How a student can start his own business: ready-made business plans. Business plans: download a ready-made business plan with calculations Ready-made business plan with calculations

The basis of any business is ready-made business plan... It helps to avoid many mistakes in the creation and development of a company, allows you to convince investors of the advisability of investing. Money, assists in obtaining the necessary loans in banking institutions.

Such a document contains detailed calculations of the profitability of the future organization, the payback period of the project, the risks to which the company is exposed.

You can draw up a business plan yourself, spending time and money. However, most modern entrepreneurs prefer to use ready-made financial products that contain high-quality and useful information. Why?

Main functions of a business plan

This document is essential tool for the company, allowing you to choose promising areas and determine the ways of their implementation. This is a guide for execution and control to help manage the case. A well-designed financial solution with detailed calculations performs several functions:

  • strategic... It is used to develop a business strategy. it key function when organizing an enterprise or when defining new directions of the company's activities;
  • investment... It is used to raise funds. It is extremely difficult for modern firms to do without credit resources. Therefore, this function allows you to determine the optimal sources financial resources find potential investors;
  • planning... It is used to give a comprehensive assessment of the development of an enterprise being created, as well as to manage intra-company processes or a new direction of activity.

As a result, the business plan provides an opportunity for analysis, positioning, comprehensive assessment and control of the future activities of the company, implementation of marketing courses, development of personnel policy.

What are the advantages of ready-made documents? What is the benefit of buying a business plan from a company that develops and draws up business plans for different lines of business?


A business plan is the business card of an organization. Applying performed by qualified professionals ready-made solution, the future businessman saves time and money that would have to be spent on the independent conduct of events, analyzes and calculations necessary to draw up this document.

Moreover, such research is not a guarantee of a successful start of the project. Among the advantages of using a full-fledged financial solution made by professionals, it is worth noting:

  • saving time... Having a ready-made document in hand, an entrepreneur can get a clear idea of ​​the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal. By purchasing a ready-made business plan, you can overcome all the complexities of the business with the support of professionals;
  • effective persuasion... For sponsors and investors, this document is the main proof of the consistency of the idea of ​​the organized business, the potential of the enterprise to achieve a certain amount of income;
  • competitor research... A well-written document will help evaluate competing companies, identify their strengths and weak sides, determine a free niche that at this moment in time can be occupied and firmly held, winning the favor of a potential audience;
  • direction of travel... An efficiently and well-designed financial solution will help the company not only at the initial stage. With the right approach, it will allow the organization to constantly maintain the planned direction, making the necessary adjustments.

High-quality business plans are drawn up by an experienced team of professionals with extensive experience in a wide variety of areas of activity. All materials are adapted for use in the Russian economy in the current situation.

The documents contain all the necessary calculations: calculation of payback, economic efficiency, profitability and other equally significant indicators. Applications designed in tabular form will help you to independently determine the required values. For example, calculate the need for money for the purchase of specialized equipment until the time period when these costs begin to pay off.

Features of use

Ready business-plan - not only an opportunity to find an idea with calculations and recommendations for a wide variety of areas, but also advice on the main aspects of starting a business.

In this case, we are talking about the most popular questions of aspiring entrepreneurs. What form of ownership to choose for the organization. What to be guided by when hiring specialists. Which taxation system to give preference to.

Today, many specialized organizations offer to purchase full-fledged ready-made business plans. Moreover, prices vary significantly. How to choose a supplier of such a solution?

In this case, it is necessary that the proposed business plan contains not only general information, but also detailed calculations for all the main areas of activity of the future enterprise. Competent providers of ready-made business plans calculate expenses such as the cost of social security contributions for employees, tax optimization, transfer of taxes and fees to the state.

The more complete the business plan is, the more effective and efficient the activities of the future entrepreneur will be. You shouldn't skimp on buying this document. After all, he is the main assistant in market analysis.

It is he who summarizes the analysis of opportunities for starting or expanding a business in modern conditions, contains a structured description of all areas of the future company.

By purchasing a business plan, an entrepreneur gets his hands on not only a comprehensive analysis of the main problems that he may face when organizing his activities, but also ways to solve them. Benefit from use finished document obvious!

Where to download a ready-made business plan with calculations

You can choose the solution that suits you among the large number of directions offered by our partner Biplane (

Students, especially those who study full-time at an institute or university, find it difficult to find work. The search and subsequent work is hampered by the schedule, which often does not coincide with the lectures and classes at the university.

Young people also need money. It becomes embarrassing to live on the parents' funds, and sometimes it is simply impossible. In such a situation, there is nothing left but how to come up with a business idea for a student. How to open a business for a student, we will consider in the article.

What are business ideas for students?

There are many ways to organize a student's business.

Many of them depend on the following indicators:

  • Professional training of a student - what kind of activity is he engaged in or plans to engage in? The directions that can be implemented to earn money depend on this. For example, if a student is studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, you can open your own translation bureau, become a tutor in foreign language from schoolchildren or simply those who want to learn the language.
  • The student lives with his parents or in a hostel. In many areas of business, word of mouth is the best engine and advertisement. People begin to advise each other of a good specialist and, thus, new orders appear. In the hostel, you can easily find your target audience.
  • Previous experience. It is possible that the student already had experience in a certain field of activity or work and already possesses certain skills and abilities. For example, a student is dealing with a computer activity and has done many repairs to the computers of his friends or relatives in the past.
  • The presence or absence of start-up capital. There are ideas that can be implemented without start-up capital or with small investments, but it will only be better if there is some amount of money in stock that you can spend on developing your business.
  • Free time. This item influences the choice of a niche activity. Different types of businesses take different amounts of time. Students also study in different ways. Someone spends a lot of time on training, while someone manages to do everything necessary twice as fast.

The choice of the activity that the student will be engaged in largely depends on the purpose of creating a business. A business can be built already taking into account the future development prospects, or it can have the character of a part-time job.

In this regard, earnings can be based on the opening of a company that sells its goods or services on the market, or it can be in the nature of a private freelancer performing the role of a tutor or executor of a certain task.

Choose an area that will not interfere with your studies and is of interest to you.

Setting up and maintaining modern gadgets

Every day there are different new equipment with a large number of functions and capabilities.

Users are not always able to properly service their devices, configure them, much less repair them.

A student, depending on his skills, can determine the list of services himself.

Repairing computers, tablets or smartphones is a much more time-consuming task that requires confident knowledge than setting up and consulting on using a gadget. At the same time, repair services are well paid.

To start a business, you need a computer with Internet access, so that you can use the search for information on any device.

This area is more suitable for students who study at a specialized faculty associated with the latest technologies.

Network marketing is a familiar concept and most often causes negative associations.

This impression is primarily due to pyramid schemes that pretend to be network marketing companies.

Financial pyramids are prohibited by law in Russia.

Network Marketing is a system that allows you to generate income from the sales of newly arrived sellers. The more sellers are involved, the more money is received by the person who brought them into the system.

There are two options for making money in network marketing:

  1. Join an existing network company and distribute its products through catalogs. The main advantages are that no investment is required, but you need to have high communication skills to be successful in this area.
  2. Organize your network company. This option is a little more difficult, as it requires the choice of a future product and a reliable supplier. You can also create your own product and distribute it through network marketing. It is more difficult to implement this idea, but the benefit will be greater, since the businessman is in the best position and receives a percentage of sales from all managers who come to the company.

If the choice still fell to join an existing company, then it is worth approaching this issue with caution. It is worth choosing from famous brands as a popular product is easier to sell.

If a company requires any money to start work, then it is engaged in fraudulent activities or is a pyramid scheme.

Courier service

There are a large number of large companies on the market that are professionally engaged in delivery.

As a rule, it is not profitable for small companies to cooperate with them, but keeping their own courier on staff or organizing courier delivery is not profitable.

Small online shops, flower pavilions, small businesses sometimes need such services.

The student can arrange their own delivery service. When implementing such an activity, you should immediately find yourself a partner or assistant with whom you can share work time... Calls and applications may be received exactly at the time when classes at the university are taking place, which will have a negative effect on the educational process.

Delivery personnel can be recruited from your own university: just post recruitment advertisements. If the delivery of goods will be carried out by employees, and not by the businessman himself, then you should think about employment contract, in which you need to provide financial responsibility courier. Thus, it excludes Negative consequences in case of loss, negligence or damage to the goods.

Customers can be easily found on the Internet by making a call or sending an e-mail to a store or company. Feel free to offer your services to small online stores or even to private craftsmen (for example, handicraftsmen).

In the future, the company can be expanded by transporting large loads and delivery by car, purchasing a website and a uniform uniform.

Purchase and delivery of groceries

Young mothers are in the process of raising a child and do not have the opportunity to go to the store.

The husband is busy with work, and the relatives do not have time to help. Most often, they order goods delivered to your home.

Elderly people can be another class of clients, and their children pay for the delivery of groceries.

Many people do not have enough time to visit their elderly parents due to their busy schedule, and groceries may be needed on a weekly basis.

Products can be purchased and charged for a small markup, or a flat delivery charge can be set. The price for delivery should be set based on the distance of the store and the number of products.

Use special applications to see all the promotions on goods and products in the city. This way you will save and earn more on the price difference.

The Internet is not only a source of entertainment, but also a source of income. Here you will find ideas for making money on the Internet with and without investments.

Earnings at lectures

Any work should be paid for, and study is a hard business.

Of 100% of students, only about 40% regularly attend lectures, but everyone has to take exams.

If a student attends all lectures and takes notes on them with high quality, then you can publish your own collection of educational materials in all disciplines. The collection does not need to be printed, but it is enough to compile in in electronic format and sell at the university.

Similarly, you can sell handy cheat sheets.

Internet business

The easiest way to start doing internet business is for those who have programming skills.

Students can create websites for other companies, as well as their own, then not only programmers can try themselves in this business.

The site you visit can be used to place paid advertisements.

There are many options for making money on the Internet: your own video channel, a group in contact with a large number of subscribers, writing articles to order, opening own store with clothes or handicrafts.

Create a website with useful materials for schoolchildren or students. Such a resource will quickly gain popularity.

Other ideas

Consider a few more interesting ideas for earnings and organizing your own business, namely:

  • Organization of quests or psychological games. This requires a lot of imagination, since the scenarios for team games need to be carefully thought out so that the players are satisfied and do not lose interest. The businessman receives earnings as a contribution for participation from each player or team.
  • Help in walking dogs for money. This option can be used by students who love animals and active image life.
  • Clothes sale with the logo and symbols of the university and a specific faculty. For this business, it is better to get official permission from the dean. For implementation, you will need investments in consumables.

How to advertise your activities?

Advertising is the first step to getting customers, and therefore money.

Therefore, the promotion of your business must be given due attention.

  • Word of mouth is the most The best way to advertise your service or product. To do this, you must first try for free or on a barter basis, provide some kind of service to a friend or relative. Create a group in social networks and collect feedback on your services there.
  • Advertisements that are posted by special companies in elevators, on information stands, are distributed to mailboxes.
  • Business cards are a must for spreading information about your company or activities.
  • Distribution of leaflets in crowded places.
  • Organization of your own website and advertising on the Internet. This is an expensive advertising option that is best considered for future prospects. The site can be raised in search engines using articles.
  • Cooperation with other companies and advertising on a barter basis. In this case, you can exchange advertising materials with another company or create a joint advertising campaign to attract visitors.

Term business plan went from the English expression business plan. A business plan is a structured document describing the stages of a company's development, its main areas of activity, its strategies and risks. At its core business plan is a roadmap designed to lead the business to the planned goal, passing the planned routes, taking into account the intermediate stages and shows the results obtained as a result.

💡 Write a business plan or download a ready-made one?

When starting a business, aspiring entrepreneurs often have a question to download a business plan or write their own? Of course, if you have sufficient experience, it is better to write your own unique business plan. True, not many entrepreneurs who first thought about starting a business have the skill of such an activity. In this case, it is better to keep in mind that writing a business plan is necessary if your business:

  • unique
  • requires a lot of calculations
  • implies non-standard stages of development
  • involves non-standard risks
  • there are non-standard format requirements, for example, for a potential investor
In most cases, when starting a small business, it is quite possible to use a ready-made business plan from a trusted source, of course, with its revision according to your data.

💡 Where can I get a ready-made business plan?

On the Internet, there are a huge number of paid and free business plans... Despite the greater variety, we recommend using the business plans presented on our portal. All business plans are provided absolutely free of charge, contain detailed financial calculations and take into account risks. In addition, the portal contains a huge number of business ideas structured by areas of activity.

Business plans: free examples according to bank standards (UNIDO, EBRD). All business plans can be downloaded and further modified for yourself.

27.07.2015 27.07.2015

The business plan of the meat processing plant is devoted to the substantiation of the effectiveness of the organization of the meat processing complex of JSC Siberian Products (the second stage of the company's development) in order to attract investors to finance the acquisition costs technological equipment.

27.07.2015 27.07.2015

The business plan for the production of ice cream is devoted to the substantiation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the production complex of JSC "Morozko" (technological equipment, 4 industrial refrigerators, warehouses, production house, laboratory) and implementation finished products through our own trading network.

25.07.2015 25.07.2015

The business plan for the production of plastic windows offers a project to create structural unit enterprises for the production and installation of plastic windows for residential buildings, offices and industrial premises... The main types of products are: plastic window blocks of the firm "REHAU" (Germany).

24.07.2015 24.07.2015

Furniture production business plan is the foundation for the opening enterprise. The main activity, planned by the company, is the production of upholstered furniture for home and offices, the provision of furniture repair services, assembly, delivery and advice on the design of an apartment, office.

22.07.2015 22.07.2015

This business plan the investment project involves the implementation of a project for the production of competitive special medical equipment.

The medical equipment of the enterprise is intended for use in emergency hospitals, treatment-and-prophylactic and rehabilitation institutions, in hospitals, sanatoriums, including for the disabled, in nursing homes, reanimobiles, as well as for individual consumers.

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About business plans

Introducing ready samples business plans with calculations different types activities. On 95% of other sites, you will find lengthy discourse on three pages, and here it is business plans, by modifying which you can get loans and investments. Lenders need concrete steps and a well-planned cash flow.

Everything business plans contain calculations (requirements for personnel, equipment, goods, profitability, payback, break-even points, etc.)

We do not often update the section, since everything in the topic of business planning has been invented for a long time. But! Our examples of business plans should be taken as examples. You will have to do the calculations and market analysis yourself (according to the template in the business plan), since each situation is unique. You have a different time, a different city, different competitors, different technologies in the end.

Can't or have no time to finalize the business plan for yourself? ...

Alexey Zhumataev

Examples of business plans 2016

Good day! Today I want to write an article about examples of free business plans in 2016, these business plans are my copyright with calculations.

I post them completely free of charge and the number of business plans is constantly growing.

All business plans are 100% ready and step by step instructions opening a business.

If you want to do it yourself, you can see the instructions on how to write them and there is type sample business plan.

Let's look at the ready-made business plans in which I performed calculations, as well as recorded explanatory videos:

Examples of business plans with calculations

Free service business plans:

A ready-made sample business plan for those who decided to open their own gym... In addition to the simulator business plan, there are 5 more articles describing in detail the process of creating your own business. They disclose equipment issues for gym, the choice of premises, how to advertise correctly, calculations of income and expenses, as well as its further development.

A ready-made sample of a business plan for those who decided to start their business with the provision of plumbing services... In addition to the business plan for plumbing services, there are articles detailing this topic... Advertising, equipment required and profitability calculations for this business.

A ready-made sample business plan for those who want to open their own service station. Free business station plan Maintenance also supplemented with extended articles on how to choose a room, conduct an advertising campaign, choose equipment, calculations of the profitability of a service station.

A ready-made sample of a business plan for those wishing to open their own car service... A free car service business plan is also supplemented with articles on how to advertise a car service, equipment for a car service, the development of this business, as well as calculations of its profitability.