicious letters have begun to come from it or you cannot access it by typing the usual login-password combination, immediately start the password recovery service. It is usually a password reminder service, and if the login-password pair is typed incorrectly.

By choosing the option to answer the security question, you will be asked the question that you specified when registering your mailbox. After entering the correct option in the answer field, you will be given the opportunity to change the password.

If you choose to recover your password via your mobile phone, a confirmation code will be sent to your mobile phone, which you will have to enter on the site, after which you can change the password.

If none of these options worked, or you were not asked a security question and a mobile phone number, contact support, providing proof that the mailbox belongs to you. After that, you can enter your username and password on the site, and again use your e-mail box.

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Don't make your email address publicly available to avoid falling victim to an attack!

Useful advice

Keep all logins and passwords in a safe place!

Of course, you cannot melt the soap without heating. But, having a gas or microwave oven at hand, it is not at all difficult to do this. It takes a very long time to melt the soap in a large piece, so you first need to grind it.

You will need

  • -soap;
  • -knife;
  • -grater;
  • -2 pots;
  • -water;
  • -a spoon and a fork;
  • - glassware or microwave ovenware.


Take two pots. One must fit into the other. The gap between the pots should be 2-4 centimeters. Pour water into the larger pot. Place a smaller saucepan in it. The water should not reach the edge by 2 centimeters.

Pour the soap into a smaller saucepan and place the entire structure on a small one. Place a large container with water or any broth next to it. Stir continuously in a water bath. After 3-5 minutes add some water to it.

The soap will collect in large lumps. Pay no attention to this. Continue stirring it. When the soap has dissolved a little, add more water. Do this every time it begins to thicken.

It takes about half an hour to melt one bar of soap. All this time, the resulting mass must be stirred. Don't be distracted for a minute. Forks or a hard whisk can be used to speed up the process. Separate thick lumps of soap with them at the very end of cooking. It is useless to do this at the beginning of the process.

Use some grated or sliced ​​soap. Place it in a glass dish. Or special utensils for the microwave. You can add a little water or a decoction of herbs to the soap. Microwave the mixture for one minute. Stir the mass.

If necessary, put it in the microwave for a while longer. Keep the heating periods short after the first time. For example, 15-30 seconds. Otherwise, you can overheat the soap, then it will go bad.


A thick crust forms on the sides of the container and on the object with which you stir the soap. Do not remove it if the soap is almost melted. After a few seconds, it will reappear. And the removed crust will need to be melted for a long time.

Useful advice

Protect your hand with a mitten or glove when stirring the soap.

Trying to use up to the end of the soap, we sometimes get a lot of negative emotions caused by the inconvenience of handling small remnants. In fact, with a little imagination, you can make many useful things out of unnecessary pieces and even acquire a new hobby of making handmade soap.


Dry the remnant to use for transferring patterns to fabric or painting on other surfaces. Dried remnants, crushed on a grater, can be added to a manicure bath. By adding baby oil to soap shavings, you can get an excellent substitute for bath foam.

Collect a large amount, place them in a plastic jar and put them in for a short time. Heat them until they form a liquid mass. Stir until smooth, add a few drops of essential, sunflower or olive. When it cools down, you get a new soap. Add coffee grounds and loofah to it for an exfoliating scrub soap. To add an oriental flavor to the soap, use ground cinnamon and other spices.

Refresh old soap by soaking it in water and attaching remnants to it. To ensure the strength of the new "structure", wrap it in foil and heat it up. This waste-free way will allow you to get original shapes and color combinations. Make a needle cushion out of a bar of soap by placing it in a cute case. To keep your washed items smelling good, put fragrant remnants in laundry drawers. Make a loofah out of the soap bars by placing them in a linen bag.

Use the remains of laundry soap to clean dirty dishes: add chopped soap, stationery glue and soda ash to the water tank and boil burnt pans, smoked pots and other difficult-to-clean dishes in this solution for 15 minutes.

Place the remnants in a plastic net that sells vegetables and fruits and tie it well. With such a homemade washcloth, you can easily clean your hands after working with the ground or fixing a car. Put the remnants in an old sock, tie it well, and place it in the washing machine along with your dirty laundry. As a result, your clothes will become cleaner and more flavorful.

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If you decide to make handmade soap not from scratch, but based on store soap and supplementing it with your own components, your work will begin with the fact that you have to melt the base. And the further result largely depends on how well you do it.

You will need

  • - soap
  • - grater (food processor)
  • - a bowl
  • - milk
  • - two pots (microwave oven, double boiler).


Take a grater, a deep bowl and start grinding the soap. It is most convenient to take a beet grater; it is inconvenient to rub the soap on a finer one. If you have a kitchen cabinet, make your work easier - grind the soap with it. It is best if you rub on fresh soap, as it grinds very easily. But with the old pieces you have to tinker with.

After you've crushed all the soap you intend to melt, pour the milk over the soap shavings and let sit for at least a couple of hours. Ideally, it will be if you rub the soap in the evening and let it stand all night, and start melting in the morning. The milk, absorbed, will make the soap smoother, and will also help remove foam that will certainly form when the ingredients are mixed further.

Soap balls

If you accumulate a sufficient number of multi-colored remnants, then you can create original soap balls from them, which will serve not only for hygienic purposes, but also for decorating the bathroom.

To make balls, pieces of soap are rubbed on a grater, the shavings are poured with a small amount of warm water: for 100 g of soap there are 20-30 ml of water. The mixture is left for 30-40 minutes until the soap swells and dissolves.

After that, a teaspoon of glycerin is added to the soap solution, mixed thoroughly and dense balls or any other figures are formed from the resulting mass.

You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or a pinch of aromatic spices to the mixture for extra flavoring of the soap. If it is necessary for the balls to turn out with a peeling effect, then a small amount of oatmeal is added to the mass.

The finished balls are covered with a napkin or cloth and left to dry for 7-10 days.

Liquid soap and dishwashing detergent

The shavings obtained from the remnants are placed in a bottle, filled with hot water and mixed well. When the soap is completely dissolved, a little coconut oil is added to it for extra skin care and scented with esters.

If, instead of coconut and essential oil, add 1 tbsp to the mixture. baking soda or mustard, then the remnants make an environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent.

Solid soap

To make homemade soap from remnants, the shavings are poured with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. The container with the resulting mass is placed on a small fire and, stirring, cook for about 2 hours. To give the finished soap additional caring properties, water can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, string, nettle, birch leaves, etc.

5 g of glycerin, essential oils are added to the mixture and, after mixing thoroughly, it is poured into molds. It is most convenient to use silicone baking dishes. Before pouring the soap, it is recommended to grease plastic molds with vegetable oil so that later the frozen soap can be easier to remove.

The times of haberdashery shortages are long gone, and store shelves delight the eye with a variety of soap products. But how safe this soap is for our skin and our health in general is a controversial issue. That is why homemade products are becoming more and more popular. In our today's master class, we will show you how to make soap in the microwave.

To cook soap in the microwave, we need:

  • soap base or commercial baby soap;
  • scales;
  • sharp knife;
  • utensils for the microwave oven;
  • stirring spoon;
  • natural dyes and essential oils;
  • silicone molds for soap.

Cut the soap base or baby soap into small cubes. This will greatly reduce the time it takes to melt the soap in the microwave. To determine how much soap base is needed to fill all the molds, you can do this - fill the molds with water, and then drain this water into one container and weigh. The soap base will need 10% more than the water can fit in the molds.

We cover the container with soap with plastic wrap to avoid splashing and retain all the moisture in the base. Then put the container with soap in the microwave and turn it on to the maximum capacity for 2-3 minutes.

Stir the soap in the container every 30 seconds.

While the soap is melting, we prepare the silicone molds and wipe them with alcohol.

When the soap base is completely melted, essential oils and dyes should be quickly poured into it.

After that, the soap must be thoroughly mixed, making sure that no air bubbles form on the surface.

We pour soap into molds.

With a spoon or knife, carefully remove air bubbles from the surface of the soap.

Set aside the finished soap until it solidifies.

Soap from remnants in the microwave

Another way to cook soap in the microwave is to make it from remnants. To do this, we need various bars of soap, glycerin, aromatic oil, hot water, and olive oil.

Grind the remnants with a knife or with a grater.

Stir in the shavings and add some hot water, glycerin and aromatic oil. The mixture should be of medium thickness.

This is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to make soap. Even children can easily cope with the base, not to mention adult novice soap makers. For starters, you can try transparent and white soap bases, without all sorts of additives and specialties.

You can find out more about soap bases (types, features, composition, manufacturers) in. As already mentioned, the most popular at the moment are the foundations of English production, a fairly large selection of foundations and from the Russian manufacturer.

The main thing is to remember and follow the rules for adding all components, dosage.

Advantages of the method:

  • it is easy to work with a soap base;
  • it is enough just to embody any idea - multi-colored multilayer soap or small colored details, everything is possible;
  • you can make a transparent soap
  • melts quickly, easily cut;
  • a large selection of different types;
  • can be used immediately after preparation.
  • sold only in specialized stores or online stores;
  • on average, a kilogram of the base will cost 200-240 rubles, you will also need dyes, flavors, oils or other useful additives (you can do with natural dyes and flavors, more on this in the following articles);
  • the capacity of oils and additives is quite limited (oils about 3%), all excess will come out as dew on the prepared soap.

The additives are the same as in the prepared soap. I will duplicate the list of fillers. Remember that the base only accepts a certain amount of ingredients; more and more, it reduces soapiness and lather.

  • Scrubbing agents (poppy, coffee, sesame, sugar and cane sugar, loofah, oatmeal, coconut, ground apricot seeds, grapes, strawberry and kiwi seeds,).
  • Emollients, caring agents (honey, milk, cream, herbal teas, cocoa, chocolate (gives brown color), glycerin (softens the skin, 1 tsp), vitamins, turmeric (gives orange color), parsley juice, chlorophyllipt (gives green color), sandalwood powder (gives red color), cosmetic clay, bath pearls).
  • For beauty (dried flowers, zest, petals, beads, toys, wax foundation, sea salt (cannot be added to a hot base, as unnecessary chemical reactions occur)).

Instructions for making soap with your own hands from a soap base:

This is the basic thing to know about the process of making soap from a solid soap base. Everything else depends on your imagination, what you decide to put in the soap, what colors to paint it with, what shape to choose.

Here are some examples of DIY soap base soap.
Soap-scrub "Coconut paradise"

Nourishes the skin, tones, softens. The soap will be transparent rectangular with coconut flakes. Let's take the simplest and cheapest option. A rectangular mold (a plastic cream cheese box will do, for example.)

Recipe: clear soap base (100 gr.), Coconut oil (1.5 ml. 1/2 teaspoon), peppermint essential oil (4 drops), if you have a coconut flavor, add 5 drops instead of essential oil, coconut flakes ( 2 teaspoons). If desired, dye can be added, if available.


  1. Melt the soap base.
  2. Add base oils, stir well, stir until soap thickens.
  3. Add coconut flakes, mix.
  4. Add flavor (or essential oil).

Whipped soap "Chocolate"

Has a delicious chocolate smell. Nourishes the skin, gently cares for it. We take the same rectangular shape, if desired, you can choose any other. We do not need a dye, thanks to the cocoa the soap will be a rich brown color. A fragrance is also optional. You only need a mixer to beat the soap, you can do it with a blender, the main thing is to wash it thoroughly afterwards.

Recipe: soap base (100 g), cocoa powder (2 tsp), coconut oil (1.5 ml half a teaspoon), milk chocolate cube, milk (1 tsp), cinnamon essential oil 1 a drop.


  1. Melt the soap base.
  2. Add base oils, milk, cocoa, chopped chocolate, mix well so that there are no lumps. Beat with a mixer until foamy.
  3. Add cinnamon essential oil.
  4. Sprinkle the mold with alcohol, pour the soap into it and sprinkle with the alcohol again.
  5. We put the soap to harden for 20 minutes. We take out and wrap with cling film.

Now you know how to make soap with your own hands from a soap base. Enjoy your soap making!

There are several reasons why it became necessary to redo the soap and several ways to melt the soap. Remains of unsuccessful alkaline soap, small pieces of old soap from the base, baby, everything can be melted, and a new attractive bar can be poured into the molds. Let's dwell on each method in more detail.

So, in order to melt the soap at home, you need some kind of heating device:

  • microwave
  • cooking stove
  • oven

Depending on the selected cooking surfaces, we select the appropriate heat-resistant cookware for the microwaves or for the water bath:

  • thermo glasses,
  • scoops
  • saucepans with lids
  • long-handled spoons or stirring sticks

How to quickly melt soap

In order to melt the soap, it must be crushed. It is best to do this with a small mesh metal float. Obviously, the finer the shavings, the faster the soap will melt.

To make the soap homogeneous, distilled warm water, milk, herbal decoction or plant extracts are added to the soap shavings from baby or alkaline soap. The soap mass is sent to a water bath to melt under a lid and stir periodically. If the water has evaporated before the soap melts, add a little more liquid. Components such as sugar and honey help the soap to "dissolve" faster into a homogeneous mass, and accelerate the thickening process.

If you have an unattractive bar of soap from the base, it is even easier to melt it. To do this, it is enough to cut the soap into cubes and send it to the microwave in a heat-resistant dish for 20-30 seconds.

Oils, aromas are added to the liquid warm soapy mass, scrubbing particles if desired and poured into the selected mold. In this way, you can make a new soap with a suitable scent and a new shape.

Other useful tips for soapmakers: