Realized in life. Why it is not possible to realize oneself in life. How to gain a foothold in the chosen activity and achieve success in life

Michel Lacroix, Ph.D., professor at the University of Evry-Val d'Esson in France and author of Courage Rethinked, Personal Development and Self-Realization, talks about what is more important for the possibility of self-realization - ability or motivation.

self-realization - a rocket with two engines. One depends on your abilities, talents, inclinations. The other works from motivation, from desire. Mainly, the second engine matters - your aspirations and desires. Therefore, stop asking yourself anxiously: can you, do you have the ability to do anything. Ask yourself better if you want.

What does it mean to "realize yourself"?

Self-realization means two things. First, we must perceive ourselves as a kind of container of possibilities. As the philosopher Martin Heidegger wrote, "I am the promise of possibilities." In other words, I have potential. It consists of abilities and motives, of inclinations and desires. I am simultaneously shaped by what I am able to do and what I want to do. Self-realization also assumes that this potential should not be wasted. The reserve of possibilities that I feel in myself must be used, it must be used.

It is important not only to perceive yourself as a person who has opportunities, but also to translate them into actions, the transition from words to deeds is important. Let us recall the saying of Friedrich Nietzsche: "Become who you are." The process of self-realization involves efforts aimed at self-improvement. I must make an effort to do the best I can.

The desire for self-realization and the desire to be happy are not the same thing?

Self-realization comes more from perfectionism than from the pursuit of happiness, eudemonism, which considers bliss, happiness as the motive and goal of all aspirations. “Happiness makes me bored,” said the heroine of Rousseau's novel New Eloise. This phrase very well conveys the spirit of self-realization. Nevertheless, making efforts to realize myself, I do not give up happiness at all. It will eventually come - as an addition, as a reward for my work. If, summing up my life, I can say: “I did everything I could, I used all my abilities, I achieved the goals that I had outlined, I followed my vocation, I remained faithful to the life plan I made in my youth”, - if I can, without sinning too much against the truth, utter one of these phrases, then I will experience a feeling of satisfaction, peace, serenity. Isn't this what is ultimately called happiness?

Do I need to be actively involved in order to self-actualize?

What does the effort of self-realization mean? This is a kind of "life project" that presupposes consistency and perseverance. “My project defines me,” wrote Jean-Paul Sartre. To self-actualize, you need to want to achieve some goal in any area: in professional or in the field of leisure (for example, a hobby), in sports or artistic pursuits, in public life, in volunteering, in family life, in love relationship. There are a lot of ways of personal realization! Some people strive to achieve something exceptional, extraordinary, majestic. They need great goals, a noble mission that they want to fulfill. They need noisy, brilliant success, fame, fame. Others, on the contrary, harvest their crops in the field of everyday life and feel very good. And it's great that this is so. They have one thing in common - action. Action is necessary for self-realization. As the writer André Malraux said, "we are the sum of our actions." A life consisting only of a continuous series of moments of contemplation (“let everything go as it is”) would be incomplete.

The first difficulty: realizing what we really want

André Gide said: “There are a thousand 'I's' inside me, and I cannot dare to be alone.' The realization of all our possibilities comes up against the first difficulty: to realize what we really want.

Yes it is. That is why, perhaps, you should allow yourself not to realize all your possibilities to the last one. One of the most dangerous temptations of self-realization lies in the desire to do everything that you can, to try to put into practice all your ideas. This is a teenage dream that we have to give up in order to become adults, because in fact it leads to a dissipation of forces, which is unproductive. It is necessary to overcome in oneself this "Don Juanism" of a person who clings to everything. I cannot work in all specialties at once, to shine in all kinds of arts, to defend all positions in a row, to engage in all kinds of sports. I have to make a choice. The forerunner of existentialism, Soren Kierkegaard, spoke of choice as baptism, and this is true, since this moment determines the formation of our personality. You must be able to limit yourself, set limits for yourself. Self-realization is inseparable from self-restraint.

How is self-realization of a person connected with the development of individualism

The desire for self-realization is inherent in human nature. In a sense, it is eternal. After all, this is the essence of man - to live in anxiety, in tension. We are never completely satisfied with who we are. We are woven from desires. Man is what he is not, and not who he is ... You are right in assuming that the need for individual realization began to increase since the 18th century, that is, from the era of individualism. And there are three reasons for this.

First, a new concept of the individual emerged. Until the 18th century, ideas about God, the salvation of the soul, about the metaphysical and cosmic order created an irresistible horizon for personal development. Consider, for example, how important “imitation of Jesus Christ” has been for Christians throughout the centuries. In the 18th century, man began to free himself from these transcendental models associated with religion or metaphysics. He learned to focus on himself. And what did he find? Its potential, that is, the sum of possibilities and desires, aspirations and abilities, motives and predispositions that are located within it. The science of psychology, which emerged in the 19th century, began to explore this potential, however, paying more attention to abilities than motivation (and this could be reproached with her). Since that time, the modern philosophy of self-realization began to develop rapidly under the sign of radical autonomy (a concept developed by Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau). The point is that modern man develops his potential completely autonomously, without relying on Divine predestination from above or some other metaphysical matter. Such realization implies the realization of oneself by oneself, that is, "self-realization".

The second factor is the adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights

The second factor that influenced the rapid development of this philosophy in France was the abolition of royalism. Previously, a person was born in a peasant family or in the family of a nobleman and throughout his life he retained his original status and the corresponding opportunities. With the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in 1789, everyone acquired an equal opportunity. From this point of view, the Great French Revolution became a tremendous liberator of aspirations and internal forces. From now on, everyone could pin their hopes on success in politics, industry, commerce, art, literature, science. The concept of social success has emerged. It was he who then became for many a specific form of self-realization. Recall, for example, the hero of Stendhal's novel Red and Black by Julien Sorel, the son of a craftsman obsessed with climbing the social ladder ... The growing social mobility that the French Revolution gave impetus allowed many big figures to enter the stage of history. George Byron, Johann Goethe, Louis Liotey and Louis Pasteur, Andrew Carnegie, Richard Wagner, Jean Mermoz and many others have served as “models of self-realization” for decades. These people deeply influenced public opinion.

The third factor is contemporary Western literature

This is the influence that Western philosophy and literature have exerted over the past two centuries. If you think about it, they constitute an inexhaustible source of reflections, judgments, stories and testimonies of personal experience, which can be used to gain a deeper understanding of what self-realization is. First of all, philosophers. All of them - from Hegel to Sartre, from Kierkegaard to Mounier - did not stop thinking about the "realization of man", about his potentialities. The anarchist Max Stirner spoke of man's vocation "to realize complete humanity", Karl Marx viewed socialism as a revolution that would "liberate the forces dormant in us." Writers, for their part, chose personality development as one of their favorite topics: Stendhal's egotism, Goethe's narration in The Years of the Teaching of Wilhelm Meister, the preaching of the “personality cult” by Maurice Barres, André Gide's search in Earthly Delights, one way or another, give answers to question: how to unleash your potential, how to increase your humanity? In my book, I wanted to master this cultural wealth. Therefore, I did not pay attention to the noticeable bias towards the East, which now prevails in the movement of personal development. I do not want to say: the East does not give anything - that would be untrue. Let us recall the contribution made by Buddhism, the teachings of Tao, yoga. I just want to say: the treasures of the East cannot make us forget about the wealth of the West. We, Western people, also have our own cultural heritage, our own treasures, which allow us to think about self-realization.

What if reality doesn't reach the level we're aiming for

The road to self-realization is full of obstacles. External barriers are related to society or family, close environment, which do not always allow young people to realize their potential. So, today, difficulties in the labor market reduce the opportunities for personal fulfillment. I recall a dramatic scene from the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "The Land of Men", where the author tells how, on a train carrying workers in Poland, he meets his eyes with a child, in whose face he observes a brilliance of mind, reads in it the "promise of life" ... But then, turning his gaze to the parents, he sees their deplorable state, poverty, disappointed hopes, they do not pay attention to the child at all. The author sadly thinks that everything went badly for this boy in the beginning. He may not have the opportunity to develop his talents. His life might be crippled. "They killed Mozart in him," exclaims Exupery.

Internal obstacles to self-realization

Some of them are of a psychopathological nature; neuroses, depression siphon energy out of us and prevent us from realizing ourselves. It so happens that "limiting thoughts" become an obstacle. Some of us are overwhelmed with fear, shyness, fear of failure, we lack confidence in ourselves. Sometimes negative thoughts are added to this, which destroy the desire itself, which ultimately leads to the fact that we voluntarily give up our aspirations, cross out dreams. “Too late” is an attitude that interferes with self-realization. Conversely, our self-realization can be hindered by an overly majestic picture that we mentally draw. Excessive ambition, lust for fame, desperate pursuit of brilliance can paradoxically lead to failure. As well as the idea of ​​"overcoming oneself", symbolized by the Nietzschean superman. I am opposed to such a romantic vision of self-realization, the goal of which is by all means exclusivity, genius, heroism and superiority. It is in our power to achieve self-realization in the field of everyday life. It is not at all necessary to perform extraordinary actions in order to realize oneself. Another obstacle is solipsism, which proudly proclaims: "I will make myself." But self-realization, whether we like it or not, takes place in connection with another person. She needs friendly support, tenderness, love and trust in others. At the beginning of Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables there is a wonderful episode in which Jean Valjean, who has returned from hard labor, is saved thanks to the kindness of Monsieur Bienvenue. In order for Valjean to become a different person, it was necessary that someone believed in him. The whole story of Hugo, in fact, is the story of personal reincarnation, accomplished by the magical magic of mercy and trust. And finally, the last trap: hyperactivity, unrestrained activity. Of course, action is necessary for self-realization, but it is still important to ensure that you do not turn into a hyper-active fidget.

Self-realization of a woman is different from a man's way of expressing himself

It is easier for women than for men to resist the temptation to reduce self-realization simply to success as measured by money, power, or public recognition. They do not easily succumb to the temptation of a high position. They are less overcome by the desire for glory, superiority, power. They instinctively feel that our actions do not have to be exceptional, in order to enrich us, and in order to self-actualize, it is not at all necessary to do something brilliant. Finally, it is more natural for women to imagine self-realization in connection with another person, in love, tenderness, family life, friendship.

What advice would you give a young man to help him realize himself?

I would tell him: your self-realization is a rocket with two engines. One depends on your abilities, talents, inclinations. The other works from motivation, from desire. Motors vary in power and are not equally important. Mainly, the second engine matters - your aspirations and desires. Therefore, stop asking yourself anxiously: can you, do you have the ability to do anything. Ask yourself better if you want. Listen to your deepest desires, this is the most important thing. "

Michel Lacroix - PhD, lecturer at the French University of Evry-Val d "Essonne, author of many books, including" Courage Redefined "(" Le Courage réinventé ", Flammarion, 2003)," Personal Development "(" Le Developpement personnel ”Flammarion, 2004),“ Self-realization ”(“ Se réaliser. Petite philosophie de l'épanouissement personel ”, Marabout, 2010).

Psychologies: What do you think it means to "realize yourself"?

Michel Lacroix: Self-realization means two things. First, we must perceive ourselves as a kind of container of possibilities. As the philosopher Martin Heidegger wrote, "I am the promise of possibilities." In other words, I have potential. It consists of abilities and motives, of inclinations and desires. I am simultaneously shaped by what I am able to do and what I want to do. Self-realization also assumes that this potential should not be wasted. The reserve of possibilities that I feel in myself must be used, it must be used.

It is important not only to perceive yourself as a person who has opportunities, but also to translate them into actions, the transition from words to deeds is important. Let us recall the saying of Friedrich Nietzsche: "Become who you are." The process of self-realization involves efforts aimed at self-improvement. I must make an effort to do the best I can.

It turns out that the desire for self-realization and the desire to become happy are not the same thing?

M.L .: You're right. Self-realization comes more from perfectionism than from the pursuit of happiness, eudemonism, which considers bliss, happiness as the motive and goal of all aspirations. “Happiness makes me bored,” said the heroine of Rousseau's novel New Eloise. This phrase very well conveys the spirit of self-realization. Nevertheless, making efforts to realize myself, I do not give up happiness at all. It will eventually come - as an addition, as a reward for my work. If, summing up my life, I can say: “I did everything I could, I used all my abilities, I achieved the goals that I had outlined, I followed my vocation, I remained faithful to the life plan I made in my youth”, - if I can, not sinning too much against the truth, utter one of these phrases, then I will experience a feeling of satisfaction, peace, serenity. Isn't this what is ultimately called happiness?

Do I need to be actively involved in order to self-actualize?

M.L .: What does the effort of self-realization mean? This is a kind of "life project" that presupposes consistency and perseverance. “My project defines me,” wrote Jean-Paul Sartre. In order to self-actualize, you need to want to achieve some goal in any area: in professional or in the field of leisure (for example, a hobby), in sports or artistic pursuits, in public life, in volunteering, in family life, in love relationship. There are a lot of ways of personal realization! Some people strive to achieve something exceptional, extraordinary, majestic. They need great goals, a noble mission that they want to fulfill. They need noisy, brilliant success, fame, fame. Others, on the contrary, reap their crops in the field of everyday life and feel very good. And it's great that this is so. They have one thing in common - action. Action is necessary for self-realization. As the writer André Malraux said, "we are the sum of our actions." A life consisting only of a continuous series of moments of contemplation (“let everything go as it is”) would be incomplete.

André Gide said: “There are a thousand 'I's' inside me, and I cannot dare to be alone.' The realization of all our possibilities comes up against the first difficulty: to realize what we really want.

M.L .: Yes it is. That is why, perhaps, you should allow yourself not to realize all your possibilities to the last one. One of the most dangerous temptations of self-realization lies in the desire to do everything that you can, to try to put into practice all your ideas. This is a teenage dream that we have to give up in order to become adults, because in fact it leads to a dissipation of forces, which is unproductive. It is necessary to overcome in oneself this "Don Juanism" of a person who clings to everything. I cannot work in all specialties at once, to shine in all kinds of arts, to defend all positions in a row, to engage in all kinds of sports. I have to make a choice. The forerunner of existentialism, Soren Kierkegaard, spoke of choice as baptism, and this is true, since this moment determines the formation of our personality. You must be able to limit yourself, set limits for yourself. Self-realization is inseparable from self-restraint.

The desire for self-realization only intensified with the development of individualism inherent in our era, isn't it?

M.L .:

The desire for self-realization is inherent in human nature. In a sense, it is eternal. After all, this is the essence of man - to live in anxiety, in tension. We are never completely satisfied with who we are. We are woven from desires. Man is what he is not, and not who he is ... You are right in assuming that the need for individual realization began to increase since the 18th century, that is, from the era of individualism. And there are three reasons for this.

First, a new concept of the individual emerged. Until the 18th century, ideas about God, the salvation of the soul, about the metaphysical and cosmic order created an irresistible horizon for personal development. Consider, for example, how important “imitation of Jesus Christ” has been for Christians throughout the centuries. In the 18th century, man began to free himself from these transcendental models associated with religion or metaphysics. He learned to focus on himself. And what did he find? Its potential, that is, the sum of possibilities and desires, aspirations and abilities, motives and predispositions that are located within it. The science of psychology, which emerged in the 19th century, began to explore this potential, however, paying more attention to abilities than motivation (and this could be reproached with her). Since that time, the modern philosophy of self-realization began to develop rapidly under the sign of radical autonomy (a concept developed by Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau). The point is that modern man develops his potential completely autonomously, without relying on Divine predestination from above or some other metaphysical matter. Such realization implies the realization of oneself by oneself, that is, "self-realization".

The second factor that influenced the rapid development of this philosophy in France was the abolition of royalism. Previously, a person was born in a peasant family or in the family of a nobleman and throughout his life he retained his original status and the corresponding opportunities. With the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in 1789, everyone acquired an equal opportunity. From this point of view, the Great French Revolution became a tremendous liberator of aspirations and internal forces. From now on, everyone could pin their hopes on success in politics, industry, commerce, art, literature, science. The concept of social success has emerged. It was he who then became for many a specific form of self-realization. Recall, for example, the hero of Stendhal's novel Red and Black by Julien Sorel, the son of a craftsman obsessed with climbing the social ladder ... The growing social mobility that the French Revolution gave impetus allowed many big figures to enter the stage of history. George Byron, Johann Goethe, Louis Liotey and Louis Pasteur, Andrew Carnegie, Richard Wagner, Jean Mermoz and many others have served as “models of self-realization” for decades. These people deeply influenced public opinion.

Read also

And the third factor?

M.L .:

This is the influence that Western philosophy and literature have exerted over the past two centuries. If you think about it, they constitute an inexhaustible source of reflections, judgments, stories and testimonies of personal experience, which can be used to gain a deeper understanding of what self-realization is. First of all, philosophers. All of them - from Hegel to Sartre, from Kierkegaard to Mounier - did not stop thinking about the "realization of man", about his potentialities. The anarchist Max Stirner spoke of man's vocation "to realize complete humanity," Karl Marx viewed socialism as a revolution that would "liberate the forces dormant in us." Writers, for their part, chose personality development as one of their favorite topics: Stendhal's egotism, Goethe's narration in The Years of the Teaching of Wilhelm Meister, the preaching of the “personality cult” by Maurice Barres, André Gide's search in Earthly Delights, one way or another, give answers to question: how to unleash your potential, how to increase your humanity? In my book, I wanted to master this cultural wealth. Therefore, I did not pay attention to the noticeable bias towards the East, which now prevails in the movement of personal development. I do not want to say: the East does not give anything - that would be untrue. Let us recall the contribution made by Buddhism, the teachings of Tao, yoga. I just want to say: the treasures of the East cannot make us forget about the wealth of the West. We, Western people, also have our own cultural heritage, our own treasures, which allow us to think about self-realization.

Yes, the modern world glorifies self-realization, but reality rarely reaches the level to which we strive ...

M.L .: Because the road to self-realization is full of obstacles. External barriers are related to society or family, close environment, which do not always allow young people to realize their potential. So, today, difficulties in the labor market reduce the opportunities for personal fulfillment. I recall a dramatic scene from the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "The Land of Men", where the author tells how, on a train carrying workers in Poland, he meets his eyes with a child, in whose face he observes a brilliance of mind, reads in it the "promise of life" ... But then, turning his gaze to the parents, he sees their deplorable state, poverty, disappointed hopes, they do not pay attention to the child at all. The author sadly thinks that everything went badly for this boy in the beginning. He may not have the opportunity to develop his talents. His life might be crippled. "They killed Mozart in him," exclaims Exupery.

What are the internal obstacles?

M.L .: Some of them are of a psychopathological nature; neuroses, depression siphon energy out of us and prevent us from realizing ourselves. It so happens that "limiting thoughts" become an obstacle. Some of us are overwhelmed with fear, shyness, fear of failure, we lack confidence in ourselves. Sometimes negative thoughts are added to this, which destroy the desire itself, which ultimately leads to the fact that we voluntarily give up our aspirations, cross out dreams. “Too late” is an attitude that interferes with self-realization. Conversely, our self-realization can be hindered by an overly majestic picture that we mentally draw. Excessive ambition, lust for fame, desperate pursuit of brilliance can paradoxically lead to failure. As well as the idea of ​​"overcoming oneself", symbolized by the Nietzschean superman. I am opposed to such a romantic vision of self-realization, the goal of which is by all means exclusivity, genius, heroism and superiority. It is in our power to achieve self-realization in the field of everyday life. It is not at all necessary to perform extraordinary actions in order to realize oneself. Another obstacle is solipsism, which proudly proclaims: "I will make myself." But self-realization, whether we like it or not, takes place in connection with another person. She needs friendly support, tenderness, love and trust in others. At the beginning of Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables there is a wonderful episode in which Jean Valjean, who has returned from hard labor, is saved thanks to the kindness of Monsieur Bienvenue. In order for Valjean to become a different person, it was necessary that someone believed in him. The whole story of Hugo, in fact, is the story of personal reincarnation, performed by the magical magic of mercy and trust. And finally, the last trap: hyperactivity, unrestrained activity. Of course, action is necessary for self-realization, but it is still important to ensure that you do not turn into a hyper-active fidget.

Is the female way of self-realization different from the male?

M.L .: Probably yes. I think it's easier for women than for men to resist the temptation to reduce self-realization simply to success as measured by money, power, or public recognition. They do not easily succumb to the temptation of a high position. They are less overcome by the desire for glory, superiority, power. They instinctively feel that our actions do not have to be exceptional, in order to enrich us, and in order to self-actualize, it is not at all necessary to do something brilliant. Finally, it is more natural for women to imagine self-realization in connection with another person, in love, tenderness, family life, friendship.

What advice would you give a young man to help him realize himself?

M.L .: I would tell him: your self-realization is a rocket with two engines. One depends on your abilities, talents, inclinations. The other works from motivation, from desire. Motors vary in power and are not equally important. Mainly, the second engine matters - your aspirations and desires. Therefore, stop asking yourself anxiously: can you, do you have the ability to do anything. Ask yourself better if you want. Listen to your deepest desires, this is the most important thing. "

1 Grands Dossiers des sciences humaines, 2011, no. 23.

At different ages and at different stages of life, everyone has an idea of ​​how to realize themselves. The relevance of such a topic is simply enormous, because along the found path you will move with energy and desire to achieve goals. But still the most important aspect is the very search for the correct way of implementation.

There is one very effective psychological advice:

  • Take a paper and a pen and make a list of what you enjoy doing. Take this activity seriously, write at least thirty points.
  • After the list is ready - cross out everything that you do only according to your mood. Remove from the list those activities that you do not want to do all your life and make work out of them. Be extremely careful in your choice, because here you decide the further direction of your life.
  • Next, write down what you do best: strengths, abilities, and skills. These are the things you should be proud of.
  • Now combine your two lists: your favorite activities and your strengths. Think in what area to implement such a combination. Think about how to realize your thoughts about what you love and your skills? There should be enough options for you to have a choice.

Another piece of advice from psychologists is to try everything. Take the chances and different opportunities, then some day you will understand exactly what you like. After many trials, it is possible to realize what you need in life, which will bring pleasure and fulfill you.

Never compare yourself with others, do not compete, then all the beauty of your true essence is manifested. So no one can influence you, and your realization will be pleasant and complete.

The big mistake in self-realization, according to many psychologists, is inconsistency. To grab onto one thing, then abandon it and move on to another is a huge mistake on the way to goals. When you have decided on the task, do not back down. It is necessary to bring the matter to the end, then you feel a surge of strength from the fact that you were able to achieve everything you wanted. The next thing you will do with such energy that it will certainly work out!

Very often a person, in his thoughts about how to realize himself in life, also finds the fear of not defining goals and not finding ways to achieve them. Uncertainty and fear - moving backwards from goals. The main thing here is to observe four important points:

  • Revealing fear;
  • Fear analysis;
  • Getting rid of fear;
  • No return to old insecurities and fears.

There are also non-standard tips for understanding how a person realizes himself. More precisely, to help find the direction of implementation.

  • Films. Think about which films you like, not everyone. List your favorite films and analyze their genre and common thread.
  • Memory. Look at what is easiest to put in your memory. Some people memorize quotes from books, others are easily given the words of songs, and the rest can easily remember any drawing, diagram or table. Here you will immediately understand what kind of activity would be enjoyable.
  • The Diary. All great people kept diaries before their triumph. Therefore, set aside a certain period of time for yourself and write in your diary about what you do, what you like and what is annoying. After rereading these pages, you can draw conclusions about what you want to do in life.

There is no universal recipe for how a person realizes himself. There is a lot to try, because each of us is different. Then you will find exactly the path of realization that will give you the opportunity to reach high peaks in your favorite business. After all, what could be better than a successful activity that brings daily delight?

For a very long time I was tormented by one question: Each of us is talented, gifted, smart enough, but .. why in life are not all of us able to realize themselves and live a decent life?

And so I finally managed to find the answer to it.

This story happened at one of the seminars:

As a result: millions of people do not live the life they want; live with the wrong people with whom they wanted; do not do what brings joy and pleasure. In short, we were at a dead end. Driven off the right path.

Two eternal Russian questions: who is to blame and what to do? And if everything is clear with the first, then the second requires a separate explanation.

Listen to me very carefully: if you want to really be realized in life and achieve serious goals, then in no case should you dance to someone else's tune. So you will not get anything worthy of yourself - only disappointment yes " scraps from the master's table«.

If you do what society expects from you, then you have only one path - the path of gradual degradation and slow death. Examples are circulating around you every day. Take a closer look.

Therefore, immediately get rid of the "social" programs and attitudes inherent in you. They will never let you live for yourself, for your future, for those great goals that you can achieve.

True, having got rid of the model of life imposed on you, you will need to build in another one. But already your own, working exclusively for you and in your interests. Do you want to know how to do it, how to start living and playing by your own rules? for a ready-made solution.

Hello everyone! Almost all people dream of a happy life, but not everyone is able to make an effort for this, sometimes not knowing what to do, and sometimes just expecting that someone else will do it instead of them, guess the desires and fulfill them. Some people lack energy, stability and willpower. And for someone it is banal - the strength to cope with bad habits. And today we will look at ways that will help you accomplish this difficult, but important task - to realize yourself.

Sometimes it is easier for a person to live according to the old scenario, even if it does not help to advance in life at all, sometimes it even brings troubles and suffering. But he is afraid to take and act differently, because then everything will change, and he does not know whether the changes will be for the better or not. And then it is easier to dream up something terrible and stop your impulses to change, staying in the same place and grieving that dreams do not come true, and needs do not come true.

Victims of domestic violence often behave this way. Usually these are women who understand that the spouse will one day kill, but do not dare to leave him. They convince themselves that somehow everything will work out someday, and an attempt to part just the other way around will hurt.

The same thing happens, for example, with men who have come up with a great business plan, but instead of implementing it, they continue to sit on the couch. They play computer games or dream of a good life, and also suffer that he turned out to be such a loser and fate is unfavorable to him.

So, if you want to achieve something and realize your potential, forget about the old methods, pace, habits, schedule and so on, only leaving your own comfort zone can you get what you want.

2. Activity

As soon as you see an opportunity, grab it, that is, act immediately. No wonder they came up with a saying that it is better to regret what you did than what you did not do. Fears paralyze us, stop us. On the one hand, this allows you to maintain security, but on the other, it is very limiting.

So you can lose the joys, pleasures, and even life itself, because the one who is inactive and hides - in fact only exists, his days are not saturated, he does not develop and does not advance. So, if suddenly you have some kind of toxic and unproductive fear - declare a fight with it. For details.

3. Procrastination

There is such a bad habit as procrastination, it is downright a disease of the modern person. Do you know what is hidden behind this terrible word? A banal delay in doing something for later.

Sometimes it seems to a person that there is still a lot of time ahead, and he will always have time to start a difficult or uninteresting task, which is why he is engaged in completely extraneous activities, experiencing anxiety and tension from the incompleteness of something important. And then at the very last moment he starts frantically trying to do everything, which often leads to failures.

This is how students usually prepare for a session or write their diplomas. Are you familiar? If so, then it's time to urgently start to eradicate this completely unhelpful habit that prevents you from turning your dreams and desires into reality. You will learn how to do this from.

4. Rest

Difficulty, failure, excessive work, problems and stress can lead to apathy, exhaustion, and, consequently, depression. Take care of your rest and health, in the race for happiness and dreams, do not forget to stop and take a break. Do you know what causes the feeling of disgust? From excessiveness, when there is too much of something.

Therefore, sometimes people change their field of activity, categorically refusing to do what is disgusted, even though it is profitable. So, the desire to realize yourself is great, but do not forget about other areas and needs, for example, leave enough time for sleep, good nutrition and communication with loved ones. Otherwise, after a certain period of time, interest and desire to achieve something will begin to fade away.

5. Environment

We have repeatedly discussed that the close environment has a huge impact on a person, which is why those who want to achieve success should communicate with those who have already done it. Have you heard of energy vampires? These are the people, after contact with whom we feel a breakdown, mood and, in general, aggression and even pain. So take care of less overlap with personalities who not only do not help you to advance, understand something, but also significantly worsen your well-being.

Time is priceless, and wasting it on useless communication that you have to endure is not a good idea. And the article will help you.

6. Dynasty

To realize yourself as a person, you need to understand your destiny, and it is not so easy to find out what I am good for and why I came into this world. Some have to search for themselves all their lives, challenging fate and sacrificing something important. The situation is complicated by pressure from society and loved ones.

There are frequent cases when a child has not yet been born, and his future is already predetermined. Usually he needs to either continue the family dynasty, or embody what his parents did not succeed in, and now they are actively trying to promote him, ignoring the fact that he has completely different desires.

And not everyone is able to say no to loving mom and dad, because he is afraid of rejection, not to justify their expectations, and so on, which is why he stops resisting and follows the imposed path, feeling unhappy and dissatisfied. Check out the information provided in the article about, it will help you find yours.

7. Learn

Is always. Even if you are a professional in your field, every day there are new technologies in every industry, whether you are a plumber or a businessman. Even being on maternity leave, do not forget to be interested in what changes your profession is undergoing.

10. Fight bad habits

Especially those that take up your time, like hanging out on the Internet or watching TV. Most millionaires and billionaires do not even have their own page on any of the social networks, and if they use the Internet, then only in order to increase the number of customers. Get more information to promote your business and more, but certainly not to display your photos and chat with someone.

At first, it will be difficult to completely break this habit, so just set aside no more than an hour a day for various gadgets and watching TV.


Remember that the quality of your life depends only on you, so go for it, and you will be able to achieve what you want! I wish you success and an interesting, exciting process of self-discovery and self-realization!

The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.