How to start an agricultural business from scratch. Business in agriculture from scratch. Work with black soil

Since the early 2000s, a significant part of local agricultural products have disappeared from store shelves in Russia. They were replaced by imported vegetables, fruits and meat. Modern buyers genuinely wonder why it is easier to bring food products from abroad than to produce the same in their own country. Moreover, the environmental friendliness of imported products often raises doubts. In the last decade, agribusiness has begun to regain lost ground, but is not yet able to fully meet the needs of the population.

The agricultural business in the Russian Federation is on the rise. Organs state power encourage its development in every possible way. Such a political decision is dictated exclusively by practical goals, since most of the villages in the country are in decline.

Business development in the field of agriculture will bring additional revenues to the budget, as well as solve the problem of the desolation of villages.

Small business operating in agriculture receives state support, which is expressed in:

  • obtaining soft loans for starting a business;
  • free allocation of vacant territories for breeding animals or growing plants;
  • securing favorable conditions purchase of planting material;
  • subsidizing the development of agricultural business.

Despite the significant help for business from the government, new ideas in agriculture are difficult to implement. Moreover, for the most part, the difficulties are associated not with the presence of competitors in the industry, but with the actual implementation of the idea. To start receiving a stable income, you will have to spend a lot of time and physical strength.

According to statistics, the average payback of an agricultural business is six months for growing vegetables, fruits, berries or herbs and 2-3 years for livestock. Determine exactly which is the most profitable business in agriculture is problematic. The difficulty is due to the fact that two identical farms located in different regions of the country will be characterized by different profitability.

Popular destinations include:

  • plant growing;
  • growing flowers or mushrooms;
  • animal husbandry;
  • poultry farming;
  • beekeeping.

When deciding how to start a business in agriculture, experienced farmers recommend taking into account not only the proximity of the territorial location of the points of sale of products, but also the climatic conditions necessary for growing plants.

There is a standard outline for starting an agricultural business from scratch. The first mandatory point is the choice of the direction of business development.

There are several possible ways:

  • general farming for the cultivation of several popular products;
  • transition to a highly specialized area (for example, from animal husbandry to the creation of an ostrich farm);
  • non-standard business ideas in agriculture that can generate a product that competitors do not have;
  • work under the agricultural franchise scheme.

When choosing a direction for future activities, one should rely not on personal preferences, but on specific environmental factors that will affect the results of work in the future.

First-order factors that determine the level of profitability of an agro idea:

  • the amount of own start-up capital, access to borrowed resources;
  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • staffing (as a rule, in the village there is an acute shortage of qualified and disciplined personnel, one should be ready at first to perform most of the functions independently);
  • availability of state support in the selected industry.

If a small business is planned, then a promising direction is the processing of agricultural products. While more capital investment is likely to be required, weather conditions will have less of an impact on performance than with a standard farm.

Agriculture as a business comes with impressive capital costs. However, not all farmers have the opportunity to implement the idea at the expense of only own funds... Therefore, you have to look for investors and lenders.

No financial investment is possible without ready-made business plan, revealing comprehensively aspects of the functioning of the planned enterprise.

Entrepreneurs who have been working in the field of agribusiness for several years recommend where it is better to start an agricultural business. Beginners should give preference to the crop production direction. It requires a minimum start-up investment, and, therefore, financial risks absent (especially if it is possible to enlist government support). You will need a small piece of land and quality seeds to grow crops. Crop farming is the most profitable business in agriculture if you have your own private house with a large backyard garden. allows you to save on purchase or rental payments. It is possible to handle one farm manually, while a larger business will require the involvement of machinery to work with the plantings.

Popular areas of crop business for agriculture

  • growing berries (minus - low shelf life of products, plus - high profitability in the off-season);
  • cultivation of greenery (the advantage of the direction is the organization of a business at home, the conveyor method of work and the possibility of obtaining super profits in the winter, the disadvantage is the presence of great competition);
  • planting potatoes (minus - significant startup costs, plus - the profitability of the idea);
  • growing fruit (advantage - meager costs after planting trees, disadvantages - competition, a long period waiting for the harvest).

Taking into account the specifics of the Russian climate, one production cycle in the middle zone will be 6 months. The rest of the time becomes a period forced downtime... We can eliminate such a disadvantage if we have the financial ability to install greenhouses.

Its business in the flower sphere

The second most popular business idea with agriculture is floriculture.

The advantage of this direction is the possibility of full-fledged year-round operation.

Plus, growing flowers requires a compact area.

Recently, it has become popular to re-equip the attics of their own houses into a greenhouse. In such places, flowers are provided with optimal growing conditions. The advantage of such a non-standard solution is the ability to save part of the money for heating the greenhouse.

Organization of a flower garden in the attic will require installation:

  • glass ceilings through which the sun's rays can penetrate to the plants;
  • room heating control;
  • dormer windows and blinds.

On average, it takes 180,000 rubles to equip an attic greenhouse with an area of ​​80 m2. The costs will be able to pay off in six months.

During the holidays, of which there are many in Russia, floriculture is the most profitable and profitable business... Peak sales will allow the greenhouse to reach full capacity in 2-3 years. The natural result of this is the discovery own store for the sale of fresh flowers, which eliminates the need to search for points of sale.

Growing mushrooms is one of the profitable areas of the agro business. The return on it is at least 40% of the net profit. However, not every beginner can implement such an idea. for the industrial cultivation of mushrooms, expensive equipment is needed.

Artificial cultivation lends itself to:

  • Champignon;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • White mushrooms;
  • a number of other less popular types.

Each of them requires standard cultivation conditions.

To equip a mushroom greenhouse, you will need a suitable room in which a heating, ventilation and humidification system is installed.

It is necessary to have cultivated chambers and a special substrate in which spores mature - mycelium. Sowing takes place in special cells, where the water supply is automatically regulated and the carbon dioxide balance suitable for mushrooms is maintained. The points of sale of the products are chain supermarkets, classic-format stores and counters. For this kind of agriculture, a franchising scheme is relevant.

The advantage of the mushroom growing business is the low need for labor resources. Modern greenhouses are capable of automating basic crop care functions. Thus, insignificant costs of doing business and high demand for products lead to super profits.

Livestock breeding

According to statistics, the consumption of meat and dairy products is increasing annually. The rate of growth in the profitability of livestock production exceeds the level of annual inflation, which makes raising animals attractive for small and medium-sized businesses.

For a beginner in agriculture, three areas of livestock farming are suitable:

  1. Breeding of cattle (cows, calves, goats and sheep). The basic products for sale will be milk and meat. Additionally, leather and wool are to be sold. To organize a business, you will need to build cattle pens, purchase milking equipment and animal feed. To increase profitability, hay is harvested, which will save an impressive amount on feed. In the future, a complex for processing milk into fermented milk products, cheese and other food products is being organized at the cow farm. Lack of the industry - high risk death of livestock due to improper care.
  2. Raising rabbits is attractively short cycle times and high end product costs. With a rational organization, the business pays for itself after 1 year. Along with meat, skins and rabbit fluff are sold.
  3. Pig breeding is popular because pork is considered the most demanded type of meat. However, due to the significant initial and associated costs, the business will be able to pay off only after 3 years. In addition to the construction of pens and the costs of purchasing feed are taken into account, vaccination will require funds to pay salaries to workers and a veterinarian. For getting additional income a smokehouse is being built at the pig farm.

For a person who is little versed in animal husbandry, it is better to take a closer look at breeding rabbits and pigs. Raising cattle requires a lot of knowledge. Improper keeping of animals is fraught with losses.

Cultivation of birds is another profitable area of ​​agribusiness, which is allowed to be engaged in in any climatic zone of the country. The goal is to get poultry and eggs. It is possible to conduct small-scale farming on your own personal plot, where the bird moves freely during the day, as well as large poultry farms, where aviary is practiced to accelerate weight gain. Distribution points - own counter or shop, as well as work with dealers.

As a rule, Russian farmers grow:

  • turkeys;
  • ducks;
  • geese;
  • quail;
  • partridges;
  • pheasants.

The exotic direction is ostrich breeding. The difficulty lies in finding a source of purchase of young stock and points of sale for poultry farm products (ostrich meat, eggs and feathers).

To start breeding chickens or other poultry, it is recommended to purchase healthy young stock (100 layers and 20 broilers), acquire a land plot and a poultry house for keeping chicks and adults. Estimated costs will amount to 450,000 rubles. The poultry farm will be able to pay off completely in 3 years. The amount of profitability depends on the geography of product sales. So in Moscow and the region, the profitability of business will be an order of magnitude higher than in other regions.

Breeding of bees is important for central Russia. Business profitability ranges from 15 to 27%, depending on the climatic conditions in the summer. The points of sale for beekeeping products will be shops and market stalls, as well as enterprises specializing in the production of medicines and cosmetics. It is recommended to start a business with the purchase of 100 bee families.

In beekeeping, income comes after the sale:

  • honey;
  • wax;
  • royal jelly;
  • bee glue;
  • bee bread.

To organize a business, you will need to acquire land with an area of ​​at least 1 hectare. Beehives are installed on it (for industrial volumes, it is recommended to purchase from 10 pieces) and melliferous plants are sown.

Most of the honey plants are characterized by good germination, so sowing is carried out on its own.

You will also need a warm place to keep the hives in the winter. Omshanik is being built for such purposes. The average start-up costs will be 250,000 for land leases, 28,000 for the purchase of hives, 3,000 for the purchase of bees and 150,000 for the construction of Omshanik. A total of 431,000 rubles is the amount of the required start-up capital for organizing a beekeeping farm.

Each direction in agriculture allows you to organize a break-even business. To do this, you need to plan the course of doing business and take into account possible risks of the external environment before starting construction and making purchases. The business plan will help to foresee the influence of negative factors on the farm and to develop an algorithm of confrontation.

Russia is the largest country in the world. The area of ​​agricultural land in our country is huge. The only problem is that more than 90% of this land is located in areas of risky farming. Such climatic conditions mean that when running an agricultural business, there is a rather high risk of getting a loss in the event of unfavorable climatic conditions. However, in last years Russia has come out on top in the world among exporters of grain and is confidently moving towards complete self-sufficiency in food products.

Of course, most of the successes of agriculture in our country, in recent years, are associated with large agricultural holdings. Only large-scale, mass industrial production of food products is capable of ensuring the extremely low cost of the final product. Does this mean that small business in agriculture is doomed and has no prospects? Of course not! On the contrary, all over the world and in Russia, in particular, there is a growing interest in products produced on small farms and peasant farms... Consumers are not afraid of high prices for such products.

Today, despite a general decline in rural population in Russia, there is a growing interest in agricultural production among the economically active part of the urban population. This is due to the mass of social, economic and psychological factors, the discussion of which is beyond the scope of this article. But one of these factors cannot be ignored. Investing money in land is the most reliable way, if not to increase, then to preserve capital.

How much land do you need to have for agribusiness?

Agricultural production is closely linked to land. Therefore, any project in agriculture starts with the land. How much land do you need to own (lease) to make an agricultural business profitable? It all depends on the type of activity you choose.

Whereas hundreds of hectares are needed to grow grain crops profitably, a successful rabbit farm can span several hundred square meters.

Breeding animals requires less space, but it should be borne in mind that the purchase of feed is a significant cost item. Therefore, having our own feed base significantly increases the profitability of the business. If you are not tied to a specific land plot, then when looking for it, you should provide for the possibility (and desirability) of further development.

Breeding poultry is promising business despite the presence of huge poultry farms. Modern industrial technology ensures low production costs, but consumer confidence in its quality is at a low level. If you have five to eight hectares of land for growing feed, then you can guarantee the consumer that poultry meat is grown with the right quality feed.

So, let's try to consider an agricultural business in the context of the possibility of a quick start and the earliest possible profit.

Livestock and poultry

Growing poultry

Poultry farming is a common activity for villagers. Many entrepreneurs start their business precisely from obtaining poultry meat and eggs. This kind of business requires minimal start-up costs. Already 50-100 heads of poultry not only provide a family of 4-5 people with meat and eggs, but also bring some income. But this, of course, is not a business yet, but a subsidiary farm. The business starts with 500-1000 birds. What kinds of birds are bred in Russia today? Here is a short list of them, in ascending order of potential profitability of cultivation:

  • chickens;
  • ducks;
  • turkeys;
  • geese;
  • ostriches.

Naturally, the given order is nothing more than a very rough guideline. With the right business, raising chickens can very well prove to be more profitable than raising ostriches.

This section presents proven working business ideas in agriculture. Each project has already proven its profitability and has been successfully implemented by an entrepreneur or farm. This information will allow young businessmen to choose and successfully launch a startup, and experienced entrepreneurs will see new profitable directions for their activities. The schemes we are describing can be a reliable source of steady income.

Maximum information content

We do not offer abstract ideas, but specific information on ways to make money. Each article contains:

  • Data on products, services, which are the object of business.
  • A small economic and marketing justification of the effectiveness of the business model. For example, the trend of changes in demand, prices in the market for honey, herbs or meat is highlighted.
  • List of technical conditions and technologies for successful implementation project.
  • Approximate calculations of investments, profitability, payback.

We publish business plans for villages of various sizes. Breeding projects are a good option for organizing profitable farming activities. On a small personal plot, using the existing farm buildings or greenhouses, you can grow greens, strawberries or flowers all year round. Such a business in the country brings superprofits in winter. There are ideas for intermediary activities (resale of grain, milk). We offer seasonal and year-round options for entrepreneurship in agriculture.

What else do our articles tell about?

In addition to basic data (technologies, conditions, calculations), our business ideas for villages contain additional useful information. The articles contain analytical assessments of experienced experts and businessmen. They reveal secrets successful work in the agricultural business. Here you can find recommendations on the choice of equipment for the implementation of the project.

The reader can leave comments with his own opinion about the information read. This option allows you to objectively evaluate each individual idea. Choose best business ideas and bring them to life. With a serious approach to business, you can use our ideas to get a high permanent income.

Contrary to existing stereotypes, small business is actively developing not only in large cities, but also in small rural settlements. This is partly due to the growing demand for agricultural products grown in ecologically clean areas without the use of pesticides. In addition, the government of our country is developing programs to support rural entrepreneurs, which makes it possible to start a business in this area of ​​activity with minimal investment.

Agriculture business ideas

Today there are many promising ideas for organizing own business in the field of agriculture. Let's consider those that can be implemented in almost any region.

  1. Growing greens and vegetables in greenhouse complexes... This type of business will require significant investments from the entrepreneur. The businessman will need to build a heated polycarbonate greenhouse. To minimize costs, you can build such a structure yourself. The size of the greenhouse complex depends on the planned volume of work and on the amount of start-up capital. It is advisable to equip the structure being built automatic system glaze. This will minimize the time spent on caring for cultivated plants.
  2. As practice shows, the highest profit (up to 100 thousand rubles per month) can be brought by growing tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants. A good profit (about 30-50 thousand rubles) can be obtained by growing parsley, dill and lettuce. Such types of business can generate income all year round, if the entrepreneur is able to find stable sales channels for the grown products.

  3. Breeding of chickens of meat breeds. The demand for poultry meat is consistently high, so you can safely organize your own agricultural business for the production of such products. This business will also require some investments (about 200-300 thousand rubles). The entrepreneur will need to purchase incubators, cages, as well as special feed for raised chickens. In addition, he will need to study the peculiarities of bird care or hire an assistant who will deal with such issues.
  4. Freezing vegetables and fruits. Such a business idea is suitable for those entrepreneurs who have their own land plot where apples, pears, and other fruits or vegetables are grown. As you know, there is a demand for such products at any time of the year, even in winter. If you competently organize your business on freezing fresh vegetables and fruits, you can get a good income.

How to combine agricultural science with business

The role of science in modern agricultural business is great. Practically in every region, new technologies are being developed and introduced to significantly increase the productivity of private farms and agro-industrial complexes.

To combine the science of agriculture with business, scientists have to engage in active research activities, study the principles of work modern equipment, which is designed to make technological processes more efficient.

New directions of scientific activity in the field of agriculture are developing. Domestic scientists are mastering the development of new management systems for agricultural enterprises that can be actively used in small businesses.

Support and development of small business in agriculture

The state allocates a lot of funds for development entrepreneurial activity in agriculture. Small business development in this area is considered a priority and is strongly encouraged.

A novice farmer can receive material support from the local municipality to organize his own business in the field of agriculture. To do this, he must either become the head of a peasant farm, or register as individual entrepreneur... In addition, he can take part in grants for the modernization and development of the material and technical base of his micro-enterprise. The state also develops and implements programs to subsidize a part of the initial payment for the purchase of agricultural machinery on lease. Thus, you can open your own business in the agricultural sector with little or no cost.

Can a business in agriculture be profitable and profitable?

Microbusiness in agriculture can be a profitable endeavor if the farmer is responsible for choosing a specialization, hiring workers and finding distribution channels for his products. A novice entrepreneur needs to closely monitor the market to find out which products are in the highest demand. This will allow him to find that niche in the agricultural sector, the development of which will allow him to get the greatest profit.

The profitability of a business in agriculture is determined by various factors, including the climatic conditions of the region in which it is launched. It was noted that the greatest profit is brought by farms located in the south of our country or in the middle lane. In such areas, there is a high yield of vegetables, fruits, sunflowers and other crops. Large profits can be obtained from breeding cattle and poultry.

Most profitable business projects in agriculture

Entrepreneurial activity in the field of agriculture is a rather promising direction.

The following business projects have the highest percentage of profitability:

  1. Pig breeding. It is not easy to get started in this area, since in order to receive a tangible income, the livestock must consist of at least 70-100 animals. However, the ease of caring for pigs and the high selling price of meat allow you to quickly return the investment and reach a decent level of income.
  2. Opening of a dairy plant. The implementation of this project will also require an impressive investment. However, a novice entrepreneur will be able to receive funds from the state to open an enterprise. Dairies sell their products at a price 2 times higher than their cost. If there are stable sales channels for products, such a business will pay off already in the second year of its existence.
  3. Breeding rabbits. This project can be implemented with low investments at the start (about 200-300 thousand rubles). Rabbit meat is considered a dietary product, its average market retail price for 2017 is 500 rubles per kilogram. On this business, you can earn up to 70 thousand rubles a month.

Start a business from scratch in agriculture

There are a number of business projects that can be implemented from scratch or with a token start-up capital. For example, a budding entrepreneur might start growing bagged strawberries or use green technology using hydroponics. Such a business can be organized in the conditions of a personal subsidiary farm or a summer cottage. Over time, the entrepreneur will be able to expand the scope of work and register a peasant farm.

In addition, you can start in a similar business area as an intermediary. For example, you can engage in the resale of large quantities of grain. It will also generate tangible profits.

Buy a ready-made business in agriculture

If a novice farmer for some reason does not want to organize his business from scratch, he should pay attention to such an alternative option as buying ready business... Many entrepreneurs are forced to sell their farms, factories, agricultural or greenhouse complexes due to moving to another area. In this case, the cost of the enterprise is usually quite affordable, especially if the business needs to be sold urgently. If desired, the buyer can always start a reasonable bargain.

Where can I find offers for the sale of a ready-made business in the field of agriculture? An entrepreneur can see ads of this kind on specialized web resources (for example, on agricultural forums), on electronic boards, as well as in local newspapers.

Leading companies for the production of equipment for agriculture at the Agroprodmash exhibition

The latest developments in agricultural equipment are presented at the Agroprodmash exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. As part of the event, in the thematic salon Poultry Tech Moscow, novice businessmen can personally assess the efficiency of processing equipment:

  • meat;
  • birds:
  • fish and seafood.

Explore plants for the production of dairy products, cheeses, beverages, vegetable oils and sauces. Conclude agreements with manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for storage (Refrigerating & HVAC Equipment Moscow), packaging and transportation (PackTech Moscow).