Corporate party for adults on teacher's day script. How to spend a corporate holiday on Teacher's Day. I never

In addition to joint calendar holidays, each team holds corporate events on the occasion of the company's birthday, professional holiday, especially a successful contract, etc. Usually such events are organized in the form of a buffet table with congratulations from the management and performances of invited creative teams.

But, if there is a desire to arrange an evening with a game program and honoring employees, then this scenario of a corporate party "Let's say compliments to each other" would be very appropriate. The script contains entertainment, team games that unite the entire team and create an upbeat mood for everyone.

Scenario of a corporate party.

The evening begins with B. Okudzhava's song "Let's Compliment Each Other"

Leading: Good evening, gentlemen! Wonderful words, aren't they! And they are the best fit for our evening, and you, of course, know that they belong to the pen of Bulat Okudzhava. This wonderful poet did not even imagine that the relevance of his words would only increase every year. Indeed, in our age of high speeds and crazy technologies, completely simple human concepts go into the background: communication with colleagues, intimate conversations with friends, meetings with friends around the fire - they are being replaced by virtual and mobile communications. We live in a constant deficit of warmth, attention and normal human involvement. However, everything is in our hands! And we have gathered here not to be sad, but to give each other this deficit and recharge our positive energy for the future!

Game for acquaintance and rallying of guests "Truth in the ball"

(you can watch the game or choose another option more suitable for the company at)

Toast to rapprochement and acquaintance.

Presentation of comic nominations to employees.

Leading: Based on the results of this survey and the questionnaire survey, which was conducted in advance, I am pleased to announce that this year each of you has received the following nominations (watchOption 2 )…..

(diplomas or medals are awarded)

Leading: Well, as the saying goes, "the awards have found their heroes." And tell me, except for thunderous applause and solemn fanfare, any celebration usually accompanies?

The players respond.

Leading: Of course, the presentation of beautiful and unusual bouquets was not prepared, then we will collect it right here.

Team game "Bouquet-song collage"

This game is suitable for mass coverage of guests, since here we will "collect" bouquets. To begin with, we call five or six of the most active guests and suggest that they collect a bunch of "flowers", that is, recruit colleagues for their team, dressed in a certain color of clothing: yellow, red, blue, orange, etc. teams can be unequal in number - no big deal. What matters is how they are able to show their talents. But first, let the presenter tell you briefly what each of the colors means. For example, green is the color of health, optimism and hope. You can ask the Green team how they are doing with hope and health, and so on. then the teams receive one paper daisy, on the petals of which on the back are written lines from poems and songs, where flowers or colors are mentioned, as well as the names of the excerpts for the team "color" dance. The teams themselves decide who reads the verse, who sings, but the dance to the song, where their color is mentioned, they all perform together (the music is put on by the DJ). Thus, each team gives its own little concert. The winners are determined by applause.

Play with the audience "Let's say compliments"

Host: As we see, flowers are indeed a unique gift. Only compliments can compare with them. Shall we exchange?

Men speak adjectives characterizing women with the letter "Zh", and women praise men with the letter "M". The last one with the answer wins.

Leading: You noticed that men were still a little more inventive, apparently, they have more experience, and maybe fantasies, After all, when a man seeks the location of a lady he likes, he is sometimes magically inventive. I would like to ask: men, what properties do you endow an ideal woman with in your fantasies?

Answers follow, among which the presenter literally grasps the word "weak".

Leading: Well, since a woman is weak, then a real man, in my opinion, is the one with whom she can afford this quality. Let's dream up! You, strong men, what wish of a weak beloved woman would you fulfill if God gave you the power to create magic ?!

Of course, men start to fantasize. In this case, the presenter should work not just as a commentator, but make sure that the ladies present also express their opinion about male fantasies.

Song compliments between the male and female half of the band.

Leading: How beautiful men are as wizards, are they not, ladies! Let's reward them for their good intentions with at least applause! Of course, if the ladies wish, then you can kiss on the cheek! However, I dare to remind you that the main purpose of our evening is "to compliment each other"! Therefore, I am declaring a "compliment auction"! I will ask you to remember all the poems and songs where a man or a woman declares his love.

For example, song compliments. The female half of the audience suggests: "Oh, what a man was, a real colonel." And the man's answers: "Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart ..."

If the audience is ready to exchange poetic compliments, then carry out this option as well:

Men:"I loved you silently, hopelessly ...". Ladies do not remain in debt and quotes Tsvetaeva: “Thank you, heart and hand, for the fact that you do not know me yourself! - so love! ... ". The one who gives the last compliment wins.

Here you should not rush the people, on the contrary, stock up on tips and stimulate guests to as many quotes as possible. For those who remembered the most beautiful or witty quotes, you can present small gifts.

Leading: Isn't it true, poetry tunes our souls in a special way! However, music has a similar effect on us. No wonder these two manifestations of human sensitivity get along so well with each other and give birth to a song.

Concert number - a love song sounds.

Corporate drinking chant "Let's be happy ?! Hurray!"

Leading: Mutual compliments have already brought us many pleasant minutes, haven't they? Perhaps someone already wanted to scream with happiness ?! I propose to do it according to the rules of corporate ethics: amicably and with enthusiasm. I read out a quatrain, and after my words "Let's be happy" you all shout loudly: "Hurray!"

Leading: Let them accompany everywhere

We have fair winds!

Let love warm us

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: May with us this evening

There will be kind words!

We do not mind, we are glad to meet you

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let time run, rejoicing,

After all, now is the time!

Games, dances, kisses.

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: We wish everyone to have fun

Until the very morning!

May the holiday last forever

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Amusing photo session "Share your smile".

Leading: How much you smiled now and this is the best result that I could count on as a presenter. Let's run the “Smiling Contest”! the conditions are simple: you need to smile! First, let's compete in the breadth of a smile! Even wider! Now show me a smile from the bottom of your heart! Even more sincere! Class! Some even had tears in their eyes, but these are tears of happiness!

It was only a rehearsal, the real competition will begin only now. And it will be an express photo contest for the very charming smile.

(For the competition you will need: a camera, pre-copied children's photos with funny facial expressions - different, one for each participant, a projector or monitor. The participant is given a photo of the child, his task is to repeat facial expressions in front of the camera. Then a slide is quickly made of all the photos and shown to everyone the audience chooses the best.)

Scene for a corporate event in the IT company "Dialogue at the Monitor"

"breaks" the established tradition, according to which teachers, even on their own holidays, remain within the profession: they accept congratulations from children, laugh at childish jokes and applaud children’s talents at a concert that they themselves invented and prepared. Of course, let it all be, but let it be a holiday especially and exclusively for teachers. And to translate this idea into reality, we offer our own version - New scenario of a corporate party for Teacher's Day "Eternal Spring"- which will help to organize an unforgettable and informative evening for teachers on the topic of their professional activities. And the contests offered in the program will allow the assembled teachers to show their talents, knowledge and abilities in a new way, and simply to have fun, spiritually and tastefully.

(Note from the author: it is easy to prepare and conduct such a holiday on your own, the script has been worked out very carefully, the organizers only need to decide on the presenters, with the background and dance music to their liking (music for the competitions is attached) and decide in advance: whether to include all the proposed entertainment in this program or some leave them in reserve for holding another holiday (after all, the scenario contains more than 15 drinking and active games, contests, quizzes and relay races).

Scenario for Teacher's Day "Eternal Spring"


Track 0 sounds. How cool

Leading: It's great that we are all gathered here today!

There are such lovely, dear faces around.

There are notebooks in the closet. This evening without interruption

We will have fun with friends!

Leading: We will forget all the rules, prohibitions,

Let's dive, as in childhood, into joy with our heads.

Let's sing all the songs, those that are not finished.

And we will spin a round dance.

Leading: May this evening be our reward

For hard work, and for a night without sleep.

Let Autumn cry alone outside the window.

May Spring reign in our souls!

Leading: Let's raise our glasses, friends, and a happy holiday, dear ones!

(Banquet pause).

Leading: Tonight will not be languid. We, teachers, have chosen a profession that fills our entire life from morning to evening, from the first lesson to retirement. Our life is filled with children, lessons, notebooks, as well as filling out magazines, drawing up reports and so on, and so on and so forth. Let's forget about worries and boring routine today. Our profession gives us joy, children share their youthful energy. We remain in the stream of young ideas until the last lesson in our life, and therefore, we do not grow old! And in our souls there is Eternal Spring! Otherwise, it is simply impossible to be successful in our profession!

Leading: But ... if you look at ours from the other side, it turns out that the "product of our labor" (do not consider it an insult) comes to honor us on this day. Imagine another holiday. For example, the Day of the Railway Worker, on which a steam locomotive will show up, or a corporate event on the Day of the Investigator, where convicts speak with welcoming speeches, and at the holiday dedicated to the Day of Military Commissariat Employees, slender ranks of recruits will parade ... Why all this conversation? It's simple: we decided to spend today's evening exclusively with the teaching staff, with the adult staff, without involving the "children's contingent".

Leading: Let's try to get away from school worries, and look at colleagues, friends from the other, extra-curricular side. True, it will not work to stay out of the profession, but that is why it is a professional holiday.

Leading: We will try to forget about the rules, rigor and discipline, but just relax and allow ourselves to be not mentors, but ordinary people with their weaknesses, and most importantly, their interests and talents.

Leading: To make it easier to throw off the mask of the Teacher, we suggest playing a very simple game that will help you get to know each other better and remember your other hypostasis.

The game "Meet again or I will never ..."

Leading: This game, popular both in Russia and in the West, will help us learn more about each other. The rules of the game are elementary. I utter a phrase that always begins with the words "I never ...", and then the action itself is voiced. For example, "I have never ... been to the Bolshoi Theater."

Leading: Those of you who are lucky enough to visit the main theater of the country raise your hand and get a chip. Who will win this game, we will say at the end of our experiment.

( A tip to the organizers: choose the questions you like so that among them there are both familiar actions and unexpected ones. Prepare your chips. These can be any small objects (decorative stones, coins, buttons or stickers), but keep in mind that there should be a lot of them (six to eight pieces per person). It may turn out that the chips will have to be distributed to half of those present. In order not to read from the sight, you can prepare cards of five or six options for actions, which the facilitators will read out in turn. There will be at least two winners in this game. The one with the fewest chips can be awarded the Most Stable (or Sustainable) medal. The second, who has the most chips, will receive the title of "Most unexpected" (or unpredictable). In the last nomination, a person who was the only one who was engaged in the most extreme case can be especially noted. The organizers, depending on the infusion and the composition of the company, can also consider the alcoholic version of this game, when everyone who did what the participants suggest takes a sip or drinks a shot (a small glass), in this case, the situations for choice should be voiced more provocative ... Questions for the game are attached).

Options for questions for the game " I never... "

I never...

I went to the circus.

Danced in the street.

He composed love songs.

Tried pistachio ice cream.

Been in Egypt

I never...

I saw a reindeer.

I rode a pony.

Sucked on icicles.

I used dental floss.

I picked flowers in a public flowerbed ………………………………….


(36 ready-made options to choose from included)

- Game "Quote Meter"

Leading: Today is the evening of reincarnation. And the first try will be reincarnation as disciples. You have already touched on this role. But then our lesson was a joke. Now everyone has a fairly serious examination ahead of them.

Leading: I will say more. Not just an exam, the Unified State Exam, where you have to choose the correct answers from the three proposed options.

Leading: Quite in the spirit of our school life. True, our USE cannot be attributed to any subject, more precisely, there will be several subjects of the school curriculum covered in our impromptu exam. But the winner will receive the title of "Most Well-Read", because in our competition we will remember ...

Leading:... or think out ...

Leading:... the exact aphorisms of famous people.

(The presenter reads the quotes, the presenter voices three answers. The first person who gave the correct answer gets a chip).


(The subject of the quote is highlighted in bold, right answers - in bold italics.)


Dostoevsky believed that Russia is a game ... not a mind.


Napoleon I, aka Bonaparte, spoke of our country as follows: There are no roads in Russia - only ...



(19 puzzle options to choose from included)

(Chips are counted, and the winner is determined and awarded).

- Comic sketch "Comparative Human Anatomy".

Variation on the theme of the story of the same name by Konstantin Melikhan.

Sketch lead

Leading: Have you ever had to replace a sick colleague?

(Guests answer)

Leading: Have you ever had to conduct a lesson in such a situation not according to your discipline, but according to the one taught by the teacher being replaced?

(Guests answer)

Leading: This is certainly not easy. The person I will now introduce had the pleasure of giving an anatomy lesson (and I must say that he did it masterfully!), Although he has nothing to do with this subject. I see you are at a loss. Meet - Ivan Ivanovich, our respected teacher of labor. Now he will give us a master class. Just remember that now we are all turning into students again, this time in the eighth grade.


Labor teacher- in the future "Trudovik" (not out of familiarity, but for the sake of simplicity), the teacher is wearing a working dressing gown and takes it.

In this monologue, the replica Schoolchildren are pronounced by the Leaders.

Props: The poster "Human Skeleton Structure" is optional.

Trudovik: Human anatomy has long been interesting to humans. Sorry for the tautology. The first question that the ancient philosophers puzzled with was, "Where do children come from?" Children also ask the same question when they get out of the diaper. IU, depending on the advancement of the parents, receive different answers. And what did your fathers and mothers tell in response to this delicate question?

(Guests answer: In the cabbage, in the store, the stork brings ..).

Trudovik: Fairy tales, in short, were told. And did you believe? But the science of anatomy answers this question honestly and frankly. (pulls out a cheat sheet from his pocket):"Children are the flowers of life, but it is better if they grow in the field." Oh no, that's not it. This is folk wisdom.

Trudovik (Slaps himself in his pockets, finds another cheat sheet): Children are a product of love. There are three types of love: the love of different-sex individuals, the love of same-sex creatures, and the love of our people for the native Communist Party. Oh no, this is left of the election campaign. What am I actually telling you? (smiles slyly) I suppose you already know everything yourself!

(Animation in the hall) …….


Dance-play pause

- The game "You are my friend and I am your friend!"

(Hint for Moderators: Throughout the entire music track, the Presenters insert replicas, encouraging the teams, and when the round dances gather, they voice the commands for the round dances and monitor the implementation of these)

Commands can be as follows:

Wider circle!

Go right (left)

In words about the beetle (also possible in the second verse) team: Beetle in a circle!

Clap our hands.


- Dance competition "Following the leader".

Leading: So, the kids, or rather, our teams, stood in a circle. And now the captains of each of them will show us their organizational skills and talents in choreography.

Leading: The captain in the center of the circle shows the movements, and the team picks up the captain's "steps". Retro and modern dance hits will sound for each team in turn.

Musical arrangement in the folder "Following the leader"

Examples for illustration:

(Competition is held Dance competition . The most coordinated and / or most inventive team wins.


- Competition with cards "Two suits".

Leading: Are you softened up, the mood has risen? Has the festive excitement appeared? I propose to check it out and play ... cards. Today you can. Today we are not really teachers, we are free adults, are we? Moreover, we will play just for fun and according to our holiday rules. Hope everyone knows the suit.

Props: part of a deck of cards with two suits from six to Ace.

Contest "Two suits" is held.


Leading: So, we returned to our class, oh, sorry, at our tables. There are those who want to answer the question: What will we drink for?

(A toast from one of the guests. A short banquet pause.)

- Musical drinking game "Spring APOZH or Another song"

Leading: Ah, spring, ah, love! Happy and unrequited, long-awaited and unintended, giving us a vivid cascade of feelings from delight to despair. Very often we think that if we could go back to the beginning of the relationship, then we would not have made the mistakes we made, but if it were possible, it would not be you, and it would be a completely different song. To feel this, I propose to try to learn a familiar song about the relationship between a man and a woman, but recorded the other way around ...................

(30 ready-made music cuts included.)

Examples for illustration


- Competition "Comic ABC"

Leading: Now you can work. Let's take up the ABC. I need two people from the team who remember the Primer from childhood, and in the last lesson they listened attentively to the Anatomy Lesson.

Props: 4 (2, if there are two players) sets of cards with the letters B, C, D, D, F, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, US You can add several letters that are difficult find application: Ф, З, И, А, Х.

While the Leader explains the conditions of the competition, the Leader distributes cards with letters to the teams.


(Contest "Comic ABC" is being held)

- Game table block "Mastering a related specialty, or Mixed up lessons."

(Tip for organizers: make an appointment in advance with colleagues who will conduct the planned "lessons". It will be more interesting if the teachers play themselves, that is, the teacher of the subject that he teaches. Only he will teach a different subject. So the next proposed quiz "Geography in Literature" will be conducted by a teacher of literature. But the opposite is also possible: a geography teacher will conduct a "literature lesson", but then the quiz is better called "Literary Geography").

- Smart quiz "Geography in Literature"

The quiz is hard enough. Select the questions that will be "tough" for your colleagues, adding a couple of more difficult questions for the sake of severity).

1. Where does the Mistress of the Copper Mountain live, about which Pavel Bazhov told? (In the Urals, in the mountains)

(Hint for the Quiz Host: For the mood, you can insert "teacher cues", such as: These fairy tales children in the third grade children read. And if you will argue, I will ask what minerals are mined in the Urals).

7. In which river Gerasim drowned Mumu? (Gerasim drowned the poor man - oh, there were no animal protectors then! - in the Moskva River near the Crimean ford. Now here is the Crimean bridge).

(20 variants of riddles included)

- The game "Twice two four?"

This game can be conducted, like a math lesson, by a primary school teacher with the following eyeliner:

Teacher of elementary grades: I have always dreamed of giving a real math lesson. That seems to have happened! Thanks to the organizers. Of course, I won't be able to surprise everyone as much as in the case of "literary geography", but I really want to. My lesson will be short: I will ask questions and offer three possible answers, you will have to choose the correct one. And the questions will be simple, my first-graders will probably be able to answer half of them.

( Correct answer is highlighted in bold)

How many children are shown in the painting "Deuce Again"?

1 - 2 - 3

How many assistants did the case have in the tale about Turnip?

2 - 5 - 11


- The game "What does the expression mean?"

Leading: We have one more person willing to give an unusual lesson.

(Tip for organizers: This lesson can be taught by one of the teachers of the exact sciences (physics, mathematics, etc.) with the following eyeliner:

Physics teacher: Since the 60s of the last century, there has been a division of people into physicists and lyricists. But, you must admit that in life you rarely find a person of an exceptional lyricist, or an undoubted physicist. Too many different tasks have to be solved by a modern person. So I, teaching the most exact science of physics, are not alien to philosophical reflections and lyrical digressions. Today I want to talk about the Russian language. Have you not noticed how rapidly our language is becoming poorer? And what a shame it is to hear young people talk, and our students, too. And I will note that these young people are not at all stupid. They may know the subject perfectly, but, here is their speech ... Our language loses ... beauty, fullness, soul, if you like. Proverbs and catchphrases disappear from speech, and if they do appear, then in some other form. Can we always explain this or that expression ourselves? I suggest checking it out. We have passed more than one "exam" today. Can we master another one? The principle is the same: question and answer options. I just want to warn you that the correct answer will not always be among the options, but to immerse yourself in the topic and facilitate the task, I will offer a hint or explanation. For example, like this:

Do you know what the expression "From pig to crucian" means?

An old French recipe.

- pass the valid for the desired.

From dirt to Kings.

( Explanation hint: As one Russian legend says, the monk once wanted to feast on a piglet during Lent. To avoid God's punishment for violating the prohibition, before the start of the meal, the cunning man exclaimed: "Pig, pig, turn into a crucian carp!")

Clear? Now let's remember the simpler expressions that are known to us from the history of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Variants of questions and answers for the game "What does the expression mean?"

(Questions are highlighted in bold, Right answers - bold italic (or, if of the three options was not correct, they are spelled out separately)

Prophetic Cassandra

Constellation name.

Plant of the dandelion family.

- a person who predicts unlikely events.

(Hint - explanation: According to legend, the god Apollo, in love with the daughter of the Trojan king Priam, Cassandra, endowed her with the gift of foresight, but she rejected his love. For this, he made it so that people stopped believing her prophecies).

Cross the Rubicon

Forget about the reality of what is happening.

- to make an irrevocable step.

Going to another level in the game.

( Explanation Clue: When the Roman general Gaius Julius Caesar decided to seize power in Rome, only the Rubicon River separated him from Italy. Caesar ignored the ban of the Senate and crossed the border river with the exclamation "The lot has been cast!", Which was the beginning of the war).


Block of active games

Leading: Let's start with the team relay races, because they have movement, excitement, and team spirit!

Leading: And to begin with, we will conduct a "Military Review". It will help you to really shake things up. I will ask the teams to line up in columns. At the head is the captain.

- Relay "Military Review"

- Fabulous pair relay "Golden Key"

- Fantasy relay races

- Zoological relay races

- Geometric relay


Leading: I invite everyone to stand in one circle and end our competition with a cheerful friendly round dance.

Sounds 7. Dance of Shit with acceleration

Sounds 7a. Dance marathon (optional)

The final of the holiday

- Competition "Lost in Translation"

- Summarizing


Leading: So, team "N" earned nn points, while their rivals, team "M" got ... the same result - "nn". What, in fact, I did not doubt!

Leading: My friends, you are so beautiful!

Smart, talented, tactful,

The team looks great

Where everyone is friendly and energetic!

Leading: Where we always help a friend

We are in a hurry in trouble, or in a difficult matter,

And the joy of sharing with friends

We will always divide equally!

Leading: And happy reasons

For meetings, let there be more.

Leading: And the Eternal Spring in life and in the soul

Over the years, let all of you just arrive!

Sounds 14. Song "Eternal Spring"

To get the full version with music, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (500 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)

E.P. Astashkevich, 2018

A wonderful holiday Teacher's Day is not only a joy for teachers and educators, but also for parents whose children went to school and are making their first successes there. This holiday does not exist in vain, because the teacher needs to know and understand that his profession is valued and respected in the same way as others.

Where to hold a corporate party on Teacher's Day

In most cases, teachers celebrate their professional holiday dull and gray. In the morning at school, they listen to the congratulations of the children, and in the evening, in the company of teachers, they set a small table and celebrate culturally. But this is completely everyday and without emotion, and teachers are people too, and they also want a real holiday. And to get this holiday, you first need to choose the right place for the event. Where can you hold a corporate event on Teacher's Day:

In principle, it does not matter where your corporate event will take place, the main thing is to organize it correctly and competently. It is desirable that a presenter be present at the holiday, who will organize entertainment for teachers. You can, of course, take everything into your own hands, appointing one of your colleagues as the main one for the holiday, but then he will not be able to feel the whole atmosphere of the holiday. The role of the leader can be performed by one of the former graduates of the school, he can do it as a gift absolutely free.

Corporate program on the occasion of teachers' day

For a corporate teacher's day, you can choose any program for teachers, it can be dense, it can just dilute the conversation, but the most important thing is that the holiday takes place in a friendly and cozy atmosphere.

Teachers are smart, educated people for whom the program must be appropriate. It can be diluted with interesting historical facts, literary works, interesting scientific laws or any other cognitive information. It would be very nice to invite the schoolchildren themselves to the holiday, who after that will be able to communicate more openly with teachers during lessons. If your corporate event takes place in a cafe, then you need to think over the program so that it would be appropriate there. The program needs to be made fun, include dancing, laughter, relaxation, because the work of teachers is very difficult, and they just need to get away from all worries at least once a year.

The main rules for drawing up a program:

  • It is necessary to provide the evening with musical accompaniment, which will be a joy for the entire corporate party.
  • Delicious and festive food that will always be available during the holiday (sandwiches, fruits)
  • Contests and fun games with small prizes are a must
  • Props are required for contests

It is better to choose a Saturday evening for a corporate party, so that after such a holiday the teachers have another whole day to rest.

What scenarios to choose for a corporate party on Teacher's Day

The most important thing to consider when preparing a script is the location of the celebration. What could be the scenario:

  • The holiday can be in the form of a skit, an evening with funny jokes, filled with skits and parodies. After all, every teacher has a large baggage of humor behind his back, which can be thrown off on this very day.
  • You can hold a themed holiday in the form of an exam, think over questions for the whole evening, you can have multiple answers. Throughout the holiday, teachers will take tickets with questions. But you can add humor here too: make the questions provocative, and the answers streamlined, so that they can approach any question. All evening, someone will take turns pulling questions, and someone will answer, the holiday will be fun.
  • Another scenario is a parody competition. Parodies can be on anyone: on famous personalities, on teachers, on students. The evening at this pace will be very fun and original.

It is better to choose neutral music so that everyone can be satisfied with it.

A variant of the script for a corporate party for teachers' day

Scenarios can either be invented by yourself, or borrowed from a nearby school, or you can simply find them on the Internet. The main thing is to choose the one that will be of interest to you. Let's give an example of one of the scenarios.


At the very beginning of the evening, the presenter addresses everyone present with a speech: “Autumn is a wonderful time that brings us joy and happiness, it is characterized by the beginning of the school year, a series of holidays. And the very first of these holidays, of course, is Teacher's Day, with which today we congratulate you on behalf of both parents and students and colleagues, and now take a break from work and plunge into the holiday! "

After the spoken words, you can immediately carry out a small game in the form of "question-answer". Questions are written on the cards, and the answers are on the others. Teachers draw first the first card - a question, then the second - an answer, and read it, it will be fun and interesting.

Some examples of questions:

  • Do you have to visit a psychologist?
  • Do you drink a soothing drink after school?
  • When the student did not answer the question, but was preparing, do you put a three?
  • Do you do relaxation for yourself in the lesson?
  • And other, no less interesting questions, you can think of them as many as you like.

Some sample answers:

  • Of course, but don't tell anyone.
  • And what is already noticeable?
  • I do not want to talk about this.
  • Constantly.
  • And others, but to make it funny.

The next part of the script can be done with small impromptu scenes. Teachers are invited to portray a famous person in their science, and the rest will guess her. It will be fun and interesting.

Then you can hold a fun competition that involves guessing the scientist's beard. In advance, you need to make a selection of different beards of famous scientists in Photoshop and present them to teachers. The competition is held until all the beards are guessed.

The next stage is a competition for resourcefulness. Teachers are shown flashcards with letters, and they must quickly name a sentence for this letter with a school theme. Example:

  • Z - hello, sit down
  • B - enter the class
  • And - Ivanov, two
  • Etc.

The script can include many contests depending on the length of the event.

And at the end of the whole celebration, you can offer teachers an option for a comic schedule for the next year.

What competitions can be held for a corporate party for teacher's day

If the celebration of a corporate party on Teacher's Day is supposed to be grand and long, then two or three contests will not be enough, so we will give an example of several more.

The funniest phrase

Teachers can be divided into 2 teams and given the task to remember the funniest phrase from the history of their work. This phrase could have been pronounced by anyone: both the teacher himself and the student, perhaps it will be an excerpt from a school essay. Each team offers several options, and the phrase that will be laughed at longer and louder will be the winning one.

Generational views

It is possible to host a talk show, 2 presenters are selected. For this role, teachers who are more popular in school are suitable, but most importantly, they should be of different age groups (1 group under 25, the second after 45). They are offered a topic that can in no way be unambiguous for them, for example, is it possible for schoolgirls to use cosmetics. After the announcement of the topic, the debate begins, the teachers take turns expressing their arguments. After their dialogue, you can collect all the pros and cons from the audience.

Song anatomy

This competition involves dividing the team into 2 teams. Each of the teams is given the task of coming up with songs where body parts or organs meet, for example, "silk heart", "these eyes are opposite", etc. The teams take turns singing songs; those who cannot remember the song for two minutes will lose.


For the participants it is necessary to prepare lists of literary works in advance. Each of the teams is given lists, their task is to retell the works in writing, but so that it would be difficult for the other team to guess. The time is allotted for this no more than five minutes. The winner is the one who guesses all the pieces.

Who is more agile

It is better to hold this competition with young teachers who are full of strength and vigor. The participants need to be divided into 2 teams, but so that they are opposite, for example, physics and lyrics. The game resembles a baton, but the tasks here will be thematic, for example, you can offer to run to the wall, while holding a flask of liquid and a globe in your hands, or write a dictated verse, while holding a stack of notebooks and an escaping student.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday that allows the teacher to reveal himself as a person, show himself, express his emotions and just have fun. The main thing is to correctly approach the organization of such a holiday so that no one has to be bored and feel out of place.

We offer an interesting scenario for a corporate party of teachers, which can be held in the teacher's room or in any school premises. The script is suitable for the end of the school year and for the last call. After all, the teachers worked all the way without interruption, taught the children and earned themselves a small holiday.

You need to choose two leaders or invite someone to lead the holiday so that all teachers can relax. Relaxing music sounds and presenters come out to this music.

Lead 1:
Put all your notebooks, pens and pencils aside!
After all, today, together with you, we will tear ourselves away from the soul!

Lead 2:
Let's sing and dance
And slowly forget about school!
And when we play,
You will forget everything in the world!

Lead 1:
But first, dear teachers,
I propose to make a toast!
For your friendly team,
In which to work is just a class!

If there are male teachers at the corporate party, they open champagne and pour it to their colleagues. If there are no men, then only female forces will have to be dispensed with.

Lead 2:
Do you want to play?
In order not to fade right away.
Remember something about your colleagues,
And laugh at the same time!

Competition for the best memory.
We need to prepare questions, so to speak from real life, and to which there are truthful answers. For example, what was the headmaster of the school on September 1 of that year? Or a question to the oldest teacher: what is the exact amount of money you received in your first salary? Question to the physical education teacher: in your first lesson in the gym, which sports object did you pick up first? Etc.

Lead 1:
I raise a toast to your profession,
And I congratulate you on the holiday!
Your profession is very much needed!
Very important, but so difficult!

Lead 1:
There are countless questions in the world!
And not all the answers are there!
It happened historically,
That these questions are rhetorical.
Let's go against the foundations,
And we will find the answers to these questions!

Game of questions and answers. Facilitators ask a question or read a sentence, and teachers should continue or provide an answer.

Question 1:
Everyone knows that the husband is the head and the wife is the neck. The question is: who is to blame for the head looking to the left?
(answer: the neck is to blame, because where the neck turns, the head turns there)

Question 2:
What is the name of the day when you wash, clean, cook and iron?
(answer: day off)

Question 3:
What if a beautiful, smart and interesting girl doesn't have a boyfriend?
(Answer: stop thinking that she is a beautiful, smart and interesting girl)

Question 4:
Why do people eat at the computer?
(Answer: food tastes better at the computer)

Question 5:
What is it called - lying on the floor all day.
(Answer: active sex life)

Question 6:
What is not written in any melodrama, in any film about love, or in any novel?
(answer: it does not say that the film is based on real events)

Question 7:
How can you throw yourself at people?
(answer: you can throw words at people)

Question 8:
What is a word that one means three different things?
(Answer: a pen - for writing, for a door and for a person)

Lead 2:
And now we will conduct experiments,
And together we will go to the hospital later!
No friends, of course I'm kidding
But I will carry out the experiments anyway!

Experience 1:
If I give you five apples,
And then take one,
Give another to grandfather,
And a couple more to lose.
Add two, hide three.
In the end, tell me how much will be!
(answer: zero apples)

Experience 2:
In the morning
My head ached.
And then I grabbed my stomach,
I held on as much as I could.
After the leg was so tight,
What immediately twitched my eye.
And still trouble came
The left arm ached.
I ran and screamed
And I was looking for pills.
And when I found the pills.
I asked a question.
Why did it hurt me
In the morning?
(answer: head)