Skolkovo information technology cluster. The Skolkovo IT cluster presented new friends, partners and opportunities. "Innovation Champions" and what they do

One of the components of the Skolkovo innovation center is the IT cluster. The building under construction "IT Cluster" has a design area of ​​83 thousand m? and consists of several identical low-rise buildings with energy-efficient glazed facades.

Cisco Systems, Inc. should become the key tenant of IT Cluster premises. is one of the largest IT companies with a worldwide reputation. According to the preliminary agreement of the specified company, more than 5200 m2 will be leased. areas.

In addition to Cisco, several more foreign IT companies that have entered into partnership agreements with the Skolkovo Foundation are planning to locate their research centers with offices and laboratories here.

In addition to the main premises, the IT-cluster provides for the construction of a spacious underground parking. The design of the entire complex of buildings was carried out under the guidance of specialists from the French architectural bureau Valode Pistre architects.

The investor of the project and the customer of the construction is Stolitsa LLC. The contacts of the construction participants can be found. Start of construction - 2015, completion of construction - 2017.

The general contractor for the facility is the Turkish construction company Procons. We wrote in more detail about the general contractor's facilities under construction earlier.

The object is located on the territory of the Skolkovo IC, which was previously part of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region and subsequently, by order of the city authorities, became part of the Mozhaisky district of the capital.

The Skolkovo Innovation Center is a complex that provides conditions for the development of priority sectors of economic development. To this end, it has created economic conditions for companies striving to develop these industries (telecommunications and space, biomedical technologies, energy efficiency, IT and nuclear technologies). The Skolkovo Foundation includes five clusters corresponding to five areas of development of innovative technologies: a cluster of biomedical technologies, a cluster of energy efficient technologies, a cluster of information and computer technologies, a cluster of space technologies and a cluster of nuclear technologies.

Cluster of information and computer technologies

The largest Skolkovo cluster is the cluster of information and computer technologies. 209 companies have already become part of the IT cluster (as of August 15, 2012). Cluster members are working on the creation of a new generation of multimedia search engines, effective information security systems. The implementation of innovative IT solutions in education and healthcare is actively underway. Projects are being implemented to create new technologies for transmission (optoinformatics, photonics) and storage of information. The development of mobile applications, analytical software, including for the financial and banking sectors, is underway. Designing wireless sensor networks is another important area of ​​activity of the cluster member companies. The main goal of the cluster is to create in Russia a model of an effective ecosystem for the development and commercialization of IT innovations. For this, in particular, Russian startups are identified and supported.

Within the framework of this goal, three main tasks of the cluster have been set - to concentrate resources and competencies in the field of IT, to promote the development of the innovation process and to stimulate the formation of innovative IT infrastructure in Russia in key sectors of the economy.

The task of concentrating resources and competencies requires entering into partnerships with innovators and scientific institutions, venture capitalists, as well as with existing development institutions.

To foster the development of IT innovation, the cluster is helping to train a new generation of young scientists and managers. With his support, educational university projects are developed, various competitions are held, and students and young scientists get access to IT laboratories.

With the assistance of the cluster, innovative IT solutions are being introduced that transform the traditional economy into a smart one, where solutions for housing infrastructure, transport, medicine and education are involved.

The activities of the Information Technology Cluster are primarily focused on the development of the following strategic areas of information technology:

The next generation of multimedia search engines

Research, development and implementation of new software solutions based on the analysis of the semantic data structure for information retrieval on the Internet.

Search for multimedia information on the Internet using web technologies on all types of platforms, including those adapted for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) in wireless networks (for example, LTE).

Recognition and processing of video and audio images

Research and development of the latest methods and mathematical models for image processing and computer graphics (2D / 3D) for new types of user interfaces, augmented reality, improved performance and enhanced rendering capabilities, presentation of 2D / 3D information based on standardized cross-platform solutions.

Development of algorithms and software and hardware systems for recognition and extraction of semantic information from natural speech and use in a wide range of new software applications, including for mobile devices in promising wireless networks.

Development of applications for searching and semantic identification of audio information on the Internet.

Analytical software

Development of effective algorithms and methods for analyzing large amounts of data for scientific and industrial use.

Development of software applications for the business / industrial intelligence segment provided according to traditional and alternative models (SaaS);

Development of intuitive, innovative tools for displaying complex analytical information for various types of mobile devices, including tablet computers;

Development of applications for analysis and monitoring of behavior in networks of fixed and mobile operators in order to optimize the load and prevent unauthorized access;

Development of corporate systems for managing reference information for enterprises (Master Data Management).

Mobile applications

Development and commercialization of cross-platform applications for smartphones and tablet devices that increase productivity, improve collaboration among a wide audience of users.

Creation of cloud platforms for the development of new mobile applications.

Creation of platforms and applications for wireless machine-to-machine communications in future wireless networks.

Research and development on new M2M standards.

Built-in control systems

Research and development in the field of using embedded control systems for such complex objects as power generators, utilities, etc.

Research in the field of ubiquitous computing (internet of things), new types of embedded communications applications for mobile devices;

Research and development in the field of managing complex transport processes using built-in control devices.

Development and research in the field of new paradigms of the development of the world wide web (semantic web, Web 3.0 and beyond), aimed at the development of standards, RDF and OWL, describing the properties and relationships between various objects of the virtual and real world.

Creation of such software products and services (PaaS / SaaS) as modeling tools, visual display of complex engineering objects and a repository of semantic and pragmatic information for use in search engines, computer-aided design (including generative design) and other areas.

Creation of new generations of programming systems - language workbenches.

Creation of new programming languages ​​and development of instrumental support for existing and creation of new programming languages.

New methods of storing, processing and transmitting information

Development of new nanodevices for storing and processing information (tunneling transistors, spintronics; resistive, nanomechanical and other new memory elements) for energy-efficient devices.

Research and development in photonics and metamaterials, allowing the creation of fundamentally new, all-optical computing devices, devices for data storage and exchange, hybrid optical components for traditional computers.

Development of high-speed electronic devices for new ways of transmitting information, including over wireless networks.

New energy-efficient and fault-tolerant microprocessor architectures, including those based on new logical principles.

"Green" information technologies

Research and development in the field of energy efficiency in information technology. In particular, solutions that increase the life cycle of IT infrastructure, increase the efficiency of using computer equipment and algorithms for computing, storing and archiving data, reducing power consumption of computing systems and platforms through distributed computing in areas with lower energy costs;

Development and implementation of software and hardware solutions to improve the energy efficiency of data processing centers (DPC), such as virtualization, the use of terminal solutions for access to computing resources, replicating the best energy efficiency practices and building data centers based on open standards;

Development and implementation of telepresence and remote work technologies

Energy efficient data transmission methods

Energy efficient cooling and energy recovery systems for data and data centers

Financial and banking software

Development of products and "cloud" solutions in the field of banking information systems, including support for federal online payment systems, micropayment networks and payment systems using biometric methods of personal identification;

Development of software products in the field of mobile payments and mobile commerce in promising wireless networks using biometric data, NFC technologies, and other standards based on radio identification.

Development to improve the efficiency and transparency of financial and banking business processes based on both traditional software products and the SaaS model.

Development and implementation of software and hardware systems to ensure the protection of banking secrecy and the implementation of federal laws.

IT in medicine and healthcare

Development and implementation of software and hardware systems for telemedicine, including teleradiology, teledermatology, telesurgery, etc.

Development of new devices and technical means for use in clinical medical practice.

Creation of applications for mobile wireless diagnostic devices and tablet computers operating in advanced wireless networks.

Development and implementation of information systems in scientific laboratories, medical and insurance institutions for the analysis of large amounts of data, support for making diagnostic decisions by doctors and visualization of complex clinical information, both based on traditional PCs and on the basis of tablet devices.

Development and implementation of information systems for the use of standardized electronic medical records of patients (EHR, electronic health record), which provide support for all types of activities of medical, outpatient and insurance institutions.

Biomedical Technology Cluster

The Biomedical Technology Cluster is the second largest in terms of the number of its member companies. As of August 15, 2012, the cluster included 156 residents.

Within the framework of the cluster, work is underway to create drugs for the prevention and treatment of serious diseases, including neurological and cancer. Much attention is paid to environmental problems: new methods of waste processing are being developed. Another important area of ​​the cluster's activity is bioinformatics. The main goals of this foresight are infrastructure building, development of new computational methods, knowledge management, planning of biological and clinical experiments.

Areas in the study of biomedical technologies are:

Materials, devices and products that change the structure and function of biological tissues for medicinal purposes

Devices for diagnostics and monitoring of the state of physiological parameters, collection of information about patients, medical informatics

Methods of radio-beam diagnostics and therapy

Personalized and translational medicine, biomarkers

Cellular technologies: stem and mature cell therapy

Anti-inflammatory drugs aimed at the immune system

Antibacterial medicines, diagnostics and antimicrobial vaccines

Antiviral diagnostics, vaccines and medicines

Anticancer diagnostics and medicines

Diagnosticums and medicines for combating cardiovascular pathology

Endocrinological diagnostics and medicines

Neurological diagnostics and medicines

DNA and protein sequencing tools, data analysis

Comparative genomics tools, Pharmaco - and immune - genetics

Computing systems and computer modeling tools in biology

Algorithms for image analysis of cells, tissues and organs

Methods and models for integral data analysis of proteomics, metabolomics, etc.

Modeling the structure, function and types of interactions of biological molecules

Cluster of energy efficient technologies

Developments in the field of energy technologies are one of the priority areas for the development of the innovation center. Already 169 companies have become residents of the energy efficient technologies cluster.

Reducing energy consumption by industrial facilities, housing and communal services and municipal infrastructure is one of the main tasks within the cluster. The companies are engaged in the manufacture of energy-saving materials (insulation materials, high-quality and technologically advanced facade materials, energy-efficient windows of a new generation, LEDs for indoor lighting), and are developing new methods of using renewable resources. Much attention is paid to the issues of efficiency and safety of power supply. The main task of the cluster is to create an environment for supporting innovative developments in areas related to the introduction of new, breakthrough technological solutions. First of all, we are talking about solutions aimed at reducing energy consumption by industrial facilities, housing and communal services and municipal infrastructure.

The cluster's tactical tasks are to develop areas in which Russia has competitive advantages, to reduce the gap between Russia and countries with developed economies, as well as areas related to international innovation trends.

The priority areas of the cluster's work were determined as a result of close interaction with business, the scientific community, government agencies and experts. Conventionally, these areas were divided into two foresights - generation and consumption.

The main directions are:

Energy generation: Materials and design solutions to improve heat transfer and utilization of secondary low-grade heat at power plants, materials and technologies aimed at reducing losses in heating networks (insulation, methods of diagnostics and prolongation of pipeline operation), materials and technologies aimed at reducing losses in electricity transmission , including energy efficiency and safety of electricity transmission, control technologies through active-adaptive networks, superconductivity technologies, electric energy storage devices, technologies for metering energy resources from the side of generation and consumers, increasing efficiency in the field of renewable energy sources.

Developments for energy consumers: Materials and technologies aimed at improving the energy efficiency of buildings and structures, including insulating and facade materials, new generation energy-efficient windows, as well as LEDs for indoor lighting and high-intensity discharge lamps for outdoor lighting; Materials, design solutions and technologies aimed at improving the energy efficiency of industry in the segment of metallurgy, oil and gas transportation, APG utilization, as well as chemical and petrochemical production; Technological solutions for the integrated use of electricity and energy resources, including utilization of associated petroleum gas.

Cluster "space technologies and telecommunications"

The cluster companies are engaged in space projects and the development of telecommunication technologies. This affects many areas of activity - from space tourism to satellite navigation systems.

National space activities are an integral part of the scientific, technical and spiritual heritage of Russia. For more than half a century, our country has occupied one of the leading positions in the exploration and use of outer space. Until recently, Russian cosmonautics remains one of the areas of national competitiveness, largely determining our place among the leading economically developed countries.

The development of space activities, allowing to accelerate the process of economic modernization, to ensure the effective development of science, technology and the social sphere, is one of the key factors of the country's economic and social development, an increase in the standard of living and ensuring national security.

The Space Technologies and Telecommunications Cluster ensures the search, attraction and selection of potential subjects of the innovation process in the field of creation and targeted operation of space assets and diversification of the capabilities of the rocket and space industry, supports their interaction and creates conditions for the formation of a full cycle of the innovation process. The cluster members implement projects in the field of space technologies and telecommunications, working both in the direction of "Space to Earth" (using the capabilities of space vehicles to provide services and solving applied problems), and "Earth to Space" (creation of new space vehicles and diversification of rocket enterprises -space industry).

The Space Technologies and Telecommunications Cluster counts on active, fruitful interaction with the scientific and technical community of Russia and with our foreign colleagues.

The priority areas of the cluster are:

Applied space projects aimed at creating targeted space systems: Space communications; Remote sensing of the Earth from space; Space navigation, search and rescue; Space production of a commercial and experimental-commercial nature; Space tourism and commercial applications in manned space exploration; Complex applied space projects of a universal nature. Space projects in the field of fundamental space research; Projects for the creation of elements of the national space infrastructure, including a system of means of launching into a near-earth orbit, elements of a bench base, low-voltage complete devices, etc. Orbital launch vehicles; Cosmodromes and launch complexes; Ground control complex and ground space communications.

Projects for the development of functional space technologies, including software: Functional space technologies for creating means of launching into a near-earth orbit, spacecraft and systems (indicating the points of the rubric that determine the purpose of the technologies being created); Functional space technologies for creating target on-board equipment for spacecraft (indicating the items of the rubricator that determine the purpose of the technologies being created); Functional space technologies of manned astronautics; Functional space technologies for the creation of ground-based elements of space systems (indicating the items of the rubricator that determine the purpose of the technologies being created); Projects for the development of technologies for processing and bringing the results of space activities to end users, including software; Target complexes in the field of satellite communications; Geographic information systems; Target complexes in the field of navigation, search and rescue. Investment projects for the development of industrial space technologies. Complex investment projects of institutional and corporate development, projects in the field of education and information.

Also, among the areas of work of the space technology cluster, an important place is occupied by projects in the field of telecommunications: ground-based trunk communications, mobile communications and data transmission, space communications, complex projects in the field of technologies and communications, user equipment, etc.

Nuclear technology cluster

The purpose of the Nuclear Technology Cluster is to support the development of non-energy applications of nuclear technologies and to realize the industry's potential for the transfer of technologies formed in the course of the development of nuclear science and nuclear energy to other sectors.

The list of technological priorities of the Nuclear Technology Cluster includes five areas:

Radiation technologies (medical isotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, radiation therapy and magnetotherapy, laser technologies for medicine, dentistry and biotechnology, diagnostic systems based on radiation and magnetic fields, food disinfection, sputtering, implantation, industrial irradiation, logging, etc.)

Technologies for creating new properties of materials (materials for nuclear and thermonuclear energy, new materials for prosthetics and implants, methods for the isolation of ultrapure and rare-earth materials, defectoscopy, etc.)

Technologies of mechanical engineering, instrumentation and new microelectronics (power engineering, engineering of safety systems for nuclear facilities, particle accelerators and their components, lasers, detectors, sensors, dosimeters, etc.)

Technologies for the design, construction, modeling and engineering of complex technological objects and systems (predictive modeling in power engineering, modeling the structure and properties of materials in extreme conditions, automated control systems, life cycle management systems for complex engineering objects, etc.)

Nuclear science technologies (Small nuclear power engineering, development and related technologies of fast neutron reactors, development and related technologies of thermonuclear power engineering, hybrid reactor schemes, reprocessing and storage of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, research to improve radiation safety standards, etc.)

The main activities of the Cluster include:

attraction of innovative projects in accordance with the technological priorities of the Cluster;

support in the preparation of projects for obtaining grant funding and attracting venture investors into projects

attraction of international partners represented by leading research centers and technology corporations to develop technological priorities and joint implementation of projects based on Skolkovo

development of network formats of interaction, including coordination of the technological platform "Radiation Technologies"

support for the commercialization of technology in the domestic and foreign markets, including participation in the formation of programs for the development of regional innovation clusters in the direction of "nuclear technologies"

04/27/2016 Wed, 19:04, Moscow time

In 2015, the revenue of companies operating in the Skolkovo IT cluster grew by almost one and a half times.

Skolkovo has declassified the results of the IT cluster

CNews managed to find out the results of the Skolkovo IT cluster in 2015.

As the head of the Skolkovo IT cluster told the publication Igor Bogachev, in 2015 the total revenue of the residents of the cluster amounted to i 28.2 billion, which is 1.41 times more than i 20 billion they earned in 2014.

Along with revenue, other operating indicators, which are traditionally announced by the Skolkovo IT cluster, also showed positive dynamics at the end of 2015.

So, in 2015, the number of jobs in Skolkovo IT companies increased by almost one and a half times: 12 thousand employees began to work there against 8,563 in 2014. Companies submitted 237 applications for registration of intellectual property against 227 in 2014.

At the same time, the number of residents of the IT cluster decreased in 2015: now 450 companies work in it, while in 2014 there were one more.

The head of the Skolkovo IT cluster Igor Bogachev revealed the indicators of its work in 2015

At the end of 2015, 450 cluster residents managed to attract half as much investment as a year earlier: i 2.2 billion versus i 4.2 billion in 2014.In a conversation with CNews, the head of the IT cluster Igor Bogachev explained this phenomenon by changes in the economic situation in the country.

"Innovation Champions" and what they do

At the request of CNews, Igor Bogachev named the residents of the Skolkovo IT clusters - the leaders in terms of revenue at the end of 2015.

It is noticeable that the names of most of the companies in the Skolkovo top 20 resemble the names of well-known players in the domestic IT market. Igor Bogachev emphasizes that the top 20 in terms of revenue was formed precisely from the residents of Skolkovo: “If the name of a company from the top is similar to the name of a well-known Russian integrator or developer, then we are talking about the revenue of its subsidiary, which has become a resident of the IT cluster.” Skolkovo ".

Leaders in IT cluster revenue in 2015

(*) data on revenue for 2010
(**) data on revenue for 2013

The head of the IT cluster refused to name the revenue of the “innovative champions”, referring to the agreements on non-disclosure of confidential information signed with the companies. Nevertheless, an idea of ​​it can be made on the basis of data on these companies available in open sources.

For example, Diasoft Systems, a subsidiary of Diasoft, a provider of IT solutions for banks, in 2014 was able to earn i 381 million with a net profit of i 15.2 million.

The revenue of Rock Flow Dynamics, which creates software for modeling the development of oil and gas fields, amounted to i 257.7 million (80% more than a year earlier) with a net profit of i 139.4 million.

The creator of the technology for the protection of digital video content "Pladform" finished 2014 with revenues of i 468.8 million (1000% more than in 2013) with a net profit of i 48.7 million.

Finally, Softline Solution received i 22.0 mln revenue in 2014 with a net profit i 1 thous.

There is no data on the financial results of the leader of the Parallels Research list, the developer of the cloud computing platform Parallels Cloud Computing Platform, in Kontur.Fokus, although this legal entity has existed since the end of 2010, and its authorized capital is i 414 million.

There are 1.5 times more sellers abroad

Despite the changes in the economic situation, the number of IT cluster residents selling products abroad has grown by almost one and a half times over the year. If in 2014 there were 62, then in 2015 91 companies were engaged in foreign economic activity:

  • "Outpost";
  • "Agent Plus";
  • ITV Group;
  • "Akumatika";
  • "Anti-Plagiarism";
  • Anturis-2;
  • ASD Technologies;
  • "Aurus";
  • Bazelevs Innovations;
  • "Contactless";
  • BigPrinter Digital Innovation;
  • "Web Control";
  • VisionLabs;
  • Viserra;
  • Geofiztechno;
  • Get Worker;
  • GlobalLab;
  • Globus Media;
  • "Damascus";
  • "Date Performance Research";
  • "Datadvance";
  • Diasoft Systems;
  • "DiSiKon";
  • Dashboard Systems;
  • Caring City;
  • "Zingaya";
  • "IGD";
  • "Inango-SV";
  • "Integrate Technologies";
  • "Internet Content";
  • Iridium;
  • ISS-Soft;
  • "Camera Biai";
  • CargoOnline Lab;
  • Quantenna Communications;
  • Cloudmack;
  • "COUDWEB";
  • "Blacksmith";
  • Amendo Innovation Laboratory;
  • Kintech Laboratory;
  • "Laboratory of Nanosemantics";
  • Lingualeo;
  • MediaInsight;
  • "Mobile video solutions";
  • Mostcom;
  • "MultiFormatnayaAdvertising";
  • "Navigation solutions";
  • "Scientific and technical center" APM "";
  • "Scientific and Technical Center IBM";
  • Knowledge Lab;
  • "NFVer";
  • "Optimynga-777";
  • Parallels Research;
  • "Pladform";
  • "Primegeo";
  • Redhelper;
  • "RIVV";
  • Retail Rocket;
  • "Robotronics";
  • Rock Flow Dynamics;
  • "Raidix";
  • S3D Labs;
  • Satellite Innovation;
  • SDN-video;
  • Sinarra Systems;
  • "Synesis";
  • "Computer Vision Systems";
  • "Smart Technologies";
  • Sonda Pro;
  • SOTAL-Cloud;
  • Softvelum;
  • "Stakhanovets";
  • STREAM Labs;
  • "Titanium Information Service";
  • "Trading Physics";
  • Travel Line Systems;
  • TTG Labs;
  • "";
  • Flexby Solutions;
  • FriEtLast;
  • HamsterSoft;
  • Natalia Kaspersky Innovation Center;
  • MDG - Innovation;
  • "Evanti";
  • Actionspace;
  • Elecard Devices;
  • Elbrus Technologies;
  • Anginics and Yaklass.

11.07.2014, Efendeeva Marina

The next meeting of the Skolkovo IT Cluster Friends' Club was held in the Hypercube. As part of the event, representatives of the Foundation spoke about the work done over the past few months, and partners - both old and new - offered residents a number of interesting opportunities.

The Friends Club was opened by Igor Bogachev, Vice President, Executive Director of the IT Cluster. He said that since the last meeting of the Friends' Club, the number of IT cluster participants has grown by about 20 companies. “We currently have 341 participants,” said Igor Bogachev. He also noted that not only the number of participants is growing, but also the number of large partners - Russian and foreign companies.

“Partners are a very important link in the work of the entire ecosystem for us and our residents. Some of the technologies that are being created at Skolkovo can be purchased by partners, or partners can help sell them to end customers. Interesting joint solutions can be created. The partners are actively involved in mentoring and investing, which is very important for our projects, ”noted Igor Bogachev.

This time the Information Technologies Cluster presented three new partners: Borlas Group of Companies, Softline Group of Companies and GC "IT".

A partnership agreement with Softline was signed this week. It should be noted that the company has been successfully operating on the international market for a long time - the company's offices operate in 25 countries and 70 cities. The IT cluster sees this as an excellent opportunity to commercialize products for startups in various markets, noted Igor Bogachev.

The cooperation between Skolkovo and Softline provides for the joint development of R&D in the direction of Strategic Computer Technologies and Software. The focus will be on new development and testing tools, secure information technology and cloud computing.

According to the announced plans, starting from 2015, the personnel of the R&D center of Softline Group will gradually be transferred to the Skolkovo territory. Over the next three years, the number of employees working in the innovation center will reach 200 people.

Igor Borovikov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Softline Group, noted that some of Softline's projects are already developing within Skolkovo, and in the future, cooperation with the Fund will expand. “We are very interested in cooperation with Skolkovo. We do not just solve technological problems - we open promising IT-directions for the market, creating new opportunities for a qualitative breakthrough in business development. We invest in promising technologies and support IT startups. The goals of the Skolkovo Foundation for the formation of a self-developing ecosystem in the IT sphere are consonant with ours. Therefore, I am sure that cooperation will lead to mutual success in the implementation of R&D projects and will contribute to their introduction to the international market, ”said Igor Borovikov.

The Borlas group also plans to create its own R&D center in Skolkovo. The main goal of the center will be to develop a technological SaaS platform for automating small and medium-sized businesses. Within the framework of the project, solutions must be created to handle the full cycle of enterprise operations. Cloud and mobile technologies will be used as the basis of the project.

“Today Borlas has a number of areas of activity that can be called innovative. They require research and development work. It is these works that we plan to carry out in Skolkovo, ”explained Vram Aleksandryan, Deputy Director of Borlas Group.

President of IT Group Tagir Yapparov said that one of the incentives for partnership was the need to “keep a finger on the pulse of innovation”: “Any large IT company is a kind of“ small Skolkovo ”- we are constantly looking for new technologies, making investment projects. Everything in our market is changing rapidly, and if we do not participate in the creation of something new, we will simply lose the interest of our customers. Some of our projects have the status of Skolkovo residents, and we ourselves have become a partner. One of the global ideas that attracted us to this partnership is the possibility of creating joint business development models with players who create new technologies. "

According to Tagira Yapparova, in Russia there are already dozens if not hundreds of projects that have good chances of becoming successful in the international market. “It is very important here to work together on the creation of new technological business models, in which, we hope, cooperation with the Skolkovo IT cluster will help us,” said Tagir Yapparov.

Representatives of the largest Russian IT companies noted that their business, technologies have no boundaries, and, of course, one should always think about the international market. By the way, large foreign players are also increasingly coming to Skolkovo to offer startups development assistance, new opportunities, their own products or mentoring support. In return, they almost always need new ideas that can lead to the creation of innovative products.

This time, representatives of Microsoft, Intel, Amazon Web Services attended the meeting of the “Friends Club” of the IT cluster.

Karina Neklyudova, Partner Network Development Manager, an expert on technological development of Microsoft partners, spoke about partnership opportunities for startups. The corporation provides many bonuses to certified partners, she noted.

Sergey Rakovsky, Regional Director of Amazon Web Services in Russia and the CIS, spoke about the possibilities of Amazon cloud services. By the way, they are used by such "startups" as Foursquare, Instagram, Dropbox, Pinterest and many others.

Around the world, Amazon Web Services is dedicated to supporting young teams. Various resources are available for Skolkovo companies within the framework of a special program, including AWS Business Support packages, AWS credits, as well as trainings, etc.

Igor Kaloshin, General Director of the Intel Software Center in Skolkovo, in turn, spoke about the most promising, in the opinion of the venture capital fund Intel Capital, business areas (the Internet of things and wearable electronics topped the list), and also explained why venture funds, in particular, Intel Capital, invest in startups and what results are expected.

In order to understand market needs and investor expectations, startups often need an outside perspective, the advice of a more experienced person. Participants of the Skolkovo Mentor Program are ready to take on this role, said Nadezhda Matveeva, director of partners for the Skolkovo IT Foundation's cluster. Together with Maxim Mikhailov, Director of the Startup Acceleration Department, she explained what mentors can give startups and who is included in the pool of mentors from IT cluster partners.

Representatives of the Skolkovo ISC once again reminded all young teams of the need to protect the results of their intellectual labors. How to obtain a patent, spending a little time and 900 rubles, will tell you in one of the following publications.

At the end of the meeting of the Friends' Club, the results of the Asian road show of the Skolkovo companies were summed up, about which already wrote. Senior Project Manager of the Information Technology Cluster Vasily Sizov noted that six of the nine projects that visited Hong Kong at the ICT Expo have found partners, and some residents are thinking about opening additional offices in Asia.

As Igor Bogachev noted, next year the Cluster is planning to participate in another major international exhibition - Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. About 70 companies have already expressed their desire to participate in the MWC.

2016 year

  • Robocenter: The center supports more than 30 projects in the following areas of robotics: industrial, service, educational, personal, medical and rehabilitation, space, as well as components for robotics.
  • Blockchain Technology Development Center: Created in May 2016 in the wake of the Ethereum Russia conference with the participation of founder Vitalik Buterin. We support blockchain startups at all stages: on November 11, Skoltech will host a 5-hour hardcore training on creating programmable corporations
  • Center for Mobile Technologies supports more than 50 projects in the following areas of mobile technologies: wearable electronics, IoT technologies, human-machine interfaces, operating systems, platforms and applications for mobile, embedded and wearable electronics, augmented and virtual reality technologies. The center has created coworking and hackspace, as well as several acceleration programs.
  • Russian Association of the Internet of Things: unification of more than 20 companies in the areas of "Smart Home", "Smart City", "Healthcare", "Industrial Internet", "Agro and Bio Technologies", "Smart Car"

IT companies are obviously more dynamic, explains Bogachev, since the time it takes for IT solutions to enter the market is several times shorter than in other clusters. For example, in the cluster of biomedical technologies, it is necessary to conduct long-term clinical trials, although, according to him, in Russia it is still much easier than, say, in the United States, and some foreign medical startups come to our country in order to quickly launch their innovative solutions.

The total number of jobs (programmers, engineers, marketers, etc.): as of December 2014, 8,500 work in the IT cluster (out of 14,000 in total across all clusters).

The volume of private investments in the companies of the IT cluster amounted to 1.3 billion rubles in 2014. This is quite a lot, given that the total volume of private investment in all Skolkovo residents was approximately 2.5 billion rubles.

According to Igor Bogachev, if at the initial stage the share of private investment in the IT cluster was about 40%, then in 2015 it should already reach 70%. There are no particular problems with private investment in IT, he believes, unlike other clusters, such as biomedical technologies or nuclear technologies, where the situation is much more acute. In total, over the entire period of the IT cluster's existence (since 2010), grants worth 2.2 billion rubles have been issued, while private co-investments amounted to about 5 billion rubles.

But in terms of the number of applications for registration of intellectual property (patents), the IT cluster is not leading - there were about 150 of them, in general for Skolkovo - about 550. In the IT field, it is very difficult to protect intellectual property, especially for software solutions, explains Bogachev. and many IT companies live in know-how mode - they know what to do and do without even trying to defend their solutions.

Priority areas of technology development

Foresight 2011

The priorities of the cluster were defined in the so-called foresight - a list of 15 focus areas of development, including:

  • data protection,
  • semantic search,
  • IT for healthcare and education.

Foresight 2014

At the end of 2014, the Skolkovo Foundation's IT cluster updated its foresight (list and justification of priority areas of activity), which is formed on the basis of the opinions of independent (external) experts, including representatives of science, business, and the venture capital community.

“We regularly update our foresight as IT is a dynamically developing industry. Some technologies mature, and their use no longer carries serious scientific and technical risks; they can develop further as business projects that do not require Skolkovo's support. At the same time, new technologies appear that did not exist before or that existed only at the stage of scientific research, and now can become the basis for the emergence of new market segments, ”says Nikolay Suetin, director of science and technology of the IT cluster.

According to Igor Bogachev, executive director of the Skolkovo IT cluster, on average, each area accounts for about 40 projects, although there are areas with a lower entry threshold, for example, cloud computing and, accordingly, more "massive", and there are areas with a very high concentration of intellectual knowledge and technologies, for example, microelectronics, where there are much fewer projects, about 20.

Three new directions have appeared in the current foresight.

The first of these in importance is intelligent robotics and autonomous moving devices. Of course, it was relevant before, and the potential market here is huge: unmanned aerial vehicles, industrial automation, industrial robots, etc. But after Google demonstrated its unmanned Google Car, and some states legalized the use of cars with autopilot function, the real boom.

At the end of 2014, there were more than 30 projects in the field of robotics. Every year Skolkovo hosts a representative international conference on robotics Skolkovo Robotics. Recently, a robotic center was created as part of the IT cluster, headed by Albert Efimov, director of IT projects of the IT cluster. According to him, this is the first structure aimed at creating technological solutions, but, most likely, not the last.

The second direction - the Internet of Things - probably does not need any recommendations any more.

The third direction - computer graphics and gamification - may not seem as high-tech as the two previous ones, but it is also promising, says Nikolai Suetin. Visual perception and interaction with devices is the fastest and most efficient in terms of transferring large amounts of information. Therefore, the effective creation of images, augmented reality, the development of interfaces for interacting with a computer through visual images are very important.

At the same time, according to Suetin, a number of directions have been excluded from the new foresight. For example, the direction related to new programming languages ​​and software testing tools is not very popular commercially and is not growing. The direction of cloud services is excluded, since they have actually turned into commodities, but "cloud computing" remained, since everything related to mobility happens in the cloud. Even earlier, the direction “IT in the banking sector” was excluded - such solutions already “live on their own” and are financed by banks.

Skolkovo also does not support projects that take a Western analogue as a basis and transfer it to the Russian market, for example, various kinds of Internet services. This is a good business, but there is no scientific and technical innovation here.

IT cluster residents

Resident status and grants are the two main forms of support that Skolkovo can provide. There are companies that come exclusively for the status of a participant, giving tax breaks, and an introduction to the ecosystem, they do not ask for funding.

Grants are intended for the most promising projects, which must be residents of Skolkovo. Providing financial support to the company, Skolkovo does not claim any ownership in the authorized capital, or intellectual property, or a place in the management structure.

The residents of the IT cluster include:

  • MDG-Innovation
  • Workle
  • Titanium Information Service
  • Correction laboratory
  • Regulus +
  • "News360",
  • "Metabar",

As of April 2011, about 20 IT companies received the status of a Skolkovo resident, a decision was made to financially support seven or eight IT projects, said Alexander Turkot, executive director of the information technology cluster of the Skolkovo innovation center, in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The Skolkovo Foundation in 2011 was going to finance 30 IT projects, the cluster plans to submit to the grant committee three or four projects per month. According to the director of the Skolkovo IT cluster, its financing will be divided into three areas, within the first it is planned to support numerous startups, the second - projects at the stage of entering the market, as well as two or three large companies.

IT partners

In 2011, the Skolkovo Foundation plans to sign agreements with 15 large international companies. This number is expected to include Novartis, Honeywell, EADS / Airbus, Alstom, DuPont, Google, Kodak, Schlumberger, Johnson & Johnson, IMTECH, DOW Chemicals, John Deer. The fund has already signed cooperation agreements with Cisco, Boeing, Siemens, Nokia, Intel, Tata, Nokia Siemens Networks. Also, negotiations began with 20 Russian companies with state participation.

Microsoft Rus

  • In November 2010, Viktor Vekselberg, President of the Skolkovo Foundation and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer signed an agreement of intent.
  • On March 24, 2011, Oleg Alekseev, vice president of the Skolkovo Foundation, who is also the general manager of this fund for education and research, signed an agreement with the president of Microsoft Russia Nikolai Pryanishnikov on strategic cooperation in the development of education in the future innovation city. One of the directions of this cooperation is the creation of the Skolkovo school - an innovative general educational institution.
  • On November 6, 2012, two years after the signing of a memorandum of understanding by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Skolkovo President Viktor Vekselberg, Microsoft expanded the previous agreements. This time, in the presence of Ballmer, the document was signed by the senior vice president of Skolkovo Igor Drozdov and the president of the vendor in Russia Nikolai Pryanishnikov.

Cisco Systems

Chambers John and Vekselberg Victor signed a Memorandum of Understanding providing for multilateral cooperation between Cisco and the Skolkovo project. On behalf of Cisco, John Chambers expressed his intention to invest one billion dollars in stimulating the innovation industry in the Russian Federation and announced five areas of relevant activity, stressing that work in all these five areas will be carried out in parallel.

Cisco will provide an additional $ 100 million for venture capital investments in the Russian innovation economy. In addition, the company promised to increase the number of Cisco Networking Academies operating in Russia to 300, i.e. practically double their number. Local Cisco Networking Academies have been created in 36 educational institutions of the South-Eastern District of the Russian capital, where more than 300 schoolchildren study annually.

Cisco intends to establish its physical presence at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. In September 2011, the senior vice president of Cisco, general manager of the advanced technologies division, Martin De Beer, came to Moscow. He stated that as soon as the construction of the infrastructure in Skolkovo is completed, Cisco will begin work there on the localization of Smart Grid solutions ("smart" power grids) in order to implement them in the Russian energy complex. Three months later, a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the management of the Skolkovo Foundation, providing for the creation of a virtual Skolkovo Innovation Center. This will speed up the commissioning of this project without waiting for the physical infrastructure to be created.

It is assumed that upon completion of the infrastructure construction in Skolkovo, a second global headquarters for the advanced technologies department of Cisco will be formed (the first was opened three years ago in the Indian city of Bangalore) and will place the leading specialists of its engineering team in Skolkovo.

Nokia Siemens Networks

Nokia Siemens Networks signed a memorandum of intent with the Skolkovo Foundation. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, Nokia Siemens Networks will support the further development in Russia of technical education, research and development, venture activities, as well as in the international promotion of the Fund. Bosco Novak, Director of Operational Relations with Customers, Western Region, Nokia Siemens Networks, said that the company now invests about $ 3 billion annually in research and development work. Part of this amount will go to the creation of a development center in the Skolkovo Innograd.

The management of Nokia Siemens Networks plans to create a competence center for wireless technologies in Skolkovo with its own R&D laboratory, R&D outsourcing with universities, as well as a laboratory equipped with the necessary set of equipment and software, which can be used by companies starting an innovative business.

Nokia Siemens Networks places the main focus on software development. Most of the company's investments are directed to software development. Nokia Siemens Networks, according to Bosco Novak, daily receives offers of cooperation from many European countries. Among them, the Skolkovo Foundation's offer turned out to be the most attractive.

Bosco Novak stressed that the company's goal is to create a platform for creative people to work, that is, something similar to Silicon Valley. Nokia Siemens Networks plans to include Skolkovo in its global R&D platform, that is, to enable developers from numerous laboratories organized around the world to work together and communicate, including in person.


Ericsson in April 2011 announced the signing of an agreement confirming the company's intention to become a partner of the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Under the terms of the agreement, Ericsson will become a partner of the Skolkovo Foundation and support a number of its key initiatives in the formation of such an ecosystem. Ericsson's strategic decision to become a key partner of Skolkovo was announced in Stockholm during a meeting between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and leading representatives of Swedish business. The main activities of Ericsson in the Skolkovo project:

  • Research and development activities - Ericsson plans to participate in research activities within the Skolkovo project and creates its own project-oriented Development Center in Skolkovo. In supporting the formation of the R&D ecosystem at Skolkovo, the Center will work closely with Innograd-based startups and Skolkovo University of Technology;
  • Focus on research projects - Ericsson will support those research projects that are most conducive to the implementation of its concept of the "Networked Society" in Russia and the world, as well as aimed at technological developments in the following areas:
    • Advanced developments based on future technologies of broadband Internet access;
    • Mobile applications and solutions for intelligent transport systems;
    • "Cloud" technologies and applications, including those intended for implementation on broadband access networks;
    • Smart Grid Technologies - for the Utilities Sector;
    • Information technology and applications for communications M2M (interaction between "machines" - M2M);
  • R&D Infrastructure Support - To support the development of ICT R&D infrastructure, Ericsson is setting up its Networked Society Solutions Laboratory in Skolkovo.
    • Access to the Ericsson Networked Society Solutions Lab will be provided to the Skolkovo project participants;
    • The Research Center and Laboratory of Solutions for the Networked Society will support the commercialization of the results of research work carried out by start-ups that are part of the Skolkovo project.
  • Support for the development of the university program - Ericsson will actively cooperate with the Skolkovo Foundation in the development of the curriculum for the Skolkovo Technological University in the following areas:
    • development of plans for research and development activities;
    • participation of the teaching staff and students of the University in the activities of the Ericsson Development Center;
    • support of research activities in the field of "cloud" applications, broadband access, intelligent systems for transport management, M2M and other technologies.
  • Supporting the development of institutional frameworks for the development of innovation - Ericsson will assist and support the Skolkovo Foundation in developing an effective and modern regulatory framework, institutional environment and governance mechanisms based on its extensive experience in corporate regulation and advanced technological expertise.
  • On August 3, 2011 Ericsson and the Skolkovo Foundation announced that they had signed a document (an agreement on the basic terms of interaction) specifying the agreement of intent signed earlier. In 2011, Ericsson plans to start activities within the project. Assuming a phased development of research and development activities, Ericsson has identified one of the most important areas for the creation of solutions for the organization of smart grids (smart grids).

Prior to moving to Skolkovo, development engineers will be located in our Moscow office of Ericsson. The financing of these projects is planned to be carried out at the expense of Ericsson.

Ericsson's key commitments at Skolkovo include:

  • Establishment of Ericsson Innovations Russia to manage Ericsson's R&D activities in Skolkovo;
  • Creation of a project-oriented research and development center;
  • Support for Skolkovo projects, infrastructure development, research and development through the organization of the Ericsson Networked Society Lab;
  • Support for the development of programs in priority areas: cloud technologies, broadband access, intelligent transport solutions, M2M technologies and others.


IBM and the Skolkovo Foundation announced the signing of a non-legally binding Memorandum of Understanding between the Skolkovo Foundation and IBM regarding the potential establishment of an IBM R&D center and possible collaboration on innovative projects in areas such as information technology, biomedicine and smart energy. As part of the memorandum, IBM will consider the possibility of locating an IBM R&D center at the Skolkovo innovation city, intending to build a strong working relationship between the Skolkovo Foundation and IBM to accelerate the development of innovation in several strategic industries. The memorandum was signed by Viktor Vekselberg, President of the Skolkovo Foundation, Bruno Di Leo, CEO of IBM for Emerging Markets, and Kirill Korniliev, CEO of IBM in Russia and the CIS. The non-legally binding memorandum describes a number of possible areas of cooperation, subject to the conclusion of additional agreements. Among them:

  • Development of a lithium-air battery capable of generating significantly more power than a conventional lithium-ion battery;
  • The use of supercomputer computing and software development for the development of drug production;
  • Development of a Russian NFC application. The project aims to create secure and customized mobile transactions for use in industries such as communications, retail and banking;
  • Potential development of new technologies for medical data management that will improve the quality of management and analysis of medical data (for example, clinical records, medical images, laboratory results, genomic data, etc.).