What does a contextual advertising manager do? PPC Specialist: How To Earn More? Training for a PPC Specialist

Specialist in contextual advertising is engaged in the creation and conduct of advertising campaigns in "Google AdWords" and "Yandex.Direct". The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, psychology and computer science (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

As a special case, a specialist in setting up and running an advertising campaign in the Yandex.Direct contextual network is called a directologist.

It has long been known that the success of any enterprise depends on the quality of its advertising. Especially online advertising is the fastest growing type advertising services... And for the correct and efficient organization an advertising campaign on the Internet to promote any goods and services requires special knowledge. In conditions of fierce competition for the sales market, victory goes to those who masterfully own the weapon of Internet technologies in an advertising campaign.

Contextual advertising is small ads in the form of a banner with text and graphics, a video or GIF with a link to the advertiser's website. They are usually located to the right or above the search results. Ads drop out as a result of a user request in any search engine (Yandex, Google, Rambler). If the user is interested in building materials, then as a result of his request, ads with links to the sites of building materials stores will appear. This advertising method is considered one of the most effective, as it guarantees a quick return on investment. It has been verified that already in the first days after the launch of contextual advertising, the number of visits, calls, and orders from users increases. For comparison: search engine optimization results are visible only months later.

  • search engine, which is shown as a result of a query and search in search engines or vertical search on the site, when the query matches the keywords of the contextual ad;
  • thematic, which is shown as Additional Information on a website page from an affiliate network in the case when the advertising topic coincides with the interests of users. In this case, the user does not need to enter a query.

Currently, the largest systems for placing contextual advertising are:

  • Yandex.Direct http://direct.yandex.ru/
  • Google Adwords http://adwords.google.com/
  • Runner http://www.begun.ru/

Advertising in Google AdWords covers not only the Russian-speaking, but also the English-speaking Internet audience. In addition, Google AdWords is based on a more advanced interface with effective tools for monitoring and evaluating the advertising campaign. The minimum cost per click is $ 0.01, the minimum order is 400 rubles.

For the analysis and effectiveness of an advertising campaign, there are free special web analytics systems, such as Google Analitics, Yandex.Metrica, OpenStat, with the help of which you can determine whether an advertising campaign is making a profit, how much is the return on investment.

Features of the profession

The responsibilities of a contextual advertising specialist include:

  • planning an advertising campaign with the expectation of the most effective end result;
  • development of strategies and hypotheses;
  • discussion with the customer of possible alternative advertising directions;
  • creation of contextual advertising;
  • writing ad texts, their adaptation to fillings and their competent positioning in high positions;
  • calculation and selection of the starting price of one impression;
  • setting up advertisements taking into account all the rules before moderation;
  • analytics setup;
  • managing the course of an advertising campaign and adjusting it if necessary - analyzing the effectiveness of each ad, changing texts, editing graphic materials;
  • testing campaigns;
  • regular analysis and optimization of advertising campaigns;
  • sales analysis and weekly reporting.

Pros and cons of the profession


Demand in the present and future, as the contextual advertising market is developing rapidly.

Creative work that broadens one's horizons, teaches creative thinking and expressive analysis.

Possibility remote work on a flexible schedule.


Working under time pressure

Place of work

Internet companies, advertising organizations, large companies selling their own products and services, freelance work, training courses in advertising. There is an opportunity to advertise your own contextual advertising services: create and promote your own website, and advertise your services as a contextual advertising specialist on its pages.

Important qualities

  • Analytical warehouse mind
  • Ability to navigate in a large flow of information
  • Excellent knowledge of Russian (written)
  • Working in Google AdWords - knowledge of English
  • Ability to correctly formulate thoughts and ideas
  • Carefulness when checking data
  • Perseverance
  • Persistence
  • Ability to find non-standard solutions and defend one's position reasonably
  • Ability to repetitive and routine work
  • A responsibility
  • Ability to effectively plan time and work
  • Ability to work in a multitasking environment
  • A wide outlook, since you have to work with a wide variety of goods and services
  • Constant pursuit of learning new things
  • Sociability
  • Efficiency in the matter of quick response to changes

Professional skills:

  • knowledge of the basic foundations and features of contextual advertising and the advertising business in general;
  • knowledge of ways to promote goods and services on the market;
  • the ability to analyze the activities of competing firms and take this into account when creating an advertising campaign;
  • development, planning, preparation and launch of advertising campaigns in Yandex. Direct (Search, YAN) and Google Adwords (Search, KMS), manually through interfaces, using Excel and the Direct Commander and AdWords Editor management system;
  • ability to optimize ads based on conversions and ROI;
  • ability to work with remarketing, retargeting, networks;
  • knowledge and ability to work with Google Analytics, Yandex Metrics, Google Tag Manager;
  • knowledge about effective landing pages - selling and subscription pages that attract potential customers;
  • A / B testing of ads and keywords.

Training for a PPC Specialist

Beginners can go through free lessons offered by GoogleAdwords and Yandex.Direct services.

Materials from Yandex:

  • Online training from Yandex link;
  • Certification of specialists in Yandex.Direct and Yandex.Metrica link;
  • YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdO3sXFwivyug74BIPQIVg and Blog link of Yandex advertising technologies;
  • Yandex Advertising Network Club link;
  • Direct link club;
  • Yandex.Metrica Club https://yandex.ru/blog/metrika-club.

Materials from Google:

  • Analytics Academy link (available in Russian);
  • Google AdWords certification link (for agency employees only);
  • YouTube channel "Google for Business" link ;
  • Google Advertiser Community https://en.advertisercommunity.com/#.

Forums are also useful:

To become a successful specialist in contextual advertising, you need to constantly improve yourself in Internet technologies and the advertising business, find information, analyze and apply it correctly.


Salary on 12.12.2019

Russia 20,000-50,000 ₽

Moscow 35,000—150,000 ₽

The salary of a contextual advertising specialist depends on the level of professionalism, work experience and the number of projects on which he can work at the same time. A beginner specialist, when working on one project, can count on an income of 30,000-40,000 rubles. With the growth of professionalism, the development of new chips for the promotion of goods and services on the Internet, the specialist learns to minimize the labor and time spent on the project, thereby increasing the number of projects in work. It is quite possible to conduct 5-6 projects at the same time.

Career Steps and Prospects

The sphere of contextual advertising is developing rapidly, accordingly, the demand for specialists in this field is growing. One who aspires to career growth, can grow as a standard vertically - to a senior specialist and project manager in the future, when it comes to working in an Internet company. In general, the profession of a specialist in contextual advertising is a great start for growth to a profession.

A useful book for a PPC specialist:

Features of contextual advertising

In contextual advertising, auction pricing is used, that is, advertisers indirectly participate in bidding for the keywords for which their ads appear. Ads with the highest bid per click are shown first. In other words, the more an advertiser pays to go to his site, the higher his ad position will be.

Testing, then> 100 hours

To the office or remotely

Sets up advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords, collects and analyzes data in analytics systems. Responsible for project sales, understands landing pages. It works in tandem with a team lead and a web analyst, for example, if you cannot set a goal for an ajax button on a website, you involve a web analyst.

What is he doing

Knowledge base

A training program is drawn up for each specialist. Missing knowledge can be supplemented from the knowledge base or from older colleagues.

  • Before launching advertising campaigns, it evaluates the demand for the subject of volume, cost, conversions.
  • She conducts an audit of advertising campaigns and analytics systems, predicts the results of her work.
  • If necessary, researches landing pages, competitors, writes recommendations.
  • Formulates and agrees the KPI of the project with the client, optimizes campaigns.
  • Paired with the team lead, he maintains contact with the client.
  • If necessary, attracts third-party specialists, if there is not enough own competence.


  • Manages and plans his time at the level of each hour. Always calls back, daily online for at least 4 hours.
  • An adult, more often a family man. During a conversation, he writes down tasks so as not to forget, he does not need to be reminded.
  • If he does not meet the deadline, he will warn in advance. If it does not fit into the budget, then he will discuss a compromise in advance.
  • More often, he has a technical education, knows mathematics. Already has experience in contextual advertising.
  • He does not make gross mistakes due to inattention, he double-checks himself.
  • He wants to develop, he is ready to spend his free time on this.

Beta tech stack

The table consists of point technical skills, it does not completely cover the required stack, but it can serve as a guide. Only practical experience is recognized.

Middle leads the project, junior only helps, and senior either leads complex projects or becomes a team lead.

Junior Middle Senior
contextual advertising
Ever received Yandex Direct and Google Adwords certificates + + +
Knows how to map search queries coverage + + +
Understands why it is important to look at SERPs for each keyword in reach + +
Knows when HF needs to be done in quotes and without + +
Knows how to target advertisements to his competitors' clients across the networks + +
Can predict the dependence of the number of leads on their value for a traffic segment + + +
Can target ads in Yandex.Direct to a certain radius for all organizations + +
Excel can make formula to autocomplete free characters in titles with text additions + +
Knows how “buy” differs from “buy” in wordstat +
Created segments for targeting based on user actions on the site + +
Tested cascading retargeting +
Knows how to synchronize the availability and prices in search ads with the site +
Have experience with dynamic retargeting +
Knows how local geotargeting in Yandex differs from Google in nuances +
Experience with dynamic ads (DSA and Smart banners) + +
Experience with feed campaign generators +
Sets goals for tracking clicks and forms in GTM + +
Can make a composite goal in Google Analytics + +
Analyzes campaign data in pivot tables + + +
Knows how to reduce costs and KPIs for YAN sites in Google Analytics +
Distinguishes UserId-ClientId-Session-Hit in analytics systems +
Can calculate cohort analysis by revenue +
Knows how to make custom attribution models in GA + +
Can make a report in Google Data Studio + +
Can explain why bidders are of no use +
Knows how to calculate% reach for a campaign + +
Knows how to calculate a sincere rate + + +
Knows how to calculate a sincere bid for 1000 products in 100 categories +
Knows how to calculate adjustments for days, times and geography + +
Can calculate the weighted average and confidence intervals + +
Correlation and regression analysis +
Experience with K50 Conversion Optimizers, Marin Softvare, Adobe Adlens and others +
Can create a linear model of the dependence of the price of a lead on the bid in Excel +
He can show a log of his work for the last week, where 70% of the working time and the plan for the next week are taken into account. + +
Knows why all notifications should be disabled while running, and what the state of the thread is. +
There is experience in training specialists. +
Allocation of time for tasks, experience and payment
Junior Middle Senior
An experience from six months from 1 year from 2 years
Payment 300 r / hour 500 r / hour 1000 rub / hour
Per month 30-40 tr. 40-80 tr. 80-120 tr.
Time allocation
Technical tasks (collecting the core, loading campaigns, setting goals, etc.) 70% 30% 10%
Strategic (optimization, hypothesis generation, site audit, reports, etc.) 20% 40% 20%
Manager (supervision and training, complex tasks, product development and process optimization) 10% 30% 70%
Volume Helps middle specialists 4-10 projects 3-6 middle specialists

Frequently asked questions about requirements and payment

“I’m not ready to work for 300 rubles, but I’m not up to the middle.” We understand that you have a financial level that you are used to, therefore we are ready to meet halfway and pay 500-1000 rubles if we see the ability. How quickly can you get to the middle? On average, 3-6 months, if you have more than six months of experience. "I like contextual advertising and I want to learn" You can familiarize yourself with all the available materials, courses and get real experience. We do not take from a complete scratch, it is simply not serious.


There are ~ 15 people in the team, part of the team works in Chelyabinsk, and the other part in Moscow, the growth rate of the agency is 20% per quarter.

  • Payments every 2 weeks.
  • The hourly rate depends on the competency level, which is determined through the interview process and the test period.
  • In large projects, payment is tied to the KPI of the project.
  • Work remotely or in the office.
  • At least 4 hours online a day
  • More than half of the agency's employees work remotely

Employee implementation and growth process

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Interview ~ 30 minutes.
  3. Paid test assignment for 3-6 hours.
  4. Test period 1-2 weeks: we draw up a Junior training program and give practical tasks from real projects.
  5. Implementation into the ecosystem of the agency: slack, team, Asana, etc.
  6. Linear load increase up to 100-200 hours per month
  7. Development of a program from goals and objectives for growth to the Middle level

We practice investments and equity participation in employee projects, for example, now we are testing the development of a set of services for end-to-end analytics and a conversion optimizer.

Pros and cons of working in an agency

  • Competent colleagues, quality management.
  • You will have to work hard to comply, often wasting your free time.
  • You can comfortably work remotely, most of the processes are built and regulated.
  • The salary is at the market level, there are bonuses when the payment depends on the KPI of the project.

Who do we manage to work with and why

Experts from the regions remotely
  • Specialists from the regions who grew out of local agencies that do everything and do nothing well. We are focused only on Yandex Direct and Google Adwords and we know everything about it.
  • They want to grow, but regional clients are not interested in a technological approach due to low budgets. We work with budgets from 100 tr. with analytics from expenses to revenue.
  • Processes are not regulated, there is no clear understanding of responsibility. We have a slack, a knowledge base, webinars, a task management system, and more for comfortable remote work.
  • The average salary of a specialist in the region is on average 250 rubles / hour, we have 500-1000 rubles / hour, but our demand is higher.
  • Family people 25-35 years old, who knows what responsibility is.
  • We do not teach from scratch remotely, only if we have more than one year of experience.
  • I worked as a freelancer, I'm tired of constantly looking for projects, I want to deal only with the context. To lead serious projects, one is not a warrior in the field.
Specialists from Moscow and St. Petersburg
  • Well-established middle specialists who have grown out of mediocre agencies want flexible hours, but at the same time they are professional and responsible, they do not need to be monitored. We can provide a market salary, a good organization of processes, a team and knowledge.
  • Beginners. We take people for training, but only in-house.


Responsibility for the project is divided between the team lead and the middle PPC specialist in contextual advertising. The team lead adjusts the strategy, compensates for the weaknesses of the middle specialist and helps to solve difficult issues.

Most people who are at least somehow familiar with the concept of "contextual advertising" perceive earnings on it only as an addition to the functionality of their site, helping to attract new customers to the site and increase sales revenue. However, this method is available only to those who have already created a sufficiently high-quality website and promoted it, and is not the main source of income.

Despite the fact that Yandex.Direct is inherently a fairly simple marketing tool, 80% of users who want to customize advertising campaign, they simply drain the entire advertising budget or do not achieve any justified result. Therefore, they all have to turn to specialists in setting up contextual advertising. This means that the very concept of Yandex.Direct hides a much larger, money-based and relevant market, where you can make money efficiently with only some knowledge.

How to become a PPC expert?

A lot of roads open up for good specialists on the way to a good monthly income. Just setting up an advertising campaign costs from 5-10 thousand rubles today. An equal amount is taken by a specialist for monthly maintenance of this advertising campaign with the introduction of some changes, control of efficiency, expansion. As a result, the income of qualified specialists, who are always in demand among business owners who want to reduce the number of useless clicks on advertising and increase conversion, can exceed 150-200 thousand rubles per month.

To become a popular specialist in Yandex.Direct, you do not need to study at a university and receive a special education. Can:

  • Master the basics of setting up advertising yourself, studying reference materials from Yandex, which are directly available on the Internet, and practicing on your own website.
  • Study free video material on Youtube, having received the necessary set of basic knowledge to get started.
  • Take paid training courses at one of hundreds of web studios. So you can get highly specialized knowledge and become a novice expert in the field in 1-2 months.

Moreover, there are a lot of options for earning money for people familiar with Yandex.Direct functionality.

Full day in the studio

This type of earnings is relevant for people who do not want to look for clients on their own and prefer office and team to work alone. Moreover, some agencies are ready to take on any responsible and purposeful person and teach him their specialty on their own. The salary level fluctuates depending on the agency and the region in which the office is located, and starts from at least 50 thousand rubles a month (in Moscow).

Having set up 3-7 projects, and having faced the first difficulties, you will already acquire a higher level of knowledge and skills than 95% of webmasters and site owners. And after actively working in the agency for several months, you can call yourself a real expert in this field and move, if necessary, to a higher-paid company or start working on your own.


Freelancers are often associated with carefree people working on their laptop on a beach somewhere in the south of France, while traveling in Thailand or sitting in a cozy armchair in their penthouse. Of course, this is a stereotype, but freelancing actually gives complete freedom of action and allows you to work anywhere in the world, wherever there is the Internet, independently choose your days off and working hours, independently set a price tag for your services. However, the above level can only be achieved by active work and constant improvement of their knowledge and skills.

Being engaged in freelancing, you will work exclusively "for yourself", independently contact advertisers or carry out one-time orders of web studios. Initially, before filling your portfolio with examples of high-quality work, you will have to take on a low-paying job. But over time, the level of earnings will significantly exceed the monthly salary in the most prestigious studio.

Freelance can be successfully combined with main work, study, or own business spending only 1-2 hours a day on conducting 1-2 advertising campaigns. Freelancing erases all territorial boundaries, allowing people living in a small town in a remote region or even in another country, and to receive wages at the level of Moscow.

Moreover, some web studios often hire a remote freelancer, if the number of projects for setting up contextual advertising does not allow paying for a specialist in the state. And there are a lot of such small companies.

Lead generation for business

Lead generation is the most common, demanded and effective way to increase sales of any business. The essence of the method is to attract leads - users who take active actions that are beneficial for the owner (register on the site, buy a product or service, write a review or comment). And one of the most simple ways To do this, set up contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct.

On the Internet today there are literally all representatives of the business sphere who respect themselves and want to develop. A contextual advertising specialist can benefit even the largest and most reputable companies by increasing the number of orders or, at least, reducing the advertising budget by 30-50%.

In this connection, there are several more opportunities for earning:

  1. Offer optimization of an advertising campaign to a project for a lot of money, because you will be 100% sure of the result and the payback of costs for the client (setting up advertising can bring companies millions of rubles in the first weeks, which is important for medium and large businesses).
  2. Offer free customization and maintenance of contextual advertising with payment of the saved advertising budget from the value that the company pays now.
  3. Agree to receive a certain percentage of the profit for each client attracted in this way. Some advertising professionals manage to earn interest for years from each attracted client, turning their earnings into passive income.

All these methods indicate that you can start making very good money practically from scratch, regardless of your current level of knowledge.

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Gone are the days when SEO-schnicks created contextual advertising - the PPC market needs competent specialists. In this article, we answer the questions that many newbies are concerned about. You will learn what personal qualities are required to work with contextual advertising, as well as find useful tips and links.

In the first part, Yulia Nakonechnaya, a teacher of the PPC: Contextual Advertising courses, will help you get rid of illusions and understand if this kind of work is right for you. In the second, I will tell you where to start learning PPC and which sources you should trust.

Finding a real specialist in contextual advertising is not so easy :)

To understand how a PPC specialist works, imagine a programmer who writes code and at the same time rhymes lines with iambic. In contextual advertising, you need to adapt to the limitations of advertising systems and create original advertising that will appeal to potential customers and stand out from competitors. This is the complexity and beauty of our work.

PPC advertising specialists not only influence what users see in search, they help a business attract new customers and return old ones. Good specialists help clients find and fix problems, which means they make this world a little better.

Another advantage of working in the PPC space is dynamics. You will quickly see the result of your work, and in most cases you will not have to wait six months to understand whether your strategy is effective. And in terms of self-development, you simply cannot stand still: the sphere is constantly and rapidly developing.

First of all, you need to figure out what personal qualities you should have. After test task and successfully passing several interviews, workdays will begin, so you need to be mentally prepared.

1. Analytical mindset

Creating and launching advertising campaigns is a third of the way. The main thing is that advertising brings results to the client, and for this it is necessary to regularly optimize campaigns. A specialist should put forward hypotheses and, by analyzing a large amount of data (from advertising accounts, analytics systems, from a client), seek their confirmation or refutation.

Based on the results of the analytics, the specialist forms a work plan for advertising accounts. Often, this list consists of monotonous tasks: regrouping keywords, expanding the target list for the Display Network, excluding information links in dynamic search campaigns, and the like.

In addition, there is a pool of necessary monthly work: expanding the list of negative keywords for search campaigns, excluding irrelevant negative sites in display campaigns, and updating banners.

3. Perseverance

Sometimes at work there are situations that have tried everything possible options, but no result. And here the most difficult thing begins: redoing, for example, a media campaign for the seventh time, looking for non-standard approaches, experimenting and at the same time trying to critically look at the work done.

4. Ability to clearly and competently express your thoughts

It is a misconception that a PPC specialist does not need to communicate with people. Yes, there is less communication than Project or Sales Manager, but still a specialist needs to communicate with colleagues, technical support advertising systems, programmers, designers, client marketers, and sometimes - take part in skypecalls and meetings with clients. Therefore, one should learn to clearly formulate thoughts, write competently, and reasonably defend one's position.

5. Self-learning

The field of contextual advertising is developing very rapidly. What seemed like a novelty two months ago is now considered commonplace. To work effectively and make the most of advertising opportunities, you need to keep track of updates to advertising systems, new tools and market trends.

The specialist must quickly understand what he sees for the first time in his life: new advertising tools, analytics systems, CRM client... In this case, you will have to work with a variety of topics - solid fuel boilers, LED lamps, laser cosmetology.

6. Multitasking

There will be many tasks and information. Contextual advertising brings quick results: today we launched advertising - tomorrow we already have the first statistics for analysis. Decisions need to be made quickly, the number of tasks per day grows exponentially.

If the above points are close to you or you persistently develop these qualities, feel free to move on to the next question.

An employer will be more willing to hire an applicant who, in addition to desire and burning eyes, will have basic knowledge.

Study theory. If you want to set up something for the first time, carefully read the help and publications on the topic. Do not trust your intuition and do not get fooled by the deceptive simplicity of the interface - one insidious tick in the settings can ruin the result of your work.

You can find a lot of information about PPC, the main thing is not to get lost in this stream and understand what you need. The main areas to focus on are:

You can master basic knowledge on your own or in specialized courses. Let's consider both options.

1. Seminars and courses of contextual advertising

Do not go to courses where they will teach “how to set up advertising in 5 minutes and make a million”. In contextual advertising there are no ready-made universal recipes, you always need to take into account many factors: what project you need to work with, seasonality, competitors' proposals, and so on. If you want to get a job and become a good specialist, don't chase big promises, but get serious about learning the basics.

  • Netology - distance video courses;
  • WebPromoExperts - distance courses and group sets in Kiev;
  • EMPO - distance courses;
  • I-Marketing.ua - conduct courses in Kiev, focus more on targeted advertising in social networks.

Free courses on contextual advertising are regularly held by the Netpeak agency in Odessa and Kharkov. In the near future, we should expect courses in Kiev. Only newcomers who are interested in working for the company can pass the selection. In order not to miss the opportunity, follow our social networks and updates on the page of the Educational Center.

Free online courses are most often created by ad platform teams:

You should also pay attention to free lectures for beginners from the eLama.ru service. They have a well-structured basics of PPC advertising, have questions for self-examination and answers to them.

Some helpful tips:

1.2. that you will receive on the courses. You must be able to apply your knowledge, understand what is used and why.

1.3. Feel free to ask questions to the teacher: to show that you did not understand something, it is not as embarrassing as to drain the advertising budget later.

1.4. Do not expect that in the courses you will receive absolutely all knowledge necessary for work - this is only the basis on the basis of which you can develop further.

2. Official reference is your best friend

Always look for information in the official help first. If you cannot find it in the help or it is difficult to write there, refer to other sources.

It is easy for a beginner to get lost among the reference explanations: the information is not always clear, and important nuances may be hidden in the notes to the notes. One of the most convenient ways to learn is through videos.

If you are looking for an answer to a specific question, just enter it in a YouTube search, but always pay attention to the date of publication and the authority of the lecturer.

3.1. Google has many official YouTube channels segmented by tool and different countries... The content varies, so it's worth subscribing to everything:

3.2. Official YouTube channel from Yandex.Direct - “ Advertising technology training ».

3.3. You can find a lot of videos on contextual advertising on the SeoPult.TV website and their YouTube channel... For beginners, the heading "Simple about Difficult" will be useful.

3.4. Regularly conducts free webinars on contextual advertising WebPromoExperts. You can register for new webinars on the site or watch the recordings at YouTube channel. I especially recommend paying attention to the PPC Day online conferences.

3.5. In the issues of the video section of the blog #ON FINGERS watch short videos with answers to specific questions.

4.1. Books are a traditional source of knowledge, but they are rarely suitable for studying contextual advertising, because during the preparation of the text for printing, the interface and tools of advertising systems can change. If you are used to learning everything new to the sound of rustling paper, I recommend paying attention to the book by Perry Marshall and Brian Todd “Contextual Advertising That Works. Google Ads Bible ”- helps to form a general vision of working with contextual advertising.

You may also find Ingate e-books useful. In most cases, they provide well-structured information and provide expert comments.

4.2. Look for up-to-date information in specialized blogs and information sites. You can find useful resources about internet marketing in our selection of 120 Internet Marketing Blogs

  • The most influential PPC experts according to PPC Hero.

5. Use checklists

All experienced specialists have in their arsenal a set of checklists to exclude human factor and watch out for important details. Moreover, the lists of mandatory items when setting up and optimizing advertising will be useful for beginners. Several links:

6. Where will you be helped?

Look for professional communities or ask questions in the comments under thematic publications, the Netpeak blog will definitely answer you.

  • On the Google Advertiser Community, you can ask a question about working with Google Ads or Analytics. Google uses different bonuses to motivate community members, so you will most likely be given a quality answer.
  • in the PPC-Club group they also answer questions on contextual advertising, and all answers are collected in the knowledge base.
  • on Facebook, you should pay attention to the community “

Greetings to all blog readers and visitors! Today I will talk about who a PPC specialist is, what is in his competence, how to become one, and what skills are needed for this profession. I want to make a reservation right away that the specialty requires a fairly serious level of knowledge, therefore, if you want to try your hand at this area of ​​earning, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to shovel a lot of literature, watch videos and attend various trainings and courses.

A contextual advertising specialist is a person who is able to competently organize an advertising campaign on the Internet in order to promote to the people certain services or introduce the brand to the largest possible audience. His responsibilities include the following:

  • development of an advertising campaign strategy;
  • creation of the advertisement itself;
  • setting up ads and their placement;
  • further monitoring the campaign, assessing its effectiveness, introducing
  • additions and improvements.

A bit of history

This profession is considered relatively young, as it appeared with the development of the Internet and doing business on it. The created ads were directly related to the context of the page where they were posted, hence the name "contextual advertising". Now this method of attracting customers has been abandoned, and now ads are shown depending on what each particular user is interested in.

You've probably noticed that while surfing the sites, you saw ads and thought: "Oh, I just recently searched for this on the Internet!". So, friends, this is the result of the work of a contextual advertising specialist. Search engines track your queries and then display ads that are closest in spirit to what you are looking for.

What do you need?

What should a PPC specialist be able to do? First, let's talk about personal qualities... They play a decisive role, pushing into the background all the skills and knowledge gained as a result of training.

1. Analytical mindset

It is necessary to be able to conduct in-depth analysis of an incredibly large amount of information, confirm or deny theses, put forward hypotheses, in order to ultimately be able to make the right advertising campaign, which will multiply the client's profits.

2. Patience

How to become a specialist? You need to have patience. Not even patience, but the ability to adapt to monotonous work. The specialist will have to constantly group keywords, expand the database, monitor market fluctuations and user demand. Periodically, you need to monitor the updates of search campaigns, select and exclude sites (where ads are placed) from which there is no traffic, update banners, and much more.

3. Ability to experiment

If the client did not like your first option, you need to do the second. If the second one also did not fit, then you can tune in to another wave and boldly set up experiments, the meaning of which should still be subject to a certain logic. It is also important to be able to critically assess your own own work... Think: "Would I succumb (s) to such an advertisement?"

4. Ability to articulate thoughts clearly

You need to be able to defend your position and competently operate with arguments. Communication skills are useful for faster and more understandable communication with colleagues - marketers, designers, programmers and others. The ability to work in multitasking mode is, in my opinion, the most important quality.

To work, you will have to study in detail at least two services - Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. These sites help publishers place ads and earn money on it, and advertisers effectively and profitably present their services and products.

How to master a profession?

You can become a specialist in contextual advertising remotely by enrolling in courses, or find relevant trainings in your city. The profession is rapidly gaining popularity, so the search will not be a problem. If you are just thinking and wondering if this type of earnings is right for you, then, firstly, read a little below about the possible earnings, and secondly, sign up for free courses, of which there are a huge number on the Internet. There, of course, they won't really teach you anything (free cheese is only in a mousetrap, let's remember that) and you will leave without work experience, but they will give you a rough idea of ​​what you have to do.

Also, it will not be superfluous to study the instructions provided by the sites themselves. Yandex.Direct and Google have them in the corresponding sections of help and help.

How much can you earn?

The earning ceiling of a qualified specialist is not limited. Seriously. It is possible to organize several companies and provide yourself with a constant high income, simply by supporting your advertising and updating it on time. So, in principle, advertisers who promote serious brands that are on everyone's lips (Coca Cola, Adidas, Apple and others) live. And how much these people earn is easy to imagine. In general, a specialist receives from 25 thousand rubles a month and more (depending on the success of advertising).

I hope you now have an impression of what this profession is and how to master it. On this I want to say goodbye and remind you that there is still a lot of interesting and very useful ahead of us, so subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss anything!

PS: Interesting Facts- how to become successful

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