Open an employment agency. A step-by-step plan - where to start a business and how to open your HR agency from scratch. How much money does it take to open a recruitment agency

Recruiting agency: 7 steps to start a business. Paperwork + calculation of costs + 2 stages of creating a base of employees + 2 advertising methods + 4 ways of making a profit.

Capital investments to the recruiting agency: from 486,000 rubles.
Payback period of the agency: 1.5-2 years.

Home recruiting agency is becoming an increasingly popular idea in the small business industry every year.

The organizers of this kind of business are people who are well aware: because of the crazy rhythm of modern life, part of the population simply does not have the time and energy to do household chores.

Most families are happy to hire a highly qualified person who will take care of the child, clean the house, cook dinner and even walk the dog. And it is at this moment that comes to the rescue recruiting agency.

For those people who intend to organize a business in this direction, we have compiled a detailed guide, highlighting the main points.

Household recruiting agency: how it works

A novice businessman needs to get acquainted with the mechanism of work of such an organization first.

These agencies are based on a simple principle. People who come to a domestic staff recruiting agency are simply looking for a skilled worker for their family.

And the entrepreneur helps to find such a person from a large base of employees.

Often people want to hire the following domestic staff:

  • tutors,
  • maids,
  • caregivers,
  • chefs,
  • gardeners,
  • drivers,
  • nannies.

Why do families turn to a domestic staff recruiting agency?

Let's analyze a common standard situation: mom and dad work late, they cannot pick up the child from kindergarten or school on time.
The family contacts a recruiting agency and asks to find a nanny for their work schedule.
Her duties will include: watching over the child during their absence, maintaining order in the apartment and periodically preparing delicious homemade meals.

But it’s very scary to take any person from the street who doesn’t have the appropriate experience and invite them into your house. It is to prevent people from facing this problem that there are domestic recruiting agencies.
Such firms are some kind of guides between those who need personnel and a person who wants to find a job in a particular area.

Step 1. Paperwork

The recruiting agency belongs to the field entrepreneurial activity and it should be registered officially.

For this type of small business, it is best to use an individual business registration. , not LLC, will simplify accounting statements and will reduce the number of documents that need to be collected for registration.

To register an individual entrepreneur in the appropriate department tax office you should submit the following package of documents:

After five working days, if you did everything correctly, you will be able to receive a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Step 2. Choose the office where the recruiting agency will be located

The established company must have a well-renovated office. After all, if a client enters a rented agency premises, which will have tattered walls and low-quality furniture, such a recruiting agency will not inspire confidence in him.

Office placement also matters. But if an entrepreneur does not have the necessary capital to rent premises in the city center, you can choose an office on the outskirts. Only in this case it is necessary to invest more funds in the advertising campaign.

The room should be bright, clean and with all its appearance speak about successful activities.

The area of ​​the office must be at least 60 m2, on which you need to locate:

  • the reception room in which the workplace secretary;
  • the room in which the interviews will be held;
  • the room in which the workplaces of the personnel are located.

After the room has been selected and the repairs have been made in it, you can proceed to the next stage.

Step 3. Purchase of furniture and office equipment for the agency

As it was described earlier, high-quality furniture and full-fledged office equipment of the office inspire confidence among customers.

Therefore, a novice businessman needs to purchase appropriate items for his employees.

Office equipment costs

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total:170 400 rubles
4 40 000
1 5 000
Phone for each workplace
3 1 300
Modem router
1 1 000
1 500

Agency furniture costs

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total:68 800 rubles
Work tables +1 to the reception for visitors
5 6 000
8 4 000
1 2 000
Rack for documents
3 1 600

We will allocate another 5,000 rubles for the purchase of staplers, paper, files, pens and force majeure situations. additionally.

Step 4. Populating the database for the agency

The domestic staff recruiting agency is engaged in the selection and verification of housekeepers, cooks, nannies, drivers, nurses.

At first glance, nothing complicated - you just need to find a good specialist and offer his services to a potential employer (and get a decent amount of commission for this).

But in fact, this is a rather complex and time-consuming process that takes place in several stages.

Stage 1.

Agency employees communicate with a family that needs the services of the firm, and find out what kind of staff they need.

For this, a special questionnaire is filled out for the agency's database, which indicates the following information:

  • residence address;
  • Contact details;
  • the direction in which the family needs an employee;
  • main criteria for personnel;
  • scope of responsibility;
  • schedule;
  • price for work;
  • terms of execution of the application.

Let's give an example of the regular work of a company.

Let's say mom and dad want to hire a nanny for a five-year-old child and have made the following requirements:

  • knowledge of English and French;
  • age 30–35 years;
  • the ability to cook.

But older children 10–15 years old want a younger nanny at the age of 25–30 years, so that you can play with her on a console, play a ball and watch your favorite cartoon.

Grandparents insist on choosing a nanny aged 45-50 because of their experience and ability to cook deliciously.

In this case, the domestic staff recruiting agency offers a choice of three candidates for nannies, so that the family can choose the right person from all applicants after 2-3 weeks.

Stage 2.

As for the applicants, the agency interviews him. If there is such an opportunity, the employees of the company even visit the family where the person worked before joining them, or at least contact them by phone.

The domestic staff search agency registers a personalized electronic card for each new specialist in the database.

Experts ask for the following information:

  • date of birth;
  • contact number;
  • place of residence;
  • information of any higher education and any additional courses that have been taken;
  • scope of activity;
  • desired wages;
  • work experience in the declared direction;
  • convenient opening hours.

These questions and knowledge will be quite enough for the selection of a person for middle-income families. But if we are talking about wealthy houses, then you need to choose a different selection route.

Well-to-do families are extremely scrupulous about the choice of domestic staff, such clients may even ask to resort to the services of a psychologist and polygraph examiner. This allows you to test a person for his tendency to steal or deceive.

If you plan to work with such customers, for these cases the company must have contracts with psychologists, polygraph examiners. The presence of connections with law enforcement agencies will not be superfluous - this will additionally check a person for administrative offenses.

Step 5. We form the staff of the agency for the search for domestic personnel

Above, we calculated the cost of opening a large agency with a full advertising campaign... But do not assume that you can invest a certain amount, and the business will work on its own, making a profit. Each business should be worked on so that the first results and income appear.

So where does the recruiting agency profit from?

There are four options:

    Some firms that find the right person for the family receive a certain bonus for the work done.

    These funds are paid not by the employer, but by the person who has registered for employment.

    In some agencies, candidates immediately transfer the required amount to the firm's account after completing the questionnaire. In return, the domestic recruiting agency is guaranteed to provide a decent job.

    Other firms take half or the whole salary from a hired worker after a month of work.

    This payment is a one-time payment.

  1. Another option is to set a certain monthly rate for finding an employer or specialists in the database of the recruiting agency.
  2. There are also firms that take a fee from the family in which the person was settled.

The main thing is to decide at the very beginning on the payments of one side or the other, so that there will be no confusion in the future, and one system receipts of money to the account of the company.

If you evaluate the average statistical indicators, then whatever method of making a profit you choose, arranging at least 2-3 specialists per month, you will recoup your investment in 1-2 years.

Household recruiting agency can only become successful if you build trust with the client. People who seek help trust the firm of their children, grandmothers, houses and apartments.

Therefore, the more transparent the activity and the more reliable the verification of employees, the more successfully the business will flourish.

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Why is a recruiting agency attractive to new entrepreneurs as a business? There are two main reasons: small initial investments and weak legal control over the activities of recruiting agencies.

Here we will consider information on how to open a recruitment agency, a business plan for opening it and what is needed for this.

Who is the client of such agencies

Clients of recruiting agencies are companies that, for one reason or another, do not want to independently engage in the search and selection of employees.

Such reasons may include:

  • The need to maintain your own staff of HR managers.
  • The presence of a large number of related hassles, such as reviewing resumes, communicating with all callers and incoming candidates, selecting the best of them, etc.
  • The need for additional investments, because access to specialized Internet resources is often paid.
  • Low speed of finding the right employee. At the same time, the mechanism of work in recruiting agencies is debugged, and the selection is carried out faster and more efficiently. In addition, recruiting firms have an extensive base of applicants, which greatly speeds up the search for the right employee.

Business plan

Here is the most detailed ready example business plan of a recruiting agency with all possible and impossible calculations. Do not forget that all numbers are conditional, because in each case they will be completely different, because they differ from city to city.

Please note that this type of business requires very little investment, which makes it even more attractive to you. In addition, in many cities there is still a lack of those or the low professionalism of those who already have, so there will be plenty of work for you.

How to open a recruitment agency

The scheme of work of a recruiting agency is quite simple. The employing company submits an application for the search for an employee, which specifies the requirements for the candidate and the terms of the order. Recruiting agency starts a database search or - in the absence of the required number of suitable applicants - gives advertisements for the vacancy. Applicants who, in the opinion of the managers of the recruiting agency, are more in line with the requirements put forward, are sent for an interview to the customer-employer. If the applicant is given a place in the company, a fee is deducted to the recruiting agency.

List of recruiting agency services

The standard list of services of a recruiting agency includes:

  • Search and selection of applicants for the position... The price of the issue is at least 7-9% of annual income when it comes to a skilled worker, and at least 10-15% for a senior manager.
  • Drafting a screening resume... Simple and cheap option. In fact, it is a mechanical selection of applicants from a database according to specified criteria (gender, age, education, work experience, etc.). At the same time, neither personal qualities nor the motivation of the candidate is considered.
  • Organization of trainings and refresher courses... An optional service that recruitment agencies introduce in the later stages of their existence.

Types of agencies

The presence of high competition in the field forces us to specialize. As a result, recruiting agencies are divided into:

  • Recruiting... The fee for such recruiting agencies is 10-20% of annual income, depending on the degree of complexity of the search and its urgency. You can narrow your specialization to providing services to employers in a specific business area. For example, work only with customers from the service sector, or heads of factories, or foreign companies, etc.
  • Specialized... They are engaged in the selection of employees of a certain profile. Some are looking for domestic help, others for cooks, and others for builders. However, the head of such a recruiting agency cannot do without special knowledge on the selection of candidates.
  • Headhunting(from eng. "head-hunting" - "headhunting"). This is a special, elite type of recruiting agency. It is on their shoulders to attract top-class specialists to the customer company, whose number in society is always limited. To successfully cope with the task, headhunters have to go to unthinkable tricks, but one such closed application means a couple of months of comfortable existence.

Interview location

It should be comfortable for the job seeker and instill confidence in the recruiting agency. Sometimes a general positive impression about the company can remain even after a simple cup of coffee, which the manager offered with a smile. And the transport accessibility of the office directly depends on its traffic and, accordingly, profitability.

Politeness as a professional quality

The refusal should be communicated to the applicant as politely as possible. If he is a good specialist, other customers will certainly be interested in him, so it is very important to maintain mutual respect.

Starting a HR business: advantages

  • Low initial investment. At first, you can even work at home, you would have access to specialized Internet resources, such as and, and a room for interviews. Of course, advertising and having your own website play an important role.
  • It is not required to obtain a license - registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is enough.
  • Special knowledge is not required to be successful (with the exception of specialized recruiting agencies).

Possible difficulties

  • Sometimes the terms of contracts between the applicant agency and the employing agency are not respected.
  • The employer may well evade repayment. For example, take the proposed employee to probation and dismiss. And then again call to work, but bypassing the recruiting agency.
  • Candidates do not always provide truthful information about themselves. And if managers fail to recognize the catch in time, the employer has problems with the employee, and he remains dissatisfied with the work of the recruiting agency.
  • The employer himself may be a "trick". Then claims will fall on the part of the candidate.

We have considered the question of how to open a recruitment agency. We hope this information will help you in this business.

The personnel business, experts say, is quite specific. Therefore, the proverb applies to him: not knowing the ford, do not go into the water. You should open a recruiting agency if you have experience in this area. It is important to understand the internal business processes and features of the provision of services, because here everything can go according to an individual scenario, and you need to respond to changes in a timely manner. Sources, tools and methods of search and selection are selected depending on the specifics of the vacancy.

Where to begin?

Experts advise: you need to work in this area in a hired position. Because if you enter the market from the outside, you will certainly make a lot of mistakes. A sufficiently deep understanding of the personnel market, the number and quality of candidates for a vacancy, monitoring of salaries and other indicators is necessary, because the personnel business is a complex and long-term business. This is not a simple resale of goods, this is a project work: every employer, every vacancy is a project. Therefore, you should first work as an hr-manager or development manager in a serious recruiting company. You can participate both at the stage of sales and at the stage of closing a vacancy.

So, you've gained experience in recruiting. Now you need to understand for which segment do you want to recruit staff... Small and medium businesses are one potential base. You can choose some narrow area like IT, and this is another base of employers. And other specifics of work. After all, for example, if you are conducting a mass selection, the main thing here is speed. The search for IT specialists is difficult, the search is not only in the region, but throughout the country, it is enticing people from other companies, long closing times, high price for closing an application, it is knowledge of technical nuances, terms, aspects. There are agencies that select everything for everyone. There are agencies that recruit only mass personnel. There are agencies that only recruit specialists from the sales department. And the client base of recruiting companies is formed depending on the specifics.

Elvira Nurmiyeva

In our business, we need to react to the situation. It is necessary to approach the client outside the box, not according to a template. Therefore, in business you need to cook, have large set selection tools. Let me give you an example of a non-standard treatment. A commercial real estate agency is looking for an employee. It is engaged in the sale of large real estate, and leasing, has a ready-made base, a reputation. Moreover, this is a very narrow segment. Experienced candidates on the market - 20 people per month. That is, the probability of closing a vacancy is low. You can search among the inexperienced - take any sales manager and reorient to commercial real estate. But there is a large percentage of inconsistencies, misses, refusals. At the same time, the employer wants to hold something like a competition, pass through a large number of applicants, recruit a team of 3-5 people and leave one or two from it. We help to develop an adaptation plan, give recommendations on how to correctly introduce a newcomer to the position. We also provide screening services - that is, we call candidates and invite them to the employer, creating a constant stream of candidates. In this case, they approached the search sources in a non-standard way: they sent out mailings in social networks to candidates from the real estate industry.

As a rule, most companies turn to a recruiting agency when they need an employee already yesterday or tomorrow.

Work strategy should be built, immediately clarifying with the client: does he have someone to replace the employee, whether a new representative office is opening in the region or they have been working here for a long time, whether there is already formed functionality or is this a new position, an employee is urgently needed or you can still think, etc. etc. This preparatory work is often carried out by the agency free of charge before entering into a contract to fully understand the request. Sometimes the employer himself does not know which employee he needs. Let's say he is hiring the head of the sales department for the first time and does not know how much is paid, what functionality and what requirements for the vacancy. Based on this, the profile of the candidate and the cost of his selection are formed. As a rule, clients need time to make a final decision on cooperation with an agency - on average, from one to ten working days.

Elvira Nurmiyeva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

There is a great variety of personnel assessment methods. And you can spend hours evaluating a candidate. But there is no time for that. We have developed our own unique four-factor personnel assessment system: motivation, personality traits and behavior patterns are assessed, professional knowledge, reliability of information and recommendations. It allows us in 40 minutes - an hour to receive the necessary information about the candidate in order to understand whether he needs to be referred to the employer. We use the testing system only if these are professional tests, when you need to understand the competence of a narrow specialist. We also sometimes involve external experts who are already working successfully to evaluate the candidate.

Enterprises are ready to outsource the selection of personnel to recruiting agencies in three cases.

If the company does not have a full-time HR or if the company does not have a monthly turnover of two or three positions and it is cheaper for them to contact the agency. Or if the manager does not have time to deal with this issue himself, because recruiting is, first of all, a waste of time on searching, calling, inviting, interviewing, evaluating. Downtime of the workplace is much more expensive for the company than the services of a recruiting agency. Employers who first try to find staff on their own very soon realize how difficult it is, and after a couple of unsuccessful attempts, they turn to a recruiting agency.

Investment size

Elvira Nurmiyeva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

To find funds to start, you can apply for a grant, contact specialists who will help you draw up the documents correctly. You can look for investors, for example, among businessmen you know. You can contact business associations - there may be people interested in your project. There, by the way, you can find contacts of future potential clients. You can take a consumer loan - the amount of lifting for two or more founders. The most important thing is to have an adequate business plan. He is sobering and helps to communicate with the investor in the language of numbers. It is necessary to predict profitability, profitability for six months or a year.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's talk about the price for services... It is important to consider how much the employer is willing to pay for the search for one specialist. It depends on the complexity of the vacancy and the level of the specialist. For example, people of working specialties are constantly required - masons, welders, foremen, but the rate for the search for such specialists will be several times less than the rate for the search for middle and top-level personnel. Therefore, it is economically more profitable to engage in selection, starting from the middle management. The recruiting and HR market reacts strongly to economic changes... If business in your city stagnates, the number of applications and vacancies will not grow, you need to either focus on other cities or other vacancies.

There are agencies that start at low cost in order to be competitive. This technique should be used only at the start.

Experienced players do not recommend delaying this even for six months, because there is a healthy payback and cost price that have shaped the market, and a strong price violation towards discounts is fraught with disastrous consequences for a startup. You will still have to select personnel with high quality (otherwise the client will not be satisfied), you will still have to pay salaries and motivate employees. Project work suggests that you can close a position in one or two weeks, and in two or four. And some positions - as a leader, top manager, regional director - can drag on for six to eight weeks, depending on the narrowness of the personnel market and the requirements of the employer. Realizing this, you need to lay an adequate price for your services.

Elvira Nurmiyeva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

The amount of the agency's remuneration depends on whether it is classic recruiting or headhunting, regional search or federal, requires a narrow specialist or simple. On average, the selection of one specialist costs from 10 to 12% of his average annual income. This is from local agencies. Federal agencies have 15 to 20%. Our flat rate is 10-11% of the average annual income. The service includes a three-month free employee replacement guarantee. If the employer wants to get a big discount, then you can offer him to select staff without a guarantee with a 25% discount. You can also come up with various additional services for the client, the price of which varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

How you can optimize your running costs? Transfer to outsourcing of accountants, lawyers, cleaners, marketers. Distribute the functionality of the courier, office manager among the main employees. However, experts do not advise cutting employees' salaries, because people need motivation. The office is the face of your company, and it should look dignified. Normal communications and working equipment, databases from work sites are also needed. You can move to a home office, but this is no longer a business, but a freelance job. You can save only by purchasing real estate and reducing rental costs.

Now about how to recruit employees for the agency... A good HR can be a graduate of psychological, pedagogical departments or personnel management. If the education is different, then you need to see if the person has a long-term personal motivation to work with staff. Therefore, we need people who are interested in interacting with people, selecting them, evaluating them, organizing them. Any novice employee can be engaged in the search, but only intellectuals with analytical skills and a critical eye can be engaged in personnel assessment. A person must be psychologically balanced, able to abstract. He must be able to listen, but at the same time isolate the necessary information from the point of view of its correspondence to the employer's card, that is, to the portrait of the desired employee.

Elvira Nurmiyeva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

There are agencies that only hire experienced HR. We usually hire people with little or no experience. It's easier for me to work with young people and beginners, I myself create qualified specialists from them. It happens that people with experience also come, and if our assessment systems coincide, we work together. How do we attract to our agency? Training and the fact that we give the opportunity to gain serious experience in one or two years. After all, no one needs a HR manager without experience at enterprises. In our company, managers become professionals in a short time - from six to 12 months of work.

Where is the best place to place an office recruiting agency? It is important to have parking and a separate entrance. As a rule, this is an office center or a detached building. The room must be from 20 sq.m. depending on the number of employees. It is advisable to have a separate room for interviews.

Elvira Nurmiyeva

director (founder) of the recruiting company "Candidate"

Daylight, connection with the outside world, fresh air and air conditioning are important to me, because this is an intellectual activity. The lighting should be normal so that the eyes do not get tired. Our ceilings are high - more than two and a half meters, they don't press. The minimum area for 2-3 managers is 18-20 sq.m.

The personnel issue is always acute in the personnel search market. Good professionals can find work on their own and almost instantly. Despite a certain percentage of unemployment and high competition, truly qualified personnel are worth their weight in gold. And this is exactly where you can make money.

  • Recruiting business: where to start
  • Which recruiting agency is now profitable to open, and which personnel are most in demand
  • How can you reduce office costs by 2 times
  • What OKVED code to indicate when registering a recruiting agency
  • Do I need permission to open a recruiting agency
  • How to organize the work of an HR agency to be in the top
  • Customer service system
  • Personnel assessment methodology
  • Taking into account changes in the personnel market
  • What a Beginning HR Center Needs: 5 Secrets to Help a Business

Many beginners and companies that have long entered the market are trying to find highly professional employees, since the income of an enterprise or organization will depend on their activities. Moreover, some of them are constantly in search of both it-specialists and blue-collar jobs, which is especially important for the Far East and North.

At the same time, the crisis had a negative impact on the HR services market, as a result of which some companies, trying to save money, abandoned their own personnel services... But even if they are available, in individual cases representatives of firms and enterprises seek help from recruiting agencies, as they have a significant great opportunities in search.

Recruiting business: where to start

Your own recruiting agency can be very promising. But, if, on the one hand, it seems quite simple to open a recruiting agency (no licenses or special education are required), then on the other hand, a seeming, at first glance, ease hides many problems that cannot be solved by a newbie in business. It is precisely because of the mistakes of doing business that beginner recruiting and recruiting agencies often go bankrupt. Therefore, many experts recommend working as a recruiter before starting your own business. But knowledge of the profession from the inside is not enough. There are many more nuances of running a business that will help make it successful and allow you to make good profits.

Which recruiting agency is now profitable to open, and which personnel are most in demand

Information According to statistics from Magram MR, more than 1200 recruiting agencies are currently operating in the Russian Federation, a large proportion of which are in large cities.

Recruitment agencies can be subdivided into several types of activities.

  • Narrowly targeted. They specialize in finding specialists of a certain profile. They can be engaged in the selection of applicants for the tourism business, hiring domestic staff, searching technicians etc. professions.
  • Industry-specific. The activity belongs to any area: logistics, restaurant business, trade, etc.
  • Exclusive search and headhunting... They are engaged in the selection of high-quality specialists and senior managers, and accordingly, the incomes of such agencies are the highest.

Although this division is very arbitrary, and there are firms that can offer a full range of services. But, as a rule, it is better to start with a specialization in a particular industry. Which direction is more in demand in your region, you can find out after analyzing the market and segmentation. One more point should be noted. Employers pay more for recruiting middle and top-level personnel than for finding even a highly qualified welder or bricklayer, so it is more economically profitable to work with the IT sector.

A recruiting agency can be opened for one more reason: the growth in the number of vacancies has increased. So, in comparison with the same period last year, their number has increased by 15%. Specialists in construction industry, trade and real estate. High demand expected in the real sector of the economy, Agriculture, information technologies... Highly skilled workers are considered one of the most scarce resources. Many enterprises from different sectors of the economy are engaged in their search.

Another question - is it worth opening offline or online business? Recently, online recruitment has been increasingly used in Russia. It carries many advantages: it is convenient to search for applicants, all catalogs can be maintained on the Internet and opened to the customer after payment. However, there is one "but". Almost all customers insist on a meeting with a candidate, which cannot be replaced by a Skype interview. So it is more profitable and convenient to combine offline and online work.

How can you reduce office costs by 2 times

The equipment for a recruiting agency will require the same as for any other office: 2-3 tables, chairs, a computer and office equipment, a telephone, a rack. It is better to look for opportunities to purchase used equipment and furniture. It will cost 2-3 times cheaper. It is recommended not to save even on used options and choose the best, since the decoration of the premises partly affects the reputation of the company. They are greeted by clothes, and only once can you create a first impression. Don't forget these business rules.

How much money does it take to open an HR agency

A recruiting agency will not require large investments. To organize a business, you need to rent a small office, preferably in the city center, in a shopping or business center. The office can be quite small, 15-18 sq. meters, just enough to put a couple of tables and a few chairs. The start-up capital will also include the purchase of equipment, paperwork, it is advisable to immediately include salaries for employees and a certain amount for the purchase of access to resume databases. In general, you can start from 350-400 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn at the opening

If you have decided to start a recruiting business, you need to know about three sources of income. First, there are employers who are willing to pay to find a good employee. Typically, the rate is 10 to 12% of the employee's annual income. Secondly, the applicants themselves. Third, partners, including non-state pension funds, if applicants are ready to transfer part of the money to them. In addition, you can provide services such as training, resume writing, etc.

Information Usually, the average earnings of recruitment agencies in the first year after opening is on average 100,000 rubles per month, and in two or three years from 500,000 rubles. As a rule, all investments are paid off in six months.

Step-by-step plan - where to start a business and how to open your HR agency from scratch

The most important thing is to draw up a competent business plan that will help to adequately assess the situation and opportunities. If necessary, he will help to speak in the language of numbers with investors and credit institutions.

The next step is to evaluate the market. When you have experience in an agency, it is clear who needs and what needs. If the situation is not clear, a good way out is to go to Avito or HeadHunter and see the number of vacancies in different areas. You can make a request for marketing analytics to make it clear which direction is best to move. It would be nice to find out how many HR agencies are in the city, in which direction they work, how many agencies have closed and for what reasons. The information obtained will help not only to make adjustments to the business plan, but also not to repeat the mistakes of predecessors.

After that, you will need to start working with potential customers, study the consumer. For this purpose, you will need to draw up a questionnaire and visit organizations and enterprises. This way you can get the information you need and create a positive image, and perhaps immediately acquire customers.

Advice If things are going well with clients, and you already need to rent a room and hire staff, you need to draw up a list of costs. Decide what you really need and what you can do without. The main thing is that later it does not turn out that things are going worse than you expected, and the costs are much more than expected.

After that, you can look for premises, purchase equipment and recruit staff.

What documents are needed to open - registration and registration

When starting an activity, it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur. Unfortunately, many recruiting agencies do not even consider such an opportunity, and immediately open society with limited liability... But this procedure is more protracted and requires more funds.

What OKVED code to indicate when registering a recruiting agency

When registering a business, you can specify two OKVED codes:

  • OKVED code 74.50.1 - provision of employment services;
  • OKVED code 74.51.2 - provision of recruitment services.

But, if you, for example, open a theatrical or artistic recruiting agency, then you need the OKVED code 74.84. There are other nuances that you need to know about when specifying OKVED codes.

Taxation system of HR agency

For a recruiting agency, UTII is more suitable - a single tax on imputed income. Although you can stop at the simplified tax system and pay 15% of the total profit or 6% of the net profit.

Do I need permission to open a recruiting agency

It is believed that such a business is easy to set up, as no special permits or licenses are required for this. But in order to get started, you will need to get conclusions from the State Fire Inspection and SES. it required condition if you are renting a room.

How to organize the work of an HR agency to be in the top

Competition in the recruiting market is rather fierce. Therefore, many young agencies find it difficult to stay afloat. And in order to constantly move forward and get good profits, you need the right strategy and working methods that will help you quickly and efficiently fulfill the wishes of customers and attract new customers.

Customer service system

Unfortunately, in Russia, representatives of some companies and enterprises turn to recruitment agencies most often when an employee is needed “just yesterday”. Therefore, before proceeding with the execution of the order, you need to be in control of the situation. You should find out: is there a new position in the company or not, is there an opportunity to replace an employee, how urgently you need to close the vacancy. When talking with a client, you need to form a clear candidate profile, determine the cost of selection, and then start searching for a candidate. It is important that both the customer and the employee you selected are happy. This is a guarantee that you will be contacted again.

Personnel assessment methodology

An important factor is the development of its own recruitment methodology. Candidates can be viewed in different ways, so their search can be delayed. But if a person is determined to work well and seriously, this can be determined almost immediately. It is also worth paying attention to personal qualities, professionalism, and last but not least, the reliability of the information and recommendations of the previous employer. If a specialist with a narrower profile is selected, a testing system can be applied.

Taking into account changes in the personnel market

To keep the position, you need to be aware of all changes, constantly monitor wages and other indicators related to the business. In a successful recruiting agency, they understand that each new order is a project that needs to be worked hard on.

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It is always difficult for a start-up business to move forward. If we take into account the tough competition in the recruitment market, then the chances of survival, and even more so to become the leaders, decrease in direct proportion to the increase in the number of recruiting agencies. Therefore, when opening an agency, you need to take several important steps.

  1. Conduct a good advertising campaign... This does not mean at all that you only need to place ads everywhere: on billboards, on television, in newspapers and on the Internet. Your competitors will do the same. It is important that your ad is unique. For example, you can suggest the latest recruiting technology or actionable techniques, or whatever.
  2. Don't make prices too low. Low rates can attract customers, but only at first. A good agency knows its worth. If you work "for a penny", there is a risk of going broke, even before the investment pays off.
  3. Search regular customers ... A small agency can make good money by constantly collaborating with several large companies. Clients are always attracted by the quality of work and discounts.
  4. Make your branding... The more positive PR, the better. Hand out business cards, brochures, souvenirs. It is desirable that even on letters and invoices there is a company logo.
  5. Separate customer search and recruiting... The future of the business will depend on this. It is likely that the best recruiter, who holds 70-80% of the business, will want to start his own company and lure your customers. Therefore, it is better if one client will communicate with several people.

In addition, you need to consider aspects such as:

  • seasonal risks, as usually in December, June and July the number of candidates drops sharply;
  • risks of non-payment, which, although small, still exist, and it is important to draw up a correct contract with an advance payment.

The most important thing is to always have applications, then the future of the company is secured.

The success and the fastest possible payback period for the business directly depend on the work of the company's employees. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the selection of personnel.

It should be noted that, despite the total unemployment in the country, there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists. Large enterprises, in every possible way, are fighting for qualified personnel, are ready to pay high salaries employees who meet all their requirements. However, finding truly responsible and trained people is not easy.

Not every entrepreneur understands human psychology and knows how to select wide-profile specialists, in this regard, there was an urgent need for the existence of recruiting agencies. Therefore, in this publication, we will talk about how to open a recruiting agency from scratch and make it popular.

What are recruiting agencies for?

There are many profitable ideas business, one of them is the opening of a recruiting agency.

What is it and what is its purpose?

The recruiting agency is engaged in the selection and training of personnel for factories, private enterprises and firms of various specializations and directions.

The main goal of the agency is to save managers time and money. large enterprises and firms, to provide them with a qualified staff that meets all the requirements.

It would seem that it is much easier to hire a person who will form the staff, conduct interviews and hire. good shots... But the fact is that not everyone owns the skill of recruiting and training personnel, this is a delicate matter that cannot be entrusted to just anyone. It should be noted that about 80% of business success directly depends on the work of employees. Therefore, it is an impermissible luxury to be irresponsible in the formation of the staff.

It has been proven by many experiments that it is much more profitable to entrust the selection and training of personnel to a recruiting agency than to pay for the work of an employee who will deal with this matter.

How to start opening a recruiting agency? As in any other field of activity, opening a recruiting agency should start with choosing a direction.

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Types of recruiting agencies

Recruiting agencies

These agencies are looking for workers for factories, enterprises, firms of different specializations and directions. The meaning of the work of such organizations is that they receive a certain percentage for the employment of each citizen. Recruiting agency services are fully paid by the employer, thus, this organization is an intermediary between the employer and the person seeking earnings. To attract as many employees as possible, you should convince them of the correct choice and appropriateness of contacting your agency. To do this, you need to short time find a job for a candidate that meets his wishes, while taking into account the stated requirements of the employer.

Narrow-profile recruiting agencies

These organizations specialize in a specific direction. Their task is to constantly select and train employees who meet the stated requirements. It's not easy to do this work very responsible, and therefore pays well enough. Typically, these agencies take money from employers, who, in turn, guarantee employees who meet all the criteria. Most often, such agencies specialize in the selection of domestic personnel for work in private homes and hotels.


These are agencies that are engaged in the selection of highly qualified and already trained employees with work experience. Most often, these organizations are engaged in enticing employees from one organization to another. The cost of the services of such an agency is very high, but it's worth it. Large entrepreneurs do not spare money to pay for quality work and the formation of a highly qualified staff of workers.

International recruiting agencies

These organizations are engaged in the employment of workers abroad in reputable companies and firms. For such an agency to exist, you will need to obtain a license. In turn, you guarantee the employee official employment and work safety, and he pays for the agency's services. Today, it is quite difficult to find work abroad on your own, many swindlers only lure money out of people. And the existence of international agencies is an opportunity to get a good position abroad. Therefore, there are a lot of people who want to use the services of international employment agencies.

How to open your own recruiting agency?

Having dealt with the types of agencies that offer recruiting services, you can start opening your own recruiting agency.

Business registration

To get started, you should register with the tax office. First of all, choose the most suitable form of activity. You can register as individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

After registering and obtaining all permits for activities, it is necessary to rent an office, make repairs there and equip a place for employees. Next, you can get to work.

Database creation

Scheme of work of recruiting agencies

The work of recruiting agencies only looks simple and easy, in fact it is a lot of work. To be successful in the recruiting business, you need to clearly understand and follow the pattern of the recruiting agency. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Recruitment agency activity consists of several stages:

  • Search for a customer. At this stage, you collect all information about the employer, company, employment conditions, vacancies... Further, you need to conclude cooperation agreements with firms, factories, large companies that require employees.
  • Search for employees. At this stage, you already have the necessary information about current positions and vacancies, you need to select personnel that meet the customer's requirements. To do this, you need to draw up a questionnaire for the search for employees. The application must include as much detailed information as possible, documented.

You should know about the candidate:

  • Personal data (name, surname, place of residence);
  • Education, which is confirmed by a diploma of the appropriate sample;
  • Work experience, confirmed by documents ( employment history with notes, recommendations from previous employers);
  • Age and family size;
  • Additional data at your discretion.

How to find candidates?

There are several options for finding employees:

  1. Announcements in the media. Job advertisements are posted in newspapers, magazines, advertisements on television and radio are ordered;
  2. Direct search for candidates from college graduates. Your agency can establish cooperation with higher educational institutions, and thus, get trained employees that meet the customer's requirements;
  3. Search for employees via the Internet. By using social networks and forums, you can find qualified workers and offer them mutually beneficial cooperation.

After creating a base of clients and employers, employees of the recruiting agency conduct interviews, which determine the candidates' capabilities job seekers offer them possible option and help to find a job for the desired position. Some recruiting agencies also train employees, of course, for an additional fee.

Profit from recruiting agency

Naturally, such organizations were not created and, moreover, did not work for free. The profit of a recruiting agency directly depends on its specialization and the number of prisoners labor contracts... It should be noted that this type of business does not guarantee you a stable and passive income. In this area of ​​activity, like nowhere else, everything depends on the well-coordinated work of the team and the credibility of the agency. It's not easy to earn good reviews, but you can lose credibility overnight. Therefore, in order to stay among so many competitors, you need to work hard all year round.