Internship in Mexico for English teachers. Jobs and vacancies in Mexico Jobs in Cancun for Russians

Recently, work for Russians in Mexico has become more and more popular. It is due to relatively high incomes, good living conditions, plus the state is considered one of the most favorable climatic conditions.

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.

For Russians, Moldovans, Belarusians and other immigrants from the former Soviet Union, a work visa entitles you to a temporary residence permit. Having issued this document, almost all applicants can officially find a job in the country. If this is not done, there is a high probability of serious problems, up to deportation.

Please note that it can take a long time to obtain the required documentation. Therefore, the design must be treated as carefully as possible. Since even a minor mistake or typo can delay the procedure even further.

Process features

Anyone interested in working in Mexico in 2020 needs to focus on the following points:

  1. The local employer must independently submit an application to the immigration institute for permission to work in the state, on behalf of the candidate for the vacancy.
  2. With a positive solution to the issue, a foreign citizen receives a notification in the prescribed form. The latter indicates that the applicant can draw up an appropriate document at the Consulate.

Official permission

Working in Mexico presupposes the presence of a work permit, in order to obtain it one should adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. Issue an invitation.
  2. Collect the required package of documents.
  3. Submit your application.

If the application is approved, you can submit the main application to the Mexican consulate for a work visa - the time is limited to 6 months. You can get the long-awaited document within 3-4 days after contacting the consulate.

Most Attractive Jobs in Mexico

Finding a high-paying job is very problematic for foreign citizens. The main requirements are traditionally: good knowledge of a foreign language (primarily English), high qualifications in their field of activity, plus an additional advantage will be computer literacy, in particular, in the field of programming.

Work in Mexico for Russians - vacancies that are most attractive:

  • the sphere of trade;
  • programming;
  • transport services;
  • tourism;
  • administration.

Types of work permits

Russians in Mexico who arrived on a tourist visa and wishing to officially find a job in the state must obtain an FM-3 immigration certificate. In general, there are two types of them, allowing you to work in the country legally.

First - FM-3(for foreign citizens who came to the state to work for hire).
The second is FM-2(suitable for foreigners who have relatives here or who have worked for more than 60 months).

Requirements for an employer

For citizens of other states, including for Ukrainians, vacancies can be offered by a person or a company-employer that meets a strict selection criterion:

  • have registration within the state;
  • be a bona fide payer of state taxes and documentary evidence;
  • have professional experience in a specific sector of the economy, confirmed by a diploma.

List of documentation

After receiving notification of a positive decision, the following list of documentation should be prepared:

  • a questionnaire with a personal signature and a photograph;
  • foreign passport (original and a copy of the 1st page in A-4 format);
  • a 3x4 color photograph on a white background;
  • notification from the territorial location of the employer.

The questionnaire is printed on one sheet on both sides ( required condition) and filled with Latin letters. When registering, it should be borne in mind that depending on the city where the Consulate is located, the list of documents may vary.

Period of consideration and processing of data, validity periods

According to the current rules and regulations, the specified time for data processing is 21 - 30 days. Then the Immigration Institute considers the application for another 3 months. In some cases, the time can be shortened to 30 days.

This visa for girls and boys has a validity period of one year. After this period, it can be extended for the same period, then again and so on for up to 5 years. For family members in a common-law marriage, the procedure is slightly different and depends on the presence of children and the duration of the union. Most often, an unregistered partner receives a dependent visa.


Upon arrival at the place, the applicant, along with his family members, must go through official registration at the immigration institute.

At the same time, it is important to take into account a number of existing restrictions:

  • all are registered in person;
  • time to contact - 30 days;
  • persons accompanying a person who came for the purpose of employment, who are officially married and their children must be indicated in the submitted application for a corresponding permit;
  • After the approval of the application, all accompanying persons must submit the main application.

Employment for family members

If you wish to be employed, family members of the applicant are required to have an appropriate visa. To do this, you should prepare and provide:
- diploma;
- passport and birth certificate for each family member;
- summary;
- marriage certificate.

When submitting a package of documentation, it is important to pay attention to their correct design, the availability of certified copies (where required). Documentary proof of the position is also provided, with information about the proposed salary.

Issue price

For those who are attracted by employment or study in Mexico, you should know that obtaining a visa through a special company will cost about 20 US dollars. When submitting documents to in electronic format- the procedure is free.

As you can see, work in the Republic attracts many foreigners and it is not so difficult to find it, if, of course, you adhere to these recommendations. In this case, you can safely live in the state for up to 5 years.

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Mexico is a country located in North America. Because of Hollywood films, it is generally accepted that the state is very poor and all its citizens dream of leaving their homeland as soon as possible. The reality is not that bleak. Mexico is considered one of the most economically developed countries in Latin America, thanks to several industries: oil, mining, gas. In addition, the state receives a significant part of its income from well-developed tourism.

Documents required for legal employment

Mexico has the status of Residente Tempora (temporary resident). It can be of two types - with and without a work permit. Valid from one to four years. The easiest way to get it is with an invitation from a specific employer. It is not possible to renew Residente Tempora status after four years. There are two options left: to leave the state or to start obtaining the status of Residente Permanente (permanent resident). A foreigner who has issued it acquires all the rights of a citizen of the country.

The exception is that you cannot vote in elections. Issuance is made once, there is no need to renew it later. If you decide to change your place of residence or work, about this in mandatory will have to report to migration service... Residente Permanente is a significant step towards obtaining a Mexican passport.

Vacancies for citizens of the Russian Federation

Most likely to find a high-paying and interesting work those who speak Spanish or English and can prove their knowledge with an international certificate. Possible vacancies include a programmer, teacher, translator.

As mentioned above, tourism is well developed in Mexico. Russians are often hired as guides. Our compatriots in the city of Cancun are especially in demand. It is not at all necessary to find a job in any company. You can work for yourself. In this case, the number of orders will directly depend on the experience and customer feedback.

The top tip is to be confident in the interview. Prove to a potential employer that you are interested not only in money, but also in Mexico itself.

The salary

Guides often pay piecework. They earn one part of their money from the provision of their services, the other from the sale of excursions. On average, it can go from 1000 to 1500 USD. Concierges and office employees receive much less - in the region of 600-700 USD. Sometimes a percentage of sales is added to the salary. For workers who come under the programs for highly qualified specialists, the salary directly depends on the company that invited them. Several factors play an important role: the availability of grants and scholarships, whether corporate housing is provided, and so on.

Where and when to look for work

Russians can find suitable vacancies on international exhibitions, with the help of recruiting agencies, through specialized Internet sites. For those who wish to work in the tourism sector, it is better to take care of finding a job in the fall, because the main flow of vacationers from the Russian Federation to Mexico arrives by the New Year.

Warm sunny weather, wonderful beaches and low prices attract a large number of tourists to Mexico from different parts of the world. At the same time, many foreigners, including those from the CIS countries, are considering options for labor migration to this North American state. Over the past few years, the Mexican economy has been developing steadily, the volume of foreign investment is growing, and the local government is carrying out competent reforms aimed at increasing the country's competitiveness.

Work in Mexico for Russians and Ukrainians in 2020 is available for experienced and qualified workers, mainly those with technical professions. Some Mexican manufacturing and service industries, such as electronics, tourism, logistics and the IT sector, are booming and the local workforce is unable to meet the demand for many of the scarce items.

In addition, Mexico's economy is closely integrated with the United States and Canada, in particular, there is a free trade agreement between these countries. Very often, American businessmen open companies in Mexican territory, which creates additional jobs for both local residents and foreign applicants. However, living and working in Mexico in 2020 is challenging.

The income level of Mexican workers is quite low, the country has a high level of corruption and crime, and the economy is largely dependent on the oil sector and external demand. The legal and judicial systems require significant changes. Unemployment in Mexico is 4%... A low indicator, however, a large number of local residents are employed in the shadow sector of the economy.

Next, we will consider the options for self-searching for a job in the Mexican labor market, find out the basic requirements for foreigners for legal employment, and also outline the available vacancies and salaries in Mexico in 2020.

The population of Mexico in 2020 is 131.5 million people... According to this indicator, the country ranks 11th place in the world. Respectively more than 50 million Mexicans are a real workforce and potential competition in the local labor market. In addition, the country is home to a large number of labor migrants from Latin America, mostly in unskilled professions. Therefore, it is rather difficult to break into this sphere, or it is not at all realistic.

Finding a more or less prestigious job in Mexico, including for Russians and Ukrainians, requires sufficient work experience, education and qualifications. Often, foreign diplomas and certificates need a recognition procedure. Another important factor is the degree of ownership foreign language... Official language spoken in Mexico more than 90% local residents - Spanish. For successful employment, you must at least speak English at an advanced level.

Labor migration procedure to Mexico

For legal employment in Mexico, foreigners must first find an employer and apply for work visa allowing you to carry out professional activities in Mexican territory. The document is issued at the Mexican diplomatic office in the country of the labor migrant. Issues related to the issuance of work permits, and, accordingly, work visas are supervised by National Institute for Immigration of Mexico (Instituto Nacional de Migración, hereinafter - NIIM).

Citizens of many countries of the world, in particular the European Union, are allowed to visit Mexico for tourist or business purposes for a period up to 6 months without prior visa processing. It is enough to fill out a special immigration form upon arrival - Forma Migratoria Múltiple... For holders of passports of Russia or Ukraine, this option of visiting Mexico is not available.

However, for long-term employment with a Mexican company ( more than 6 months) without exception, all foreigners need to obtain a temporary resident visa with the right to work ( Visa de Residente Temporal). To do this, a Mexican employer applies to NIIM with an application for hiring a foreign specialist. If a positive decision is made, the applicant has 15 days to apply to the Consulate of Mexico for a work visa.

Types of work visas to Mexico

    Immigrant visa FM2 ... Suitable for foreigners planning long-term employment in Mexico with the subsequent registration of permanent residence. It is initially issued for one year with the option of renewal for a maximum period of up to 4 years.

    FM3 non-immigrant visa ... A more common work visa to Mexico among foreigners who do not associate their future with this country in the long term. Allows you to live and work in Mexican territory for a year with the right of subsequent extension for a similar period.

After moving to Mexico in within 30 days you need to go to your local immigration office and get a residence permit card. The maximum validity period of the document is 4 years, after which it is required to issue the status of a permanent resident or leave the territory of the country. More information on the procedure for labor migration to Mexico can be found on the official government portal -

How to find a job in Mexico without intermediaries. Job search.

The main areas for labor migration, where there is work in Mexico in 2020, including for Russians, are, first of all, large Mexican cities. For example, the capital of a country Mexico City where, together with the surrounding areas, lives about 20 million people... Also, pay attention to the cities - Guadalajara, Tijuana and Leon... Be sure to visit Mexico as a tourist, it can be much easier to find work locally, because many vacancies are simply not available in the public domain.

Look for large companies, including international ones, operating in Mexico and write job offers directly to employers. For example, Grupo Modelo, Pemex, Semex, Cemex, Telmex, Falco Electronics and Meebox... Visit thematic forums and communicate with labor migrants in social networks, especially professional -

Start your job search in Mexico from the official website National Employment Service-, where, in addition to jobs, a lot of useful information and recommendations for applicants, including those of foreign origin, are presented.

Popular Mexico Job Search Sites
International employment resources for Mexico
Mexican newspaper sites

If you cannot find a job in Mexico on your own, contact recruiting agency, preferably international or Mexican. Local employers very often search for foreign specialists through such companies. For example,

Income inequality among various segments of the local population is one of the main problems in Mexico, and the wages of Mexican workers are also very low. The official minimum wage in Mexico in 2020 is 123.22 Mexican pesos per day ( about 6.6 dollars). The rate of 185.56 pesos is provided for the northern border zone.

Much depends on the region and profession, but the average salary in Mexico in 2020 is about 350 pesos per day which is equivalent to 18 dollars... Of course, the prospects for high earnings in this country are much lower in comparison with employment in the USA, Canada or developed countries of Europe.

Available vacancies in Mexico for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians in 2020:

    Qualified IT professionals, especially project managers and developers.

    Experienced engineers and technicians to work in manufacturing.

    Specialists in the field of tourism and restaurant and hotel business.

    Teachers of English language.

    Managers of divisions and branches of international companies.

Foreign specialists with qualifications and experience can count on a salary in Mexico in the region of 1000-1200 dollars per month, rarely does anyone manage to earn more. In the field of unskilled labor, it is very difficult for foreigners to find work in Mexico. If you manage to take workplace, then the level of income is clearly not happy.

The internship and work program in Mexico assumes assistance in finding one job, obtaining all the necessary documentation (including visas), as well as a place for placement. The most popular and in demand in the country are vacancies in the service sector associated with serving tourists: in hotels, restaurants, shops, etc. But if you have an education in any profile, good knowledge of the language and a desire to work in your specialty, then, quite possibly, we will be able to find such a vacancy.

The internship gives the opportunity to spend in Mexico from 3 to 6 months. The nice thing is that Russians don't need a visa.

Jobs are provided in the Mexico City area, in the city of CUERNAVACA and in resorts in various companies.

Jobs in Mexico for Russian program participants are offered in the following areas:

  • tourism
  • language centers and schools (teaching English)
  • law firms, state institutions, Immigration Departments (legal assistants)
  • other areas in accordance with the received / received profession

For students, an internship is possible in premium hotels in the departments: Promotion, Reception, General assistant, Bookings, International Business, Hospitality & Tourism, baby sitting inside the hotel, etc.

You have to work 25-30 hours a week, the salary is $ 50-150 per month, but you are provided with accommodation and often food, so this is quite enough for living in Mexico. You can also find a second job to earn more.

Participants of the program are provided with accommodation in apartments that are rented for several people, or in hotels where students are doing their internship.

How to go

Basic requirements for participants in the internship program in Mexico:

  • age from 18 to 30 years
  • knowledge of English at an intermediate level, preferably at least a minimum level of Spanish
  • for internships in Riviera Maya hotels - the status of a student of the faculties of hotel and restaurant service and tourism
  • the desire to develop, learn, communicate with new people, immerse yourself in the culture of a foreign country

The advantage when applying for any vacancy, of course, will be the knowledge of Spanish. But even if you cannot boast of such - do not worry, just good English will be enough for the first time. And on the spot you will be able to gradually master another foreign language.

It is necessary to start the registration process several months before the desired departure to sunny Mexico.

Step 1.

We help you write a resume and fill out a questionnaire, which are necessary to get started. You will also need a letter to a potential employer, where you indicate which vacancy you are interested in.

Step 2.

You are being interviewed via Skype. It is necessary for the host to assess your level of knowledge of English and Spanish, hear from you about your work experience, reasons for participating in the program, and so on.

Step 3.

Selection and confirmation of the place of internship.

Step 4.

You buy plane tickets and fly to Mexico. Upon arrival in the country, you attend an orientation meeting. They will tell you about the culture of Mexico, about the rules of conduct and safety (where to walk, where NOT to walk, how to behave), how to bargain with taxi drivers, where to buy food, etc. On the first day, you will take a walking tour of Cuernavaca (a city near Mexico City). On the second day, you will be taken to the employer. You will need to dress neatly for the interview and bring a small gift with you.

What is the price

The cost of an internship in Mexico is $ 550. Included in the price:

  • finding an internship
  • airport pick-up and transfer (for internships in Cuernavaca)
  • accommodation
  • meals (once a day for trainees in hotels)

Additional costs: medical insurance and airfare. You must have at least $ 400 with you for the first time.

The warm climate, low prices, national flavor and the proximity of the American border annually attract hundreds of labor migrants to Mexico from all over the world.

Mexico, along with Argentina and Brazil, is one of the three most economically developed countries in Latin America. There is a significant decrease in the unemployment rate in 2019 - from 6.1% to 4.9%, excluding illegally employed citizens (about 30% of the population). The average salary is 52–69 pesos per day (3.6 euros).

Despite such high growth rates, Mexico still remains a rather poor country in comparison with developed countries. High competition in the labor market dictates a decrease in demand for low-skilled specialists. Therefore, it is difficult for citizens of Russia and Ukraine who specialize in manual labor to find a vacancy. The situation is completely different with professionals in intellectual work - in Mexico there is a shortage of such personnel.

Advantages of working in Mexico:

  • relatively high salary in comparison with some regions of the CIS countries;
  • low prices for food, clothing, services;
  • good economic prospects for the country.

Among the shortcomings, one should single out a high crime rate and a wary attitude of local residents towards Europeans.

The most demanded professions in 2019

Over the past decades, in the wake of the economic recovery, the salaries of Mexicans have increased significantly.

The most demanded professions in 2019:

Wage level

The average salary in Mexico is approximately 15,500 pesos (just under $ 1,000). It should be borne in mind that in many provinces the indicators are much lower, and the competition in the labor exchange is higher. Minimum level wages in Mexico it is not legally established, on average across regions it does not exceed 2,520 pesos ($ 140).

The highest pay among Mexicans is observed in the fields of energy supply, finance, industry, and private business (income up to 40,000–45,000 pesos). Less is paid to cultural workers, doctors and managers (up to 25,000 pesos). The lowest wages are in the field of manual low-skilled labor (from 10,000 to 40,000 pesos).

How to find a job without intermediaries

Under independent search work is usually understood direct communication with an employer or a representative of personnel structures. Given this fact, it is impossible for an applicant to do without knowledge of Spanish or English.

Popular job search sites

You can start looking for work abroad from the following English and Russian-language sites:

  • - the portal provides a wide range of different vacancies in Mexico in Russian;
  • English-language job search site around the world.

Specialized resources

Many foreign job seekers entrust the search process to specialized agencies. Such organizations have well-established connections in the international business environment and are able to very quickly select a vacancy for any criteria.

Groups for finding work abroad:

Employment types

Not all migrants know Spanish or English, and many do not plan to move to the country, but only go to work. Therefore, each category of citizens can choose a vacancy to their liking.

Working without knowledge of Spanish

Working in Mexico in the service sector without knowing the language is almost impossible. But for professionals looking for work in large international companies, this will not be a problem - in such companies they prefer to communicate in English, which is indispensable abroad.

Seasonal work

Seasonal earnings in Mexico are especially relevant in the warm season, when there is an influx of tourists, and the need for labor force increases several times. This period lasts from April to October. The exception is the coastal region - it is warm there even in winter, so seasonal work in these areas can be found at any time of the year.

Most often, this type of employment includes work on agricultural land and private farms - processing, collecting and sorting crops.

This work attracts labor migrants from the CIS countries to Mexico for several reasons:

  • decent wages;
  • payment by the employer of travel to the place of work;
  • provision of housing.

It is not uncommon to find vacancies in the tourism sector that are great for professionals who speak English and have knowledge of Mexican history and culture.

Temporary job

Temporary earnings are mainly popular among young job seekers who want to build a career in a Latin American state, but rather to secure a small part-time job and vivid impressions of their stay in Mexico.

Temporary vacancies for 2019 include offers for both students and workers who prefer to work in warehouses or factories. Sometimes employers are willing to provide housing and bear the cost of food.

Other options

In addition to the vacancies mentioned, Mexican employers offer several more ways to earn money:

  • Contract job. A common type of employment in which the applicant and employer enter into labor contract with a detailed description of all the nuances. This type of work is suitable for women who work as home nurses or babysitters.
  • Work on a rotational basis for a period of up to 6 months are often chosen by specialists in the construction industry, as well as welders, electricians, foremen. Such work pays well, but competition for vacant post significant.

Official employment procedure

For official registration in Mexico, a foreigner must first find an employer and conclude an agreement with him, and then apply for a work visa that will allow him to carry out professional activities. This document is issued by the National Institute of Immigration.

Priority of actions

For successful legal employment and smooth crossing of the Mexican border, a foreign citizen should adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Search for open vacancies at labor exchanges. Passage of an interview and registration of an employment contract.
  2. Applying for a work permit to the migration authorities.
  3. Obtaining a migration visa, departure to the place of work.

Types of work permits

Mexican law establishes two types of work permits:

  • Immigrant visa FM2. Issued to foreigners for long-term employment with subsequent registration of permanent residence. Valid for 1 year, renewable for up to 4 years.
  • FM3 visa. Suitable for citizens who arrived in Mexico for temporary work, allows them to live and work in the country for 1 year. It can be extended for such a period again.

Categories that do not require a work permit

Citizens from EU countries are allowed to visit Mexico for up to six months without a visa to do business. Europeans only need to fill out a migration form at the entrance . Such benefits do not apply to citizens of the CIS countries (with the exception of students working on an internship program).

List of main documents

In case of a positive consideration of the application for a work visa, a foreign citizen is sent a notification, on the basis of which the applicant can submit the following documents to the Consulate of Mexico:

  • a two-sided questionnaire filled in in the Latin alphabet, with a photograph and signature of the applicant;

  • originals of the national passport and international passport;
  • color photograph 3x4, on a white background, full face, without glasses and headgear;

  • notification to the National Institute of Immigration.

The package of documents may differ depending on the specifics of the field of activity of the employee and the requirements of a particular Consulate.

Registration of a work visa

A work visa for CIS citizens is issued in several stages:

  1. The employer (sponsor) submits an application for a work permit on behalf of the applicant.
  2. Waiting for a response from the National Institute of Immigration (usually 35-40 days).
  3. Receive notification of a positive decision. Sending documents for a work visa.
  4. Obtaining a visa. Moving to Mexico and registering at the place of stay (within 30 days of arrival).

Selection Criteria for Applicants for a Work Visa

To obtain a prestigious vacancy and successful legal registration, foreign citizens will need:

  • work experience;
  • higher education;
  • qualifications in their field of activity.

It is important to remember that often foreign diplomas in Mexico require a confirmation procedure. The factor of proficiency in Spanish or English at an advanced level will also be important.

Work visa extension

The most common type of visa (FM-3) is valid for one year with the same extension period. It can be drawn up for a total period of five years, after which the foreigner becomes eligible for permanent residence. Otherwise, the citizen is obliged to leave the territory of Mexico.

Business immigration

Under Mexican law, a foreigner has the right to own a private company without the involvement of local founders. The owner can be both a legal entity and an individual.

Before registering a business, a businessman must obtain permission to entrepreneurial activity at the Department of Foreign Affairs in Mexico. At the same time, the founder provides not only information about himself, but also detailed information about the planned company. Registration of all documents takes about a month.

In accordance with Mexican regulations authorized capital businesses must be at least 50,000 pesos with 3,000 in assets.

Features of internship in the country

Internship programs for international students in Mexican territory involve job vacancies in services, tourism, management, education and Agriculture... The internship gives you the opportunity to work in Mexico from 3 to 6 months without a visa and accompanying documents.

The interns work 25-30 hours a week with a salary of $ 50-100 per month. Often, students are provided with accommodation and even meals, so such conditions cover a significant part of the costs.

Consequences for attempting illegal employment

Accusations of illegal employment threaten with detention and deportation from the country, which in some cases is accompanied by a life-long ban on crossing the Mexican border.

Thus, it is possible for a foreigner to find a decent job in Mexico only with excellent knowledge of the Spanish language and high professional skills. But despite the fact that the official employment procedure is fraught with some difficulties and paperwork, it is quite easy to obtain a work visa.