Presentation on the theme "notre dame de paris". Presentation in French "this amazing cathedral of notre dame de paris" Presentation on the theme of notre dame de paris

Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris) - geographical and
the spiritual "heart" of Paris, located in the eastern part of the Ile de la Cité,
on the site of the first Christian church in Paris - the Basilica of Saint
Stephen's, built on the site of the Gallo-Roman temple of Jupiter.
Architectural style:
Archbishopric of Paris
In the cathedral, on the one hand, there are echoes
Romanesque style
Normandy, with its characteristic powerful and dense unity, and on the other,
- used innovative architectural achievements of the Gothic
styles that give the building lightness and create an impression of simplicity
constructions. The height of the cathedral is 35 m, the length is 130 m.

Cathedral history

Construction began in 1163 under Louis VII of France. Main altar
Cathedral was consecrated in May 1182, by 1196 the nave of the building was almost finished. TO
In 1250, the construction of the cathedral was mostly completed, and in 1315
finished and interior decoration.
The main creators of Notre Dame are two architects - Jean de Chelles,
who worked from 1250 to 1265 and Pierre de Montreuil (creator of St. Chapel. Died in
1267), working from 1250 to 1267.
The cathedral with its magnificent interior decoration served for many centuries
venue for royal weddings, imperial coronations and
national funeral.

The cathedral contains one of the great Christian relics - Ternovy
crown of Jesus Christ.
Until 1063, the crown was on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, from where it
transported to the palace of the Byzantine emperors in Constantinople.
In 1238, King Louis IX of France acquired a crown from the Byzantine
emperor. On August 18, 1239, the king brought it to Notre Dame de Paris.
In 1243-1248 at the royal palace on the Isle of Cite was built
Holy chapel for the storage of the Crown of Thorns, which was located here
before the French Revolution. The crown was later transferred to the treasury.
Notre Dame de Paris.
Fragment of the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar"

The main facade of the cathedral has three doors. Over three
lancet portals of entrances - sculptural panels with
different episodes from the Gospel.
Above the central entrance there is an image of the Terrible
court. Seven statues each support the arches of the entrance (1210). V
center Christ the Judge.
The bottom lintel shows the dead who have risen from
graves. They were awakened by two angels with trumpets. Among the dead
- one king, one pope, warriors and women (symbolizes
presence at the Last Judgment of all mankind). On
upper tympanum - Christ and two angels on both sides.

Cathedral architecture and stained glass

Image of the "Last Judgment".

Upper part of the cathedral
decorated with images
gargoyles (protruding ends
beams decorated
faces of fantastic
creatures) and chimeras (this
individual statues
In the Middle Ages, chimeras on
there was no cathedral.
Put them by taking over
sample of medieval
gargoyles, invented
restorer -
architect Viollet-leDuc. Completed them
fifteen sculptors,
led by Geoffroy

Chimeras and Gargoyles.


The oak, lead-covered spire of the cathedral is 96 meters high. Spire base
surrounded by four groups of bronze statues of the apostles (by Geoffroy Deshomets).
In front of each group is an animal, the symbol of the evangelist: the lion is the symbol of Mark, the bull is Luke,
an eagle - John and an angel - Matthew. All statues look at Paris, except for St. Thomas,
patron saint of architects, who faces the spire.
As with other Gothic temples, there is no wall painting here, and the only
the source of color is the numerous stained-glass windows of the tall lancet windows.
Most of the stained glass windows were made in the middle of the 19th century. Main stained-glass window - rose
above the entrance to the cathedral - partially authentic, preserved from the Middle Ages. In the center of it
Our Lady, around - seasonal rural work, zodiac signs, dignity and sins.
Two side roses on the north and south facades of the cathedral. During the restoration of the stained-glass windows
were supposed to be white at first, but Prosper Merimee insisted that they be
made similar to medieval ones.
In the chapels located on the right side of the cathedral, there are paintings and sculptures of various
artists who, according to the centuries-old tradition, are presented as a gift to the cathedral
annually on the first day of May.

Stained glass

Southern Rose of the Alchemists - stained glass window depicting Christ surrounded
apostles, revered saints in France, martyrs, wise virgins. AND
Northern rose - stained glass window depicting the Virgin surrounded by characters
Of the Old Testament.

Lead oak
the spire of the cathedral has a height of 96
meters. Spire base
surrounded by four groups
bronze statues of the apostles
(by Geoffroy Deshomets).
Before each group -
animal, symbol of the evangelist:
the lion is the symbol of Mark, the bull is Luke,
eagle - John and an angel -
Matthew. All the statues are looking at
Paris, except for St. Thomas,
patron saint of architects,
which is facing the spire.

Stained-glass windows of the choir (altar part). Behind the altar on
high altitude high
lancet windows with stained-glass windows XIX

Organ at Notre Dame Cathedral


The organ is the music of the cathedral.

The first large organ was installed in the cathedral in 1402. For
for these purposes, an old organ was used, placed in a new
gothic building. During its life, the organ has repeatedly
completed and reconstructed. The most important are
restoration, reconstruction and expansion of Thierry in 1733,
François-Henri Clicquot in 1788, Already since the restoration
Thierry's instrument consisted of 46 registers. During its construction
most of the pipes of the original instrument were used, 12
of which have survived to the present day. Authority acquired
its current building with a facade in the style of Louis XVI.

... César Franck and Camille Saint-Saens have played on this organ, among a number of other composers. Position of titular organist of the cathedral


In 1959 the Kawaye-Coll console was replaced by a console
traditional for American organs, and the tract became
completely electric, for which more than 700 km were used
copper cable. However, the complexity and archaism of such
designs, as well as frequent failures have led to the fact that in the process
regular organ reconstruction in 1992, management
the instrument was computerized and the copper cable was replaced
The organ currently has 111 registers and about 8000 pipes.
It is the largest organ in terms of the number of registers. Since 1990
titular organists of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris are three
musicians: Olivier Latry, Philippe Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre Logue.

Purpose: to trace the evolution of the development of the musical Objectives: To define the musical To identify the characteristic features To define the genre categories of the musical To get acquainted with the musical "Notre - Dame de Paris"

Characteristic features of the musical: The breadth of the genre range (comedy, drama, tragedy) The leading role of pop plan music Equality of music, dance and the spoken genre in the drama of the performance At the heart of a literary work Striving for content, high ideology, depth of thought

Types of musicals: Musical - opera M. Legrand "Umbrellas of Cherbourg", E. Webber "Jesus Christ - Superstar"

Types of musicals: Musical - operetta by F. Lowe "My Fair Lady", R. Rogers "The Sound of Music"

Russian composers of musicals: I. Dunaevsky "Merry Fellows" (1934) "Circus" (1936) "Volga-Volga" (1938) and others (directed by G. Alexandrov)

September 18, 1998 - premiere of the musical Notre Dame de Paris In 1993, the poet Luc Plamondon began looking for a plot for a new musical performance and opted for the novel Notre Dame Cathedral by Victor Hugo. The famous composer, performer Richard Cochante joined the work. He played tunes that later became Bellé, “Dance, my Esmeralda”, “It's time for cathedrals”.

Notre Dame de Paris - the most successful musical Notre Dame de Paris is the first European musical to become world famous and move the epicenter of musical creation to Europe. A competition was announced for the troupe of the musical, in which 1482 people took part. 45 artists were selected (for three ensembles).

Quasimodo Of the Russian show business stars who auditioned for Notre Dame de Paris, the only artist was Vyacheslav Petkun, the lead singer of the Dances Minus group, who sings the part of Quasimodo.

Decorations The Operetta Theater was additionally equipped with sound and light equipment for the premiere. The production and assembly of the scenery was carried out at a defense plant adjacent to the production of Mi. G". The main decoration weighs 8 tons and is a prefabricated structure of 39 sections and three movable towers.

Belle Light illuminated my sick soul, No, I will not break your peace with passion, Delirium, midnight delirium torments my heart again, O Esmeralda, I dared to wish you.

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Completed: student of 9 "b" class MAOU secondary school No. 15, Chelyabinsk Nazarova Elena. Head: Levina Svetlana Vladimirovna.

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Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris) - the geographical and spiritual "heart" of Paris, located in the eastern part of the Ile de la Cité, on the site of the first Christian church in Paris - St. Stephen's Basilica, built on the site of the Gallo-Roman Temple of Jupiter. Religion: Catholicism Diocese: Archdiocese of Paris Architectural style: Gothic On the one hand, the cathedral has echoes of the Romanesque style of Normandy with its characteristic powerful and dense unity, and on the other, innovative architectural achievements of the Gothic style are used, which give the building a lightness and create an impression of simplicity constructions. The height of the cathedral is 35 m, the length is 130 m.

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Construction began in 1163 under Louis VII of France. The main altar of the cathedral was consecrated in May 1182, by 1196 the nave of the building was almost finished. By 1250, the construction of the cathedral was mostly completed, and in 1315 the interior decoration was also completed. The main creators of Notre Dame are two architects - Jean de Chelles, who worked from 1250 to 1265, and Pierre de Montreuil (the creator of St. Chapel. Died in 1267), who worked from 1250 to 1267. The cathedral, with its magnificent interior decoration, has served for centuries as the site of royal weddings, imperial coronations and national funerals.

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The cathedral houses one of the great Christian relics - the Crown of Thorns of Jesus Christ. Until 1063, the crown was on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, from where it was transported to the palace of the Byzantine emperors in Constantinople. In 1238, King Louis IX of France acquired the crown from the Byzantine emperor. On August 18, 1239, the king brought it to Notre Dame de Paris. In 1243-1248, the Holy Chapel was built at the royal palace on the Ile de la Cité to store the Crown of Thorns, which was located here before the French Revolution. Later, the crown was transferred to the treasury of Notre Dame de Paris. Fragment of the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar"

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The main facade of the cathedral has three doors. Above the three lancet portals of the entrances there are sculptural panels with different episodes from the Gospel. Above the central entrance there is an image of the Last Judgment. Seven statues each support the arches of the entrance (1210). In the center is Christ the Judge. The lower lintel depicts the dead who have risen from the graves. They were awakened by two angels with trumpets. Among the dead - one king, one dad, warriors and women (symbolizes the presence of all mankind at the Last Judgment). On the upper tympanum - Christ and two angels on both sides.

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The upper part of the cathedral is decorated with images of gargoyles (protruding ends of beams decorated with the faces of fantastic creatures) and chimeras (these are individual statues of fantastic creatures). In the Middle Ages, there were no chimeras at the cathedral. To put them, taking the example of medieval gargoyles, was invented by the restorer - the architect Viollet-le-Duc. They were completed by fifteen sculptors led by Geoffroy Deshomets.

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The oak, lead-covered spire of the cathedral is 96 meters high. The base of the spire is surrounded by four groups of bronze statues of the apostles (by Geoffroy Deshomets). In front of each group is an animal, the symbol of the evangelist: the lion is the symbol of Mark, the bull is Luke, the eagle is John and the angel is Matthew. All statues look at Paris, except for St. Thomas, patron saint of architects, who faces the spire. As with other Gothic temples, there is no wall painting here, and the only source of color is the numerous stained glass windows of the tall lancet windows. Most of the stained glass windows were made in the middle of the 19th century. The main stained glass window - a rose above the cathedral entrance - is partly genuine, preserved from the Middle Ages. In the center of her is the Mother of God, around - seasonal rural work, signs of the zodiac, dignity and sins. Two side roses on the north and south facades of the cathedral. During the restoration, the stained-glass windows were supposed to be white at first, but Prosper Merimee insisted that they be made to look like medieval ones. In the chapels located on the right side of the cathedral, there are paintings and sculptures by various artists, which, according to the centuries-old tradition, are presented to the cathedral every year on the first day of May.

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The southern rose of the alchemists is a stained-glass window depicting Christ surrounded by the apostles, saints, martyrs, wise virgins revered in France. And the Northern Rose is a stained glass window depicting the Mother of God surrounded by characters from the Old Testament. ...

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The oak, lead-covered spire of the cathedral is 96 meters high. The base of the spire is surrounded by four groups of bronze statues of the apostles (by Geoffroy Deshomets). In front of each group is an animal, the symbol of the evangelist: the lion is the symbol of Mark, the bull is Luke, the eagle is John and the angel is Matthew. All statues look at Paris, except for St. Thomas, patron saint of architects, who faces the spire.

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Stained-glass windows of the choir (altar part). Behind the altar, at a high altitude, there are tall lancet windows with stained glass windows from the 19th century.

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The first large organ was installed in the cathedral in 1402. For these purposes, an old organ was used, placed in a new Gothic building. During its life, the organ was repeatedly completed and reconstructed. The most important are the restoration, reconstruction and expansion of Thierry in 1733, François-Henri Clicquot in 1788. Since the restoration of Thierry, the instrument consisted of 46 registers. During its construction, most of the pipes of the original instrument were used, 12 of which have survived to the present day. The organ acquired its current building with a Louis XVI-style façade.

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César Franck and Camille Saint-Saens have played on this organ, among a number of other composers. The position of titular organist of Notre Dame Cathedral is considered one of the most prestigious in France

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In 1959, the Cavaye-Coll console was replaced by the traditional American organ console, and the tract became fully electric, for which more than 700 km of copper cable were used. However, the complexity and archaism of such a design, as well as frequent failures, led to the fact that during the next reconstruction of the organ in 1992, the control of the instrument was computerized, and the copper cable was replaced with an optical one. The organ currently has 111 registers and about 8000 pipes. It is the largest organ in terms of the number of registers. Since 1990, the titular organists of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris are three musicians: Olivier Latry, Philippe Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre Logue.

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Romanesque style (from Latin romanus - Roman) - art style, which dominated Western Europe in the X-XII centuries, one of the most important stages in the development of medieval European art. The main buildings during this period were the temple-fortress and the castle-fortress. The main element of the composition of the monastery or castle is the tower - donjon. Around it were the rest of the buildings, made up of simple geometric shapes - cubes, prisms, cylinders. Features of the architecture of the Romanesque cathedral: The plan is based on the longitudinal organization of the space. The increase in the choir or the eastern altar part of the temple. The increase in the height of the temple. Replacement of the ceiling with stone vaults. Heavy vaults demanded powerful walls and columns The severity of the Romanesque cathedral "oppresses" the space Rational simplicity of construction.

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The Gothic style manifested itself in the architecture of temples, cathedrals, churches, monasteries. Developed on the basis of Romanesque architecture. In contrast to the Romanesque style, with its round arches, massive walls and small windows, the Gothic style is characterized by pointed arches, narrow and tall towers and columns, an ornate facade with carved details and multicolored stained glass lancet windows. All elements of this style emphasize the vertical. Stained glass is a work of decorative art of a fine or ornamental nature made of colored glass, designed for through lighting and intended to fill an opening, most often a window, in an architectural structure. For a long time, stained glass windows have been used in temples.

Notre dame cathedral

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The cathedral reveals a duality of stylistic influences: on the one hand, there are echoes of the Romanesque style of Normandy with its characteristic powerful and dense unity, and on the other, innovative architectural achievements of the Gothic style are used, which give the building a lightness and give the impression of a simple vertical structure. The height of the cathedral is 35 m, the length is 130 m, the width is 48 m, the height of the bell towers is 69 m, the weight of the Emmanuel bell in the eastern tower is 13 tons, its tongue is 500 kg.

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Designed in the form of a cross, the cathedral is divided into five longitudinal parts - naves and has several facades. Two towers rise above the western one, with which the cathedral is usually associated with every mention. The spire, raised to a height of 32 m, gives an extraordinary elegance. In the central part, the facade is decorated with an openwork rose window.

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In the Middle Ages, the cathedral was traditionally considered the center of city life. In addition to divine services, performances, city meetings, magnificent coronations were also held there.

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An indescribable sensation leaves a visit to the inner space of the basilica, decorated with numerous sculptures and reliefs. Biblical and evangelical motives, heroes and simple characters, signs of the zodiac and allegories of human vices and virtues are easily guessed here. You cannot ignore the fantastic and real images of animals, plants, carved ornament.

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Construction began in 1163 under Louis VII of France. Historians disagree about who exactly laid the foundation stone of the cathedral - Bishop Maurice de Sully or Pope Alexander III. The main altar of the cathedral was consecrated in May 1182, by 1196 the floor of the building was almost finished, work continued only on the main facade. By 1250, the construction of the cathedral was mostly completed, and in 1315 the interior decoration was also completed.

Construction of the western pediment, with its distinctive two towers, began around 1200.

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The feeling of monumentality, the stopping of life is destroyed by streams of sunlight through the most wonderful stained-glass windows on the windows, made of small pieces of colored glass with a metal cover.

The impression of gravity is not at all inherent in the internal solution of the temple: the support of the building is strengthened by giant external pillars, transverse walls and inclined semi-arches, a special lightness is created due to the huge size of the windows.

The original architecture of Notre Dame Cathedral has made it the main attraction of the French capital for many centuries.

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The first large organ was installed in the cathedral in 1402. For these purposes, an old organ was used, placed in a new Gothic building. Such an instrument could not sound the huge space of the cathedral, so in 1730 François-Henri Clicquot completed its completion. The instrument consisted of 46 registers located on five manuals. During its construction, most of the pipes of the original instrument were used, 12 of which have survived to the present day. The organ also acquired its current building with a facade in the style of Louis XVI.

Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral" Materials for the work of the special course "World Literature" Grade 9

  • Materials for the study of the course "World Literature". Grade 9.
  • V. Hugo. "Notre Dame Cathedral" / From the experience of the teacher-methodologist N.S. Kucherenko
  • This development represents the experience of work on the novel by V. Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral". He touches upon the questions of the tragic fate of Esmeralda, about the relationship of Claude Frollo, Phoebus and Quasimod to her. Reveals the significance of the cathedral. Draws attention to the images of Quasimod o and Claude Frollo. It is intended for use in the lessons of acquainting students with the work of V. Hugo by teachers of literature from specialized classes of secondary schools, colleges and gymnasiums.

  • The transcendental distance of those old thoughts!

The past is barely discernible noise!

A treasure beyond the horizon of days!

  • Victor Hugo

  • In my books, dramas, prose and poetry, I stood up for the small and unfortunate, I implored the mighty and unforgiving. I reinstated the jester, lackey, convict and prostitute in human rights.
  • V. Hugo

  • One of the first mentions of V. Hugo in the Russian press dates back to 1824.
  • Hugo himself turned to the Russian theme as early as 1820, describing in one of the poems of Peter I.
  • The name Hugo gained wide popularity in Russia after the publication in France of the story “The Last Day of the Condemned to Death” (1829) and the novel “Notre Dame Cathedral” (1831).

  • Country: France.
  • Work: "Notre Dame Cathedral".
  • Date of writing: January 1831.
  • Genre: romantic historical novel.
  • Artistic direction: romanticism.
  • Aesthetic principles: depicting life in its contrasts, using the grotesque in creating images; displaying the realities of life; the ugly sets off the beauty.
  • Topics: spiritual life; Christian faith; love; morality.
  • Conflict: a struggle between the forces of good and evil, between a passive people and feudal lords capable of anything.
  • System of images: in the novel, all images are depicted according to the principle of romantic poetics - the depiction of life in its contrasts.

  • Notre Dame Cathedral is a work that reflects the past through the prism of the views of a humanist writer of the 10th and 10th centuries, who sought to illuminate the “moral side of history” and emphasize those features of past events that are instructive for the present.
  • M. Treskunov
  • ... In Notre Dame Cathedral "great impulses of humanity, mercy, social justice" sound.
  • I. Franko

  • There are many good literature in the world - books that enable the reader to seriously reflect on what he has read. In my opinion, one of these books is Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame Cathedral.
  • This book is not only a description of medieval Paris with its sights. This is the history of the existence of the cathedral, named so majestically - Notre Dame Cathedral, and the history of its relationship with the outside world and people.
  • It is also a story of amazing but tragic love. I saw this story in the love story of a young gypsy woman, Esmeralda, to Captain Phoebus de Chateauper.

  • I really liked the novel Notre Dame Cathedral. What different people and different fates are depicted on its pages! Great love, betrayal, hatred - all this is intertwined in the novel and made it simply magnificent.
  • The tragic pages of the novel are mesmerizing and make you think about the vicissitudes of fate. Think about how different a person's love is, and learn to recognize a real, sincere, disinterested feeling.
  • The story of the gypsy Esmeralda penetrates deeply into the soul and wounds into the very heart.

Zhadan Kristina, grade 9

  • The artist, personality, man disappear in these huge masses, leaving behind the name of the creator; the human mind finds expression in them and its overall result. Here time is an architect, and the people are a bricklayer.
  • V. Hugo

  • Notre Dame Cathedral is an extremely important image of the novel.
  • The cathedral is not just a place of action of the work, but also its ideological and compositional center, a grandiose symbol of the era, which expresses its meaning and color, its philosophical and historical truth.

  • It's like a huge stone symphony; colossal creation of both man and people; united and complex, ... the miraculous result of the unification of all the forces of an entire era, where from each stone sprinkles the fantasy of a worker taking hundreds of forms, guided by the artist's genius; in a word, this creation of human hands is powerful and abundant, like the creation of God, from whom it seemed to borrow its dual character: diversity and eternity.
  • V. Hugo

A strange fate fell to the lot of the Cathedral of Our Lady in those days - the fate of being loved so reverently, but completely differently by two such dissimilar beings as Claude and Quasimodo.

One of them - a semblance of a half-man, wild, obedient only to instinct, loved the cathedral for its beauty, for harmony, for the harmony that this magnificent whole exuded.

Another, gifted with an ardent imagination enriched with knowledge, loved in him his inner meaning, the meaning hidden in him, loved the legend associated with him, his symbolism hidden behind the sculptural decoration of the facade, like the primary letters of the ancient parchment hidden under the later text - in a word, he loved the riddle that the Cathedral of Paris Our Lady.

V. Hugo

The main character

Symbol of talent Iconic French building


Symbol Medieval spirituality symbol

Symbol of eternity Symbol of Christian culture



Revived, Hugo

Helped lead her on the path introduces her Paganism

to punish good and truth in the temple is ennobled

villain Claude Christianity

symbol of Christianity,

epoch symbol

Throws Punisher

summoning the cathedral of the criminal

Claude Frollo

  • It was then that he (Claude Frollo) approached the miserable creature that caused so much hatred and threats.
  • The sight of this unfortunate, ugly, abandoned creature, the thought that shook him ... - all this took him by the heart; a feeling of great pity swept over him. He took the foundling with him.
  • V. Hugo

  • Over time, a strong bond tied the bell ringer to the cathedral. Avoided forever from the world by a double misfortune that gravitated over him - a dark origin and physical deformity, locked from childhood in this double irresistible circle, the poor man was accustomed not to notice anything that lay on the other side of the sacred walls that sheltered him under their shadow.
  • As he grew and developed, the Cathedral of Our Lady consistently served for him as an egg, then a nest, then a home, then a homeland, then, finally, the universe.
  • V. Hugo

  • Who is Quasimodo?
  • Tell (briefly) his story.
  • What feelings: contempt or sympathy, affection or hatred, respect or disdain does Quasimodo evoke in the reader?
  • Does Quasimodo live on the beautiful and the ugly?

  • Spiritual wretchedness
  • Resignation to fate
  • Physical strength
  • Ugliness
  • Courage
  • Inner strength
  • Gratitude
  • Sense of beauty
  • The ability to respond to good
  • Inner beauty

  • What is Quasimodo's role in the novel?
  • What is the generalizing meaning of his image in the work?

  • Claude Frollo is the embodiment of the Middle Ages with its gloomy fanaticism and asceticism, but he was already touched by the spirit of doubt, carried away by new trends that arose at the turn of two eras - the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
  • Claude Frollo turns out to be a symbol of the perverted human soul crushed by the feudal order ...
  • M. Treskunov

  • What is the essence of the hero's inner conflict?
  • How does the author portray Archdeacon Claude Frollo?
  • Prove that Claude Frollo is a tragic person.
  • How was the fate of the archdeacon reflected?

  • There were many rumors about this incident.
  • No one doubted that the hour had struck when, by virtue of their agreement, Quasimodo, that is, the devil, had to take with him Claude Frollo, that is, the sorcerer.
  • It was argued that Quasimodo, in order to take Frollo's soul, broke his body, just as a monkey breaks the shell of a nut to eat the kernel.
  • This is why the archdeacon was not buried in consecrated ground.
  • V. Hugo

  • The beauty Esmeralda personifies everything that is kind, talented, natural and beautiful that the great soul of the people carries ... It is not without reason that she is so cheerful and musical, she loves songs, dance and life itself so much. No wonder she is so chaste and, at the same time, so natural and straightforward in her love, so careless and kind with everyone ...
  • E. Evnina

  • Who is Esmeralda?
  • What do we know about the origin of the girl?
  • Briefly tell the story of Esmeralda.
  • Describe the inner world of the heroine.
  • What are the main character traits of a girl and how do they manifest themselves in her behavior?

Love in the novel by V. Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral"



Outwardly beautiful

but internally


Claude Frollo


Conflict between

love for god

and love for



Outwardly ugly.


fear, sympathy.


sacrificial love


Love-hate -

Claude Frollo.

love is passion.

Love game -

Phoebus de Chateauper

Let's think together ...

  • Having solved the crossword puzzle, we will find out

meaning of the Latin word `ANA Г KH, which" gave birth to this book "-

"Notre Dame Cathedral"

Victor Hugo.

  • 1. Which of the heroes of the novel had, in the opinion of Jean Frollo, a robe saturated with blood.
  • 2. The subject of Quasimodo's adoration.
  • 3. French military and political figure of the 16th century, one of the leaders of the Huguenots, described in the novel "Notre Dame Cathedral".

Klimchuk Sergey, grade 9

  • 1. According to the genre, Notre Dame Cathedral is ...
  • 2. The events depicted in the novel took place in ...
  • 3. The gypsy was called ...
  • 4. Who really loved Esmeralda?
  • 5. The name of the archdeacon ...
  • 6. Who was Quasimodo?
  • 7. Explain the title of the novel and its connection to the ending.

  • The presentation used materials from classes held in the 9th grade of secondary school No. 73 in Dnepropetrovsk and creative works of school students - participants in the special course.
  • Methodist teacher,

teacher of Russian language and literature