Algorithm for drawing up a business plan. How to write a business plan: step-by-step instructions with examples. Obtaining additional data and information

We give detailed instructions from experts from the Institute of Business to help you put together the right and effective business plan for your business.

How to create a business plan from scratch? To begin with, conduct a small analysis of your project, identify its strengths and weaknesses, set specific goals. Based on this, you will draw up a development strategy.

We include the following sections in the list of preliminary studies:

Research of the selected market niche, whether it be industry, trade, service sector.

Study thoroughly manufacturing process , demand for products, peculiarities of price formation.

Competitor analysis... Who else works in your field, produces the same goods, is located near your establishment?

Research carefully what they offer and at what price. Your task is to offer consumers better conditions and prices than your competitors.

Research of requests and needs of buyers... Think about what is most important for them when choosing a product or service (price, quality, service, discounts, wholesale purchase opportunities, etc.).

For yourself, you need to develop a table with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise, or the so-called SWOT analysis... This will help build your strengths and deal with your weaknesses.

In the Strengths line, write down your strengths, Weakness - vulnerable, Opportunities - opportunities and prospects (for example, the ability to significantly reduce the cost of products, create a whole network of enterprises, etc.), Threats - threats (which threatens a corporation).

The last point will help you find ways to solve possible problems in the future, plus these obstacles will not come as a surprise to you.

Business plan structure

Below is a sample of a clear structure that will allow you to step by step paint the scheme of opening a company.

The main components of a business plan

  • Project summary;
  • Description of the activity;
  • Marketing plan;
  • Industrial;
  • Organizational;
  • Financial calculation;
  • Risk assessment;
  • Application.


This section gives an overview of the project: what the organization does, what resources it uses (for example, raw materials), in what schedule it works, how much it plans to invest and raise money, what are the payback periods.

It is worth indicating what results the company wants to achieve, over what period of time.

Usually investors they decide on the resume whether it is worth continuing reading, considering the proposal and investing your money in the business. The business plan summary consists of 5-7 sentences.

Company description

This part is a kind of short " squeeze»From the entire document describing the project.

Its structure:

  1. Industry (for example, a clothing store, tableware manufacturing, application development, etc.);
  2. A brief description of the products or services manufactured (names, scope, features);
  3. Areas of work;
  4. Benefits and innovations used;
  5. Structural structure of the organization (departments, divisions);
  6. Available licenses and certificates.

Let's analyze in detail the main and most important points of the business plan.

Marketing plan

Competently formed marketing strategy will allow you to successfully start in the market and make good profits from the very beginning.

It uses the market research and analysis carried out prior to the preparation of the document.

Description of activities

To be successful in trading, you need to think through a number of issues.

Features and geography of the sales market... In which region do you plan to work or where to supply products? Does demand depend on the season, political or economic situation?

For example, if during a crisis period demand falls, you should think in advance about ways to reduce the cost of a product, stimulate sales (for example, promotions and bonuses from the category "Third item as a gift", "Installment plan for regular wholesale customers", etc.).

Competitor analysis... What do they offer and how are they promoting? What are their features you can use in your own business, how to promote better?

It is worth adopting all the advantages from competitors and analyzing their disadvantages in order to avoid other people's mistakes. This will give you an additional competitive edge.

Buyer portrait... Gender, age, financial position your main audience, its needs and interests.

Thanks to this information, the most advantageous offer is formed for a particular category of the population, the benefits that may interest them. And also suitable advertising channels are selected.

How to draw up a business plan yourself, taking into account the portrait of the consumer?

Example: the average youth prefers to purchase clothes and accessories through online stores with delivery. Selection criteria - low price, large and frequently updated assortment, availability of sales, pleasant design of the store site itself.

Main advertising channel- Internet (direct advertising, communities in social networks). Depending on the gender of the buyer, the design of the store, salon, website, advertising slogans and offers are selected, an assortment is formed.

For wholesale buyers are important low prices, fast delivery, possible installments, etc.

Consumer characteristics of the product... Describe in detail the properties of the products or services provided, their availability. Why are they useful and unique, what needs they satisfy, why you should choose them. This will help in the preparation of advertising texts.

Sales stimulation

Your business plan must contain ways to stimulate demand and sales.

This includes various promotions (promotions, discounts, tastings, distribution of flyers, sponsorship at events and festivals, "guerrilla marketing"), unique offers for customers, marketing techniques, such as the correct layout of products in the store.

Manufacturing program

This paragraph carefully examines the entire production process, technology and innovation, necessary equipment, purchases, storage. This is true for any type of activity..

If the firm is engaged wholesale purchases and retail resale, the emphasis is on suppliers (analysis best offers, selection criteria, terms of cooperation), storage of goods, methods of implementation.

How to draw up a business plan for the production part correctly? Main sections:

  • The location of the enterprise, the requirements for the premises, the necessary communications, repairs (list of works and the calculation of their cost);
  • Technological process when it comes to production;
  • The right equipment. Here you should list all machines, machines, apparatus, equipment with an indication of their value and brand of the manufacturer. What power do you need, will you have to increase them later? Describe the process of installing the equipment (sequence), how much time and money it will take.
  • Volumes of production and / or sales of goods and services;
  • Raw materials, where are they purchased and in what volumes. For stores, purchases of the necessary products for resale are prescribed here. For the service sector - expendable materials... A scheme for the delivery of raw materials and consumables to the plant, store, salon, etc .;
  • Calculation of the cost of goods and services;
  • Storage of products and raw materials (where, in what conditions);
  • Will the dynamics of production or sales increase over time? Describe how and what is required for this.

Competent drawing up of a business plan includes various schemes, tables, diagrams. In this form, it is worth registering data on production volumes, supplies, and repair measures. They can be taken out in the Appendix.

Schedule required production / sales, clearly illustrating the required volumes of output and sales for 3, 6 and 12 months of labor.

Organizational program

All details related to the organization of the case, the internal structure of the organization, personnel and work schedule are given in this section.

It will become a kind of scheme by which you create a company.

General structure of this section

To open an enterprise it is necessary to resolve the issues:

  1. Organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.), OKVED codes, The best way taxation;
  2. Permitting papers: licenses, certificates. List with which services you will need to sign a service agreement (disinfection, pest control, garbage collection, etc.);
  3. Organization structure: division into departments, management staff, the number of employees in each department;
  4. Possible personnel training system;
  5. Information about partners;
  6. List of products or offers;
  7. Schedule.

To write a business plan yourself, you need to consider some points in more detail.

Legal support

In addition to registration and permits, need to prepare company charter, product patents, quality certificates, engineering procurement licenses, lease or sale / purchase agreement for premises, agreements with partners and suppliers.

At this stage, the prospects for participation in government programs, tenders, obtaining grants for benefits and reducing the cost of starting a business are considered.

Work with personnel

We consider the internal structure of the company, the interaction of its departments, the selection of personnel and contact with him.

Internal structure of the company

Describe in detail all divisions of the company: their number and names, responsibilities, number of employees, what goals they should achieve for the stable development of the company as a whole.

Indicate what employees are needed(leaders, managers, workers, their profile) for each position in the company.

Write them down job duties and qualification requirements, selection criteria.

Are on-site training and professional development planned for employees, in what way, with what frequency and cost?

Also, describe the house rules, work schedule, possible penalties and penalties for non-compliance with the rules.

Employee salaries and incentives

Here we determine the size wages for each position, the form of payment (rate, percentage), bonuses (conditions of receipt and size), other material and non-material incentives.

With this item, the entrepreneur can easily calculate the payroll.

Work schedule

Even in order to draw up a business plan, you will need to make a table with a project launch schedule. It is necessary to describe the sequence of actions (registration, purchase of equipment, hiring personnel, etc.), what resources and investments are required.

The spreadsheet will help you plan the launch, control the preparatory process, make changes in time and, if possible, accelerate the course of events.

Financial plan

This includes all monetary relationships of the company., ranging from obtaining a loan and paying taxes and ending with utility bills. This part brings together all sections of the business plan.

If a loan is required to start, the first step is to indicate the bank and the conditions for obtaining the loan, the repayment period. We need data on insurance, what amount is planned as a "buffer" - for unforeseen expenses and coverage of risks.

Design two tables: at one-time and recurring costs.

  1. One-time expenses (fixed assets ) Is money for starting a business. This includes renting or buying premises, equipment, registration and permits, outdoor advertising, investments in the Internet site and advertising printed or souvenir paraphernalia.
  2. Recurring costs (working capital ) - these are the company's monthly expenses for the purchase of raw materials, rent, salaries, taxes and other payments (utilities, on a loan), advertising, transportation costs, etc.

How to write a business plan for a project with a profit calculation? To do this, you will need to indicate the volume of sales and calculate the break-even point.

This is the number of sales that will be able to cover recurring expenses. Upon reaching it, the business will begin to make a profit. Successful project reaches this figure in a few months.

The next step is to calculate the payback period. When capital investment in the opening of the company will be completely covered by net profit, the business pays off.

Profit calculation table consists of the following items:

  • Organization costs (or cost);
  • Total revenues;
  • Net income;
  • Payback period.

Risks and ways to overcome them

Any idea carries certain risks.... To avoid bankruptcy and loss of invested money, think in advance about what may threaten your corporation, and how to deal with it.

Uncontrolled risks. These are factors that do not depend on the entrepreneur: natural disasters, changes in the political and economic situation, various force majeure. To mitigate the consequences, develop an insurance system, a scheme for attracting additional funds from investors.

It is realistic to predict other problems and develop ways to overcome them.

The most common situations:

  1. Exceeding the planned budget. Usually this figure reaches 5-15% of the planned costs. The solution is to initially budget 15% more after all calculations have been made;
  2. Too high cost, insufficient production or sales. It is necessary to develop "spare" options for the supply of raw materials, options for increasing production capacity, campaigns to stimulate sales. You must be prepared to reduce the cost of the product without sacrificing yourself;
  3. The fall in the relevance of the presented product or service, increased competition. You need powerful marketing tools to keep your audience engaged (ads, promotions, sales) and the ability to improve your product or move into a new direction.


The development of a business plan means drawing up graphs, charts, tables, diagrams for visualization and easy calculation.

This also includes copies of certificates, licenses, contracts, product photos, diagrams and drawings of premises and communications. In the text, place references to the documents in the appendix.

This is a detailed description of how to make a business plan yourself with calculations and development forecasts.

Greetings to readers of the “site”! Today we will talk in detail about what is a business plan and what is it for how to draw up a business plan as clearly, competently and succinctly (we will give a sample with calculations), as well as provide links so that you can download ready-made examples is free .

This material will be useful to all novice entrepreneurs and businessmen who plan to attract money from banks (investors).

How to draw up a business plan for a small business yourself, what rules and procedure for drawing up exist, as well as where to download ready business plan - read further in the issue

Sooner or later, every entrepreneur comes across the concept of a business plan.

Business plan(from the English. business plan) is a project of your business, in which the goals and objectives of its creation are clearly defined. In it, the entrepreneur must describe his actions over a specific period of time to make a profit.

Business plan structure, objectives and strategy

2. Rules for drawing up (writing) a business plan 📝

Rule 1. Study the market situation in advance

Before starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to analyze the situation in the market as a whole. Collect as much information as possible about the upcoming venture or successful implementation.

Rule 2. Create a clear business strategy and follow it

The business plan must necessarily be spelled out concrete actions during a certain period of time.

You must schedule your actions for month, 3 months, 6 months, year and 3 of the year.

Rule 3. Consider both the pros and cons of the chosen business

In a business plan, you need to describe not only your strengths, but also possible losses, so to speak, weaknesses.

For example , To strengths can be attributed highly qualified specialists, market recognition, bright brand etc. Possible losses or threats include: great competition, high cost of goods or services.

3. How to draw up a business plan yourself - the order of writing and the structure of a business plan 📑

Regardless of your type of activity, the basic components of a business plan will be the same.

How to write a business plan - step-by-step instruction with example

1. Introduction

The introductory part should not be too voluminous, but it should describe the most important thing:

  • direction of the enterprise;
  • payback period of the project;
  • specific indicators.

Your potential investor should know the terms of return of his investments and possible losses.

2) Description of services

In this section, describe in detail the direction of your activity. Decide for yourself which market segment you will work with.

Important! Assess your competitors and your advantages over them.

Decide on what you plan to focus your activities on: low cost with high sales volumes, high service, or maybe something else.

To completeof thissection, you need to do the following work:

  • Give a description and characteristics of the main and secondary products of the company;
  • Take photos of goods and services;
  • Form a portrait of your prospective consumer;
  • Research and check your target market for similar products or services;
  • Organize a service;
  • Provide a pricing model. Assess the competitiveness of your project in the market.

After conducting such an analysis, you will definitely understand and be able to highlight the differences between your products in the sales market. And also clearly state what you are producing and who needs it.

3) Marketing plan

Marketing plan Is perhaps the most important stage in the development of your business. A lot will depend on well-designed marketing. You need to highlight the main competitors for yourself, understand how they are promoting their project, and do better.

Business promotion methods can be different:

  • Advertise on radio, magazines, websites. It is only important to determine which format of the advertising project is right for you;
  • Be sure to work out direct sales. Starting with "cold calls" to your potential buyers, ending with the sale of goods and services with the help of representatives;
  • Encourage your staff to achieve great results. Come up with promotions, bonuses for employees;
  • Find out a more favorable season for your business;

The main thing, realistically assess the situation, do not exaggerate your capabilities... Brainstorm regularly, come up with new routes. Read more about that here.

4) Organizational plan

Specifically write down all the steps of the activity, appoint persons responsible for the implementation of certain actions. Limit the deadline for completing the assignment.

5) Financial plan

When drawing up a financial plan, it is necessary to take into account all the little things, divide expenses into permanent and one-time.

  • Fixed costs - this is a monthly office, rent payment, utilities, internet, telephone, etc.
  • One-time costs Is the purchase of equipment for work, for example, computers, scanners, telephones, etc.

After calculating the costs, determine for yourself the minimum sales volume that will cover your operating costs. Anything sold from above will be yours profit .

Having calculated this, you will determine for yourself break-even point... We can say that this is the purpose of the business plan.

6) Conclusion

The conclusion is intended to attract investors. The optimal volume of a partition is from 2 before 4 pages, which must be indicated:

  • The main vector of your company's activity;
  • Project profitability;
  • Analysis of the company's place in the sales market;
  • Company personnel, responsible persons;
  • Expected qualitative and quantitative indicators for each period.

The "Summary" section should provide answers to 2 main questions:

  1. What result can investors expect from favorable business development?
  2. What should investors expect in the worst case scenario?

Of course, it is better to write a conclusion when the business plan is already practically drawn up.

4. A sample business plan with calculations for the example of anti-cafe

Let's consider in detail ready sample business plan on the example of anti-cafe .

Business plan structure - an example of "Antikafe"

1) Overview section

In the table we will see all the general information about the project:

Names Descriptions
1. Name "Gloss"
2. Organizational form Individual entrepreneur
3. Services available
  • Various programs;
  • Events (trainings, seminars);
  • Birthdays;
4. Organization location and sales market Stavropol
5. Working hours From 11.00 until the last client.
6. Facility staff Supervisor - 1 people

Administrator - 1 people

Service staff - 3 people

Director - 1 people

security - 1 people

7. Required start-up capital 500 000 rubles
8. Expenses 167 000 rubles
9. Investment return period 10-11 months
10. Competition Small
11. Organization income 216 000 rubles
12. Loss of the organization 167 000 rubles
13. Profit of the organization 49 000 rubles

2) Goods and services

For the time spent in the anti-cafe, the amount will be charged 2 rub / min . For this money, the cafe will provide services such as:

  • Mini-library, you can retire and read books;
  • Lots of games for large companies (mafia, board games);
  • Game console;
  • Karaoke, projector, tablets;
  • Various courses can be arranged, for example, on English language, in Spanish, in psychology, training in make-up;
  • You can also order banquets, children's birthdays;
  • There is Wi-Fi, any visitor can use it;
  • Tea, coffee and various sweets.

Ideal clients: people aged 17 -45 years who live an active life; they have an average income; without bad habbits; these people like to spend time with benefit for themselves; they would like to get good knowledge and great emotions.

The client must spend in a cafe about 22 hours per month... From this, the profit per person is calculated about 3600 rubles per month.

3) Marketing strategy

The city currently has one cafe in this segment. It poses a potential threat, since they already have an established customer base.

  • Social networks (Instagram, telegram and others);
  • SMS mailing;
  • Discounts, coupons;
  • Radio announcements.

New anti-cafe promotion strategy:

  1. Direct attraction. Search for clients or organizations that will come to us as a large company. Carrying out children's matinees. Discounts regular customers... Advertising in institutes.
  2. Advertising in Odnoklassniki, Agent and many different networks. Reaching a group of people who are at home. Advertising in social networks allows you to get a lot of information from clients and very quickly answer all questions of interest, while requiring very little financial costs.
  3. Building partnerships with companies that specialize in various holidays, show programs, corporate parties and more.
  4. Club card. This card gives you the right to spend as much time in the anti-cafe as you like. Price 4 800 rubles, validity period 1 month.
  5. Radio advertising. After a month of work, a story about the activities in the anti-cafe.

Such a business has seasonality ... Anti-cafe has the largest attendance in the autumn and winter seasons... And in summer and spring there are fewer clients ↓.

Therefore, the plan should be drawn up in such a way as to increase the profit several times, so as not to go into lesion .

Name Timing Responsible Results and notes
1 Study 01.01.14 – 01.02.14 Manager We've proven all our data
2 Staff recruitment 01.02.14 – 01.03.14 Manager Found employees
3 Search for premises 01.03.14 – 01.04.14 Manager Found a room by criteria
4 Repair 01.04.14 – 01.05.14 Manager Repairs have been made in accordance with all requirements
5 We buy equipment 01.05.14 – 01.06.14 Manager Delivery to the place
6 Action plan approval 01.06.14 – 03.06.14 Director Contracts concluded
7 We go through registration 01.06.14 – 03.06.14 Manager Acquired cash machine and documents
8 Advertising 03.06.14 – 10.06.14 We hire a specialist Advertised on all counts
9 Opening 12.06.13 Manager Everything went well, a lot of contests and gifts, there were journalists, everyone found out about us

4) Financial plan

Expenses Quantity (pcs.) Cost, rub.) Amount (RUB)
1 Purchase of equipment 50 5 000 250 000
2 Purchasing inventory 100 1 000 100 000
3 Finishing work 1 150 000 150 000
Total: 500 000

5) Conclusions

Name Quantity Cost, rub.) Amount (RUB)
1 Building for rent (150 sq. M.) 1 month 40 000 40 000
2 Payment of wages 6 people 15 000 90 000
3 Utilities 1 month 5 000 5 000
4 Products 700 sets 10 7 000
5 Tax 1 month 15 000 15 000
6 Depreciation charges 1 month 10 000 10 000
Total: 167 000

Having analyzed all the costs for the reporting month, we can say - if the profit of the institution will be greater 167 000 rubles, this will be break-even point .


Concurrent costs = 500 000 rubles
Consumption in 1 month = 167 000 rubles

Find: Payback period -?

Solution :

Payback period = One-time costs / PE per month

1) We find an emergency per month

PE per month = Income per month - Expense per month

Profit for the month = (Profit for the day) * 30 days = ( 30 human * 2 hours * 120 rubles / hour) * 30 days = 216 000 rubles
PE per month = 216,000 rubles - 167,000 rubles = 49,000 rubles

2) Finding the payback period

Payback period = 500,000 rubles (down payment) / 49,000 rubles (PE per month) = 10 months

* Of course, all calculations above are approximate and may differ from region to region.

5. Ready-made examples of a business plan for free + template 📎

We present a ready-made template for writing your plan, in which you can easily enter your data for counting and overview analytics.


I know a lot about business planning. She planned and started 3 family businesses. Made up 4 business plans for receiving grants and one subsidy from the Employment Center. She helped several friends to formulate their ideas, edited dozens of documents for clients, studied hundreds of materials from business applicants applying for a loan.

For two years I worked in a lending institution that finances a business. Beginning and experienced entrepreneurs applied for funds, and we assessed the prospects and payback of the idea, made a business plan or adjusted the client's existing calculations. Information about the applicant was presented at a meeting of the credit committee, where they collectively made a decision to issue the requested amount or to refuse.

To convince all loan officers to vote “for” financing, it was necessary to analyze all possible risks of the project and find solutions for any situation, protect the lender's money from all sides, and foresee options for withdrawal if everything goes according to a negative scenario.

Discussion of business projects at the credit committee was structured as follows:

- And what if he divorces his wife, who will sell in his store, because she is now herself behind the counter?

- Will hire a second salesperson. By the way, the wife acts as a surety for the loan, so she will take on half of the debt in case of divorce.

- What will happen to the debt when the “off-season” for sales comes?

- In the off-season, in the schedule, I propose to reduce monthly payments so that the client "pulls" this amount during a period of declining profits.

- And if his warehouse is robbed?

- The warehouse is guarded, but we still insure the inventory - this insurance company pays compensation within a couple of weeks without nagging and delays, so the client will quickly recover the losses and be able to order a new batch of goods.

Become such a strict commission for your own project and go through all the weak points of the business to find a plan B and C for any development of the situation. Have a discussion and brainstorming session with friends. Better find possible problems and think over their decisions on paper even before opening a company, than then risk and incur extra costs.

Quite everyday situations can turn into a disaster for microbusiness and problems for large enterprise... Take this into account when planning, so that later suddenly you do not go into negative territory.

My experience will help you draw up a business plan and get financing for it. It can be used when contacting private investors, applying for a bank loan, or to receive a grant for start-up entrepreneurs from the local administration.

Using the example of my new family business - a small blacksmith's workshop - I will show you how to create a business plan to raise funds from the budget.

A business plan is a document that comprehensively describes an idea, project, work and the results of such work. It takes into account everything from the launch schedule and recruitment to different development scenarios and payback periods. V full version the document lists possible risks and options for their minimization.

What are the differences from the feasibility study?

A feasibility study is a feasibility study for the launch of a project. Calculations in it relate only to the necessary investments, forthcoming costs, expected income, payback period. It calculates the financial benefit from the planned activities. A feasibility study can be drawn up when a separate issue is being resolved, for example, about transferring accounting to.

The business plan, in comparison with the feasibility study, covers a wider range of issues, including the promotion and marketing of the project, organizational arrangements, and risk assessment. The social component of a startup is also considered here. A business plan is a more complex document; it is needed when opening a restaurant or store.

Why do you need a business plan

The business plan shows the seriousness of the entrepreneur's intentions and the depth of his immersion in the topic. He needs this himself in order to understand what awaits in the process, how to avoid problems and get it.

But this document is most important when attracting funds. Without a business plan, an investor, loan officer or administration employee will not discuss the possibility of issuing loans or budget funds.

Let's go back to our smithy. My husband and I need a business plan for internal use - in order to understand what startup costs will be needed, how much and what will have to be purchased, what and how to arrange for legal work, what income is possible, what to produce and how to sell.

But another purpose of compiling a BP is to apply for a grant. At the district level, budgetary funds are allocated to support start-up entrepreneurs. It is possible to receive up to 300,000 rubles free of charge upon passing a competitive selection, during which the commission evaluates the business plan and its indicators. To get around and get it, you need to correctly draw up this document and correctly present your project.

Internal - for making management decisions. A businessman needs such a document for himself, for partners, for employees.

External - to attract funding and state support, find an investor. It is compiled to communicate with banks, apply to the district / city administration for a grant or subsidy, negotiate with potential partners.

The tasks that different business plans solve are different. You cannot draw up one document and go with it for a loan, and for budget support, and in search of a private investor.

1. Money from the budget

Tasks of the business plan when attracting budget funds:

  • Demonstrate your vision of the project, convince the officials distributing funds that you understand the chosen area and understand where to start. They do not care how and what you will do in the course of work, the main thing is that your business will stay afloat for at least 3-5 years. This is how long they track the fate of the recipients of support.
  • Choose a priority direction of development: to do and sell what the market needs, to engage in those services that are lacking in the region, to meet the demand of different categories of the population. This is important, again, to improve statistics in the region, so that the authorities can report that the consumer market is developing.
  • Confirm social significance project: job creation and employment of the unemployed, youth, disabled people, parents with many children - the more workers a business needs, the better. The number of new jobs is one of the criteria for evaluating a project.
  • Calculate the budgetary efficiency of the business - the amount of tax and non-tax revenues, including insurance premiums for employees, and the more you plan to pay the government, the higher the likelihood of a grant being awarded. Ideally, these proceeds should recoup the costs of providing you with a grant in a couple of years, and then cover them.

Consider all these points when drawing up a business plan in order to correctly place accents.

All indicators of the business plan and forecasts will be checked after the issuance of budget funds - once a quarter, six months or a year, the commission will go to the site and request financial documentation and reporting from you, check the indicators with the planned ones. If you don't hire employees or start shipping to local stores as promised, you may be forced to refund your money because you defaulted on your contract. Therefore, on paper, do not overestimate the numbers and do not embellish anything, approach planning more realistically.

2. Bank loan

If you decide to apply for money to the bank, then the business plan for a loan will perform other tasks:

  • Prove understanding of the project by the entrepreneur himself, give a timetable that will help draw up a debt repayment schedule.
  • Calculate the amount of income and expenses, taking into account the obligatory payments to repay the loan.
  • List the risks of loan default and suggest possible ways to minimize them - surety, insurance, property pledge.

The lender needs the client to reach the planned income and be able to fulfill their obligations without delays and disruptions, even in an emergency. In the business plan for the bank, it is necessary to focus on this. The number of jobs created or the amount of taxes paid does not bother him, more important is the financial stability of the borrower.

3. Investor funds

The financial component of the project is also important for the investor; he needs information about the payback period of investments. When investing his money, he must understand how quickly he will get some results - a return of money, a part of the profit.

The business plan should immediately provide for options for distributing profits between investors, providing them with a share in the company, and the degree of involvement in the work.

4. Internal resources

A business plan "for yourself" can perform any tasks and contain a wide variety of information about the future or current enterprise. With its help, you can prepare a report for management and shareholders with calculations and arguments in favor of expanding production, opening a new outlet, entering the market of another region, developing a product line.

In such a document, you can delve into the details, paint all the nuances and take into account not only financial issues, but also organizational work, marketing policy, production issues.

There is no universal business plan, you always need to understand why and for whom it is intended and, with this in mind, draw up it.

  • To receive a grant, the forge's business plan must tell more about what it will give to the district, how the budget will benefit from its opening.
  • So, be sure to indicate that the nearest smithy is located in another area of ​​the region, 200 km away, so the opening of a new enterprise will provide local residents with affordable products. And it will be suitable for household needs and meet the needs of all categories of the population - hardware tools, interior items, furniture.
  • It should be emphasized that in the first year the entrepreneur-blacksmith will be employed, and in the second year it is planned to hire another employee as an assistant. This will create 2 jobs.
  • It is also worth calculating in detail how much insurance premiums a self-employed entrepreneur will pay for himself, and how much for an employee next year.
  • An employee's salary must necessarily exceed the average salary in the relevant industry in the region. Thus, in the Novgorod region, statistics say that workers in the production sector receive an average of 32,000 rubles. Payments to an employee in the calculations must be indicated at least this amount.
  • This will need to be mentioned in the brief description of the project - that part of the business plan that all members of the competition committee will read and carefully study.
  • If we went to the bank for a loan, we would focus on other details - payback, stable income, profitability, which allows us to repay the requested amount with interest.

The main sections of the business plan

Any business plan should contain a comprehensive description of the project in order not to miss important information. The main sections can be called differently, be combined or divided into additional subsections, but their content must necessarily be in the document.

What sections does the business plan include?

Detailed content of the sections of the business plan

What to write about in the main paragraphs of this document in order to get a complete picture of the development of the company?

Business Description

date of creation, official registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

Distribution of shares in a company between partners, co-founders, investors.

The experience of a businessman before that - education, experience as an employee. It is not necessary to indicate the entire work history and attach diplomas, unless this directly relates to a new project. So, when a businessman planning to open a cafe has worked for several years as a manager in a public catering, this will be his plus. If he graduated from a university with a degree in restaurant business, then this is another point in the piggy bank of his experience. And if all his life he twisted the nuts in a car service, learned to be a veterinarian and then suddenly swung at the opening of a bar - information about education and experience will be superfluous.

Place of registration, business area. You need to indicate not only the address, but also the overall coverage of the territory.

Goals and objectives of the project... Here you need to describe the field of activity, and also measurable results - to open 1 cafe with 30 seats, sell 500 kg of baked goods daily, etc.

I will show you how to describe an enterprise in a business plan, using the example of a forge. The section “Project Description” will contain the following information:

  • The IP registration date is May 2018.
  • Business - entrepreneur will run independently, without involving partners. The hired employee will be hired in the spring of 2019.
  • The entrepreneur spent a year doing forging in his home workshop. In the spring of 2018, he rented a room for a forge on the production site, equipped it and continued to work.
  • At the end of 2017, he completed a three-month course “Hand art forging” at the Academy of Metalworking (St. Petersburg) and received the qualification “blacksmith” (a copy of the certificate of education is attached).
  • The goal of the project is to open a forge on the territory of the N district for the production and sale of forged products to the population.
  • By 2019, it is planned to produce monthly products worth 250,000 rubles.

Market assessment... You need to estimate the market size, population, and the number of potential customers. It is quite difficult to do this without full-fledged marketing research. Therefore, it is worth looking for ready-made results of such an assessment for your region. In extreme cases, you can predict effective demand approximately.

The main thing is to formulate sales tasks for yourself: will you work only within the microdistrict, will you open outlets throughout the city, take the products for sale throughout the district or deliver outside of it.

How exactly you plan to reach your target audience, how you will choose suitable promotion channels, you will describe in detail in the “Marketing plan” section, now just indicate the direction.

Competitors... List your competitors who are already in this market.

Not only direct competitors offering similar goods and services are taken into account, but also those companies that produce replacement products, provide alternative services... If there is no specialized tea boutique in your city, this does not mean that the market is clear of competitors: you will have to fight for customers with those department stores and supermarkets that also sell different types of tea.

  • There are no other blacksmiths engaged in artistic forging on the territory of the regional center and neighboring areas. Nearest company selling similar products self made located at a distance of 250 km (in the regional center).
  • Factory-made hardware and trenching tools - pokers, scrapers, machetes, axes, accessories - are offered in 6 hardware stores in the area, but consumers complain about their poor quality, and monitoring of the goods showed that such goods do not last long. Hand-forged items are more durable, with a local blacksmith able to compete with factory suppliers, guaranteeing more than just high quality, but also sharpening the tool, repairing it, making it with the required dimensions to order. Forged decorative elements of the interior and household products - door handles, hooks for gates and hinges for gates, hangers and hooks for clothes - are rarely found in stores, mainly plastic products are sold. Forged garden furniture - benches, gazebos, lamps, tables - are not sold in the area.
  • These products are in steady demand among the local population. Products of hand-made art forging are bought not only by villagers for their village houses, but also by summer residents, owners of tourist centers and country cafes.
  • The smithy will supply goods to the market of the N district, conclude contracts with stores for the supply of products for sale, participate in craft fairs in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Production plan

Business processes... Write a list of equipment, tools, raw materials and materials that are required to create the selected range of goods and services. Calculate the optimal production volumes for your equipment. Indicate which employees and with which workload you will need.

Products... List the products, services and works that you will offer to clients. Calculations of the costs of organizing business processes will allow you to find out the cost price and draw up a price list.

Initial attachments... Calculate how much money will be needed to launch the project. Add up the cost of all assets, fixed assets, repairs, materials and other costs that will be required to start production.

For example, this section might look like this:

  • For the forge to work, it is necessary to equip the room with ventilation, a forge, an anvil with a hammer, a vice, a table for cutting metal, a spray booth for processing finished products with heat-resistant paint, anti-rust and other coatings. All this has already been done by the entrepreneur himself.
  • The following equipment and tools will increase the efficiency and productivity of the following equipment and tools: a grinder for sharpening blades (40,000 rubles), a grinder for cutting metal (5,000 rubles), a grinder for processing forged products (10,000 rubles), a welding machine (20,000 rubles .), mechanical hammer (from 150,000 rubles). The total cost of equipping the forge is 225,000 rubles.
  • In the manufacture of products, metal is used - a profile, sheet metal, reinforcement, wire. Raw materials are purchased in small wholesale at a metal warehouse in a neighboring area, delivery is carried out by the supplier's transport. The cost of a batch of raw materials, including delivery, is 10,000 rubles. In a month, taking into account the load and the volume of work, there can be 2-4 parties.
  • Forging requires coal and gas in cylinders. The combined furnace allows you to process metal by heating it with coal or gas. The average monthly consumption of these types of fuel is 1,500 rubles and 2,000 rubles, respectively.
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation, electric. It is used to maintain the required temperature in the furnace and remove combustion products from the room. Electricity consumption is recorded on a separate meter in the smithy and reaches the amount of 2,500 rubles per month.
  • During the first 9-10 months, the blacksmith will work alone, then it will be necessary to hire a worker as an assistant.
  • The smithy is located on the territory of the carpentry shop, so there will be no problems with the manufacture of mixed products - from wood with forged elements.
  • Product list: benches, tables, bar stools, flower stands, fireplace sets (poker, scoop, stand for them), floor and wall hangers, clothes hooks, latches and hinges for gates and gates, door handles and cabinet handles, lamps , coasters for the kitchen for hot or for cutting boards, sickles, machetes, scrapers, knives.
  • The forge is already in operation, but not in full force... The grant funds are required for the purchase of additional equipment. Replenishment current assets These operating expenses will be paid at their own expense.

Organizational plan

Organizational and legal form... Is an individual entrepreneur or LLC suitable for the implementation of the selected project, or some other form of organization. What is the reason for the choice. What taxation system is chosen, why is it suitable.

Distribution of roles of founders... If there are multiple partners, their role in the management and operation of the company is described. What will they do, what will they be responsible for.

Staff... What kind of employees will be needed, who needs to be hired in the staff, whom to hire temporarily, what functions can be outsourced or performed independently.

Settlements with counterparties... how it is planned to receive money from customers, whether it is necessary to open, buy an online cash register, or are there options to carry out settlements in some other way.

Calendar plan the project... What should be done and when, what issues should be resolved immediately, what - later. It is advisable to calculate the cost of each stage in order to clearly show when and to what extent funding is required.

  • For a forge, a self-employed blacksmith only needs to be individual entrepreneur... This simplifies accounting and reporting. The entrepreneur himself conducts the bookkeeping using the appropriate online services provided by the bank.
  • For settlements with customers and suppliers, a current account is used, a cash register will also be purchased, although it is possible to sell goods at fairs without it. When purchasing a cash register, a special deduction will be used.
  • After hiring an employee, it will be necessary to register with extra-budgetary funds as an employer; before that, it is enough to regularly pay insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds.
  • Activities are already underway. Upon receipt of the grant, equipment will be purchased, which will increase production volumes.
  • When budget funds are issued in July, within a month all the necessary equipment will be purchased and installed according to the list (for 225,000 rubles), already from August the productivity of the forge will increase several times. The hiring of an employee is planned in the spring of next year - in March-April, before that the blacksmith will work independently.

This section is devoted to the channels and methods of promotion, the necessary actions to increase sales, and the cost of advertising.

Promotion channels... Advertisements in newspapers, videos on radio and TV, online advertising, creating your own website and groups in social networks, advertising in local publics and forums, participation in exhibitions and fairs.

The target audience ... Who should be guided by when organizing sales. Who is your client - by age, gender, occupation, income level. Where to find him and how to contact him.

Promotion cost... How much will it cost to search and attract target audience? How often it will be necessary to launch advertising, what options it is advisable to choose.

In our example business plan, this section will look like this:

Financial performance

It is necessary to calculate the cost of production, the planned sales volume, the required costs, the projected income and profit, the profitability of the project. If there are many and different products, it is not necessary to include all the calculations in the business plan, they can be taken out in a separate application, and all indicators can be calculated based on the average cost price. You need to show your own contribution to the project, the need for borrowed funds. If you need to repay the loan - an approximate repayment schedule. When paying to the investor, the calculation of his share of the profit.

Risk assessment

External factors... Emergencies and natural disasters, the negative impact of local authorities, a new competitor, changes in the economic situation and falling incomes of the population.

Internal factors... Incorrect market assessment, delays in deliveries, personnel problems, production errors, problems with renting premises, industrial accidents.

Risk minimization options... Life, health, property, third party liability insurance. The opportunity to reduce prices, change the assortment, switch to another product, change the circle of potential customers, expand the sales market and find new buyers outside the region, region or country. Agreements with partners and contractors, good personal relations with the authorities, a large number of qualified workers in the market who are looking for work, etc.

Something like this will look like the elaboration of some of the risks for the forge:

  • At first, the income of the forge will completely depend on the entrepreneur himself. Health problems or injuries will negatively impact workload and bottom line. Emergencies in production can be prevented by observing safety precautions. Then it is planned to hire an employee who will take off the increased workload from the blacksmith himself.
  • Fire, accidents, equipment breakdowns, natural disasters - damage from these accidents will be covered by property insurance, which will be issued for the rented premises, equipment and tools in the smithy at their market value. The smithy has already passed the fire test, there were representatives of the energy company, they checked the wiring, the hood on the forge, ventilation and fire alarm... There were some comments, but all the shortcomings were immediately eliminated. The room itself with a separate entrance is located in a brick building and meets the general requirements for industrial safety.
  • If you have problems with renting, you can quickly move the forge to another place - there are enough suitable empty production areas in the area, the equipment is easily dismantled and can be installed in another place within 1-2 days.
  • With low demand for products and low trade turnover, the sales market will be expanded, agreements have been obtained for the supply of products for sale to hardware stores in other districts of the region, the most popular goods have been selected, and the assortment policy has been revised. At the same time, you will not have to change equipment or rebuild the work - it is enough to purchase other raw materials and materials for the production of other products, for example, forged fences, grilles for windows, gates and gates, entrance groups and canopies over the porch.
  • If another competitor appears on the market, then the entrepreneur will choose the most profitable niche and will produce products that the new market participant will not have, or change the sales strategy and supply finished products to other markets.

Project summary

This section contains the most important things: the essence of the project, necessary investments, results after launch, development prospects, possible risks and ways to reduce them. The rest of the sections with details will be read only if the summary of the business plan is of interest to an investor, lender, or official. Therefore, remember again what the goal of your project is and indicate the important indicators that meet this goal. Repeat what you will produce, how much income you plan to receive, what expenses will be required, how much money you invest on your own, and how much you need to attract.

Typical mistakes when drawing up a business plan

  • Very optimistic. Lack of market knowledge. Lack of adequate risk assessment.
  • Copying someone else's calculations. Using data without reference to reality and to the specifics of the business.
  • Without taking into account the purpose and the addressee. Lack of important indicators. A lot of unnecessary information and "water".
  • Poor design, illiterate presentation of information, carelessness in calculations. Confusing presentation and lack of clear structure.

How to get money for a business plan

Study of the design requirements

When contacting a bank or municipal government to raise funding, ask for the application rules. This is often a simple and straightforward list. required documents, as well as a list of requirements for the content and design of a business plan. Sometimes even a template for this document is given with the sections and subsections already indicated. where you just have to enter your information. There are also wishes for its volume, a list of questions for analyzing the project, a list of important indicators that you must calculate.

Business plan protection

In some cases, it is necessary not only to draw up this document, but also to protect it before the commission. The bank's employees will make a decision on granting a loan. Officials will assess your level of knowledge in order to rate the competition for a grant. The investor will get acquainted with your plans and decide whether he needs to participate in this.

With such protection, it is enough to retell the “Project Summary” section and speak the main business indicators out loud, answer the questions of the commission members in order to convince them of your readiness and ability to use the funds raised in accordance with the plan.

Download ready-made business plans

Above, we have provided you with key points that you should rely on when drawing up a competent business plan, however, depending on where you need to submit a business plan, the requirements for its design and content change. Below you will find examples (samples) of ready-made business plans (40 pieces), which you can download absolutely free.

Use them to create your business plan, model the most interesting and convincing places, see what numbers and calculations are used, marketing research, analysis of competitors and also try to calculate your own project. Also below you will find additional supporting documents on business planning from the Industrial Development Fund, Ministry of Investment and Innovation.

INSTRUCTIONS For ease of search, all business plans are sorted alphabetically. Click on the desired letter and a list of finished projects will open in front of you.

If you are going to seriously do business, you cannot do without a business plan. The most successful idea should be supported by a well-written action plan. The rules for writing a small business business plan will guide you through the sequence of steps.

Between dreams of own business and the real thing has little in common - in fantasies we clearly imagine only the result, in business it requires planning. Even the best business idea is worthless without a well-written action plan. We will look at the rules for drawing up a business plan for a small business, and we hope the information will be useful to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Going on the road, we plan a route so as not to wander at random, starting a new business requires a similar approach.

What is a business plan

A business plan is a guide to action with a description of the idea, process, implementation mechanisms and goals.

Defining a specific goal in this chain is critical, since it is this point that makes it possible to clearly articulate:

  • What is your position in currently, that is, where is the starting point to start.
  • What should you get as a result.
  • What steps need to be taken to promote and develop the business.

Business plan purpose

Drawing up a business plan is useful at the start of any business, but in two cases, a plan is required:

To provide investors and lenders, as well as to receive financial support from the state.

The purpose of drawing up a business plan is to confirm the consistency of the idea and the effectiveness of the use of money. The information presented in the plan should be detailed, look reliable and logical. For clarity, it is useful to accompany the defense of the business plan with a presentation from the slides.

Real business plan "For yourself"

A working version of a business plan for "internal use". There is always a difference between "front" and "work" plans.

Development forecast and prospects

Consider several options for business development. Try to objectively assess the prospects based on the expected income and expenses. Put yourself in the shoes of an investor, and think if you would agree to invest in the described company.

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"Plans are the dreams of knowledgeable people" Ernst von Feuchtersleben (English scientist, philosopher, literary critic).

Business planning goals

Having chosen your business, you need to decide how you will organize it, which means you need to plan for the near future. Everyone needs a business plan:

  • To those from whom you try to borrow money for the implementation of your project, that is, bankers and investors.
  • To your employees who want to understand their tasks and perspectives.
  • And to you yourself - to test the rationality and realism of your ideas.

Business plan Is a document that:

  1. Describes all the main aspects of a future enterprise or project.
  2. Analyzes all the problems it may face.
  3. Determines how to solve the identified problems.

Correctly drawn up business plan- this is a clear answer to the questions: "is it worth investing in the business you have conceived and will it bring income that will recoup all the costs of manpower and resources?"

Important! Planning should be carried out by present or future companies, that is, those people who are not afraid to take responsibility for the implementation of the business plan. But this does not mean, of course, that you do not need to use the services of consultants and experts in this field. Admittedly, consulting firms charge a decent amount for compiling it, ranging from $ 2,000 to $ 40,000. But you can make it yourself, while incurring minimal costs. By engaging in this work personally, you will not only model your future activities, but also check your strength and the idea itself.

So, the main purpose of the business plan: he helps entrepreneurs to solve the following problems:

- To study the capacity and development prospects of the future sales market.

- Estimate the costs for the production of products needed by the market. Weigh them against prices.

- Determine those indicators by which it will be possible to regulate the state of affairs.

Keep in mind! A business plan is usually written for the long term, and it should be drawn up approximately 3-5 years in advance. At the same time, for the first year, the main indicators should be divided in a monthly breakdown, for the second - quarterly, and only starting from the third year, one should limit ourselves to annual indicators. Although if we take into account our economy, its volatility, then planning for a period of more than a year is not entirely effective. Therefore, many now limit themselves to writing a plan for the year.

Business plan structure

The business plan has a complex structure. The entire life of a company from the moment of creation to the moment of stability and stability should be spelled out in business language, at the same time intelligibly and vividly. A business plan should be understandable to any entrepreneur, financier and banker, as well as potential partners. The confidentiality memorandum is drawn up in order to warn persons familiar with the business plan about the confidentiality of the information contained in it. The memorandum may contain a ban on copying, transferring the project to third parties and a requirement to return the project to the author.

The business plan should always be short and succinct. True, sometimes, in order to reveal the essence of the problem, it is made quite deep in content. Recommended volume: 30 - 70 pages, no more. And all additional materials should be included in the attachments to the business plan.

Remember! It is important to provide dosage information.

Here are the main points that you will need to consider:

  1. annotation(up to 1 page) - written request for senior management.
  2. Summary(1-3 pages) - basic information to get acquainted with the business plan.
  3. Business plan(45-60) - for a detailed study of the project by the investor's specialists and experts.

Remember! Any business has its own characteristics, therefore, there cannot be a certain "standard" plan that is acceptable in all cases. There is, so to speak, only general principle, structure of drawing up a business plan.


Your business should always start with conclusions, you write them last, but they should be the very first paragraph of your business plan. A resume is the result of an already written business plan. This is the only part that most potential investors read.

  • The purpose of the business plan.
  • The need for finances, for what purposes they are needed.
  • A brief description of the business and its target customer.
  • The main differences from competitors.
  • Key financial indicators.

Business plan:

1. Goals and objectives

Here you will need to provide an analysis of the idea (SWOT-analysis). Disclose strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

  • Analysis of the idea.
  • The purpose of the activity (what you want to achieve).
  • Characteristics of the industry.

2. Product (service)

It is important that this part is written in clear, concise language that can be understood by a layperson.

  • Description of the product or service and their application.
  • Uniqueness
  • Technologies and qualifications necessary for business.
  • License / Patent Rights.

3. Market analysis

Market and marketing is a decisive factor for all companies. You need to first collect and process a large amount of "draft" information.

  • Buyers.
  • Competitors (their strengths and weaknesses).
  • Market segments.
  • Market size and growth.
  • Estimated market share.
  • The composition of your clientele.
  • Influence of competition.

4. Marketing plan

At this stage, the main task is to gain the trust and disposition of a potential investor. If you do not have a special education, you should read books on marketing, contact a specialist.

  • Marketing alignment (main characteristics of products, services in comparison with competitors).
  • Pricing (how to correctly set the price of a product).
  • Distribution scheme of goods.
  • Sales promotion methods.

5. Production plan

Here you should consider all the issues related to the premises that you occupy, their location, equipment, personnel.

  • Location of premises.
  • Equipment.
  • Sources of supply of basic materials and equipment.
  • Use of subcontractors.

6. Management staff

Investments are made in specific people, and not in a business plan, therefore this section is one of the most important.

  • The main management team.
  • Staff composition.
  • Reward.

7. Sources and amount of required resources

In this section, you should present your thoughts on:

  • Amount of funds required.
  • Sources of their receipt, form, timing.
  • Terms of refund.

8. Financial plan and risk analysis

Business people are divided into those who like to work with numbers and who are afraid of them. For those in the first category, this section of the business plan is undoubtedly the most important.

  • Sales volume, profit, cost, etc.
  • Risks and how they can be avoided.

9. Detailed financial plan

You need to include a detailed financial plan in your business plan:

  • Sales volume forecast.
  • Profit and loss estimates.
  • Cash flow analysis (monthly for the first year, then quarterly).
  • Annual balance sheet.

And finally, I would like to give some useful tips for drawing up a business plan:

  1. To get started, read a few other business plans.
  2. The business plan should reflect your personality.
  3. Preparing a business plan is a job that requires the use of imagination.
  4. Gain experience and skills in the chosen direction.
  5. Write only on days when you are full of energy, not when you are mentally and physically exhausted.

Wish you luck!