Ready-made marketing plan for the cafe. A business plan for a cafe with calculations or how to open a cafe. How to open your own restaurant - where to start

Approximate data:

  • Initial costs - about 5,000,000 rubles.
  • The payback period is 2.5 - 3 years.
  • 50 seats, area - 180 m².
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we have compiled detailed business plan restaurant with detailed calculations.

The relevance of investments in the project

We have already touched on part of this issue in the article about. Perhaps even those who do not go to restaurants and do not live in hotels have heard about the difficult situation in the Russian hospitality market. First, the industry was hit by the ban on smoking, and then the general economic situation in the country became, to put it mildly, not ideal.

So is it worth investing in a restaurant now and won't such investments become deliberately unprofitable? Let's turn to the numbers.

According to RBC, the number of visitors to catering establishments in 2010-14 was 107.5 million people. The value of the market during this period increased by 74.1% and reached an impressive figure of 727.8 billion rubles.

Serious numbers. However, aspiring entrepreneurs may have objections - the indicators are taken for "well-fed", pre-crisis years, the dynamics of the next years may be negative.

According to the same source, in 2015-19, the market will grow by 11.6% annually. And by 2019 it will reach 1261 billion rubles.

The growth is expected due to several factors:

  • Decrease in the cost of renting commercial real estate (as a result of a decrease in demand)
  • Adapting customers and the market to new prices and smoking bans
  • Insufficient market saturation (the number of restaurants per thousand population even in Moscow is 4 times lower than Western European norms)
  • "Survival" of effective players

The last point is worth paying special attention to. In the restaurant market, you can make money in almost any economic situation. The conditions are the same as in other areas of entrepreneurship - competent planning, market knowledge and regular monitoring.

The main milestones and features of opening a viable restaurant are outlined in this article by the company's specialists. "MAPLE".

Where to begin? Format selection

“Restaurant” is a rather capacious concept. The essence of the business is the same - to feed people for money, forgive me for such a simplification. But there are many ways, types, directions of restaurant business! And the size of the investment, the payback period, and the amount of labor expended depend on the chosen format.

Let us dwell on the "basic" formats of catering establishments that have prospects in the Russian market.

Fine Dining

Premium class with all its attributes. According to GOST, such establishments are classified as "luxury". Fine Dining restaurants offer expensive (in every sense) interior, exclusive cuisine and serving, elite drinks. The average bill is appropriate - before the crisis it cost 2,000 rubles or more to dine without alcohol in such a restaurant. Note that we are not talking about one-of-a-kind "stars" like "Turandot" or "Pushkin", but about good, well-made, but mass restaurants.

At first glance, where did the clients get the money for such a luxury? But statistics show that premium restaurants are still doing well. Only those visitors who visited expensive establishments for the sake of "dust in the eyes" left. The backbone, for which visiting Fine Dining is a way of life, did not feel the influences of the crisis and did not change habits.

Casual Dining

A concept that combines premium service and cuisine with accessibility to a mass segment of customers. For a reasonable price, the guest receives a well-developed design, a competently composed menu (most often multi-product), and professional service.

Embodying and making a restaurant of this format a plus is not an easy task.

Opening a high-class establishment with an average check of 500-1500 rubles is risky, but promising. Casual Dining grew rapidly in Russia before the crisis, but now it is a format with no room for error. Many underdeveloped establishments have closed. But those who have managed to optimize procurement, technological processes and work with clients - they collect the cream. The middle class (which, judging by the polls, has not yet felt the crisis either) wants to get a certain level of comfort for a reasonable price. So there will be demand for Casual Dining.

Fast Casual

As they like to write in numerous reviews, this is a "transitional" format between Casual Dining and Fast F Restaurants of this type tried to take the best from their "parents":

  • Waiter service, high-quality interior and an extended menu from the segment of democratic restaurants
  • Maximum speed of service and low prices from the fast food segment.

There is another reason for the emergence of Fast Casual - the "bullying" that the media and adherents of a healthy lifestyle staged for fast food. Yes, it worked - public opinion does not perceive fast food in the best light. And even the big fast food players are gradually moving into Fast Casual. Ethnic directions are popular in this segment - Japanese, Mediterranean, East Slavic cuisine.

Fast Casual can be opened in a small area and using a factory kitchen. This approach will reduce the initial investment and payback time. If there is no desire (or opportunity) to work on the concept yourself, choose one of the. Fortunately, there are enough of them on the market.

Fast food

It seems that it does not need an introduction . Fast food enterprises, which initially appeared overseas, have long ago staked out their share of the market in Russia. Having gone from exotic novelty to everyday reality, fast food has become an attractive investment. Especially now, when the habit of eating outside the home has been formed, and the income of the population is falling.

Institutions of "superior" formats are leaving Fast food - there are lower costs and more customers. Fast food includes not only single-product projects offering burgers, chicken or noodles, but also canteens, many of which opened in 2015.

The advantages of choosing Fast food as a business model are minimal costs, the ability to work at the food court, and the flexibility of the concept. For the sake of fairness, we note that they began to consider fast food a restaurant with the filing of marketers from the well-known American corporation.

The description of promising formats may well be completed with the thought of Anton Tabakov, an actor and a recognized Moscow restaurateur. In his opinion, the main problem of domestic restaurants is in false landmarks. The spirit of the institutions of the Gilyarovsky era, which were the standard of the national catering culture, was lost. In its place came "dust in the eyes", the restaurant has become not a place to eat, but a way to boast of well-being.

Now the restaurant culture is recovering. And entrepreneurs who make an institution "for food" have the right to count on success.


This concept means a kind of "road map" of an entrepreneur who launches a project in the field of HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe). Concept - if not step-by-step instruction, then certainly a set of guidelines that will help the restaurateur meet the deadlines and launch the establishment without unnecessary problems.

It is necessary to create technical task for every aspect of the restaurant's operation:

Positioning - the choice of one of the formats of the catering establishment:

  • Idea and theme - what exactly do you offer guests (pan-Asian restaurant, futuristic project, pancake)
  • Service method
  • Unique selling proposition (difference of the project from analogs)
  • Definition target audience

Technological solutions:

  • Requirements for premises and location
  • Requirements for communication systems (electricity, plumbing, ventilation)
  • Zoning of the dining room and kitchen

Assortment policy:

  • Main menu
  • Wine and bar cards
  • Seasonal menu


  • Design project of the interior, facade and adjacent territory (if necessary)
  • Corporate identity (brand book)
  • Furniture fittings

Price policy:

  • Work with providers
  • Basic, seasonal and promotional pricing

Marketing policy:

  • Programs for launching a project to the market and subsequent promotion
  • PR events
  • Loyalty programs
  • Targeted events for different groups of visitors

Concept work begins after analyzing the market, demand and competitors. The data obtained will allow already in theory to test the concept for viability and assess the development prospects.

A clearly structured action plan allows you not only to track the stages of work. Thanks to the concept, it is possible to coordinate the work of all employed specialists and reduce costs.

Business plan

If drafting a restaurant concept gives the entrepreneur an understanding of what exactly to do, then a business plan answers the questions of how much it will cost and when it will pay off. It is clear that it is impossible to achieve absolute accuracy - the state of the market changes, costs appear (or disappear). But one hundred percent "hit" is not required, the task of the business plan is to present a detailed financial picture of the project.

This document can be drawn up for yourself, for investors and partners, or for credit institutions. The detail and completeness of the document depends on this, incrementally.

Here we give the average figures for Moscow. It is clear that the calculations are individual for each region and even for each project. To get the numbers for your conditions, it is enough to replace our values ​​with the actual information.

The main blocks of a business plan

  1. Financing the project

Capital can consist of equity, borrowed and mixed funds. Shares of the budget are indicated as a percentage.

  1. Lending terms

The item is filled in if you take a loan from a bank or other credit institutions.

  1. Premises costs

The status of the premises (rent, ownership, other options), the costs of creating engineering and technological projects, and repairs are indicated here.

For a restaurant with 50 seats and an area of ​​180 m², the budget would be as follows:

Premises for rent

The nearest Moscow region - 20,000 rubles per m² per year. The amount is 3,600,000 rubles per year.

The area of ​​the third transport ring - 50,000 rubles per m² per year. The amount is 9,000,000 per year.

Center of Moscow - 100,000 rubles per square meter per year. The amount is 18,000,000 per year.

Engineering design

Architectural project necessary for construction work or renovation. The document includes:

  • Explanatory note
  • Floor plans
  • The incisions
  • Arrangement of partitions, windows and doors
  • Fastening equipment and pipelines
  • Insulation of enclosing structures
  • Premises finishing list
  • Consumption of materials

The cost is 300 rubles per square meter. The amount is 54,000 rubles.

Ventilation and air conditioning design is important not only for creating comfortable climatic conditions (although this is important). During the processing of products, a large amount of odors, sometimes fumes, smoke and other contaminants, are released into the air. Powerful air conditioning systems are a matter of personnel safety. And, of course, no extraneous odors should enter the dining room.

The document includes:

  • SRO admission to work on the preparation of project documentation
  • Explanatory note indicating the calculated parameters by air in the Premises
  • General ventilation system plan indicating the design parameters of the air on the ventilation grilles
  • Axonometric diagram of the general ventilation system
  • Plan and axonometric diagram of technological ventilation (if provided)
  • Air conditioning system plan indicating the locations of the refrigeration and drainage pipelines, as well as the piping of air conditioners

The cost is 200 rubles per square meter. The amount is 36,000 rubles.

Water supply and sewerage design is necessary for two purposes. The first is the compliance of the water with the hygienic standards established in the region. The second is to ensure the smooth operation of the water supply and sewerage system in the kitchen. It is obvious that a restaurant consumes significantly more water than an administrative building, and even more so a domestic building (you can calculate according to SNiP 2.04.01-85 *). Communications must withstand the load.

The document includes:

  • SRO admission to work on the preparation of project documentation
  • Explanatory note indicating the calculated parameters for water consumption
  • List of drawings and reference documents
  • Premises plan with placement technological equipment and places of water supply and sewerage
  • Axonometric diagram of pipelines of cold water and hot water
  • Axonometric diagram of the industrial sewage pipeline
  • Scheme of metering unit for consumption of cold water and hot water
  • Specification of equipment and materials

The cost is 140 rubles per square meter. The amount is 25,200 rubles.

Power supply design... Modern catering establishments use a large amount of equipment powered by electricity. Moreover, both from 220 V and from 380 V. The project of reliable wiring capable of working with high loads should be created only by professionals.

The document includes:

  • SRO admission to work on the preparation of project documentation
  • Explanatory note
  • List of drawings and reference documents
  • Single-line electrical diagram of the lead-in switchboard indicating the group number and brand of the lead-in cable (according to the electrical design of the Basic Building)
  • Board wiring diagram
  • Lighting network plans (indicating group numbers, brand and cable cross-section)
  • Power and outlet network plan (indicating group numbers, brand and cable cross-section)
  • Schematic diagram of electrical control (in the case of using automatic control circuits)
  • Layout of cable communications with an indication of the installation locations of the junction boxes
  • Specification of equipment and materials

The cost is 180 rubles per square meter. The amount is 32,400 rubles.

Total cost of engineering design- 147 600 rubles.

Technological design

This is the creation of an optimal arrangement of equipment in the room and the development of plans for linking equipment to communication networks.

The cost is 200 rubles per square meter. The amount is 36,000 rubles.

When ordering a set of equipment from the company "MAPLE" you get technological design free of charge.


If cafes or themed pubs can sometimes create a visual design on their own, then restaurant projects should turn to the services of professionals.

Turnkey design is:

  • Development of a design solution within the concept
  • Creation of 3D-visualization of the project
  • Selection of materials and furniture equipment, arrangement
  • Facade design
  • Author's supervision of the implementation

An important aspect - even if you fully rely on the professionalism of the hired designers, you should conduct regular approvals and participate in the process to a reasonable extent.

A "complete set" of design will cost 1200 rubles per square meter. The amount is 216,000 rubles.

If funds allow, it is worth ordering a brand book - then all advertising materials will be made in a single concept.

Room decoration

Actually, the embodiment of a design project. Prices are for the work of qualified builders. Mid-level finishing (more complicated than cosmetic, but not VIP yet) will cost 7,000 rubles excluding materials.

The amount is 1,260,000 rubles.


Modern restaurant equipment is a separate industry in the hospitality industry, a kind of "state within a state". Full-fledged scientific departments work for leading manufacturers, creating not only more advanced technology, but also fundamentally new ways of processing products.

When choosing equipment, it is worth contacting professionals, otherwise there is a risk of "overshooting". Too powerful and expensive equipment will pay off for years, and cheap models will not cope with the load. In both cases, the restaurateur will incur losses.

Below is the equipment of the restaurant with 50 seats with classic cuisine.

Heating equipment:

  • Combi oven TECNOEKA EVOLUTION EKF 711 E UD - 214 307 rubles
  • Electric stove EPK-47ZhSh four-burner with oven - 70 600 rubles
  • Pizza oven GAM MD1 - 37 961 rubles
  • Induction cooker UN-3,5KC-1 desktop VOK - 16 971 rubles
  • Frying surface (contact processing apparatus) AKO-80N - 55,500 rubles
  • Rice cooker ERGO CFXB 50-70x - 3 366 rubles
  • Boiler ERGO KSY-30 - 11 169 rubles

Refrigeration equipment:

  • Refrigeration cabinet POLAIR ШХ-1,4 (CM114-S) - 51 210 rubles
  • Freezing cabinet POLAIR ШН-0.7 - 51,543 rubles
  • Refrigerated table HICOLD GN 11 / TN - 78 530 rubles
  • Ice maker ICEMATIC E21 W - 57 622 rubles
  • Vertical confectionery showcase with rotation HICOLD VRC 350 RI - 108 190 rubles

  • Mixer KITCHEN AID 5KSM150PSEWH - 60,990 rubles
  • Mixer ROBOT COUPE Mini MP 190 Combi - 37 384 rubles
  • Meat grinder FAMA TS 22 (FTS 117UT) - 57 093 rubles
  • Slicer "Convito" HBS-220JS - 20,043 rubles
  • Vegetable cutter ROBOT COUPE CL30 Bistro - 65 121 rubles
  • A set of cutting discs for ROBOT COUPE CL30 Bistro - 24 278 rubles

Bar equipment:

  • Juicer QUAMAR T94 for citrus fruits - 34 634 rubles
  • FUTURMAT Rimini A / 1 coffee machine - 156 653 rubles

Technological equipment:

  • 2 single-section washing baths VM 1/630 - 16 788 rubles
  • Two-section washing bath VM 2/630 - 17 017 rubles
  • 2 tables of industrial wall-mounted SRP 1200/600 / SRPTs E - 13 510 rubles
  • 2 tables of workers of the island СРЦ 1200/600 / СРЦЦ Э - 12 540 rubles
  • 4 racks with continuous shelves SK 1200/400 - 45,060 rubles
  • 2 wall-mounted hoods MVO-0.8 МСВ - 24 724 rubles
  • 2 umbrellas for exhaust air cooling zones 12 * 10 - 31,504 rubles
  • 4 shelves of wall-mounted solid PC 600/300 - 9 544 rubles
  • Island table for waste collection SPS-111/900 - 8 674 rubles

Kitchen utensils and utensils - gastronorm containers, pans, pots, pots, cutting boards, baking dishes, ladles, colanders, spoons, etc. The cost is 73,500 rubles.

Chef knives - 31,176 rubles

Serving items - 114 106 rubles

Glass and porcelain dishes, cutlery - 213,960 rubles

Furniture for a restaurant for 50 seats (including a waiter's station) - 762,725 rubles

Thus, all the equipment of the restaurant will cost 2,600,000 rubles.


Receiving permits and business registration is a stage that can drink more blood than all the others combined. And not because of excessive complexity, but because of not the most operational work of all kinds of services and authorities.

The form (limited liability company) will be optimal for organizing a restaurant.

First, the founders legal entity, Unlike individual entrepreneur, are only responsible for the amount authorized capital... Business has risks, and it is worth protecting yourself from possible failure.

Second, an LLC can hire and appoint a CEO as it sees fit. This moment will be important if the business starts to expand.

The disadvantages of LLC are rather complicated reporting, which is better to outsource. Or hire an accountant.

To register a legal entity, you will need:

Minutes of the meeting of founders, which confirms the creation of the LLC

Registration certificate

TIN assignment certificate

Extract from the Unified Register (, EGRIP)

Rosstat information letter on OKVED codes:

  • 55.30 Activities of restaurants and cafes
  • 55.40 Bar activities
  • 55.52 Supply of products Catering... This includes the activities of public catering enterprises for the production of public catering products, their delivery
  • If the restaurant is supposed to have billiards or karaoke, add the appropriate codes from the classifier (for example, 92.72)

Certificates of registration with the MHIF, FSS, Pension Fund

Bank account opening agreement

Confirmation of registration of KKT (cash register equipment)

Staffing table

Order on the appointment of the head, chief accountant, cashier-operator

Audit trail and complaint book

For premises:

  • Proof of the right to use the premises (lease agreement or certificate of ownership)
  • BTI passport with floor plans and explication
  • Engineering projects (see above)
  • Conclusions on projects issued by GAPU and MVK
  • Evacuation plan and fire instructions
  • Signaling service contract


  • Production and technical control plan agreed with SES
  • Certificate of passing examinations for compliance with sanitary standards
  • Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on fire safety
  • SES conclusion on the availability of the necessary equipment and premises
  • Sanitary passports of the facility and vehicles
  • Alcohol trade license
  • Hygienic conclusion on raw materials and ready meals from Rospotrebnadzor
  • Staff medical examination results

Object maintenance contracts:

  • Removal and disposal of solid waste and biological waste
  • Contract for deratization, disinfection and disinsection
  • Ventilation system cleaning contract
  • Workwear washing contract
  • Contract for the removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps

And these are only general documents that do not take into account the legislation of a particular region. As practice shows, it is easier to order registration and collection of permits for specialized companies.


Most regional restaurateurs prefer to work on UTII (single tax on imputed income). But this taxation system does not work for Moscow. In addition, there is an area limitation of up to 150 m².

For the example we have chosen, a business plan is more suitable.

Conditions for the transition:

  • Up to 100 employees
  • Annual income up to 60 million rubles
  • You cannot have branches and representative offices (for a starting project, this item is unimportant)
  • You can not use the simplified tax system if the participation in the LLC of other organizations is more than 25%
  • Submission of an application for the transition to the simplified tax system within 30 days from the date of registration

Tax rate

Enterprises on the simplified tax system do not pay VAT, income taxes and property taxes. Instead, it introduces one quarterly tax. You can pay it according to one of two calculation schemes - from income or from the difference between income and expenses. In the first case, 6% is deducted, in the second - 15%. Regional authorities can change rates at their discretion, you can find out the exact values ​​in the region where the restaurant is opened.


The issue of personnel for the hospitality industry in Russia is quite acute. If bartenders and cooks are trained, albeit "piece", then finding a qualified waiter is a real problem. For the most part, the waiters are part-time youth. Those who remain in the industry eventually move into managers and managers, recruiting newcomers again. And so in a circle. Suffice it to say that in the 90s, there were 25 educational institutions in Moscow that graduated professional waiters. Now there are 2 of them.

A fully-fledged and qualified staff is formed in two ways:

  • You can “grow” your own specialists from scratch
  • Or "outbid" the right people from competitors (however, they can later be outbid from you)

The staff of the restaurant includes:

  • Director. Estimated salary - from 70,000 rubles
  • Chef. Estimated salary - from 70,000 rubles
  • 2 sous-chefs. Estimated salary - from 50,000 rubles
  • 4 station wagon chefs. Estimated salary - from 40,000 rubles
  • 2 hall managers. Estimated salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • 6 waiters. Estimated salary - from 25,000 rubles
  • 2 bartenders. Estimated salary - from 30,000 rubles
  • Forwarding driver. Estimated salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • Storekeeper. Estimated salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • 2 cleaning ladies. Estimated salary - from 20,000 rubles
  • 2 dishwashers. Estimated salary - from 20,000 rubles

The higher and administrative staffs work on a five-day basis. Kitchen, service and stewarding on a 2/2 schedule.

Total monthly salary costs: 830,000 rubles.

Margin and profitability

Restaurant costs conditionally consist of three items - rent, wages and the cost of products.

The first two types of expenses are conditionally constant. But you can work with the cost of dishes - just due to the competent ratio of the margin to the cost of the product, the profit of the institution is formed.

The restaurateur approaches this stage with an already developed menu. There is no universal formula for determining the markup. There is a tendency that the mark-up is the smallest for hot food (100-250%), for soups and coffee - the highest (500-1000%). But the cost of each dish is calculated separately.

Things to consider:

- Solvency of the target audience. As mentioned above, restaurant formats can vary dramatically. How much are your customers willing to give for a particular dish? Market research of the area in which you work will help to establish this. The resulting parameter is called the "perceived price" - the maximum price at which guests will buy the product in the planned quantity.

- Competition. Advertising and even high quality dishes, alas, will not work if a restaurant around the corner offers a similar (albeit only by name) dish for a third cheaper. You will have to focus on the market. This rule does not apply to exclusive offers.

- Foodcost- the percentage of the cost of the dish and its selling price. What part of the money you earned did you spend before serving the dish? Acceptable rates for a restaurant are 25-40%. It is not necessary to count the costs of the product by technological maps, and the actual consumption. It will include spoilage, compliments to guests, and staff food.

- Margin- that is, the profit from each dish in rubles. Do you have enough total profit?

- Turnover. The restaurant has "top" positions that are the greatest demand... The nationwide love for the Caesar salad, for example, has long been known. The margins for such dishes can be reduced and profits can be gained through large sales.

The chef should be directly involved in pricing, since the theoretical calculations have significant discrepancies with the real process of working in the kitchen.

Average restaurant profitability, according to Forbes, is 15%. With indicators of 20-25%, the project can be considered successful. 10% profitability is a risk zone.


Let's summarize. At the opening own restaurant(50 seats, area - 180 m2) you will need:

Lump sum- for engineering and technological design, repair, design, purchase of equipment and inventory: 4,259,600 rubles.

The amount is given without taking into account the cost of registration, the latter can be found in the controlling authorities of your region.

Regularly- 830,000 rubles a month for salaries, 9,000,000 rubles a year for renting premises in the Moscow TTK area.

Plus, purchases of groceries will go, this figure entirely depends on the restaurant's menu.

The average payback period for a Casual Dining restaurant is 2.5-3 years.

And finally advice. Opening a restaurant on your own, relying only on information from the Internet, is extremely risky, and even more so if this is your first establishment. The help of specialists with real work experience in HoReCa will be invaluable. Company experts "MAPLE" provide business support at every stage of its construction. Their participation in the project will significantly increase your chances of success.

In practice, it has been shown that the demand for catering establishments is increasing, regardless of whether it is fast food or an expensive restaurant. There are several reasons: the growth of the well-being of the population, the desire to better life, tourism development. The market for restaurant services is always free and is waiting for the attraction of private entrepreneurs.

Any idea has the right to life and will be successfully implemented in the form of this or that business, if you put your soul and money into it correctly. And one more thing: if you reflect your desire to work in a properly drawn up business plan.

Practice shows that in the domestic market the catering segment remains relatively free. And this despite the fact that cafes and restaurants are opening in dozens and hundreds. True, they are closed in about the same quantities, however, their number remains quite impressive, and the fact of the existing tough competition must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for your cafe.

It should also be taken into account the indisputable fact that each of the existing cafes has its own visitors, even regular visitors, even fans. But how to win the heart of a casual visitor and turn it into a permanent one - just below.

Now we invite you to consider several reasons for the strong popularity of the cafe as a species entrepreneurial activity among newly minted businessmen:

  • the well-being of the population increases, and people strive for a European way of life, an integral part of which is visiting pleasant places of catering;
  • organization of new offices, business centers and trading platforms - a great reason to open a new cafe, where their employees will be happy to have lunch or drink coffee;
  • cafe is an ideal place for romantic dates, friendly and business meetings. People are willing to pay for the possibility of such communication;
  • among the abundance of already existing children's cafes, young tireless visitors do not get tired of looking for something else, more interesting and tastier.

Planning as the basis for success

If you have chosen the difficult path of a businessman, remember one simple truth: the result is formed from the minute when, taking a pen and calculator, you begin (to the smallest detail!) to plan your business.

Time, volume and budget. These three components are the foundation of your successful business... How long should your cafe last, how much money are you willing to invest in it, how much will it be? If you can already answer these questions, then your project not only has the right to be implemented, it will bring you income.

A prerequisite for a high-quality business plan is accurate calculation and predictive planning.

Market and Competition Analysis

Before starting to implement your business idea, study all competitors involved in a similar business. Analyze their pros and cons in work, improve them best ideas and developments, bring something of your own - and use in your institution. An improved idea is not considered plagiarism.

Study the drawbacks of competing cafes in detail, too, in order to avoid them in your work.

Choosing the type of establishment

What cafe are you planning to open? Choose the most suitable type of establishment for yourself, and, based on this, plan your budget, location, target audience.

Of all types of cafes the most relevant:

  • elite;
  • children's;
  • a cafe for the middle class;
  • evening;
  • Internet cafe.

Whichever of these types of establishments you plan to open, you need to be clear about the differences between a cafe and a restaurant, a cafe and a bar, a cafe and a canteen, so that the elements of the functioning of other catering establishments do not overlap with your cafe.

Brand labeling of appliances and the obligatory presence of two signature dishes, pretentiousness of design - this is a restaurant style that should not be chased by a cafe owner. Although the uniqueness of the interior and some kind of "zest" in the menu is quite welcome.

Choosing the location of the cafe

When planning to open an institution for a wide audience, take care of finding it in such a way that it will be convenient for the visitor and profitable for you. The place should be:

1. Crowded. Many people rely on the central streets of the city, but overlook the business zones and office buildings.

2.With availability transport entrances and parking.

3. Disposing to rest. Closer to park areas, away from busy highways.

Premises, name, interior of the restaurant

The premises for the cafe can be rented, bought or built, depending on the funds and wishes of the owner. The main thing is that the area of ​​the room and the number of seats you expect to meet the requirements of the legislation - the best option is 280 m² of area for 50 seats.

While working on the concept of the establishment, make sure that the name of the cafe and its interior "echo" with each other. If the cafe is themed, then the theme should be traced in everything: from the paintings on the walls to the uniforms of the waiters. It largely depends on how much a casual passer-by who casually dropped into your cafe wants to come here again and again.

Allocate a sufficient amount of funds from the general budget for decoration: if, according to the proverb, a guest is greeted by his clothes, then he is also picky, and he will not stay for a long time in an uncomfortable, ugly, sloppy room.

Equipment for cafes and restaurants

For a catering place, you will need a standard set of equipment:

  • plates;
  • grill;
  • refrigerators (note that different kinds products must be stored separately, in different refrigerators);
  • roasting and cooking cabinets;
  • sinks;
  • production tables;
  • dishes;
  • tables and chairs for visitors.

Staff for the cafe

A young, barely opened institution should not risk its reputation from the first days, even if it has not yet developed, and hire unskilled people to work with the hope that they will learn all the intricacies of the profession directly at the workplace.

Employees must be:

  • professional;
  • cultural in dealing with visitors;
  • neat and healthy (this is catering!);
  • interchangeable.

If you plan to operate your cafe in two shifts, then the staff should consist of 2-4 cooks, 2 administrators, 2 bartenders, 6-8 waiters and 2-4 auxiliary workers, whose salary and mandatory contributions you must take into account when drawing up a business plan ...

We make a menu for a cafe or restaurant

The wider the assortment of dishes and the more varied they are, the better for the image of the cafe and, accordingly, the wider the circle of its visitors. The guest should have a choice and guarantee that the dish is prepared from fresh ingredients in compliance with all sanitary standards. Choose suppliers only from proven ones or by recommendation, refrain from random purchases, even if the price is very attractive.

Work through the menu in detail. Try to avoid banal dishes or at least change their names. The original name attracts the visitor - you definitely want to try a dish with a sonorous or unusual "name".

40 dishes on the menu, including desserts and snacks - is quite enough for a cafe, plus at least 50 positions of drinks, including alcohol and traditional tea and coffee.

Advertising and PR cafe

The costs of these components MUST be included in the business plan as a separate item. Of course, you have the right to choose and the right to save money and conduct a one-time advertising campaign. But the greatest effect is given by constant advertising of the institution when it is already working, and when its name already tells potential visitors something.

What should be a business plan for organizing a cafe

The popularity of a cafe directly depends on the correct elaboration of a business idea. You need to choose the orientation of your establishment: will it be a children's cafe or a fast food place or an ice cream parlor, will you open a bar, or it will be a pastry shop - you decide. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that the cafe should have a good location depending on the population density and the material condition of citizens. It is necessary to consider this in as much detail as possible in the business plan.

When drawing up your business plan, you can use the help of qualified specialists or draw up it yourself, based on research on the work of similar cafes. When choosing the first one, you will get a very effective business plan, but you will also pay a lot to a specialist. And in the second case, dispensing with the most scanty costs, there is a possibility of encountering certain difficulties; and you may never be effective in your business plan. In any case, you should be aware of what and what in your business plan.

Cafe business plan with calculations

By pursuing marketing analysis, first of all, pay attention to the main trends that are currently present on the market, the ratio of supply and demand, form a circle of main competitors.

When analyzing competing establishments, study in detail their assortment, location and pricing policy.

In the production part of the business plan, describe your project in the most detailed way: how many dining rooms have you planned in the cafe, how many seats each is designed for, how much space is reserved for the dining area, and how much for the kitchen. The brighter and more detailed the image of the future cafe will be described in the business plan, the clearer it will be for the investor.

Fixed assets (equipment and furniture), menus, staff numbers should also be included in this section.

When budgeting a project, it is most reasonable to group the estimated costs by type:

  • rent;
  • salary for staff;
  • payments by;
  • purchase of goods;
  • utility bills, etc.

The section "Project profitability" is very important for investors. They focus on forecasting the payback period, so calculate it as accurately as possible (usually this period is a little over a year). The profitability of the cafe in the subsequent period, the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for the development of your business should also be included in the business plan as mandatory items.

Be sure to indicate the average cost of one order.

The profitability of a cafe or restaurant

The profitability of each type of catering establishment depends on factors that differ insignificantly from each other.

A children's cafe will work profitably with a staff of 15-20 employees who provide quality services to visitors (this is the main criterion). The presence of a full-time pastry chef and a playground can increase the profitability of the establishment by another 30%.

The profitability of fast food cafes is influenced by the location, opening hours, staff qualifications. Interior and furniture comfort can play an important role.

Not so long ago, they took their place in the niche of the segment of Internet cafes, and even old-timers in the market can envy their profitability - according to analysts, it is about 100%. These types of cafes are becoming more and more popular, but so high profitability it is possible to keep only in a big city, but not in a provincial village.

In order to make it easier for you to work on the business plan of your cafe, we give an example of a ready-made - "ripe" and completed plan.

Even a non-professional can draw up such a business plan. The institution for which the project was drawn up is rather unpretentious, but in certain circles it can gain popularity.

Business plan for the opening of the "Little Cafe"

the opening of a small compact cafe in a residential area of ​​the city of N.

Summary: investments - 40,000 USD per month

Projected return on investment- from 12 to 15 months;

Projected net profit (monthly)- from 3,000 to 4,500 USD

Description of the project: the name "Small Cafe" with one room for 40 seats and one kitchen room.

The establishment will be located in a rented space on the first floor of a residential building in a former apartment converted into a catering establishment.

The cafe is supposed to serve snacks and drinks from semi-finished products, which will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing food, and, as a result, the amount of start-up capital, as well as save on kitchen equipment and the number of personnel, namely: cooks.

"Small Cafe" will be positioned as an institution in the lower price category. The average price of a check in a cafe will be 5.5 USD..

Subject analysis: the issue of organizing public catering in residential areas of cities remains quite relevant. There are not so many places where you can organize a meeting with friends, have a snack at lunchtime, sit in a company and have a drink. The cafe expects to receive the main income from the sale alcoholic beverages.

In order to diversify the menu and be able to offer guests not only semi-finished dishes, there is a prospect of attracting pensioners and housewives living in the neighborhood to the work of the institution: they can provide the cafe with home-made food at affordable prices.

Analysis and characteristics of the target audience: potential visitors to the "Little Cafe" may well be representatives of unemployed youth, employees of firms "X" and "Z" located nearby, as well as housewives living in the area.

Market analysis. Competition: for "Little Cafe" such establishments of the middle or higher price category do not compete, but old cafes with cheap prices may pose a threat. Having studied their working hours, menus and pricing policy, we can conclude that it is possible to win by extending the opening hours of the establishment, reducing the prices for the same dishes served by 5% and introducing home-cooked dishes into the menu.

Perspectives: after a while, you can equip the kitchen with new equipment, introduce dishes of national cuisines into the menu, and thus redesign the cafe.

Pluses of innovations: regular customers will remain and new ones will come, the average price of a check will double.

Minuses: costs will double.

Risks: the staff will be recruited from the residents of the area, there is no guarantee of high qualifications. And the reputation of such small establishments begins with the quality of service.

Equipment: refrigerators (2), bar counter, microwave oven, work table, tables for visitors (10), chairs for visitors (40).

Staff: administrator, bartender, waiter, accountant (coming).

Feasibility study and implementation features (averaged figures are used):

  • rent - 2,000 USD per month;
  • redecoration of the premises - 2,000 USD per month;
  • equipment - 7,000 USD;
  • furniture - 5,000 USD;
  • utility bills - 1,000 USD per month;
  • purchase of food and alcohol - 3,000 USD per month;
  • advertising campaigns - 1000 USD;
  • wage fund - 3,000 USD per month (including deductions).

Schedule. Income: the opening hours of the "Little Cafe" - from 10.00 to 22.00. The planned income can be obtained with a 50% load of 7 tables.

Conclusions: a business plan like this is seen as a guide to starting a family business.

This order is suitable for fast food cafes, mini cafes, summer cafes or roadside cafes. Calculations can also be applied to the organization of an ice cream parlor or pastry shop.

You can download a sample cafe business plan completely free of charge - use it.

Thus, with the right approach, opening a cafe is not a very difficult task, the implementation of which will be accompanied by investments and the search for investors.

Useful articles

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Resume of the project

The goal of the project is to open a fast food establishment in the business center of the city with a population of 400 thousand people. The activity of the enterprise will be aimed at providing catering services for people with an average income level.

The project will be based on such a popular product in Russia as pancakes. In the pancake cafe, visitors will be offered pancakes of various tastes both as main and as dessert dishes, as well as various hot and cold drinks. The advantage of the project is the development of a poorly covered niche in the catering sector. In the city, you can mainly find fast food like hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza and other things, but such a product as pancakes is practically not presented. The products of the pancake cafe will not cost more than the burgers familiar to the townspeople, while the taste qualities will not be inferior to and surpass the products of competitors.

Investments in the "Pancake Cafe" project will amount to 1,254,000 rubles. Own funds will be used as a source of investment. The payback period is planned to be reached for 5 months of work.

2.Description of the industry and the company

The pancake cafe is new project at the city catering market. Fast food establishments in the city are mainly represented by pavilion-type establishments engaged in small trade in hot dogs, pies, donuts and other things, as well as fast food restaurants, whose products are hamburgers, pizza, and so on. At the same time, such a traditional product for our country as pancakes is practically an uncovered niche. Pancakes are present in two restaurants of Russian cuisine and in some cafes of the city as one of the dishes on the menu. However, the potential of pancakes as fast food does not seem to be revealed, which is clearly demonstrated by the experience of other cities in the country, where there are whole chains of pancake cafes. Thus, the goal of the project is to fill this gap in the fast food market.

The advantages of the project, in addition to the absence of direct competitors, include the simplicity of making pancakes. To do this, chefs do not need to study long or have special talents. In turn, the client does not have to wait long for orders to be completed - pancakes are prepared within a couple of minutes. Given the variety of types of pancakes and excellent taste, this product will undoubtedly find its regular customers. At the same time, as a plus, it is worth noting the low cost of producing pancakes, due to which you can set a high margin of up to 300%. So, in the short term of the project is the creation of a competitive catering establishment that is consistently profitable and has regular customers... In the long term, it is planned to open several catering points and create a network of pancake cafes in the city.

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The organizational and legal form of activity is a limited liability company. The simplified tax system was chosen as the taxation system (simplified system, the object of taxation is 6% income). Code by classifier OKVED- 53.30 Activities of restaurants and cafes.

3. Description of services

The main difference between a pancake cafe and many catering establishments will be that pancakes will be baked in the presence of a client on special pancake machines. The visitor will be able to see firsthand that the chefs are making a new pancake, and not reheating the old one, while adding exclusively natural fresh products and observing hygiene during cooking. After cooking, the pancake will be packed in special paper packaging. Thanks to this, if desired, the finished product can be consumed both in a cafe and in the office or on the go, without fear of getting dirty or getting burned.

The products will be targeted at middle-income buyers. The assortment of the pancake house will include pancakes served as main courses and as a dessert. A savory menu will include hearty pancakes for those who are very hungry and light pancakes for those who are not very hungry. Also, customers will be able to purchase salads, hot or soft drinks. The list of products is given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Product range



Cost, rub.

Pancake Grill

Pancake with grilled chicken (hearty)

Pancake Meat

Pancake with pork meat (hearty)

Pancake Marine

Pancake with seafood (hearty)

Pancake with cheese

Pancake with cheese (light)

Pancake with sausage

Pancake with sausage (light)

Pancake with salami

Pancake with salami (light)

Salads (3 types), 100 g.

Pancake caramel

Pancake with caramel filling

Pancake strawberry

Pancake with strawberry filling

Currant pancake

Pancake with currant filling

Apple pancake

Apple pancake

Fruit juice

Fruit juice (6 types), 0.3 l

Sparkling water

Carbonated water, 0.3 l.

Black tea

Black tea, 0.2 l

Green tea

Green tea, 0.2 l

Coffee (espresso, americano)

The provision of the described services will not require licensing, however, catering activities will require coordination with Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate (Gospozhnadzor).

4.Sales and Marketing

In the area chosen for the opening of a pancake cafe, there is a pronounced need for catering establishments. The district has a large number of office buildings, banks, small firms, whose employees have breakfast, lunch and dinner somewhere every day. However, the existing establishments do not fully satisfy the need not only for fast, but also for delicious traditional food, such as pancakes.

The concept of promoting a pancake house on the market will be based on a set of actions aimed at an effective pricing and assortment policy, a high level of service. The assortment of cafes will be adapted to different taste preferences of customers, different wallets and even different degrees of customer hunger. The pricing policy will be formed on the basis of the demand and prices of competitive catering establishments.

Among the competitors of the pancake cafe are four catering establishments located in the vicinity of the planned location. It should be noted that none of the customers offers such products as pancakes, so the niche is free. Table. 2, we analyzed the main indicators of competitors, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Table 2. Main indicators of competitors of a pancake cafe


Competitor 1

Competitor 2

Competitor 3

Competitor 4

Fast food cafe 70 sq. m.

pavilion 4 sq. m.

Restaurant 300 sq. m.

Cafe-dumplings 40 sq. meters


Daily, from 9.00-19.00

Mon-Fri from 8.30-17.00

Daily, from 10.00-22.00

Mon. –Sat. 9.00-18.00


Wide (burgers, ice cream, cocktails)

narrow (shawarma, hot dogs, drinks)

Wide (first, second courses, desserts, several types of cuisines)

medium (dumplings, dumplings, drinks)

Price level

Service level


the ability to accommodate visitors, delicious food

quick cooking

Delicious food, large room, waiters

Possibility to accommodate visitors


Long queues, crowded

small choice, lack of places for visitors, long lines, the need to pre-order

Expensive menu

Bad reputation of the owner, "an establishment for friends", frequent complaints about the quality of meat


As can be seen from Table 2, competitor # 3 is a restaurant that will not be a direct competitor to a pancake cafe due to its format. Consumers have a rather negative idea of ​​another establishment (cafe-dumplings), which is why its services are practically not in demand. Consequently, two main competitors remain - the fast food cafe and the hot dog pavilion. Compared to the latter, the pancake house will be able to offer a wide range of products. In addition, customers will not need to wait on the street for an order. Unlike the first cafe, the pancake house will be able to offer a different assortment, which will undoubtedly find its lovers and entice some of the customers. The larger area will also be a plus.

Since the pancake cafe will be located in a busy area of ​​the city, a start-up advertising campaign will not require serious investments. At the initial stage, POS materials will be used to attract customers, which will inform about the opening of the cafe. Also, on the first day of opening, every tenth client of the institution will receive a free pancake as a gift. Further, in the process of work, leaflets and flyers will inform customers about the menu update, and colorful posters will also be used on the windows of the establishment. They will depict products that arouse appetite and desire to make a purchase. In the long term, if new outlets are opened and the marketing budget is increased, it is possible to hold festive events for Maslenitsa, New Year and other holidays, as well as the use of other methods to increase customer loyalty.

5.Production plan

The technology for making pancakes is quite simple. For their preparation will be used special devices for baking pancakes. The pancake makers have a non-stick coating, so they come out ruddy without burning. Raw materials are laid in pancakes by hand. After that, the chef packs each pancake in a special convenient package. The cooking time for one pancake is about a minute.

If we take the most popular grilled pancake as the basis for calculations, then the calculation of the production cost of one pancake will look like this (see Table 3).

Table 3. Calculation of production costs


Raw material consumption

Price for 1 kg




Vegetable oil


White sauce


Thus, taking into account the cost of the package (2 rubles), the cost of the "basic" pancake will be 37 rubles. In the future, calculations will be made taking into account this value. It is expected to sell 9,120 pancakes per month, or 300 pancakes per day. In addition to the listed costs, the current costs of the pancake cafe will include: utilities and electricity, transportation costs, rent, wages, security, expendable materials etc.

For the opening of the pancake, the premises of the former dining room with an area of ​​100 sq. meters, located in a lively area of ​​the city with a population of 400 thousand people. At the time of the renovation, an agreement was reached with the landlord on a vacation for rent. The cost of the work will be 5 thousand rubles. per sq. square meter. Equipping a cafe with equipment will require the attraction of 389 thousand rubles. The list of required items is given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Pancake machine

Contact grill


Distribution rack

Coffee maker

Electric kettle

Wall panel

Extinguishing media and burglar alarms (including installation)

Kitchen utensils and dishes

Cash register equipment


389 000

The staff of the pancake cafe will be represented by 11 employees. The wage fund and staffing table are given in Table. 5. There is also a freight forwarder on staff who delivers raw materials to the cafe.

The cafe will be open daily from 09:00 to 20:00. The work of cooks, sales clerks and cleaners will be organized on a shift basis. The key requirements in the selection of personnel will be: the availability of professional training and qualifications in the specialty, experience in the field of public catering, conscientiousness, responsibility, honesty.

Table 5. Staffing table and payroll


Number, people

Payroll, rub.

General manager


Chief Accountant


25 000


291 000


Total with deductions:

6.Organizational plan

A limited liability company (LLC) was chosen as the legal status of a pancake cafe. The preparatory period of the project will include the following types of work:

1. Registration of a legal entity.

2. Conclusion of a contract for the lease of premises.

3. Conclusion of a contract for the purchase of the necessary equipment.

4.Repairing the premises.

5. Installation of equipment.

6. Hiring staff.

7. Obtaining permission to provide services in the field of public catering.

The start of sales is scheduled for September 2016. The deadline for reaching the planned volumes is set at two months.

Organizational structure a pancake cafe will include the administrative link (general director and administrator of the cafe), production link (cooks), trade (cashiers-sellers), accounting ( Chief Accountant) and support staff (cleaners). The head of the cafe is the general director. He is directly subordinate to the administrator-manager of the cafe, who in turn supervises the cooks, sales clerks and cleaners, and the chief accountant.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The general director is in charge of the overall management of the cafe. He controls the financial activities of the institution, negotiates with suppliers, the landlord, and is engaged in the selection of personnel. For maintaining financial activities the institution is responsible for the chief accountant. His responsibilities include keeping records of income and expenses, timely transfer of taxes, issuance of salaries. The administrator of the pancake cafe coordinates the work of the staff, works with personnel, organizes the supply of products, is responsible for marketing, resolves controversial issues and conflict situations with visitors. The chef prepares orders: prepares the ingredients and dough for pancakes, puts the filling, ensures the storage of products. Cashiers-sellers take orders from visitors, pay with customers.

7 financial plan

Investments in the opening of a pancake cafe will amount to 1,254,000 rubles. Funds for opening an institution will be taken from our own sources without attracting borrowed money... Starting cost items are given in Table. 6. Appendix 1 shows the financial calculations for cash flow, costs and net profit. The estimated project period is 3 years. Reaching the planned sales volume (9,120 pancakes per month) - 3 months. The calculations took into account the seasonality indicators with a decrease in the demand for pancakes during the holiday season (from June to the end of August) by 30%.

Table 6. Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Investments in real estate

Renovation of the premises

Room equipment

Equipment purchase

Intangible assets

Registration procedures, registration (SES, firefighters)

Working capital

Working capital

250 000


1 254 000

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

Table. 7 presented key indicators the effectiveness of the project.

Table 7. Project performance indicators

9 risks and guarantees

Table. 8 the main risks of the "Cafe-pancake" project are considered.

Table 8. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Lack of constant demand

extremely low

Contact with potential clients at the stage of preparation for the opening, distribution of advertising

The emergence of new competitors

Emphasis on the specifics of the cuisine, expansion of the range, work to increase customer loyalty

Low solvency buyers

Revision pricing policy in the course of activity, cost reduction

Unplanned rental increases

Legally competently drafted lease agreement, long-term agreement with a fixed rate in rubles


Fire and burglar alarm following the safety instructions



Production plan and main financial indicators of the project in a three-year perspective

2890 people are studying this business today.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

  1. Introductory part
  2. Industry market analysis
  3. Statement of the essence of the project
  4. Justification of the production plan
  5. Marketing plan
  6. Organizational plan
  7. Assessment of project implementation risks
  8. Financial plan


1. Introductory part

Research has shown that more and more people are eating at fast food outlets to save time, and while their overall share is still small, it is growing.

The project is designed for large restaurants that expect to diversify their activities and organize fast food cafes.

Thus, the goal of the project is - this is the opening of a fast food cafe, aimed at middle class visitors. The cafe has a capacity of 50 seats. The total total area of ​​all premises is no more than 250 square meters.

The fast food cafe we ​​are developing is aimed at middle class customers. The café's services are based on mixed cuisine. The way of serving customers is a system of waiters.

Fast food cafe "Mercury" is created to meet the needs of visitors by providing cold or hot snacks and soft drinks. The cafe is being created on the basis of a restaurant with the aim of expanding its activities in a fast food subsidiary.

Nowadays, the pace of life has changed, and many workers and employees go to lunch at the nearest cafe during lunchtime, saving as much time as possible. Thus, the “Mercury” fast food cafe is responsible for creating a varied assortment and high quality products.

On weekdays and weekends, the main visitors to the cafe will be employees of nearby organizations. Cozy interior, friendly staff and quick service will form the basis of the tactics for attracting customers.

2. Analysis of the industry market

Consumer habits today are largely determined by the time factor, the general acceleration of the pace and rhythm of our life. Today's consumer is much more dynamic than a few years ago.

He increasingly seeks or is forced to keep track of constant changes in the market, proposals for something new and unique. As a rule, this happens unconsciously, we do not notice how we are chasing an emerging market.

According to research, in order to save time, Russians are increasingly striving to shop in one place, once a week, to buy ready-made or frozen foods, the share of which has grown several times since 2001. And more and more people eat at fast food outlets, and their share is growing every year.

Half of the population prefers food that is easy to prepare. Thus, one of the modern consumer habits can be described as "haste".

There is a separate class of such consumers called "spontaneous consumers". These are people without pronounced consumer habits, except for one - haste. The time factor is the determining factor for them in everything: in purchases of clothes, food, equipment, nutrition. They buy what lies in their path without straying to the side. They are the most active visitors to fast food cafes.

Eating habits

Over the years, there have been changes in the structure and eating habits of Russians. In the structure of consumption, the share of dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and meat increased, while the share of bread and potatoes decreased, which indicates an improvement in the quality of nutrition.

The importance of subsidiary farming as a source of food products, primarily vegetables and fruits, has decreased. If in 2001 61% of families grew vegetables and fruits, then in 2012 their share dropped to 50%. At the same time, the share of Russians who regard subsidiary farming as the main source of food has significantly decreased.

More and more Russians are eating out, visiting restaurants and cafes, although overall their share remains relatively low.

Table 1

Competitive factors


Cafe "Mercury" "


Cafe "Natasha"

"World of Pizza"

"Puff pastry"


Always warm, fresh, delicious products

The food is not always fresh and of good quality.

Imported pizza, semi-finished products

Pies are always delicious


One of the central streets of the city, close to the bus stop, a busy place. There is a parking place.

Busy place, city center, close to the bus stop ..

Not a very busy place, there is a parking place.

Directly at the bus stop.

Price level

Above average

Above average

Exclusivity of goods

Not common in the market




10-15 types.

Not a very wide range

Wide range of

10-15 kinds

Firm reputation

The firm is new


Well-known, regular customers.

More and more people are discovering the cuisines of other countries of the world, whose lovers in 2012 accounted for 39% of the total population of Russia.

Thus, changing eating habits are driven not only by income, variety of food and catering establishments, but also by changing lifestyles.

Currently, there are a large number of snack bars, restaurants, cafes and roadside cafes on the territory of Moscow. But there are not so many high-quality fast food items. According to the survey, visitors are not satisfied with either high prices or low-quality food.

The main competitors in the industry are City Pizza, McDonald's, Il Patio, etc.

Since the external and internal environment changes under the influence of the activities of the enterprise and other factors, it is necessary to identify the limitations, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in a changing environment. And based on the results obtained, the company must make changes to the chosen strategy. The threat-opportunity matrix will help to identify and correlate the limitations and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

So, from table 2 it can be seen that the main competitive advantages of this project are the opening of a cafe that will represent a wide range of products, maintenance additional services, an individual approach to the needs of each client.

For the effective functioning of the Mercury cafe, we will analyze the activities of the fast food cafe using modern strategic planning tools.

PEST analysis

The name is an abbreviation of the first letters of the words policy (P), economy (E), society (S), technology (technology - T).

table 2

Threat-Opportunity Matrix

Competitor 1

"Il Patio"

Competitor 2

"City Pizza"

Competitor 3

"Little potato"

Own company


Convenient geographical location, a fairly wide range of products, regular customers

Availability financial resources, wide popularity, management efficiency, wide assortment,

Good reputation with buyers, effective sales policy, wide assortment, convenient geographic location.

Modern equipment, convenient geographical location, wide assortment, high quality goods, low prices, individual approach to the needs of each client

Weak sides

High prices, outdated equipment, average product quality, poor advertising

High prices, deteriorating competitive position,

in assortment

mostly pizza.

Lack of qualified workers, deteriorating competitive position, rather high prices.

Insufficient managerial experience, not yet formed image of the cafe.


Improve product quality, replace equipment, conduct an advertising campaign

Expansion of the assortment, opening of new cafes.

Transition to more efficient strategies, preferential taxation.

Introduction of additional services, attraction of investors, regular suppliers.

The possibility of the emergence of new competitors, customer dissatisfaction with the quality of products, a decrease in the general level of purchasing power, unfavorable government policy.

Increasing competitive pressure, unfavorable demographic changes, a decrease in the general level of purchasing power, unfavorable government policies.

Changes in consumer preferences, customer dissatisfaction with product quality, customer dissatisfaction with product quality, a decrease in the overall level of purchasing power, unfavorable government policy.

Unfavorable demographic changes, rising inflation, a decrease in the general level of purchasing power, unfavorable government policy.

Moscow fast food cafes sell mainly hot hamburgers, pancakes, pies, at about the same price - 35 rubles apiece. The assortment of each includes 3 types of each product. You can also buy a hamburger, pie or pizza from competitors, but there are no pancakes in these cafes.

The stronger the positive or negative influence of each factor on the business, the more points it gets. A positive impact is indicated by a "+" sign, a negative one - by a "-" sign (Table 3).

Table 3

PEST analysis for cafe "Mercury"

(on a five-point scale)

P (politics)

A new city program of educational support for small businesses is being introduced

E (economics)

S (society)

Migration from the regions to Moscow continues, which increases the number of potential buyers

T (technology)

The range of equipment for small cafes is expanding

Now, based on the SWOT analysis, we will find out the strengths and weaknesses of the Mercury fast food cafe.

SWOT analysis

Strengths of the internal environment (strength - S), weaknesses of the internal environment (weakness - W), opportunities of the external environment (opportunities - O), threats of the external environment (threats - T). From the name you can see the essence of the technique. It is a combination of PEST analysis with analysis of strengths and weaknesses your business. SWOT analysis should be done periodically. For example, every six months.

In the fast food cafe under consideration, it is planned to use new equipment, a fairly wide range of fast food at reasonable prices, but the design of the cafe is not bright, so it can get lost among other catering points.

Let's compile a SWOT analysis table (Table 4), which reflects only the most important factors(received more than 3 points), as well as the most significant advantages and disadvantages of the cafe.

Table 4

Fast food SWOT analysis

Opportunities of the external environment

Business strengths

A new city program of educational support for small businesses (ISO training, etc.)

New equipment

The pace of life is increasing, which increases the role of fast food outlets

Wide range of products

Introduced tax incentives for small businesses

Acceptable prices

Environmental threats

Business weaknesses

Sanitary standards for food outlets, shops are being tightened

Many competitors

Increased competition due to favorable conditions for small businesses

Cafe design

So, based on the SWOT table, we can conclude that a faceless design can lead to a decrease in the flow of customers, therefore, the building that is supposed to accommodate the cafe needs to be renovated and create a cafe design to give it style.

3. Statement of the essence of the project of organizing a public catering enterprise

Objective of the project - the opening of a fast food cafe for middle-class visitors.

Concept - a cafe of a democratic type, located in a fairly lively place.

Characteristics of the project: the cafe is designed for 50 seats. The total total area of ​​all premises is no more than 250 square meters.

Concept description: a fast food cafe is aimed at middle class customers. The café's services are based on mixed cuisine. The way of serving customers is a system of waiters.

Necessary equipment for cooking: stoves, ovens, ovens, grills.

Necessary household equipment: production tables, sinks.

Average check: 300 rubles.

At the moment, opening a café of a democratic type is the most attractive option in terms of investment.

Competition in this market segment is rather weak, despite the fairly large number of establishments of this type.

The demand for services in this sector is growing every year.
It must be remembered that the area of ​​the cafe must comply with the requirements of Russian legislation. In our case (50 seats) this is 250 square meters.

The next step is recruiting. The staff includes 1 cook, 1 administrator, 3 waiters, 2 auxiliary workers. Wage fund - 240,000 rubles per month.

A quick service cafe can sell purchased goods and products of its own preparation. The income of such a cafe may include amounts from the sale of goods, home-made products, works and services.

Income from sales of products is the difference between the selling price at which the product is sold and the cost price.

V this business plan a project is planned that will implement a large restaurant for the organization of a subsidiary catering enterprise.

To organize a fast food cafe, you must have the following documents:

  1. A photocopy of the certificate of state. registration of a legal entity (OGRN) (for the founder company).
  2. A photocopy of the certificate of tax registration of a legal entity (TIN) (for the founder company).
  3. A photocopy of the passport and the position of the head of the parent company.
  4. Selected taxation system.
  5. Data to the address of the location of the future organization.
  6. The list of OKVED codes corresponding to the main types of activities of an individual entrepreneur - section 52.2 ( retail food, including drinks and tobacco in specialized stores);

It was decided to organize the cafe "Mercury" in the form of a limited liability company.

Fast food cafes should display the following consumer information:

  1. information on state registration and the name of the body that registered it;
  2. list of services and conditions for their provision;
  3. prices and terms of payment for services;
  4. the brand name of the products offered;
  5. information on the weight (volume) of portions of ready-made meals;
  6. information about certification of services;
  7. the text of the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  8. book of reviews and suggestions.

The contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with services, the quality of which meets the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents and the terms of the order within the time frame agreed with the consumer.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the investment project mechanism

So, to organize the activities of the cafe "Mercury", we will draw up a plan for the mechanism for the implementation of the investment project.

  1. The decision to establish a cafe "Mercury" by the founders of LLC "Lakomka".
  2. State registration of an enterprise as an LLC.
  3. Implementation of the business plan for the fast food cafe "Mercury":

Assessment of the feasibility of an investment project;

Grade economic efficiency project.

Let us present the mechanism for the implementation of the investment project in the diagram (Fig. 1).

4. Justification of the production plan

The assortment of the fast food cafe "Mercury" will include first courses, second courses (cold and hot snacks), drinks, flour and confectionery products.

Industrial premises of the cafe "Mercury": hot shop, cold shop, pantry, sink.

Commercial premises: dining room, lobby.

The cold shop will prepare cold meals and snacks, sandwiches, sweet dishes and cold soups. Since here a significant number of dishes and products are not subjected to heat treatment, it is necessary to observe sanitary rules when organizing the technological process. Windows in a cold shop should face north or northwest. All cold dishes and snacks are prepared just before the consumer is dispensed. Cold shop positioned in such a way that the shortest possible connection with the washing tableware is achieved.

The vegetable shop will process raw materials and prepare semi-finished products. The vegetable shop is located so that it has convenient communication with the cold shop.

The butcher shop will cut meat, fish and raw meat products.

The hot shop will prepare hot snacks, second courses, hot drinks, flour confectionery, hot sandwiches. The hot shop room should have an exhaust hood, ventilation, air conditioners. Safety precautions and sanitary requirements must be observed.

Enterprise and catering machines can be subdivided into the following groups:

a) mechanical equipment (machines for processing vegetables, machines for processing meat and fish, machines for making dough, machines for slicing bread and gastronomic products, universal machines),

b) heating equipment,

c) refrigeration equipment.

Potato peeler MOK-250. After checking, water is supplied to the chamber, the machine is turned on and potatoes are loaded to approximately 50% of the chamber volume. Potatoes must be clean, otherwise abrasives wear out quickly, and potatoes must be of the same size, otherwise the amount of waste will increase, cleaning on average lasts 2 - 4 minutes, while the waste should be no more than 20%. At the end of the work, we rinse the car at idle, do not rinse it from above with a hose, because water can enter the motor.

Electric meat grinder MIM-500. The meat, cut into pieces, is fed into the chamber, where it is captured by a rotating auger, moves to the cutting knives, which chop the products. After that, the meat is pressed through the auger through the opening of the grates.

The meat must be free from bones and tendons, idling, grinding of rusks and spices are not allowed. Push mode towards the auger, which leads to wear of the working tools. The bait nut is finally screwed on. When the electric motor is turned on, until a slight increase in noise in the gearbox. After finishing work, knives, grates and auger are removed with a special hook, washed with hot water and dried, but not on hot surfaces.

Dough mixer TMM-1M. Bowl loading should be no more than 50% for tough dough and 80 to 90% for batter. The bowl is rolled onto the slab with the raised kneading arm and baffles. To fasten the bowl to the drive, turn it all the way, and then lower the lever and shields. During kneading, it is forbidden to bend over the bowl, also take a sample. After finishing work and turning off the machine, use the handwheel to bring the lever to the upper position, raise the fence and press the pedal to roll the bowl.

Microwave microwave oven (ultra high frequency). Heat treatment in an electric machine field. Microwave refers to volumetric processing methods in which heating occurs throughout the entire volume of the product. In the microwave, the current of frequency is 50 hertz, the higher the frequency, the greater the release of heat. Electromagnetic waves enter the chamber, where a microwave magnetic field is formed, which causes the product molecules to vibrate. Vibration leads to mutual friction in large quantities. The peculiarity of cooking is that the heat arises in the product itself.

Electric boiler KNE-100M. Open the valve on the water supply, check the water level in the overflow pipe / from 6 to 8 cm below the edge of the pipe /. Check the operation of the float, during operation, regularly disassemble the boiling water, the first 3-5 minutes. drained because water may not be boiled. Watch out for the signal tube; cold water flows out - the valve gasket is worn out and the feed box is overfilled, hot water flows out - the boiling water tank is overfilled. the electron turned off the tens.

Food warmer MEP-60 is intended for portioning first courses. It is included in the set of equipment for mechanized distribution lines and consists of a welded frame with linings. The frame has a chassis equipped with two pairs of wheels.

When working on electric food for the first courses, the operating rules are observed, similar to the rules for working on electric food.

Before starting work on the bain-marie for main courses, I check the reliability of the grounding, the state of the equipment start-up and the sanitary state of the apparatus. The operation of the pressure switch is checked by first closing the water valve and connecting the device to the network. In this case, after a while the signal lamp "no water" should light up. Fill the steam generator with water and check the operation of the float valve. Then they turn on the shades of the steam generator, the heating cabinet, and after 40 minutes they fill the bain-marie bowls. The storage time of dishes in bain-marie should not exceed 2 hours. At the end of the work, the food warmers are turned off from the network and, with the float device removed, the tray, steam generator, and bain-marie are thoroughly washed, then the float device is installed in place, the steam generator is filled with water, the outer surface is wiped with a napkin.

Refrigerating chamber SOESM - 2. Used in cold and hot workshops. They represent a refrigerated cabinet, the upper surface of which is a table for cooking and cutting food.

Refrigeration units should be located in dry, well-lit rooms, away from heating appliances. The installation must be grounded. Control and monitoring devices must be in good condition. There should be no oil stains at the joints of the pipes. It is necessary to observe the food storage regime. In refrigeration plants that do not have automatic defrosting of the snow coat from the evaporator, it is necessary to disconnect from the mains for thawing with a coat thickness of 5-6 mm. The unit should be turned on after the evaporator surface is completely dry. In case of any malfunctions, turn off the installation, call a mechanic.

Cash register Mini 600. The machine is intended for mechanization of cash operations, accounting of cash receipts and control under the specified operations.

The machine without a pedestal has removable keys for starting the machine, and provides independent work of four cashiers. They register the amount in 4 totalizing counters and counters of private totals, calculate the amount of orders, print check tape and cut it, print a control tape.

Electric stove PESM - 4ShB. After checking, turn on the stove with a common trigger, and each burner with an individual switch. The cooking zones should only be switched on after they have been loaded. To the highest degree of heating / 450-470 degrees /. Turn on to the highest degree of heating only to warm them up, and then switch to medium or low degree of heating. To save energy, it is necessary to ensure that the bottom of the cookware is firmly pressed against the burners, and they should be turned off a few minutes before the end of work. On plate dishes, fill up to 80% of its volume, because splashing liquid onto the burners may crack.

At the end of the work, set all handles to zero, disconnect from the mains.

Electric coffee maker KVE-7. Before starting work, check the sanitary condition. 7 liters of water are poured into the vessel, and the packet switch is set to the "boiling" position. 5 minutes before the end, remove the lid of the welding vessel and ground coffee is evenly poured onto the filter at the rate. 3-5 minutes after boiling, the drink is ready to drink. After that, the coffee maker is switched to the "heating" mode, while the temperature of the drink is maintained at 60-80 degrees. For the secondary preparation of the drink, the coffee maker is turned off, and the filter is freed from the coffee grounds and washed. After the end of the work, the switch is set to the "off" position and the coffee maker is disconnected from the network.

This is the basic list of equipment used in the cafe.

In connection with the sanitary requirements and the requirements of the technological process, universal workplaces were organized in the workshop:

1 Workplace- designed for the preparation of soups and broths, it uses an electric stove, an electric frying pan and an industrial table with a washing bath. To maintain the desired temperature before dispensing dishes, a hot plate is used.

2 Workplace - for preparing second courses, side dishes, sauces. Use: oven cabinet, electric stove, production table with VNTs-2 scales

3 Workplace - for preparing hot drinks: boiler, production table.

4 Workplace - for the design and delivery of dishes to the visitor - a table with a refrigerated volume and a slide.

A refrigerated cabinet is used for storing food.

Therefore, the equipment required for the main production will include:

  • electric stove with grill;
  • pull out drobe;
  • microwave;
  • air conditioning;
  • mixer;
  • kettle;
  • a set of pots;
  • cutting table;
  • knives;
  • coffee maker;
  • vegetable cutter.

But, since any activity requires costs, the costs will be subdivided into one-time and regular ones. One-time costs include:

  • a package of documents required for the design of a cafe;
  • renovation of the premises;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of furniture;
  • purchase of vehicles;

Regular costs include:

  • purchase of raw materials and supplies;
  • tax deductions;
  • wage;
  • contributions to off-budget funds;
  • Communal expenses;
  • disposable tableware.

5. Marketing plan

Fast food cafe "Mercury" will be engaged in the sale of purchased goods and homemade products. The assortment will include first courses, second courses (cold and hot snacks), drinks, flour and confectionery products. It is planned to provide the “take-away” service.

Currently, there are many cafes on the service market that provide similar services, however, the main disadvantages of such cafes from competitors are high prices and low quality products. Therefore, the advantage of the offered assortment lies in high-quality raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and reasonable prices. The proposed menu can be found in (Appendix 1).

To achieve success in its field: to expand the range of products and services offered, to attract new customers, the cafe needs to create a positive image, which will be based on the ratio of price and quality of products. To do this, it is not necessary to conduct an advertising campaign on radio or television, you can limit yourself to billboards and distributing ads to nearby organizations. A bright exterior design with a memorable sign is planned, while the interior design of the cafe can be seen in (Appendix 2).

It is also necessary to find out the desires and needs of customers. For this, marketing research was carried out, 30 people were interviewed on the streets of Moscow: men and women aged 20 to 55 with an average monthly wages RUB 35,000 The survey results can be seen in Table 5.

Table 5

Results of a survey of men and women aged 20 to 55

Do you go to a cafe?

Are the cafe prices satisfied?

How many times a week do you go to a cafe?

Do you like the assortment of cafes?

The remoteness of the cafe from (school, university, work)

Are you served quickly?















Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that out of 100% of the respondents:

Fast food cafes are visited - 80%;

Not satisfied with the prices - 50%;

On average, they visit cafes - 2 times a week;

Not satisfied with the assortment - 43%;

The cafe is far away - 40%;

Serving slowly - 46%.

Analysis of the data in Table 5 showed that the desires and needs of customers for high-quality and fast service at affordable prices are not being met.

The main goal of the projected enterprise is market penetration and subsequent expansion of the market share. The main strategy of the enterprise should be a comprehensive strategy to provide products of higher quality and more low prices, as well as expanding the range of products. Based on this, the marketing strategy is based on a strategy to expand demand by stimulating sales, pricing policy and non-price factors of competition, creating a positive image of the cafe.

Based on the goals and strategy of marketing, as well as taking into account the elasticity of demand, the pricing will be carried out using the cost + profit method, taking into account the magnitude of the expected demand and the behavior of competitors. Food prices will be calculated based on the level of demand and costs and target profit.

At the moment, we set ourselves the following main goals:

  • Maximum Possible Profit.
  • Provision and welfare of workers.
  • Market position.
  • Maximum productivity.
  • Product development, production and technology update.
  • Introduction of additional production units.

All this should contribute to the rapid growth of the enterprise.

Let us dwell on each of the above points in more detail:

  1. The maximum possible profit is the main goal for which the enterprise is created. The maximum possible is understood as such a profit that is obtained with the full use of all production and human resources.
  2. By hiring workers, the company takes responsibility for their standard of living. Accordingly, the higher this level, the more significant the organization seems. Therefore, it is in our interests to provide our workers, first of all, with a competitive salary, as well as other possible benefits. The image of a successful company inspires confidence in others, which means that they will have a desire to visit this particular cafe.
  3. Market position is the second most important target. It includes the conquest of a significant share of the public catering market in Moscow.
  4. The profit of an enterprise is directly proportional to its productivity, therefore, only with maximum productivity and, moreover, with the use of all production resources, you can achieve maximum profit.
  5. Only with the introduction of new modern technologies by constantly improving the quality of products and expanding the list of products, the company can achieve success.
  6. This point is directly related to the previous one. In the future (in about 5 years) it is planned to open 3 similar cafes in different districts of Moscow.

Achievement of these goals is possible only with the rapid development of production. For this, the enterprise has sufficient initial capital, as well as favorable conditions for this. Everything else depends on the management of the enterprise, on the ability to properly use the resources available to the company, on the precise control of the processes taking place in the company.

It is planned to distribute the manufactured food products only in its cafe. It is planned, with an increase in sales, to arrange delivery of products to home and office.

The enterprise is faced with the task of entering the public catering market in Moscow. It is planned to sell products according to the "1 + 1" scheme within a week after the opening of the cafe: it will be possible to take two for the price of one dish, or dine together for the amount of one check. One of the levers can be the strengthening of the advertising campaign and the use of the following marketing technique: each visitor can be provided with the possibility of a 5% discount within 2 days from the day of the last visit to the cafe.

Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that the Mercury cafe has a rather promising marketing opportunity to enter the public catering market.

To achieve the set goals, it is planned to deploy a large-scale advertising campaign in order to familiarize consumers with the products and their prices.

Table 6

Marketing channels

Marketing expenses are planned to be financed from the production development fund. Consider the estimated sales volumes of products depending on changes in the market.

The estimated sales volumes are based on the average attendance of this type of cafe and the average order per person.

Table 7

Sales forecast

Projected sales volume

Per month (port.)

year (port.)

Complex lunch



Only the second



Pancakes, hamburger pies



The functions of the marketing department in the cafe will be performed by the director. His competence includes:

Market analysis;

Study of consumer demand, customer desires;

Sales issues;

Conclusion of cooperation agreements;

Service quality issues, etc.

The enterprise will conduct work on the study of consumer demand. The work is carried out by establishing personal contacts, by questioning guests, as well as by the method of constant observation.

For a cafe, the marketing process includes the following stages (Fig. 2):

Figure 2. Preparatory steps for opening a cafe

The first step is to decide what the business is and what it can offer customers. Will it be a warm and friendly place, a family home, a place for formal meetings, a place worth seeing or a place to retire? Both management and employees should have a clear understanding of what the cafe is and what it offers.

It is necessary to ensure that the client understands what he needs and stimulate his demand.

This is the traditional role of the marketing department: advertising, sales and sales promotion.

Everything that the public sees helps to understand the need to make a purchase, for example, the images created by advertising contribute to this. Does the public see a harmonious symphony of signals or a jumble of different meanings, styles of symbols, which distorts the image of what the cafe is and what it has to offer?

Proposal of the cafe services.

After stimulating demand, it is necessary to answer the question: "How to offer cafe services to customers?" It is necessary to monitor what the sales departments representing the interests of the company offer to customers.

Keeping records of services rendered.

Offering cafe services and keeping records of services rendered are two different things.

This should be obvious, but it is often confusing. All sales support programs are aimed at instilling skills in keeping records of services rendered. Flexible guidelines should be established that can be easily adjusted to the conditions of expected demand and supply in each market segment.

Preparing the cafe.

After carrying out the results of the provision of services, the cafe should be prepared. Forecasting is part of the marketing process. Just like a quantitative forecast, a qualitative forecast is important, i.e. it is important not only the number of people served in the cafe, but also who they are and what services they expect. The question of who these customers are, what do they expect is just as important for the preparation of the cafe as the question of how many are these customers? These questions are an integral part of marketing.

Meeting desires, needs and expectations.

And now the process moves on to satisfying the client's requests, i.e. the actual work begins. Receiving guests, placing them at tables, maintaining the means by which customers sit, eat and rest - all parts of this mechanism play a role in the marketing process. In fact, their role is enormous, since the people who are in the cafe now are likely to generate income in the future. What employees do with guests and for guests is not only that they are good at it, but that they understand well why they are doing it, i.e. they are aware of what the client or guest wants, needs and expects from them. When employees become aware of themselves as part of the marketing process, they want to know who the customer is and what they expect. When they are interested in and sympathetic to the client, then the chances of turning the client into a person who is devoted to the cafe and is always ready to ask for help is quoted high.

Good ones CEOs everyone knows this. It is important to take care of the employee, who, in turn, will take care of the client. But few CEOs use the power of their marketing department in this process. The marketing department should be asked to discuss the promotional program at employee meetings, discuss market research, competition research with them, and encourage employees to talk about cafe business in their social environment. Every employee should be given the right to be a part of the marketing process, and not just do this or that job.

Measuring customer satisfaction and evaluating performance.

Every organization needs a scorecard: not just a financial statement, but an objective assessment of how they have performed to meet the wants, needs and expectations of customers. There are many ways to do this: reviews, complaint cards, review cards, and more. Improvements must be judged, encouraged, analyzed, and decided where to make the change and how to improve performance.

The reason for this analysis is that nothing remains the same. Desires, needs, expectations evolve and change. Markets change as a result of recessions, booms and depending on the season. Competition conditions are always changing. The real value of measuring performance is in deciding who to be and what to offer next time.

In other words, the marketing process is not linear, but a circular, never-ending process that repeats over and over again. And the more intense the competition in the market, the faster the team must move through the stages of the process.

The challenge for management is to lead this process so that the cafe evokes a sense of satisfaction and warm support from the employees, as well as satisfaction and commitment from the customers. The impact of such efficiency and genuine culture in the relationship between employees and customers on gross operating margins is enormous.

Service strategy is the beacon that guides profitable business in the wake of customers' needs. It is the basis for all relationships between the company and the customer.

Is there a need for a different strategy than providing "quality service"? Since high-quality service is made up of many components and depends on the mass of people, in such a large farm you cannot do without a strategy. Businesses should have a well-designed, consistent service strategy that is aligned with all organizational structures.

In order to create a service strategy, the management of the enterprise should first of all understand what the market environment in which it has to work is, and what place does the enterprise occupy in this environment? A well-designed strategy should also answer the following questions:

What consumer needs do we serve?

Do we have the knowledge and experience to serve better than anyone else?

How should we serve in order to have an income that allows us to be competitive for a long time and receive sufficient return on invested capital?

A service strategy affects three main components of any service business:

1 Customer needs;

2 The ability of the company to meet these needs;

3 Long-term profitability of the company.

Consumers have their own specific needs, which can vary considerably depending on the situation.

Business industry organizations must create their service strategies to meet the specific needs of the market in which they are targeting a particular segment.

One of the most important questions that management should ask itself before embarking on a service strategy is: "How do you determine which of the services envisioned as a cafe business will have an advantage in the eyes of the consumer?"

Long gone is the time when businesses and organizations in the cafe business were run by amateurs. Now the market is no longer the same, and only professionals survive on it.

The policy of the company's management is to ensure the efficient work of the staff, who must serve visitors with exceptional professionalism, restraint, and good nature. The service must be first class down to the last detail.

Much attention should be paid to the issues of personnel management, training, advanced training of employees, their involvement in the overall service process. Of no small importance for ensuring the reception of foreign tourists is the training of personnel at a level that meets international standards.

Also, you need to pay great attention to the organization of advertising and promotion of the cafe, which is within the competence of the marketing department, more targeted research of market conditions, needs and desires of customers. Pay great attention to an individual approach to service.

An important and responsible task for a cafe is to create a reputation for high quality service. No advertising, no matter how sophisticated it may be, can change the image that the consumer actually develops as a result of his communication with the cafe staff in the process of serving. The growth of the company's popularity is facilitated by its high-quality work.

6. Organizational plan

As the organizational and legal status, the form of ownership is chosen - a limited liability company with the following organizational structure, as shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Organizational structure of the cafe "Mercury"

The number of staff will be 9 people:

  1. director-administrator;
  2. accountant;
  3. loader driver;
  4. Cook;
  5. cashier-waiter;
  6. 2 waiters;
  7. security guard;
  8. cleaning woman.

This management structure is linear-functional or linear-staff. Under her, line managers are the one-man leaders, and they are assisted by functional bodies. It is in this management structure, through a rigid control system, that the precise work of each subsystem and the organization as a whole is ensured.

The equipment and nature of the work determines the following qualification requirements for workers, which are presented in table 7.

Employees will be hired on a competitive basis, taking into account personal qualities and work experience.

Table 7

Qualification requirements for catering cafe employees




work experience


Specialized secondary or courses

honesty, decency, conscientiousness, good, knowledge of a computer, cash register.


Higher or special

honesty, decency, conscientiousness, computer knowledge, 1: From accounting, cash register.

Specialized secondary

honesty, decency, conscientiousness, the ability to cook deliciously and quickly.

Mandatory, at least 5 years


honesty, decency, conscientiousness

Mandatory, at least 5 years


  • organizes all the work of the enterprise
  • bears full responsibility for his condition and the condition of the work collective
  • represents the company in all institutions and organizations
  • disposes of the property of the enterprise
  • concludes contracts
  • search for material suppliers
  • product sales (i.e. customer search)
  • issues orders for the enterprise in accordance with labor legislation, hires and dismisses employees
  • applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on employees of the enterprise
  • opens company accounts in banks

Responsible for:

  • production of high quality products and their improvement
  • development of new types of products
  • organizes control over the quality of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, etc. supplied to the enterprise, since the quality of products is decisive in overall assessment the results of the workforce.


He is also the Deputy Director for Economic Affairs;

  • supervises the work on planning and economic incentives at the enterprise, increasing labor productivity, identifying and using production reserves, improving the organization of production, labor and wages
  • develops standards for the formation of economic incentive funds
  • conducts a comprehensive analysis of the results of the enterprise
  • develops measures to reduce the cost and increase the profitability of the enterprise, improve the use of production assets, identify and use reserves at the enterprise
  • keeps records of enterprise funds and business transactions with material and monetary resources
  • establishes the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise
  • makes financial settlements with customers and suppliers related to the sale of finished products, the purchase of the necessary raw materials, in its tasks also obtaining loans from the bank, timely repayment of loans, relationship with the state budget.

The use of collective responsibility leads to a significant reduction in the loss of working time, staff turnover.

Table 8

The staffing table of the cafe "Mercury"


Number of workers

Annual payroll, thousand rubles




Security guard


Cleaning woman

The salary of employees directly depends on the profit. When the profit increases, bonuses are issued. The average age of employees will be 30 years.

7. Assessment of project implementation risks

The catering business in Russia is considered one of the most risky - high costs, competition, etc. Even in Europe, where this business is more stable than anywhere else, approximately 45% of projects do not survive the 2-year start date. According to the Dun & Bradstreet World Bankruptcy Directory, catering business confidently occupies the 4th place in the list of bankruptcies after ready-to-wear, furniture and photographic stores.

Not a single business is complete without losses, no one is insured against them, most often they arise at the most inopportune moment. The causes of losses can be both expected and unexpected. Expected losses, as a rule, arise due to incorrect calculations, gross or minor errors, and can appear immediately, or after a while. When writing only one business plan, you can make many mistakes, both in the descriptive part and in the calculated one. Any error in the calculation part can result in a certain amount in the future, which not only jeopardizes the existence of the entire project, but can lead to the formation of a crisis situation or large debts.

The main risks that hinder the commissioning of the project and its further existence include:

Political risks: associated with the instability of economic, tax, banking, land and other legislation in the Russian Federation, lack of support or opposition from the government, etc.

Risk mitigation measures:

  • improvement of tax legislation;
  • formation of the business environment (partners, networks, financial and industrial groups);
  • active participation of founders in interaction with government agencies.

Legal risks: associated with imperfect legislation, unclear documents.

Risk mitigation measures:

  • clear and unambiguous wording of the relevant articles in the documents;
  • involvement of specialists with practical experience in this field for the preparation of documents.

Production risks: associated with the possibility of delays in the commissioning of new technical means and insufficiently high quality of the services provided.

Risk mitigation measures:

  • clear scheduling and project implementation management;
  • development and use of a service quality control system;
  • justification and allocation of sufficient financial resources for the purchase of high-quality equipment;
  • training of qualified personnel.

Internal socio-psychological risk: social tension in the team, shortage or turnover of professional staff.

Risk mitigation measures:

  • selection of professional staff (including testing), if necessary - training;
  • development of a mechanism to stimulate employees, including participation in the results of the firm's activities;
  • a system of end-to-end multilevel awareness of workers and employees;
  • development of an effective approach to the formation and distribution of the wage fund.

Marketing risks: associated with possible delays in entering the market, wrong (not taking into account the needs of the market) set of services, wrong choice marketing strategy and pricing policy. Delays in entering the market can be caused, for example, by production and technical reasons.

Risk mitigation measures:

  • development of a marketing strategy;
  • development and implementation of a marketing program;
  • full complex marketing research etc.

Financial risks: the absence or insignificant amount of income, which depends primarily on advertising and the quality of products or services.

Risk mitigation measures:

  • urgent research of the requirements of consumers of services;
  • justification and allocation of sufficient financial resources for the creation and purchase of high-quality equipment;
  • entering the stock market;
  • the variety of proposed financing schemes for the project;
  • development of an investment and financial strategy;
  • carrying out a set of measures to find investment and credit resources.

The project risk corrections are determined according to the data in Table 9.

Table 9

Dependence of the risk rate on the goal of the project

The discount factor, taking into account the risks in the implementation of projects, is determined by the formula:

d = d i + P / 100 (1)

d i - discount rate;

P / 100 - risk adjustment.

Proceeding from the fact that now the economic crisis is affecting the activities of all organizations - within the framework of the low value of the riskiness of investments, we will choose the highest risk rate - 5%.

Let's calculate the risk adjustment:

d = 0.18 + 0.05 = 0.23 = 23% - risk-adjusted discount rate.

8. Financial plan

To implement the project, investment costs in the amount of 1,768,650 rubles are required.

The funds are spent on one-time costs for creating a cafe (Table 10) and for the purchase of equipment and fixed assets (Table 11):

342900 (one-time costs of Table 10) + 1425750 ( production equipment tab. 11) = 1 768 650 rubles. - investments.

Table 10

One-time costs when creating a cafe

One-time costs:

Certificate from the agency of technical inventory

Renovation and design


Table 11

Production equipment and fixed assets costs

Electric stove with grill

Pull out drobe


Air conditioning


Coffee maker

Vegetable cutter

Dial scales

electronic scales

Production table


A computer

Knife set

Set of pots

Continuation of table. eleven

Cash machine

Dining table



Entrance door

Windy door


Bar counter

Car (Gazelle)



Other costs


Based on the previous sections, an investment cost plan has been drawn up, which includes a list of the main stages of project implementation and the need for financial resources.

The investment cost plan is part of the receipts and payments plan, the main task which - to plan receipts and expenditures Money in such a way as to maintain the current solvency.

When creating a cafe "Mercury" in the prime cost we will take into account the following types of costs, which will amount to a one-time payment - 1,768,650 rubles.

Let's calculate the estimated annual cash receipts from the activities of the cafe "Mercury".

It is planned that the average cost of one check will be 300 rubles. The cafe has a capacity of 50 seats. For the day, the estimated attendance of the institution is 200 people. Revenue per day is assumed to be 60,000 rubles:

300 × 200 = 60,000 rubles. - estimated daily revenue.

30 × 60,000 = 1,800,000 rubles. - revenue per month.

12 × 1,800,000 = 21,600,000 rubles. - revenue per year.

The estimated payback period of the project is less than a year.

Let's calculate the payback period of investments in the cafe "Mercury".

For the analysis of investments, we use the indicator of the payback period PPM - the length of time during which the projected cash flows discounted at the end of the investment are equal to the amount of the investment. In other words, it is the sum of the years required to recover the initial investment:

where R k n years,

k = 1, 2, …, n;

IC- start-up investments;

i- discount rate.

R k = 21.6 million rubles;

IC = 1 768 650 rub.;

i = 18%.

21,600,000 / (1 + 0.18) = 18,305,085 rubles. - discounted annual income.

The payback period can be defined as the expected number of years using a simplified formula:

n ok= Number of years to payback year + (Non-refundable value at the beginning of payback year / Cash flow during payback year).

This indicator determines the period during which investments will be "frozen", since real income from an investment project will begin to flow only after the payback period expires.

n ok= 1,768,650 / 21,600,000 = 0.08 years - payback period.

0.08 years = 0.08 × 365 = 29.2 days - the payback period of the project.

Thus, the period actually required to recover the invested amount will be 0.08 years or 30 days. Those. NPV = 0.

So, already from the second month of operation, the cafe "Mercury" will start to make a profit.

When evaluating an investment project, we also use the method of calculating net present value, which provides for discounting cash flows: all income and costs are brought to one point in time.

The central indicator in the considered method is NPV - the present value of cash flows minus the present value of cash outflows. This is a generalized end result. investment activities in absolute terms.

With an investment project of a cafe, the investment will be a one-time, therefore, the calculation of the net present value can be represented by the following formula:

where R k- annual cash receipts during n years,

k = 1, 2, …, n;

IC- start-up investments;

i- discount rate.

An important point is the choice of the discount rate, which should reflect the expected average lending rate in the financial market. To determine the effectiveness of an investment project by an individual firm, the weighted average price of capital used by the firm to finance this investment project is used as the discount rate.

Let's calculate the net present value for our project for one year:

R k = 21.6 million rubles;

IC = 1 768 650 rub.;

i = 18%.

NPV = 21,600,000 / (1 + 0.18) - 1,768,650 = 16,536,435 rubles. - net present value from the investment project in the first year, excluding monthly costs.

Let us present in table 12 the calculated indicators of the project payback.

Table 12

Payback indicators of the investment project cafe "Mercury"

For the purpose of assessing economic effect taking into account the monthly costs, we will calculate the monthly net profit for the first year of operation of the fast food cafe "Mercury".

As you know, the estimated monthly revenue (with an average cost of a check of 300 rubles and attendance - 200 people per day) will be 1,800,000 rubles. Let's present the monthly costs in the form of table 13.

Table 13

Monthly costs of the cafe "Mercury" (rub.)

Regular costs

Raw materials and materials (average prices for Moscow are indicated):

Meat (500 kg × 250 rubles)

Fish (500 kg × 200 rubles)

Bird (500 kg × 120 rubles)

Vegetables (400 kg × 100 rubles)

Fruit (300 kg × 150 rubles)

Flour (500 kg × 16 rubles)

Sugar, salt


Communal expenses:

Light (3.02 rubles / kW × 3000 kW)

Gas (1.704 rubles / m 3 × 3000 m 3)

Cold water (installed)

Hot water (installed)

Salary (calculation in table 3.5)

Contributions to extrabudgetary funds

Fuels and lubricants (260 km × 20 rubles)

Garbage removal


Based on the calculations, we see that the amount of monthly costs will be 812,417 rubles.

Let's present these costs in the form of a diagram (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Estimated monthly costs in the cafe "Mercury"

Taking into account the discount rate of 18% and the one-time costs of the investment project, we calculate the net profit by months of the cafe "Mercury" (in this case, the discount rate will be 1.5% per month).

1 month of work:

1,800,000 / (1 + 0.015) = 1,773,399 rubles. - discounted earnings for the month of the cafe "Mercury".

1,773,399 - 1,768,650 - 812,417 = -807,667 rubles. - loss in the first month of work.

1 773 399 - 812 417 - 807 667 = 153 315 rubles. - profit of the second month of work.

3 months and subsequent:

1 773 399 - 812 417 = 960 982 rubles. - the monthly profit of the cafe "Mercury".

Let's draw up a table of the annual net profit of the cafe "Mercury" (tab. 14).

Table 14

Annual net profit of the cafe "Mercury" by months

Month (2014)

Amount, rub.


Let's calculate the profitability of an investment project using the formula:

Where P is the profit of the enterprise,

B - revenue.

R = 8 955 468/16 536 435 = 0.54 or 54% - the level of profitability of the cafe "Mercury"

So, based on the calculations, we see that the investment project of the cafe "Mercury" is economically justified, viable and profitable. The cafe can bring profit to the investor in the form of 8 955 468 rubles. in year. The payback period of the project is only 1 month - 30 days.

The profitability of the investment project is 54%. This is a fairly high figure, therefore, the fast food company, Cafe Mercury, can be called highly profitable.

Annex 1

Mercury cafe menu

Appendix 2

Interior design model of the cafe "Mercury"

Appendix 3

One-time costs

One-time costs:

Preparation of documents for registration of LLC

Document preparation costs

Trade certificate (license)

Certificate from the agency of technical inventory

Contract with private security for 1 year

Conclusion of the fire service

Fire alarm installation

Sanitary Epidemiological Station Permit

Renovation and design

Other one-time costs:

Electric stove with grill

Pull out drobe


Air conditioning

Refrigerator (for storing drinks)


Coffee maker

Vegetable cutter

Dial scales

electronic scales

Production table


A computer

Knife set

Set of pots

Continuation of Appendix 3

Cash machine

Dining table



Entrance door

Windy door


Bar counter

Car (Gazelle)



Other costs