Ideas for creating an internet business. Making money on the Internet: ideas for starting a profitable business. We open a web studio

Last update: & nbsp 02/20/2020

Reading time: 14 min. | Views: 18236

Hello, dear readers of the site business magazine! In this article, we will talk about business on the Internet, various areas of online business, as well as how to start from scratch correctly and what promotion methods are advisable to use to develop your own business via the Internet.

The topic of Internet business is very relevant for the majority of the world's population. Leading economists argue that businesses that 5-10 years will not be present on the global network, in general disappear from business.

Since the market is a platform for interaction buyers and sellers, and the Internet is just the same is a convenient platform for business, without geographical and communication restrictions.

From the article you will learn:

  • What factors to consider before starting own business online;
  • List of schemes that can be used at the initial stage of activity;
  • The most popular and relevant areas of business on the Internet without initial investment;
  • Methods for effective online business promotion.

After reviewing the information presented in the article, each novice entrepreneur will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable direction of activity for himself, and an experienced businessman, having read to the end, will provide himself with knowledge that will optimize efforts to increase income.

Where to start and what to look for when creating a business on the Internet + 12 online business ideas

The beginning of your own career in business implies a set of completely different qualities and attitudes of a person in comparison with employment.

In the minds of most people, the principles of work and the provision of money are laid only on the basis of fulfilling the instructions of the authorities and constant, stable earnings.

What is important to know before starting an internet business?

1. Setting goals in business

The most important point. In the absence of a goal, the aspiring entrepreneur will have no measure of success.

Dream and purpose allow you to overcome difficulties, solve problems that arise, find the best methods and ways to meet customer needs, while earning money.

2. Risk optimization

Especially at the initial stage, you should be very careful about financial investments and the use of borrowed funds. The best solution is to create a cost budget and stick to it strictly.

Newbie there may be a very good large-scale idea, but it alone is not enough - it is necessary to learn how to organize the activity correctly.

Experienced entrepreneur can spot a beginner's idea, take advantage of it, and win the competition against a less sophisticated opponent.

A sensible solution would be to "go through business school" from the very bottom and prepare yourself for large-scale activities.

5. Choosing a direction of activity that is familiar to a beginner

It is important to start your entrepreneurial activity from a direction in which a beginner is well versed.

Otherwise, you will have to devote a significant amount of time to studying the specifics of a product or service, assessing the competitive environment, consumer preferences, which may negatively affect business development at the initial stage.

6. Build self-confidence and perseverance

These qualities are not innate; a person acquires them in the process of life. An important key in developing these skills is knowledge of the business:

  • study of modern trends in business;
  • reading business literature;
  • watching motivational films;
  • studying the success stories of famous entrepreneurs.

Method number 2 - Work in popular groups

On freelance exchanges and specialized forums about making money online, you can find many vacancies for work in social networks.

For example, it is possible to get a job in a popular community as an administrator, which will allow you to perform the functions of a moderator: to ensure the filling of information and deal with issues of advertising.

Method number 3 - Development of applications with subsequent sale

With special skills, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to develop special applications and make money by selling them. The owners of the most famous applications receive multimillion-dollar income and are constantly interested in acquiring promising programs.

The most demanded directions for applications:

  • various variations of well-known computer games;
  • applications that stimulate communication between people in social networks;
  • all kinds of questionnaires and tests;
  • programs for statistical and analytical information processing;
  • programs that allow you to integrate an Internet resource into a social network.

Method number 4 - Create your own popular group

In order for this method to make it possible to earn, it is necessary:

  • To create a group;
  • promote the public by collecting a large number of subscribers;
  • make money from advertising in a group of other products and communities.

It will not be difficult to create a community for any registered user on the social network.

Initially, you need to decide on the thematic focus of the group and choose a suitable name that will attract the attention of a large number of users of the social network.

You should also pay attention to the design and filling with quality information.

To promote the group steps must be taken to attract as many subscribers as possible. This requires high-quality and interesting content, as well as constant replenishment of the public with new information.

Friends, acquaintances and relatives can be the first users to subscribe, and then you can use the services specialized services providing community promotion services. We wrote about it in more detail in the last article, where we told how to create a group, how to promote them, and so on.

After overcoming the milestone of a thousand subscribers, you can use additional promotion methods:

  • coordinate mutual advertising with other communities;
  • post about your community on the walls of third-party groups;
  • carry out promotional activities of your group through various promotional sites;
  • use by posting quality videos with links to the community.

After creating and successfully promoting the group on the network, you can try to make money.

The most popular ways to generate income through communities are:

  • placing advertising information in the community;
  • participation in partnership programs;
  • use of advertising exchanges to place advertising posts.

Method number 5 - Creating a group for further sale

This way of earning money should be used by entrepreneurs who have experience in successfully creating and promoting communities in social networks. The main factor determining potential income is choosing the right thematic focus.

The creator must have an idea of ​​the relevance of a particular topic, as well as navigate in the aggregate of potential buyers.

A very promising area is the creation, promotion and subsequent sale of communities that advertise popular brands.

Good graphics and text design and branding can lead to community buying proposals from the brand owners.

Idea 7. Correction of errors

As discussed above, there is a significant demand in the Internet community for quality writing. At the same time, website owners, buying articles on exchanges, encounter in the completed work with typos, minor bugs... To post quality articles on their own resources, they are interested in services of proofreaders.

Making money from editing can be a great way to make money for people with deep knowledge of the Russian language. Correct You can write texts on any topic, but when working on a highly specialized topic, you will need to study additional information.

Making money correcting errors in articles is not very popular, but a large number of people with a philological education can provide themselves with a significant level of income.

Using these abilities, you can earn in other ways. For example, there are a large number of newcomers on the article buy / sell exchanges, and the proofreader has the opportunity to earn through buying cheap texts and selling them for more money after adjusting.

Idea 8. Photography

A large number of people are passionate about photography. In addition to personal satisfaction, this hobby can make good money.

There are many resources (photo stocks) on the network that provide intermediary services for the purchase / sale of photographic materials. The performer uploads his work to this site, where other users have the opportunity to purchase them.

Basically, photo stock sites work according to a certain scheme:

  • A photo in the highest possible quality is sold once at an extremely high price (at least 400 rubles) and after that is removed from the auction,
  • An image in medium resolution is sold 10-30 times at a price of 15-35 rubles,
  • The photo is “rented” for a fixed number of views.

The main buyers of photographic materials are:

  • news media;
  • advertising agencies;
  • web designers;
  • internet magazines.

The most popular and demanded areas of photography are:

  • thematic photos ( food preparation, renovation, nature, building materials, etc.);
  • photo reports;
  • photographic materials of artistic orientation.

Idea 9. Translations from foreign languages

A very popular activity on the Internet. A person who knows foreign languages ​​at a good level has the opportunity to earn good money.

It is advisable to combine this work with the provision of copywriting services. There are a large number of orders for translation from a foreign language into Russian on various exchanges.

Knowledge of specialized terminology in certain areas will be a big plus. Earnings depend on the popularity of the language, the complexity of the text and can reach 1,000 rubles for a thousand characters.

Idea 10. Web Design Services

It is also a very popular line of business in the network. For successful work it is required to have a good command of popular programs for working with graphic files. In addition, to have a basic knowledge of the graph as a current and its constituent elements.

Creativity, a sense of style, and artistic talent will also generate significant income.

An important component of success is establishing proper communication with customers. Each client has his own idea of ​​the required design of the resource.

Respectively very important a designer to be able to coordinate a project, taking into account their own capabilities and preferences of the client.

In the initial stages, a novice web designer should use specialized exchanges where you can do work of any complexity and gain experience. There are a large number of them on the network, and the most popular of them are,,,, etc.

High-quality execution of tasks will allow you to find on resources good reputation and will provide an opportunity to earn more.

Idea 10. Outsourcing

The development of Internet technologies has contributed to the creation of conditions for the development of business in the field of outsourcing. Many companies benefit from do not use in own state some employees, and assign tasks to perform certain work to third-party specialists who will independently pay taxes and mandatory fees for their services.

Work in this area is also beneficial for highly specialized specialists, as it allows you to cooperate with an unlimited number of clients and provide yourself with a high level of income.

1. Accounting outsourcing

The most popular destination. To provide services, a novice entrepreneur must have the appropriate education, successful work experience, and also know the legislation in the field of taxation, taking into account actual changes in it to get the job done right.

An important aspect- ownership on professional level special programs, for example, 1c accounting .

The most popular options for cooperation with clients are:

  • preparation of accounting and statistical reports for the organization;
  • financial accounting of the enterprise;
  • auditing services;
  • a full range of accounting services.

2. Legal outsourcing

Also a very demanded type of activity. The contractor must have the appropriate higher education and experience in jurisprudence, as well as the fullest possible knowledge of economic and tax legislation.

Organizations are interested in legal advice, in the preparation of properly executed documentation. In some moments, the company requires services for the preparation of claims and a wide variety of contracts.

3. IT outsourcing

Works on maintenance local area networks, website development, development software most businesses prefer to transfer outside organizations or entrepreneurs providing these services.

Idea 11. Network Marketing

Multilevel marketing (MLM) is the interaction of a manufacturer, an entrepreneur and a buyer.

The popularity of this type of online business is also high. The creation of a certain company with a popular product network gives the founders the opportunity to make good money.

This means that you can organize a web studio on the Internet, which will offer these services, finding the appropriate specialists in this field.

Schemes and methods of promoting business on the Internet

4. Effective business promotion on the Internet - 6 best tools 🛠

Organizing your own business on the Internet, as a rule, does not cause great difficulties for entrepreneurs. The main difficulties arise when solving development issues and ensuring profit growth.

The idea and direction of activity can be very popular among consumers, but without using a set of measures aimed at promoting the business, it will be difficult to count on an increase in income.

Ways to promote your business online:

  1. Social networks;
  2. Forums on the required topic;
  3. Use of video channels;
  4. Promotion using free advertising mailings;
  5. SEO optimization own resource or landing page;
  6. Using free message boards.

Let's consider each of these promotion tools in more detail.

1) Social networks

The right solution would be to actively use social media to promote your business. Statistics show that more than 80% network users have their own pages in social networks and use them at least 2 hours a day.

The main ways to promote your business using social media are:

  • Placing high-quality information in the optimal amount.Important ingredients- the uniqueness and fascinating style of writing texts, as well as the emotionality of the transfer of information, without an obvious advertising orientation, is desirable. The page should be filled with new posts on a regular basis, depending on the line of business it can be from 2-3 texts per day up to the same amount per week.
  • Using targeting. effective direction of advertising activities focused on target audience, selected on the basis of geographic location, socio-demographic component and interest in the offered goods and services.
  • Advertising in popular groups. The first direction is paid posting. The second is the purchase of a repost. Efficiency (as well as the cost of services) depends on the level of popularity of the advertiser's community.
  • Promotion using professional advertising exchanges. The network has a large number of exchanges specializing in the provision of services to promote business in social networks. On a paid basis, they can provide the group with high-quality content, as well as launch all the required types of advertising.

Focusing on the optimal time for posting information on various social networks will allow entrepreneurs to increase the efficiency of their activities.

2) Forums on the required topic

The network has a large number of various forums. It is necessary to find those that correspond to the direction of the entrepreneur's activity and have a high attendance.

Next, you should register and constantly contact the participants. When communicating, you should avoid the advertising orientation of posts (since it is possible to get a "ban" from the administration of the web resource), when establishing a good level and getting a sufficient rating, you should leave links to your Internet projects.

3) Using video channels

Today's consumers prefer watching videos rather than reading texts. In this regard, short videos that provide introductory information about products and business are popular.

Using popular video channels (,, etc.) you can post videos about the entrepreneur himself, his activities and provide them with links to the relevant groups in social networks.

4) Promotion with free advertising mailings

In some thematic areas, you can find portals that initially can send advertising information among their subscribers for free. An example is the site

5) SEO optimization of your own resource

Site traffic depends on the amount of information posted on the resource and the quality of this information.

Optimization involves the use of only unique articles when filling a site or blog, as well as the use of keywords in the texts according to the thematic focus of the resource.

Key phrases used by potential customers on a particular topic can be found using the service

Evaluating the quantitative use of certain words in the search queries of potential consumers, it makes it clear to the entrepreneur that the use of these expressions when publishing their own articles on the site will allow them to occupy the first positions when displaying information search results through the service (in the top of search engine results).

6) Using free message boards

One of the most popular ways free business promotion on the Internet - using message boards... There are tens of thousands of such resources on the Internet, and therefore the best solution would be to use the most popular of them (,, etc.).

Advantages :

  • Popular message boards have a large audience of consumers;
  • No fees for posting information;
  • The relevance of the ad for a long time;
  • The ability to use when placing links to the site, which is displayed when the client searches for the necessary information;
  • Links from popular resources can have a positive effect on the reputation of a business.

Disadvantages :

  • Ad fluidity... Hundreds of new ads appear on well-known resources every minute, which leads after some time to the difficulty for the client in finding the necessary information.
  • No Warranties. The result from the placement may not bring any dividends.
  • Time factor. Each resource has its own placement rules and to use this direction, you need to allocate time to study them.
  1. The ad text must be SEO optimized.
  2. Update the publication periodically (at least once a month).
  3. Provide an advertising-oriented text.
  4. Use high-quality photos in your ad.
  5. The specified link should direct the potential client to the required section on the site.

5. Frequently asked questions 🔎

Consider the popular questions that users ask about this posting topic.

Question number 1. How does an internet business buy?

The bulk of the resources are sold on specialized exchanges and forums. It is important that these resources are not responsible for the consequences of the purchase / sale of projects, their main function is to provide a platform for interaction between interested parties. So the participants in the transaction must be aware of and calculate all the risks.

The most famous sites for buying / selling a business on the Internet:

  • Forum " SearchEngines»;
  • Forum "Antichat";
  • Marketplace of sites and domains

It should be remembered that among the users of the forums there are a large number of scammers who fraudulently seek to cash in on inexperienced users.

It should also be noted that among the resources offered for sale more than 95% absolutely unpromising for further profitable use.

Question number 2. How to buy an internet business?

When acquiring an Internet business, there is a high probability of encountering fraudsters, therefore after making a decision to buy a site (project), you must:

  1. Find out from the owner the true reasons for selling the resource;
  2. Offer to discuss all issues in video format via Skype or by phone. Refusal should alert - scammers do not meet halfway in this matter.
  3. When making a deal, it is advisable to use only the GARANT.PRO resource.

Scheme of buying a business on the Internet through the GARANT system:

  1. contact the guarantor about the transaction and clarify the cost of their services;
  2. the guarantor applies to the buyer for confirmation of the transaction;
  3. money is transferred to the guarantor;
  4. the seller transfers the resource to the buyer;
  5. after confirmation of the transaction by the buyer, the guarantor transfers the money to the seller.

6. Conclusion + video on the topic of publication 🎥

In the last decade, business has undergone significant changes, which previously seemed almost unbelievable - doing business without initial investment is now almost commonplace.

Each person with a certain set of skills has the opportunity to find their own direction "to their liking" on the Internet and earn money doing what they love.

Almost any of the above-described line of earnings can be transformed into a full-fledged business on the Internet by hiring a certain staff (online collaboration) and transferring the business to a more systematic and profitable activity.

The site magazine team wishes you success in your endeavors! We will be glad to read in the comments your online business experience, as well as opinions and comments on the topic of publication.

The sea breeze, the rustling of palms and a luminous monitor on the deck chair of the beach in Thailand - usually such pictures of the future life are drawn in the minds of those who think about business on the Internet. The dream of our time - to work little and get a lot - according to the unenlightened majority, will help to realize the almighty Internet. After reading and hearing the success stories of entrepreneurs who have made millions on the Internet, young people begin to think:

If he could, then how am I worse?

For the hundredth time, having stumbled upon another story that business on the Internet is easy and simple, and you can earn hundreds of thousands a month here, working several hours a day, someone starts looking for a familiar programmer, and someone himself starts learn website builders and learn the basics of Google analytics.

Of course, there are those who take the bait of quick and easy money - trying to figure out binary options, online trading, CPA networks and traffic arbitrage ...

Internet business is attractive because it does not require an initial investment. No equipment, no office, no staff needed. You don't even have to apply for an individual entrepreneur, don't pay taxes - you won't get anything. Moreover, the overwhelming majority thinks that there are many options to start earning without having anything to heart.

Is it really?

Freelance or Business?

First you need to define the concepts. What is a business on the Internet, and how does it differ from the usual earning through the Internet? If we equate the Internet business and earnings with its help, then millions of freelancers - copywriters, designers and programmers - are the same businessmen as the creators of Google or Vkontakte.

When working via the Internet as an ordinary specialist, only a mythical feeling of working for yourself is created - flexible hours, a comfortable sofa at home, own kitchen instead of a canteen ... I work when I want, I don't depend on anyone, I choose clients myself, etc. However, nevertheless, you will have a boss, albeit at a remote location, who will tell you what, how and when to do it. What kind of business is this?

Real business involves development, delegation of authority, a more ramified hierarchy and a well-thought-out structure, and, of course, is accompanied by legal registration, accounting and work with contracts.

Not a single serious customer will contact a lone freelancer without a legal entity.

The sale of knowledge and online training is gaining more and more popularity today.

Starting with your own video courses, you can stop, earning passive income from sales from time to time, or go further and start developing in this area - attract other speakers, trainers and coaches, publish both paid and free video courses and videos -Lessons, expand your online school's course topics, run webinars, etc. Only then can it be considered a full-fledged business. And nevertheless, the start of any enterprise in the network always begins from one point - the creation of a website.

Business on the Internet: a website is in charge

Making a website generate money is not an easy task for several reasons.

Site owners need to not only choose the right niche and theme for their site and constantly fill it with interesting and useful content - this is obvious and required by default. Anyone who wants to monetize their website will have to master a variety of promotion techniques - the main of which is SEO optimization - a dark forest in which hundreds of entrepreneurs wander. But this is another story, which we will talk about in another article, but for now we propose to consider various options for business on the Internet in more detail.

Niches in Internet Business

Alexander Ninburg

General Director of the "Nimble" service

Separately, perhaps, it is worth dwelling on the most popular area of ​​online business - online stores. It is the idea of ​​creating a store on the Web that first comes to mind to a person who dreams of a business on the Internet.

Despite its low margins in today's realities, the buy and sell business continues to attract start-up entrepreneurs. Either this is due to laziness and unwillingness to come up with and look for unique and original ideas for business, or the desire to trade is at the genetic level, along with the memory of the successes of the farts and shuttle traders of the 80-90s of the last century. In any case, today dropshippers, online aggregators and online stores of various stripes have come to replace the perestroika schemes. All these options are used as the main, if not the only, sales channel is the Internet, which allows you to minimize initial investment, reduce costs and increase the margin and profitability of this business.

According to many experts and analysts, Internet commerce is one of the few areas of business that does not slow down the growth rate despite economic shocks, changes in the macroeconomic climate and political confrontations both in a single country and around the world as a whole. Moreover, aspiring entrepreneurs are haunted by the success of foreign giants - Aliexpress, Ebay and Amazon. How can you resist the temptation to start a business on the Internet by creating your own online store?


Online stores are usually opened by people who are a) far from business and commerce, b) far from IT. These are 80% of online store owners. They make an incredible number of idiotic mistakes. In order for the store to start making a profit, they usually have to go through a long and thorny path... Our practice shows that after a year and a half, such people run out of money and motivation. Even more often people open online stores without thinking that any market has a ceiling. Especially in small towns. As a result, people spend a lot of money, hoping that sooner or later they will start earning, but this does not happen, because those one and a half customers that they had in the first month and there is 100% market saturation.

When launching an online online store, you will have to face many problems that an online entrepreneur will have to solve. In addition to the standard “website creation”, “content filling” (in the case of an online store, this is the filling and design of the product catalog) and “promotion”, the list of questions will be supplemented with such items as “search for suppliers”, “logistics”, “organization of payment” and other business processes typical for conventional offline stores.

Regardless of whether you are going to open an online or offline store, you will have to start by choosing the product that you will sell. According to Pavel Gorbov, executive director of Re: Sale Expert, today the most popular areas in online commerce are:

  • goods for personal everyday demand (beauty and health; gifts, etc.);
  • personal use equipment (phones, tablets, etc.);
  • goods for everyday use (bedding, dishes, etc.);
  • jewelry, accessories (not jewelry);
  • sporting goods;
  • clothes, shoes.

On the other hand, today more conservative businesses come online - woodworking, chemical industry, heavy industry, agriculture, according to the data of the international Internet trade center Allbiz. This opens up additional opportunities for choosing your niche, free from competitors, and therefore giving you the opportunity to take advantage of the handicap and go into the lead.

Peter Talantov

Founder and general manager flower delivery services

Single market ecommerce does not exist, there are many markets, each in its own niche - food delivery, search and purchase of air and railway tickets, purchase of equipment, search for hotels, delivery of bouquets and flower arrangements. It's all perfect different businesses, united only by a common denominator - their location in the world wide web. As in any other enterprise, here you need to find your not yet occupied niche, invest a lot in marketing, in service, in the organization of the procurement and production process.

Of course, if 15-20 years ago a business on the Internet could be started with a start-up capital of $ 350, now this can be started (depending on the business) from $ 1000 and more. Behind the seeming simplicity of organizing online commerce, there is a huge amount of work that is in no way inferior to its offline counterparts, while the competition in this area is often even higher.

From idea to internet startup: uniqueness and competition

The Internet and modern IT technologies, like nothing else, make it possible to translate any idea into a business, provided that the idea is in demand (it will solve some problem) and it will not be difficult to monetize it.

Finding a problem and trying to solve it with the help of Internet technologies in the long term can bring considerable income - on this statement, a young and active startup market is being built today. Here and there young and ambitious online startups appear that offer a unique service or service, a solution to a problem or a new way to make life easier, save time or money through IT.

Another thing is that not every startup grows into a normal, functioning business ...

CEO "Photogenica"

At the moment, the market for photobanks is quite developed and saturated. Market leaders now have databases of 30-50-70 million images. To create a new successful project this segment needs a strong competitive advantage and considerable capital. Opening a photo bank on your knee will be doomed to failure.

Competitive advantages - prices and service. At the moment, both in the first and in the second question, photobanks have succeeded. To "break" the market you need to come up with something revolutionary.

Business on business

However, not all internet business options suffer from competition and high barriers to entry. The very fact of the need and demand for website development, the presence of companies on the Internet and the creation of an additional sales channel through an online store gives rise to a whole galaxy of different options and opportunities for online business in the b2b sphere.

The only requirement in this case is the knowledge and competence of the future internet entrepreneur in certain areas - web development, web design or internet marketing.

Director of the agency "IT-Factory"

Founder of the Internet Marketing Agency "Architect"

Aspiring internet entrepreneurs can be roughly divided into several categories.

The first is young and inexperienced people with burning eyes and a firm belief in the success of an Internet business. Often they do not have significant start-up capital, they have only a distant idea of ​​both programming and ways to attract traffic. And nevertheless, they are eagerly eager to fight - to conquer the vastness of the Internet, to fill the cones, to act by trial and error. If you fall into this category, you have two options. The first, spending titanic efforts, master all the nuances of the Internet business on your own, stubbornly follow the set goal, starting small, or do it differently - gain experience in the area in which you plan to start a business.

The second category of Internet entrepreneurs already possesses knowledge and competencies - they have worked as specialists in a particular field in which they plan to open a business. Someone worked as a programmer, someone as an internet marketer or seo optimizer. Tired of working for their uncle, feeling the strength to start their own business and saving up initial capital, they begin their voyage under the name of business. But certain difficulties await them, but of a different nature.

First, any Internet entrepreneur has to do something about self-organization and setting up systematic work. Secondly, it is necessary to learn how to work and communicate with clients, who often do not understand the peculiarities and difficulties of working in such narrow areas as web development or website promotion. Professionals in their field will have to go down to the level of the client and explain on their fingers what you will take money for, what the client will receive in return and how it will improve his life.

The main secret of the success of any business, both online and offline, is the motivation of the owner or founder. The best and most powerful companies grow when the initiator of this business has “nothing to eat” at the beginning of his activity. There is nothing better for a future company.

In addition, due to the fact that the Internet industry is perhaps the most dynamic of all, you will hardly be able to relax if you really want to achieve the results and success that your idols have achieved. So forget the dreams of serene jobs on the beaches of Goa, working hours a day and passive profit. Of course, no one forbids you to strive for this, but at the start of an Internet business, you better put these thoughts aside and roll up your sleeves to get down to business.

Internet business from scratch where to start - my real story about making money on the internet

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How to start an online business? My real history of working in the internet for 5 years. What pitfalls await you? What you need to do, and where, you don't even need to meddle, you will only lose money.

Greetings, my dear readers and casual visitors to this blog!
In this article I will tell my story of working on the Internet, how I lost a million rubles and explain what you really need to do.
The article will be useful, first of all, for beginners, those who just want to start making money from the Internet, or have started, but little succeeds and cannot decide on the direction in business.

Do I regret that I came to the Internet business?
Of course not.
What do I regret?
The fact that I lost a lot of time was looking for a freebie, a loot button, as it is still customary to speak in moneymaker's slang, while you just had to work on the Internet!

Internet business from scratch where to start - how to start correctly, and not get a false start

The first time in my life I thought about making money on the Internet about 10 years ago in 2007. At the same time when the Internet appeared on my computer. There were much fewer sites on the World Wide Web than now, there was almost no information about earnings at all. I remember that I found some kind of site, hung with banners and teasers (advertising), a Christmas tree is resting. I dug up a link to the buks (postal service) in it. I registered there, made an electronic wallet.
I remember that the site and all the sites that I visited on the assignment of advertising on it more than information). The most interesting thing is that the virus on such advertisements could be caught easily easier to catch than not.
I walked around the sites, clicked on advertisements, I could still earn some pennies.
I got bored with this business).

For a couple of years, I forgot to work on the Internet.
What did you do?
Played online games. I managed to lose to one for 3 years). Lost a lot of time ... but how did you lose it?
In the game, I met a girl who later became my wife and to this day we are together, although there are no longer two of us in the family, but three;).
The spirit of adventurism has not left me all these 2 years).
After 2 years, I again came with a fishing rod to the Internet business with renewed vigor for real money online.
I started chugging on click-through sites again. I tried all the arsenal available at that time.
I liked seosprint most of all. I worked on it.
During the day I managed to earn 50-100 rubles then it was, what not what, but money.

By the way, a year ago, in 2016, I returned to it again), though not as a performer, but as an advertiser and referrer.
Why don't I work there?
There is no time, and even a hundred rubles a day is not interesting to me now.

I clicked on seosorint, I got bored. And the site itself is littered with advertisements " real earnings"In 5-10 thousand rubles a month.
What thoughts were there at that time?
I am almost a genius! People earn tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles in the internet, and I work for a penny!
I read and saw enough of "exclusive, classified FSB materials, from a guru," I got smarter twelve times, I realized, it's time to act!

What have I learned and understood "especially valuable?"
You don't have to work on the Internet; all work for suckers needs to be invested.
The best income is on the liability, we are sitting, and the money goes, remember, right? money should work even if there is none).

I remember I started to act ... from games with the withdrawal of money.
Well, why - it's cool! I invested a thousand - another, a month later - another, brought out the invested money from there, and then you will receive money from there all your life! In general, I felt then, Warren Buffett).

It was decided to invest in such projects. I don’t remember exactly how many there were and their name. I remember only 2.
One site, something about apple trees, you plant, harvest, and so on.
Another, I remember very well, is associated with investing in virtual stocks.
I had an excellent relationship with the admin of the last project, no joke, I, the best investor of that project, invested tens of thousands of rubles.
We must give him what he owes, he paid regularly for the time being.
I remember that he called me to another similar project, where he was a co-founder, I wonder how I had enough brains not to invest there).
Of course, then all these projects will be erased from the face of the Internet, but it will be later, but for now, I considered myself the smartest Internet businessman and now it's funny to read this).
Yes, I must also say, I managed to play with magic wallets.

I understood that I had to move on, conquer the planet Earth!
After much research, forex was chosen.
At that time, at that time, it was considered a reliable investment in your future.
Then few people assumed that this is the second "MMM."
Probably, nevertheless, some knew, but were silent, which is otherwise logical.

I understood that I myself would not be able to play there, and why? Work for suckers! And I'm not a sucker, I'm thoughtful.
According to my then considerations, in a couple, three years, I will be able to completely forget about the laborer's work for my uncle's work in the usual sense of the word.

My thoughts at the time were like this.
Why don't others do this?
Not in the subject green yet, not flogged.
I'm in the subject ?! Let others work, but I will build a business and will soon do nothing.

It was decided to take out a bank loan.
How many?
250 thousand, which seemed to me very little.
Well, it won't go like this! For a long time I will increase my capital. We should have taken the same amount!
In general, a floor of wood, in my opinion, should be enough for a start, a successful start, so to speak.

I have compiled a portfolio of 3 investment projects: "Gamma," "FX Vladimir," "Forex Trend."
All projects were flawless. Out of a thousand comments, at most a couple of efficient negative ones.
Does it remind you lovers?

The first project was a closed area in which the puffs worked, allegedly 3 people to rip off people. Every week, a report was posted on their website about how the trading on the exchange went.

In the second project, according to his impeccable legend, a Russian trader living in the United States worked. All his successes on the stock exchange could be learned every week on his website.
However, there was no reason for concern, a maximum of 4 weeks in a small minus for a whole year!

In the last project, though, even he turned out to be a scam, there was an opportunity to choose traders. Traders with a yield of 30-40% per annum from the deposit did not interest me. 100% per year, or better 200-300% - that's a good thing!

I must say, with the last project, I screwed up myself, if I had not chosen aggressive traders, I could have stayed in the black.

What happened next?
About a year later, Vladimir began to delay the payments.
Gamma was abruptly covered up - it was black July 2013.
What happened?
Allegedly, the deal on the exchange did not work, with a delay, and most of the money given to the traders to the scammers went into negative territory, which they, of course, promised to return.

What were your feelings at that time?
You know, if you were thrown by a loved one, a girl or a guy, depending on what gender and orientation you are) like a dream. This cannot be - this is some kind of mistake and everything will be fine tomorrow. Of course - this was the collapse of my Internet business, at that moment, which I did not want to admit.

Guys, this is all bullshit, isn't it? Only a weak person kneels, and a strong one goes on, right?) Any decent businessman has at least several times got up from scratch. He turned around, went to zero and got up again. At that time, I thought so).

It was decided to get a couple more credit cards.
Where did the money go?
Mostly for the promotion of VKontakte groups.
Thoughts began to appear in my head that making money on the Internet is not only an investment, it turns out that you also need to work here.

He worked mostly in Vkontakte. He promoted his groups.
Basically, I got subscribers. The first time I realized that everything is not so simple here, when one of the groups gained 30 thousand subscribers. By that time, there were a lot of dogs in her, she could not avoid an automatic filter from contact. The VK filter cleared about 30-40% from the group, there are less than 20 thousand subscribers left.
When a new member joins the community, he is automatically unsubscribed. There is such a Vkontakte filter.
It is set automatically for a week or two.

Realization came, it dawned on me blah that cheating is evil, you need to use legal methods. From the relatively legal, then, it was possible to agree with the admin of the VK community about advertising in his group. Accordingly, you give him money, he, your post. Usually an hour post at the top, 24 in the news feed, then deleted.

Ads were bought in different communities, with varying degrees of success.
The most unfortunate one, where a subscriber cost me 30 rubles. Having figured out what posts the people are biting on, the subscriber began to cost me 1 ruble.

The largest group that I was able to promote is 200 thousand subscribers.
Why did you give up?
I posted a post in the group, some kind of financial pyramid, as I now remember a thousand, they answered me for it. Someone knocked the public out for a month from the search for a contact.
By that time, there was no money for advertising in the communities.
With each new post, more and more unsubscribed than subscribed, that is, the number of subscribers was melting before our eyes.
Against the background of everything else, there was no desire to lead it.

The most successful public was about making money on the Internet, now I would not say that it was), but it was called that.
About 30 thousand subscribers 80-90% of bots.
Advertising for it was ordered with enviable constancy. On average, 3 applications per day, the cost of a post is 50 rubles, on some days 5-7 orders for advertising were received.
Orders came from the sociate exchange, they wrote in a personal.
This public will also be abandoned.
The VK administration, very much does not like the topic of making money on the Internet, not one, a normal public will not undertake advertising about making money on the Internet. Accordingly, in order to increase the number of subscribers, you need to constantly wind up the group with bots, which threatens with a filter, and can be blocked.
In general, where you do not go, one rake).

Would I go into making money now Vkontakte?
Of course not.
You see, your VK group is not yours at all.
This page of the site is Vkontakte.
How can you build a business on something that does not belong to you?

I did a lot of other nonsense, I think it's not very interesting).

You know, all this mess could have been avoided. There were more than enough prerequisites.
I remember that I ordered a fortune-telling on the Internet on tarot cards).
Success in the Internet business).
They sent and said everything in color as it is.
They don't see any business at my place. It is very risky to take loans. Financial crash.
What is most memorable for me.
Like a fortune teller pulled out the sun. Writing that this is the most successful card in the deck.
This card denotes success in all endeavors, while adding that the card is turned over, it means that success is possible, but not soon.
Well, now, you are reading me now). I'm kidding, of course)
This is not success - it is one step forward.
What would I do now if I had the opportunity to start all over again, from scratch?
I'll talk about this further.

How to make money on the Internet. What would I be doing now if I started from scratch?

Guys, I know, many are looking for treasured sites that will pay for the simplest work (likes, reposts, watch an ad or a website, click on an ad, and so on) bossy grandmothers.
Are they there?
Where they pay coolly for such work, there is a scam.
Such work will never be well paid.

Is it worth working on click-through boxes?
For starters, yes. Better on 3, 4, such. What, not what, but money. In addition, you will gain a little experience.
As they say, the boss who started with the worker is good).

I am often reproached in the comments, to the article about the sundress, saying that you didn’t try to make money there, try it first, otherwise you’re writing all sorts of crap.
Guys, I haven’t tried it and I’m not going to give out money to scammers. Lokhotronov, for making money on the Internet, I tried as many as you could not dream of.
Do you like playing with money?
Well, play around while others are building a business on the internet, play).

Where not to meddle at all?
Where investment is required from you.
Casino, mlm, games with attachments, and so on.
Most of these have a beautiful legend.
We are a developing company, investing in gold, stock, timber, cars, factories, air, mars, ufo.
Nobody invests anywhere! If you are promised, let's say 1% per day of the money you have invested.
Do you think okay?
Guys, you haven't been banging your head in the morning about anything?

Guys, you have to work everywhere, there is no freebie.
Trust me and my experience.

What are the real ways to make money on the Internet?
In fact, there are 2 of them.
1. Freelance.
2. Your site.

What is a freelancer?
A remote worker, that is, he works at a computer.
For doing certain work on the Internet, you get paid.

What are the most in-demand professions?
In my opinion, this is a website designer and layout designer.
A good designer and layout designer will never be left without work.

How to freelance?
There are special exchanges where a person writes what work he is ready to perform and how much his work costs.
You see, there are many employees, and in order to be noticed, respectively, you had a mountain of orders, you need to prove yourself.
For example, if I went to work as a freelancer, I would not hope for one exchange.
Checked in at least 5.
Agree on advertising on the site or blog you visit. Better by 4-5.
For example, in the form of an interview.

Cons of working as a freelancer
It is thick, then empty. The whole week is full of orders. Then sit for a week.
Without promoting you and your services, you shouldn't leave your main job.
Honestly, this kind of work is not for me.
You might as well work anywhere. There is not much difference.
This is again a job for someone. I like doing my own projects and making money almost on a liability.
I put an advertisement on the site, let the money drip.

Your site.
I lost so much time ... but if I started working on websites, say 5 years, now I would be in chocolate.
By the way, it is not even necessary to write on the site yourself.
You can order articles from copywriters (person, article writer for your site).
But the blog, in my opinion, you need to keep yourself. You, by the way, are now on it).

What are the disadvantages of the site?
From website creation to monetization (earnings), at least 1 year.
Usually 2-3 years. Provided that you will publish on it at least 1 article per week (preferably 3-7).
Until then, you only need to work on its content (articles).
That is, are you ready to work for 3 years for free?
Of course, I exaggerate that you will receive something, but this money is unlikely to be enough for a family.

You know, it's a fashionable trend now, to make your blog to earn money.
But only in 90% of cases, if he lives up to a year, no one leads him.
Do you know why?
Most will see enough of all sorts of "gurus," who explain, they say, the whole problem is in creating a site.
Further, almost immediately after creation, visitors will go to you and money will flow.
No - that's not true at all.
In order to make money on the site, you must have visitors, a lot of visitors).
If they are not there, there is no money either.
In addition to creating a blog, you need to be able to promote it in search engines.
And this is a whole science that is constantly changing.
You need to be constantly in trend.

How to learn if you are a green beginner and do not know or know how?
Green rookie is not a sentence. This is temporary). We all came here like that).
If, you decide to create your blog.
I would not advise you to rush anywhere.
Think about what you are interested in and what are you good at?
Before creating a blog, I would spend at least 100 hours studying its promotion.

For example, if I am interested in any topic, I do not know how to do it right, I go to a search engine.
I read at least 3 authoritative authors on this topic (often 7-10 authors).
What for?
I want to get a more complete picture on the issue of interest to me.

What can I advise you?
Do not be afraid.
When I started, I thought it would be unrealistic to figure everything out!
90% of moneymakers' slang did not understand at all).
Time passes ... and already those articles where I did not understand half of the words), you not only understand the meaning, but also see the delusions of the author of these articles).

It only happens easily and quickly ... you yourself know who).

For skeptics.
I paid off my loans, but here it’s not how much work on the Internet helped out, but work offline.
A gift of fate or something). A gift, because this is not a job that few people can do, rather many people), but the salary, not just big, but an order of magnitude higher than the national average.

That's it, guys.
Questions in the comments are welcome.
Good luck to you!

Dmitry Dementiy

Ideas are much more difficult to implement than generate. Instead of spending years pondering which business to start, it’s better to spend time on a business plan and building a workflow. And this article will help you understand what business to take on. Choose a rubric according to your interests and competencies, find ideas and bring them to life!

Just keep in mind: even the best product will not promote itself. To get the maximum result in terms of traffic to the site, conversions, leads and sales, you need a comprehensive business promotion.


Over the past year, more than 35% of Russians have made purchases online, and these numbers are only growing. Open an online store and sell products that you are good at. You can do this on your website, sell through a landing page, even just through social networks. Or use third-party services - Avito, Ebay, Amazon and others.

  1. Electronics breaks all internet sales records. If you find a way to compete with the big chains and minimize the risk of damaging your gadgets on delivery, this is a good option.
  2. clothing... Many things can be picked up without trying them on, and people are actively buying them on the Internet - you can minimize costs by selling through social networks and offer favorable prices. Read on our blog about how to create an online store "VKontakte".
  3. Books. Yes, paper. It sounds old-fashioned, but it is on the sites that they are now preferred to order, because prices in offline stores have skyrocketed.

  1. Goods from China. Absolutely any: order clothes, accessories and gadgets at Chinese stores and resell online in your region - you will have an advantage over AliExpress due to faster delivery. It is only important to find a reliable supplier so that the poor quality of the product does not lead you to losses.
  2. Promoted communities and accounts. First, of course, they will have to be promoted. Buy bots and sell cheap or honestly recruit live people and sell high - it's up to you. For "white" SMM-promotion, you can contact us.
  3. Organic food. You can negotiate with local farmers, gardeners and mushroom pickers, find buyers online and arrange delivery.
  4. Antiques. Suitable only if you understand it or want to understand it. Among the population there is always a layer of connoisseurs of antiquity - the main thing is to reach out to them and offer a relevant product.
  5. Goods for pets. Oddly enough, people can save on themselves, but not on their cats and dogs.
  6. Goods for kids. Another niche with high margins.
  7. Goods for everyday needs. If you can supply people with detergents, razors, napkins and shampoos once a month with delivery, you will find grateful customers. And for an online store, be sure to choose a suitable CMS.
  8. Affiliate Marketing. Sell ​​any products from other companies for a commission. Such a business on partnership terms will require a minimum investment.
  9. Cybersquatting. Register and resell domains.
  10. Hobby goods. People who are passionate about scrapbooking, embroidery, wood carving, fishing or hunting know exactly what they need - so they are ready to shop online quickly and easily.
  11. Cosmetics. It is easy to sell with small investments, easy and inexpensive to deliver, it has a long shelf life - a convenient product for online commerce. You can open an online store on Instagram.
  12. Used goods. Buy and sell used appliances, clothing and household items in good condition.


If you can not only sell other people's products, but also make your own, you have a competitive advantage. You can sell on your own resources and on third-party sites. There is a “Crafts Fair” for finding buyers in Russia, there is Etsy, where you can sell your handmade products all over the world.

  1. Individual tailoring. With a decrease in quality in the mass market, the demand for clothes made from high-quality fabrics, tailored to individual measurements, is growing. All you need is a sewing machine and the ability to use it, and buyers can take all the measurements themselves and send them to you on the website.
  2. Accessories and bijouterie. From polymer clay, wood, metal or fabric - perhaps you know how to make jewelry, but you just don't know about it.
  3. Household products. This can be textiles, frames, coasters, candlesticks or dishes. But making quality things is not a guarantee of success, because it is very important to find your buyer.
  4. Interior paintings. Usually they are large and abstract, they can be made to order according to the requests of a particular buyer. The main thing is to find this buyer.

  1. Furniture. For the convenience of delivery, it is better to be small-sized or disassembled into parts - as in IKEA. You can try to negotiate cooperation with interior design studios.
  2. Personalization of common items. You can make engravings to order or give a second life to old things of customers.
  3. Confectionery. Cakes and pastries can be made to order and shipped to your region, gingerbread and candy can live long and ship across the country. Select the right content for your online store - then it will be convenient and interesting for users to work with your website, and you can increase sales.

Online education and information products

Modern man learns all his life. And more and more often he chooses online education so as not to waste time on the road, not to adjust his schedule to the courses and to be able to learn from professionals from anywhere in the world.

  1. Language teaching. You can create an online school with your own chips. In comprehension foreign languages people are picky, lazy and constantly looking for new methods - so it is quite possible to find ways to compete with giants like Skyeng.
  2. Practical skills training. Any professional activity in which you are well versed will do: you can teach people targeting, design, photography, programming, SEO-promotion, management. If you don't know how yet, it's okay - come to the courses on Internet marketing from TexTerra.
  3. Training for self-development. These are financial literacy, time management, public speaking and much more. You can attract not only young people, but also older people who have a lot of free time and who are interested in learning new things. By the way, in our blog there is material about promoting courses to an audience of 50+.
  4. Training in highly specialized things. Perhaps you can teach programmers a new language or designers how to work with a new program.
  5. General education courses. Monetize the human thirst for knowledge: Courses in contemporary art, history of religion, or English literature will also attract a lot of people if made entertaining and interactive.
  6. Expert books. Write them and sell them if you have a deep understanding of a particular area. Create a serious product and think over every little thing: content, promotion, presentation of the material. You can get inspired by our book "100+ Hacks for Internet Marketers".
  7. Study guides. If you do not understand deeply enough, compose electronic manuals based on less convenient or foreign publications - and sell them.
  8. Video lessons. You can teach people something specific by showing by example. You can teach what you can do - from cooking to photo retouching.
  9. Author's courses. Develop teaching materials for lessons and sell them - just a semblance of a textbook, without any online consultation and verification of work.
  10. Tutoring for children. Any school subject can be taught via video link.

  1. Additional education for children. Open an online school of programming, journalism or any other topic - teach your students what may be useful to them in later life.
  2. Courses for parents. They have been gaining popularity lately.


People also often spend their leisure time on the Internet - use that.

  1. Dating service. It seems that everything has already been invented, but you can do it with your own chip. For example, there is a Haters app that matches pairs based on what people hate. Come up with your own feature and implement it, study the target audience. And we will help you understand how men and women behave on the Internet.
  2. Social network. Of course, you don't need to compete with VK. You need to target a narrower audience with similar interests.
  3. Online Games. It can be a large-scale project with virtual and augmented reality technologies. Or simple games of mobile applications... How to make money on this, we have already written.
  4. Content project. Make a website, write articles and shoot videos on interesting topics- about travel, human stories, science pop or curious facts.

  1. Events aggregator in different cities of Russia. Not all events are published in Kudago, and not all regions are represented on the site. You can cover more interesting things, it is convenient to organize it and take money for placing announcements.
  2. Event planning... If you are creative by nature, develop and sell holiday scripts according to the wishes of the customers.
  3. Organization of events... This can also be done online - you can select premises for events, hosts, photographers, decorators, animators and coordinate their work.


One of the most popular types of modern Internet business: develop an Instagram account, YouTube channel or blog with articles - take money for advertising.

  1. Blogs with photos. If you travel a lot or just see the world from an unusual angle, you can keep followers beautiful pictures and witty signatures. Learn to work professionally in Photoshop to take your content to the next level.
  2. Longread blogs. You can implement it in social networks, on your website, Zen or Medium. Write about what may be interesting or useful to a wide range of readers. And we will show you 7 win-win topics for any blog.

  1. Product testing... Choose an area and tell your subscribers about the experience of using different brands of cosmetics, fishing tackle, equipment and any other products.
  2. Interviews with experts and interesting personalities... If you can video blog and find interesting guests, you will never run out of ideas for content - you will make money from your heroes' stories. You can repeat Dudya's experience and run an entertaining blog, or choose an area and hold discussions for specialists.

Useful services

On the Internet, any information is in the public domain, but a resource will be successful, where it can be conveniently organized and presented to users. And also, besides information services, it is possible to coordinate the work of some offline services using sites and applications.

  1. Online libraries. Runet already has Litres and others, but there are not so many of them yet.
  2. Library of application forms to different authorities. You can create a resource where people can quickly find and download any form.
  3. Discount aggregators. To weaken competition, you can choose a narrow specialization in certain products. The structure of such a site can be quite complex: take care to draw up a competent technical specification for developers.
  4. Bulletin board. Make a convenient service for placing any ads: sale, purchase, exchange, service offers and job search.

  1. Online flea market. It is convenient to implement this through the application, but with a small budget, you can even get by with social networks.
  2. Service for the sale and purchase of real estate. Less and less often, people turn to realtors and more and more often look for housing via the Internet. To be taken seriously in the real estate market, take care of the little things that build trust in the site.
  3. Buying tickets and tours online. A modern person will also prefer a convenient website to travel agencies, and you can take a percentage of the amount.
  4. Photobank. Nice photos are needed by everyone - designers, SMM-specialists, business owners, and sometimes individuals. And they are ready to pay for them.
  5. Food delivery service. And you don't need to keep your restaurant at all - the main thing is to organize the work of couriers, make a user-friendly website and succeed in promotion. And learn to write delicious food texts that will attract customers.
  6. Courier service. Delivery of anything is now arranged over the Internet.
  7. Service exchange. You can make a resource for a wide range of services, like YouDo, or create a specialized exchange for freelancers in one area or another. For example, the exchange of copywriters, programmers, designers. Research Your Competitors: We've published an overview of popular freelance exchanges.
  8. A platform for tutors and students. Like Preply or Upstudy.
  9. Service for editing photos. There are many of them on the Internet, but it is difficult to navigate in them, and not everyone has Photoshop. An editor tailored to specific needs, for example, specifically for SMM or retouching, may be in demand.

Consulting for individuals

Individual consultations on a variety of issues are gaining popularity on the Internet.

  1. Psychological help. If suddenly you are a certified psychologist or you can hire psychologists to work, online consultations will be a good business project.

  1. Career guidance for children and adults... Now everyone without exception wants to find a vocation and a job to their liking - some will definitely need help.
  2. Employment Consulting... Finding a dream job is not an easy task in itself, and HeadHunter has no worthy competitor. If you can track job offers across the internet and submit them to candidates, you can make money.
  3. Family relations consultations. And for any relationship. Such services can be sold in private messages.
  4. Nutrition advice. At the same time, you can negotiate with brands, whose products you will recommend.
  5. Fashion. Since shopping is moving to the Internet, the services of a virtual stylist may also be required here.
  6. Legal advice for individuals. Of course, you can't work as a lawyer online, but you can answer people's questions and suggest legal solutions to their problems for money. You can promote your services with useful content - the TexTerra blog has material on how to write good legal texts.
  7. Consulting on education abroad. It is always relevant, because many want to leave, and it is difficult to understand the intricacies themselves.
  8. Computer help. Some people cannot reboot the router or install the browser on their own and are willing to pay for help.

B2B services

A large and isolated layer of ideas is a variety of services for business. Outsourcing is gaining popularity: if a specialist is needed for several hours a month, he will not be kept on the staff.

  1. Legal assistance. Any business issue can be resolved, from copyright protection to resolving disputes with partners.
  2. Mystery shopping exchange. Usually such employees are not kept on the staff, they are needed for a short period. You can create a website for easy search for performers and monetize it.
  3. Accounting services. More and more small businesses are choosing outsourced accountants.
  4. Internet audit. Analyze the performance of websites, communities and social media accounts.
  5. Remote call center. You will need employees from anywhere in the country who will take calls for multiple organizations.
  6. System administration. Usually, the full-time presence of the system administrator in the office is needed only when problems arise.
  7. Trainings. Large and even medium-sized companies are ready to pay for employee training: from upgrading specialized skills to negotiation techniques, management and other soft skills. Such courses can be successfully promoted through social media.
  1. Software development. Business needs a lot of programs and all sorts of different.
  2. Remote technical support. You can help employees work with programs or fix errors on sites.
  3. Recruiting agency ... It seems that the job market has become more open with the internet, but it is not. Company representatives do not want to look through a bunch of resumes themselves in search of the right people - you can help them with this. Even the first interviews are now often conducted online.
  4. Marketing agency... Why not.
  5. Typography with an order on the site. Businesses always need flyers, posters, merchandise, and more. And with the current low-cost delivery, the scheme will work quite well: the client ordered on the website, you printed it and sent it by courier to the address.
  6. Creation of sites, landing pages and applications... New businesses open every day and everyone needs websites. V e-book TexTerra you can read how to make a website yourself if you are a humanist.

  1. Translation services. You can translate documents, conduct correspondence with foreign companies, or search for simultaneous interpreters for events. However, there is a lot of competition in the field of translation.
  2. Warehousing. If you have an empty space, you can organize a storage service via the Internet - this will be relevant for many stores.
  3. Fundraising. Unfortunately or fortunately, you can also earn money by raising money for charities.
  4. Equipment rent. Through your website, you can rent equipment for any area of ​​activity.
  5. Design services. Advertising products are needed by every business on a regular basis, and each time it is different.
  6. Administrative services... Help businessmen with financial planning and office work.
  7. Sociological research... Conduct online surveys so your business can improve their marketing and sales.

Crazy ideas menu

If you are inclined to adventures and do not like boilerplate solutions, you can consider more creative ideas. Among the advantages is low competition.

  1. Surprise service. The customer pays the money, names the addressee, you buy a surprise gift of your choice and send it. Beautiful content on Instagram will help you promote an unusual business.
  2. Sweepstakes service. The customer pays the money, names the addressee, you are playing a joke on him. Perhaps the rally can also be made virtual.
  3. Making things according to children's drawings. The client sends you a drawing, and you bring it to life - for example, make a toy or household item.
  4. Service for lovers and owners of pets. On such a dating site, the owner of the dog, who has no time to walk with her in the morning, will be able to meet a neighbor who dreams of walking with the dog in the morning.
  5. Products for singles. More and more people are living alone, but grocery packaging in stores is often designed for families. If you get the idea right, singles will be happy to get rid of overpayments - and you can sell small portions of food with delivery through the website and social networks.
  6. Virtual friend for an hour. Since you can buy a real friend for an hour, there will be people willing to pay for lunch with a virtual interlocutor. It is important to correctly identify the target audience for such a project.
  7. Paid newsletter with useful reminders... Already, apps are popping up to remind users to get up at 8 am, do 100 squats, or finally get busy. It is easier for people to engage in self-development when they are motivated - albeit virtually.
  8. Online store where you can buy a surprise for yourself... The buyer pays a certain amount, and the product is delivered to him commensurate in value, the more unexpected, the better.
  9. Rent of various status items: jewelry, dresses, huge bouquets for photos and people to accompany at events.
  10. Delivery of any goods from stores abroad... Worldwide delivery is by no means everywhere. Therefore, services that organize such are now relevant: you just need to find performers abroad who are ready to send goods that your customers need.

  1. Organization of partings. It is difficult for people to announce to their loved ones that they are breaking up, and this weakness can be monetized: Hire a psychologist who will tell the sad news over the phone for money. Such a service can be promoted through social networks - learn how to choose the right pictures for posts Rate the material:

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As with any business, it is better to build an Internet business on what you do best, to which you have a soul. List 3-4 activities. It should be borne in mind that a business that is successfully developing offline will not necessarily be as successful online. For this reason, each type of activity needs to be tested in search engines (Google, Yandex).

Your task is to analyze the number of real queries in each direction that potential customers are recruiting in search engines. This information is collected in a database and is a mirror image of the market, i.e. those problems that potential customers were looking for on the Internet.

To do this, you can use Yandex Wordstat services or the Google keywords tool. For each direction, you need to select at least 1000 phrases and, according to subjective criteria, select the most interesting ones for business (about 20%).
Having done this manually, you will begin to better understand which of your products or services are most often searched for by users.

You also need to highlight a list of competitors (for each direction) and briefly describe their proposals. Be sure to study competitors' advertising on the network: types of goods (services), keywords, headlines.

After completing this work, you will find out which of your directions are more promising, and what products within each direction should be offered.

The next step is to create a website and fill it with appropriate text materials (you already know the topics and keywords).

A prerequisite is monitoring site statistics. You should know how many visitors come to the site, for what key queries and what other information on the site they look at. At this stage, you can already offer some goods and services and offer to fill out a pre-registration or purchase form.

You need to understand that customers are primary, more precisely, you should be interested in active customer actions, for example, clicking the checkout button.

The goods can be quickly found if orders come in, here it is more important to understand what works and what does not. You do not bear any logistics costs yet, we always start with the formation of the flow of customers, and only then the products themselves. This can be done in parallel, but it is not worth starting with the purchase of goods or production before you get the first customers.

So, you have determined which queries attract the most visitors and which of them are in real demand and they are trying to buy. Now on the site you can attach a real online store of relevant goods or services. To do this, modules for maintaining a catalog of goods, receiving orders and paying are added to the site.

After that, you fill the online store with goods. Pay attention to product cards, interesting descriptions, photos, videos and customer reviews. Photos should be of high quality and with the ability to look at the product from different angles. It is recommended that arrows indicate key details, such as the number of ports on the laptop. If possible, it is worth making a 3D view with the ability to rotate.

The structure of the site should exactly correspond to the initial sections that were created when selecting keywords. We try to do it in sections and further subsections with more detailed requests.

For example:
Wash Off Paint - How to wash off acrylic paint
Wash off paint - How to wash off oil paint
Remove Paint - How To Remove Graffiti
Wash off paint - How to wash off old paint

On the given pages, we create interesting articles that correspond to the requests that customers asked and in these articles we introduce blocks for buying recommended goods, with which you can solve the problem of a site visitor.

Analysis of user actions shows that people get to these pages directly, bypassing the main page of the site from search engines and contextual advertising. We organize access to this structure through the “Articles” or “Blog” menu.

Separately, we create navigation by manufacturers, nomenclature and types of goods, which already open specific product cards for purchase. This navigation is already located in the main menu. Usually in the left block on the site for a quick search for the desired type of product.

In parallel with this, you need to find suppliers of goods, recruit personnel for customer service and delivery service.

It is advisable to immediately divide the whole process into weakly dependent areas: search for customers (lead generation), salespeople (salec), those who take orders and know how to sell by phone, the department of work with existing customers (account management). This makes your business initially more stable and difficult to manage, since everyone is engaged in a narrow range of tasks and does not have all the necessary skills. Some time will have to be spent on writing instructions for staff (creating regulations). This is very important, because if you need to replace a person, you will have a list of tasks that the newly accepted one should do. Consider it from this point of view - a quick replacement of the mechanism assembly.

Immediately, from the first profit, reserve 10% to 40% for customer acquisition: search engine optimization, contextual advertising Yandex Direct, Google Adwords, banner advertising, etc. (the choice of the channel depends on the specifics of your business).

Many businesses are dying because of the disproportionate use of resources.
We will definitely create project pages on social networks that will promote your Internet resources. Introduce your business, attract leads, stimulate positive discussion, collect feedback, and more.

An effective method of dealing with customer objections is video reviews of your products. On video hosting sites like youtube, you should offer "supporting" materials: product video presentations, training videos for customers (for example, a set of exercises using the simulator you sell).

Do not neglect the placement on different resources of links to the selling pages of your site. Such resources can be specialized forums, professional communities, hobby communities, etc. Communicate actively in them, become an expert, and the number of clicks on your links will increase.

Is your internet business working and making money for you? Don't relax. Competitors improve their offers, new business projects appear, consumer tastes change. Do not stop monitoring what is happening in your niche of Internet business, analyze the statistics of your resource and develop it.

So, typical step by step plan for creating an online business:

  1. The choice of several themes and directions to which there is a soul, i.e. interesting to deal with them. There should be several such topics (prerequisite)
    We focus on:
    • What can you do
    • What do you have talent for
    • What is the value for the client
  2. Market analysis - compiling a semantic core for each of the topics and identifying the main key queries from Yandex and oogle statistics
  3. Analysis of the market occupancy according to these topics. We make a list of competitors, their sites. We analyze what and how they sell.
  4. We analyze which of the competitors provides contextual advertising and set the highest priorities for these areas.
  5. We plan the structure of sites in these areas and start the process of filling them with relevant articles
  6. We collect primary statistics and, where the flow of visitors has gone, we fasten mechanisms for accepting orders and paying, i.e. we create online stores and fill their catalogs with goods.
  7. We are looking for suppliers of these goods and establish a service for receiving orders and delivery.
  8. We are constantly working on website analytics and highlighting the most demanded areas.
  9. We launch paid channels for attracting customers.
  10. We launch related projects in social networks and video hosting for information support
  11. We are working on external link mass and other customer acquisition channels.
  12. We are gradually increasing the volume of useful content and the range of products sold.
  13. We repeat the process for other lower priority topics.

Create new projects and happy sales!