A ready-made business plan for the children's development center. Business plan Child Development Center “Clever. What will the "Business plan of the children's club" give me?

The business plan of the children's club involves the organization of a modern child development center with endless opportunities for self-realization and all-round development of the child's personality.

By this example business plan, a club will be created, where they will not only take care of the disclosure of the mental and creative abilities of children, but also about their health.

Sample provided by the Umnichka Children's Eco Club.

It is imperative to draw up a business plan for the children's center! Everyone who decided to do vocational education and raising children, asking questions: "How much money will I have to spend?" and "How much can I earn?" The second question is less frequent than the first, because many people think: “If there are so many clubs and they all open, then it’s profitable.” Yes, it can be profitable. But how much - it can show your business plan of the child center.

Income and expenses will depend on how carefully you think over your place among competitors - children's clubs, how you will deal with seasonal downturns, what pricing policy you choose, what range of activities you offer in your club, how well you will provide your services, etc. ... Therefore, any business plan for a children's center has a descriptive part and a financial one. In the descriptive part, we will consider the purpose and specialization of the children's club, the place of our children's club among nearby competitors, the tasks of the children's club, etc. The financial part of the business plan of the children's center will help us to specifically calculate the investments that you will make initially or will constantly pour into your business, as well as help show what income and profits await you in different scenarios.

Can I buy or order ready business plan of the children's center? It is possible, it is possible and specifically for you, but the owners of their own business are inclined to think that it is worth writing it yourself in order to better understand the situation, determine what you want, in what form, for whom the project is designed, how much money is required for a minimum, optimal and maximum what if the business did not go according to plan, etc.

According to data released by the Ministry of Education, there are not enough places in kindergartens to accommodate more than 1.5 million children.

It is especially difficult to arrange a child in a kindergarten in big cities.

Thus, we can conclude that the creation of a children's center that can replace a kindergarten for a child is a very profitable business that has good prospects.

What is the difference between a kindergarten and a kindergarten?

There are many development centers, clubs or private kindergartens on the market today, which freely exist along with municipal institutions for preschoolers.

But such establishments have some differences:

In addition, the composition of the children's development center may include:

  1. Painting studio;
  2. Pool;
  3. Computer class;
  4. Gym;
  5. Game complex;
  6. Puppet show.

Center formats for children

The format of the center being organized can be different, depending on what goals the entrepreneur pursues and what desires they are guided by. There are three main formats for such establishments.


Rental of premises for just a few hours a day. This format is preferred by those centers that conduct only a few classes per week, usually on weekends for children and their parents.

Advantages of mini-centers:

  • A minimum of financial investments;
  • No expenses for repairs and purchase of expensive equipment;
  • The ability to recoup all expenses in the shortest possible time and start making a profit.

Disadvantages of a Mini Business:

  • The equipment of the rented hall is often not suitable for children;
  • It is difficult to find rooms that would be free on weekends in the evening, which is the most convenient;
  • Lack of opportunity to conduct classes with the smallest;
  • The minimum profit margin.


The center of the economy class is a room in which the creators themselves often work.

The advantages of such a small studio include:

  • There is no need to make expensive repairs;
  • Minimum rental and equipment costs;
  • The opportunity to study with the smallest;
  • The ability to offer different types of activities;
  • For a quick payback, just two good teachers are enough.


A center consisting of three or more rooms for various purposes.

The advantages of such a center include:

  • The widest range of services;
  • The possibility of generating a large income.

The disadvantages of this type of business include:

  • Repair costs;
  • Equipment purchase costs;
  • Large staff of employees;
  • Advertising campaign costs;
  • High prices for the services provided.

Children's center business plan

This document is a detailed description of the full range of measures that will contribute to business development in the near future.

By drawing up a business plan, an entrepreneur is able to develop all the smallest details and choose the most effective market strategy. It is with the most detailed analysis and planning that any entrepreneurial activity should be started.

A business plan is a package of documents that allows the management of a future organization to analyze all the costs of organizing a business, estimated revenues and possible risks.

Often a business plan is a document required to obtain financial investments because it allows the investor to assess the success of the enterprise.

It is imperative to know the exact answers to the following questions in order to compile this document:

  1. What age will the children studying at the center have?
  2. What will be professional level teachers and teaching methods?
  3. How many groups will be in the center, and what age group will they belong to?
  4. What will be the center's work schedule and class schedule?
  5. Will be provided Additional services, and what?

Basic calculations

The business plan must certainly include calculations of the costs of starting a business and its maintenance.

Starting costs:

  • Initial repair at least 10 thousand rubles;
  • Installation fire alarm from 30 thousand rubles and its maintenance is about 100 thousand rubles per year;
  • An agreement with a private security company for the protection of an institution around 1 million rubles per year;
  • Equipment, furniture, inventory and toys from 5 million rubles.

Monthly business maintenance costs:

  • Rent 500 thousand rubles;
  • Payment utilities 80 thousand rubles;
  • Meals for pupils (40 children) and staff (20 people) 200 thousand rubles at the rate of 4250 rubles per month for 1 pupil;
  • Salaries and bonuses 1.1 million rubles(including taxes and deductions);
  • Payment advertising campaignfrom 100 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables about 60 thousand rubles.

A more detailed version of the business plan with all the calculations can be downloaded from this.

Business profitability

The cost of visiting a children's center per month for one pupil can be about 35 thousand rubles, and if the center is designed for 10 children, then an entrepreneur can receive an income of 4 million 200 thousand rubles a year. Thus, the average payback of such a business will be approximately 24 months.

Range of services offered by children's centers

Modern centers for children usually offer the following services to their pupils and visitors:

  1. Supervising children throughout the day produced by professional educators;
  2. Conducting developmental activities:
    1. development of speech;
    2. logics;
    3. foreign languages;
    4. dancing;
    5. gymnastics;
    6. account, etc.
  3. Compliance with the daily routine and four meals a day;
  4. Carrying out sports games with kids and training sessions;
  5. Organization of communication between peers and its stimulation;
  6. Organization of holidays;
  7. Psychologist consultation;
  8. Classes with a speech therapist;
  9. Visiting circles.

How to open a children's development center?

In order to open a children's center, you need to love your business, so if an entrepreneur loves children, then he will certainly succeed.

Factors to Consider Before Opening

The target audience

In order for the center to be organized competently and remain profitable, the entrepreneur should work out the issue of the target audience and its financial condition.

The audience is conventionally divided into the following types:

  1. Wealthy families. Such people do not consider the means, but it is important for them that they have given their child only to the best center, to the most qualified teachers. If an entrepreneur is able to provide such conditions, then he will be able to make good money;
  2. People with an average income... They know exactly where and on what they spend their money, so if an entrepreneur manages to attract such an audience, then his business will be profitable and stable;
  3. Parents on a budget. This audience will not allow you to make good money on open case that would rather resemble charity.

Room selection

The premises for the children's center must necessarily include the following rooms:

  1. Reception room;
  2. Office for rest and storage of personal belongings of staff;
  3. Playroom for children, combining educational class;
  4. Bedroom for pupils;
  5. Bathroom with toilet for children.

The fire service stipulates that this room must necessarily be an independent compartment, have two exits and be equipped with a fire alarm.

The success of the center largely depends on the staff. Children will tell their parents about their work, and those will tell their friends who can become potential clients of the center.

Of course, techniques, equipment, and toys are very important, but still the human attitude is the determining factor.

Features of doing business

The main goal of the children's center is to implement a comprehensive and individual approach to children at the same time. The duration of any lesson should be individual, usually 1-2 hours. Classes should be conducted in a playful way.

Also, an entrepreneur should not forget about competition in this area of ​​the market. Before starting the opening, you should assess the demand in each specific area of ​​the city.

Staff recruitment

Employees who are hired must certainly have medical books... The requirements for experience, education and qualifications directly depend on the position for which a person applies.

So, for example, centers that work with children for several hours do not need cooks and nannies per day, but if a child spends more than 4-6 hours in the center, then these employees are simply necessary.

In addition to teachers, the center will require:

  • Manager;
  • Administrator;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Security guard;
  • Medic;
  • Speech therapist;
  • Psychologist.

Attraction of clients


  1. Accommodation of Lithuanians in transport;
  2. Streamers and banners on the street;
  3. Distribution of flyers and leaflets;
  4. Website on the Internet;
  5. Promotions in the form of free performances at playgrounds;
  6. Contests and lotteries;
  7. Communication on parent forums.


Of course, working with young children is quite difficult, but it can become profitable business if you organize everything correctly, calculate the possible risks in advance and confidently move towards your goal, without deviating from the intended path.

Nowadays, no one wants to work for someone else, and therefore thoughts related to. It is not so easy to achieve success in this business, so you need to carefully prepare, study all the issues, and then draw up, for example, a business plan for a children's center. Recently, the birth rate has increased, and therefore the number of centers for the development of children has begun to open more and more. Despite this, success in creating a development center can be achieved if you approach the issue wisely. Today we will touch upon the nuances of this case, this will help draw up a business plan. The prices that will be given are the average for such megalopolises as Moscow or St. Petersburg.

The development center belongs to the popular service sector today. You have to hire staff who will be engaged in education and entertainment for children. Let's take a look at a business plan.

First, outline your prospect. Most likely, this will be a busy person who has a stable income, but he does not have time to raise children. Babies aged 1 to 10 years require increased attention to themselves, and their parents want the child not only to be safe, but also to develop comprehensively.

Get a special notebook in which you will start creating your business plan.

Children's center concept

When writing a business plan, you should start with an idea. How would you like to see your early development center? Work through every detail, write everything down on paper. It would be nice if your club was different from others. Visit these institutions to help create the image of your center.

Decide on the size of the room. For a standard center, 5-6 rooms are enough for you. It is undesirable to immediately buy a room, it is much better to rent it. Then, when things go uphill, you can think about buying it out. The total area of ​​the club aimed at the development of children must be at least 150 sq. m. If you rent public premises, then its cost will be about 50,000 thousand rubles a month, and if commercial, then get ready to give about 150,000 thousand rubles. It is difficult to guess the price because it depends on many factors.

Focus your attention on such little things as the shape of the center workers, the design of the premises. Perhaps you want to give a single style to the institution, or perhaps you want to make each room different from others, to conclude a separate world in each of the rooms. There is no doubt that the atmosphere that will reign inside is important factor that will attract people. Think for yourself, where would you send your child? Where there is nice looking wallpaper, new furniture, pictures on the walls, or where the plaster falls off the walls, and the staff is rude to everyone?

Back to the table of contents

The business plan should include a detailed description of each of the rooms. Outline each of them in detail. Every detail is important, so it should be included in the business plan.

The early development room is intended for children from 1 to 3 years old. As a rule, classes are held here together with mothers and their babies, and last no more than 1 hour. Large groups should not be gathered. The most optimal number of children is 5-6 in one lesson. When you begin to estimate how many children will pass through this room every day, do not forget that between classes the room must be ventilated for at least 10 minutes. If your center opens at 10 o'clock and works until 18, then 36 children will pass through the room.

The early development room will need to be equipped with a computer, which will cost you about 20,000 rubles. A computer is needed in order to store musical and other educational materials on it. You will need children's toys anyway. Initially, you will have to spend at least 30,000 rubles on them. It is difficult to predict the total cost of furniture, but if you buy 2 shelves, a computer table, two children's tables, chairs, you will hardly spend more than 30,000 rubles. It will take you at least 80,000 rubles to equip an early development room.

Do not forget that you will need to pay a specialist to work with children. An employee's salary should not be less than 23,000 rubles. Of course, if you are drawing up a business plan for opening an early development center in a small town, then you can pay less employees.

Prices for a lesson in such a room start from 1500 rubles. If you live in a metropolis, then the cost can be 2,500 rubles.

The costs for the first month will be about 100,000 rubles. With full employment, the income will be about 80,000 rubles. monthly.

Back to the table of contents

Children's fitness and rhythm are gaining popularity every year. Everyone has long known that physical activity is the key to good health and immunity. When creating this room, you can go in two ways: open groups for attending classes for children aged 2 to 7 years old, or joint classes between parents and their kids. The crumbs try to be like their mothers and fathers in everything, so that they, in turn, can set themselves up as an example. Of course, you shouldn't create only such groups where it is possible to visit together. Form several groups where parents and children can exercise together.

Classes in this room should last no more than 1 hour. The group should consist of about 6 children.

You will have to pay about 40,000 rubles for sports equipment. Mats, hoops, balls - write everything down in your plan.

The specialist will have to pay about 25,000 rubles.

The total costs will be about 75,000 rubles, but this is if you buy equipment only for children.

The cost of one lesson is 1,000-1,500 rubles. For groups where parents and children will borrow together, you can set a price equal to 2.000 rubles. If the groups are complete, then the first income will be at least 50,000 rubles.

Back to the table of contents

Room for musical development and speech development

The musical development room is designed for children from 3 to 10 years old. There are somewhat more groups here than, for example, in the physical education room.

You have to buy a piano or synthesizer here, don't forget the chairs. In the future, you can show your imagination and purchase, for example, drums or a guitar. The shelves will be useful to you in order to be able to arrange special literature. The costs will be about 50,000 rubles.

You will be able to receive about 80 children per day, taking into account the ventilation of the room between hours of classes.

The salary of an employee of a music room averages 25,000 rubles.

The cost for the first month will be at least $ 75,000.

Provided that you set a price for one lesson within 1,500 rubles, and your groups are filled, then the first proceeds will be 80,000 rubles.

The speech development room, or, as it is also called, the intellectual room, is intended for children from 3 years old. Various activities will take place here in a playful way, designed to develop the child's intelligence. The room should have educational toys, blocks, puzzles, puzzles.

The cost of equipping this room will be about the same as the cost of equipping an early development room.

The salary of a teacher who will help children develop is 25,000 rubles.

An hour of group lessons in the speech development room ranges from 1.500 to 2.500 rubles.

If you have collected full groups, then in a month you will receive about 70 thousand, having spent at first about 60 thousand rubles.

Back to the table of contents

Creativity room and playroom

Children should make and paint something in a specially equipped creative room. You will have to spend at least 20,000 on furniture, do not forget that you will also need to purchase various materials, such as paints, plasticine or paper. In the first month, 15,000 will be enough for you to buy them.

Groups here can accommodate up to 10 people, and they are formed depending on age. You should not mix very young children with schoolchildren, because they will not be interested in each other.

Spending a little more than 60,000 in the first month, you can earn up to 110,000 rubles.

Parents will need a playroom if they want to go to the movies or go shopping without a child. In this regard, children are left here for a fairly long time.

It will be necessary to buy children's tables, chairs, toys and racks for them in the room.

As a rule, an hour in the game room costs between 3500-4000 rubles.

The income that you can receive specifically from this room is difficult to calculate, because parents will come here spontaneously.

It is worth remembering that you will have to hire an animator who will entertain and supervise the children.

Now that you have dealt with the rooms, it is worth continuing to draw up a business plan further.

Calculate the approximate cost of each of the rooms. Don't forget details like curtains or paintings. In the business plan, you need to include the costs and the reception, where the reception will be located.

Back to the table of contents

Goal setting, competitor analysis

When you have outlined the children's center and calculated the costs and incomes, you need to set goals and objectives. Many people take it lightly, but tasks help us focus and get specificity for our actions.

An example of a goal is to become over time the best center child development in the city.

Once you can figure out exactly what you want, it's worth starting to put together an action plan that will lead you to success.

Example of an action plan:

  1. Create an ad that will attract customers.
  2. Choose the right pricing policy, thanks to which the middle class can easily use your services.
  3. Choose the optimal, unique training methods.
  4. Constantly conduct trainings for specialists who will work in the center.

It is very important to be specific in this matter. Remember, the clearer the goal sounds, the better the chances of achieving it.

The business plan includes an analysis of potential customers. If you're starting an average club, you should target the kids who live in nearby homes. Of course, in this case, your interior may be simpler, and the prices for services should not exceed the average. If you are targeting toddlers whose parents are paid more than the average citizen of your city, then you will have to act a little differently. Expensive furniture, highly qualified employees, high-quality advertising - you will have to spend more initially. It is worth paying attention to the area where you decide to stay. Elite districts and not very prosperous ones loom in any city. Of course, it makes no sense to open an expensive development center among five-storey buildings, the residents of which will not want to give a good half of their salaries for these services.

The best location is in the central regions, because many people live there, most of whom have good earnings.

One of the main rules - price policy must match the audience.

It's not bad if your center is located near kindergartens or schools, because after classes, children can be led directly to you.

In this material:

A business targeting children is considered one of the most profitable and promising businesses. Parents do not skimp on education and leisure for their kids if the price level of services fluctuates in the middle price segment. Today it is no longer considered something out of the ordinary to teach children in private schools, kindergartens, sports clubs. Especially it concerns preschool education and child development, because municipal institutions are not able to provide full-fledged knowledge at the stage of personality formation. Planning an organization preschool, an entrepreneur in mandatory you need a business plan for the children's center with a detailed list of the main stages. This includes analysis of the service market, including competition, risk assessment, not to mention paperwork, recruiting and financial calculations.

The principle of operation of the children's development center

There are several models of developmental centers for children:

  1. Leisure type - an institution of such a plan works on the principle of circles or sections, for example, drawing, modeling, choreography. Parents bring their children to such centers to a greater extent for general development, so that the child does not get bored at home. As a rule, babies do not attend municipal kindergartens, but are raised by their mothers at home. This business model does not impose strict requirements either on teachers or on the teaching process.
  2. The educational type is children's centers, the purpose of which coincides with that of municipal institutions, but is realized in a more high-quality performance. Due to the fact that the number of children in groups does not exceed 8-10 people, the teacher has the opportunity to work with each child individually, assess his abilities and devote the necessary amount of time.
  3. Professional type - institutions focused on in-depth study of a subject in any area. Children's centers of this kind are multidisciplinary, but at the same time they take a responsible approach to classes. If it is vocals or playing a musical instrument, then a professional musician deals with the children. The same thing happens when doing gymnastics or when studying foreign languages... The teacher must have a higher education in this area.

In addition, child development centers are divided by visiting time:

  • evening type;
  • full day.

The first option provides for a circle-sectional format, when parents bring a child for 1-2 hours in the evening after work or kindergarten.

The second option - children stay for a long time, but no more than 4-5 hours. This period includes 2-3 classes, games and meals. This is convenient when mothers work part-time or they just need to free up several hours a day to deal with personal issues and do household chores.

Reference: most of the children's centers provide for an integrated operating principle, thereby increasing target audience business.

The difference between a kindergarten and a kindergarten

The development center differs from the municipal kindergarten in many ways:

  • The form of visit is at the choice of the parents (full day or short stay).
  • Quality of education - municipal kindergartens are not distinguished by in-depth training programs, and development centers use only modern methods, thanks to which the child perceives the material better.
  • Employees are teachers with higher education, while in ordinary kindergartens more than 60% of educators have only a secondary pedagogical education.
  • Individual approach - due to the small number of kids in groups, the teacher has the opportunity to work with each child for the required amount of time.
  • A variety of activities - parents enroll their children in several circles at the same time, choosing the most suitable direction. In municipal kindergartens, all children follow the same program.

An equally important difference between a kindergarten and an ordinary kindergarten is the atmosphere. Small groups of children, new furniture, toys and modern teaching methods have a positive effect on the development of babies.

Relevance of a business idea

According to statistics, the number of private development centers for children in Russia is growing every year. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • high birth rate over the past 10-15 years;
  • lack of a budget alternative in the form in which parents would like to see it;
  • difficulties in enrolling in municipal kindergartens (queue and lack of places);
  • the desire of parents to give their child all the best.

For these and many other reasons, children's centers are very popular, because even simple drawing lessons with a child are fundamentally different if they are taught by a specialist, not a mother. Alternatively budgetary institutions in Russia, only sports clubs are popular, and the number of classic art houses for preschoolers is catastrophically small.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the children's center as a business:

  1. Demand for services.
  2. Relevance for almost all cities in Russia.
  3. Relatively low investment at the start.
  4. Possibility of business growth by opening additional branches and expanding the range of services.
  5. Fast payback.
  6. Working with different segments of the population.

Negative sides:

  1. Difficulty finding qualified personnel.
  2. Registration of additional papers and registration of a business as an educational institution.
  3. Regular communication with government officials and coordination of training programs.

Reference: if all the norms of the current legislation are observed, there will be no problems with registering a business and the municipality.

How to start opening a children's center

The target audience

The target audience for a developmental center for children is parents (mainly mothers). They should be divided into 3 main categories of people:

  • with high income;
  • with an average income;
  • with incomes below average.

The first category does not spare any funds for their children, if only he was enrolled in the best development center in the city. If an entrepreneur has enough finance to open a respectable institution for wealthy citizens, then this business model will be the most profitable.

People with an average income always know what and how much they pay. This is the most common category, which, on the one hand, does not spare funds for the development of children, and on the other hand, requires the business organizer to fulfill their duties and services to the fullest. It should be noted that most of the developmental children's centers are focused specifically on the middle class.

People with lower than average incomes are a problem category that does their best to give the child the most necessary, but even this does not always work out. An entrepreneur may face such problems as arrears in payments, complaints to the Ministry of Education, conflict and controversial situations for any reason. Opening an economy class children's center is a bad idea, more like charity than a lucrative project.

Description of the services provided

Standard list of services of the children's center:

  1. Developing activities - speech exercises, tasks for logic, attentiveness and memory, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
  2. Intellectual activities - learning foreign languages, preparing for school (writing, reading).
  3. Sports activities - dancing, gymnastics, martial arts, outdoor games.
  4. Classes with specialists - speech therapist, psychologist.
  5. Mugs - modeling, drawing, vocals, crafts.

Also, the employees of the center pay attention to the behavior of children, communication with peers, determine the level of development of children for their age.

Competitive advantages of the children's center

As competitive advantages an entrepreneur can use the following parameters:

  • professionalism of employees - educators must have a pedagogical education, which is confirmed by a diploma and completed advanced training courses;
  • a wide range of developmental activities and programs;
  • convenient location of the children's center - the area of ​​the city is not as important as the availability of parking and a convenient entrance;
  • availability of promotions, free master classes;
  • discounts and bonus programs when paying for receipts;
  • affordable price category.

Analysis of the market and the level of competition

The field of preschool education is a profitable and promising niche, so an entrepreneur needs to be ready for competition. But it is worth noting that not every development center is a competitor to another institution. This is due to the different areas of the organization, the difference in the price category, remote location and other parameters.

Market analysis begins with the identification of all centers in the city, but only those that operate on a similar principle and are located in the area of ​​the proposed business opening are taken into account. The number of potential competitors will immediately decrease by half or three times.

  • scope of activity - floor area, number of employees, groups and children;
  • service list;
  • price policy;
  • demand for services;
  • ways of marketing.

Having information on hand at least general, it is possible to determine which of the competitors is more successful than it is justified and what measures should be taken to achieve a similar indicator.

Reference. It is not recommended to repeat the concept competitive organization exactly up to 100%, because in the end it will have a negative impact. The best option is to take into account all the positive and negative sides by organizing own business in the best way.

Potential risks

Like any business, a development center provides for some risks at the time of opening and during further operation:

  1. The impossibility of opening an organization - this is determined at the start of paperwork, when the controlling organizations refuse to issue required documents for work. Reasons - the inconsistency of the room for children educational institutions established norms, lack of education among employees, other violations.
  2. Lack of demand for services - the reasons are the remoteness of the center from the potential target audience, high prices for services, a minimum list of classes and programs.
  3. Changes in legislation - when adopting new laws, an entrepreneur needs to eliminate inconsistencies and adapt to new criteria for doing business. Often, this paragraph provides for additional financial investments that are not freely available, and the result is the freezing of the project for an indefinite period or a change in the type of activity.

Organizational plan

Registration of business activities

The children's development center can be opened both as individual entrepreneur, and in the form legal entity... Differences in work are small, but the population has more trust in LLCs than in “private traders”.

The described business plan is based on an entrepreneur working as a founder of a company with limited liability... This requires:

  1. Collection of a package of documents - passport and TIN of the founder, decision to establish a company, charter, information on the authorized capital, paid state duty.
  2. Contacting the Federal Tax Service with a statement.
  3. The choice of the taxation system (best of all, the simplified tax system or UTII at the discretion of the businessman).
  4. Indication of OKVED codes - 85.32; 92.51; 93.05.
  5. Obtaining relevant papers for starting a business.

Subsequently, you need to conclude a lease agreement for the premises for the children's center, contact the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor to conduct inspections for the building's compliance with SanPiN standards.

Reference. If you plan to introduce preschool education programs, then you need an appropriate license. To do this, you should contact the municipal authorities. The center, operating on the principle of a circle and sectional type, does not need additional licensing.

Finding a suitable room

Additional criteria when choosing a room:

  • area - 80-120 sq. m, depending on the number of children and the list of services;
  • location - residential area, city center, the presence of other developmental and sports facilities nearby;
  • the possibility of repairing;
  • the average price category of rent, which ultimately depends on the area of ​​the city and the subject of the Russian Federation.

The standard room of the children's center includes a reception room, a playroom (it is also a class for classes), a toilet with a bath, a bedroom (if full-time service is available), and specialist offices.

Interior Design

Everything here is at the discretion of the organizer. Considering that this is a center for children preschool age, then the interior should be bright and colorful. It is relevant to use the following images:

  • characters from popular cartoons;
  • nature;
  • animals;
  • letters / numbers;
  • abstraction.

The main thing is that the materials, and especially paints, are non-toxic and safe for children to be in the room.

Equipment and furniture

To equip the children's center you will need:

  • furniture for the reception room, director's office and specialists;
  • office equipment (computers, MFPs, projectors and others as needed);
  • children's furniture (tables, chairs, cots);
  • toys;
  • sports equipment depending on the activities included in the list;
  • teaching aids;
  • auxiliary equipment for cleaning the premises;
  • additional materials depending on the subject of the institution and the services offered.


The number of employees:

  • receptionist - 1 person;
  • specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, music or vocal teacher) - 2-3 people or more, depending on the developed program;
  • educators - 4-5 people working in shifts;
  • cleaning lady - 1 person;
  • cook and 2 assistants - 3 people;
  • medical worker - 1 person.

Advertising campaign

Marketing of a development center for children is as follows:

  • TV and radio commercial;
  • creation and promotion of your own website;
  • creation of groups in social networks;
  • buying advertising posts in urban communities;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • leaflets with a list of services (brochures are distributed around the entrances, offered at supermarket checkouts and in children's stores);
  • public transport advertising;
  • holding promotions and master classes in shopping malls, cinemas, amusement parks.

Financial plan

Investment in the project

Investments at the start (in rubles):

  • 30,000 - registration of LLC and paperwork;
  • 100,000 - conclusion of a lease agreement (advance payment);
  • 150,000 - turnkey renovation of premises;
  • 300,000 - purchase of furniture and office equipment;
  • 70,000 - advertising campaign;
  • 100,000 - reserve fund.

Result: 750,000 rubles.


Costs in the first month:

  • 100,000 - rent;
  • 25,000 - utilities;
  • 400 000 – wage;
  • 50,000 - purchase of products;
  • 35,000 - unforeseen expenses.

Result: 605,000 rubles.


The profitability of the childcare center is made up of the monthly parental fee. The average check of a receipt, if a child is registered for several classes or attends a full day, is 8-10 thousand rubles.

With an area of ​​the children's center of 100 sq. m the total number of visitors varies within 80 people (based on 3-4 groups of 10-12 full-time people and the rest of the children attending the center on the principle of individual lessons 1-2 hours 3 times a week).

80 people for 10,000 rubles a month is 800,000 rubles.

Calculation of profit

Net profit is calculated on the basis of an elementary rule - mandatory monthly expenses are subtracted from the total income.

800,000-605,000 = 195,000 rubles.

It is necessary to deduct taxes from this amount, depending on the chosen taxation system, which will eventually amount to a net income of about 150,000 rubles.

Business project profitability

Project profitability is the ratio of net income to dirty income, multiplied by 100%.

150 000/800 000*100=19%

The payback period for the children's center will be 8-10 months.

When planning to open a development center, an entrepreneur is obliged to think not only about the potential benefit, but also about the fact that his future activities are related to children. This imposes a great responsibility in terms of business organization and the quality of services provided. Development and strict implementation of a business plan, as well as adherence to moral principles in work without an irrepressible thirst for profit will lead to the success of the project and the acquisition of the necessary knowledge by children.

The public school has long been not the only source of knowledge and skills necessary for life. To help these institutions, teachers and scientists have developed special methods of developing education for children, according to which modern children's development centers operate today. New trends have gained great popularity in Russia, and the creation of a business in this direction is considered a promising start-up that can bring benefits to society and profit for an entrepreneur. We present to your attention a business plan for a children's development center that can change the well-being of a startup for the better.

Market specifics

Today, not every parent is satisfied with the programs according to which general education schools and kindergartens work, and most simply cannot afford tutors and nannies. Therefore, the children's development center, which conducts lessons for small groups of children, allows you to save financial resources parents and therefore is a relevant and profitable business in almost all cities of Russia.

For successful development, a development center must work in several educational areas, which the business owner himself has the right to choose.

According to statistics, parents with children from 1 to 5 years old resort to the services of children's studios. Note that, according to statistics, developing schools for toddlers are beneficial in Russia even during the economic crisis.

The number of such establishments is growing every year. Competitors can be conditionally divided into 3 types:

  • Local centers with no more than two objects in their network.
  • Large regional networks that own up to 10 small outlets in one region.
  • Federal-scale networks with branches or franchisees in different regions of the country.

The success and profitability of this project directly depends on several factors: the monthly cost of the rented premises, the salaries of employees and adequate prices for the services provided.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of a future business are:

  • Availability of demand for services even in times of crisis for the population.
  • Work on the basis of the school premises, which allows you to significantly save on the repair of the premises and the purchase of equipment for classes.
  • The ability to conduct business without a license.
  • Availability of investors for the development of the center.
  • The possibility of obtaining a subsidy when opening a children's center.
  • Wide base of potential clients.
  • Relatively low barrier to entry into business.

In addition to the advantages, opening such a business has a number of disadvantages:

  • A large number of competitors.
  • Working with children involves a high degree of responsibility.
  • Lack of ready-made educational programs for this type of institution.

Project summary

In this business plan for opening a children's studio, the average prices for goods and services are indicated, which may vary and depend on the selected area. Therefore, when implementing the plan, it is necessary to make additional calculations based on specific data.

Indicative data:

  • Starting costs - 81 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly revenue - 540 thousand rubles.
  • Payback - from 1 month to half a year (depends on local factors).

This business plan for a children's development center with calculations provides for the opening of a studio for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, where various developmental classes will be held in order to acquire and improve the skills necessary for the child in connection with the individual characteristics of his development. In addition, having multiple destinations will help you reach a large portion of the population and enroll them in the ranks of regular customers.

This children's center will work in the following areas: developing activities for preschoolers, preparing for school, working with younger students, studying of English language, Painting.

The entrepreneur, in the context of this plan, acts as the director and manager of the establishment.

The institution will not function as Kindergarten, which will significantly save the owner's money. Preschoolers will be able to spend no more than 3 hours in the center, and the institution itself positions itself as an additional way to develop children's abilities and individual self-expression outside the walls of mandatory state organizations.

Potential clients of the center will be parents with an active lifestyle, approximately up to 40 years old, with average and higher incomes, whose special attention is focused on the upbringing and training of their own children.

The Children's Center will carry out activities based on the following work schedule:

  • Monday - Friday: 14: 00-17: 00.
  • Saturday: 12: 00-17: 00.
  • Sunday: 09: 00-17: 00.

28 hours will be spent on education and upbringing of children weekly, and 120 hours monthly.

Room selection

The most profitable and budgetary option when choosing a premise for a startup can be sublease. To implement this business plan, it is necessary to conclude a sublease agreement with a school (preferably with a large number of students), which will not only save financial resources, but also immediately offer additional classes for students of this school.

When choosing a place, you need to take care of the presence of three rooms:

  • A small room for the administrator, which can be located both in this state institution and outside it (in the latter case, the administrator, if necessary, will have to go to the school to resolve certain issues).
  • Two rooms for group lessons.

The choice of school is influenced by several factors: the lack of training in the second shift and an advantageous location (densely populated area - the city center, the main street of the district).

Thus, the entrepreneur significantly saves money on renting and repairing premises. You don't have to buy special equipment for the studio either (except methodological material). Moreover, in educational institution a businessman will be able to find experienced, proactive teachers and offer them a job.

In turn, the parents of the students will be more trusting in additional activities with children held within the school walls.

In addition to its main task, the center will play the role of an after-school group for children who are not available to parents to pick up from school at lunchtime.


The choice of the organizational and legal form of doing business should be stopped at the sole proprietor. When registering a business, you must pay a state fee of 800 rubles.

The activities of the children's center are classified under code 85.41.9 (according to OKVED) " Additional education adults and children, not included in other groups ”.

Of the possible taxation systems, preference should be given to the STS (6%) or UTII.

This type of activity is not subject to licensing, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 174 of March 16, 2011.

There is no need to obtain permits for the premises either, because the school systematically undergoes a series of checks. But in the middle of the academic year, Rospotrebnadzor still has the right to conduct scheduled inspections, which must be notified to the management in advance.

It is also not necessary to conclude agreements on garbage disposal with the fire and other inspectorates. this procedure falls on the shoulders of the school and its administration. But the conclusion of an agreement on the lease of premises for classes and storage of the necessary accessories cannot be avoided.

You will not need to purchase a cash register machine to conduct this kind of activity.

From the documentation, employees and administration should always have the following papers on hand:

  • Medical books with a mark on the timely passage of a medical examination.
  • Work record book or cooperation agreement (if the teacher already has an official place of work).
  • Agreement with parents and attached receipts for payment for the services provided.

Opening a current account is not necessary when running this business, but it will be easier to settle accounts with the parents of the kids and the school administration.

Personnel composition

The staff of the children's center will consist of the following staff units:

  • Teachers (10 people), the salary of each of which will be 27 thousand rubles.
  • Administrator (1 person) with a rate of 10 thousand rubles + 3% of the proceeds (approximately 26, 2 thousand rubles).

The duties of the administrator include receiving incoming calls, working with company documents, maintaining the center's social networks.

Piecework wages for teachers are a great way to motivate them to attract more clients and work conscientiously.

A percentage increase in salary for an administrator will stimulate him to actively and productively work with the client base, as well as to attract consumers through Internet resources.

Marketing strategy

The marketing promotion of the children's center will be based on the following actions:

  • Creation and active promotion of the center's group in popular social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki).
  • Contextual advertising and publication of advertisements on local forums and information platforms.
  • Website development and promotion.
  • Placement of advertisements in the school and neighboring childcare facilities.
  • Distribution of leaflets near the school.
  • Placement of advertisements in the local print press.

Organizational plan

Financial component

The profitability of a business depends on many factors, including the lack of summer classes and the low level of attendance during the first months of the institution. They should be taken into account when putting this business plan into action.

Cost plan

Projected income

Monthly profit including fixed costs: 540 thousand - 406.2 thousand = 133.8 thousand rubles.

Taxes (income minus expenses): 133.8 thousand x 0.15 = 20.07 thousand rubles.

Net income: 133.8 thousand - 20.07 thousand = 113.73 thousand rubles.

Business profitability: 113.73 thousand / 540 thousand x 100% = 21.06%.

Payback of the project: 80.8 thousand / 113.73 thousand = 0.71.

Based on the calculations made, the payback of the business will occur in less than a month. However, it is necessary to take into account various factors affecting the payback period: attendance, location, rental cost, etc. They can both increase and decrease this period.

Potential risks

  1. Unfortunate location of the studio. Misplaced early development centers can negatively impact customer traffic and project profitability.
  2. Change by law normative documents and provisions. It is rather difficult to predict the course of such events, therefore, an enterprising businessman should have an “alternate airfield” - it is necessary to think over the development of the educational industry subject to licensing.
  3. Lack of required staff. The teacher is the core of the entire working process of the children's studio. Therefore, the selection of personnel must be dealt with in advance. Here important aspect is a reasonable motivation of teachers for productive cooperation. Often it is expressed in the establishment of an acceptable level of wages.
  4. Accidents. The work of the development center is directly related to the responsibility for children's lives and their health. An accident can not only put an end to the implementation of a specific project once and for all, but also have far-reaching consequences. Frequent safety briefings with employees, children and their parents will help keep employees safe from job loss.

An example of this business plan can be set up as a stand alone project, or it can be used to support a larger plan. An entrepreneur who is just starting his career will definitely like this plan, since it does not require large investments. And the payback period only gives vitality and energy to implement the idea in promising business, bringing considerable profit to the entrepreneur and great benefit to the whole society.